01-742�� �'' � � 1\Fi.��i11 � L Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 2 RESOLVED, that the Solid Waste Hauler license held by Ray Ellis d/b/a Mini Dump's 3 Ina (License ID Number 19990006066) is hereby suspended immediately for the failure to pay 4 delinquent license fees, submit proof of general and auto liability insurance, submit a schedule of 5 charges, and submit truck inspection reports. Said suspension shall be in effect until such time as 6 the license fees and any late charges or penalties have been paid in full; proof of general and auto 7 liability insurance, schedule of charges, and truck inspection reports have been submitted; and 8 written notice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of 9 License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. 10 11 This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the Apri124, 12 2001 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee. The licensee did not contest the facts of the 13 violation. Requested by Department of: BY� � L'/�Yli`^^1.Li � '"_'._!�,/ Fosm Approved by City Atto By: !/ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY' �_ � 1� __— By: Approved by Mayo� Date �I T , By: CouncilFile# ��_7y� , Green Sheet # � n 3� � Z RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3 � Adopted by Council: Date app � Adoption Certified by Council Se etary OFFICS oF �ISg Date: GREEN SHEET Virginia Palmer July ii, 20010 266-8710 No. 103267 01 "� y 1 SPARTDIENT DIRECTOR ITY COI7NCIL � 2 ITY ATTORNEY ZTY Q,ERK �� ust be on CounCil Agendd by: '°"^ �� DIRSCfOR IN. & MC:T. SVC. DIR- � Jul 25 2001 Go 3 P�R loe nssxsraxr� OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: resolution suspending the Solid Waste Hauler license held by Ray Ellis, i.b.a. Mini Dump's Inc. for failure to pay delinquent license fees, submit roof of general and auto liability insurance, submit a schedule of charges and submit truck inspection reports. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR AEJECT (R) BRSONAL 58RVICH CONTRACTS MQST AN54IER THE POLLOWING: PLANNSNG COFPAISSZON CIVIL SEAVIC6 CO[MIISSION 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COFNIITTE& HUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ xas this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COURT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any [7PPORTS WHICH COiINCIL OB.TECI'IVE? Q�rrent City employee? YES NO laia all YSS answera on a aeparata sheat and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, IBSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ��� � �r DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: J �� °�'� ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemars, Mayor July 11, 2001 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robinson, Jc, Ciry Auorney � 4' civirDivisioa 400 Ciry Hal! Te(ephone: 651 266-8710 15 West Kellogg B/vd. Facsimile: 65l 298-5619 Sninf Pnul, Minnesotn 55102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Ray Ellis � Mini Dump's Inc. 3134 Califomia Street NE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418 RE: Solid Waste Hauler License held by Ray Ellis d/b/a Mini Dump's Inc. in Saint Paul License #: 19990006066 Dear Mr. Ellis: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 25, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts conceming the failure to pay license fees and submit the required certificate of insurance, schedule of charges and truck inspection reports have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. V ery truly yours, (/U ,a.�c�� ��U-('�x�1 � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP ,� UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER � ► �ya Licensee Name: Council Date: Ray Ellis d/b/a Mini Dump's Inc. Wednesday, July 25, 2009 Vio(ation: Fai(ure to Pay delinquent license fees, submit proof of general and auto liability insurance, � submit schedule of charges, and submit truck inspection reports License Type: Solid Waste Hauler License Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate Suspension of Sotid Waste Hauler License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. February 28, 2001 letter from Christine Rozek to Ray Ellis 4. License information OFFICF F THE CITY ATTORNEY Clnyton h.. �birsson, Jr., CityAnorreey CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, bIa}ror Apri124, 2001 Ray Ellis Mini Dump's Inc. 3134 Califomia Street NE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418 CivilDivuion 400 Ciry Ha(f I S West Kelfogg Bhd. Sairst Paul, .Ltinnuotn Si102 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Dt=)�la' Te[ephone: 651 266-8710 Fn csimile: 651298-56! 9 TZE: Solid Waste Hauler License held by Ray Ellis d/b/a Mini Dump's Inc. in Saint Paul License #: 19990006066 Dear Mr. Ellis: The Office of License InspecYions and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has recommended adverse action against the Solid Waste Hauler license held by you, d/b/a Mini Dump's Inc., in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: Your solid waste hauler license and the certificate of insnrance required for the Iicense expired on May 15, 2000. You were advised by letter from the Office of LIEP dated February 28, 2001 that if you had nof submitted the necessary renewa] fees, insurance information, schedule of charges and truck inspection reports by March 8, 2001, that LIEP woutd begin action to suspend your license. They have had no response to the letter as of today's date. