01-754ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Council File # O���Sy Green Sheet # ( � � � �s RESOLUTION CITY �F SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA a� Date WHEREAS, Chapter 5.02 of the Saint Paul Adtninistrative Code authorizes the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to dispose of surplus City properiy and sets forth the procedures governing the sale or donation of such property; and WHEREAS, the Division of Contract and Analysis Services receives surplus personal computers, printers and other electronic equipment from various City departments and offices from time to time to dispose of in accordance with City policies; and WHEREAS, said Division has received a request from the local non-profit organization, "Computers For Schools Program" asking for donations of surplus computers which the organization repairs and redistributes to Minnesota schools in need of computer equipment; and WHEREAS, the donation of such computers to the Computers For Schools Program would further the CiTy's goals for reusing and recycling City properiy wherever possible and for supporting public education, and, therefore, would serve a public purpose; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City Council hereby authorizes the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to dispose of surplus City computers by donating such computers to the Computers For Schools Program as it deems appropriate; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Division of Contract and Analysis Services reserves the right to dispose of surpins computer equipment by other methods or donate eq�zipment to other organizations from time to time as it may be in the best interests of the City; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said organization shall take responsibility for picking up the surplus properiy from City premises in a manner and in accordance with the time lines mutually agreed upon with the Division of Contract and Analysis Services, and shall bear all costs associated with the removal and transportation of the designated surplus property and agrees to accept the property as is; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon the donarion, the City shall have no fitrther responsibility far said property and sha11 not provide any warranty, maintenance, repair, technicai assistance, or any other kind of ongoing support, nor assume any costs that may be related to the ongoing use of the property by the donee organization. - ���� ORlG1NAL o �-'�`t � a er�' Requested by Department of: ii II iUl—�� ' " Adopted by Council: Date ° a��'� Adoption ert ied by Council Secretary Technology & Manaaement Services- Contract & Analvsis Services BY � \�"��'��� `�7�� "���.`-�- ���� �f� �/ Form Approved by City Attorney By: ..,�„�.�'L//�'�, �/�/�! Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: a4 By. � N' Approved by Mayor: Date � � Contract � Analysis Duane Kroll or Susan Eeuerherm 6/7/O1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET r• -+'r-�a--r,� V bt-'IS� No 107328 tim.unm. rnrcouea � MVAlfM1EY � ❑ QIt COK ❑ /MWCMLfQYICFJOR. ❑ NYMCYLIFM�CCf6 � YYORI�YiRMI�) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve two resolutions authorizing the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to donate surplus City property to non-profit organizations. One resolution authorizes the donation of computer equipment to computers in the schools and the second authorizes the donation of cell phones to the Donate a Phone pxogram of the WirelessEoundation. The resolutins provide the authority to donate, but do not mandate that donations occur. The Citv would still have the ability to use other methods.of surplus disposal. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has tnia v�� ever workee untler a ainract ramis aevamnem? YES NO Flas q9s pxeoMkm ever been a dly empbyee9 YES NO Doec Mic OeisaiRirm P� a sldl not namely'POSSessetl M a�Y wrrent dty empbyee? YES NO Ia tlun persaufirm a faz{Kted verdort VES NO gam � vec a�mwcvs on cemrate eheet anU adacfi to araen aheM The City replaces its computeX equipment periodically and the old equipment must be disposed in accordance with State statutes and City policy. The Division of Contract and Analysis is endeavoring to increase the options available for surplus disposal so it will be possible to select the most b'eneficial option in a particular situation. The CAS Division will have the opportunity to transfer equipment to when it is in the City's best interests to do so. {�,'�fiJ��L.i�� t'°�: it:�• �ri-profit organzat aD��. .9. e� &.i;°�' 1 � 4 2�0'; DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED These donation options will not be available. OF TRANSACTION S CITY ATTORNEY COET/RE�EMUE BUDQETID (qRCLE ONE) VES NO ACTVITV NUMBER fIX�M Bonnie Lundgren - Computers for Schools Page 1 From: "Diane Foiey" <DFOLEY@stw.doc.state.mn.us> To: <bonnie.lundgren@ci.stpaul.mn.us7 Date: 4/3/01 827AM Subject: Computers for Schoois O l -�S4 Bonnie Thank you for your consideration of Minnesota Computers for Schools. We are determined to place your donated equipment in the classrooms of Minnesota's kids, where it will have the greatest impact. We have piaced over 25,500 computers in Minnesota's schools at no cost to the schools. Attached please find our ponation Standards 8 Restrictions, a Donation Summary Form for you to fiii out and fax back, and the directions to our Stillwater facility drop off site. Please cali me when you are ready to make a donation. If you have any questions, feei free to call me at 651-779-2816. Diane Foiey, Office Manager Computers for Schools Program 651-779-2816 dfoley@stw.doc.state.mn. us �ae- ���.� A hi �q� oaQf� o�-�sy MINNESOTA COMPUTERS FOR SCHOOLS PROGRA.M ONATION TANDARDS STRICTIONS PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT THIS PROGRAM WORKS BEST WHEN WE RECEIVE EQUIPMENT THAT HAS NOT BEEN STRIPPED OF CRITICAL PARTS, I.E. HARD DRIVES, RAM, MOTHERBOARDS OR CENTRAL PROCESSING CHIPS. OUR GOAL IS TO PROVIDE MINNESOTA SCHOOL CHILDREN MORE AND BETTER TECHNOLOGY THAN MANY NOW ENJOY. WE APPRECIATE YHOUR DONATION ANA YOUR COOPERATION. WE WILL GLADLY ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING": SVGA WORKING COLOR MONITORS PENTIUM CLASS COMPUTERS POWERPGREADY MACINTOSH (OR BETTER) INKJET AND LASER PRINTERS PERIPHERALS(MICE,TRACKBALLS,KEYBOARDS) CD-ROM DRtvES, RAM EXPANSION CARDS (SOUND, VIDEO, & NETWORK) UNFORTUNATELY, VYE ARE NOT ABLE TO ACCEPT: MONOCHROME MONITORS (BLACK & WHITE) WoRKSTaTioN CRT's CGA (OR POORER) MONITORS OF ANY KIND 9-PIN COIVNECTION MONITORS AT EITHER END OF CABLE COMPUTERS WITH LESS THAN PENTIUM-LEVEL PROCESSORS TERMINAL OR WORKSTATION KEYBOARDS (NON-PC CONNECTORS� DOT-MATRIX PRINTERS MACINTOSH/APPLE IPS OR OLDER * FOR MINJ-MAINFRAMES, SERVERS, ROUTERS, ETC. PLEASE CALL COMPUTERS FOR SCHOOLS STAFF FOR DETAILS. ON OCCASION, WILL BE ABLE TO PLACE THESE IN SCHOOLS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. DROP OFF LOCATION: COMPUTERS FOR SCHOOLS PROGRAM MCF-STILLWATER 970 PICKETT STREET NORTH BAYPORT, MN 55003-1490 �" CFSRP.