01-736O��GINAL Council File # � � '3(0 Green Sheet # 106153 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 9 Presented Refesed To Committee Date WIIEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20000004873) for Auto Body Repair Shop, Auto Repair Garage, and Auto Body Repair/Painting Shop licenses by Terry Fransen and Richazd F. Phillippi, doing business as East Side Collision Center, 1007 Arcade Street, be approved with the following conditions: 1) All customer and employee vehicles must be pazked in the azea designated on the site plan for this business. No business related pazking on the street or public right-of-way or in the lots of neighboring businesses without a shared parking agreemQ�t on file with LIEP. 2) All vehicles pazked outdoors must appearto be completely assembled with no major body parts missing. 3) Vehicle salvage is not pernutted. 4) Vehicle parts, tires, oil, or similar items will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be stored in a covered 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) dumpster. No repair of vehicles is allowed on the lot. All repair work must be done inside the shop. Provide maneuvering space on the property to allow vehicles entering and exiting the site to proceed forward. Backing from the street or onto the street is prohibited. No vehicle sales allowed. Customer vehicles may not be parked longer than ten days on the premises. Licensee must comply with all federal, state, and local laws. The maximum number of vehicles parked outdoors in the lot cannot exceed seventeen; one space shall be designated and marked for handicap parking. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license application with the recommended conditions. East Side Collision Resolution, Crreen Sheet 106153 4�-�3to Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Coleman ✓ Harris �/ Benanav �/ Reiter � Bostrom ✓ Lantry ./ Q Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council r �!!`�� t��� � �. . -� . . � �. - �,i i . �1/ %ff ,��// I%7/ Requested by Department o£ � Form Approved by Ciry Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 0�-'136 City Council Offices r�y 9, 2ooi GREEN SHEET No 106153 �. Gerry Strathman, 266-8560 �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES w,.a�rsigma ��� ❑ rn�naisar ❑ arvmK _ ❑ nuu¢rtaExxeuc¢ ❑ wtww�aFlmKero ❑ MYORNRJ1qilAMl ❑ {CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving application with conditions for Auto Body Repair Shop, Auto Repair Garage, and Auto Body Repair/Painting Shop Licenses by Terry Fransen and Richard F. Phillippi, Jr., doing business as East Side Collision Center; 1007 Arcade Street. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMfTTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Fi� tliie ce�� everxniked unaer a wnfraa for ihis dePaAmeM? YES NO � Hm tlds wsoMrm ever been a aty emqoyee9 YES NO Ooesihis P�mt Oaeees a sMN not riarmel�YP�� M a�Y curten[ ciy' emPbyee4 YES NO Is Mis PeraorJfirm a taryated �WOI! YES NO dein a0 vea a�ure�a m eeoarah aheet antl aVach to areen ahcet I`°'�3�y�{°:� i'E4&`A`>TP2'S � sW�SI� �€�°� � � �Q�� IFAPPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S (IXPWNj ��. '___ . �.,..__:..—�=?T..' _— COST/REVplUEBUDOETED(GRC�EONE) ACTNITY NUTABER VE3 NO JUL-02-2001 09=23 CITY OF ST. PRUL-LIEP CITY OF SAINT PAUL NOrtll COICR13I1, M2YOf P.01/01 OFFICE OF LIGENSE. INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION fio08l Cutil. Diroctar a , � � �j ` v WBDSiroAddacs, xxw.cl.el�uf.mRU&12p LOWRYpROFESSfONAL6UlLDING raeaholre;(65v>2esso90 Stn1e 300 FacsimAe: l6511266SD99 SSOSf. FtrferS6eaf (B5f) 266911e S&MP�uI, (.finneSrofB Sy102-1570 I agree fo the following conditions being piaced on the foilowing license(s): License #: 20000004873 Type of Business: Auto Repair Garage Auty Body Repairlpainting Shop Applied for by: RICHARD F PHILLIPPI JR AND TERRY FRANSEN Doing Business As: EAST SIDE COLLISION CENTER at: 1007 ARCADE ST ST PAUL MN 55106 Conditions are as follows: Zoning requires a site plan be submitted for approval. 1. All customer and employee vehicies must be parked in fhe area designated on the site plan for this business. No business related parking on the street or public right-of-way or In the lots of neighboring businesses without a shared parking agreement on frle with LIEP. 2. Ali vehicies parked outdoors must appear to be completely assembled with no major body pa�ts missing. 