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter admitting that they are true. The matter will Yhen be scheduled for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Cauncil to deterxnine what penalty, if any, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensing office is £or the immediate suspension of your license until all required renewal fees and late fees, insurance information, schedule of charges attd truck inspection reports have been submitted. You may also pay the fees and submit The required information to the Offtce of License, Inspections and Environmenta] Protection immediately to Yake care of this matter. Pa�e 2 Ray Ellis Apri124,2001 o l -�`! 1- If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentSary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a Ietter stating that you are contestin� the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearin� with the date, time and place for the hearing, the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation o£the procedures. Please let me know in writing no later than Friday, May 4, 2001, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Friday, May 4, 2001, I wili assume that you are not contesting that the iicense fees and information have not been submitted. I witl then schedule this matter for the St. Paut City Council and have it piaced on the Cansent Agenda during which no public discussion is ailowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. Tf you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, C/� -�a� �� -�-�,� � Virginia D. Paimer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP �� 14� STATE OF COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ) Ss. ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MASL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 27, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Ray E11is Mini Dump's, Inc. 3134 California Street NE Minneapolis, MN. 55418 {which ia the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Uni States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. � /} _.,=r-�.r G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of 2001. r� 1 � '`� /� %� 11�'�" , ..r� / �"�/�2 ^ �.�� PETER P. PANGBORN NOtar Public ` NOiAi2YWBUC-h11NNESOTA Y MY COMMISSION EXPlP. ES JAN. 3�. 2005 ���� �� �a � �n CITY OF SAIN'P PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor February 28,2001 I9990006066 Ray Bllis Mini Dump's Inc 3134 California St NE Minneapolis MN 55418-1809 OFFICE OF LICENSE, PISPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Rager Curtis, Director � ` '�'� LOWRYPROFESSIONALBClILDING Telephone: 651-266-9090 350 St Peter Stree[, S¢ite 300 Paceimile: 651-266-4124 SainzP¢ul,Minnesofa55702-ISIO Web: wrrx.cistpassl.mn.usAiep RE: Expired License and Expired CertificaYe of Insurance Dear Licensee: After reviewing your business license for Solid Waste Hauler in the City of Saint Paul, our offrce has determined that your certificate of insurance and business license has not been renewed. In order to remove the hold that has been placed on your license, the following requirements must ba met: The license is exp�ired. Eapiration date : May 15, 2000 We require a renewal fee of $475.00. This fee will cover your license renewal and late fees for the Solid Waste Hauler license (including one vehicle) from May I5, 2000 through May 15, 2001. You may renew each additional vehicle for $66.00 each per year. According to the history o£your license, yon have one (1) addifional vehicle. To renew these vehicles, an addifional $99.00 is required. Submit proof of general and auto liabiliry insurance coverage in the amount of $100,000 for bodily injury per person, $300,000 bodily injury per accident, and $50,000 for property damage per accident; for the period of May 15, 2000 through May 15, Z001. The VIN and license plate number of each vehicle to be licensed must be listed on the insurance certificate. T'he insurance certificate must have no lapse in coverage. . (Note: The insurance policy expiration date must coincide with the Iicense expiration date of May 15, 2001 or be �led as continuous,) • Schedule of charges foz the period of May I5, 2000 tluough May 15, 2001. Approved truck inspection reports for each vehicle from Public Works (891 Dale Street North , 651-487-4700) for the period of May 15, 2000 through May 15, 2001. Page 2 Letter of 12equirements not met February 28, 2001 You have unril Thursday, Ivlarch 8, 2001 to respond by submitting the requzred paperwork and/or payment. If there is no response received before Thursday, Mazch 8, this office will begin the administrative hearing process to suspend your license until atl requirements are met. You have the opportunity to appeal the City's decision throuoh this proceeding. If you have any questions, please contact Corinne aY 651-266-9106. Regards, (������ Christine A. Rozek �• �� LIEP Deputy Director 01 -'1��" CAR/caa �icense-Group Comments Text Licensee: RpY EILfS �BA� MINI DUMP'S INC License #: 79g90006066 �: .