01-755OR1Gi�lAL Council File # O �� � ss Green Sheet # � � �-� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Re£erred To Date �� WHEREAS, Chapter �.02 of the Saint Paul Admnustrative Code authorizes the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to dispose of surplus City properiy and sets forth the procedures governing the sale or donation of such property; and WHEREAS, the Division of Contract and Analysis Services receives surplus cell phones and associated battery chazgers from various City departments and offices from Yune to time to dispose of in accordance with City policies; and WHEREAS, said Division has become awaze of the "Donate a Phone" Program sponsored by "The Wireless Foundation," which collects used phones to assist victims of domestic violence; and VJHEREAS, said Foundation has requested the support of the City through the donation of surplus cell phones in conformance with Administrative Code 5.02 ('�(c); and WHEREAS, the donation of such phones to the Foundation wouid further the City's goals for reusing and recycling Ciry property wherever possible and for contributing to crime prevention and, therefore, would serve a public purpose, now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City Council hereby authorizes the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to dispose of surplus City ce11 phones by donating such cell phones to the "Donate a Phone Program" as it deems appropriate; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Division of Contract and Analysis Services reserves the right to dispose of surplus cell phones by other methods or donate such equipment to other arganizations from time to time as it may be in the best interests of the City; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said organiza6on sha11 bear all costs associated wiih the distribution of all donated phones and agrees to accept the property as is; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon the donation, the City shail have no further responsibility for said properiy and sha11 not provide any warraniy, maintenance, repair, technical assistance, or any other kind of ongoing support, nor assume any costs that may be related to the ongoing use of the property by the donee organization. �� ��1G1€�AL o� �ss a "^� Requested by Department of: �N �� � ��� � � � � � Adopted by Council: Date c`�S aao } � Adoption Certifi by Council Secretary By �-��, a�- . �,.�-.�. Approved by Mayor: Date �� ��� B y : � r C1J� ./l Technology & Management Services- Contract & Analysis Services By: l ✓ �- \,J � �- C. �'� CQ � Z�� Form Approved by City Attorney By: ���svr+-� 7�Q9 f d ( Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � � Contract � Duane Kroll or Susan Feuerherm sl�Joi TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET nvM�rnwmou o t _�SS" No 107328 arvcanca � crrr�rrauar � � arvacru ❑ nuMeuttPtxcrawe. ❑ nuucu�mnaisera �rl.wxioRasusru� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCAT{ONS FOR SiGNATURE) Approve two resolutions authorizing the Division o£ Contract and Analysis Services to donate surplus City property to non-profit organizations. One resolution auChorizes the donation o£ computer equipment to computers in the schools and the second authorizes the donation of ce11 phones to the Donate a Phone program of the WirelessFoundation. The resolutins provide Che authority to donate, but do not mandate that donations occur. The Gitv would sti11 have the ability to use oCher methods of surplus disposal. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMM1TfEE CMl SERVICE COMMISSION tllas Nie Pe�im everwnrNed under a cadract /ar thie depaAmeM? YES NO lias tl�ia Pe�eoM�m e`m tiem a edY emWuYeeP YES NO Daec this persoMPom posseas a sldY not iwrmatlYO�ad M anY wment cib' emWcYee? YES IJO la Mis pnaaJfirm a taryAe6 venda'1 YES NO The City replaces its computer equipment geriodically and the old equipment must be disposed in accordance with State statutes and City policy. The Division of Contract and Analysis is endeavoring to increase the options available for surplus disposal so it will be possible to select the most beneficial option in a particular situation. The CAS Division wi11 have the ogportunity to transfer equipment when it is in the Gity's best interests to do so. IF � n�4��ti.� t'13 t0 �R } profit oz �}1dL �. °�' ��� t 4 26fl� These donation options will not be available. AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION 2 Q .� CtTY ATTORNEY LOSS/RE1fENtSE8UD6ETED(CiRCIEON� YEE NO _R3uu►Z'�y.� ' f-' 07�2/2001 16:45 WIRELE55 FWNDATION � 16512668919 ��THE WIRELESS ��='��� , F4UNDATION July Z, 200I Mr. LTuaae ICmf! Ciry of Saint PauE and Ramsey County Contract and Anafysis Services 15 W Kelbgg Bivd, Suite 280 Sz Paul, MN 55102 Dezc Mr. Krolf: o � -�sr The Wir�less Fflundation is collecting wireless phones antl would appreeiate your suQport. We are a noo- profit organizauon, located in Washington, DC, has been in existence siace 1993. Ou� Tax ]D is 52- 1748229. Also, please visit our website, www.wii�e�leasdound�tio .or for more infortnation on the Wireless Foundatson. Cnclosed is ihe CaH to Pracect factsheet and the Donate a T'hone campaign derails. The campaign to cuikcs "no longer used" phones is on�oiDg. All usec! wireless phones (and pagera) will be accepted. Pleas� visit auu website: wvrw,donationap�one.com for more informatia� on phone donation. Please mail donacions to: CALL to PROTECT c(o Mocorola 158Q E. Ellsworth Raad Ann Ar6or, MI 4diU8 There are two facers to che program, donating the phones aod requesting a donation. Atease see melow. We are currently in the process of collectin� and refurbishing wireless phones so that thcy can be pnt to use in helping victims of domestic violence. lf you know o#' organizations wishing to receive a wireless phone dnnatioo, please have tAem fonvard to us the following information via email (dalexander@ctia.org) or fax (202 467 5532}. • Nameoforganization . Gantact name • Address • Phone • Faac • E-m�il address • Carrier comganies: If you know who they sue the nan�es of wireless servicc providers in your cotnmunity whe we might coniact tn assist with a donation. The Foundation will add them to our databasa af domestiz vfolance organizations wishing to be considered for phone donations. We will fonvard the request to wireless cssrriers in ehetir area and, if rro.zs� o0z 1250 Conneciicut Avemae, n'W> Suite A00, 4h�ashingwn, DC 20036 242-7R5-0081 ui�pnaru ?62-�fi1-553? /nr 07J02i2001 16:45 WIRELESS FOUNDRTIDN � 15512668919 N0.267 D03 O 1-'?.�.� CALL TO PROTECT: WIRELESS PHONEB FOB DQMES'1"IC SAFE'�'St Every I 5 seconds, the crime of baztery occurs. Up to half of all homeless women and children are fleeing domestic violcnce. More t}uv� one ixi three Anaericans have wimessed an incident of domestic violence. Domestic violence is quicicly becoming recngnized as one of the leading problems in American society. Long considered a hidden secret, recenY z�atioaal public awazeness campaigns t�ave pushed thc issue of domestic violence into the American psyche. According to tlxe Family Violence Prevention Fund, 83 petcent of Americans consider domeseie violance an extrexnely important social issue, ranl:ing it above other issues such zs the environment, teenage alcoholism and teen pregnancy. The'Wireless Foundation's CALL to PROTECT ptogram is a natianal educational and philanthrapic pmgtam aiz�ed at combadng domestic violence. CALI� to PROTECT provides the seeurity a��d mobiGty of �vixeless phones to victuns of domestic violence, especially d�uing the transition &om livin� in an abusive situatSon to regaining safety and independence. Tha wireless phones, pre-prograiamed to diat 9l I can summon help wilh the push nf a button and assist a victim in transiYioniag &am a life of fear to a feeling of procecpon 24 hours a day. CA1,T, to PROTECT also pxovides wireless phnnes to rlomestic violence pmfessionais so �hey can reach victims, reporl cases of ahuse and cant�ct emergency �ervices -- immediateiy, if necessary, For a victim of abuso, o casewozkeT with a wireless phone can mean the difference betweeii safety tu�d hazm, beeween the start of a better liPe or irreparable physica! and psychological damage. "We ore extremely pleased to be getling this assistattce from �he wirelers industry. No1 onty zs it supporting the victims, tt als�o is helping owr advocates do therr jobs in a,nore sc�f'e and effictenr tnanner. " Maxine Bsrnett, Eueeutive Directo�, Centrall!'�innesota Taek Fnrce on ��#ered Wo�mea "7'he ways in whirh �»aeracarrs me afj'ected By donaestec vtolence is staggering. The wirele.cs industry's CALL to PROTECT inidiative is aPer, f�ect example of haw rhs business commreniry, teaming wirh private indivictr�ats and stale offrcials, can make a difference in fightinga hnrrible sociadnroA/em (ike domestYc violence. " Senator JoM MeCain (it AZ) - H77�f22001 16:45 WIRELESS FOUNDRTION 3 16512658919 IYV � GV� www.donateaph�ne.com rI� ot�S CALLtuPROT�CT Danate a Phone Frequentl� Asked Ques�ions �v�ww.donate aphone,cam am. �rir: w�rturSs FUJNGlaT10N � * � > . panemc � B.qq.�.ASHT4,.