3. Vehicle saivage is not permitted. � 4. Vehicie parts, fires, oil or similar iterr�s will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be stored in a covered dumpstec 5. No repair of vehicles is allowed on fhp lot. Al) repair work must be done inside the shop. 6. Provide maneuvering space on the properry to aliow vehicles entering and exiting Ehe site to proceed forward. 8acking from the stregt or on to the sVeet is prohibited. 7. No vehicle sales ailowed. 8. Customer vehicles may not be parked longer than 10 days on the premises. 9. Licensee musf comply with all federal, state and tocal Iaws. 10. The maximum number of vehicles, parked outdoors, in the lot cannot exceed seventeen(17}; one space shali be designated and marked for Handicap parking. 11. Convey fo District 5 Planning Council a detailed site pian. 12. Paint parking spaces at the site. 13. Licensee to return to DisVict 5 CPED Committee within 4 or 5 months with a progress repork. Licensee Date ppst-it° Fa�c Note �6�� • �i l 0 TOTRL P.01 0 �-'�36 MINIJTES OF TI� LEGISLATIVE HEARING EAST SIDE COLLISION CENTER - 1007 Arcade Street Tuesday, May 8, 2001 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 10:05 am. STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Asuncion, LIEP (License, Inspections, Environmental Protection), Kristine Schweinler, LIEP Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is being held to heaz objections to the issuance of licenses to East Side Collision Center at 1007 Arcade Street. Kristine Schweinler reported the applicant is applying far an auto body repair shop, auto repair garage, and auto body repair/painting licenses. LIEP recommends the licenses be approved with conditions. Before approval, Zoning would require a site plan to be submitted to show the parking locations and the measurement of the buildings on the lot. LIEP's recommended conditions aze as follows: 1) All customer and employee vehicles must be parked in the azea designated on the site plan for this business. No business related parking on the street or public right-of-way or in the lots of neighboring businesses without a shazed pazking agreement on file with LIEP. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) All vehicles parked outdoors must appeaz to be completely assembled with no major body parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. Vehicle parts, tires, oil, or similaz items will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be stored in a covered dumpster. No repair of vehicles is allowed on the lot. All repair work must be done inside the shop. Provide maneuvering space on the property to a11ow vehicles entering and exiflng the site to proceed forward. Backing from the street or onto the street is prohibited. No vehicle sales allowed. Customer vehicles may not be parked longer than 10 days on the premises. Licensee must comply with all federal, state, and local laws. The maximum number of vehicles pazked outdoors in the lot cannot exceed seventeen; one space shall be designated and mazked for handicap parldng. Mr. Strathxnan asked has the applicant agreed to the conditions. Ms. Schweinler responded she does not believe they have seen them. Jun London, Polish American Club boazd member, 1003 Arcade Street, and Lauonne Pasiuk, Polish American Club Manager, appeared. Mr. London stated the condifions address most of the concerns they haue. They are not here to put the licensee out of business, but they are concerned with parking in the alley, parking on the street, leauing cazs on the street with sale signs, and parking without permission in the club's pazking lot. 0�-�13� EAST SIDE COLLISION CENTER, 1007 Arcade Street Page 2 Mr. Strathman asked would they have any obj ections to the licenses if the owner agrees with the conditions. Mr. London responded no, but he would like to see an annual review added to these conditions. Ms. Schweinler stated licenses with conditions aze reviewed on an annual basis by the Zoning and Licensing Departments. Someone can call her office if the owner is not complying. If there is a violation of the conditions, it could be means for an administrative action against the license. Ms. Pasiuk gave Mr. Sirathman a letter from Mazgazet A. Anderson, President of Kam