�FFICE: (651�779-2816 PHONE (651) 351-3606 Fnx o � -�sy Minnesota Computers for Schools Program DONATION SUMMARY FORM Please fax this completed form to 6�1-351-3606 Company: Date: Contact name: Delivery Date Phone: Fax: Address: Equipment Tvae uanti Pentiums Power Macs Laptops Other Total Computers SVGA monitors Mac color monitors Total Monitors Laser printers Ink/Bubble jet printers Total Printers Motherboards Keyboards Mice Hazd Drives CD-ROM SIMM's Modems Network or other cards Other Number of Pailets: Computers for Schools Program, MCF-Stillwater, 970 Pickett Street North, Bayport, MN 55003-1490 p:651-779-281b, f:651-351-3606 Minnesota Computers for Schools Donation Instructions ° `��` S � Please bring your donation to our drop-off location at the Minnesota Correctional FacilityStillwater. The prison is actually within the small town of Bayport. Please follow the directions below to the warehouse. Any uniformed staff will direct you to the appropriate location to drop-off your equipment. After your donation, call us at the number below and we will generate a receipt and send it to you. Thank you ahead of time for your generous support of the program! Minnesota Correctional Facility-Stillwater Phone: 651-779-2816 Minnesota Computers for Schools Fax: 651-351-3606 970 Pickett Street North Bayport, MN 55003-1490 From I-94 head north on highway 95. Go through Bayport. Take left at "Shortcut to Hwy 36 WesY' sign. Institution will be on your left. At the "T" intersection, take left on Stagecoach Trail. Take 1 left through metal gates onto prison grounds. Warehouse is ahead approximately 250 yards. From Hwy 36 (Heading East): Take tt,e exit to tne °� Shortcut to 95 South off-ramp. At the stop sign, turn right on Beach Road and follow curve to left. At stop sign, turn right onto Stagecoach Trail. Bear right and go over slight hill. Institution will be on your left. Go approximately 500 yards, take the first left through metal gates onto prison grounds. Warehouse is ahead approximately 250 yards. From Stillwater go south on Hwy 95. The 2" right past overpass is Pickett Ave. Turn right onto Pickett Ave. Turn right at stop sign keeping the institution on your left. At the "T" intersection, go left on Stagecoach Trail. Take 1 left through metal gates onto prison grounds. Warehouse is ahead approximately 250 yards. Warehouse Receiving Hours: 8:00-10:30a.m. (and) 12:00-2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday NOTE: No one under the age of 18 will be allowed to enter the facility. No weapons, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, cell-phones allowed within the institution. o�-�sy 61'I'1/0� I'126 LaurieBoyce (KARE]ARCHIVE.2001.MAYA04-'I COMPUTER Paae Ta! Siuq Ydeo Shot Graphio-lnfo Time VTR# CG Back6me �A04 � �RI, C j �COMPUTER � iS OTNO ; :FkJLL � � ; +0:10 ! L� +OK � �0:00 I Tage# 'done I TimeCode i Tf2ttrts '20 Date: ;5/20l0'I 20:Q4 Source i Mod. bv irtr [SOi' FULL][ C. - 2:01:21 - TAPE 7] [CONT. VO/RICK] -(SOT FUtL}- » it disturbed me, how that cauid get out! How much other infoRnation is on their computers? -{Ct3NT. VQIRICK}- »WHAT PEOPLE CAN LEARN ABOUT YOU_. BY DIGGING INTO YOUR OLD COMPUTER... IS TONIGHTS TQP STORY. 6�-�sy 8I11/0'! 1129, Laune Boyce (KARE]ARCHIVE.2001.MAY A14 -1 JON OUT Pa e Tal Slua Video Shot Gra�hic-Info Time VTR# CG Backfime A�4 iJON � ;JON OUT WALL-HARDDRIVE ';JON ; ID'20 I�_I i OK ! 10:00 Tabe# ' ' TimeCade ! lRuns % !, Date: ;520l01 21:33 Source i Mod. bv �rG WALL-.ION AQ LB OUT ������ {WALUJ(}N AD LtB dU7� WE ASKED THE ClTY HOW MANY OF (TS OLD COMPUTERS ARE OUT THERE WiTH dATA STfLL ON THEM. THEY DON'T KNOW, BUT ASSURE US THEY'VE NOW GOT MUCN T[GHTER CONTROLS. tF YOU'D L(KE MORE tNFO, ON HOW TO GET DATA ERASING SOFTWARE, OR NOW TO GtVE YOUR OLD P-C Td THE SCHOOLS, GO TQ KARE 11 DOT COM FOR LINKS. o�-�s4 s�T AT » Well I think somebody down there has to be spanked! RRac� [SOT FULL - KARL KAISER][TAPE 6 - 1:01:52] [TRRCK) [SOT FULL - KARL KAISER][TAPE 6 - 1:05:14 � � •- • �_ � ���� �� ,i�, �. _.�-e � __ x [TRACK] --� » THE CITY CONCEDES THESE COMPUTERS lEFT THE PUBLIG SERVICE CENTER DOWNTOWN, WITNOUT HAVING THElR HARD DRIVES ERASED.. IN VlOLATION OF CITY POLICY. -(S4T Ft1ll)-�CITY TEGHNQLOGY- GIiY] » I think a mistake was made. _(� » KARL KA(SER BECAME THE CIT1^S CH(EF OF TECHNOLOGY LAST YEAR.. "`AFTER* THE COMPUTERS IN QUES7IQN WERE DONATED. -(S�JT �'ULL��jGt1"`f TEGNittflL:O�Y Gt1�'j » Not knowing the exact circumstance, t can just suppase that they disconnected those machines, and they stood around, a� �� by the time �iey wera rea�y to pe disposed, nabody thought of it. -{TC2A��}-� » THE SAFEST APPROACH IS WHAT THEY DO IN STILLWATER.. PERMANENTLY SCRUB TNE HARD DRIVE.. THAT'S WHY ONTRACKAND OTHER COMPANIES SELL DISK-ERASING SOFTWARE YOU CAN USE AT HOME. [SOT FULL-REINERT][TAPE 8- 3:19:43] -�St"�T FULL}-[�}!M REIMEF�Tj » Clean up after yourself! Ha! Computers are very good at storing data, so you have to take an e�ra step to rea(fy get rid of the data. (TRACK) [NATS - VOICE TO BE READ][ marian.doc ] --(TRACK)- » OTHERW(SE.. IT MAY COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU. -{SOT �IATS)-[W(3iViAN'S �IOtGEJ » My boss is a drunk and the daily rfloods are enough to send you to the moon! ot-�sy NATS - TO BE VOICED] [DISK 2, Overtime. doc] -(SOT NAi'S}-[MALE VOtCE} » O.T. musf be authorized in advance. jNATS - TO BE VQICED] [OUTLOOK - Re: Nice Day 516198] [TRACK] DISK 2 - Retirement.doc DISK 3- Goofy.jpg, Mickey.jpg, Pluto.jpg DAILY PRAYER - Outlook Mail - 6/24/99 DISK 3- Ciient URL Cache.doc LOAD WEB SITES, SHUFFLE THRQUGH [SOT FULL - RElNERT] [TAPE 8 - 3:17:07) [TRACK] QISK 2 - Account.mdb • �: .,- s �: • � •- � 3 _ _ �� e • 5 �n ���_� �� �,;,a �;� � �-�_ --�t -,f �q:-== - -(SOT_NATS)-[FEMACE VQtCEj » I went to lunch already. Did not want to come back fo work. —(TRRCK}_ » MIXED WITH TNAT.. PARTY INVITATIONS, VARIOUS DISNEY CNARACTERS, INSPlRATIONAL ANIMRTIQN.. AND A RECORD OF EVERY WE$ Sli`E THIS WORKER VISITED.. LOWEST FARES.COM, APARTMENT-FIND, PUBLISHER'S CLEARINGHQUSE, ETCETERA ETCETERA. -{st��r �t�u.)�.��m ��3t���tr - c�� » There are many traces left on your computer. Every time you edit a file, every time you surfi a web page, fhese traces remain on your computer. --{TR,?��K)-- » AND THiS IS THE CLINCHER.. A DATABASE WlTH THE NAMES, ADDRESSES AND ACCOUNT NUMBERS OF 330 DIFFERENT WATER Ct1STOMERS, 1NCLUDiNG BRiAN W08BEKfNG. -{SQT.Fl3Ll.}-�BRtAht Wt7SBEKIi�G� » If this information's out there, who's to say there isn't more information on another database on another compufer? Another file, somewhere else? (SOT FULL - CALLERSTROMj ['fape 7- -(SOT FtfLL)-jTE[3 Cfi,LLERSTRQMJ 2:04:38j » They didn'f even erase the hard drive, then? [i"RACK] --(TREtGK}-- » TED CALLERSTROM'S ACCOUNT DISK 2- Cutoff.mdb NUMBER ALSO SHOWS UP ONE OF 7HE STRAY CITY FlLES. [SOT FULL] -¢SOT Fk1Lt}-j7"ED CALLERSTFL�M] 8�-�Sy 61'ill041128. Laurie FOLDER MAY Al2 - fCOMPUTER #6] jDISK 6 - Resume.doc, BevRev.doc, Eyes.doc [SOT/NATS] [DISK 6 - Sensitive.docj [TRACK] [NATS - VOICE TO BE READ]jbeth.docj [TRACKj • - •• : c .. � . �. . -_ A� � ��'� � ;�'. ___ �;5 s�'*�e [TRACKJ jDlSK 2, fempiate.mdb, DISK 3 Diane Time.xis, Microsoft Ouflook - Mail Sent List [NATS - TO BE VOICEDj [QISK 2, Scolding.doc] [NATS - TO BE VOIGED] [OUTLOOK - Re:Practice 5/14l98] OWNER'S 1991 TAX RETURN ON IT, COMPLETE WITH H!S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER.. AND BURIED INSIDE THAT LITTLE PORTABLE? A RESUME, A PERFORMANCE REVIEW, A BUSINESS PLAN FOR A NEW EYE WEAR SHOP, AND SQME VERY PERSONAL LETTERS. -{S07 N,4T8}-EWOMAN'S !f(3ECEj » I am also on the side of the bank thaf is run by an egomaniac. --(7"RAGK}_ » SHE ALSO DISHED HER HUBBY'S FUDGE RECIPE. -(5�T #�ATS)-[NlOMR1!I'S Vt}tGE� » My sides are still aching from laughing. You have never seen such a dried ouf piece of nothing in afi your life! —(�'Rl�Gi�j-- » Bt1T THE BIGGEST SHQCK OF ALL.. TWO OF OUR SECOND HAND COMPUTERS ONCE BELONGED TO TNE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS UTfLlTY 8lLLlNG OFFICE. -(SUT FI.iLL�-[,3114t R�il+lERT, UhITl�A�Kj »!n this sample of computers, there was NO effort made to delete the data. The data, just by turning on the computer, the data was availabie! —(TRAGK)- » THAT INCLUDES OFFICIAL BILLING FOf2MS.. EMPLOYEE TIME SHEETS.. SCORES OF E-MAILS AND MEMO'S.. -(S(3T NATS)�-jMALE VOICE� » 7here is a problem with sfaff coming fo training late. -�sor r���s}-��'��natE v€�rcE7 _ » One m�� day left until TGIF Friday!!