01-76oR��a�A� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 3 RESOLVED, that the Taxicab Driver's License held by James Lee White (license ID No. 4 990000193), is hereby revoked for the November 9, 2000 misdemeanor conviction for Engaging 5 in Prostitution, stemming from the August 10, 2000 incident which occurred while operating a 6 taxicab. 7 8 This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts 9 contained in the August 10, 2000 police report CN 00-157-973, the November 28, 2000 Notice 10 of Violation letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council ll at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: By: ` 04� � � Form Approved by City Attomey B .� Appioved by Mayor for Submission to Commcil By' �'_-_'�� e�.�� BY� Approved by Mayor: Date � � � /�/y � By: CouncilFile# Q��7G Green Sheet # ��4 (J 4 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �}� AdoptedbyCouncIl: Date�_�a _�+� r?Oa� Adoprion Certified by Council �Ccretary � Virginia Palmer 266-8710 �T 6E ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (OA'fE) 7anuary 24, 2001 - Public Hearing �„�W�„� os-?G :��,b�zz,z000 GREEN SHEET No106006 �t!lIfCN TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � m�a�rto�rcroa � a�reaw. _ ❑ CT'AifM/EY ❑ p1YCLGK � wwrw�aaxc¢soa ❑ nu�+ummwecra ❑ wvaa�oxwn�wn � (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATUR� Resolution concerning adverse acfion against the TaYicab Driver's License held by Jamas Lee White. PLANNING CAMMISSfON CIB COMMITfEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION YIOUNT OF TRANSACTION f SOURCE INFORMA710N (FXPWNj Has u,is cereaMrrcm ever »nrkea a�eer s cm4act ro. mie ae�t�,ne�rr YES NO Has Mk Ga��mi e✓8f6eM a CAY empbyeE7 VES MO �oes mis pemoNfi�m a�esess a awn no� norm�bo�sed ey e�u VES NO Is Mb pewaMrm a tvDNed vendoYt YES Np COb7/REVENtfE Bi7D6ETED (qRCLii CM� `fe5 NO ACTIVI7'YMYMBER ✓ o t-'16 UNCONTESTED LfCENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Address: James Lee White 2225 6 Street, White Bear Lake, MIV Council Hearing Date: January 24, 2001 Violation: Misdemeanor Conviction - Engaging in Prostitution St. Paui Legislative Code §376,16(e)(4) St. Paul Legislative Code §376.11(0) Date of Viofation: August 10, 2000 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Revocation of Taxicab Driver's License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. Ramsey County court records on conviction 4. Police Report CN 00-157-973 5. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norna Colemnn, Mayor December 20, 2QQ0 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clny[on M. Robinson, Jr., Ciry Atrorney �`_� t lr civit Division 400CiryHalf Telephone:6S1266-8710 ISWestKelloggBlvd Facsimile:651298-5619 Saint Paul, Minnesotn 5�101 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING James Lee White 2225 6"' Street VJhite Bear Lake, Pvlinnesota 55110 �ui�'�t�;i i"`�m2�F��? �„�i?; ��,��� . .•'��' �i � �LiY�@ RE: Taxicab Driver's License ID # 99Q000193 Dear Mr. White: Please take notice that a public hearing concerning your Tasicab Driver's license has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 24, 2001, and will be held in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hali and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Councii for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts conceming your misdemeanor conviction for Engaging in Prostitution have not been disputed. The recommendation of the licensing office is for the immediate revocation of your Ta�cicab Driver's license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, C/U��- � �C�,-�-� U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIBP Rich Jents, LIEP CITY (JF SAINT PAUL Norm Colen+nn, iLfny�o� November 28, 2000 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORi�tEY Clrsylon 1 �binron, Jr., Ciry Altorney b�= Civi! Division 400 Ciry� Hn!! Telephorse: 65! 266-8710 I S GG'est Ke!logg B[vd Focsimile: 6i/ 298-56l9 Snint Pmd, Minnesotrs SSlO? NOTICE OF VIOLATION James Lee White 2225 6� Street White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110 RE: Taxicab Driver's License ID # 990000193 Dear Mr. White: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the taxicab driver's license you hoid in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On August 10, 20�0, you were arrested and charged �rith Engaging in Prostitution. You pied guilty to that offense, a misdemeanor, on November 9, 2000. Police reports from the incident indicate that you were driving a Diamond Cab at the rime. Saint Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(4) prohibits the licensing of drivers who have misdemeanor convictions within the last three years for a variety of offenses, including prostitution. Additionally, §376.11(0) prohibits the use of a cab for purposes of solicitation. If you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council, you wiil need to send me a letter with a statement zdmitting the violation and requestin� a hearing by Friday, December 8, 2000. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine �vhat penalty to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf as to what penalty, if any, will be imposed. The recommendation of the license office is for the revocation of your taxicab driver's license. Pa�e 2 James Lee VJhite November 28, 2000 ���h` On the other hand, if you dispute the above facts, a hearin� will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearin� both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence, and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St_ Paul City Councii will ultimately decide the case. Please let me know in writin� no later than Friday, December 8, 2000, how you wish to proceed. ' If you have not contacted me by Friday, December 8, 2000, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allorved and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, i � -�' r�t rN�l [ (.` � � Cvf rY�.c"l U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Richard Jents, LIEP oi-�c. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOAI3NE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on November 30, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: James Lee White 2225 6"' Street White Bear Lake, (which is the last known address of said same, with postage prepaid, in the Unit,� Minnesota. / MN. 55110 on) and depositing the 1�es mails at Sx . Paul, S� Subscribed and sworn to before me Criminal Case Summary SD1008.0/001127:135115 m ��1L 62-T1-00-067576 Misdemeanor Date filed: 08/22/2 Name: WHITE, JAMES LEE, [081000] Alids: DOB: 06/08/1954 Race: Sex: Soc Sec # 472644507 D£nt Attrny: 30SEPH PATRICK TAMBT3RIN0 2ype: Retained Dfnt Status: own Recog Status Date: 08/22/200o Bail Amount: Case Status CLOSED Offense Date: 08/10/2000 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: JURY Jurisdiction: District CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UOC Verdict 001 GUILTY ENGAGE IN PROSTI2'UTI 609.324 1 Guilty Date Last 11/15/2000 Pendinq 02f09/2001 11/09/2010 Activity Time Closed 5:30 Sp Acct Rv Archive Judge CRT Disposition Date 11/09j2000 Next FC_ 04 06 08 10 SD1009.0/001127:135131 Criminal 5entencing Inquiry Last 62-T1-00-067576 Misdemeanor Date filed: O8/22/2 Defendant: WHITE, JAMES LEE, [�81000J 6t_� SENTENCING: Date-li/09/2000 Judge-03515G Stay Imposition: COUNTS: 001 SENTENCE Year Mos Davs Pronounced _ 90 Probation 1 ,+ Conditional _ Lenath of Stav 1 OR Fined 5 700.00 Surcharae S 30.00 Costs S 0.00 Public Def. S o.00 Restitution S 0.00 Probn Agt * DL Suspend: School 15 Con£inement NCIC: MN062023C Probation NCIC: MN062013G Type: 5 Residential Treatment: Stayed S 650.00 Fine Suspended: Concurrent Consecutive This Other Cmpint Cmbint Other Court Provisions: Reinstated: : Date- COMME23TS: 90 DY &$700 SS PO 1 FEE, $50+, SRV 15 DY Next Alchl Assess: $ Waived YR, LA, NO SS, BREAK FREE PRGM, $250 2'SI 11J13, ALL PRGMS, 40 COMM SVC HR5 FC_ O1 02 03 06 07 08 09 12 SD2005.0/001127:135142 Activity Display Fi The State of Minnesota �`_� ` vs JAMES LEE WFiITE j081000] Time Status Crt In- Tr- Continu Date Activity StartjEnd Judge 23otice Room trp ied SrvcDa _ 08/22/00 Case Filed 09:39/09:39 OCC/ 09f19/00 ComCrt Arg 01:OOf Court CAN( 131B OR, 1ST APP, NTC SENT 8-22-00 MFU [UNIV & VIRGINA] _ 09/19/00 Cert Rep 08:20/ OCC/ CERTIFICATE OF REP FILED BY JOSEPFI TANIBURINO 3D _ 09/19/00 Order 08:20/ OCC/ � ORDER 5ETTING DISPO CONF/OH AND ORDER TO REPORT , JD _ 09/19/00 Hearing 01:00/ J Finley OCC/ 131B PNG FC D/C 10-10-00 lOAM JUDGE COHEN JD 10/10/00 Dispo Conf 10:00/ G Petersen OCC/ CH OR, PNG FC D/C J. PETERSEN FOR JUDGE COHEN _ 09/26/00 Doc. Filed 10:41/ OCC/ RULE 7.01 DISCLOSURE & MTN TO COMPEL DISCOVERY FILEDSGN _ 09/27/00 Doc. Filed 09:58/ OCC/ AFFIpAVIT OF SERVICE FILED SGN , 09/27/00 Motion Fld 09:59/ OCC/ DEFT MTN PURSUANT TO MINN. R. CRIM. P., RULES 7,8,9, 10,11,& 17 & MINN. STAT. 169.14, SUBDS. 