Insurance, Inc., 1016 Arcade Street. Mr. Strathman read the letter into the record. Ms. Anderson wrote about pazking, vehicles with sale signs which block the view when e�ting the lot, diesel huck idling for hours, fumes, vehicle storage, and she suggested the business add a privacy fence. Terry Fransen, owner, and Richard F. Phillippi, Jr., manager, appeared. (Mr. Strathman gave them a few minutes to read the conditions.) Mr. Fransen asked about Condition 1. Ms. Schweinler responded that businesses aze regulated to the lot where they aze making application. Thoroughfazes can be used for customers coming and going quickly, but there aze a number of different businesses on those side streets. Parking a caz on the street that is being seiviced is not allowed. Employee vehicles are not allowed to be on the street because they may be parked there for eight hours a day. Mr. Fransen stated the Polish Atnerican Ha11 has customers that park on the street. Ms. Schweinler responded Mr. Fransen's customers ha�e cars that are being serviced or repaired. The Polish American Club employees should pazk in their lot. Tf their customers are there for an event, they can park on the street. Mr. Fransen stated the Polish American clientele can pazk all over, but if his clientele has an oil change, he cannot pazk it on the side where there are no businesses. Ms. Schweinler responded that is correct. Polish American Club is a hospitality business, and East Side Collision is a service type of business. Mr. Fransen stated a customer's vehicle cannot be in his pazking lot if the customer does not have enough money to pay for the service. Ms. Schweinler responded that is correct. There are many complaints about businesses such as this. Her recommendation is to make those arrangements ahead of tisne. Mr. Fransen responded it is the nature of his business that people do not always ha�e the proper payment. Ms. Schweinler responded these aze the condirions that are placed on every motor vehicle repair service license. Mr. Phillippi stated the insurance company looks at vehicles, and sometnnes it takes ten to fifteen days far them to okay it. Ms. Schweinler responded ten days is the maxiinum for storage according to the zoning ordinance. o�-���c EAST SIDE COLLISION CENTER, 1007 Arcade Street Page 3 Regarding Condition 6, Mr. Fransen stated they have a big tow truck that is pazked in the middle on one side. As long as they go through, there is no problem. Ms. Schweinler responded the fumes from the tow hvck idling are a problem. Mr. Phillippi responded it is hard to shut a diesel off, have it cool down, and then start it up again. Mr. Fransen stated it is more efficient to have it run up to four hours if a person is going to leave again. This is just in the winter. Mr. Fransen stated he would like his customers to pazk in the alley just like the customers of the Polish American Club. He has photographs of velucles pazked in the a11ey. Ms. Schweinler responded the alley is a thoroughfaze, and no one should be pazked there. Gerry Strathxnan asked is he okay with the conditions. Mr. Fransen responded yes. Everythiug is basic. It is what he would expect from another business. He will work with the Polish American Club as long as they do not start out yelling at him. Larry Schultz, Polish American Club member, appeazed and asked would any of the neighbors have input in the formation of the site plan. Ms. Schweinler responded no because the Zoning Deparhnent regulates the site plan along with the applicant. Mr. Schultz asked is the site plan circulated for comment. Ms. Schweinler responded no. It is part of the application. However, the application is public information. Mr. Strathman added the site plan can be viewed by the public after it has been approved. Ms. Pasiuk asked about the paint fumes because somehow it is coming into the Polish American Club building. Ms. Schweinler responded the Fire Department regulates and inspects the spray painting booths. The booths ha�e been approved and should meet all the current standards. Mr. Strathman suggested the fire mazshal's office be contacted if there is a problem. It is not an issue for the hearing today. Mr. Fransen responded that most of their painting is done during the day. They plan to have some work done on the roof. At that time, they will look at the vent. Mr. Phillippi stated it is not every hour of the day that a vehicle is being painted. A car can take about three to four hours to paint. Sometunes, a paint job will run past 6:00 p.m. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the license application with the condifions as printed on Page 1 with the following understanding: 1) the licensee will sign off on the conditions before the matter goes to the City Council, 2) the site plan is submitted before the matter goes to the City Council. The meeting will be adjourned at 10:32 a.m. 0 (Note: the applicant signed the conditions after the meeting.) O��GINAL Council File # � � '3(0 Green Sheet # 106153 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 9 Presented Refesed To Committee Date WIIEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20000004873) for Auto Body Repair Shop, Auto Repair Garage, and Auto Body Repair/Painting Shop licenses by Terry Fransen and Richazd F. Phillippi, doing business as East Side Collision Center, 1007 Arcade Street, be approved with the following conditions: 1) All customer and employee vehicles must be pazked in the azea designated on the site plan for this business. No business related pazking on the street or public right-of-way or in the lots of neighboring businesses without a shared parking agreemQ�t on file with LIEP. 2) All vehicles pazked outdoors must appearto be completely assembled with no major body parts missing. 3) Vehicle salvage is not pernutted. 4) Vehicle parts, tires, oil, or similar items will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be stored in a covered 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) dumpster. No repair of vehicles is allowed on the lot. All repair work must be done inside the shop. Provide maneuvering space on the property to allow vehicles entering and exiting the site to proceed forward. Backing from the street or onto the street is prohibited. No vehicle sales allowed. Customer vehicles may not be parked longer than ten days on the premises. Licensee must comply with all federal, state, and local laws. The maximum number of vehicles parked outdoors in the lot cannot exceed seventeen; one space shall be designated and marked for handicap parking. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license application with the recommended conditions. East Side Collision Resolution, Crreen Sheet 106153 4�-�3to Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Coleman ✓ Harris �/ Benanav �/ Reiter � Bostrom ✓ Lantry ./ Q Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council r �!!`�� t��� � �. . -� . . � �. - �,i i . �1/ %ff ,��// I%7/ Requested by Department o£ � Form Approved by Ciry Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 0�-'136 City Council Offices r�y 9, 2ooi GREEN SHEET No 106153 �. Gerry Strathman, 266-8560 �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES w,.a�rsigma ��� ❑ rn�naisar ❑ arvmK _ ❑ nuu¢rtaExxeuc¢ ❑ wtww�aFlmKero ❑ MYORNRJ1qilAMl ❑ {CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving application with conditions for Auto Body Repair Shop, Auto Repair Garage, and Auto Body Repair/Painting Shop Licenses by Terry Fransen and Richard F. Phillippi, Jr., doing business as East Side Collision Center; 1007 Arcade Street. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMfTTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Fi� tliie ce�� everxniked unaer a wnfraa for ihis dePaAmeM? YES NO � Hm tlds wsoMrm ever been a aty emqoyee9 YES NO Ooesihis P�mt Oaeees a sMN not riarmel�YP�� M a�Y curten[ ciy' emPbyee4 YES NO Is Mis PeraorJfirm a taryated �WOI! YES NO dein a0 vea a�ure�a m eeoarah aheet antl aVach to areen ahcet I`°'�3�y�{°:� i'E4&`A`>TP2'S � sW�SI� �€�°� � � �Q�� IFAPPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S (IXPWNj ��. '___ . �.,..__:..—�=?T..' _— COST/REVplUEBUDOETED(GRC�EONE) ACTNITY NUTABER VE3 NO JUL-02-2001 09=23 CITY OF ST. PRUL-LIEP CITY OF SAINT PAUL NOrtll COICR13I1, M2YOf P.01/01 OFFICE OF LIGENSE. INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION fio08l Cutil. Diroctar a , � � �j ` v WBDSiroAddacs, xxw.cl.el�uf.mRU&12p LOWRYpROFESSfONAL6UlLDING raeaholre;(65v>2esso90 Stn1e 300 FacsimAe: l6511266SD99 SSOSf. FtrferS6eaf (B5f) 266911e S&MP�uI, (.finneSrofB Sy102-1570 I agree fo the following conditions being piaced on the foilowing license(s): License #: 20000004873 Type of Business: Auto Repair Garage Auty Body Repairlpainting Shop Applied for by: RICHARD F PHILLIPPI JR AND TERRY FRANSEN Doing Business As: EAST SIDE COLLISION CENTER at: 1007 ARCADE ST ST PAUL MN 55106 Conditions are as follows: Zoning requires a site plan be submitted for approval. 