� What is the I3oaate a Phone campaiga? The Donate a Phosie campuign is an exCension of the Wiseless Foundation s CALL to PROT�CT program. CALL to PROTECT is a nationa] initiativa sponsored by the Wireless Foundation, Motorola and rhe Nationa) Coalition Against Domestic Violence (AiCf4b'V) that provides wireless phones and airtime to vietims of domestic violence. These phones offex victims instant ataess to help in an exnergency. Collection of phones began September 28, 1999. The objectiwe is to col]ect some of the estimated 24 million no longer used wireless phones from the public. Thc phones coliectcd through the T3onace A Phone campaign will be us�d to increase Yhe number of wireless plbon�es available to victi�ass in need through the CALL to PROTECT prosram, wh61e generating additianal resQUrces to suppart the NCAAV aud other organizations working to combat abuse. How do ihe phones work? AIl CALL to PROTTCT phones are pre-pTagiammed to dia1911 and one non-emergency number such as a dosaestic violeatce s�elter,l nolice non-emergency phone lin�, or a domes�.ic violeuce counse]or. J3`ow does soaaeone in need get n CALL to PR07'�C?' pleone? CALL co PRQTECT phones are disiributed Yo potentiai victims by participaung domestic violeace organi2ations, par[ioipating police departments and District AttozYCeys' offiaes. To determine if tlsere is a participating organizarion in yow carnmun'rry, please contaci a local sheker or golice agency disectly. For general infarmation about getting help foz vicricns of domestic violence, please call the N�rionat Domestic VSolence fT�tline at 1-d0U-?94-7233 or visii ti� National Coalition Against Domestic Violence at their web site, www.ncaciv.org. How do I dorrate my wtreFess plioxe? Phones can be donated by piacing the phone, battexy and charger (if available) in the mnil to: CALLtoPROTEGT c10 Motorola, Inc. 15$0 E. ElisworCh Road Ann Arbor, MI 48108 If you would like to see if Yhere is a)ocal collecrion point in your azea, p]ease'visit www.donaieaphone.com and click on "whexe to donate." Can I rnceive a tne receipt for donoting my phnae? Yes. Thc Wireless Found�rion is r� quplified SUI (0)(3) ch�uitable organizafSon, so your unused phone and yaur �laipping cosu are both tax deductible. Wheo you send in pour phona as a donarion, plaase include a written zequest for a tax receipt and be sare to include your name and address. 7'he Wireless Foundation will reA�rn an ac�Cnowledgement of your conuibution within CAIL To PROTECT The�reless Foundation R50 Connecticut Avenue. NW, Suite HOQ WashinErton. OC 2003b J..,.,. Dhonr,2Q2J85.008� fa>:.242.%7.5532 + e'77r�2i2001 16:45 WIRELESS FOUNDHTIDN � 16512658919 h0.267 D05 b �-'f,� 30 days of receipt. The Wireless Pnundation wiA not provide an estimate of the vatue of your contribution, so y�u may wish to cnnsult your tax adv'ssar m determine't�he va�ue. How care I start cotlecting phones in my cnmmxnity? 'You r.an start collecting phones in qo� community by spreading the aiessage to your friends and neighbots. Contact local businesses and ask them ta supPort CALL to PROTECT by putsing up a phone collecrion box in their affice or store. Reach out to your lncat nawspaper, radio or N sfation and ask them ta publicize the mailing address and spread the word about bow wiieless phones tbat aze no ]ongex used can help fight domesdc violence. Dn you take any wireless phone7 Yes, please send us any kand-car►ied {nat vehicle-installed) cellul�u or PCS phone tbat you no langer need, including so-caSled "bag phones" If still a�ailable, include tha phone's battery and charger. Whar djmy phone is old or doesn'i worl� Can I st�li danate ir? Even if if doesn't worZc, your old cellutar or PCS phone can still help in the fight against domestic violence. No mat4er the size, appaarance or eonciition— please know thac you will be making a difference! Newer phones in good cond'ztion tzrill be recycled and dis�ibutsd to victims. Oldei phones or phones iu need of serious repaer will be soid, with proceeds used to support the National Coalition Against Domestac Violence, other domestic vio4ence programs and [he CttLL to PRa'I'ECT pmgrazn. Can I desi;na4e that my phone wul come back to rny commanity? No, che large vohtme of phones vae ere receiving on a daily basas makes it impossible to retum a sgecific refi�rbished p]wne ro Che community where it was donated. OYar goal is to provide every victim of domestic violence in the U.S. with a wireless phone and &ee emer�ency azrtime• We aze working'with domestic violence orgzmizations, police depariments and other government and community agencies to provide CAI.L to PROT�CT phanes w communities aczoss the natyon. )s tleere o drop ojf poini in »tY cammunity? We have established parbaershi�s wi't� himdreds oF local btuinesses aoross tl�e country to pravide drop-off points for donated CAT.L to kROTECT phonea. Aetailed informatian about t�ese locations is available at our web site, w�ww.donateaphone.com. Do ?' need to be wo�ried about being charged for the airtime when ?he phon�s are rejarbrsked? No. When the phones are refiubished they are completely cleared and reprograrnmed. Free emergency airtime is provided by local wireless catriers on aU phones [ha� are distributed co viet'sms of damestic violence. Can I get priaeted progrnm maderirtts to do n tocul ca!lection? l�onste a Pbone campaign materials sueh as posters, collection boxes and tear off infarmation cards are available foi order on our web site at www.danateaphone.com. o � �sS Start a Locai Co(lection Thank you for your inierest ln organizing a"Donate a Phone" wireless phone coilecGon pmgram in your community! We wefcome your suppoR and enthusiasm as we woitc to collec[ phones naGonwide to tteip victims of domestic v�olence. How the Prceram 1NOrks AIY Wireless Phones are Neetled Program MateriaLS AvaiiaCle �onzte a Phor,e _-ma{t +lrne{e to Send Yaur CotfeCetl Phones How the Program Works � The Wireless Fountlation, wlth help from organizatlons and indrviduals across the country, is colleding no langer used wireless phones to help fight domestic violence. These phones are often a Iffeline in an emergency, providing victims with instant access to hefp. Phones colleded through this national tlonation program wiil be used to increase ihe number of wireless phones available to vic6ms in need, while generatlng addiUonal resources t0 suQport the National CoaliUOn Against Domestic volence and CALL to PROTECT. 7op AO Wireless Phones are Needed Arcy and ali wirefess phones are accepted. All makes, motlels and ages are welcome. No matter the size, look or con0ition - piease know that you will be making a difference! 7he newer phones in good condition will 6e recycled and distributed to victims. Otder phones or ohones in need of serious repair wdl be sold, wrth proceeds used to support domestic vrolence programs. Top Program Materials Availahle A variety of usefuf materials are available for the Donate a Phone program. Some tlocuments (Microsoft Word files) can be saved to your personal cOmputer and modified to meet the needs of your organization. Most word processing programs can open these files. Donate a Phone Collection !Gt - may be purchasetl at a cost ofi $12 each (inclutles shipping a�d handling). Click here ta request. Donate a Phone Information - Click beiow to tlownload. PDF files require lWU6e Acrabat to view. Click hete for free download. ff �- .e - Donate a Phone Donffiion Ta:c Receipt PDF Oonate a Phone Fact Shest Word Donate a Phone Frequently Asked Questions Word Donate a Phone Local Collection News Release Word Donate a Phone E-mail The tofiowing te# is sample e-mail used to tell people about the Donate a Phone program and how they can become invoived. This text ran be modifietl to share information about a local cotiection tlrne. - In the time it wil! take you to forvvarr/ tMS email t0 everyone you know, a victim of domestic vrolence wr!! 6e assaulted by thev partne�. !t this sadtlens o� angers you as much as it does me, you7/ 6e glad to know that there's something you can do -and it wil! cost you rtothing more than a l�ttle postage. You know that wireless cell phone you're no longe� using? The one thaYS sitting in your drawe� o� doset rrght now� !t could Gtera!!y save the lrfe of one of the 5000.p1us wcHms who a�e beaten and abused every day A natro�al program calfed "CALL to PROTECT" is lookmg to collect unused wireless phones to Oenefit victims of domestic violence CALL to PROTECT dis[nbutes new and recyGed pre- benefit vicLms of domeshc violence CALL to PR07ECTd�smbufes new an0 recycleri pre- programmed emergency wireless phortes FREE OF CHARGE fo domestrc vrotence vlctims. io fhese women, the phone serves as an emergency lifelmeene that they might not have access to otherwise. o �-�.rr Neither you no� the victim will be cha�ged for any emeigency calis made. Ail aiRime is donated by Ioca7 wireless caniers. The program is sponso2d by the Wireless Foundation, the Nationa/ Coahtion Against Domestic Violence, and MotQrola. Top Where to Send Your Coilected Phones Once you have coliected phones fn your community, business or school, we ask thai you send Ne phones antl their accessories [o the folfowing adtlress: CAII to PROTECT Go Motorola 1580 E. Ellsworth Road Ann Arbor, MI 48708 Anyone inierested in recelwng a tax recelpt for their donation should include their name, address and estimated value when sentling in the phone. Since Ihe Wireless Foundation is a non-profii organization, any shipping costs incurred are aiso tax tleductible. Te{l Us About Your Program Please keep in touch wfth us as to how your local coliedion is proceeding. We'd love to hear how many phones yo� have wllected and hope that you will shate with us any siones, photos, tocal news coverage and event details from yaur Iocal campaign. Please note: some of this infortnation may be shared as we publiaze the campalgn natfonwide. You can e-mail, fax or mail infortnation about your collection efforts to: The Wireless Fountlation 1250 ConnecGcut Ave., NW, Ste 800 Washington, DC 20Q36 Fax: 202 467 5532 foundalion@ctia.org On 6ehatf of the Wicefess Foundation, Motorola and National Coalition Against Domestic vofence, thank you for taking the fime to coorUinate this program. Together, we are saving Iives. Tag Ot-'t� Frequently Asked Questians H6W DO I GET A SF1X RSCcfYT FGR �C�AT:NG !AY PNONE? WHAT IS THE GOA� OF THE DONATE A PHONE PRCGRAM1d? N1HAT 15 THE D6NAT'e A PH6NE PROGRAM? WHERE 00 1 DONATc 2AY NIiRE_ESS PhlONE? SS SNERE A OROP-OFF PCIPJ7 IM MY COtrSUlUNiSY? CAN I CESIGYA7E TNAT AdY PHONE W!