9& 10 FILEDSGN _ 10/�9/00 Clerical 01:22/ OCC/ J. COIiEN NOT AVAIL TO BE HEARD BY J. PETERSEN CC � 10/10/00 Dispo Conf 10:00/ G Petersen OCC/ CH FC TO TMC 10-25-00 1:30PM COHEN JLS 10/25/00 Mgmt Conf o1:30/ L Cohen OCC/ CH OR, PNG, FC TMC JUDGE COHEN _ 10/10/00 Order 11:16/ OCC/ ORD SETTING TMC & ORD TO REPORT FILED _ 10/25/00 Mgmt Conf 01:30/ L Cohen OCC/ CH NG, FC JT 11-9-00 9AM J. COHEN CF 11/09f00 Jury Trial 09:00/ L Cohen CAN/ CH OR, NG, FC JT J. COHEN _ 11/09/00 Doc. Filed 08:20/ OCC/ PETITION TO ENTER GUILTY PLEA FILED MG _ 11/09/0o sentencing o9:00/ L Cohen occj CH PG ENGAG TN PROST.- 90 DY &$700 SS PO 1 YR LA, NO SS, BREAK FREE PRGM, $250 FEE, $50+, SRV 15 DY 40 ARS COMM SVC , TST 11/13 8 AM, ALLPRGMS ELLG MG 11/09/10 Archive / PEN/ _ 11/09/00 Hearing 11:33/ J Owczynsky OCC/ TO PAY $330.00 ON OR BEFORE 2/9/01 JO Q2/09/O1 Sp ACCt Rv / PEN/ TO BE PAID IN FCJLL JO _ 11/15f 00 Closed 05:30/ OCC/ y _P,St„� =-= : :.:: FOZIGE::'s: Comp/arntNumbei 00-157973 e Saint Paul Police Department Page 1 ORIGiNAL OFFENSE I INCIDENT REPORT a,—'t� Re/e�ence C.N. Pnmary oHense pate and Trme ot Report �( �� ENGAGING IN PROSTITUTION 08/10l2000 13:46 PrimaryReportingOffice� HEATHER L WEYKER Pdmary oflense deta�7� Pnmarysquad.' 688 Secondary repoting officer. oistrict: WESTERN ( PSS-FORCE ) Secondary olfense: �ocatian oFincident: UNIVERSITY! VfftGINiA Name ofloca6�on/ousiness: Date & 6me of occurence: p$/� p(zpp� 13:46 Arrest made? YES Date & tlme of afrest 08/10/20�0 13:46 POLICE PERSONNEL fNVOLVED Arrest made on view: �'ES Pursuit engaged: Arrest made on warrant or previous CN: Weapons used by police: Weapons used by suspect at tr"me ofamest Resistance encounfered: CHARGES Hame �/�/�-{�TE, �AMES LEE Charge ENGAGING lN PRO Citation number 00183604 Warrantnumbe� Arrest Status C1TED eooking date 08/1012000 6ai1 Ongirta6ngagency SPPD Booking k Bookingtime }7;Zp Charge CN 00157973 Warrant type NAMES �1'lrRES7'CL� WHITE, JAMES LEE � 25 6TH ST WHITE BEAR LAKE MN 55110 Physlcal Descripfion phones sex MALE Height Hai�Cofo� Home phone 651- - Race �/VHiTE Hispanic Do6 06/081'1954 a9e 46 Weight Buiid Ston PALE Hair Type Hai�Le�gth Faciai Hair Physicaf CondiUon Emp(oymenf Consciousness Occupa6on CAB DRIVER Orug/a/coho�use Emp/oye� DIAMOND CAB CRIME SCENE DE5CRIPTORS ' - . � � , �-�/� ` � , � , Y� , - � ` y q� PRr .- o��F::: Complaint Number 00-157973 ENGAGIN IN PROSTITUTI 08/10/20�0 13:46 PROPERTY (NONE) VEHICLE INFORMATION VEFiICLE 1 Stafus stams USED lN CRfME Lock slafus Doo�s unlocKed Ignitlan unlocked Trunk unlocked Keys in veAicle Insu�ance 8 owner information lnsu�ance co. Lienhofder Registered owner Dnvers license no. DescripSOn Licenseno. DDA654 State MN Year 2001 V.I.N. Make CHEVROLET Mode1 SEDAN-CAB Vehicle contents 8 driver Personaf propeify in vehicle Keys in vehrcfe Ownerallowed someone to use vehicle Person atlowed to use vehicle vear � g91 Type SEDAN cotor �/�/HITE Doors � Transmission AUTOMATIC ShiR Posiffon Arrest # Name qddress �` DOB Age Race Se; WHITE, J AMES LEE 2 6TH ST , WHIT B EAR LA KE, MN 55110 06/08/ 1954 46 W M NARRATIVE CN# 00-157-973 I, Officer Heather Weyker, squad 1/ 688, was working as the under cover decoy with the FORCE t3nit during a Iohn Sweep in the azea of University and Virginia. We were responding to neighbor complaints of on-going prostimtion in this azea. T was wearing a body bug where monitoring squads could heu my conversations. I[aped the conversation with a recorder. T'he tape was tumed inro the Vice Unit for storage. I observed a WJM driving a Diamond Cab vehicle W/B on University and then N/B on Virginia, drive by me, make eye contact with me, and stop mid block on Virginina between University and Sherbume. the w/M driver motioned for me to go neaz him. As I walked towards him the following conversation ensued: Police: Hey man Susp: How ya doing Police: Good, what's up? Susp: What you doi e? Police: Working Susp: Yeah Police: What you doing? Susp: Working Police: Working, you want to work.together? Susp: Yeah Police: ok, you want to go to my place? Susp: Where`s that Police: You know where Minnehaha is right? Susp: Yeah Saint Paul Poiice Department Page 2 ORtGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT o�_7�, Reference C.N. Primary oNense Date and Time ofRepo/t .;:2Rr� =._� =Qi?cE -.' ComplaintNumber 00-157973 Saint Paul Police Department Page 3 ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT ot-'tr� Relerence C.N. Primary olfense Date and Time of Report ENGAGING 1N PROSTITUTION 08(10/2000 13:46 Police: Right by the azena. Susp: ok, your not a cop are you? Police: No aze you? Susp: no, I am not a cop. Police: Alrioht ( I got into rhe caz,) Susp: What's your name. Police: Heather, what's yours? Susp: 1im (he began driving.) . Police: You want to go up to Westem then up to Minnehaha. Does your air work? Susp: It went out a litt3e while ago. . Police: So what aze you lookin,o, for 3un? Susp: A little sex. Police: A little sex, how much money do you got? Susp: WhaPs it take? Palice: Like forty. You got forty. Susp: Yeah Police: Yeah, airight. Do you bave condoau? Susp: No, do you? Poiice: yeah. Atways I gave the buu signal to the arrest squads indicating that I had a sex for money dea! of forty dollars for sex (sexual intercourse.) Police: Are you on lunch or somethin�? Susp: No, I am off at 3:30. The suspect then noticed the marked squad behind us and became nervous and tried to play off the deal and make like he was just giving me a ride. The susp asked if he could drop me some place. The marked squad made a traffic stop on us and arrested him for enga�ing in prostirution. See other squad's supp reports. The interview tape and the tape of our sex for money deal waz tumed into [he Vice Unit for housing. Please to: �CHF _Aom _Rob � - �Sex CO _D/C _Burg _Rptr ^ Vice Iuv _Oper PSC _Theh _Prop _CAU _Narco _SIU _T&A _Lab _Rec _Team _F&F _Auto ` DAO _Other � Saint Pau1 Police Department � SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Page 1 bi=14 Compfaint Numbe� Refe2nce GN. Primary oBense Date and Time of Report 00-157973 ENGAGING IN PROSTITUTION 08/10/2000 15:08 PrimaryReporting officer. ROBERT H MERRILL Pnmary oHense detaiL Primary squad: 678 Secondary 2parting o�cer. D;strict: W ESTERN ( PSS-FORCE } Secondary olfense: Location ofincidenf: Name of locatioMbusiness: Date & time of occu2nce: Arrest made? Date & Sme ofa(rest: POLICE PERSONNEL INVOLVED Arrest made on vrew: Pursuit engag=d: Anest made on wa�ant or p�evious CN: Weapons used by police: Weapons used by suspect af time of arrest: Resistance encounte2d: CHARGES Name WHITE, JAMES LEE Char ENGAGING IN PROST Citationnum6er Qp_�g3-604 Wairant numbe� Arrest Status CITED Bookingdate 08l10/2000 Bail Originating agency SPPD Booking # eooking time 15:04 Charge CN 00157973 Warrant type NAMES CITED WHiTE, JAMES LEE 2225 6TH ST #102 WHITE BEAf2 LAKE MN 55045 PhysiealOescrtp6en Phones Sex MALE Height Hai�Co�o� Home phone 651-407-0240 Race WH1TE Nispanic ooe O6/08l1954 Age 46 Weighi Build Skin PAIE Physieal Condifion Cansciousness CONSCIOUS D�v¢alcohol use Nart 7ype Hair Length Facia! Hair Employment OccupaGon CAB DRIVER Emproye� DIAMOND CAB CR4ME SCENE DESCRIPTORS c . C �, �`-� -�.