1. All customer and employee vehicies must be parked in fhe area designated on the site plan for this business. No business related parking on the street or public right-of-way or In the lots of neighboring businesses without a shared parking agreement on frle with LIEP. 2. Ali vehicies parked outdoors must appear to be completely assembled with no major body pa�ts missing. 3. Vehicle saivage is not permitted. � 4. Vehicie parts, fires, oil or similar iterr�s will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be stored in a covered dumpstec 5. No repair of vehicles is allowed on fhp lot. Al) repair work must be done inside the shop. 6. Provide maneuvering space on the properry to aliow vehicles entering and exiting Ehe site to proceed forward. 8acking from the stregt or on to the sVeet is prohibited. 7. No vehicle sales ailowed. 8. Customer vehicles may not be parked longer than 10 days on the premises. 9. Licensee musf comply with all federal, state and tocal Iaws. 10. The maximum number of vehicles, parked outdoors, in the lot cannot exceed seventeen(17}; one space shali be designated and marked for Handicap parking. 11. Convey fo District 5 Planning Council a detailed site pian. 12. Paint parking spaces at the site. 13. Licensee to return to DisVict 5 CPED Committee within 4 or 5 months with a progress repork. Licensee Date ppst-it° Fa�c Note �6�� • �i l 0 TOTRL P.01 0 �-'�36 MINIJTES OF TI� LEGISLATIVE HEARING EAST SIDE COLLISION CENTER - 1007 Arcade Street Tuesday, May 8, 2001 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 10:05 am. STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Asuncion, LIEP (License, Inspections, Environmental Protection), Kristine Schweinler, LIEP Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is being held to heaz objections to the issuance of licenses to East Side Collision Center at 1007 Arcade Street. Kristine Schweinler reported the applicant is applying far an auto body repair shop, auto repair garage, and auto body repair/painting licenses. LIEP recommends the licenses be approved with conditions. Before approval, Zoning would require a site plan to be submitted to show the parking locations and the measurement of the buildings on the lot. LIEP's recommended conditions aze as follows: 1) All customer and employee vehicles must be parked in the azea designated on the site plan for this business. No business related parking on the street or public right-of-way or in the lots of neighboring businesses without a shazed pazking agreement on file with LIEP. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) All vehicles parked outdoors must appeaz to be completely assembled with no major body parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. Vehicle parts, tires, oil, or similaz items will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be stored in a covered dumpster. No repair of vehicles is allowed on the lot. All repair work must be done inside the shop. Provide maneuvering space on the property to a11ow vehicles entering and exiflng the site to proceed forward. Backing from the street or onto the street is prohibited. No vehicle sales allowed. Customer vehicles may not be parked longer than 10 days on the premises. Licensee must comply with all federal, state, and local laws. The maximum number of vehicles pazked outdoors in the lot cannot exceed seventeen; one space shall be designated and mazked for handicap parldng. Mr. Strathxnan asked has the applicant agreed to the conditions. Ms. Schweinler responded she does not believe they have seen them. Jun London, Polish American Club boazd member, 1003 Arcade Street, and Lauonne Pasiuk, Polish American Club Manager, appeared. Mr. London stated the condifions address most of the concerns they haue. They are not here to put the licensee out of business, but they are concerned with parking in the alley, parking on the street, leauing cazs on the street with sale signs, and parking without permission in the club's pazking lot. 0�-�13� EAST SIDE COLLISION CENTER, 1007 Arcade