_L CCMtE BACK TQ 'r.tY COPRMI(:NITY? DO YOU TAKE nNY �AiSREL��SS °F:6�1E� 4VHAT (F MtY PHGteE IS CLO �R �CESNT �NQRK. CAN { gTIIL DO�A78 lT? H04'V pOES SDMEONc Ii� NE�D GET A CALL TO =ROTECT AHONE? HON! 00 THc ?NONES WORK? CD'JLD i BE CY.ARGED FOR ANY AiftTihtE iNHEV 7HE PHGNES ARE REFUft81SHE;:? HOW CAN l START COLiEC?iNG PHONES IN f'AY COM�4iUNITY� CAN 1 GET PftIN'ES} ?ftOGftA^A N1ATE�1AlS? HOW DO i GET A TAX RECc1FT FOR DONATIAiG 111Y PiiOAIE? '!he Wireless Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 orqanization, so your phone and assOCiatetl shippirn� expenses are typicaily tax-0etluc[ible. If you have donated a phone and wouttl like a receipt, you can click here to pnnt one. The Fountlation makes no determination of the value of your gift, and you should consult your tax advisor regarding the taz effects of your gift. Top 4VHAT IS THE GOAL OF THE DONATE A PHONE PROGRAM? The goai of the pmgram is to collect old wireless phones to expand the wireiess industry's program to comtrat domestic violence. F�cperts esUmate there are more than 24 miilion inactive phones in the U.S. This program is made possible thanks to the generous conVibutions of CT1A member companies. Since '1996, Motorola has donatetl over 17,�00 phones and 74 wireless service providers have donated free emergency airtime to domestic violence vidims. For more information, click here. rop WHAT IS TIiE DONATE A PHONE PROGRAM? Donate a Phone is a national wireless phone colledion drive designed to provide domestic violence victims and organizations with one ot the most powerfuV tools in the fight against tlomestic vfolence...a wireless phone. The program is a padnership befween the Wireless Fountlation, the_Nahonai Coai�tio_n AgainsY Domestic Violence antl Motorola who have worked together since �996 to provlde free phones to victims of domesUc violence through the CALI to PROTEGT program. Free emergency airtime is donated hy CTIA rtremoer yrire!ess sesvtice p�oviders. 7op WHERE DO { DONATE MY WIR�LESS PHONE? Phones can be donated by placing the phone, trattery antl charger (if availabie) in the mail to: CALL to PROTECT do Motoroia , 1580 E. Eilsworth Road Ann A(bor, Ml 48108 If you would like a receipt for your donation, please inclutle your name anQ address with your donation. If you would like to see if there �s a local collection point in your area, ctick hese. If you would hke to start a focal collection, click here. To expedite the delivery of phones, you may sh)p phones directly to Motorola in Ann Arbor, MI. Top IS THERE A DROP-OFF POINT M MY COMMUNITY? We are establishing partnerships with hundreds of locat businesses across the country to provide drop-off points fo� donatetl CALL to PROTECT phones. 7o see it [here is a Iocai co0ection pofnt in your area, Gick here. Top 0 � -!2 !'S� CAN I DESI6NATE THAT MY PHONE WILL COME BACK TO MY COMMUNITY? The large volume of phones we are receiving on a daily basis makes it impossible to retum a specific refutbisnetl phone to She community where it was tlonatetl. Our goal is to provide every victim of domestic violence in the U.S. wdh a wiretess phone and free emergency airtime. We are working wiih tlomestic violence organizations, poiice tlepartments antl other govemment and communiry agencies to provitle CALL to PR07ECT phones to communities across ihe nation. , DO YOU TAKE ANY WIRELESS PHONE? Yes, please send us any wireless phone you no longer need. If stiii avaiiabie, inciude the phone's battery and chargec Any and all wireless phones are accepted. All makes. models antl ages are welcome. No matter the size, look or condition - please know that you will be making a diflerence! The newer phones in good condiGon wiil be recydetl and distributed to victims. Older phones or phones in need of serious repair wiq be sold, with proczeds used to support the Natio�a( Coaliqon Against Domestic Volence and other domestic viofence pragrams. Top WHAT IF MY PHONE IS OLD OR DOESN'T WORK. CAN I STILL QONATE IT? Yes, still send it We wili do o�r best to refurbish the phones and any phones that can't be fixed will be sold with proceeds benefiting CALL to PROTEC7 and other tlomestic violence prevention effoAS. Tap HOW DOES SOMEONE iN NEED GET A CALL TO PROTECT PFiONE? CALL to PROTECT phones are distnbuted to potential vidims by participating loral domestic violence organizations and police deparVnents. To tletermine if the2 is a participating organization in your community, please contact a local shelter or police agency direct(y. For general information about getting he4p for a victim of domestic violence, please cali the National Domestic Votence Hotline at'I-S00-799-7233 or visit ihe National Coalition Against Domestic Violence at www.ncadv.org. Top NOW DO THE PHONES WORK? All CALL to PROTECT phones are pre-progremmed to dia19�'I antl usually one orrivo non-emergency numbers tike a domesiic violence shelter. Free emergency airtime is donatetl by members ot the Cellular Telecommunlcations & Intemet Association (CTIA). 7op COULD I BE CHARGED FOR ANY AIRT{ME WHEN THE PHONES ARE REFURBISHED? No. When the phones a2 returbished they are completely cleared and reprogrammed. Phones that are disVibuted to vicfims of domestic violence are given free emetgency airtime by local wireless cairiers. Tap HOW CAN 1 START COLLECTING PHONES IN MY COMMUNITY? You can staR co�lecting phones in your community by spreading the message to your friends and neighbors. Go to locaf businesses and ask them to support CALL fo PROTECT by putting up a phone collection box in their office or store. Contad your loca{ newspaper, radio or N station antl ask them to publicize the mailing address and spread the word about how no longer used wirefess phones can help fight domestic violence. For adtlitional information on how to get started. click here. Top CAN 1 GET PRINTED FRaGRAM MATERtALS? 'Donate a Phone" pnnted materials are available. To request posters piease �ck here for detaiis. Top OR1Gi�lAL Council File # O �� � ss Green Sheet # � � �-� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Re£erred To Date �� WHEREAS, Chapter �.02 of the Saint Paul Admnustrative Code authorizes the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to dispose of surplus City properiy and sets forth the procedures governing the sale or donation of such property; and WHEREAS, the Division of Contract and Analysis Services receives surplus cell phones and associated battery chazgers from various City departments and offices from Yune to time to dispose of in accordance with City policies; and WHEREAS, said Division has become awaze of the "Donate a Phone" Program sponsored by "The Wireless Foundation," which collects used phones to assist victims of domestic violence; and VJHEREAS, said Foundation has requested the support of the City through the donation of surplus cell phones in conformance with Administrative Code 5.02 ('�(c); and WHEREAS, the donation of such phones to the Foundation wouid further the City's goals for reusing and recycling Ciry property wherever possible and for contributing to crime prevention and, therefore, would serve a public purpose, now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City Council hereby authorizes the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to dispose of surplus City ce11 phones by donating such cell phones to the "Donate a Phone Program" as it deems appropriate; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Division of Contract and Analysis Services reserves the right to dispose of surplus cell phones by other methods or donate such equipment to other arganizations from time to time as it may be in the best interests of the City; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said organiza6on sha11 bear all costs associated wiih the distribution of all donated phones and agrees to accept the property as is; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon the donation, the City shail have no further responsibility for said properiy and sha11 not provide any warraniy, maintenance, repair, technical assistance, or any other kind of ongoing support, nor assume any costs that may be related to the ongoing use of the property by the donee organization. �� ��1G1€�AL o� �ss a "^� Requested by Department of: �N �� � ��� � � � � � Adopted by Council: Date c`�S aao } � Adoption Certifi by Council Secretary By �-��, a�- . �,.�-.�. Approved by Mayor: Date �� ��� B y : � r C1J� ./l Technology & Management Services- Contract & Analysis Services By: l ✓ �- \,J � �- C. �'� CQ � Z�� Form Approved by City Attorney By: ���svr+-� 7�Q9 f d ( Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � � Contract � Duane Kroll or Susan Feuerherm sl�Joi TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET nvM�rnwmou o t _�SS" No 107328 arvcanca � crrr�rrauar � � arvacru ❑ nuMeuttPtxcrawe. ❑ nuucu�mnaisera �rl.wxioRasusru� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCAT{ONS FOR SiGNATURE) Approve two resolutions authorizing the Division o£ Contract and Analysis Services to donate surplus City property to non-profit organizations. One resolution auChorizes the donation o£ computer equipment to computers in the schools and the second authorizes the donation of ce11 phones to the Donate a Phone program of the WirelessFoundation. The resolutins provide Che authority to donate, but do not mandate that donations occur. The Gitv would sti11 have the ability to use oCher methods of surplus disposal. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMM1TfEE CMl SERVICE COMMISSION tllas Nie Pe�im everwnrNed under a cadract /ar thie depaAmeM? YES NO lias tl�ia Pe�eoM�m e`m tiem a edY emWuYeeP YES NO Daec this persoMPom posseas a sldY not iwrmatlYO�ad M anY wment cib' emWcYee? YES IJO la Mis pnaaJfirm a taryAe6 venda'1 YES NO The City replaces its computer equipment geriodically and the old equipment must be disposed in accordance with State statutes and City policy. The Division of Contract and Analysis is endeavoring to increase the options available for surplus disposal so it will be possible to select the most beneficial option in a particular situation. The CAS Division wi11 have the ogportunity to transfer equipment when it is in the Gity's best interests to do so. IF � n�4��ti.� t'13 t0 �R } profit oz �}1dL �. °�' ��� t 4 26fl� These donation options will not be available. AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION 2 Q .� CtTY ATTORNEY LOSS/RE1fENtSE8UD6ETED(CiRCIEON� YEE NO _R3uu►Z'�y.� ' f-' 07�2/2001 16:45 WIRELE55 FWNDATION � 16512668919 ��THE WIRELESS ��='��� , F4UNDATION July Z, 200I Mr. LTuaae ICmf! Ciry of Saint PauE and Ramsey County Contract and Anafysis Services 15 W Kelbgg Bivd, Suite 280 Sz Paul, MN 55102 Dezc Mr. Krolf: o � -�sr The Wir�less Fflundation is collecting wireless phones antl would appreeiate your suQport. We are a noo- profit organizauon, located in Washington, DC, has been in existence siace 1993. Ou� Tax ]D is 52- 1748229. Also, please visit our website, www.wii�e�leasdound�tio .or for more infortnation on the Wireless Foundatson. Cnclosed is ihe CaH to Pracect factsheet and the Donate a T'hone campaign derails. The campaign to cuikcs "no longer used" phones is on�oiDg. All usec! wireless phones (and pagera) will be accepted. Pleas� visit auu website: wvrw,donationap�one.com for more informatia� on phone donation. Please mail donacions to: CALL to PROTECT c(o Mocorola 158Q E. Ellsworth Raad Ann Ar6or, MI 4diU8 There are two facers to che program, donating the phones aod requesting a donation. Atease see melow. We are currently in the process of collectin� and refurbishing wireless phones so that thcy can be pnt to use in helping victims of domestic violence. lf you know o#' organizations wishing to receive a wireless phone dnnatioo, please have tAem fonvard to us the following information via email (dalexander@ctia.org) or fax (202 467 5532}. • Nameoforganization . Gantact name • Address • Phone • Faac • E-m�il address • Carrier comganies: If you know who they sue the nan�es of wireless servicc providers in your cotnmunity whe we might coniact tn assist with a donation. The Foundation will add them to our databasa af domestiz vfolance organizations wishing to be considered for phone donations. We will fonvard the request to wireless cssrriers in ehetir area and, if rro.zs� o0z 1250 Conneciicut Avemae, n'W> Suite A00, 4h�ashingwn, DC 20036 242-7R5-0081 ui�pnaru ?62-�fi1-553? /nr 07J02i2001 16:45 WIRELESS FOUNDRTIDN � 15512668919 N0.267 D03 O 1-'?.�.� CALL TO PROTECT: WIRELESS PHONEB FOB DQMES'1"IC SAFE'�'St Every I 5 seconds, the crime of baztery occurs. Up to half of all homeless women and children are fleeing domestic violcnce. More t}uv� one ixi three Anaericans have wimessed an incident of domestic violence. Domestic violence is quicicly becoming recngnized as one of the leading problems in American society. Long considered a hidden secret, recenY z�atioaal public awazeness campaigns t�ave pushed thc issue of domestic violence into the American psyche. According to tlxe Family Violence Prevention Fund, 83 petcent of Americans consider domeseie violance an extrexnely important social issue, ranl:ing it above other issues such zs the environment, teenage alcoholism and teen pregnancy. The'Wireless Foundation's CALL to PROTECT ptogram is a natianal educational and philanthrapic pmgtam aiz�ed at combadng domestic violence. CALI� to PROTECT provides the seeurity a��d mobiGty of �vixeless phones to victuns of domestic violence, especially d�uing the transition &om livin� in an abusive situatSon to regaining safety and independence. Tha wireless phones, pre-prograiamed to diat 9l I can summon help wilh the push nf a button and assist a victim in transiYioniag &am a life of fear to a feeling of procecpon 24 hours a day. CA1,T, to PROTECT also pxovides wireless phnnes to rlomestic violence pmfessionais so �hey can reach victims, reporl cases of ahuse and cant�ct emergency �ervices -- immediateiy, if necessary, For a victim of abuso, o casewozkeT with a wireless phone can mean the difference betweeii safety tu�d hazm, beeween the start of a better liPe or irreparable physica! and psychological damage. "We ore extremely pleased to be getling this assistattce from �he wirelers industry. No1 onty zs it supporting the victims, tt als�o is helping owr advocates do therr jobs in a,nore sc�f'e and effictenr tnanner. " Maxine Bsrnett, Eueeutive Directo�, Centrall!'�innesota Taek Fnrce on ��#ered Wo�mea "7'he ways in whirh �»aeracarrs me afj'ected By donaestec vtolence is staggering. The wirele.cs industry's CALL to PROTECT inidiative is aPer, f�ect example of haw rhs business commreniry, teaming wirh private indivictr�ats and stale offrcials, can make a difference in fightinga hnrrible sociadnroA/em (ike domestYc violence. " Senator JoM MeCain (it AZ) - H77�f22001 16:45 WIRELESS FOUNDRTION 3 16512658919 IYV � GV� www.donateaph�ne.com rI� ot�S CALLtuPROT�CT Danate a Phone Frequentl� Asked Ques�ions �v�ww.donate aphone,cam am. �rir: w�rturSs FUJNGlaT10N � * � > . panemc � B.qq.�.ASHT4,.� What is the I3oaate a Phone campaiga? The Donate a Phosie campuign is an exCension of the Wiseless Foundation s CALL to PROT�CT program. CALL to PROTECT is a nationa] initiativa sponsored by the Wireless Foundation, Motorola and rhe Nationa) Coalition Against Domestic Violence (AiCf4b'V) that provides wireless phones and airtime to vietims of domestic violence. These phones offex victims instant ataess to help in an exnergency. Collection of phones began September 28, 1999. The objectiwe is to col]ect some of the estimated 24 million no longer used wireless phones from the public. Thc phones coliectcd through the T3onace A Phone campaign will be us�d to increase Yhe number of wireless plbon�es available to victi�ass in need through the CALL to PROTECT prosram, wh61e generating additianal resQUrces to suppart the NCAAV aud other organizations working to combat abuse. How do ihe phones work? AIl CALL to PROTTCT phones are pre-pTagiammed to dia1911 and one non-emergency number such as a dosaestic violeatce s�elter,l nolice non-emergency phone lin�, or a domes�.ic violeuce counse]or. J3`ow does soaaeone in need get n CALL to PR07'�C?' pleone? CALL co PRQTECT phones are disiributed Yo potentiai victims by participaung domestic violeace organi2ations, par[ioipating police departments and District AttozYCeys' offiaes. To determine if tlsere is a participating organizarion in yow carnmun'rry, please contaci a local sheker or golice agency disectly. For general infarmation about getting help foz vicricns of domestic violence, please call the N�rionat Domestic VSolence fT�tline at 1-d0U-?94-7233 or visii ti� National Coalition Against Domestic Violence at their web site, www.ncaciv.org. How do I dorrate my wtreFess plioxe? Phones can be donated by piacing the phone, battexy and charger (if available) in the mnil to: CALLtoPROTEGT c10 Motorola, Inc. 15$0 E. ElisworCh Road Ann Arbor, MI 48108 If you would like to see if Yhere is a)ocal collecrion point in your azea, p]ease'visit www.donaieaphone.com and click on "whexe to donate." Can I rnceive a tne receipt for donoting my phnae? Yes. Thc Wireless Found�rion is r� quplified SUI (0)(3) ch�uitable organizafSon, so your unused phone and yaur �laipping cosu are both tax deductible. Wheo you send in pour phona as a donarion, plaase include a written zequest for a tax receipt and be sare to include your name and address. 7'he Wireless Foundation will reA�rn an ac�Cnowledgement of your conuibution within CAIL To PROTECT The�reless Foundation R50 Connecticut Avenue. NW, Suite HOQ WashinErton. OC 2003b J..,.,. Dhonr,2Q2J85.008� fa>:.242.%7.5532 + e'77r�2i2001 16:45 WIRELESS FOUNDHTIDN � 16512658919 h0.267 D05 b �-'f,� 30 days of receipt. The Wireless Pnundation wiA not provide an estimate of the vatue of your contribution, so y�u may wish to cnnsult your tax adv'ssar m determine't�he va�ue. How care I start cotlecting phones in my cnmmxnity? 