-;--: -, . 04/Y3/2001 No response to Ietter requesGng renewal. To CAO for adverse action. LIEP requests license suspension. CAR D2128@001 letter sent for req noi met caa � 05/26/2000 Atldress change from 3801-5th Sf NE, Colum6ia Hts, MN 55421 to 3134 Cal'rfornia St. NE, Minneapolis, MN 554� 8. LAB 04/07/2000 5133.00 refund processed V330-33'15,ES 10/6/99 - Insurance expires 5/�512000. if insurance eMension is not received, adjust license date - LA8 04/20l2001 a � -��ta- a �= ►�ta- Address � Licensee � CoMact � license � Cardholder l Type: r property !` Licensea �` Unofficiai C• p,ry SYraet #: 134 Street NamE_ IFORNIA Sireet TYpe: <,�Ib �� , Oirecti0n: eAli> A : Unft #. r City =All> � i i� � �Ie. ; �qp`� TR1429 0 � "hlei�"v�S�ea'ch` ���He1���2 �� �.� nopmt ;1QN6M9461 — �„�._, . e Hauler DeBnquernLicense expired n� prcQ 10.N617939 D5f157200�7 � - °'. ��� s a .n . : .v�.-m r � . t v �.^,+,� a.� a-i:,5' t 's:,-.. �� /�. ...�� �t.�- 't'�'d 'x ✓1^ 'k`., a' ��' 4 5: 5 ttema Found _ _-�. � Sta�E Grou �se t�1-�� ' �I ' �``fic �'� tc °� 's - stom rarr.r3 Lrcense4. r . ._... ., � �^ ._ i %�_..._. � . P, u_e �.��__r�.�����;-+.�Fa��,� _-��<� ��I. �x �''"�1 r.����_� P� a � -�y�- Typc Stre' S21E $ffE Dire� Und �Y License � Licensee � Lic_ Types C� PropErty fi Licensee �` Unofficial Strzet #: 134 Sirect Nsme. ALIFORNIa SYreet Type' �� Direction: �J Unrt Nd. � UnR #: � CRy: tINNEP.POLIS Licensee AY ELLIS DBA INI DUMP'S INC � Inswance � Bond � ftequiremeMS � � Projed Facilitator: ASUNGON, CORINNE Advuse Action Canments East Stste. fv1N Zip. 5541 S � � : ; Licensee: AY ELLIS� � . _ ..,,_,._._._,,..,._._._ � DBA' 71NI DU�dP'S INC t'' � Sales Tax Id: G177546 Bus Plwne:� j- � 7P.1 License # f License Group Comments: 23t2001 No response to letter repuesting renewaL Ta AO far adverse acGon. LIEP requests Acense pensian. CAR 22001 leYter seM fur req nat met. caa 726120U0 Address chanqe from 3801 Sf NE, Licensee Commerrts: � � 17 " TaYeL' _ ' (- $]83 yave Cnanyes to History � - _�i �� .- xi ' �'�`'_`'-�' ,+ �... `'% {- -� � � . � . S C � . ; - 'r: � �� � 5 tt�ms Faund �Sta�t. �G�rou�`pWise.;�: �ECLIPS�p�� ,z�,� _,�.o���„�.,t ��-[cer+s�;�e�'�ct,� �jPiopert�. � �(���� � ..3:57 P� `-�---� � .� . _��.,. _��.� 61=1 �'Y� �� �' Y E+ _ Addre -� =� �` � ° �°' ��"_ Licensee AY ELLIS � TypE ,Pa� Pnm g, �2km �Ehsr� �at�yn°? DBA IW DUMP'S INC 4 �. k SYre t StrE License Licensee 1 �ic. Types 1 Inswance � Bond ' RequiremeMs � ! Stre Licensee Name: AY E�LIS "�' "� `��"" . u�" �.`�u`�';�_ ' Dire� D6A: 1WI DUMP'S WC �Pro� ies -' %� r ��� , Sales Tax Id: A1775C6 - Non-Prqfd: � Worker's Comp: N0/0000 ,�a-_,�'� ,��� . : AA Contract Rec'd ON0+�000 � AA Training Rec'd; ONON0�0 ` Cdg - - -' . _ __� -. _.__.. . � AA Fee Colleded _010010000 _ Discount Rec'd: (� i' Other A enc Lice�ses Ffnancial Hold Reasons ��-�.,�.y �,. � � .. ,� . ., T � �.k:.� A Ot�er�kicensuiS:AgencYr.ht�@,��,,.4,�?,.�,���,f.`��`4.c�.. � �•_ '�..��a„ ��, �,5jx'� , E��i���; ""clt�¢'"�_.�..e„,�''".� Cnntac[s for this Licensee Lice� TR7A' •���� � ; BackgroundCheckRequired �� �License# 90006068 10iD6f199S0526t „ .,,. . �,... . rMlail License To' --- .a5tt+larne'._ e��'` �dl' �#�-`.,'G.� o eE� �lo; (.. htail To CoMact � - - -�-•�- _. _t a______,..: � �' Licen�e Address i _ __ �;RAY�_ OV4NER� �612)781-002,6:� ---� ;-Mail Invoice To: -- -,.. . �' Mail To Corrtact �'�. �+..'�!:'s�' .�r�:,;r.s.s;S'r? y ;�w��,s f ��x��'s� .i:�:4q<r-! � 3 " LicenseAddress ;. §:.. } �F}CEA 4 `�5.,. Save Changes to History � � i :: ... :; 5 ttems R 34 3:5%� �� �'' � � 1\Fi.��i11 � L Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 2 RESOLVED, that the Solid Waste Hauler license held by Ray Ellis d/b/a Mini Dump's 3 Ina (License ID Number 19990006066) is hereby suspended immediately for the failure to pay 4 delinquent license fees, submit proof of general and auto liability insurance, submit a schedule of 5 charges, and submit truck inspection reports. Said suspension shall be in effect until such time as 6 the license fees and any late charges or penalties have been paid in full; proof of general and auto 7 liability insurance, schedule of charges, and truck inspection reports have been submitted; and 8 written notice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of 9 License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. 10 11 This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the Apri124, 12 2001 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee. The licensee did not contest the facts of the 13 violation. Requested by Department of: BY� � L'/�Yli`^^1.Li � '"_'._!�,/ Fosm Approved by City Atto By: !/ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY' �_ � 1� __— By: Approved by Mayo� Date �I T , By: CouncilFile# ��_7y� , Green Sheet # � n 3� � Z RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3 � Adopted by Council: Date app � Adoption Certified by Council Se etary OFFICS oF �ISg Date: GREEN SHEET Virginia Palmer July ii, 20010 266-8710 No. 103267 01 "� y 1 SPARTDIENT DIRECTOR ITY COI7NCIL � 2 ITY ATTORNEY ZTY Q,ERK �� ust be on CounCil Agendd by: '°"^ �� DIRSCfOR IN. & MC:T. SVC. DIR- � Jul 25 2001 Go 3 P�R loe nssxsraxr� OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: resolution suspending the Solid Waste Hauler license held by Ray Ellis, i.b.a. Mini Dump's Inc. for failure to pay delinquent license fees, submit roof of general and auto liability insurance, submit a schedule of charges and submit truck inspection reports. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR AEJECT (R) BRSONAL 58RVICH CONTRACTS MQST AN54IER THE POLLOWING: PLANNSNG COFPAISSZON CIVIL SEAVIC6 CO[MIISSION 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COFNIITTE& HUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ xas this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COURT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any [7PPORTS WHICH COiINCIL OB.TECI'IVE? Q�rrent City employee? YES NO laia all YSS answera on a aeparata sheat and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, IBSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ��� � �r DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: J �� °�'� ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemars, Mayor July 11, 2001 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robinson, Jc, Ciry Auorney � 4' civirDivisioa 400 Ciry Hal! Te(ephone: 651 266-8710 15 West Kellogg B/vd. Facsimile: 65l 298-5619 Sninf Pnul, Minnesotn 55102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Ray Ellis � Mini Dump's Inc. 3134 Califomia Street NE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418 RE: Solid Waste Hauler License held by Ray Ellis d/b/a Mini Dump's Inc. in Saint Paul License #: 19990006066 Dear Mr. Ellis: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 25, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts conceming the failure to pay license fees and submit the required certificate of insurance, schedule of charges and truck inspection reports have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. V ery truly yours, (/U ,a.�c�� ��U-('�x�1 � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP ,� UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER � ► �ya Licensee Name: Council Date: Ray Ellis d/b/a Mini Dump's Inc. Wednesday, July 25, 2009 Vio(ation: Fai(ure to Pay delinquent license fees, submit proof of general and auto liability insurance, � submit schedule of charges, and submit truck inspection reports License Type: Solid Waste Hauler License Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate Suspension of Sotid Waste Hauler License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. February 28, 2001 letter from Christine Rozek to Ray Ellis 4. License information OFFICF F THE CITY ATTORNEY Clnyton h.. �birsson, Jr., CityAnorreey CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, bIa}ror Apri124, 2001 Ray Ellis Mini Dump's Inc. 3134 Califomia Street NE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418 CivilDivuion 400 Ciry Ha(f I S West Kelfogg Bhd. Sairst Paul, .Ltinnuotn Si102 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Dt=)�la' Te[ephone: 651 266-8710 Fn csimile: 651298-56! 9 TZE: Solid Waste Hauler License held by Ray Ellis d/b/a Mini Dump's Inc. in Saint Paul License #: 19990006066 Dear Mr. Ellis: The Office of License InspecYions and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has recommended adverse action against the Solid Waste Hauler license held by you, d/b/a Mini Dump's Inc., in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: Your solid waste hauler license and the certificate of insnrance required for the Iicense expired on May 15, 2000. You were advised by letter from the Office of LIEP dated February 28, 2001 that if you had nof submitted the necessary renewa] fees, insurance information, schedule of charges and truck inspection reports by March 8, 2001, that LIEP woutd begin action to suspend your license. They have had no response to the letter as of today's date. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter admitting that they are true. The matter will Yhen be scheduled for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Cauncil to deterxnine what penalty, if any, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensing office is £or the immediate suspension of your license until all required renewal fees and late fees, insurance information, schedule of charges attd truck inspection reports have been submitted. You may also pay the fees and submit The required information to the Offtce of License, Inspections and Environmenta] Protection immediately to Yake care of this matter. Pa�e 2 Ray Ellis Apri124,2001 o l -�`! 1- If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentSary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a Ietter stating that you are contestin� the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearin� with the date, time and place for the hearing, the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation o£the procedures. Please let me know in writing no later than Friday, May 4, 2001, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Friday, May 4, 2001, I wili assume that you are not contesting that the iicense fees and information have not been submitted. I witl then schedule this matter for the St. Paut City Council and have it piaced on the Cansent Agenda during which no public discussion is ailowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. Tf you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, C/� -�a� �� -�-�,� � Virginia D. Paimer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP �� 14� STATE OF COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ) Ss. ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MASL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 27, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Ray E11is Mini Dump's, Inc. 3134 California Street NE Minneapolis, MN. 55418 {which ia the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Uni States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. � /} _.,=r-�.r G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of 2001. r� 1 � '`� /� %� 11�'�" , ..r� / �"�/�2 ^ �.�� PETER P. PANGBORN NOtar Public ` NOiAi2YWBUC-h11NNESOTA Y MY COMMISSION EXPlP. ES JAN. 3�. 2005 ���� �� �a � �n CITY OF SAIN'P PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor February 28,2001 I9990006066 Ray Bllis Mini Dump's Inc 3134 California St NE Minneapolis MN 55418-1809 OFFICE OF LICENSE, PISPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Rager Curtis, Director � ` '�'� LOWRYPROFESSIONALBClILDING Telephone: 651-266-9090 350 St Peter Stree[, S¢ite 300 Paceimile: 651-266-4124 SainzP¢ul,Minnesofa55702-ISIO Web: wrrx.cistpassl.mn.usAiep RE: Expired License and Expired CertificaYe of Insurance Dear Licensee: After reviewing your business license for Solid Waste Hauler in the City of Saint Paul, our offrce has determined that your certificate of insurance and business license has not been renewed. In order to remove the hold that has been placed on your license, the following requirements must ba met: The license is exp�ired. Eapiration date : May 15, 2000 We require a renewal fee of $475.00. This fee will cover your license renewal and late fees for the Solid Waste Hauler license (including one vehicle) from May I5, 2000 through May 15, 2001. You may renew each additional vehicle for $66.00 each per year. According to the history o£your license, yon have one (1) addifional vehicle. To renew these vehicles, an addifional $99.00 is required. Submit proof of general and auto liabiliry insurance coverage in the amount of $100,000 for bodily injury per person, $300,000 bodily injury per accident, and $50,000 for property damage per accident; for the period of May 15, 2000 through May 15, Z001. The VIN and license plate number of each vehicle to be licensed must be listed on the insurance certificate. T'he insurance certificate must have no lapse in coverage. . (Note: The insurance policy expiration date must coincide with the Iicense expiration date of May 15, 2001 or be �led as continuous,) • Schedule of charges foz the period of May I5, 2000 tluough May 15, 2001. Approved truck inspection reports for each vehicle from Public Works (891 Dale Street North , 651-487-4700) for the period of May 15, 2000 through May 15, 2001. Page 2 Letter of 12equirements not met February 28, 2001 You have unril Thursday, Ivlarch 8, 2001 to respond by submitting the requzred paperwork and/or payment. If there is no response received before Thursday, Mazch 8, this office will begin the administrative hearing process to suspend your license until atl requirements are met. You have the opportunity to appeal the City's decision throuoh this proceeding. If you have any questions, please contact Corinne aY 651-266-9106. Regards, (������ Christine A. Rozek �• �� LIEP Deputy Director 01 -'1��" CAR/caa �icense-Group Comments Text Licensee: RpY EILfS �BA� MINI DUMP'S INC License #: 79g90006066 �: .-;--: -, . 04/Y3/2001 No response to Ietter requesGng renewal. To CAO for adverse action. LIEP requests license suspension. CAR D2128@001 letter sent for req noi met caa � 05/26/2000 Atldress change from 3801-5th Sf NE, Colum6ia Hts, MN 55421 to 3134 Cal'rfornia St. NE, Minneapolis, MN 554� 8. LAB 04/07/2000 5133.00 refund processed V330-33'15,ES 10/6/99 - Insurance expires 5/�512000. if insurance eMension is not received, adjust license date - LA8 04/20l2001 a � -��ta- a �= ►�ta- Address � Licensee � CoMact � license � Cardholder l Type: r property !` Licensea �` Unofficiai C• p,ry SYraet #: 134 Street NamE_ IFORNIA Sireet TYpe: <,�Ib �� , Oirecti0n: eAli> A : Unft #. r City =All> � i i� � �Ie. ; �qp`� TR1429 0 � "hlei�"v�S�ea'ch` ���He1���2 �� �.� nopmt ;1QN6M9461 — �„�._, . e Hauler DeBnquernLicense expired n� prcQ 10.N617939 D5f157200�7 � - °'. ��� s a .n . : .v�.-m r � . t v �.^,+,� a.� a-i:,5' t 's:,-.. �� /�. ...�� �t.�- 't'�'d 'x ✓1^ 'k`., a' ��' 4 5: 5 ttema Found _ _-�. � Sta�E Grou �se t�1-�� ' �I ' �``fic �'� tc °� 's - stom rarr.r3 Lrcense4. r . ._... ., � �^ ._ i %�_..._. � . P, u_e �.��__r�.�����;-+.�Fa��,� _-��<� ��I. �x �''"�1 r.����_� P� a � -�y�- Typc Stre' S21E $ffE Dire� Und �Y License � Licensee � Lic_ Types C� PropErty fi Licensee �` Unofficial Strzet #: 134 Sirect Nsme. ALIFORNIa SYreet Type' �� Direction: �J Unrt Nd. � UnR #: � CRy: tINNEP.POLIS Licensee AY ELLIS DBA INI DUMP'S INC � Inswance � Bond � ftequiremeMS � � Projed Facilitator: ASUNGON, CORINNE Advuse Action Canments East Stste. fv1N Zip. 5541 S � � : ; Licensee: AY ELLIS� � . _ ..,,_,._._._,,..,._._._ � DBA' 71NI DU�dP'S INC t'' � Sales Tax Id: G177546 Bus Plwne:� j- � 7P.1 License # f License Group Comments: 23t2001 No response to letter repuesting renewaL Ta AO far adverse acGon. LIEP requests Acense pensian. CAR 22001 leYter seM fur req nat met. caa 726120U0 Address chanqe from 3801 Sf NE, Licensee Commerrts: � � 17 " TaYeL' _ ' (- $]83 yave Cnanyes to History � - _�i �� .