Street Page 2 Mr. Strathman asked would they have any obj ections to the licenses if the owner agrees with the conditions. Mr. London responded no, but he would like to see an annual review added to these conditions. Ms. Schweinler stated licenses with conditions aze reviewed on an annual basis by the Zoning and Licensing Departments. Someone can call her office if the owner is not complying. If there is a violation of the conditions, it could be means for an administrative action against the license. Ms. Pasiuk gave Mr. Sirathman a letter from Mazgazet A. Anderson, President of Kam Insurance, Inc., 1016 Arcade Street. Mr. Strathman read the letter into the record. Ms. Anderson wrote about pazking, vehicles with sale signs which block the view when e�ting the lot, diesel huck idling for hours, fumes, vehicle storage, and she suggested the business add a privacy fence. Terry Fransen, owner, and Richard F. Phillippi, Jr., manager, appeared. (Mr. Strathman gave them a few minutes to read the conditions.) Mr. Fransen asked about Condition 1. Ms. Schweinler responded that businesses aze regulated to the lot where they aze making application. Thoroughfazes can be used for customers coming and going quickly, but there aze a number of different businesses on those side streets. Parking a caz on the street that is being seiviced is not allowed. Employee vehicles are not allowed to be on the street because they may be parked there for eight hours a day. Mr. Fransen stated the Polish Atnerican Ha11 has customers that park on the street. Ms. Schweinler responded Mr. Fransen's customers ha�e cars that are being serviced or repaired. The Polish American Club employees should pazk in their lot. Tf their customers are there for an event, they can park on the street. Mr. Fransen stated the Polish American clientele can pazk all over, but if his clientele has an oil change, he cannot pazk it on the side where there are no businesses. Ms. Schweinler responded that is correct. Polish American Club is a hospitality business, and East Side Collision is a service type of business. Mr. Fransen stated a customer's vehicle cannot be in his pazking lot if the customer does not have enough money to pay for the service. Ms. Schweinler responded that is correct. There are many complaints about businesses such as this. Her recommendation is to make those arrangements ahead of tisne. Mr. Fransen responded it is the nature of his business that people do not always ha�e the proper payment. Ms. Schweinler responded these aze the condirions that are placed on every motor vehicle repair service license. Mr. Phillippi stated the insurance company looks at vehicles, and sometnnes it takes ten to fifteen days far them to okay it. Ms. Schweinler responded ten days is the maxiinum for storage according to the zoning ordinance. o�-���c EAST SIDE COLLISION CENTER, 1007 Arcade Street Page 3 Regarding Condition 6, Mr. Fransen stated they have a big tow truck that is pazked in the middle on one side. As long as they go through, there is no problem. Ms. Schweinler responded the fumes from the tow hvck idling are a problem. Mr. Phillippi responded it is hard to shut a diesel off, have it cool down, and then start it up again. Mr. Fransen stated it is more efficient to have it run up to four hours if a person is going to leave again. This is just in the winter. Mr. Fransen stated he would like his customers to pazk in the alley just like the customers of the Polish American Club. He has photographs of velucles pazked in the a11ey. Ms. Schweinler responded the alley is a thoroughfaze, and no one should be pazked there. Gerry Strathxnan asked is he okay with the conditions. Mr. Fransen responded yes. Everythiug is basic. It is what he would expect from another business. He will work with the Polish American Club as long as they do not start out yelling at him. Larry Schultz, Polish American Club member, appeazed and asked would any of the neighbors have input in the formation of the site plan. Ms. Schweinler responded no because the Zoning Deparhnent regulates the site plan along with the applicant. Mr. Schultz asked is the site plan circulated for comment. Ms. Schweinler responded no. It is part of the application. However, the application is public information. Mr. Strathman added the site plan can be viewed by the public after it has