��,, - , ��- � ��� ;� . � � Saint Pau{ Police Department � SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Page 2 0�-'1� Complaint Numbe� Reference C.N. Primary offense Dafe and Time of RepoR 00-157973 ENGAGiNG 1N PROSTITUTION 08/10/2000 15:08 Crime Scene Metl�od 8 Poinf of Enfry Type Force used NOT FORCED Descdption Point of entry Method PROPERTY IT M 1 Recovered uantt Mode{ � Seria! # Descriotion 7ota1 value Date Owner WHITE, JAMES LEE (CIT'ED 0 $40 �SNOl2 Location MINNEHAHA/ARUNDEL Artic/e Type/Item CASH/CURRENCY ) Tumed in af PROPERTY ROOM Locker /0 � L.ab exams VEHICLE INFORMATION (NONE) Anest� Name Address DOB Age Race Sex WHITE, JAMES LEE 22256TH ST �02, WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN 55045 06/08/1954 46 W M NARRATIVE SQUAD 678 ( MERRILL) ASSISTED OTHER FORCE UNIT OFFICERS QN A PROSTITUTION DETAIL IN THE AREA OF UNIVERSITY AND VIRGlNIA. I ASSlSTED SY INTERVIEW ING-WH1TE, .IAMES LEE, 6-8-54, 2225 6TH ST. #102, WNITE BEAR LAKE, MN, HP-65�-407-0240. HE WAS READ FORM PM 247.1-95R AND HE AGREED TO TALK. NOTE THA7 WHITE WAS INITIALLY HOS7ILE TO ARRESTING OFFICERS AND HAD TO BE HANDCUFFED AS HE WOULD NOT COOPERA7E. THE iNTERVIEW WAS TAPED. THE FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE INTERVIEW: HE WAS DRIVING HIS CAB AND HE SAW A FEMALE ( UNDERCOVER OFFICER WEYKER) STANDING ALONG THE ROAD AND HE PULLED OVER TO TALK AS HE THOUGHT SHE WANTED A CAB RIDE. HE DENIED MAKING ANY DEALS FOR SEX AND SAID THAT WHEN OFFICER WEYKER MADE MENTfON OF A SEX ACT HE SAID HE WANTED NOTHING TO DO WITFi {T. I ASKED HIM SEVERAL TIMES WHA7 HE SAID TO OFFICER WEYKER REGARDING A DEAI FOR SEX BUT HE DENIED MAKING SUCH A DEAL. HE SAID THAT HE WAS ARRESTEO A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO FOR ENGAING IN PROS7ITUTlON. THE INTERVIEW ENDED AND WHITE WAS ISSUED A CITAT(ON FQR ENGAGING IN PROSTITUTfON AND ftELEASED. NOTE THAT TNlO TWENTY DOLf.AR B1LLS WERE RECOVERED FROM WHiTE AND LATER PLACED INTO THE PROPERTY ROOM. Ptease istribute to: �HF _Hom _Rob _Sex _D/C _Bf9 _Rpts ���ce _Juv _Oper �Theft _Prop _Narco _SIU _PSC _CAU _Lab �ec �e2m _F8F _Auto ^ ,DAO _T&A _Other l `�� Paqe p( SUPPLEMEI e & Time of Aepc �i'IC'7 l REPORT ST. PAUL POLICE DEPAflTMENT �TINUAT(ON OF:_ O. ORIGiNAL REPORT ❑ SUPPIEMENTAt �rt _� - oo t �e. �pt2-�.� �-.,,��" Coti��-� �t « �a�-. `� t� �� � ��. cA.� oF tJ�.��UL�s�:� �V�������. . t�� d��- ��s �'.� '�2 S �J av.se,- - � 1'1.4-1 ��{o� ✓ � {cuk�J a�4- fn S "� c5. �.a.T" � a� . �� _ f,.�c��✓ c�L� c�r u� t� /caU�e,/ a:Q.GoY , a-,.� w�.r (�Uni�CC� rJ� '��CG�"lc..�c S4rve-c�t0.-i� e�Lc.r��.��' l� �v �..�'�''��P YiJ! � �./��0.N-w�r� C4� '� � t 3 ��G�Ce U�.fo ViZ WCy (C On U�T9i _�X-"Neti. �� l S�-/bG./ru• �3 �d� 120(�. dh ` �,1.� C s�"` , � �,'lQCi.r� G� �-C}c - �( � Y�-tOn-(,�y �QQ, � M-a.t�k '� Jl �'-- 4 il���hQ CX�.I/«- • / �i I J � �( � �-�- c a.� w �..r s-E-a �� u,C ��. ,c.t1� �.1,�.�. I�c.�ee., � � t��t�c�1. a.�. `�—e- �fiuer w�.s l.(fc s� . .� c�,((crl. 'f� f�f�w�( C �-(, ��.�. � a,.� r�-�-�� 'FG.��.... . S.e.� 5�.�,, - � �? - — L�HF Q Hom ❑ Rob ❑ Jw ❑ Cwcci ❑ ID ❑ lab D/C ❑ Burg [] Thett [] Prop Q GAU ❑ P8F [] Auto � J No ❑ Sex ❑ Rptr Other ❑HumServ {� PM 622•93F e f� �. � o , , x � W O ;y r O �'" � N p d U N p) '; J r a i ,� � �o ly! �� � � ;g'�'o o �;� Q- �mla c Ic�e;� O IJ'�Q Y R � O C d N C d c� — J I�� ;Q'm` T, > � ''i i�,� y a N @ �V'X _J , � _r O O — T 41 T .� � � m z N O m rn U � J ,� a • �i iU, � �, I� U �U�L �N' �i ,�', —,, p. � ! n. , �-. X . � ;� w �,_ �,, v F �c; IICO p � , Q I� �N �� N �D � . —iN � _, � W d �F � 1= �I> Z' Q ,(/� � � - Q � W F- Z � a W m � a ,a _� � ILi I� i ' �Ci i �' Z: IU, !a � I Vi C IR 3 y' �C IN � � Z T C N � U U C m i� N C � IQ � � f� i Z �'' IC' o,� ia ;N O N � N O � � C IN � m � �' X; F�- ' �''Z , �� ;� ; i � i � i I ! il �; N io' y l �I� ,I 0 i � l�l ��I ��i U� � ^ � i � i 1 � ' � , � ' N . m ! � � i V', N' ; N C . 7 m ' , F- �, _ �j i , � F j , � � i W � Q N �i ��� N ��_1b o i-�� ' Addcess � Licensee y �orrtatt ' Last Name: ' F'vst Name: T"Ale: Street #: � Street Name: ; StreN Type: Direction: ; Unit #: ; Cdy t � Bus Phpne #: ; Home Phone #: � aN i�. _Seznz� <Alls ._k �� .:_____—_? F � " � ot-�� ; P.ddre Licensee .4MESVVHI7E �-- -- -- -- -_. -_----'---`--.�._-.- : DBA ,2MES WHITE - ----- -- ------ -- i - - — ---- Title�, ; License : Licensee ; Lic. Types Insurance Bond Ftequirements � ------------' _ ^- � ------- '� -- � I -. .-_..-------- -----------------�--�- ----___ _------"-------- - Stre� � License Type: Taxicab Dri�er ,„: License Class: ' - -._ --____------ ___---__.---- � 4 Stre � � Effecti�re: �1 M 1 M 899 ` Expiratian: 1 I1120�1 ; SYatus: rve Pending Ren 5tre� � Apply Discourrl: �, Remove Discaurrt; �' Discourrt Rec'd: � 53stus Changed: 1 f13t2tl00 � Dire �� Replace Fee: r # of Unds: � 1' Application Drate: 1 M 1 H 999 ; f Urnt p ; �?ISAe .. ��Q e''� .. : �A'Ydd�'a� City:�: . • . . . . . i�;�� Si � � §r��'z��:�.�,a.. 41`�ew �fr�' � t;.�jd k; g ��' .9' �+'��� [�,� �����i�� �EkAU';� i ,�hT _�...�d �� Tag #: � p Fiefds License Ty pe Commerrts(long): �� f < I t E F License # _ � Sawe Changes to History 1 of 1 _ oR��a�A� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 3 RESOLVED, that the Taxicab Driver's License held by James Lee White (license ID No. 4 990000193), is hereby revoked for the November 9, 2000 misdemeanor conviction for Engaging 5 in Prostitution, stemming from the August 10, 2000 incident which occurred while operating a 6 taxicab. 7 8 This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts 9 contained in the August 10, 2000 police report CN 00-157-973, the November 28, 2000 Notice 10 of Violation letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council ll at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: By: ` 04� � � Form Approved by City Attomey B .� Appioved by Mayor for Submission to Commcil By' �'_-_'�� e�.�� BY� Approved by Mayor: Date � � � /�/y � By: CouncilFile# Q��7G Green Sheet # ��4 (J 4 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �}� AdoptedbyCouncIl: Date�_�a _�+� r?Oa� Adoprion Certified by Council �Ccretary � Virginia Palmer 266-8710 �T 6E ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (OA'fE) 7anuary 24, 2001 - Public Hearing �„�W�„� os-?G :��,b�zz,z000 GREEN SHEET No106006 �t!lIfCN TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � m�a�rto�rcroa � a�reaw. _ ❑ CT'AifM/EY ❑ p1YCLGK � wwrw�aaxc¢soa ❑ nu�+ummwecra ❑ wvaa�oxwn�wn � (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATUR� Resolution concerning adverse acfion against the TaYicab Driver's License held by Jamas Lee White. PLANNING CAMMISSfON CIB COMMITfEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION YIOUNT OF TRANSACTION f SOURCE INFORMA710N (FXPWNj Has u,is cereaMrrcm ever »nrkea a�eer s cm4act ro. mie ae�t�,ne�rr YES NO Has Mk Ga��mi e✓8f6eM a CAY empbyeE7 VES MO �oes mis pemoNfi�m a�esess a awn no� norm�bo�sed ey e�u VES NO Is Mb pewaMrm a tvDNed vendoYt YES Np COb7/REVENtfE Bi7D6ETED (qRCLii CM� `fe5 NO ACTIVI7'YMYMBER ✓ o t-'16 UNCONTESTED LfCENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Address: James Lee White 2225 6 Street, White Bear Lake, MIV Council Hearing Date: January 24, 2001 Violation: Misdemeanor Conviction - Engaging in Prostitution St. Paui Legislative Code §376,16(e)(4) St. Paul Legislative Code §376.11(0) Date of Viofation: August 10, 2000 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Revocation of Taxicab Driver's License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. Ramsey County court records on conviction 4. Police Report CN 00-157-973 5. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norna Colemnn, Mayor December 20, 2QQ0 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clny[on M. Robinson, Jr., Ciry Atrorney �`_� t lr civit Division 400CiryHalf Telephone:6S1266-8710 ISWestKelloggBlvd Facsimile:651298-5619 Saint Paul, Minnesotn 5�101 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING James Lee White 2225 6"' Street VJhite Bear Lake, Pvlinnesota 55110 �ui�'�t�;i i"`�m2�F��? �„�i?; ��,��� . .•'��' �i � �LiY�@ RE: Taxicab Driver's License ID # 99Q000193 Dear Mr. White: Please take notice that a public hearing concerning your Tasicab Driver's license has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 24, 2001, and will be held in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hali and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Councii for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts conceming your misdemeanor conviction for Engaging in Prostitution have not been disputed. The recommendation of the licensing office is for the immediate revocation of your Ta�cicab Driver's license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, C/U��- � �C�,-�-� U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIBP Rich Jents, LIEP CITY (JF SAINT PAUL Norm Colen+nn, iLfny�o� November 28, 2000 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORi�tEY Clrsylon 1 �binron, Jr., Ciry Altorney b�= Civi! Division 400 Ciry� Hn!! Telephorse: 65! 266-8710 I S GG'est Ke!logg B[vd Focsimile: 6i/ 298-56l9 Snint Pmd, Minnesotrs SSlO? NOTICE OF VIOLATION James Lee White 2225 6� Street White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110 RE: Taxicab Driver's License ID # 990000193 Dear Mr. White: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the taxicab driver's license you hoid in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On August 10, 20�0, you were arrested and charged �rith Engaging in Prostitution. You pied guilty to that offense, a misdemeanor, on November 9, 2000. Police reports from the incident indicate that you were driving a Diamond Cab at the rime. Saint Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(4) prohibits the licensing of drivers who have misdemeanor convictions within the last three years for a variety of offenses, including prostitution. Additionally, §376.11(0) prohibits the use of a cab for purposes of solicitation. If you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council, you wiil need to send me a letter with a statement zdmitting the violation and requestin� a hearing by Friday, December 8, 2000. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine �vhat penalty to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf as to what penalty, if any, will be imposed. The recommendation of the license office is for the revocation of your taxicab driver's license. Pa�e 2 James Lee VJhite November 28, 2000 ���h` On the other hand, if you dispute the above facts, a hearin� will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearin� both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence, and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St_ Paul City Councii will ultimately decide the case. Please let me know in writin� no later than Friday, December 8, 2000, how you wish to proceed. ' If you have not contacted me by Friday, December 8, 2000, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allorved and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, i � -�' r�t rN�l [ (.` � � Cvf rY�.c"l U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Richard Jents, LIEP oi-�c. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOAI3NE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on November 30, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: James Lee White 2225 6"' Street White Bear Lake, (which is the last known address of said same, with postage prepaid, in the Unit,� Minnesota. / MN. 55110 on) and depositing the 1�es mails at Sx . Paul, S� Subscribed and sworn to before me Criminal Case Summary SD1008.0/001127:135115 m ��1L 62-T1-00-067576 Misdemeanor Date filed: 08/22/2 Name: WHITE, JAMES LEE, [081000] Alids: DOB: 06/08/1954 Race: Sex: Soc Sec # 472644507 D£nt Attrny: 30SEPH PATRICK TAMBT3RIN0 2ype: Retained Dfnt Status: own Recog Status Date: 08/22/200o Bail Amount: Case Status CLOSED Offense Date: 08/10/2000 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: JURY Jurisdiction: District CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UOC Verdict 001 GUILTY ENGAGE IN PROSTI2'UTI 609.324 1 Guilty Date Last 11/15/2000 Pendinq 02f09/2001 11/09/2010 Activity Time Closed 5:30 Sp Acct Rv Archive Judge CRT Disposition Date 11/09j2000 Next FC_ 04 06 08 10 SD1009.0/001127:135131 Criminal 5entencing Inquiry Last 62-T1-00-067576 Misdemeanor Date filed: O8/22/2 Defendant: WHITE, JAMES LEE, [�81000J 6t_� SENTENCING: Date-li/09/2000 Judge-03515G Stay Imposition: COUNTS: 001 SENTENCE Year Mos Davs Pronounced _ 90 Probation 1 ,+ Conditional _ Lenath of Stav 1 OR Fined 5 700.00 Surcharae S 30.00 Costs S 0.00 Public Def. S o.00 Restitution S 0.00 Probn Agt * DL Suspend: School 15 Con£inement NCIC: MN062023C Probation NCIC: MN062013G Type: 5 Residential Treatment: Stayed S 650.00 Fine Suspended: Concurrent Consecutive This Other Cmpint Cmbint Other Court Provisions: Reinstated: : Date- COMME23TS: 90 DY &$700 SS PO 1 FEE, $50+, SRV 15 DY Next Alchl Assess: $ Waived YR, LA, NO SS, BREAK FREE PRGM, $250 2'SI 11J13, ALL PRGMS, 40 COMM SVC HR5 FC_ O1 02 03 06 07 08 09 12 SD2005.0/001127:135142 Activity Display Fi The State of Minnesota �`_� ` vs JAMES LEE WFiITE j081000] Time Status Crt In- Tr- Continu Date Activity StartjEnd Judge 23otice Room trp ied SrvcDa _ 08/22/00 Case Filed 09:39/09:39 OCC/ 09f19/00 ComCrt Arg 01:OOf Court CAN( 131B OR, 1ST APP, NTC SENT 8-22-00 MFU [UNIV & VIRGINA] _ 09/19/00 Cert Rep 08:20/ OCC/ CERTIFICATE OF REP FILED BY JOSEPFI TANIBURINO 3D _ 09/19/00 Order 08:20/ OCC/ � ORDER 5ETTING DISPO CONF/OH AND ORDER TO REPORT , JD _ 09/19/00 Hearing 01:00/ J Finley OCC/ 131B PNG FC D/C 10-10-00 lOAM JUDGE COHEN JD 10/10/00 Dispo Conf 10:00/ G Petersen OCC/ CH OR, PNG FC D/C J. PETERSEN FOR JUDGE COHEN _ 09/26/00 Doc. Filed 10:41/ OCC/ RULE 7.01 DISCLOSURE & MTN TO COMPEL DISCOVERY FILEDSGN _ 09/27/00 Doc. Filed 09:58/ OCC/ AFFIpAVIT OF SERVICE FILED SGN , 09/27/00 Motion Fld 09:59/ OCC/ DEFT MTN PURSUANT TO MINN. R. CRIM. P., RULES 7,8,9, 10,11,& 17 & MINN. STAT. 169.14, SUBDS. 9& 10 FILEDSGN _ 10/�9/00 Clerical 01:22/ OCC/ J. COIiEN NOT AVAIL TO BE HEARD BY J. PETERSEN CC � 10/10/00 Dispo Conf 10:00/ G Petersen OCC/ CH FC TO TMC 10-25-00 1:30PM COHEN JLS 10/25/00 Mgmt Conf o1:30/ L Cohen OCC/ CH OR, PNG, FC TMC JUDGE COHEN _ 10/10/00 Order 11:16/ OCC/ ORD SETTING TMC & ORD TO REPORT FILED _ 10/25/00 Mgmt Conf 01:30/ L Cohen OCC/ CH NG, FC JT 11-9-00 9AM J. COHEN CF 11/09f00 Jury Trial 09:00/ L Cohen CAN/ CH OR, NG, FC JT J. COHEN _ 11/09/00 Doc. Filed 08:20/ OCC/ PETITION TO ENTER GUILTY PLEA FILED MG _ 11/09/0o sentencing o9:00/ L Cohen occj CH PG ENGAG TN PROST.- 90 DY &$700 SS PO 1 YR LA, NO SS, BREAK FREE PRGM, $250 FEE, $50+, SRV 15 DY 40 ARS COMM SVC , TST 11/13 8 AM, ALLPRGMS ELLG MG 11/09/10 Archive / PEN/ _ 11/09/00 Hearing 11:33/ J Owczynsky OCC/ TO PAY $330.00 ON OR BEFORE 2/9/01 JO Q2/09/O1 Sp ACCt Rv / PEN/ TO BE PAID IN FCJLL JO _ 11/15f 00 Closed 05:30/ OCC/ y _P,St„� =-= : :.:: FOZIGE::'s: Comp/arntNumbei 00-157973 e Saint Paul Police Department Page 1 ORIGiNAL OFFENSE I INCIDENT REPORT a,—'t� Re/e�ence C.N. Pnmary oHense pate and Trme ot Report �( �� ENGAGING IN PROSTITUTION 08/10l2000 13:46 PrimaryReportingOffice� HEATHER L WEYKER Pdmary oflense deta�7� Pnmarysquad.' 