'You r.an start collecting phones in qo� community by spreading the aiessage to your friends and neighbots. Contact local businesses and ask them ta supPort CALL to PROTECT by putsing up a phone collecrion box in their affice or store. Reach out to your lncat nawspaper, radio or N sfation and ask them ta publicize the mailing address and spread the word about bow wiieless phones tbat aze no ]ongex used can help fight domesdc violence. Dn you take any wireless phone7 Yes, please send us any kand-car►ied {nat vehicle-installed) cellul�u or PCS phone tbat you no langer need, including so-caSled "bag phones" If still a�ailable, include tha phone's battery and charger. Whar djmy phone is old or doesn'i worl� Can I st�li danate ir? Even if if doesn't worZc, your old cellutar or PCS phone can still help in the fight against domestic violence. No mat4er the size, appaarance or eonciition— please know thac you will be making a difference! Newer phones in good cond'ztion tzrill be recycled and dis�ibutsd to victims. Oldei phones or phones iu need of serious repaer will be soid, with proceeds used to support the National Coalition Against Domestac Violence, other domestic vio4ence programs and [he CttLL to PRa'I'ECT pmgrazn. Can I desi;na4e that my phone wul come back to rny commanity? No, che large vohtme of phones vae ere receiving on a daily basas makes it impossible to retum a sgecific refi�rbished p]wne ro Che community where it was donated. OYar goal is to provide every victim of domestic violence in the U.S. with a wireless phone and &ee emer�ency azrtime• We aze working'with domestic violence orgzmizations, police depariments and other government and community agencies to provide CAI.L to PROT�CT phanes w communities aczoss the natyon. )s tleere o drop ojf poini in »tY cammunity? We have established parbaershi�s wi't� himdreds oF local btuinesses aoross tl�e country to pravide drop-off points for donated CAT.L to kROTECT phonea. Aetailed informatian about t�ese locations is available at our web site, w�ww.donateaphone.com. Do ?' need to be wo�ried about being charged for the airtime when ?he phon�s are rejarbrsked? No. When the phones are refiubished they are completely cleared and reprograrnmed. Free emergency airtime is provided by local wireless catriers on aU phones [ha� are distributed co viet'sms of damestic violence. Can I get priaeted progrnm maderirtts to do n tocul ca!lection? l�onste a Pbone campaign materials sueh as posters, collection boxes and tear off infarmation cards are available foi order on our web site at www.danateaphone.com. o � �sS Start a Locai Co(lection Thank you for your inierest ln organizing a"Donate a Phone" wireless phone coilecGon pmgram in your community! We wefcome your suppoR and enthusiasm as we woitc to collec[ phones naGonwide to tteip victims of domestic v�olence. How the Prceram 1NOrks AIY Wireless Phones are Neetled Program MateriaLS AvaiiaCle �onzte a Phor,e _-ma{t +lrne{e to Send Yaur CotfeCetl Phones How the Program Works � The Wireless Fountlation, wlth help from organizatlons and indrviduals across the country, is colleding no langer used wireless phones to help fight domestic violence. These phones are often a Iffeline in an emergency, providing victims with instant access to hefp. Phones colleded through this national tlonation program wiil be used to increase ihe number of wireless phones available to vic6ms in need, while generatlng addiUonal resources t0 suQport the National CoaliUOn Against Domestic volence and CALL to PROTECT. 7op AO Wireless Phones are Needed Arcy and ali wirefess phones are accepted. All makes, motlels and ages are welcome. No matter the size, look or con0ition - piease know that you will be making a difference! 7he newer phones in good condition will 6e recycled and distributed to victims. Otder phones or ohones in need of serious repair wdl be sold, wrth proceeds used to support domestic vrolence programs. Top Program Materials Availahle A variety of usefuf materials are available for the Donate a Phone program. Some tlocuments (Microsoft Word files) can be saved to your personal cOmputer and modified to meet the needs of your organization. Most word processing programs can open these files. Donate a Phone Collection !Gt - may be purchasetl at a cost ofi $12 each (inclutles shipping a�d handling). Click here ta request. Donate a Phone Information - Click beiow to tlownload. PDF files require lWU6e Acrabat to view. Click hete for free download. ff �- .e - Donate a Phone Donffiion Ta:c Receipt PDF Oonate a Phone Fact Shest Word Donate a Phone Frequently Asked Questions Word Donate a Phone Local Collection News Release Word Donate a Phone E-mail The tofiowing te# is sample e-mail used to tell people about the Donate a Phone program and how they can become invoived. This text ran be modifietl to share information about a local cotiection tlrne. - In the time it wil! take you to forvvarr/ tMS email t0 everyone you know, a victim of domestic vrolence wr!! 6e assaulted by thev partne�. !t this sadtlens o� angers you as much as it does me, you7/ 6e glad to know that there's something you can do -and it wil! cost you rtothing more than a l�ttle postage. You know that wireless cell phone you're no longe� using? The one thaYS sitting in your drawe� o� doset rrght now� !t could Gtera!!y save the lrfe of one of the 5000.p1us wcHms who a�e beaten and abused every day A natro�al program calfed "CALL to PROTECT" is lookmg to collect unused wireless phones to Oenefit victims of domestic violence CALL to PROTECT dis[nbutes new and recyGed pre- benefit vicLms of domeshc violence CALL to PR07ECTd�smbufes new an0 recycleri pre- programmed emergency wireless phortes FREE OF CHARGE fo domestrc vrotence vlctims. io fhese women, the phone serves as an emergency lifelmeene that they might not have access to otherwise. o �-�.rr Neither you no� the victim will be cha�ged for any emeigency calis made. Ail aiRime is donated by Ioca7 wireless caniers. The program is sponso2d by the Wireless Foundation, the Nationa/ Coahtion Against Domestic Violence, and MotQrola. Top Where to Send Your Coilected Phones Once you have coliected phones fn your community, business or school, we ask thai you send Ne phones antl their accessories [o the folfowing adtlress: CAII to PROTECT Go Motorola 1580 E. Ellsworth Road Ann Arbor, MI 48708 Anyone inierested in recelwng a tax recelpt for their donation should include their name, address and estimated value when sentling in the phone. Since Ihe Wireless Foundation is a non-profii organization, any shipping costs incurred are aiso tax tleductible. Te{l Us About Your Program Please keep in touch wfth us as to how your local coliedion is proceeding. We'd love to hear how many phones yo� have wllected and hope that you will shate with us any siones, photos, tocal news coverage and event details from yaur Iocal campaign. Please note: some of this infortnation may be shared as we publiaze the campalgn natfonwide. You can e-mail, fax or mail infortnation about your collection efforts to: The Wireless Fountlation 1250 ConnecGcut Ave., NW, Ste 800 Washington, DC 20Q36 Fax: 202 467 5532 foundalion@ctia.org On 6ehatf of the Wicefess Foundation, Motorola and National Coalition Against Domestic vofence, thank you for taking the fime to coorUinate this program. Together, we are saving Iives. Tag Ot-'t� Frequently Asked Questians H6W DO I GET A SF1X RSCcfYT FGR �C�AT:NG !AY PNONE? WHAT IS THE GOA� OF THE DONATE A PHONE PRCGRAM1d? N1HAT 15 THE D6NAT'e A PH6NE PROGRAM? WHERE 00 1 DONATc 2AY NIiRE_ESS PhlONE? SS SNERE A OROP-OFF PCIPJ7 IM MY COtrSUlUNiSY? CAN I CESIGYA7E TNAT AdY PHONE W!_L CCMtE BACK TQ 'r.tY COPRMI(:NITY? DO YOU TAKE nNY �AiSREL��SS °F:6�1E� 4VHAT (F MtY PHGteE IS CLO �R �CESNT �NQRK. CAN { gTIIL DO�A78 lT? H04'V pOES SDMEONc Ii� NE�D GET A CALL TO =ROTECT AHONE? HON! 00 THc ?NONES WORK? CD'JLD i BE CY.ARGED FOR ANY AiftTihtE iNHEV 7HE PHGNES ARE REFUft81SHE;:? HOW CAN l START COLiEC?iNG PHONES IN f'AY COM�4iUNITY� CAN 1 GET PftIN'ES} ?ftOGftA^A N1ATE�1AlS? HOW DO i GET A TAX RECc1FT FOR DONATIAiG 111Y PiiOAIE? '!he Wireless Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 orqanization, so your phone and assOCiatetl shippirn� expenses are typicaily tax-0etluc[ible. If you have donated a phone and wouttl like a receipt, you can click here to pnnt one. The Fountlation makes no determination of the value of your gift, and you should consult your tax advisor regarding the taz effects of your gift. Top 4VHAT IS THE GOAL OF THE DONATE A PHONE PROGRAM? The goai of the pmgram is to collect old wireless phones to expand the wireiess industry's program to comtrat domestic violence. F�cperts esUmate there are more than 24 miilion inactive phones in the U.S. This program is made possible thanks to the generous conVibutions of CT1A member companies. Since '1996, Motorola has donatetl over 17,�00 phones and 74 wireless service providers have donated free emergency airtime to domestic violence vidims. For more information, click here. rop WHAT IS TIiE DONATE A PHONE PROGRAM? Donate a Phone is a national wireless phone colledion drive designed to provide domestic violence victims and organizations with one ot the most powerfuV tools in the fight against tlomestic vfolence...a wireless phone. The program is a padnership befween the Wireless Fountlation, the_Nahonai Coai�tio_n AgainsY Domestic Violence antl Motorola who have worked together since �996 to provlde free phones to victims of domesUc violence through the CALI to PROTEGT program. Free emergency airtime is donated hy CTIA rtremoer yrire!ess sesvtice p�oviders. 7op WHERE DO { DONATE MY WIR�LESS PHONE? Phones can be donated by placing the phone, trattery antl charger (if availabie) in the mail to: CALL to PROTECT do Motoroia , 1580 E. Eilsworth Road Ann A(bor, Ml 48108 If you would like a receipt for your donation, please inclutle your name anQ address with your donation. If you would like to see if there �s a local collection point in your area, ctick hese. If you would hke to start a focal collection, click here. To expedite the delivery of phones, you may sh)p phones directly to Motorola in Ann Arbor, MI. Top IS THERE A DROP-OFF POINT M MY COMMUNITY? We are establishing partnerships with hundreds of locat businesses across the country to provide drop-off points fo� donatetl CALL to PROTECT phones. 