been approved. Ms. Pasiuk asked about the paint fumes because somehow it is coming into the Polish American Club building. Ms. Schweinler responded the Fire Department regulates and inspects the spray painting booths. The booths ha�e been approved and should meet all the current standards. Mr. Strathman suggested the fire mazshal's office be contacted if there is a problem. It is not an issue for the hearing today. Mr. Fransen responded that most of their painting is done during the day. They plan to have some work done on the roof. At that time, they will look at the vent. Mr. Phillippi stated it is not every hour of the day that a vehicle is being painted. A car can take about three to four hours to paint. Sometunes, a paint job will run past 6:00 p.m. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the license application with the condifions as printed on Page 1 with the following understanding: 1) the licensee will sign off on the conditions before the matter goes to the City Council, 2) the site plan is submitted before the matter goes to the City Council. The meeting will be adjourned at 10:32 a.m. 0 (Note: the applicant signed the conditions after the meeting.) O��GINAL Council File # � � '3(0 Green Sheet # 106153 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 9 Presented Refesed To Committee Date WIIEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20000004873) for Auto Body Repair Shop, Auto Repair Garage, and Auto Body Repair/Painting Shop licenses by Terry Fransen and Richazd F. Phillippi, doing business as East Side Collision Center, 1007 Arcade Street, be approved with the following conditions: 1) All customer and employee vehicles must be pazked in the azea designated on the site plan for this business. No business related pazking on the street or public right-of-way or in the lots of neighboring businesses without a shared parking agreemQ�t on file with LIEP. 2) All vehicles pazked outdoors must appearto be completely assembled with no major body parts missing. 3) Vehicle salvage is not pernutted. 4) Vehicle parts, tires, oil, or similar items will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be stored in a covered 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) dumpster. No repair of vehicles is allowed on the lot. All repair work must be done inside the shop. Provide maneuvering space on the property to allow vehicles entering and exiting the site to proceed forward. Backing from the street or onto the street is prohibited. No vehicle sales allowed. Customer vehicles may not be parked longer than ten days on the premises. Licensee must comply with all federal, state, and local laws. The maximum number of vehicles parked outdoors in the lot cannot exceed seventeen; one space shall be designated and marked for handicap parking. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license application with the recommended conditions. East Side Collision Resolution, Crreen Sheet 106153 4�-�3to Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Coleman ✓ Harris �/ Benanav �/ Reiter � Bostrom ✓ Lantry ./ Q Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council r �!!`�� t��� � �. . -� . . � �. - �,i i . �1/ %ff ,��// I%7/ Requested by Department o£ � Form Approved by Ciry Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 0�-'136 City Council Offices r�y 9, 2ooi GREEN SHEET No 106153 �. Gerry Strathman, 266-8560 �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES w,.a�rsigma ��� ❑ rn�naisar ❑ arvmK _ ❑ nuu¢rtaExxeuc¢ ❑ wtww�aFlmKero ❑ MYORNRJ1qilAMl ❑ {CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving application with conditions for Auto Body Repair Shop, Auto Repair Garage, and Auto Body Repair/Painting Shop Licenses by Terry Fransen and Richard F. Phillippi, Jr., doing business as East Side Collision Center; 1007 Arcade Street. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMfTTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Fi� tliie ce�� everxniked unaer a wnfraa for ihis dePaAmeM? YES NO � Hm tlds wsoMrm ever been a aty emqoyee9 YES NO Ooesihis P�mt Oaeees a sMN not riarmel�YP�� M a�Y curten[ ciy' emPbyee4 YES NO Is Mis PeraorJfirm a taryated �WOI! YES NO dein a0 vea a�ure�a m eeoarah aheet antl aVach to areen ahcet I`°'�3�y�{°:� i'E4&`A`>TP2'S � sW�SI� �€�°� � � �Q�� IFAPPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S (IXPWNj ��. '___ . �.,..