688 Secondary repoting officer. oistrict: WESTERN ( PSS-FORCE ) Secondary olfense: �ocatian oFincident: UNIVERSITY! VfftGINiA Name ofloca6�on/ousiness: Date & 6me of occurence: p$/� p(zpp� 13:46 Arrest made? YES Date & tlme of afrest 08/10/20�0 13:46 POLICE PERSONNEL fNVOLVED Arrest made on view: �'ES Pursuit engaged: Arrest made on warrant or previous CN: Weapons used by police: Weapons used by suspect at tr"me ofamest Resistance encounfered: CHARGES Hame �/�/�-{�TE, �AMES LEE Charge ENGAGING lN PRO Citation number 00183604 Warrantnumbe� Arrest Status C1TED eooking date 08/1012000 6ai1 Ongirta6ngagency SPPD Booking k Bookingtime }7;Zp Charge CN 00157973 Warrant type NAMES �1'lrRES7'CL� WHITE, JAMES LEE � 25 6TH ST WHITE BEAR LAKE MN 55110 Physlcal Descripfion phones sex MALE Height Hai�Cofo� Home phone 651- - Race �/VHiTE Hispanic Do6 06/081'1954 a9e 46 Weight Buiid Ston PALE Hair Type Hai�Le�gth Faciai Hair Physicaf CondiUon Emp(oymenf Consciousness Occupa6on CAB DRIVER Orug/a/coho�use Emp/oye� DIAMOND CAB CRIME SCENE DE5CRIPTORS ' - . � � , �-�/� ` � , � , Y� , - � ` y q� PRr .- o��F::: Complaint Number 00-157973 ENGAGIN IN PROSTITUTI 08/10/20�0 13:46 PROPERTY (NONE) VEHICLE INFORMATION VEFiICLE 1 Stafus stams USED lN CRfME Lock slafus Doo�s unlocKed Ignitlan unlocked Trunk unlocked Keys in veAicle Insu�ance 8 owner information lnsu�ance co. Lienhofder Registered owner Dnvers license no. DescripSOn Licenseno. DDA654 State MN Year 2001 V.I.N. Make CHEVROLET Mode1 SEDAN-CAB Vehicle contents 8 driver Personaf propeify in vehicle Keys in vehrcfe Ownerallowed someone to use vehicle Person atlowed to use vehicle vear � g91 Type SEDAN cotor �/�/HITE Doors � Transmission AUTOMATIC ShiR Posiffon Arrest # Name qddress �` DOB Age Race Se; WHITE, J AMES LEE 2 6TH ST , WHIT B EAR LA KE, MN 55110 06/08/ 1954 46 W M NARRATIVE CN# 00-157-973 I, Officer Heather Weyker, squad 1/ 688, was working as the under cover decoy with the FORCE t3nit during a Iohn Sweep in the azea of University and Virginia. We were responding to neighbor complaints of on-going prostimtion in this azea. T was wearing a body bug where monitoring squads could heu my conversations. I[aped the conversation with a recorder. T'he tape was tumed inro the Vice Unit for storage. I observed a WJM driving a Diamond Cab vehicle W/B on University and then N/B on Virginia, drive by me, make eye contact with me, and stop mid block on Virginina between University and Sherbume. the w/M driver motioned for me to go neaz him. As I walked towards him the following conversation ensued: Police: Hey man Susp: How ya doing Police: Good, what's up? Susp: What you doi e? Police: Working Susp: Yeah Police: What you doing? Susp: Working Police: Working, you want to work.together? Susp: Yeah Police: ok, you want to go to my place? Susp: Where`s that Police: You know where Minnehaha is right? Susp: Yeah Saint Paul Poiice Department Page 2 ORtGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT o�_7�, Reference C.N. Primary oNense Date and Time ofRepo/t .;:2Rr� =._� =Qi?cE -.' ComplaintNumber 00-157973 Saint Paul Police Department Page 3 ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT ot-'tr� Relerence C.N. Primary olfense Date and Time of Report ENGAGING 1N PROSTITUTION 08(10/2000 13:46 Police: Right by the azena. Susp: ok, your not a cop are you? Police: No aze you? Susp: no, I am not a cop. Police: Alrioht ( I got into rhe caz,) Susp: What's your name. Police: Heather, what's yours? Susp: 1im (he began driving.) . Police: You want to go up to Westem then up to Minnehaha. Does your air work? Susp: It went out a litt3e while ago. . Police: So what aze you lookin,o, for 3un? Susp: A little sex. Police: A little sex, how much money do you got? Susp: WhaPs it take? Palice: Like forty. You got forty. Susp: Yeah Police: Yeah, airight. Do you bave condoau? Susp: No, do you? Poiice: yeah. Atways I gave the buu signal to the arrest squads indicating that I had a sex for money dea! of forty dollars for sex (sexual intercourse.) Police: Are you on lunch or somethin�? Susp: No, I am off at 3:30. The suspect then noticed the marked squad behind us and became nervous and tried to play off the deal and make like he was just giving me a ride. The susp asked if he could drop me some place. The marked squad made a traffic stop on us and arrested him for enga�ing in prostirution. See other squad's supp reports. The interview tape and the tape of our sex for money deal waz tumed into [he Vice Unit for housing. Please to: �CHF _Aom _Rob � - �Sex CO _D/C _Burg _Rptr ^ Vice Iuv _Oper PSC _Theh _Prop _CAU _Narco _SIU _T&A _Lab _Rec _Team _F&F _Auto ` DAO _Other � Saint Pau1 Police Department � SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Page 1 bi=14 Compfaint Numbe� Refe2nce GN. Primary oBense Date and Time of Report 00-157973 ENGAGING IN PROSTITUTION 08/10/2000 15:08 PrimaryReporting officer. ROBERT H MERRILL Pnmary oHense detaiL Primary squad: 678 Secondary 2parting o�cer. D;strict: W ESTERN ( PSS-FORCE } Secondary olfense: Location ofincidenf: Name of locatioMbusiness: Date & time of occu2nce: Arrest made? Date & Sme ofa(rest: POLICE PERSONNEL INVOLVED Arrest made on vrew: Pursuit engag=d: Anest made on wa�ant or p�evious CN: Weapons used by police: Weapons used by suspect af time of arrest: Resistance encounte2d: CHARGES Name WHITE, JAMES LEE Char ENGAGING IN PROST Citationnum6er Qp_�g3-604 Wairant numbe� Arrest Status CITED Bookingdate 08l10/2000 Bail Originating agency SPPD Booking # eooking time 15:04 Charge CN 00157973 Warrant type NAMES CITED WHiTE, JAMES LEE 2225 6TH ST #102 WHITE BEAf2 LAKE MN 55045 PhysiealOescrtp6en Phones Sex MALE Height Hai�Co�o� Home phone 651-407-0240 Race WH1TE Nispanic ooe O6/08l1954 Age 46 Weighi Build Skin PAIE Physieal Condifion Cansciousness CONSCIOUS D�v¢alcohol use Nart 7ype Hair Length Facia! Hair Employment OccupaGon CAB DRIVER Emproye� DIAMOND CAB CR4ME SCENE DESCRIPTORS c . C �, �`-� -�.��,, - , ��- � ��� ;� . � � Saint Pau{ Police Department � SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Page 2 0�-'1� Complaint Numbe� Reference C.N. Primary offense Dafe and Time of RepoR 00-157973 ENGAGiNG 1N PROSTITUTION 08/10/2000 15:08 Crime Scene Metl�od 8 Poinf of Enfry Type Force used NOT FORCED Descdption Point of entry Method PROPERTY IT M 1 Recovered uantt Mode{ � Seria! # Descriotion 7ota1 value Date Owner WHITE, JAMES LEE (CIT'ED 0 $40 �SNOl2 Location MINNEHAHA/ARUNDEL Artic/e Type/Item CASH/CURRENCY ) Tumed in af PROPERTY ROOM Locker /0 � L.ab exams VEHICLE INFORMATION (NONE) Anest� Name Address DOB Age Race Sex WHITE, JAMES LEE 22256TH ST �02, WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN 55045 06/08/1954 46 W M NARRATIVE SQUAD 678 ( MERRILL) ASSISTED OTHER FORCE UNIT OFFICERS QN A PROSTITUTION DETAIL IN THE AREA OF UNIVERSITY AND VIRGlNIA. I ASSlSTED SY INTERVIEW ING-WH1TE, .IAMES LEE, 6-8-54, 2225 6TH ST. #102, WNITE BEAR LAKE, MN, HP-65�-407-0240. HE WAS READ FORM PM 247.1-95R AND HE AGREED TO TALK. NOTE THA7 WHITE WAS INITIALLY HOS7ILE TO ARRESTING OFFICERS AND HAD TO BE HANDCUFFED AS HE WOULD NOT COOPERA7E. THE iNTERVIEW WAS TAPED. THE FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE INTERVIEW: HE WAS DRIVING HIS CAB AND HE SAW A FEMALE ( UNDERCOVER OFFICER WEYKER) STANDING ALONG THE ROAD AND HE PULLED OVER TO TALK AS HE THOUGHT SHE WANTED A CAB RIDE. HE DENIED MAKING ANY DEALS FOR SEX AND SAID THAT WHEN OFFICER WEYKER MADE MENTfON OF A SEX ACT HE SAID HE WANTED NOTHING TO DO WITFi {T. I ASKED HIM SEVERAL TIMES WHA7 HE SAID TO OFFICER WEYKER REGARDING A DEAI FOR SEX BUT HE DENIED MAKING SUCH A DEAL. HE SAID THAT HE WAS ARRESTEO A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO FOR ENGAING IN PROS7ITUTlON. THE INTERVIEW ENDED AND WHITE WAS ISSUED A CITAT(ON FQR ENGAGING IN PROSTITUTfON AND ftELEASED. NOTE THAT TNlO TWENTY DOLf.AR B1LLS WERE RECOVERED FROM WHiTE AND LATER PLACED INTO THE PROPERTY ROOM. Ptease istribute to: �HF _Hom _Rob _Sex _D/C _Bf9 _Rpts ���ce _Juv _Oper �Theft _Prop _Narco _SIU _PSC _CAU _Lab �ec �e2m _F8F _Auto ^ ,DAO _T&A _Other l `�� Paqe p( SUPPLEMEI e & Time of Aepc �i'IC'7 l REPORT ST. PAUL POLICE DEPAflTMENT �TINUAT(ON OF:_ O. ORIGiNAL REPORT ❑ SUPPIEMENTAt �rt _� - oo t �e. �pt2-�.� �-.,,��" Coti��-� �t « �a�-. `� t� �� � ��. cA.� oF tJ�.��UL�s�:� �V�������. . t�� d��- ��s �'.� '�2 S �J av.se,- - � 1'1.4-1 ��{o� ✓ � {cuk�J a�4- fn S "� c5. �.a.T" � a� . �� _ f,.