7o see it [here is a Iocai co0ection pofnt in your area, Gick here. Top 0 � -!2 !'S� CAN I DESI6NATE THAT MY PHONE WILL COME BACK TO MY COMMUNITY? The large volume of phones we are receiving on a daily basis makes it impossible to retum a specific refutbisnetl phone to She community where it was tlonatetl. Our goal is to provide every victim of domestic violence in the U.S. wdh a wiretess phone and free emergency airtime. We are working wiih tlomestic violence organizations, poiice tlepartments antl other govemment and communiry agencies to provitle CALL to PR07ECT phones to communities across ihe nation. , DO YOU TAKE ANY WIRELESS PHONE? Yes, please send us any wireless phone you no longer need. If stiii avaiiabie, inciude the phone's battery and chargec Any and all wireless phones are accepted. All makes. models antl ages are welcome. No matter the size, look or condition - please know that you will be making a diflerence! The newer phones in good condiGon wiil be recydetl and distributed to victims. Older phones or phones in need of serious repair wiq be sold, with proczeds used to support the Natio�a( Coaliqon Against Domestic Volence and other domestic viofence pragrams. Top WHAT IF MY PHONE IS OLD OR DOESN'T WORK. CAN I STILL QONATE IT? Yes, still send it We wili do o�r best to refurbish the phones and any phones that can't be fixed will be sold with proceeds benefiting CALL to PROTEC7 and other tlomestic violence prevention effoAS. Tap HOW DOES SOMEONE iN NEED GET A CALL TO PROTECT PFiONE? CALL to PROTECT phones are distnbuted to potential vidims by participating loral domestic violence organizations and police deparVnents. To tletermine if the2 is a participating organization in your community, please contact a local shelter or police agency direct(y. For general information about getting he4p for a victim of domestic violence, please cali the National Domestic Votence Hotline at'I-S00-799-7233 or visit ihe National Coalition Against Domestic Violence at www.ncadv.org. Top NOW DO THE PHONES WORK? All CALL to PROTECT phones are pre-progremmed to dia19�'I antl usually one orrivo non-emergency numbers tike a domesiic violence shelter. Free emergency airtime is donatetl by members ot the Cellular Telecommunlcations & Intemet Association (CTIA). 7op COULD I BE CHARGED FOR ANY AIRT{ME WHEN THE PHONES ARE REFURBISHED? No. When the phones a2 returbished they are completely cleared and reprogrammed. Phones that are disVibuted to vicfims of domestic violence are given free emetgency airtime by local wireless cairiers. Tap HOW CAN 1 START COLLECTING PHONES IN MY COMMUNITY? You can staR co�lecting phones in your community by spreading the message to your friends and neighbors. Go to locaf businesses and ask them to support CALL fo PROTECT by putting up a phone collection box in their office or store. Contad your loca{ newspaper, radio or N station antl ask them to publicize the mailing address and spread the word about how no longer used wirefess phones can help fight domestic violence. For adtlitional information on how to get started. click here. Top CAN 1 GET PRINTED FRaGRAM MATERtALS? 'Donate a Phone" pnnted materials are available. To request posters piease �ck here for detaiis. Top OR1Gi�lAL Council File # O �� � ss Green Sheet # � � �-� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Re£erred To Date �� WHEREAS, Chapter �.02 of the Saint Paul Admnustrative Code authorizes the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to dispose of surplus City properiy and sets forth the procedures governing the sale or donation of such property; and WHEREAS, the Division of Contract and Analysis Services receives surplus cell phones and associated battery chazgers from various City departments and offices from Yune to time to dispose of in accordance with City policies; and WHEREAS, said Division has become awaze of the "Donate a Phone" Program sponsored by "The Wireless Foundation," which collects used phones to assist victims of domestic violence; and VJHEREAS, said Foundation has requested the support of the City through the donation of surplus cell phones in conformance with Administrative Code 5.02 ('�(c); and WHEREAS, the donation of such phones to the Foundation wouid further the City's goals for reusing and recycling Ciry property wherever possible and for contributing to crime prevention and, therefore, would serve a public purpose, now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City Council hereby authorizes the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to dispose of surplus City ce11 phones by donating such cell phones to the "Donate a Phone Program" as it deems appropriate; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Division of Contract and Analysis Services reserves the right to dispose of surplus cell phones by other methods or donate such equipment to other arganizations from time to time as it may be in the best interests of the City; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said organiza6on sha11 bear all costs associated wiih the distribution of all donated phones and agrees to accept the property as is; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon the donation, the City shail have no further responsibility for said properiy and sha11 not provide any warraniy, maintenance, repair, technical assistance, or any other kind of ongoing support, nor assume any costs that may be related to the ongoing use of the property by the donee organization. �� ��1G1€�AL o� �ss a "^� Requested by Department of: �N �� � ��� � � � � � Adopted by Council: Date c`�S aao } � Adoption Certifi by Council Secretary By �-��, a�- . �,.�-.�. Approved by Mayor: Date �� ��� B y : � r C1J� ./l Technology & Management Services- Contract & Analysis Services By: l ✓ �- \,J � �- C. �'� CQ � Z�� Form Approved by City Attorney By: ���svr+-� 7�Q9 f d ( Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � � Contract � Duane Kroll or Susan Feuerherm sl�Joi TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET nvM�rnwmou o t _�SS" No 107328 arvcanca � crrr�rrauar � � arvacru ❑ nuMeuttPtxcrawe. ❑ nuucu�mnaisera �rl.wxioRasusru� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCAT{ONS FOR SiGNATURE) Approve two resolutions authorizing the Division o£ Contract and Analysis Services to donate surplus City property to non-profit organizations. One resolution auChorizes the donation o£ computer equipment to computers in the schools and the second authorizes the donation of ce11 phones to the Donate a Phone program of the WirelessFoundation. The resolutins provide Che authority to donate, but do not mandate that donations occur. The Gitv would sti11 have the ability to use oCher methods of surplus disposal. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMM1TfEE CMl SERVICE COMMISSION tllas Nie Pe�im everwnrNed under a cadract /ar thie depaAmeM? YES NO lias tl�ia Pe�eoM�m e`m tiem a edY emWuYeeP YES NO Daec this persoMPom posseas a sldY not iwrmatlYO�ad M anY wment cib' emWcYee? YES IJO la Mis pnaaJfirm a taryAe6 venda'1 YES NO The City replaces its computer equipment geriodically and the old equipment must be disposed in accordance with State statutes and City policy. The Division of Contract and Analysis is endeavoring to increase the options available for surplus disposal so it will be possible to select the most beneficial option in a particular situation. The CAS Division wi11 have the ogportunity to transfer equipment when it is in the Gity's best interests to do so. IF � n�4��ti.� t'13 t0 �R } profit oz �}1dL �. °�' ��� t 4 26fl� These donation options will not be available. AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION 2 Q .� CtTY ATTORNEY LOSS/RE1fENtSE8UD6ETED(CiRCIEON� YEE NO _R3uu►Z'�y.� ' f-' 07�2/2001 16:45 WIRELE55 FWNDATION � 16512668919 ��THE WIRELESS ��='��� , F4UNDATION July Z, 200I Mr. LTuaae ICmf! Ciry of Saint PauE and Ramsey County Contract and Anafysis Services 15 W Kelbgg Bivd, Suite 280 Sz Paul, MN 55102 Dezc Mr. Krolf: o � -�sr The Wir�less Fflundation is collecting wireless phones antl would appreeiate your suQport. We are a noo- profit organizauon, located in Washington, DC, has been in existence siace 1993. Ou� Tax ]D is 52- 1748229. Also, please visit our website, www.wii�e�leasdound�tio .or for more infortnation on the Wireless Foundatson. Cnclosed is ihe CaH to Pracect factsheet and the Donate a T'hone campaign derails. The campaign to cuikcs "no longer used" phones is on�oiDg. All usec! wireless phones (and pagera) will be accepted. Pleas� visit auu website: wvrw,donationap�one.com for more informatia� on phone donation. Please mail donacions to: CALL to PROTECT c(o Mocorola 158Q E. Ellsworth Raad Ann Ar6or, MI 4diU8 There are two facers to che program, donating the phones aod requesting a donation. Atease see melow. We are currently in the process of collectin� and refurbishing wireless phones so that thcy can be pnt to use in helping victims of domestic violence. lf you know o#' organizations wishing to receive a wireless phone dnnatioo, please have tAem fonvard to us the following information via email (dalexander@ctia.org) or fax (202 467 5532}. • Nameoforganization . Gantact name • Address • Phone • Faac • E-m�il address • Carrier comganies: If you know who they sue the nan�es of wireless servicc providers in your cotnmunity whe we might coniact tn assist with a donation. The Foundation will add them to our databasa af domestiz vfolance organizations wishing to be considered for phone donations. We will fonvard the request to wireless cssrriers in ehetir area and, if rro.zs� o0z 1250 Conneciicut Avemae, n'W> Suite A00, 4h�ashingwn, DC 20036 242-7R5-0081 ui�pnaru ?62-�fi1-553? /nr 07J02i2001 16:45 WIRELESS FOUNDRTIDN � 15512668919 N0.267 D03 O 1-'?.