�! o�-�5y 6/'11101'11:25, LaurieBoyce [KARE]ARCHlVE.200'I.MAYA'12-3 HARDDRIVE jTRACK] —(T-fiRGK)— » WE ALSO HIT SECOND HAND SHOPS.. [P.P.L. BUYS - TAPE 1-1:03:18] AT ONE IN SAlNT PAUL, WE SCORED A COMPAQ DESlC PRO, AND A COMPA{2 [GOODWILL BUYS - TAPE 2- 2:0537] PRO-LINEA.. .. WE ROLLED OUT OF A THRlFT STORE IN LAUDERDALE WlTk� TWO MORE GEMS.. SOMETHING CALLEQ AN (SALVATION ARMY - TAPE 4- 9:01:37] EVEREX.. AND A 1984'S PORTABLE.. WE WRAAPED UP THE SPREE !N [SOTiNATS - DOLLY WHEELj[TAPE 4 - 1:02:29j . ',�1a�:I�:lI (SOT/NATS - CHUCI(I [TAPE 4 -1:05:45] jTRACK] [SOTtNATS]["fAPE 4 -1:18:24] MtNNEAPOLIS.. WITN A AN OLD EXPRESS BRAND COMPUTER, WE PICKED UP FOR TWO DOLlARS. -(S(7T �iA7S�-[Dt3L�.Y U�fHE�t GUT-tN� » Wheel Sound --(TRqGK}� » WE HAULED ALL SIX OF THEM TO ONTRACK DATA INTERNATIONAL IN EDEiV PRAIR(E.. -(SC}T (4tATS)-�GHUCiC THE't'ECFf�tiCtfii�i� » Teil �e they bought t�is a iong tirr�e ago! --{TRt�Gl4j-- » CHUCK CHRISTOPERSON CRACKEQ �PEN THE OLD BOXES ONE 8Y ONE, AND SNAGGED THEIR HARD DRIVES.. THAT WAS THE EASY PART.. THE NEXT STEP.. WHAT ONTRACK'S KNOWN FOR AROUND THE WORLD, WAS TO TAP INTO THOSE DRIVES, AND RETRfEVE THE DATA. -�St3T NA'fS)-�JAS�t�i'THE TEGHN[GffiNl » Whafever original files were on here from the user are probably stiN there. [SOT/NATS - CD ROM DRIVEj[TO BE -(Sf3T NATS}-[CC3 4�E}Nt# SHQT] » Diskt�Joise [TRACKI --(Tt�A�K}-- » STILL THERE.. IN A BIG WAY.. jRECOVERY ANIMATIONj [TO BE SHOT] THOUSANDS OF FILES.. SOME PRETTY [COMPUTER #5] SENSITNE.. REMEMB�R TFtAT OLD HYl1NDA1? IT STILL HAS TNE ORIGINAL �t-�sy 6/'IV01 i128, Laurie6oyce [KAREjARCHIVE.20�1.MAYA�2-2 HAR�DRIVE [SOT/NATS -HITS DELETEj[PIC Tape 7 - -jSOT �VAFS}-jHiTS DEtETEj 02:13:16, SOUND Tape 8- 3:05:55 ] » Key Sound [SQT FULL - JC PART 3j [TAPE 7- -(SQT FULL}-[STANDUP=PART 3-F[LE 02:16:50] tEAVE SGREENj » And you can watch them disappear, but that data's really still on your computer. [SOT/NATS - RLE OPENS] (TAPE 7- -(SOT I�iATS}-[NATS FILE GABi1�fETj 02:17:03] » Door Sound [SOT FULL - JC PART 4](TAPE 7- -(SQT'FU�.L)-[STANi1EJP FARF 4j 02:19:18] » It's like removing the names from ali these files [SOT/NATS - LABELSj[TAPE 8- Shot at -(St3T 1�ii�.TS}-[EABELS YAhlKE[3 AT H[GH 3:01:54, Sound at 3:02:16j SPEEDj » Label Sound [SOT FULL - STANDUP 5] [TAPE 8 - 03:04:39] -(sea� �u��.}-��ra��v�up ���r �� » The labei's are gone, but the information's still here. I just don't know exacily where to find it. [SOT/NATS - STACKING][TAPE 1 - 1:16:42j [fRACK] [SQT/NATS]jTAPE 2 - 2:01:10] [TRACK) [SOT/NATS][CAMCORDER DU8 TAPE] -�SC3T i�IATS)-[�t�CYCLt�iC`., C�AI�'EFt� » Loading Monitors --(T€��K}.-- » T4 PROVE THE PQINT, WE NEEDED SOME TECNNO TRASH.. THE KIND OF STUFF PEOPLE BRING TO THE HENPlEP1N COUNTY RECYCLING CENTER.. RELICS LIKE THIS OLQ HYUNDAI 16-X.. -{SCJT N}�TS}-�Jflt F2U��� » He just told me to get rid of it. —(T�tACK}-- » ONE OF JOHN RUEF'S FORMER TEP}ANTS LEFT IT SEHlND, BUT HE AGREED TO LET US BORROW IT FOR OUR EXPEf21MENT. -(S4T t�iATS)-LOPENING dEEP C?QOR] » Door Sound � � --�Sy 6/71/091928 LaurieBoyce (KARE]ARCH1VE20DLMAYAl2-1 HARDDRIVE Pasae Tal Slua Vdeo Shot Graphi�info Time � CG Backtime �,A72 ; //lI � I +HARD DRIVE � ;PKG � �FULL ; I I 5:00 � V-� 1'1 I '� '0:00 ( Taoe# !10562 � TimeCode .16:09 TRuns '4;55 � Date: 52�/01 19:46 Source ' Mod. W-� jTAKE SQT PKG] [NATS - PRlSON WQRKSHQP] [TAPE 2] -(TAKE-SQT PKG)- » [NATS - WORK BENGH] » TOOL NOISE [TRACK] —(TRACt�— » WITHIN THE STILLWATER PRISON, YOU'!L FlND THE SANfTtZlNG ROOM.. THE F1RST STOP FC}R THOUSANDS OF COMPUTERS DONATED TO SCHOOLS. . � . �. . ��al •;�y-.��=,-� �a 'ta�a� i .�=-g•._s _. _ _ - ._. �+a ,��� �. �_ �s � � ti -(soz Fuc.��-��zrsot� �u� » Everyone's concemed about fhe same thing. They're concerned the data they may or may not have left on their computer is going to be protected. (TRACK] [YANKING Dt2NES - TAPE 4] --(TR�Ctf}— » SO.. STAFF MEMBERS PULL THE COMPUTER'S DtSK DRIVE, WHERE PRlVATE DATA'S STDRED.. AND, USING SPECIAL SOFTWARE, THEY ELECTRONICALLY SCRUB AWAY ALL TRACES OF THE PREVIOUS OWNER. jSOT/NATS - DAVE][TAPE 3- 3:03:15] -(Sf}�'.N��f'S�-[ST�FFEfi Dtkt�Ej » This overwrites it seven times! [TRACK] --(TE2AGK}- » WHY GO TO SUCH EXTREMES? BECRUSE DEEP, DOWN INStDE, COMPUTERS NEVER FORGET A THING. [SOT FULL - JC PART 1] [TAPE 7- 02:07:06] <02:0736> - - NATS OF CRINKLES [SOT/NATS - SHRED](fAPE 7 - 02:08:04] -(SC3T FULL�-ISTAN�UP P�4RT 1j » it used to be pretty easy to destroy an old documenf (feeds shredder) -{SClT PtATS}-[PAPER tf�tTO SHREBDERj » Shredding Sound [SOT FULL - JC PRRT 2][TAPE 7- -(SG1T FtlLL}-jSTAt�tDUP PAi�T 2j 02:12:30] » But computers aren't that simple. Sure, you can delete your unwanted files with just a key stroke. 01-�5� 611110� 1128, LaurieBoyce (KARE]ARCHIVE.204�.MAYA�O- 1 SLATE Pasae Tal Sluo �deo Shot Graohic-Info Time VTR# CG Backtims iA�O I 'DII A I SLA7E i�SST ; IFULL I j � 10:10 I �� K (0:00 i Ta� i i TimeCode � TRuns ' + Date: I52Q/01 27:37 ! Source � ' Mod. bv � [TRKE SST/D(ANA] [TAKE SOT PKG] » IN TON(GHTS EXTRA... YOU'D BE AMAZED WHAT KIND OF PERSONAL TRAlL YOU LEAVE ON A COMPUTER, EVEN IF YOU "THINK* YOU'VE ERASED EVERYTHING. KARE 11'S JOHN CROMAN PUTS TNE 'DELETE' KEY TO THE TEST AND THE RESULTS ARE SURPRISING. -{'FAKE SQT PKGJ"= 6ti-�Sy 6H1/0� 1127, LaurieBoyce jKARE]ARCHIVE2001.MAYA08-1 EXTRAIN Paqe Tal Siva Ydeo ShaY Graohiclnfo Time VTR# CG 8acktime !A08 i IDIA � iEXTRA IN ; j j iOTS -EXTRA ;�0:16 ;;_� '�OK � 0:00 i Taoe# I '�meCode � ! Runs ��i Date: '520/01 2136 Source I I Niod. bv � OTS-DIANA » IF YOUR PERSONAL lNFQRMATlON ENQS UP IN THE WRONG HANDS... YOU COULD END UP WlTH THOUSANDS OF QdLLARS IN BILLS, RUiNED CREDIT... OR EVEN A CRIMINAL RECORD. IT'S CALLED IDENTITY THEFT... AND ITS INCREASED 20-FQLD IN THE PAST DECADE. a�_�s� 6l�1/0111:26, LaurieBoyce [KRRE]ARCNIVE.20Q1.MAYA06-� HARDIN Paae Tal Slua �deo Shot Graohic-Info Time VTR# CG Backtime !A06 � IRID 1�HARD IN i�2-SHOT !� i 0:1Q I � K :OQ�� i 7a #; ! TimeCode ! TRuns ; i Date: Sf20/01 19:33 Source i � Mod. bv ;r� 2SHOT/RfCK 2SHOTlDlANA » THANKS FQR JOtNING US. AMERICANS WILL dISCARD SOME 200 MILLION C�MPUTERS IN THE NEXT FEW YEARS. ZSHQT/DlAAlR ?> THE OQQS ARE PRETt"Y NIGH YQUR OWN P-C WILL ONE DAY W(ND UP (N THE NANDS OF STRANGERS. ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Council File # O���Sy Green Sheet # ( � � � �s RESOLUTION CITY �F SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA a� Date WHEREAS, Chapter 5.02 of the Saint Paul Adtninistrative Code authorizes the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to dispose of surplus City properiy and sets forth the procedures governing the sale or donation of such property; and WHEREAS, the Division of Contract and Analysis Services receives surplus personal computers, printers and other electronic equipment from various City departments and offices from time to time to dispose of in accordance with City policies; and WHEREAS, said Division has received a request from the local non-profit organization, "Computers For Schools Program" asking for donations of surplus computers which the organization repairs and redistributes to Minnesota schools in need of computer equipment; and WHEREAS, the donation of such computers to the Computers For Schools Program would further the CiTy's goals for reusing and recycling City properiy wherever possible and for supporting public education, and, therefore, would serve a public purpose; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City Council hereby authorizes the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to dispose of surplus City computers by donating such computers to the Computers For Schools Program as it deems appropriate; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Division of Contract and Analysis Services reserves the right to dispose of surpins computer equipment by other methods or donate eq�zipment to other organizations from time to time as it may be in the best interests of the City; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said organization shall take responsibility for picking up the surplus properiy from City premises in a manner and in accordance with the time lines mutually agreed upon with the Division of Contract and Analysis Services, and shall bear all costs associated with the removal and transportation of the designated surplus property and agrees to accept the property as is; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon the donarion, the City shall have no fitrther responsibility far said property and sha11 not provide any warranty, maintenance, repair, technicai assistance, or any other kind of ongoing support, nor assume any costs that may be related to the ongoing use of the property by the donee organization. - ���� ORlG1NAL o �-'�`t � a er�' Requested by Department of: ii II iUl—�� ' " Adopted by Council: Date ° a��'� Adoption ert ied by Council Secretary Technology & Manaaement Services- Contract & Analvsis Services BY � \�"��'��� `�7�� "���.