�c��✓ c�L� c�r u� t� /caU�e,/ a:Q.GoY , a-,.� w�.r (�Uni�CC� rJ� '��CG�"lc..�c S4rve-c�t0.-i� e�Lc.r��.��' l� �v �..�'�''��P YiJ! � �./��0.N-w�r� C4� '� � t 3 ��G�Ce U�.fo ViZ WCy (C On U�T9i _�X-"Neti. �� l S�-/bG./ru• �3 �d� 120(�. dh ` �,1.� C s�"` , � �,'lQCi.r� G� �-C}c - �( � Y�-tOn-(,�y �QQ, � M-a.t�k '� Jl �'-- 4 il���hQ CX�.I/«- • / �i I J � �( � �-�- c a.� w �..r s-E-a �� u,C ��. ,c.t1� �.1,�.�. I�c.�ee., � � t��t�c�1. a.�. `�—e- �fiuer w�.s l.(fc s� . .� c�,((crl. 'f� f�f�w�( C �-(, ��.�. � a,.� r�-�-�� 'FG.��.... . S.e.� 5�.�,, - � �? - — L�HF Q Hom ❑ Rob ❑ Jw ❑ Cwcci ❑ ID ❑ lab D/C ❑ Burg [] Thett [] Prop Q GAU ❑ P8F [] Auto � J No ❑ Sex ❑ Rptr Other ❑HumServ {� PM 622•93F e f� �. � o , , x � W O ;y r O �'" � N p d U N p) '; J r a i ,� � �o ly! �� � � ;g'�'o o �;� Q- �mla c Ic�e;� O IJ'�Q Y R � O C d N C d c� — J I�� ;Q'm` T, > � ''i i�,� y a N @ �V'X _J , � _r O O — T 41 T .� � � m z N O m rn U � J ,� a • �i iU, � �, I� U �U�L �N' �i ,�', —,, p. � ! n. , �-. X . � ;� w �,_ �,, v F �c; IICO p � , Q I� �N �� N �D � . —iN � _, � W d �F � 1= �I> Z' Q ,(/� � � - Q � W F- Z � a W m � a ,a _� � ILi I� i ' �Ci i �' Z: IU, !a � I Vi C IR 3 y' �C IN � � Z T C N � U U C m i� N C � IQ � � f� i Z �'' IC' o,� ia ;N O N � N O � � C IN � m � �' X; F�- ' �''Z , �� ;� ; i � i � i I ! il �; N io' y l �I� ,I 0 i � l�l ��I ��i U� � ^ � i � i 1 � ' � , � ' N . m ! � � i V', N' ; N C . 7 m ' , F- �, _ �j i , � F j , � � i W � Q N �i ��� N ��_1b o i-�� ' Addcess � Licensee y �orrtatt ' Last Name: ' F'vst Name: T"Ale: Street #: � Street Name: ; StreN Type: Direction: ; Unit #: ; Cdy t � Bus Phpne #: ; Home Phone #: � aN i�. _Seznz� <Alls ._k �� .:_____—_? F � " � ot-�� ; P.ddre Licensee .4MESVVHI7E �-- -- -- -- -_. -_----'---`--.�._-.- : DBA ,2MES WHITE - ----- -- ------ -- i - - — ---- Title�, ; License : Licensee ; Lic. Types Insurance Bond Ftequirements � ------------' _ ^- � ------- '� -- � I -. .-_..-------- -----------------�--�- ----___ _------"-------- - Stre� � License Type: Taxicab Dri�er ,„: License Class: ' - -._ --____------ ___---__.---- � 4 Stre � � Effecti�re: �1 M 1 M 899 ` Expiratian: 1 I1120�1 ; SYatus: rve Pending Ren 5tre� � Apply Discourrl: �, Remove Discaurrt; �' Discourrt Rec'd: � 53stus Changed: 1 f13t2tl00 � Dire �� Replace Fee: r # of Unds: � 1' Application Drate: 1 M 1 H 999 ; f Urnt p ; �?ISAe .. ��Q e''� .. : �A'Ydd�'a� City:�: . • . . . . . i�;�� Si � � §r��'z��:�.�,a.. 41`�ew �fr�' � t;.�jd k; g ��' .9' �+'��� [�,� �����i�� �EkAU';� i ,�hT _�...�d �� Tag #: � p Fiefds License Ty pe Commerrts(long): �� f < I t E F License # _ � Sawe Changes to History 1 of 1 _ oR��a�A� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 3 RESOLVED, that the Taxicab Driver's License held by James Lee White (license ID No. 4 990000193), is hereby revoked for the November 9, 2000 misdemeanor conviction for Engaging 5 in Prostitution, stemming from the August 10, 2000 incident which occurred while operating a 6 taxicab. 7 8 This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts 9 contained in the August 10, 2000 police report CN 00-157-973, the November 28, 2000 Notice 10 of Violation letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council ll at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: By: ` 04� � � Form Approved by City Attomey B .� Appioved by Mayor for Submission to Commcil By' �'_-_'�� e�.�� BY� Approved by Mayor: Date � � � /�/y � By: CouncilFile# Q��7G Green Sheet # ��4 (J 4 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �}� AdoptedbyCouncIl: Date�_�a _�+� r?Oa� Adoprion Certified by Council �Ccretary � Virginia Palmer 266-8710 �T 6E ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (OA'fE) 7anuary 24, 2001 - Public Hearing �„�W�„� os-?G :��,b�zz,z000 GREEN SHEET No106006 �t!lIfCN TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � m�a�rto�rcroa � a�reaw. _ ❑ CT'AifM/EY ❑ p1YCLGK � wwrw�aaxc¢soa ❑ nu�+ummwecra ❑ wvaa�oxwn�wn � (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATUR� Resolution concerning adverse acfion against the TaYicab Driver's License held by Jamas Lee White. PLANNING CAMMISSfON CIB COMMITfEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION YIOUNT OF TRANSACTION f SOURCE INFORMA710N (FXPWNj Has u,is cereaMrrcm ever »nrkea a�eer s cm4act ro. mie ae�t�,ne�rr YES NO Has Mk Ga��mi e✓8f6eM a CAY empbyeE7 VES MO �oes mis pemoNfi�m a�esess a awn no� norm�bo�sed ey e�u VES NO Is Mb pewaMrm a tvDNed vendoYt YES Np COb7/REVENtfE Bi7D6ETED (qRCLii CM� `fe5 NO ACTIVI7'YMYMBER ✓ o t-'16 UNCONTESTED LfCENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Address: James Lee White 2225 6 Street, White Bear Lake, MIV Council Hearing Date: January 24, 2001 Violation: Misdemeanor Conviction - Engaging in Prostitution St. Paui Legislative Code §376,16(e)(4) St. Paul Legislative Code §376.11(0) Date of Viofation: August 10, 2000 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Revocation of Taxicab Driver's License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. Ramsey County court records on conviction 4. Police Report CN 00-157-973 5. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norna Colemnn, Mayor December 20, 2QQ0 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clny[on M. Robinson, Jr., Ciry Atrorney �`_� t lr civit Division 400CiryHalf Telephone:6S1266-8710 ISWestKelloggBlvd Facsimile:651298-5619 Saint Paul, Minnesotn 5�101 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING James Lee White 2225 6"' Street VJhite Bear Lake, Pvlinnesota 55110 �ui�'�t�;i i"`�m2�F��? �„�i?; ��,��� . .•'��' �i � �LiY�@ RE: Taxicab Driver's License ID # 99Q000193 Dear Mr. White: Please take notice that a public hearing concerning your Tasicab Driver's license has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 24, 2001, and will be held in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hali and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Councii for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts conceming your misdemeanor conviction for Engaging in Prostitution have not been disputed. The recommendation of the licensing office is for the immediate revocation of your Ta�cicab Driver's license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, C/U��- � �C�,-�-� U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIBP Rich Jents, LIEP CITY (JF SAINT PAUL Norm Colen+nn, iLfny�o� November 28, 2000 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORi�tEY Clrsylon 1 �binron, Jr., Ciry Altorney b�= Civi! Division 400 Ciry� Hn!! Telephorse: 65! 266-8710 I S GG'est Ke!logg B[vd Focsimile: 6i/ 298-56l9 Snint Pmd, Minnesotrs SSlO? NOTICE OF VIOLATION James Lee White 2225 6� Street White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110 RE: Taxicab Driver's License ID # 990000193 Dear Mr. White: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the taxicab driver's license you hoid in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On August 10, 20�0, you were arrested and charged �rith Engaging in Prostitution. You pied guilty to that offense, a misdemeanor, on November 9, 2000. Police reports from the incident indicate that you were driving a Diamond Cab at the rime. Saint Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(4) prohibits the licensing of drivers who have misdemeanor convictions within the last three years for a variety of offenses, including prostitution. Additionally, §376.11(0) prohibits the use of a cab for purposes of solicitation. If you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council, you wiil need to send me a letter with a statement zdmitting the violation and requestin� a hearing by Friday, December 8, 2000. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine �vhat penalty to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf as to what penalty, if any, will be imposed. The recommendation of the license office is for the revocation of your taxicab driver's license. Pa�e 2 James Lee VJhite November 28, 2000 ���h` On the other hand, if you dispute the above facts, a hearin� will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearin� both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence, and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St_ Paul City Councii will ultimately decide the case. Please let me know in writin� no later than Friday, December 8, 2000, how you wish to proceed. ' If you have not contacted me by Friday, December 8, 2000, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allorved and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, i � -�' r�t rN�l [ (.` � � Cvf rY�.c"l U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Richard Jents, LIEP oi-�c. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOAI3NE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on November 30, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: James Lee White 2225 6"' Street White Bear Lake, (which is the last known address of said same, with postage prepaid, in the Unit,� Minnesota. / MN. 55110 on) and depositing the 1�es mails at Sx . Paul, S� Subscribed and sworn to before me Criminal Case Summary SD1008.0/001127:135115 m ��1L 62-T1-00-067576 Misdemeanor Date filed: 08/22/2 Name: WHITE, JAMES LEE, [081000] Alids: DOB: 06/08/1954 Race: Sex: Soc Sec # 472644507 D£nt Attrny: 30SEPH PATRICK TAMBT3RIN0 2ype: Retained Dfnt Status: own Recog Status Date: 08/22/200o Bail Amount: Case Status CLOSED Offense Date: 08/10/2000 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: JURY Jurisdiction: District CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UOC Verdict 001 GUILTY ENGAGE IN PROSTI2'UTI 609.324 1 Guilty Date Last 11/15/2000 Pendinq 02f09/2001 11/09/2010 Activity Time Closed 5:30 Sp Acct Rv Archive Judge CRT Disposition Date 11/09j2000 Next FC_ 04 06 08 10 SD1009.0/001127:135131 Criminal 5entencing Inquiry Last 62-T1-00-067576 Misdemeanor Date filed: O8/22/2 Defendant: WHITE, JAMES LEE, [�81000J 6t_� SENTENCING: Date-li/09/2000 Judge-03515G Stay Imposition: COUNTS: 001 SENTENCE Year Mos Davs Pronounced _ 90 Probation 1 ,+ Conditional _ Lenath of Stav 1 OR Fined 5 700.00 Surcharae S 30.00 Costs S 0.00 Public Def. S o.00 Restitution S 0.00 Probn Agt * DL Suspend: School 15 Con£inement NCIC: MN062023C Probation NCIC: MN062013G Type: 5 Residential Treatment: Stayed S 650.00 Fine Suspended: Concurrent Consecutive This Other Cmpint Cmbint Other Court Provisions: Reinstated: : Date- COMME23TS: 90 DY &$700 SS PO 1 FEE, $50+, SRV 15 DY Next Alchl Assess: $ Waived YR, LA, NO SS, BREAK FREE PRGM, $250 2'SI 11J13, ALL PRGMS, 40 COMM SVC HR5 FC_ O1 02 03 06 07 08 09 12 SD2005.0/001127:135142 Activity Display Fi The State of Minnesota �`_� ` vs JAMES LEE WFiITE j081000] Time Status Crt In- Tr- Continu Date Activity StartjEnd Judge 23otice Room trp ied SrvcDa _ 08/22/00 Case Filed 09:39/09:39 OCC/ 09f19/00 ComCrt Arg 01:OOf Court CAN( 131B OR, 1ST APP, NTC SENT 8-22-00 MFU [UNIV & VIRGINA] _ 09/19/00 Cert Rep 08:20/ OCC/ CERTIFICATE OF REP FILED BY JOSEPFI TANIBURINO 3D _ 09/19/00 Order 08:20/ OCC/ � ORDER 5ETTING DISPO CONF/OH AND ORDER TO REPORT , JD _ 09/19/00 Hearing 01:00/ J Finley OCC/ 131B PNG FC D/C 10-10-00 lOAM JUDGE COHEN JD 10/10/00 Dispo Conf 10:00/ G Petersen OCC/ CH OR, PNG FC D/C J. PETERSEN FOR JUDGE COHEN _ 09/26/00 Doc. Filed 10:41/ OCC/ RULE 7.01 DISCLOSURE & MTN TO COMPEL DISCOVERY FILEDSGN _ 09/27/00 Doc. Filed 09:58/ OCC/ AFFIpAVIT OF SERVICE FILED SGN , 09/27/00 Motion Fld 09:59/ OCC/ DEFT MTN PURSUANT TO MINN. R. CRIM. P., RULES 7,8,9, 10,11,& 17 & MINN. STAT. 169.14, SUBDS. 9& 10 FILEDSGN _ 10/�9/00 Clerical 01:22/ OCC/ J. COIiEN NOT AVAIL TO BE HEARD BY J. PETERSEN CC � 10/10/00 Dispo Conf 10:00/ G Petersen OCC/ CH FC TO TMC 10-25-00 1:30PM COHEN JLS 10/25/00 Mgmt Conf o1:30/ L Cohen OCC/ CH OR, PNG, FC TMC JUDGE COHEN _ 10/10/00 Order 11:16/ OCC/ ORD SETTING TMC & ORD TO REPORT FILED _ 10/25/00 Mgmt Conf 01:30/ L Cohen OCC/ CH NG, FC JT 11-9-00 9AM J. COHEN CF 11/09f00 Jury Trial 09:00/ L Cohen CAN/ CH OR, NG, FC JT J. COHEN _ 11/09/00 Doc. Filed 08:20/ OCC/ PETITION TO ENTER GUILTY PLEA FILED MG _ 11/09/0o sentencing o9:00/ L Cohen occj CH PG ENGAG TN PROST.- 90 DY &$700 SS PO 1 YR LA, NO SS, BREAK FREE PRGM, $250 FEE, $50+, SRV 15 DY 40 ARS COMM SVC , TST 11/13 8 AM, ALLPRGMS ELLG MG 11/09/10 Archive / PEN/ _ 11/09/00 Hearing 11:33/ J Owczynsky OCC/ TO PAY $330.00 ON OR BEFORE 2/9/01 JO Q2/09/O1 Sp ACCt Rv / PEN/ TO BE PAID IN FCJLL JO _ 11/15f 00 Closed 05:30/ OCC/ y _P,St„� =-= : :.:: FOZIGE::'s: Comp/arntNumbei 00-157973 e Saint Paul Police Department Page 1 ORIGiNAL OFFENSE I INCIDENT REPORT a,—'t� Re/e�ence C.N. Pnmary oHense pate and Trme ot Report �( �� ENGAGING IN PROSTITUTION 08/10l2000 13:46 PrimaryReportingOffice� HEATHER L WEYKER Pdmary oflense deta�7� Pnmarysquad.' 688 Secondary repoting officer. oistrict: WESTERN ( PSS-FORCE ) Secondary olfense: �ocatian oFincident: UNIVERSITY! VfftGINiA Name ofloca6�on/ousiness: Date & 6me of occurence: p$/� p(zpp� 13:46 Arrest made? YES Date & tlme of afrest 08/10/20�0 13:46 POLICE PERSONNEL fNVOLVED Arrest made on view: �'ES Pursuit engaged: Arrest made on warrant or previous CN: Weapons used by police: Weapons used by suspect at tr"me ofamest Resistance encounfered: CHARGES Hame �/�/�-{�TE, �AMES LEE Charge ENGAGING lN PRO Citation number 00183604 Warrantnumbe� Arrest Status C1TED eooking date 08/1012000 6ai1 Ongirta6ngagency SPPD Booking k Bookingtime }7;Zp Charge CN 00157973 Warrant type NAMES �1'lrRES7'CL� WHITE, JAMES LEE � 25 6TH ST WHITE BEAR LAKE MN 55110 Physlcal Descripfion phones sex MALE Height Hai�Cofo� Home phone 651- - Race �/VHiTE Hispanic Do6 06/081'1954 a9e 46 Weight Buiid Ston PALE Hair Type Hai�Le�gth Faciai Hair Physicaf CondiUon Emp(oymenf Consciousness Occupa6on CAB DRIVER Orug/a/coho�use Emp/oye� DIAMOND CAB CRIME SCENE DE5CRIPTORS ' - . � � , �-�/� ` � , � , Y� , - � ` y q� PRr .- o��F::: Complaint Number 00-157973 ENGAGIN IN PROSTITUTI 08/10/20�0 13:46 PROPERTY (NONE) VEHICLE INFORMATION VEFiICLE 1 Stafus stams USED lN CRfME Lock slafus Doo�s unlocKed Ignitlan unlocked Trunk unlocked Keys in veAicle Insu�ance 8 owner information lnsu�ance co. Lienhofder Registered owner Dnvers license no. DescripSOn Licenseno. DDA654 State MN Year 2001 V.I.N. Make CHEVROLET Mode1 SEDAN-CAB Vehicle contents 8 driver Personaf propeify in vehicle Keys in vehrcfe Ownerallowed someone to use vehicle Person atlowed to use vehicle vear � g91 Type SEDAN cotor �/�/HITE Doors � Transmission AUTOMATIC ShiR Posiffon Arrest # Name qddress �` DOB Age Race Se; WHITE, J AMES LEE 2 6TH ST , WHIT B EAR LA KE, MN 55110 06/08/ 1954 46 W M NARRATIVE CN# 00-157-973 I, Officer Heather Weyker, squad 1/ 688, was working as the under cover decoy with the FORCE t3nit during a Iohn Sweep in the azea of University and Virginia. We were responding to neighbor complaints of on-going prostimtion in this azea. T was wearing a body bug where monitoring squads could heu my conversations. I[aped the conversation with a recorder. T'he tape was tumed inro the Vice Unit for storage. I observed a WJM driving a Diamond Cab vehicle W/B on University and then N/B on Virginia, drive by me, make eye contact with me, and stop mid block on Virginina between University and Sherbume. the w/M driver motioned for me to go neaz him. As I walked towards him the following conversation ensued: Police: Hey man Susp: How ya doing Police: Good, what's up? Susp: What you doi e? Police: Working Susp: Yeah Police: What you doing? Susp: Working Police: Working, you want to work.together? Susp: Yeah Police: ok, you want to go to my place? Susp: Where`s that Police: You know where Minnehaha is right? Susp: Yeah Saint Paul Poiice Department Page 2 ORtGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT o�_7�, Reference C.N. Primary oNense Date and Time ofRepo/t .;:2Rr� =._� =Qi?cE -.' ComplaintNumber 00-157973 Saint Paul