�.� CALL TO PROTECT: WIRELESS PHONEB FOB DQMES'1"IC SAFE'�'St Every I 5 seconds, the crime of baztery occurs. Up to half of all homeless women and children are fleeing domestic violcnce. More t}uv� one ixi three Anaericans have wimessed an incident of domestic violence. Domestic violence is quicicly becoming recngnized as one of the leading problems in American society. Long considered a hidden secret, recenY z�atioaal public awazeness campaigns t�ave pushed thc issue of domestic violence into the American psyche. According to tlxe Family Violence Prevention Fund, 83 petcent of Americans consider domeseie violance an extrexnely important social issue, ranl:ing it above other issues such zs the environment, teenage alcoholism and teen pregnancy. The'Wireless Foundation's CALL to PROTECT ptogram is a natianal educational and philanthrapic pmgtam aiz�ed at combadng domestic violence. CALI� to PROTECT provides the seeurity a��d mobiGty of �vixeless phones to victuns of domestic violence, especially d�uing the transition &om livin� in an abusive situatSon to regaining safety and independence. Tha wireless phones, pre-prograiamed to diat 9l I can summon help wilh the push nf a button and assist a victim in transiYioniag &am a life of fear to a feeling of procecpon 24 hours a day. CA1,T, to PROTECT also pxovides wireless phnnes to rlomestic violence pmfessionais so �hey can reach victims, reporl cases of ahuse and cant�ct emergency �ervices -- immediateiy, if necessary, For a victim of abuso, o casewozkeT with a wireless phone can mean the difference betweeii safety tu�d hazm, beeween the start of a better liPe or irreparable physica! and psychological damage. "We ore extremely pleased to be getling this assistattce from �he wirelers industry. No1 onty zs it supporting the victims, tt als�o is helping owr advocates do therr jobs in a,nore sc�f'e and effictenr tnanner. " Maxine Bsrnett, Eueeutive Directo�, Centrall!'�innesota Taek Fnrce on ��#ered Wo�mea "7'he ways in whirh �»aeracarrs me afj'ected By donaestec vtolence is staggering. The wirele.cs industry's CALL to PROTECT inidiative is aPer, f�ect example of haw rhs business commreniry, teaming wirh private indivictr�ats and stale offrcials, can make a difference in fightinga hnrrible sociadnroA/em (ike domestYc violence. " Senator JoM MeCain (it AZ) - H77�f22001 16:45 WIRELESS FOUNDRTION 3 16512658919 IYV � GV� www.donateaph�ne.com rI� ot�S CALLtuPROT�CT Danate a Phone Frequentl� Asked Ques�ions �v�ww.donate aphone,cam am. �rir: w�rturSs FUJNGlaT10N � * � > . panemc � B.qq.�.ASHT4,.� What is the I3oaate a Phone campaiga? The Donate a Phosie campuign is an exCension of the Wiseless Foundation s CALL to PROT�CT program. CALL to PROTECT is a nationa] initiativa sponsored by the Wireless Foundation, Motorola and rhe Nationa) Coalition Against Domestic Violence (AiCf4b'V) that provides wireless phones and airtime to vietims of domestic violence. These phones offex victims instant ataess to help in an exnergency. Collection of phones began September 28, 1999. The objectiwe is to col]ect some of the estimated 24 million no longer used wireless phones from the public. Thc phones coliectcd through the T3onace A Phone campaign will be us�d to increase Yhe number of wireless plbon�es available to victi�ass in need through the CALL to PROTECT prosram, wh61e generating additianal resQUrces to suppart the NCAAV aud other organizations working to combat abuse. How do ihe phones work? AIl CALL to PROTTCT phones are pre-pTagiammed to dia1911 and one non-emergency number such as a dosaestic violeatce s�elter,l nolice non-emergency phone lin�, or a domes�.ic violeuce counse]or. J3`ow does soaaeone in need get n CALL to PR07'�C?' pleone? CALL co PRQTECT phones are disiributed Yo potentiai victims by participaung domestic violeace organi2ations, par[ioipating police departments and District AttozYCeys' offiaes. To determine if tlsere is a participating organizarion in yow carnmun'rry, please contaci a local sheker or golice agency disectly. For general infarmation about getting help foz vicricns of domestic violence, please call the N�rionat Domestic VSolence fT�tline at 1-d0U-?94-7233 or visii ti� National Coalition Against Domestic Violence at their web site, www.ncaciv.org. How do I dorrate my wtreFess plioxe? Phones can be donated by piacing the phone, battexy and charger (if available) in the mnil to: CALLtoPROTEGT c10 Motorola, Inc. 15$0 E. ElisworCh Road Ann Arbor, MI 48108 If you would like to see if Yhere is a)ocal collecrion point in your azea, p]ease'visit www.donaieaphone.com and click on "whexe to donate." Can I rnceive a tne receipt for donoting my phnae? Yes. Thc Wireless Found�rion is r� quplified SUI (0)(3) ch�uitable organizafSon, so your unused phone and yaur �laipping cosu are both tax deductible. Wheo you send in pour phona as a donarion, plaase include a written zequest for a tax receipt and be sare to include your name and address. 7'he Wireless Foundation will reA�rn an ac�Cnowledgement of your conuibution within CAIL To PROTECT The�reless Foundation R50 Connecticut Avenue. NW, Suite HOQ WashinErton. OC 2003b J..,.,. Dhonr,2Q2J85.008� fa>:.242.%7.5532 + e'77r�2i2001 16:45 WIRELESS FOUNDHTIDN � 16512658919 h0.267 D05 b �-'f,� 30 days of receipt. The Wireless Pnundation wiA not provide an estimate of the vatue of your contribution, so y�u may wish to cnnsult your tax adv'ssar m determine't�he va�ue. How care I start cotlecting phones in my cnmmxnity? 'You r.an start collecting phones in qo� community by spreading the aiessage to your friends and neighbots. Contact local businesses and ask them ta supPort CALL to PROTECT by putsing up a phone collecrion box in their affice or store. Reach out to your lncat nawspaper, radio or N sfation and ask them ta publicize the mailing address and spread the word about bow wiieless phones tbat aze no ]ongex used can help fight domesdc violence. Dn you take any wireless phone7 Yes, please send us any kand-car►ied {nat vehicle-installed) cellul�u or PCS phone tbat you no langer need, including so-caSled "bag phones" If still a�ailable, include tha phone's battery and charger. Whar djmy phone is old or doesn'i worl� Can I st�li danate ir? Even if if doesn't worZc, your old cellutar or PCS phone can still help in the fight against domestic violence. No mat4er the size, appaarance or eonciition— please know thac you will be making a difference! Newer phones in good cond'ztion tzrill be recycled and dis�ibutsd to victims. Oldei phones or phones iu need of serious repaer will be soid, with proceeds used to support the National Coalition Against Domestac Violence, other domestic vio4ence programs and [he CttLL to PRa'I'ECT pmgrazn. Can I desi;na4e that my phone wul come back to rny commanity? No, che large vohtme of phones vae ere receiving on a daily basas makes it impossible to retum a sgecific refi�rbished p]wne ro Che community where it was donated. OYar goal is to provide every victim of domestic violence in the U.S. with a wireless phone and &ee emer�ency azrtime• We aze working'with domestic violence orgzmizations, police depariments and other government and community agencies to provide CAI.L to PROT�CT phanes w communities aczoss the natyon. )s tleere o drop ojf poini in »tY cammunity? We have established parbaershi�s wi't� himdreds oF local btuinesses aoross tl�e country to pravide drop-off points for donated CAT.L to kROTECT phonea. Aetailed informatian about t�ese locations is available at our web site, w�ww.donateaphone.com. Do ?' need to be wo�ried about being charged for the airtime when ?he phon�s are rejarbrsked? No. When the phones are refiubished they are completely cleared and reprograrnmed. Free emergency airtime is provided by local wireless catriers on aU phones [ha� are distributed co viet'sms of damestic violence. Can I get priaeted progrnm maderirtts to do n tocul ca!lection? l�onste a Pbone campaign materials sueh as posters, collection boxes and tear off infarmation cards are available foi order on our web site at www.danateaphone.com. o � �sS Start a Locai Co(lection Thank you for your inierest ln organizing a"Donate a Phone" wireless phone coilecGon pmgram in your community! We wefcome your suppoR and enthusiasm as we woitc to collec[ phones naGonwide to tteip victims of domestic v�olence. How the Prceram 1NOrks AIY Wireless Phones are Neetled Program MateriaLS AvaiiaCle �onzte a Phor,e _-ma{t +lrne{e to Send Yaur CotfeCetl Phones How the Program Works � The Wireless Fountlation, wlth help from organizatlons and indrviduals across the country, is colleding no langer used wireless phones to help fight domestic violence. These phones are often a Iffeline in an emergency, providing victims with instant access to hefp. Phones colleded through this national tlonation program wiil be used to increase ihe number of wireless phones available to vic6ms in need, while generatlng addiUonal resources t0 suQport the National CoaliUOn Against Domestic volence and CALL to PROTECT. 7op AO Wireless Phones are Needed Arcy and ali wirefess phones are accepted. All makes, motlels and ages are welcome. No matter the size, look or con0ition - piease know that you will be making a difference! 