`-�- ���� �f� �/ Form Approved by City Attorney By: ..,�„�.�'L//�'�, �/�/�! Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: a4 By. � N' Approved by Mayor: Date � � Contract � Analysis Duane Kroll or Susan Eeuerherm 6/7/O1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET r• -+'r-�a--r,� V bt-'IS� No 107328 tim.unm. rnrcouea � MVAlfM1EY � ❑ QIt COK ❑ /MWCMLfQYICFJOR. ❑ NYMCYLIFM�CCf6 � YYORI�YiRMI�) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve two resolutions authorizing the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to donate surplus City property to non-profit organizations. One resolution authorizes the donation of computer equipment to computers in the schools and the second authorizes the donation of cell phones to the Donate a Phone pxogram of the WirelessEoundation. The resolutins provide the authority to donate, but do not mandate that donations occur. The Citv would still have the ability to use other methods.of surplus disposal. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has tnia v�� ever workee untler a ainract ramis aevamnem? YES NO Flas q9s pxeoMkm ever been a dly empbyee9 YES NO Doec Mic OeisaiRirm P� a sldl not namely'POSSessetl M a�Y wrrent dty empbyee? YES NO Ia tlun persaufirm a faz{Kted verdort VES NO gam � vec a�mwcvs on cemrate eheet anU adacfi to araen aheM The City replaces its computeX equipment periodically and the old equipment must be disposed in accordance with State statutes and City policy. The Division of Contract and Analysis is endeavoring to increase the options available for surplus disposal so it will be possible to select the most b'eneficial option in a particular situation. The CAS Division will have the opportunity to transfer equipment to when it is in the City's best interests to do so. {�,'�fiJ��L.i�� t'°�: it:�• �ri-profit organzat aD��. .9. e� &.i;°�' 1 � 4 2�0'; DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED These donation options will not be available. OF TRANSACTION S CITY ATTORNEY COET/RE�EMUE BUDQETID (qRCLE ONE) VES NO ACTVITV NUMBER fIX�M Bonnie Lundgren - Computers for Schools Page 1 From: "Diane Foiey" <DFOLEY@stw.doc.state.mn.us> To: <bonnie.lundgren@ci.stpaul.mn.us7 Date: 4/3/01 827AM Subject: Computers for Schoois O l -�S4 Bonnie Thank you for your consideration of Minnesota Computers for Schools. We are determined to place your donated equipment in the classrooms of Minnesota's kids, where it will have the greatest impact. We have piaced over 25,500 computers in Minnesota's schools at no cost to the schools. Attached please find our ponation Standards 8 Restrictions, a Donation Summary Form for you to fiii out and fax back, and the directions to our Stillwater facility drop off site. Please cali me when you are ready to make a donation. If you have any questions, feei free to call me at 651-779-2816. Diane Foiey, Office Manager Computers for Schools Program 651-779-2816 dfoley@stw.doc.state.mn. us �ae- ���.� A hi �q� oaQf� o�-�sy MINNESOTA COMPUTERS FOR SCHOOLS PROGRA.M ONATION TANDARDS STRICTIONS PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT THIS PROGRAM WORKS BEST WHEN WE RECEIVE EQUIPMENT THAT HAS NOT BEEN STRIPPED OF CRITICAL PARTS, I.E. HARD DRIVES, RAM, MOTHERBOARDS OR CENTRAL PROCESSING CHIPS. OUR GOAL IS TO PROVIDE MINNESOTA SCHOOL CHILDREN MORE AND BETTER TECHNOLOGY THAN MANY NOW ENJOY. WE APPRECIATE YHOUR DONATION ANA YOUR COOPERATION. WE WILL GLADLY ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING": SVGA WORKING COLOR MONITORS PENTIUM CLASS COMPUTERS POWERPGREADY MACINTOSH (OR BETTER) INKJET AND LASER PRINTERS PERIPHERALS(MICE,TRACKBALLS,KEYBOARDS) CD-ROM DRtvES, RAM EXPANSION CARDS (SOUND, VIDEO, & NETWORK) UNFORTUNATELY, VYE ARE NOT ABLE TO ACCEPT: MONOCHROME MONITORS (BLACK & WHITE) WoRKSTaTioN CRT's CGA (OR POORER) MONITORS OF ANY KIND 9-PIN COIVNECTION MONITORS AT EITHER END OF CABLE COMPUTERS WITH LESS THAN PENTIUM-LEVEL PROCESSORS TERMINAL OR WORKSTATION KEYBOARDS (NON-PC CONNECTORS� DOT-MATRIX PRINTERS MACINTOSH/APPLE IPS OR OLDER * FOR MINJ-MAINFRAMES, SERVERS, ROUTERS, ETC. PLEASE CALL COMPUTERS FOR SCHOOLS STAFF FOR DETAILS. ON OCCASION, WILL BE ABLE TO PLACE THESE IN SCHOOLS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. DROP OFF LOCATION: COMPUTERS FOR SCHOOLS PROGRAM MCF-STILLWATER 970 PICKETT STREET NORTH BAYPORT, MN 55003-1490 �" CFSRP.�FFICE: (651�779-2816 PHONE (651) 351-3606 Fnx o � -�sy Minnesota Computers for Schools Program DONATION SUMMARY FORM Please fax this completed form to 6�1-351-3606 Company: Date: Contact name: Delivery Date Phone: Fax: Address: Equipment Tvae uanti Pentiums Power Macs Laptops Other Total Computers SVGA monitors Mac color monitors Total Monitors Laser printers Ink/Bubble jet printers Total Printers Motherboards Keyboards Mice Hazd Drives CD-ROM SIMM's Modems Network or other cards Other Number of Pailets: Computers for Schools Program, MCF-Stillwater, 970 Pickett Street North, Bayport, MN 55003-1490 p:651-779-281b, f:651-351-3606 Minnesota Computers for Schools Donation Instructions ° `��` S � Please bring your donation to our drop-off location at the Minnesota Correctional FacilityStillwater. The prison is actually within the small town of Bayport. Please follow the directions below to the warehouse. Any uniformed staff will direct you to the appropriate location to drop-off your equipment. After your donation, call us at the number below and we will generate a receipt and send it to you. Thank you ahead of time for your generous support of the program! Minnesota Correctional Facility-Stillwater Phone: 651-779-2816 Minnesota Computers for Schools Fax: 651-351-3606 970 Pickett Street North Bayport, MN 55003-1490 From I-94 head north on highway 95. Go through Bayport. Take left at "Shortcut to Hwy 36 WesY' sign. Institution will be on your left. At the "T" intersection, take left on Stagecoach Trail. Take 1 left through metal gates onto prison grounds. Warehouse is ahead approximately 250 yards. From Hwy 36 (Heading East): Take tt,e exit to tne °� Shortcut to 95 South off-ramp. At the stop sign, turn right on Beach Road and follow curve to left. At stop sign, turn right onto Stagecoach Trail. Bear right and go over slight hill. Institution will be on your left. Go approximately 500 yards, take the first left through metal gates onto prison grounds. Warehouse is ahead approximately 250 yards. From Stillwater go south on Hwy 95. The 2" right past overpass is Pickett Ave. Turn right onto Pickett Ave. Turn right at stop sign keeping the institution on your left. At the "T" intersection, go left on Stagecoach Trail. Take 1 left through metal gates onto prison grounds. Warehouse is ahead approximately 250 yards. Warehouse Receiving Hours: 8:00-10:30a.m. (and) 12:00-2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday NOTE: No one under the age of 18 will be allowed to enter the facility. No weapons, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, cell-phones allowed within the institution. o�-�sy 61'I'1/0� I'126 LaurieBoyce (KARE]ARCHIVE.2001.MAYA04-'I COMPUTER Paae Ta! Siuq Ydeo Shot Graphio-lnfo Time VTR# CG Back6me �A04 � �RI, C j �COMPUTER � iS OTNO ; :FkJLL � � ; +0:10 ! L� +OK � �0:00 I Tage# 'done I TimeCode i Tf2ttrts '20 Date: ;5/20l0'I 20:Q4 Source i Mod. bv irtr [SOi' FULL][ C. - 2:01:21 - TAPE 7] [CONT. VO/RICK] -(SOT FUtL}- » it disturbed me, how that cauid get out! How much other infoRnation is on their computers? -{Ct3NT. VQIRICK}- »WHAT PEOPLE CAN LEARN ABOUT YOU_. BY DIGGING INTO YOUR OLD COMPUTER... IS TONIGHTS TQP STORY. 6�-�sy 8I11/0'! 1129, Laune Boyce (KARE]ARCHIVE.2001.MAY A14 -1 JON OUT Pa e Tal Slua Video Shot Gra�hic-Info Time VTR# CG Backfime A�4 iJON � ;JON OUT WALL-HARDDRIVE ';JON ; ID'20 I�_I i OK ! 10:00 Tabe# ' ' TimeCade ! lRuns % !, Date: ;520l01 21:33 Source i Mod. bv �rG WALL-.ION AQ LB OUT ������ {WALUJ(}N AD LtB dU7� WE ASKED THE ClTY HOW MANY OF (TS OLD COMPUTERS ARE OUT THERE WiTH dATA STfLL ON THEM. THEY DON'T KNOW, BUT ASSURE US THEY'VE NOW GOT MUCN T[GHTER CONTROLS. tF YOU'D L(KE MORE tNFO, ON HOW TO GET DATA ERASING SOFTWARE, OR NOW TO GtVE YOUR OLD P-C Td THE SCHOOLS, GO TQ KARE 11 DOT COM FOR LINKS. o�-�s4 s�T AT » Well I think somebody down there has to be spanked! RRac� [SOT FULL - KARL KAISER][TAPE 6 - 1:01:52] [TRRCK) [SOT FULL - KARL KAISER][TAPE 6 - 1:05:14 � � •- • �_ � ���� �� ,i�, �. _.