- xi ' �'�`'_`'-�' ,+ �... `'% {- -� � � . � . S C � . ; - 'r: � �� � 5 tt�ms Faund �Sta�t. �G�rou�`pWise.;�: �ECLIPS�p�� ,z�,� _,�.o���„�.,t ��-[cer+s�;�e�'�ct,� �jPiopert�. � �(���� � ..3:57 P� `-�---� � .� . _��.,. _��.� 61=1 �'Y� �� �' Y E+ _ Addre -� =� �` � ° �°' ��"_ Licensee AY ELLIS � TypE ,Pa� Pnm g, �2km �Ehsr� �at�yn°? DBA IW DUMP'S INC 4 �. k SYre t StrE License Licensee 1 �ic. Types 1 Inswance � Bond ' RequiremeMs � ! Stre Licensee Name: AY E�LIS "�' "� `��"" . u�" �.`�u`�';�_ ' Dire� D6A: 1WI DUMP'S WC �Pro� ies -' %� r ��� , Sales Tax Id: A1775C6 - Non-Prqfd: � Worker's Comp: N0/0000 ,�a-_,�'� ,��� . : AA Contract Rec'd ON0+�000 � AA Training Rec'd; ONON0�0 ` Cdg - - -' . _ __� -. _.__.. . � AA Fee Colleded _010010000 _ Discount Rec'd: (� i' Other A enc Lice�ses Ffnancial Hold Reasons ��-�.,�.y �,. � � .. ,� . ., T � �.k:.� A Ot�er�kicensuiS:AgencYr.ht�@,��,,.4,�?,.�,���,f.`��`4.c�.. � �•_ '�..��a„ ��, �,5jx'� , E��i���; ""clt�¢'"�_.�..e„,�''".� Cnntac[s for this Licensee Lice� TR7A' •���� � ; BackgroundCheckRequired �� �License# 90006068 10iD6f199S0526t „ .,,. . �,... . rMlail License To' --- .a5tt+larne'._ e��'` �dl' �#�-`.,'G.� o eE� �lo; (.. htail To CoMact � - - -�-•�- _. _t a______,..: � �' Licen�e Address i _ __ �;RAY�_ OV4NER� �612)781-002,6:� ---� ;-Mail Invoice To: -- -,.. . �' Mail To Corrtact �'�. �+..'�!:'s�' .�r�:,;r.s.s;S'r? y ;�w��,s f ��x��'s� .i:�:4q<r-! � 3 " LicenseAddress ;. §:.. } �F}CEA 4 `�5.,. Save Changes to History � � i :: ... :; 5 ttems R 34 3:5%� �� �'' � � 1\Fi.��i11 � L Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 2 RESOLVED, that the Solid Waste Hauler license held by Ray Ellis d/b/a Mini Dump's 3 Ina (License ID Number 19990006066) is hereby suspended immediately for the failure to pay 4 delinquent license fees, submit proof of general and auto liability insurance, submit a schedule of 5 charges, and submit truck inspection reports. Said suspension shall be in effect until such time as 6 the license fees and any late charges or penalties have been paid in full; proof of general and auto 7 liability insurance, schedule of charges, and truck inspection reports have been submitted; and 8 written notice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of 9 License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. 10 11 This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the Apri124, 12 2001 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee. The licensee did not contest the facts of the 13 violation. Requested by Department of: BY� � L'/�Yli`^^1.Li � '"_'._!�,/ Fosm Approved by City Atto By: !/ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY' �_ � 1� __— By: Approved by Mayo� Date �I T , By: CouncilFile# ��_7y� , Green Sheet # � n 3� � Z RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3 � Adopted by Council: Date app � Adoption Certified by Council Se etary OFFICS oF �ISg Date: GREEN SHEET Virginia Palmer July ii, 20010 266-8710 No. 103267 01 "� y 1 SPARTDIENT DIRECTOR ITY COI7NCIL � 2 ITY ATTORNEY ZTY Q,ERK �� ust be on CounCil Agendd by: '°"^ �� DIRSCfOR IN. & MC:T. SVC. DIR- � Jul 25 2001 Go 3 P�R loe nssxsraxr� OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: resolution suspending the Solid Waste Hauler license held by Ray Ellis, i.b.a. Mini Dump's Inc. for failure to pay delinquent license fees, submit roof of general and auto liability insurance, submit a schedule of charges and submit truck inspection reports. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR AEJECT (R) BRSONAL 58RVICH CONTRACTS MQST AN54IER THE POLLOWING: PLANNSNG COFPAISSZON CIVIL SEAVIC6 CO[MIISSION 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COFNIITTE& HUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ xas this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COURT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any [7PPORTS WHICH COiINCIL OB.TECI'IVE? Q�rrent City employee? YES NO laia all YSS answera on a aeparata sheat and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, IBSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ��� � �r DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: J �� °�'� ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemars, Mayor July 11, 2001 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robinson, Jc, Ciry Auorney � 4' civirDivisioa 400 Ciry Hal! Te(ephone: 651 266-8710 15 West Kellogg B/vd. Facsimile: 65l 298-5619 Sninf Pnul, Minnesotn 55102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Ray Ellis � Mini Dump's Inc. 3134 Califomia Street NE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418 RE: Solid Waste Hauler License held by Ray Ellis d/b/a Mini Dump's Inc. in Saint Paul License #: 19990006066 Dear Mr. Ellis: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 25, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts conceming the failure to pay license fees and submit the required certificate of insurance, schedule of charges and truck inspection reports have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. V ery truly yours, (/U ,a.