Police Department Page 3 ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT ot-'tr� Relerence C.N. Primary olfense Date and Time of Report ENGAGING 1N PROSTITUTION 08(10/2000 13:46 Police: Right by the azena. Susp: ok, your not a cop are you? Police: No aze you? Susp: no, I am not a cop. Police: Alrioht ( I got into rhe caz,) Susp: What's your name. Police: Heather, what's yours? Susp: 1im (he began driving.) . Police: You want to go up to Westem then up to Minnehaha. Does your air work? Susp: It went out a litt3e while ago. . Police: So what aze you lookin,o, for 3un? Susp: A little sex. Police: A little sex, how much money do you got? Susp: WhaPs it take? Palice: Like forty. You got forty. Susp: Yeah Police: Yeah, airight. Do you bave condoau? Susp: No, do you? Poiice: yeah. Atways I gave the buu signal to the arrest squads indicating that I had a sex for money dea! of forty dollars for sex (sexual intercourse.) Police: Are you on lunch or somethin�? Susp: No, I am off at 3:30. The suspect then noticed the marked squad behind us and became nervous and tried to play off the deal and make like he was just giving me a ride. The susp asked if he could drop me some place. The marked squad made a traffic stop on us and arrested him for enga�ing in prostirution. See other squad's supp reports. The interview tape and the tape of our sex for money deal waz tumed into [he Vice Unit for housing. Please to: �CHF _Aom _Rob � - �Sex CO _D/C _Burg _Rptr ^ Vice Iuv _Oper PSC _Theh _Prop _CAU _Narco _SIU _T&A _Lab _Rec _Team _F&F _Auto ` DAO _Other � Saint Pau1 Police Department � SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Page 1 bi=14 Compfaint Numbe� Refe2nce GN. Primary oBense Date and Time of Report 00-157973 ENGAGING IN PROSTITUTION 08/10/2000 15:08 PrimaryReporting officer. ROBERT H MERRILL Pnmary oHense detaiL Primary squad: 678 Secondary 2parting o�cer. D;strict: W ESTERN ( PSS-FORCE } Secondary olfense: Location ofincidenf: Name of locatioMbusiness: Date & time of occu2nce: Arrest made? Date & Sme ofa(rest: POLICE PERSONNEL INVOLVED Arrest made on vrew: Pursuit engag=d: Anest made on wa�ant or p�evious CN: Weapons used by police: Weapons used by suspect af time of arrest: Resistance encounte2d: CHARGES Name WHITE, JAMES LEE Char ENGAGING IN PROST Citationnum6er Qp_�g3-604 Wairant numbe� Arrest Status CITED Bookingdate 08l10/2000 Bail Originating agency SPPD Booking # eooking time 15:04 Charge CN 00157973 Warrant type NAMES CITED WHiTE, JAMES LEE 2225 6TH ST #102 WHITE BEAf2 LAKE MN 55045 PhysiealOescrtp6en Phones Sex MALE Height Hai�Co�o� Home phone 651-407-0240 Race WH1TE Nispanic ooe O6/08l1954 Age 46 Weighi Build Skin PAIE Physieal Condifion Cansciousness CONSCIOUS D�v¢alcohol use Nart 7ype Hair Length Facia! Hair Employment OccupaGon CAB DRIVER Emproye� DIAMOND CAB CR4ME SCENE DESCRIPTORS c . C �, �`-� -�.��,, - , ��- � ��� ;� . � � Saint Pau{ Police Department � SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Page 2 0�-'1� Complaint Numbe� Reference C.N. Primary offense Dafe and Time of RepoR 00-157973 ENGAGiNG 1N PROSTITUTION 08/10/2000 15:08 Crime Scene Metl�od 8 Poinf of Enfry Type Force used NOT FORCED Descdption Point of entry Method PROPERTY IT M 1 Recovered uantt Mode{ � Seria! # Descriotion 7ota1 value Date Owner WHITE, JAMES LEE (CIT'ED 0 $40 �SNOl2 Location MINNEHAHA/ARUNDEL Artic/e Type/Item CASH/CURRENCY ) Tumed in af PROPERTY ROOM Locker /0 � L.ab exams VEHICLE INFORMATION (NONE) Anest� Name Address DOB Age Race Sex WHITE, JAMES LEE 22256TH ST �02, WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN 55045 06/08/1954 46 W M NARRATIVE SQUAD 678 ( MERRILL) ASSISTED OTHER FORCE UNIT OFFICERS QN A PROSTITUTION DETAIL IN THE AREA OF UNIVERSITY AND VIRGlNIA. I ASSlSTED SY INTERVIEW ING-WH1TE, .IAMES LEE, 6-8-54, 2225 6TH ST. #102, WNITE BEAR LAKE, MN, HP-65�-407-0240. HE WAS READ FORM PM 247.1-95R AND HE AGREED TO TALK. NOTE THA7 WHITE WAS INITIALLY HOS7ILE TO ARRESTING OFFICERS AND HAD TO BE HANDCUFFED AS HE WOULD NOT COOPERA7E. THE iNTERVIEW WAS TAPED. THE FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE INTERVIEW: HE WAS DRIVING HIS CAB AND HE SAW A FEMALE ( UNDERCOVER OFFICER WEYKER) STANDING ALONG THE ROAD AND HE PULLED OVER TO TALK AS HE THOUGHT SHE WANTED A CAB RIDE. HE DENIED MAKING ANY DEALS FOR SEX AND SAID THAT WHEN OFFICER WEYKER MADE MENTfON OF A SEX ACT HE SAID HE WANTED NOTHING TO DO WITFi {T. I ASKED HIM SEVERAL TIMES WHA7 HE SAID TO OFFICER WEYKER REGARDING A DEAI FOR SEX BUT HE DENIED MAKING SUCH A DEAL. HE SAID THAT HE WAS ARRESTEO A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO FOR ENGAING IN PROS7ITUTlON. THE INTERVIEW ENDED AND WHITE WAS ISSUED A CITAT(ON FQR ENGAGING IN PROSTITUTfON AND ftELEASED. NOTE THAT TNlO TWENTY DOLf.AR B1LLS WERE RECOVERED FROM WHiTE AND LATER PLACED INTO THE PROPERTY ROOM. Ptease istribute to: �HF _Hom _Rob _Sex _D/C _Bf9 _Rpts ���ce _Juv _Oper �Theft _Prop _Narco _SIU _PSC _CAU _Lab �ec �e2m _F8F _Auto ^ ,DAO _T&A _Other l `�� Paqe p( SUPPLEMEI e & Time of Aepc �i'IC'7 l REPORT ST. PAUL POLICE DEPAflTMENT �TINUAT(ON OF:_ O. ORIGiNAL REPORT ❑ SUPPIEMENTAt �rt _� - oo t �e. �pt2-�.� �-.,,��" Coti��-� �t « �a�-. `� t� �� � ��. cA.� oF tJ�.��UL�s�:� �V�������. . t�� d��- ��s �'.� '�2 S �J av.se,- - � 1'1.4-1 ��{o� ✓ � {cuk�J a�4- fn S "� c5. �.a.T" � a� . �� _ f,.�c��✓ c�L� c�r u� t� /caU�e,/ a:Q.GoY , a-,.� w�.r (�Uni�CC� rJ� '��CG�"lc..�c S4rve-c�t0.-i� e�Lc.r��.��' l� �v �..�'�''��P YiJ! � �./��0.N-w�r� C4� '� � t 3 ��G�Ce U�.fo ViZ WCy (C On U�T9i _�X-"Neti. �� l S�-/bG./ru• �3 �d� 120(�. dh ` �,1.� C s�"` , � �,'lQCi.r� G� �-C}c - �( � Y�-tOn-(,�y �QQ, � M-a.t�k '� Jl �'-- 4 il���hQ CX�.I/«- • / �i I J � �( � �-�- c a.� w �..r s-E-a �� u,C ��. ,c.t1� �.1,�.�. I�c.�ee., � � t��t�c�1. a.�. `�—e- �fiuer w�.s l.(fc s� . .� c�,((crl. 'f� f�f�w�( C �-(, ��.�. � a,.� r�-�-�� 'FG.��.... . S.e.� 5�.�,, - � �? - — L�HF Q Hom ❑ Rob ❑ Jw ❑ Cwcci ❑ ID ❑ lab D/C ❑ Burg [] Thett [] Prop Q GAU ❑ P8F [] Auto � J No ❑ Sex ❑ Rptr Other ❑HumServ {� PM 622•93F e f� �. � o , , x � W O ;y r O �'" � N p d U N p) '; J r a i ,� � �o ly! �� � � ;g'�'o o �;� Q- �mla c Ic�e;� O IJ'�Q Y R � O C d N C d c� — J I�� ;Q'm` T, > � ''i i�,� y a N @ �V'X _J , � _r O O — T 41 T .� � � m z N O m rn U � J ,� a • �i iU, � �, I� U �U�L �N' �i ,�', —,, p. � ! n. , �-. X . � ;� w �,_ �,, v F �c; IICO p � , Q I� �N �� N �D � . —iN � _, � W d �F � 1= �I> Z' Q ,(/� � � - Q � W F- Z � a W m � a ,a _� � ILi I� i ' �Ci i �' Z: IU, !a � I Vi C IR 3 y' �C IN � � Z T C N � U U C m i� N C � IQ � � f� i Z �'' IC' o,� ia ;N O N � N O � � C IN � m � �' X; F�- ' �''Z , �� ;� ; i � i � i I ! il �; N io' y l �I� ,I 0 i � l�l ��I ��i U� � ^ � i � i 1 � ' � , � ' N . m ! � � i V', N' ; N C . 7 m ' , F- �, _ �j i , � F j , � � i W � Q N �i ��� N ��_1b o i-�� ' Addcess � Licensee y �orrtatt ' Last Name: ' F'vst Name: T"Ale: Street #: � Street Name: ; StreN Type: Direction: ; Unit #: ; Cdy t � Bus Phpne #: ; Home Phone #: � aN i�. _Seznz� <Alls ._k �� .:_____—_? F � " � ot-�� ; P.ddre Licensee .4MESVVHI7E �-- -- -- -- -_. -_----'---`--.�._-.- : DBA ,2MES WHITE - ----- -- ------ -- i - - — ---- Title�, ; License : Licensee ; Lic. Types Insurance Bond Ftequirements � ------------' _ ^- � ------- '� -- � I -. .-_..-------- -----------------�--�- ----___ _------"-------- - Stre� � License Type: Taxicab Dri�er ,„: License Class: ' - -._ --____------ ___---__.---- � 4 Stre � � Effecti�re: �1 M 1 M 899 ` Expiratian: 1 I1120�1 ; SYatus: rve Pending Ren 5tre� � Apply Discourrl: �, Remove Discaurrt; �' Discourrt Rec'd: � 53stus Changed: 1 f13t2tl00 � Dire �� Replace Fee: r # of Unds: � 1' Application Drate: 1 M 1 H 999 ; f Urnt p ; �?ISAe .. ��Q e''� .. : �A'Ydd�'a� City:�: . • . . . . . i�;�� Si � � §r��'z��:�.�,a.. 41`�ew �fr�' � t;.�jd k; g ��' .9' �+'��� [�,� �����i�� �EkAU';� i ,�hT _�...�d �� Tag #: � p Fiefds License Ty pe Commerrts(long): �� f < I t E F License # _ � Sawe Changes to History 1 of 1 _