�-e � __ x [TRACK] --� » THE CITY CONCEDES THESE COMPUTERS lEFT THE PUBLIG SERVICE CENTER DOWNTOWN, WITNOUT HAVING THElR HARD DRIVES ERASED.. IN VlOLATION OF CITY POLICY. -(S4T Ft1ll)-�CITY TEGHNQLOGY- GIiY] » I think a mistake was made. _(� » KARL KA(SER BECAME THE CIT1^S CH(EF OF TECHNOLOGY LAST YEAR.. "`AFTER* THE COMPUTERS IN QUES7IQN WERE DONATED. -(S�JT �'ULL��jGt1"`f TEGNittflL:O�Y Gt1�'j » Not knowing the exact circumstance, t can just suppase that they disconnected those machines, and they stood around, a� �� by the time �iey wera rea�y to pe disposed, nabody thought of it. -{TC2A��}-� » THE SAFEST APPROACH IS WHAT THEY DO IN STILLWATER.. PERMANENTLY SCRUB TNE HARD DRIVE.. THAT'S WHY ONTRACKAND OTHER COMPANIES SELL DISK-ERASING SOFTWARE YOU CAN USE AT HOME. [SOT FULL-REINERT][TAPE 8- 3:19:43] -�St"�T FULL}-[�}!M REIMEF�Tj » Clean up after yourself! Ha! Computers are very good at storing data, so you have to take an e�ra step to rea(fy get rid of the data. (TRACK) [NATS - VOICE TO BE READ][ marian.doc ] --(TRACK)- » OTHERW(SE.. IT MAY COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU. -{SOT �IATS)-[W(3iViAN'S �IOtGEJ » My boss is a drunk and the daily rfloods are enough to send you to the moon! ot-�sy NATS - TO BE VOICED] [DISK 2, Overtime. doc] -(SOT NAi'S}-[MALE VOtCE} » O.T. musf be authorized in advance. jNATS - TO BE VQICED] [OUTLOOK - Re: Nice Day 516198] [TRACK] DISK 2 - Retirement.doc DISK 3- Goofy.jpg, Mickey.jpg, Pluto.jpg DAILY PRAYER - Outlook Mail - 6/24/99 DISK 3- Ciient URL Cache.doc LOAD WEB SITES, SHUFFLE THRQUGH [SOT FULL - RElNERT] [TAPE 8 - 3:17:07) [TRACK] QISK 2 - Account.mdb • �: .,- s �: • � •- � 3 _ _ �� e • 5 �n ���_� �� �,;,a �;� � �-�_ --�t -,f �q:-== - -(SOT_NATS)-[FEMACE VQtCEj » I went to lunch already. Did not want to come back fo work. —(TRRCK}_ » MIXED WITH TNAT.. PARTY INVITATIONS, VARIOUS DISNEY CNARACTERS, INSPlRATIONAL ANIMRTIQN.. AND A RECORD OF EVERY WE$ Sli`E THIS WORKER VISITED.. LOWEST FARES.COM, APARTMENT-FIND, PUBLISHER'S CLEARINGHQUSE, ETCETERA ETCETERA. -{st��r �t�u.)�.��m ��3t���tr - c�� » There are many traces left on your computer. Every time you edit a file, every time you surfi a web page, fhese traces remain on your computer. --{TR,?��K)-- » AND THiS IS THE CLINCHER.. A DATABASE WlTH THE NAMES, ADDRESSES AND ACCOUNT NUMBERS OF 330 DIFFERENT WATER Ct1STOMERS, 1NCLUDiNG BRiAN W08BEKfNG. -{SQT.Fl3Ll.}-�BRtAht Wt7SBEKIi�G� » If this information's out there, who's to say there isn't more information on another database on another compufer? Another file, somewhere else? (SOT FULL - CALLERSTROMj ['fape 7- -(SOT FtfLL)-jTE[3 Cfi,LLERSTRQMJ 2:04:38j » They didn'f even erase the hard drive, then? [i"RACK] --(TREtGK}-- » TED CALLERSTROM'S ACCOUNT DISK 2- Cutoff.mdb NUMBER ALSO SHOWS UP ONE OF 7HE STRAY CITY FlLES. [SOT FULL] -¢SOT Fk1Lt}-j7"ED CALLERSTFL�M] 8�-�Sy 61'ill041128. Laurie FOLDER MAY Al2 - fCOMPUTER #6] jDISK 6 - Resume.doc, BevRev.doc, Eyes.doc [SOT/NATS] [DISK 6 - Sensitive.docj [TRACK] [NATS - VOICE TO BE READ]jbeth.docj [TRACKj • - •• : c .. � . �. . -_ A� � ��'� � ;�'. ___ �;5 s�'*�e [TRACKJ jDlSK 2, fempiate.mdb, DISK 3 Diane Time.xis, Microsoft Ouflook - Mail Sent List [NATS - TO BE VOICEDj [QISK 2, Scolding.doc] [NATS - TO BE VOIGED] [OUTLOOK - Re:Practice 5/14l98] OWNER'S 1991 TAX RETURN ON IT, COMPLETE WITH H!S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER.. AND BURIED INSIDE THAT LITTLE PORTABLE? A RESUME, A PERFORMANCE REVIEW, A BUSINESS PLAN FOR A NEW EYE WEAR SHOP, AND SQME VERY PERSONAL LETTERS. -{S07 N,4T8}-EWOMAN'S !f(3ECEj » I am also on the side of the bank thaf is run by an egomaniac. --(7"RAGK}_ » SHE ALSO DISHED HER HUBBY'S FUDGE RECIPE. -(5�T #�ATS)-[NlOMR1!I'S Vt}tGE� » My sides are still aching from laughing. You have never seen such a dried ouf piece of nothing in afi your life! —(�'Rl�Gi�j-- » Bt1T THE BIGGEST SHQCK OF ALL.. TWO OF OUR SECOND HAND COMPUTERS ONCE BELONGED TO TNE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS UTfLlTY 8lLLlNG OFFICE. -(SUT FI.iLL�-[,3114t R�il+lERT, UhITl�A�Kj »!n this sample of computers, there was NO effort made to delete the data. The data, just by turning on the computer, the data was availabie! —(TRAGK)- » THAT INCLUDES OFFICIAL BILLING FOf2MS.. EMPLOYEE TIME SHEETS.. SCORES OF E-MAILS AND MEMO'S.. -(S(3T NATS)�-jMALE VOICE� » 7here is a problem with sfaff coming fo training late. -�sor r���s}-��'��natE v€�rcE7 _ » One m�� day left until TGIF Friday!!�! o�-�5y 6/'11101'11:25, LaurieBoyce [KARE]ARCHlVE.200'I.MAYA'12-3 HARDDRIVE jTRACK] —(T-fiRGK)— » WE ALSO HIT SECOND HAND SHOPS.. [P.P.L. BUYS - TAPE 1-1:03:18] AT ONE IN SAlNT PAUL, WE SCORED A COMPAQ DESlC PRO, AND A COMPA{2 [GOODWILL BUYS - TAPE 2- 2:0537] PRO-LINEA.. .. WE ROLLED OUT OF A THRlFT STORE IN LAUDERDALE WlTk� TWO MORE GEMS.. SOMETHING CALLEQ AN (SALVATION ARMY - TAPE 4- 9:01:37] EVEREX.. AND A 1984'S PORTABLE.. WE WRAAPED UP THE SPREE !N [SOTiNATS - DOLLY WHEELj[TAPE 4 - 1:02:29j . ',�1a�:I�:lI (SOT/NATS - CHUCI(I [TAPE 4 -1:05:45] jTRACK] [SOTtNATS]["fAPE 4 -1:18:24] MtNNEAPOLIS.. WITN A AN OLD EXPRESS BRAND COMPUTER, WE PICKED UP FOR TWO DOLlARS. -(S(7T �iA7S�-[Dt3L�.Y U�fHE�t GUT-tN� » Wheel Sound --(TRqGK}� » WE HAULED ALL SIX OF THEM TO ONTRACK DATA INTERNATIONAL IN EDEiV PRAIR(E.. -(SC}T (4tATS)-�GHUCiC THE't'ECFf�tiCtfii�i� » Teil �e they bought t�is a iong tirr�e ago! --{TRt�Gl4j-- » CHUCK CHRISTOPERSON CRACKEQ �PEN THE OLD BOXES ONE 8Y ONE, AND SNAGGED THEIR HARD DRIVES.. THAT WAS THE EASY PART.. THE NEXT STEP.. WHAT ONTRACK'S KNOWN FOR AROUND THE WORLD, WAS TO TAP INTO THOSE DRIVES, AND RETRfEVE THE DATA. -�St3T NA'fS)-�JAS�t�i'THE TEGHN[GffiNl » Whafever original files were on here from the user are probably stiN there. [SOT/NATS - CD ROM DRIVEj[TO BE -(Sf3T NATS}-[CC3 4�E}Nt# SHQT] » Diskt�Joise [TRACKI --(Tt�A�K}-- » STILL THERE.. IN A BIG WAY.. jRECOVERY ANIMATIONj [TO BE SHOT] THOUSANDS OF FILES.. SOME PRETTY [COMPUTER #5] SENSITNE.. REMEMB�R TFtAT OLD HYl1NDA1? IT STILL HAS TNE ORIGINAL �t-�sy 6/'IV01 i128, Laurie6oyce [KAREjARCHIVE.20�1.MAYA�2-2 HAR�DRIVE [SOT/NATS -HITS DELETEj[PIC Tape 7 - -jSOT �VAFS}-jHiTS DEtETEj 02:13:16, SOUND Tape 8- 3:05:55 ] » Key Sound [SQT FULL - JC PART 3j [TAPE 7- -(SQT FULL}-[STANDUP=PART 3-F[LE 02:16:50] tEAVE SGREENj » And you can watch them disappear, but that data's really still on your computer. [SOT/NATS - RLE OPENS] (TAPE 7- -(SOT I�iATS}-[NATS FILE GABi1�fETj 02:17:03] » Door Sound [SOT FULL - JC PART 4](TAPE 7- -(SQT'FU�.L)-[STANi1EJP FARF 4j 02:19:18] » It's like removing the names from ali these files [SOT/NATS - LABELSj[TAPE 8- Shot at -(St3T 1�ii�.TS}-[EABELS YAhlKE[3 AT H[GH 3:01:54, Sound at 3:02:16j SPEEDj » Label Sound [SOT FULL - STANDUP 5] [TAPE 8 - 03:04:39] -(sea� �u��.}-��ra��v�up ���r �� » The labei's are gone, but the information's still here. I just don't know exacily where to find it. [SOT/NATS - STACKING][TAPE 1 - 1:16:42j [fRACK] [SQT/NATS]jTAPE 2 - 2:01:10] [TRACK) [SOT/NATS][CAMCORDER DU8 TAPE] -�SC3T i�IATS)-[�t�CYCLt�iC`., C�AI�'EFt� » Loading Monitors --(T€��K}.-- » T4 PROVE THE PQINT, WE NEEDED SOME TECNNO TRASH.. THE KIND OF STUFF PEOPLE BRING TO THE HENPlEP1N COUNTY RECYCLING CENTER.. RELICS LIKE THIS OLQ HYUNDAI 16-X.. -{SCJT N}�TS}-�Jflt F2U��� » He just told me to get rid of it. —(T�tACK}-- » ONE OF JOHN RUEF'S FORMER TEP}ANTS LEFT IT SEHlND, BUT HE AGREED TO LET US BORROW IT FOR OUR EXPEf21MENT. -(S4T t�iATS)-LOPENING dEEP C?QOR] » Door Sound � � --�Sy 6/71/091928 LaurieBoyce (KARE]ARCH1VE20DLMAYAl2-1 HARDDRIVE Pasae Tal Slua Vdeo Shot Graphi�info Time � CG Backtime �,A72 ; //lI � I +HARD DRIVE � ;PKG � �FULL ; I I 5:00 � V-� 1'1 I '� '0:00 ( Taoe# !10562 � TimeCode .16:09 TRuns '4;55 � Date: 52�/01 19:46 Source ' Mod. W-� jTAKE SQT PKG] [NATS - PRlSON WQRKSHQP] [TAPE 2] -(TAKE-SQT PKG)- » [NATS - WORK BENGH] » TOOL NOISE [TRACK] —(TRACt�— » WITHIN THE STILLWATER PRISON, YOU'!L FlND THE SANfTtZlNG ROOM.. THE F1RST STOP FC}R THOUSANDS OF COMPUTERS DONATED TO SCHOOLS. . � . �. . ��al •;�y-.