�c�� ��U-('�x�1 � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP ,� UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER � ► �ya Licensee Name: Council Date: Ray Ellis d/b/a Mini Dump's Inc. Wednesday, July 25, 2009 Vio(ation: Fai(ure to Pay delinquent license fees, submit proof of general and auto liability insurance, � submit schedule of charges, and submit truck inspection reports License Type: Solid Waste Hauler License Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate Suspension of Sotid Waste Hauler License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. February 28, 2001 letter from Christine Rozek to Ray Ellis 4. License information OFFICF F THE CITY ATTORNEY Clnyton h.. �birsson, Jr., CityAnorreey CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, bIa}ror Apri124, 2001 Ray Ellis Mini Dump's Inc. 3134 Califomia Street NE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418 CivilDivuion 400 Ciry Ha(f I S West Kelfogg Bhd. Sairst Paul, .Ltinnuotn Si102 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Dt=)�la' Te[ephone: 651 266-8710 Fn csimile: 651298-56! 9 TZE: Solid Waste Hauler License held by Ray Ellis d/b/a Mini Dump's Inc. in Saint Paul License #: 19990006066 Dear Mr. Ellis: The Office of License InspecYions and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has recommended adverse action against the Solid Waste Hauler license held by you, d/b/a Mini Dump's Inc., in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: Your solid waste hauler license and the certificate of insnrance required for the Iicense expired on May 15, 2000. You were advised by letter from the Office of LIEP dated February 28, 2001 that if you had nof submitted the necessary renewa] fees, insurance information, schedule of charges and truck inspection reports by March 8, 2001, that LIEP woutd begin action to suspend your license. They have had no response to the letter as of today's date. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter admitting that they are true. The matter will Yhen be scheduled for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Cauncil to deterxnine what penalty, if any, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensing office is £or the immediate suspension of your license until all required renewal fees and late fees, insurance information, schedule of charges attd truck inspection reports have been submitted. You may also pay the fees and submit The required information to the Offtce of License, Inspections and Environmenta] Protection immediately to Yake care of this matter. Pa�e 2 Ray Ellis Apri124,2001 o l -�`! 1- If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentSary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a Ietter stating that you are contestin� the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearin� with the date, time and place for the hearing, the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation o£the procedures. Please let me know in writing no later than Friday, May 4, 2001, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Friday, May 4, 2001, I wili assume that you are not contesting that the iicense fees and information have not been submitted. I witl then schedule this matter for the St. Paut City Council and have it piaced on the Cansent Agenda during which no public discussion is ailowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. Tf you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, C/� -�a� �� -�-�,� � Virginia D. Paimer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP �� 14� STATE OF COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ) Ss. ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MASL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 27, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Ray E11is Mini Dump's, Inc. 3134 California Street NE Minneapolis, MN. 55418 {which ia the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Uni States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. � /} _.,=r-�.r G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of 2001. r� 1 � '`� /� %� 11�'�" , ..r� / �"�/�2 ^ �.�� PETER P. PANGBORN NOtar Public ` NOiAi2YWBUC-h11NNESOTA Y MY COMMISSION EXPlP. ES JAN. 3�. 2005 ���� �� �a � �n CITY OF SAIN'P PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor February 28,2001 I9990006066 Ray Bllis Mini Dump's Inc 3134 California St NE Minneapolis MN 55418-1809 OFFICE OF LICENSE, PISPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Rager Curtis, Director � ` '�'� LOWRYPROFESSIONALBClILDING Telephone: 651-266-9090 350 St Peter Stree[, S¢ite 300 Paceimile: 651-266-4124 SainzP¢ul,Minnesofa55702-ISIO Web: wrrx.cistpassl.mn.usAiep RE: Expired License and Expired CertificaYe of Insurance Dear Licensee: After reviewing your business license for Solid Waste Hauler in the City of Saint Paul, our offrce has determined that your certificate of insurance and business license has not been renewed. In order to remove the hold that has been placed on your license, the following requirements must ba met: The license is exp�ired. Eapiration date : May 15, 2000 We require a renewal fee of $475.00. This fee will cover your license renewal