7he newer phones in good condition will 6e recycled and distributed to victims. Otder phones or ohones in need of serious repair wdl be sold, wrth proceeds used to support domestic vrolence programs. Top Program Materials Availahle A variety of usefuf materials are available for the Donate a Phone program. Some tlocuments (Microsoft Word files) can be saved to your personal cOmputer and modified to meet the needs of your organization. Most word processing programs can open these files. Donate a Phone Collection !Gt - may be purchasetl at a cost ofi $12 each (inclutles shipping a�d handling). Click here ta request. Donate a Phone Information - Click beiow to tlownload. PDF files require lWU6e Acrabat to view. Click hete for free download. ff �- .e - Donate a Phone Donffiion Ta:c Receipt PDF Oonate a Phone Fact Shest Word Donate a Phone Frequently Asked Questions Word Donate a Phone Local Collection News Release Word Donate a Phone E-mail The tofiowing te# is sample e-mail used to tell people about the Donate a Phone program and how they can become invoived. This text ran be modifietl to share information about a local cotiection tlrne. - In the time it wil! take you to forvvarr/ tMS email t0 everyone you know, a victim of domestic vrolence wr!! 6e assaulted by thev partne�. !t this sadtlens o� angers you as much as it does me, you7/ 6e glad to know that there's something you can do -and it wil! cost you rtothing more than a l�ttle postage. You know that wireless cell phone you're no longe� using? The one thaYS sitting in your drawe� o� doset rrght now� !t could Gtera!!y save the lrfe of one of the 5000.p1us wcHms who a�e beaten and abused every day A natro�al program calfed "CALL to PROTECT" is lookmg to collect unused wireless phones to Oenefit victims of domestic violence CALL to PROTECT dis[nbutes new and recyGed pre- benefit vicLms of domeshc violence CALL to PR07ECTd�smbufes new an0 recycleri pre- programmed emergency wireless phortes FREE OF CHARGE fo domestrc vrotence vlctims. io fhese women, the phone serves as an emergency lifelmeene that they might not have access to otherwise. o �-�.rr Neither you no� the victim will be cha�ged for any emeigency calis made. Ail aiRime is donated by Ioca7 wireless caniers. The program is sponso2d by the Wireless Foundation, the Nationa/ Coahtion Against Domestic Violence, and MotQrola. Top Where to Send Your Coilected Phones Once you have coliected phones fn your community, business or school, we ask thai you send Ne phones antl their accessories [o the folfowing adtlress: CAII to PROTECT Go Motorola 1580 E. Ellsworth Road Ann Arbor, MI 48708 Anyone inierested in recelwng a tax recelpt for their donation should include their name, address and estimated value when sentling in the phone. Since Ihe Wireless Foundation is a non-profii organization, any shipping costs incurred are aiso tax tleductible. Te{l Us About Your Program Please keep in touch wfth us as to how your local coliedion is proceeding. We'd love to hear how many phones yo� have wllected and hope that you will shate with us any siones, photos, tocal news coverage and event details from yaur Iocal campaign. Please note: some of this infortnation may be shared as we publiaze the campalgn natfonwide. You can e-mail, fax or mail infortnation about your collection efforts to: The Wireless Fountlation 1250 ConnecGcut Ave., NW, Ste 800 Washington, DC 20Q36 Fax: 202 467 5532 foundalion@ctia.org On 6ehatf of the Wicefess Foundation, Motorola and National Coalition Against Domestic vofence, thank you for taking the fime to coorUinate this program. Together, we are saving Iives. Tag Ot-'t� Frequently Asked Questians H6W DO I GET A SF1X RSCcfYT FGR �C�AT:NG !AY PNONE? WHAT IS THE GOA� OF THE DONATE A PHONE PRCGRAM1d? N1HAT 15 THE D6NAT'e A PH6NE PROGRAM? WHERE 00 1 DONATc 2AY NIiRE_ESS PhlONE? SS SNERE A OROP-OFF PCIPJ7 IM MY COtrSUlUNiSY? CAN I CESIGYA7E TNAT AdY PHONE W!_L CCMtE BACK TQ 'r.tY COPRMI(:NITY? DO YOU TAKE nNY �AiSREL��SS °F:6�1E� 4VHAT (F MtY PHGteE IS CLO �R �CESNT �NQRK. CAN { gTIIL DO�A78 lT? H04'V pOES SDMEONc Ii� NE�D GET A CALL TO =ROTECT AHONE? HON! 00 THc ?NONES WORK? CD'JLD i BE CY.ARGED FOR ANY AiftTihtE iNHEV 7HE PHGNES ARE REFUft81SHE;:? HOW CAN l START COLiEC?iNG PHONES IN f'AY COM�4iUNITY� CAN 1 GET PftIN'ES} ?ftOGftA^A N1ATE�1AlS? HOW DO i GET A TAX RECc1FT FOR DONATIAiG 111Y PiiOAIE? '!he Wireless Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 orqanization, so your phone and assOCiatetl shippirn� expenses are typicaily tax-0etluc[ible. If you have donated a phone and wouttl like a receipt, you can click here to pnnt one. The Fountlation makes no determination of the value of your gift, and you should consult your tax advisor regarding the taz effects of your gift. Top 4VHAT IS THE GOAL OF THE DONATE A PHONE PROGRAM? The goai of the pmgram is to collect old wireless phones to expand the wireiess industry's program to comtrat domestic violence. F�cperts esUmate there are more than 24 miilion inactive phones in the U.S. This program is made possible thanks to the generous conVibutions of CT1A member companies. Since '1996, Motorola has donatetl over 17,�00 phones and 74 wireless service providers have donated free emergency airtime to domestic violence vidims. For more information, click here. rop WHAT IS TIiE DONATE A PHONE PROGRAM? Donate a Phone is a national wireless phone colledion drive designed to provide domestic violence victims and organizations with one ot the most powerfuV tools in the fight against tlomestic vfolence...a wireless phone. The program is a padnership befween the Wireless Fountlation, the_Nahonai Coai�tio_n AgainsY Domestic Violence antl Motorola who have worked together since �996 to provlde free phones to victims of domesUc violence through the CALI to PROTEGT program. Free emergency airtime is donated hy CTIA rtremoer yrire!ess sesvtice p�oviders. 7op WHERE DO { DONATE MY WIR�LESS PHONE? Phones can be donated by placing the phone, trattery antl charger (if availabie) in the mail to: CALL to PROTECT do Motoroia , 1580 E. Eilsworth Road Ann A(bor, Ml 48108 If you would like a receipt for your donation, please inclutle your name anQ address with your donation. If you would like to see if there �s a local collection point in your area, ctick hese. If you would hke to start a focal collection, click here. To expedite the delivery of phones, you may sh)p phones directly to Motorola in Ann Arbor, MI. Top IS THERE A DROP-OFF POINT M MY COMMUNITY? We are establishing partnerships with hundreds of locat businesses across the country to provide drop-off points fo� donatetl CALL to PROTECT phones. 7o see it [here is a Iocai co0ection pofnt in your area, Gick here. Top 0 � -!2 !'S� CAN I DESI6NATE THAT MY PHONE WILL COME BACK TO MY COMMUNITY? The large volume of phones we are receiving on a daily basis makes it impossible to retum a specific refutbisnetl phone to She community where it was tlonatetl. Our goal is to provide every victim of domestic violence in the U.S. wdh a wiretess phone and free emergency airtime. We are working wiih tlomestic violence organizations, poiice tlepartments antl other govemment and communiry agencies to provitle CALL to PR07ECT phones to communities across ihe nation. , DO YOU TAKE ANY WIRELESS PHONE? Yes, please send us any wireless phone you no longer need. If stiii avaiiabie, inciude the phone's battery and chargec Any and all wireless phones are accepted. All makes. models antl ages are welcome. No matter the size, look or condition - please know that you will be making a diflerence! The newer phones in good condiGon wiil be recydetl and distributed to victims. Older phones or phones in need of serious repair wiq be sold, with proczeds used to support the Natio�a( Coaliqon Against Domestic Volence and other domestic viofence pragrams. Top WHAT IF MY PHONE IS OLD OR DOESN'T WORK. CAN I STILL QONATE IT? Yes, still send it We wili do o�r best to refurbish the phones and any phones that can't be fixed will be sold with proceeds benefiting CALL to PROTEC7 and other tlomestic violence prevention effoAS. Tap HOW DOES SOMEONE iN NEED GET A CALL TO PROTECT PFiONE? CALL to PROTECT phones are distnbuted to potential vidims by participating loral domestic violence organizations and police deparVnents. To tletermine if the2 is a participating organization in your community, please contact a local shelter or police agency direct(y. For general information about getting he4p for a victim of domestic violence, please cali the National Domestic Votence Hotline at'I-S00-799-7233 or visit ihe National Coalition Against Domestic Violence at www.ncadv.org. Top NOW DO THE PHONES WORK? All CALL to PROTECT phones are pre-progremmed to dia19�'I antl usually one orrivo non-emergency numbers tike a domesiic violence shelter. Free emergency airtime is donatetl by members ot the Cellular Telecommunlcations & Intemet Association (CTIA). 7op COULD I BE CHARGED FOR ANY AIRT{ME WHEN THE PHONES ARE REFURBISHED? No. When the phones a2 returbished they are completely cleared and reprogrammed. Phones that are disVibuted to vicfims of domestic violence are given free emetgency airtime by local wireless cairiers. Tap HOW CAN 1 START COLLECTING PHONES IN MY COMMUNITY? You can staR co�lecting phones in your community by spreading the message to your friends and neighbors. Go to locaf businesses and ask them to support CALL fo PROTECT by putting up a phone collection box in their office or store. Contad your loca{ newspaper, radio or N station antl ask them to publicize the mailing address and spread the word about how no longer used wirefess phones can help fight domestic violence. For adtlitional information on how to get started. click here. Top CAN 1 GET PRINTED FRaGRAM MATERtALS? 'Donate a Phone" pnnted materials are available. To request posters piease �ck here for detaiis. Top