��=,-� �a 'ta�a� i .�=-g•._s _. _ _ - ._. �+a ,��� �. �_ �s � � ti -(soz Fuc.��-��zrsot� �u� » Everyone's concemed about fhe same thing. They're concerned the data they may or may not have left on their computer is going to be protected. (TRACK] [YANKING Dt2NES - TAPE 4] --(TR�Ctf}— » SO.. STAFF MEMBERS PULL THE COMPUTER'S DtSK DRIVE, WHERE PRlVATE DATA'S STDRED.. AND, USING SPECIAL SOFTWARE, THEY ELECTRONICALLY SCRUB AWAY ALL TRACES OF THE PREVIOUS OWNER. jSOT/NATS - DAVE][TAPE 3- 3:03:15] -(Sf}�'.N��f'S�-[ST�FFEfi Dtkt�Ej » This overwrites it seven times! [TRACK] --(TE2AGK}- » WHY GO TO SUCH EXTREMES? BECRUSE DEEP, DOWN INStDE, COMPUTERS NEVER FORGET A THING. [SOT FULL - JC PART 1] [TAPE 7- 02:07:06] <02:0736> - - NATS OF CRINKLES [SOT/NATS - SHRED](fAPE 7 - 02:08:04] -(SC3T FULL�-ISTAN�UP P�4RT 1j » it used to be pretty easy to destroy an old documenf (feeds shredder) -{SClT PtATS}-[PAPER tf�tTO SHREBDERj » Shredding Sound [SOT FULL - JC PRRT 2][TAPE 7- -(SG1T FtlLL}-jSTAt�tDUP PAi�T 2j 02:12:30] » But computers aren't that simple. Sure, you can delete your unwanted files with just a key stroke. 01-�5� 611110� 1128, LaurieBoyce (KARE]ARCHIVE.204�.MAYA�O- 1 SLATE Pasae Tal Sluo �deo Shot Graohic-Info Time VTR# CG Backtims iA�O I 'DII A I SLA7E i�SST ; IFULL I j � 10:10 I �� K (0:00 i Ta� i i TimeCode � TRuns ' + Date: I52Q/01 27:37 ! Source � ' Mod. bv � [TRKE SST/D(ANA] [TAKE SOT PKG] » IN TON(GHTS EXTRA... YOU'D BE AMAZED WHAT KIND OF PERSONAL TRAlL YOU LEAVE ON A COMPUTER, EVEN IF YOU "THINK* YOU'VE ERASED EVERYTHING. KARE 11'S JOHN CROMAN PUTS TNE 'DELETE' KEY TO THE TEST AND THE RESULTS ARE SURPRISING. -{'FAKE SQT PKGJ"= 6ti-�Sy 6H1/0� 1127, LaurieBoyce jKARE]ARCHIVE2001.MAYA08-1 EXTRAIN Paqe Tal Siva Ydeo ShaY Graohiclnfo Time VTR# CG 8acktime !A08 i IDIA � iEXTRA IN ; j j iOTS -EXTRA ;�0:16 ;;_� '�OK � 0:00 i Taoe# I '�meCode � ! Runs ��i Date: '520/01 2136 Source I I Niod. bv � OTS-DIANA » IF YOUR PERSONAL lNFQRMATlON ENQS UP IN THE WRONG HANDS... YOU COULD END UP WlTH THOUSANDS OF QdLLARS IN BILLS, RUiNED CREDIT... OR EVEN A CRIMINAL RECORD. IT'S CALLED IDENTITY THEFT... AND ITS INCREASED 20-FQLD IN THE PAST DECADE. a�_�s� 6l�1/0111:26, LaurieBoyce [KRRE]ARCNIVE.20Q1.MAYA06-� HARDIN Paae Tal Slua �deo Shot Graohic-Info Time VTR# CG Backtime !A06 � IRID 1�HARD IN i�2-SHOT !� i 0:1Q I � K :OQ�� i 7a #; ! TimeCode ! TRuns ; i Date: Sf20/01 19:33 Source i � Mod. bv ;r� 2SHOT/RfCK 2SHOTlDlANA » THANKS FQR JOtNING US. AMERICANS WILL dISCARD SOME 200 MILLION C�MPUTERS IN THE NEXT FEW YEARS. ZSHQT/DlAAlR ?> THE OQQS ARE PRETt"Y NIGH YQUR OWN P-C WILL ONE DAY W(ND UP (N THE NANDS OF STRANGERS. ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Council File # O���Sy Green Sheet # ( � � � �s RESOLUTION CITY �F SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA a� Date WHEREAS, Chapter 5.02 of the Saint Paul Adtninistrative Code authorizes the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to dispose of surplus City properiy and sets forth the procedures governing the sale or donation of such property; and WHEREAS, the Division of Contract and Analysis Services receives surplus personal computers, printers and other electronic equipment from various City departments and offices from time to time to dispose of in accordance with City policies; and WHEREAS, said Division has received a request from the local non-profit organization, "Computers For Schools Program" asking for donations of surplus computers which the organization repairs and redistributes to Minnesota schools in need of computer equipment; and WHEREAS, the donation of such computers to the Computers For Schools Program would further the CiTy's goals for reusing and recycling City properiy wherever possible and for supporting public education, and, therefore, would serve a public purpose; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City Council hereby authorizes the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to dispose of surplus City computers by donating such computers to the Computers For Schools Program as it deems appropriate; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Division of Contract and Analysis Services reserves the right to dispose of surpins computer equipment by other methods or donate eq�zipment to other organizations from time to time as it may be in the best interests of the City; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said organization shall take responsibility for picking up the surplus properiy from City premises in a manner and in accordance with the time lines mutually agreed upon with the Division of Contract and Analysis Services, and shall bear all costs associated with the removal and transportation of the designated surplus property and agrees to accept the property as is; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon the donarion, the City shall have no fitrther responsibility far said property and sha11 not provide any warranty, maintenance, repair, technicai assistance, or any other kind of ongoing support, nor assume any costs that may be related to the ongoing use of the property by the donee organization. - ���� ORlG1NAL o �-'�`t � a er�' Requested by Department of: ii II iUl—�� ' " Adopted by Council: Date ° a��'� Adoption ert ied by Council Secretary Technology & Manaaement Services- Contract & Analvsis Services BY � \�"��'��� `�7�� "���.`-�- ���� �f� �/ Form Approved by City Attorney By: ..,�„�.�'L//�'�, �/�/�! Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: a4 By. � N' Approved by Mayor: Date � � Contract � Analysis Duane Kroll or Susan Eeuerherm 6/7/O1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET r• -+'r-�a--r,� V bt-'IS� No 107328 tim.unm. rnrcouea � MVAlfM1EY � ❑ QIt COK ❑ /MWCMLfQYICFJOR. ❑ NYMCYLIFM�CCf6 � YYORI�YiRMI�) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve two resolutions authorizing the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to donate surplus City property to non-profit organizations. One resolution authorizes the donation of computer equipment to computers in the schools and the second authorizes the donation of cell phones to the Donate a Phone pxogram of the WirelessEoundation. The resolutins provide the authority to donate, but do not mandate that donations occur. The Citv would still have the ability to use other methods.of surplus disposal. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has tnia v�� ever workee untler a ainract ramis aevamnem? YES NO Flas q9s pxeoMkm ever been a dly empbyee9 YES NO Doec Mic OeisaiRirm P� a sldl not namely'POSSessetl M a�Y wrrent dty empbyee? YES NO Ia tlun persaufirm a faz{Kted verdort VES NO gam � vec a�mwcvs on cemrate eheet anU adacfi to araen aheM The City replaces its computeX equipment periodically and the old equipment must be disposed in accordance with State statutes and City policy. The Division of Contract and Analysis is endeavoring to increase the options available for surplus disposal so it will be possible to select the most b'eneficial option in a particular situation. The CAS Division will have the opportunity to transfer equipment to when it is in the City's best interests to do so. {�,'�fiJ��L.i�� t'°�: it:�• �ri-profit organzat aD��. .9. e� &.i;°�' 1 � 4 2�0'; DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED These donation options will not be available. OF TRANSACTION S CITY ATTORNEY COET/RE�EMUE BUDQETID (qRCLE ONE) VES NO ACTVITV NUMBER fIX�M Bonnie Lundgren - Computers for Schools Page 1 From: "Diane Foiey" <DFOLEY@stw.doc.state.mn.us> To: <bonnie.lundgren@ci.stpaul.mn.us7 Date: 4/3/01 827AM Subject: Computers for Schoois O l -�S4 Bonnie Thank you for your consideration of Minnesota Computers for Schools. We are determined to place your donated equipment in the classrooms of Minnesota's kids, where it will have the greatest impact. We have piaced over 25,500 computers in Minnesota's schools at no cost to the schools. Attached please find our ponation Standards 8 Restrictions, a Donation Summary Form for you to fiii out and fax back, and the directions to our Stillwater facility drop off site. Please cali me when you are ready to make a donation. If you have any questions, feei free to call me at 651-779-2816. Diane Foiey, Office Manager Computers for Schools Program 651-779-2816 dfoley@stw.doc.state.mn. us �ae- ���.