and late fees for the Solid Waste Hauler license (including one vehicle) from May I5, 2000 through May 15, 2001. You may renew each additional vehicle for $66.00 each per year. According to the history o£your license, yon have one (1) addifional vehicle. To renew these vehicles, an addifional $99.00 is required. Submit proof of general and auto liabiliry insurance coverage in the amount of $100,000 for bodily injury per person, $300,000 bodily injury per accident, and $50,000 for property damage per accident; for the period of May 15, 2000 through May 15, Z001. The VIN and license plate number of each vehicle to be licensed must be listed on the insurance certificate. T'he insurance certificate must have no lapse in coverage. . (Note: The insurance policy expiration date must coincide with the Iicense expiration date of May 15, 2001 or be �led as continuous,) • Schedule of charges foz the period of May I5, 2000 tluough May 15, 2001. Approved truck inspection reports for each vehicle from Public Works (891 Dale Street North , 651-487-4700) for the period of May 15, 2000 through May 15, 2001. Page 2 Letter of 12equirements not met February 28, 2001 You have unril Thursday, Ivlarch 8, 2001 to respond by submitting the requzred paperwork and/or payment. If there is no response received before Thursday, Mazch 8, this office will begin the administrative hearing process to suspend your license until atl requirements are met. You have the opportunity to appeal the City's decision throuoh this proceeding. If you have any questions, please contact Corinne aY 651-266-9106. Regards, (������ Christine A. Rozek �• �� LIEP Deputy Director 01 -'1��" CAR/caa �icense-Group Comments Text Licensee: RpY EILfS �BA� MINI DUMP'S INC License #: 79g90006066 �: .-;--: -, . 04/Y3/2001 No response to Ietter requesGng renewal. To CAO for adverse action. LIEP requests license suspension. CAR D2128@001 letter sent for req noi met caa � 05/26/2000 Atldress change from 3801-5th Sf NE, Colum6ia Hts, MN 55421 to 3134 Cal'rfornia St. NE, Minneapolis, MN 554� 8. LAB 04/07/2000 5133.00 refund processed V330-33'15,ES 10/6/99 - Insurance expires 5/�512000. if insurance eMension is not received, adjust license date - LA8 04/20l2001 a � -��ta- a �= ►�ta- Address � Licensee � CoMact � license � Cardholder l Type: r property !` Licensea �` Unofficiai C• p,ry SYraet #: 134 Street NamE_ IFORNIA Sireet TYpe: <,�Ib �� , Oirecti0n: eAli> A : Unft #. r City =All> � i i� � �Ie. ; �qp`� TR1429 0 � "hlei�"v�S�ea'ch` ���He1���2 �� �.� nopmt ;1QN6M9461 — �„�._, . e Hauler DeBnquernLicense expired n� prcQ 10.N617939 D5f157200�7 � - °'. ��� s a .n . : .v�.-m r � . t v �.^,+,� a.� a-i:,5' t 's:,-.. �� /�. ...�� �t.�- 't'�'d 'x ✓1^ 'k`., a' ��' 4 5: 5 ttema Found _ _-�. � Sta�E Grou �se t�1-�� ' �I ' �``fic �'� tc °� 's - stom rarr.r3 Lrcense4. r . ._... ., � �^ ._ i %�_..._. � . P, u_e �.��__r�.�����;-+.�Fa��,� _-��<� ��I. �x �''"�1 r.����_� P� a � -�y�- Typc Stre' S21E $ffE Dire� Und �Y License � Licensee � Lic_ Types C� PropErty fi Licensee �` Unofficial Strzet #: 134 Sirect Nsme. ALIFORNIa SYreet Type' �� Direction: �J Unrt Nd. � UnR #: � CRy: tINNEP.POLIS Licensee AY ELLIS DBA INI DUMP'S INC � Inswance � Bond � ftequiremeMS � � Projed Facilitator: ASUNGON, CORINNE Advuse Action Canments East Stste. fv1N Zip. 5541 S � � : ; Licensee: AY ELLIS� � . _ ..,,_,._._._,,..,._._._ � DBA' 71NI DU�dP'S INC t'' � Sales Tax Id: G177546 Bus Plwne:� j- � 7P.1 License # f License Group Comments: 23t2001 No response to letter repuesting renewaL Ta AO far adverse acGon. LIEP requests Acense pensian. CAR 22001 leYter seM fur req nat met. caa 726120U0 Address chanqe from 3801 Sf NE, Licensee Commerrts: � � 17 " TaYeL' _ ' (- $]83 yave Cnanyes to History � - _�i �� .- xi ' �'�`'_`'-�' ,+ �... `'% {- -� � � . � . S C � . ; - 'r: � �� � 5 tt�ms Faund �Sta�t. �G�rou�`pWise.;�: �ECLIPS�p�� ,z�,� _,�.o���„�.,t ��-[cer+s�;�e�'�ct,� �jPiopert�. � �(���� � ..3:57 P� `-�---� � .� . _��.,. _��.� 61=1 �'Y� �� �' Y E+ _ Addre -� =� �` � ° �°' ��"_ Licensee AY ELLIS � TypE ,Pa� Pnm g, �2km �Ehsr� �at�yn°? DBA IW DUMP'S INC 4 �. k SYre t StrE License Licensee 1 �ic. Types 1 Inswance � Bond ' RequiremeMs � ! Stre Licensee Name: AY E�LIS "�' "� `��"" . u�" �.`�u`�';�_ ' Dire� D6A: 1WI DUMP'S WC �Pro� ies -' %� r ��� , Sales Tax Id: A1775C6 - Non-Prqfd: � Worker's Comp: N0/0000 ,�a-_,�'� ,��� . : AA Contract Rec'd ON0+�000 � AA Training Rec'd; ONON0�0 ` Cdg - - -' . _ __� -. _.__.. . � AA Fee Colleded _010010000 _ Discount Rec'd: (� i' Other A enc Lice�ses Ffnancial Hold Reasons ��-�.,�.y �,. � � .. ,� . ., T � �.k:.� A Ot�er�kicensuiS:AgencYr.ht�@,��,,.4,�?,.�,���,f.`��`4.c�.. � �•_ '�..��a„ ��, �,5jx'� , E��i���; ""clt�¢'"�_.�..e„,�''".� Cnntac[s for this Licensee Lice� TR7A' •���� � ; BackgroundCheckRequired �� �License# 90006068 10iD6f199S0526t „ .,,. . �,... . rMlail License To' --- .a5tt+larne'._ e��'` �dl' �#�-`.,'G.� o eE� �lo; (.. htail To CoMact � - - -�-•�- _. _t a______,..: � �' Licen�e Address i _ __ �;RAY�_ OV4NER� �612)781-002,6:� ---� ;-Mail Invoice To: -- -,.. . �' Mail To Corrtact �'�. �+..'�!:'s�' .�r�:,;r.s.s;S'r? y ;�w��,s f ��x��'s� .i:�:4q<r-! � 3 " LicenseAddress ;. §:.. } �F}CEA 4 `�5.,. Save Changes to History � � i :: ... :; 5 ttems R 34 3:5%