� A hi �q� oaQf� o�-�sy MINNESOTA COMPUTERS FOR SCHOOLS PROGRA.M ONATION TANDARDS STRICTIONS PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT THIS PROGRAM WORKS BEST WHEN WE RECEIVE EQUIPMENT THAT HAS NOT BEEN STRIPPED OF CRITICAL PARTS, I.E. HARD DRIVES, RAM, MOTHERBOARDS OR CENTRAL PROCESSING CHIPS. OUR GOAL IS TO PROVIDE MINNESOTA SCHOOL CHILDREN MORE AND BETTER TECHNOLOGY THAN MANY NOW ENJOY. WE APPRECIATE YHOUR DONATION ANA YOUR COOPERATION WE WILL GLADLY ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING": SVGA WORKING COLOR MONITORS PENTIUM CLASS COMPUTERS POWERPGREADY MACINTOSH (OR BETTER) INKJET AND LASER PRINTERS PERIPHERALS(MICE,TRACKBALLS,KEYBOARDS) CD-ROM DRtvES, RAM EXPANSION CARDS (SOUND, VIDEO, & NETWORK) UNFORTUNATELY, VYE ARE NOT ABLE TO ACCEPT: MONOCHROME MONITORS (BLACK & WHITE) WoRKSTaTioN CRT's CGA (OR POORER) MONITORS OF ANY KIND 9-PIN COIVNECTION MONITORS AT EITHER END OF CABLE COMPUTERS WITH LESS THAN PENTIUM-LEVEL PROCESSORS TERMINAL OR WORKSTATION KEYBOARDS (NON-PC CONNECTORS� DOT-MATRIX PRINTERS MACINTOSH/APPLE IPS OR OLDER * FOR MINJ-MAINFRAMES, SERVERS, ROUTERS, ETC. PLEASE CALL COMPUTERS FOR SCHOOLS STAFF FOR DETAILS. ON OCCASION, WILL BE ABLE TO PLACE THESE IN SCHOOLS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. DROP OFF LOCATION: COMPUTERS FOR SCHOOLS PROGRAM MCF-STILLWATER 970 PICKETT STREET NORTH BAYPORT, MN 55003-1490 �" CFSRP.�FFICE: (651�779-2816 PHONE (651) 351-3606 Fnx o � -�sy Minnesota Computers for Schools Program DONATION SUMMARY FORM Please fax this completed form to 6�1-351-3606 Company: Date: Contact name: Delivery Date Phone: Fax: Address: Equipment Tvae uanti Pentiums Power Macs Laptops Other Total Computers SVGA monitors Mac color monitors Total Monitors Laser printers Ink/Bubble jet printers Total Printers Motherboards Keyboards Mice Hazd Drives CD-ROM SIMM's Modems Network or other cards Other Number of Pailets: Computers for Schools Program, MCF-Stillwater, 970 Pickett Street North, Bayport, MN 55003-1490 p:651-779-281b, f:651-351-3606 Minnesota Computers for Schools Donation Instructions ° `��` S � Please bring your donation to our drop-off location at the Minnesota Correctional FacilityStillwater. The prison is actually within the small town of Bayport. Please follow the directions below to the warehouse. Any uniformed staff will direct you to the appropriate location to drop-off your equipment. After your donation, call us at the number below and we will generate a receipt and send it to you. Thank you ahead of time for your generous support of the program! Minnesota Correctional Facility-Stillwater Phone: 651-779-2816 Minnesota Computers for Schools Fax: 651-351-3606 970 Pickett Street North Bayport, MN 55003-1490 From I-94 head north on highway 95. Go through Bayport. Take left at "Shortcut to Hwy 36 WesY' sign. Institution will be on your left. At the "T" intersection, take left on Stagecoach Trail. Take 1 left through metal gates onto prison grounds. Warehouse is ahead approximately 250 yards. From Hwy 36 (Heading East): Take tt,e exit to tne °� Shortcut to 95 South off-ramp. At the stop sign, turn right on Beach Road and follow curve to left. At stop sign, turn right onto Stagecoach Trail. Bear right and go over slight hill. Institution will be on your left. Go approximately 500 yards, take the first left through metal gates onto prison grounds. Warehouse is ahead approximately 250 yards. From Stillwater go south on Hwy 95. The 2" right past overpass is Pickett Ave. Turn right onto Pickett Ave. Turn right at stop sign keeping the institution on your left. At the "T" intersection, go left on Stagecoach Trail. Take 1 left through metal gates onto prison grounds. Warehouse is ahead approximately 250 yards. Warehouse Receiving Hours: 8:00-10:30a.m. (and) 12:00-2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday NOTE: No one under the age of 18 will be allowed to enter the facility. No weapons, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, cell-phones allowed within the institution. o�-�sy 61'I'1/0� I'126 LaurieBoyce (KARE]ARCHIVE.2001.MAYA04-'I COMPUTER Paae Ta! Siuq Ydeo Shot Graphio-lnfo Time VTR# CG Back6me �A04 � �RI, C j �COMPUTER � iS OTNO ; :FkJLL � � ; +0:10 ! L� +OK � �0:00 I Tage# 'done I TimeCode i Tf2ttrts '20 Date: ;5/20l0'I 20:Q4 Source i Mod. bv irtr [SOi' FULL][ C. - 2:01:21 - TAPE 7] [CONT. VO/RICK] -(SOT FUtL}- » it disturbed me, how that cauid get out! How much other infoRnation is on their computers? -{Ct3NT. VQIRICK}- »WHAT PEOPLE CAN LEARN ABOUT YOU_. BY DIGGING INTO YOUR OLD COMPUTER... IS TONIGHTS TQP STORY. 6�-�sy 8I11/0'! 1129, Laune Boyce (KARE]ARCHIVE.2001.MAY A14 -1 JON OUT Pa e Tal Slua Video Shot Gra�hic-Info Time VTR# CG Backfime A�4 iJON � ;JON OUT WALL-HARDDRIVE ';JON ; ID'20 I�_I i OK ! 10:00 Tabe# ' ' TimeCade ! lRuns % !, Date: ;520l01 21:33 Source i Mod. bv �rG WALL-.ION AQ LB OUT ������ {WALUJ(}N AD LtB dU7� WE ASKED THE ClTY HOW MANY OF (TS OLD COMPUTERS ARE OUT THERE WiTH dATA STfLL ON THEM. THEY DON'T KNOW, BUT ASSURE US THEY'VE NOW GOT MUCN T[GHTER CONTROLS. tF YOU'D L(KE MORE tNFO, ON HOW TO GET DATA ERASING SOFTWARE, OR NOW TO GtVE YOUR OLD P-C Td THE SCHOOLS, GO TQ KARE 11 DOT COM FOR LINKS. o�-�s4 s�T AT » Well I think somebody down there has to be spanked! RRac� [SOT FULL - KARL KAISER][TAPE 6 - 1:01:52] [TRRCK) [SOT FULL - KARL KAISER][TAPE 6 - 1:05:14 � � •- • �_ � ���� �� ,i�, �. _.�-e � __ x [TRACK] --� » THE CITY CONCEDES THESE COMPUTERS lEFT THE PUBLIG SERVICE CENTER DOWNTOWN, WITNOUT HAVING THElR HARD DRIVES ERASED.. IN VlOLATION OF CITY POLICY. -(S4T Ft1ll)-�CITY TEGHNQLOGY- GIiY] » I think a mistake was made. _(� » KARL KA(SER BECAME THE CIT1^S CH(EF OF TECHNOLOGY LAST YEAR.. "`AFTER* THE COMPUTERS IN QUES7IQN WERE DONATED. -(S�JT �'ULL��jGt1"`f TEGNittflL:O�Y Gt1�'j » Not knowing the exact circumstance, t can just suppase that they disconnected those machines, and they stood around, a� �� by the time �iey wera rea�y to pe disposed, nabody thought of it. -{TC2A��}-� » THE SAFEST APPROACH IS WHAT THEY DO IN STILLWATER.. PERMANENTLY SCRUB TNE HARD DRIVE.. THAT'S WHY ONTRACKAND OTHER COMPANIES SELL DISK-ERASING SOFTWARE YOU CAN USE AT HOME. [SOT FULL-REINERT][TAPE 8- 3:19:43] -�St"�T FULL}-[�}!M REIMEF�Tj » Clean up after yourself! Ha! Computers are very good at storing data, so you have to take an e�ra step to rea(fy get rid of the data. (TRACK) [NATS - VOICE TO BE READ][ marian.doc ] --(TRACK)- » OTHERW(SE.. IT MAY COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU. -{SOT �IATS)-[W(3iViAN'S �IOtGEJ » My boss is a drunk and the daily rfloods are enough to send you to the moon! ot-�sy NATS - TO BE VOICED] [DISK 2, Overtime. doc] -(SOT NAi'S}-[MALE VOtCE} » O.T. musf be authorized in advance. jNATS - TO BE VQICED] [OUTLOOK - Re: Nice Day 516198] [TRACK] DISK 2 - Retirement.doc DISK 3- Goofy.jpg, Mickey.jpg, Pluto.jpg DAILY PRAYER - Outlook Mail - 6/24/99 DISK 3- Ciient URL Cache.doc LOAD WEB SITES, SHUFFLE THRQUGH [SOT FULL - RElNERT] [TAPE 8 - 3:17:07) [TRACK] QISK 2 - Account.mdb • �: .,- s �: • � •- � 3 _ _ �� e • 5 �n ���_� �� �,;,a �;� � �-�_ --�t -,f �q:-== - -(SOT_NATS)-[FEMACE VQtCEj » I went to lunch already. Did not want to come back fo work. —(TRRCK}_ » MIXED WITH TNAT.. PARTY INVITATIONS, VARIOUS DISNEY CNARACTERS, INSPlRATIONAL ANIMRTIQN.. AND A RECORD OF EVERY WE$ Sli`E THIS WORKER VISITED.. LOWEST FARES.COM, APARTMENT-FIND, PUBLISHER'S CLEARINGHQUSE, ETCETERA ETCETERA. -{st��r �t�u.)�.��m ��3t���tr - c�� » There are many traces left on your computer. Every time you edit a file, every time you surfi a web page, fhese traces remain on your computer. --{TR,?��K)-- » AND THiS IS THE CLINCHER.. A DATABASE WlTH THE NAMES, ADDRESSES AND ACCOUNT NUMBERS OF 330 DIFFERENT WATER Ct1STOMERS, 1NCLUDiNG BRiAN W08BEKfNG. -{SQT.Fl3Ll.}-�BRtAht Wt7SBEKIi�G� » If this information's out there, who's to say there isn't more information on another database on another compufer? Another file, somewhere else? (SOT FULL - CALLERSTROMj ['fape 7- -(SOT FtfLL)-jTE[3 Cfi,LLERSTRQMJ 2:04:38j » They didn'f even erase the hard drive, then? [i"RACK] --(TREtGK}-- » TED CALLERSTROM'S ACCOUNT DISK 2- Cutoff.mdb NUMBER ALSO SHOWS UP ONE OF 7HE STRAY CITY FlLES. [SOT FULL] -¢SOT Fk1Lt}-j7"ED CALLERSTFL�M] 8�-�Sy 61'ill041128. Laurie FOLDER MAY Al2 - fCOMPUTER #6] jDISK 6 - Resume.doc, BevRev.doc, Eyes.doc [SOT/NATS] [DISK 6 - Sensitive.docj [TRACK] [NATS - VOICE TO BE READ]jbeth.docj [TRACKj • - •• : c .. � . �. . -_ A� � ��'� � ;�'. ___ �;5 s�'*�e [TRACKJ jDlSK 2, fempiate.mdb, DISK 3 Diane Time.xis, Microsoft Ouflook - Mail Sent List [NATS - TO BE VOICEDj [QISK 2, Scolding.doc] [NATS - TO BE VOIGED] [OUTLOOK - Re:Practice 5/14l98] OWNER'S 1991 TAX RETURN ON IT, COMPLETE WITH H!S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER.. AND BURIED INSIDE THAT LITTLE PORTABLE? A RESUME, A PERFORMANCE REVIEW, A BUSINESS PLAN FOR A NEW EYE WEAR SHOP, AND SQME VERY PERSONAL LETTERS. -{S07 N,4T8}-EWOMAN'S !f(3ECEj » I am also on the side of the bank thaf is run by an egomaniac. --(7"RAGK}_ » SHE ALSO DISHED HER HUBBY'S FUDGE RECIPE. -(5�T #�ATS)-[NlOMR1!I'S Vt}tGE� » My sides are still aching from laughing. You have never seen such a dried ouf piece of nothing in afi your life! —(�'Rl�Gi�j-- » Bt1T THE BIGGEST SHQCK OF ALL.. TWO OF OUR SECOND HAND COMPUTERS ONCE BELONGED TO TNE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS UTfLlTY 8lLLlNG OFFICE. -(SUT FI.iLL�-[,3114t R�il+lERT, UhITl�A�Kj »!n this sample of computers, there was NO effort made to delete the data. The data, just by turning on the computer, the data was availabie! —(TRAGK)- » THAT INCLUDES OFFICIAL BILLING FOf2MS.. EMPLOYEE TIME SHEETS.. SCORES OF E-MAILS AND MEMO'S.. -(S(3T NATS)�-jMALE VOICE� » 7here is a problem with sfaff coming fo training late. -�sor r���s}-��'��natE v€�rcE7 _ » One m�� day left until TGIF Friday!!�! o�-�5y 6/'11101'11:25, LaurieBoyce [KARE]ARCHlVE.200'I.MAYA'12-3 HARDDRIVE jTRACK] —(T-fiRGK)— » WE ALSO HIT SECOND HAND SHOPS.. [P.P.L. BUYS - TAPE 1-1:03:18] AT ONE IN SAlNT PAUL, WE SCORED A COMPAQ DESlC PRO, AND A COMPA{2 [GOODWILL BUYS - TAPE 2- 2:0537] PRO-LINEA.. .. WE ROLLED OUT OF A THRlFT STORE IN LAUDERDALE WlTk� TWO MORE GEMS.. SOMETHING CALLEQ AN (SALVATION ARMY - TAPE 4- 9:01:37] EVEREX.. AND A 1984'S PORTABLE.. WE WRAAPED UP THE SPREE !N [SOTiNATS - DOLLY WHEELj[TAPE 4 - 1:02:29j . ',�1a�:I�:lI (SOT/NATS - CHUCI(I [TAPE 4 -1:05:45] jTRACK] [SOTtNATS]["fAPE 4 -1:18:24] MtNNEAPOLIS.. WITN A AN OLD EXPRESS BRAND COMPUTER, WE PICKED UP FOR TWO DOLlARS. -(S(7T �iA7S�-[Dt3L�.Y U�fHE�t GUT-tN� » Wheel Sound --(TRqGK}� » WE HAULED ALL SIX OF THEM TO ONTRACK DATA INTERNATIONAL IN EDEiV PRAIR(E.. -(SC}T (4tATS)-�GHUCiC THE't'ECFf�tiCtfii�i� » Teil �e they bought t�is a iong tirr�e ago! --{TRt�Gl4j-- » CHUCK CHRISTOPERSON CRACKEQ �PEN THE OLD BOXES ONE 8Y ONE, AND SNAGGED THEIR HARD DRIVES.. THAT WAS THE EASY PART.. THE NEXT STEP.. WHAT ONTRACK'S KNOWN FOR AROUND THE WORLD, WAS TO TAP INTO THOSE DRIVES, AND RETRfEVE THE DATA. -�St3T NA'fS)-�JAS�t�i'THE TEGHN[GffiNl » Whafever original files were on here from the user are probably stiN there. [SOT/NATS - CD ROM DRIVEj[TO BE -(Sf3T NATS}-[CC3 4�E}Nt# SHQT] » Diskt�Joise [TRACKI --(Tt�A�K}-- » STILL THERE.. IN A BIG WAY.. jRECOVERY ANIMATIONj [TO BE SHOT] THOUSANDS OF FILES.. SOME PRETTY [COMPUTER #5] SENSITNE.. REMEMB�R TFtAT OLD HYl1NDA1? IT STILL HAS TNE ORIGINAL �t-�sy 6/'IV01 i128, Laurie6oyce [KAREjARCHIVE.20�1.MAYA�2-2 HAR�DRIVE [SOT/NATS -HITS DELETEj[PIC Tape 7 - -jSOT �VAFS}-jHiTS DEtETEj 02:13:16, SOUND Tape 8- 3:05:55 ] » Key Sound [SQT FULL - JC PART 3j [TAPE 7- -(SQT FULL}-[STANDUP=PART 3-F[LE 02:16:50] tEAVE SGREENj » And you can watch them disappear, but that data's really still on your computer. [SOT/NATS - RLE OPENS] (TAPE 7- -(SOT I�iATS}-[NATS FILE GABi1�fETj 02:17:03] » Door Sound [SOT FULL - JC PART 4](TAPE 7- -(SQT'FU�.L)-[STANi1EJP FARF 4j 02:19:18] » It's like removing the names from ali these files [SOT/NATS - LABELSj[TAPE 8- Shot at -(St3T 1�ii�.TS}-[EABELS YAhlKE[3 AT H[GH 3:01:54, Sound at 3:02:16j SPEEDj » Label Sound [SOT FULL - STANDUP 5] [TAPE 8 - 03:04:39] -(sea� �u��.}-��ra��v�up ���r �� » The labei's are gone, but the information's still here. I just don't know exacily where to find it. [SOT/NATS - STACKING][TAPE 1 - 1:16:42j [fRACK] [SQT/NATS]jTAPE 2 - 2:01:10] [TRACK) [SOT/NATS][CAMCORDER DU8 TAPE] -�SC3T i�IATS)-[�t�CYCLt�iC`., C�AI�'EFt� » Loading Monitors --(T€��K}.-- » T4 PROVE THE PQINT, WE NEEDED SOME TECNNO TRASH.. THE KIND OF STUFF PEOPLE BRING TO THE HENPlEP1N COUNTY RECYCLING CENTER.. RELICS LIKE THIS OLQ HYUNDAI 16-X.. -{SCJT N}�TS}-�Jflt F2U��� » He just told me to get rid of it. —(T�tACK}-- » ONE OF JOHN RUEF'S FORMER TEP}ANTS LEFT IT SEHlND, BUT HE AGREED TO LET US BORROW IT FOR OUR EXPEf21MENT. -(S4T t�iATS)-LOPENING dEEP C?QOR] » Door Sound � � --�Sy 6/71/091928 LaurieBoyce (KARE]ARCH1VE20DLMAYAl2-1 HARDDRIVE Pasae Tal Slua Vdeo Shot Graphi�info Time � CG Backtime �,A72 ; //lI � I +HARD DRIVE � ;PKG � �FULL ; I I 5:00 � V-� 1'1 I '� '0:00 ( Taoe# !10562 � TimeCode .16:09 TRuns '4;55 � Date: 52�/01 19:46 Source ' Mod. W-� jTAKE SQT PKG] [NATS - PRlSON WQRKSHQP] [TAPE 2] -(TAKE-SQT PKG)- » [NATS - WORK BENGH] » TOOL NOISE [TRACK] —(TRACt�— » WITHIN THE STILLWATER PRISON, YOU'!L FlND THE SANfTtZlNG ROOM.. THE F1RST STOP FC}R THOUSANDS OF COMPUTERS DONATED TO SCHOOLS. . � . �. . ��al •;�y-.��=,-� �a 'ta�a� i .�=-g•._s _. _ _ - ._. �+a ,��� �. �_ �s � � ti -(soz Fuc.��-��zrsot� �u� » Everyone's concemed about fhe same thing. They're concerned the data they may or may not have left on their computer is going to be protected. (TRACK] [YANKING Dt2NES - TAPE 4] --(TR�Ctf}— » SO.. STAFF MEMBERS PULL THE COMPUTER'S DtSK DRIVE, WHERE PRlVATE DATA'S STDRED.. AND, USING SPECIAL SOFTWARE, THEY ELECTRONICALLY SCRUB AWAY ALL TRACES OF THE PREVIOUS OWNER. jSOT/NATS - DAVE][TAPE 3- 3:03:15] -(Sf}�'.N��f'S�-[ST�FFEfi Dtkt�Ej » This overwrites it seven times! [TRACK] --(TE2AGK}- » WHY GO TO SUCH EXTREMES? BECRUSE DEEP, DOWN INStDE, COMPUTERS NEVER FORGET A THING. [SOT FULL - JC PART 1] [TAPE 7- 02:07:06] <02:0736> - - NATS OF CRINKLES [SOT/NATS - SHRED](fAPE 7 - 02:08:04] -(SC3T FULL�-ISTAN�UP P�4RT 1j » it used to be pretty easy to destroy an old documenf (feeds shredder) -{SClT PtATS}-[PAPER tf�tTO SHREBDERj » Shredding Sound [SOT FULL - JC PRRT 2][TAPE 7- -(SG1T FtlLL}-jSTAt�tDUP PAi�T 2j 02:12:30] » But computers aren't that simple. Sure, you can delete your unwanted files with just a key stroke. 01-�5� 611110� 1128, LaurieBoyce (KARE]ARCHIVE.204�.MAYA�O- 1 SLATE Pasae Tal Sluo �deo Shot Graohic-Info Time VTR# CG Backtims iA�O I 'DII A I SLA7E i�SST ; IFULL I j � 10:10 I �� K (0:00 i Ta� i i TimeCode � TRuns ' + Date: I52Q/01 27:37 ! Source � ' Mod. bv � [TRKE SST/D(ANA] [TAKE SOT PKG] » IN TON(GHTS EXTRA... YOU'D BE AMAZED WHAT KIND OF PERSONAL TRAlL YOU LEAVE ON A COMPUTER, EVEN IF YOU "THINK* YOU'VE ERASED EVERYTHING. KARE 11'S JOHN CROMAN PUTS TNE 'DELETE' KEY TO THE TEST AND THE RESULTS ARE SURPRISING. -{'FAKE SQT PKGJ"= 6ti-�Sy 6H1/0� 1127, LaurieBoyce jKARE]ARCHIVE2001.MAYA08-1 EXTRAIN Paqe Tal Siva Ydeo ShaY Graohiclnfo Time VTR# CG 8acktime !A08 i IDIA � iEXTRA IN ; j j iOTS -EXTRA ;�0:16 ;;_� '�OK � 0:00 i Taoe# I '�meCode � ! Runs ��i Date: '520/01 2136 Source I I Niod. bv � OTS-DIANA » IF YOUR PERSONAL lNFQRMATlON ENQS UP IN THE WRONG HANDS... YOU COULD END UP WlTH THOUSANDS OF QdLLARS IN BILLS, RUiNED CREDIT... OR EVEN A CRIMINAL RECORD. IT'S CALLED IDENTITY THEFT... AND ITS INCREASED 20-FQLD IN THE PAST DECADE. a�_�s� 6l�1/0111:26, LaurieBoyce [KRRE]ARCNIVE.20Q1.MAYA06-� HARDIN Paae Tal Slua �deo Shot Graohic-Info Time VTR# CG Backtime !A06 � IRID 1�HARD IN i�2-SHOT !� i 0:1Q I � K :OQ�� i 7a #; ! TimeCode ! TRuns ; i Date: Sf20/01 19:33 Source i � Mod. bv ;r� 2SHOT/RfCK 2SHOTlDlANA » THANKS FQR JOtNING US. AMERICANS WILL dISCARD SOME 200 MILLION C�MPUTERS IN THE NEXT FEW YEARS. ZSHQT/DlAAlR ?> THE OQQS ARE PRETt"Y NIGH YQUR OWN P-C WILL ONE DAY W(ND UP (N THE NANDS OF STRANGERS.