__:..—�=?T..' _— COST/REVplUEBUDOETED(GRC�EONE) ACTNITY NUTABER VE3 NO JUL-02-2001 09=23 CITY OF ST. PRUL-LIEP CITY OF SAINT PAUL NOrtll COICR13I1, M2YOf P.01/01 OFFICE OF LIGENSE. INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION fio08l Cutil. Diroctar a , � � �j ` v WBDSiroAddacs, xxw.cl.el�uf.mRU&12p LOWRYpROFESSfONAL6UlLDING raeaholre;(65v>2esso90 Stn1e 300 FacsimAe: l6511266SD99 SSOSf. FtrferS6eaf (B5f) 266911e S&MP�uI, (.finneSrofB Sy102-1570 I agree fo the following conditions being piaced on the foilowing license(s): License #: 20000004873 Type of Business: Auto Repair Garage Auty Body Repairlpainting Shop Applied for by: RICHARD F PHILLIPPI JR AND TERRY FRANSEN Doing Business As: EAST SIDE COLLISION CENTER at: 1007 ARCADE ST ST PAUL MN 55106 Conditions are as follows: Zoning requires a site plan be submitted for approval. 1. All customer and employee vehicies must be parked in fhe area designated on the site plan for this business. No business related parking on the street or public right-of-way or In the lots of neighboring businesses without a shared parking agreement on frle with LIEP. 2. Ali vehicies parked outdoors must appear to be completely assembled with no major body pa�ts missing. 3. Vehicle saivage is not permitted. � 4. Vehicie parts, fires, oil or similar iterr�s will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be stored in a covered dumpstec 5. No repair of vehicles is allowed on fhp lot. Al) repair work must be done inside the shop. 6. Provide maneuvering space on the properry to aliow vehicles entering and exiting Ehe site to proceed forward. 8acking from the stregt or on to the sVeet is prohibited. 7. No vehicle sales ailowed. 8. Customer vehicles may not be parked longer than 10 days on the premises. 9. Licensee musf comply with all federal, state and tocal Iaws. 10. The maximum number of vehicles, parked outdoors, in the lot cannot exceed seventeen(17}; one space shali be designated and marked for Handicap parking. 11. Convey fo District 5 Planning Council a detailed site pian. 12. Paint parking spaces at the site. 13. Licensee to return to DisVict 5 CPED Committee within 4 or 5 months with a progress repork. Licensee Date ppst-it° Fa�c Note �6�� • �i l 0 TOTRL P.01 0 �-'�36 MINIJTES OF TI� LEGISLATIVE HEARING EAST SIDE COLLISION CENTER - 1007 Arcade Street Tuesday, May 8, 2001 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 10:05 am. STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Asuncion, LIEP (License, Inspections, Environmental Protection), Kristine Schweinler, LIEP Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is being held to heaz objections to the issuance of licenses to East Side Collision Center at 1007 Arcade Street. Kristine Schweinler reported the applicant is applying far an auto body repair shop, auto repair garage, and auto body repair/painting licenses. LIEP recommends the licenses be approved with conditions. Before approval, Zoning would require a site plan to be submitted to show the parking locations and the measurement of the buildings on the lot. LIEP's recommended conditions aze as follows: 1) All customer and employee vehicles must be parked in the azea designated on the site plan for this business. No business related parking on the street or public right-of-way or in the lots of neighboring businesses without a shazed pazking agreement on file with LIEP. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) All vehicles parked outdoors must appeaz to be completely assembled with no major body parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. Vehicle parts, tires, oil, or similaz items will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be stored in a covered dumpster. No repair of vehicles is allowed on the lot. All repair work must be done inside the shop. Provide maneuvering space on the property to a11ow vehicles entering and exiflng the site to proceed forward. Backing from the street or onto the street is prohibited. No vehicle sales allowed. Customer vehicles may not be parked longer than 10 days on the premises. Licensee must comply with all federal, state, and local laws. The maximum number of vehicles pazked outdoors in the lot cannot exceed seventeen; one space shall be designated and mazked for handicap parldng. Mr. Strathxnan asked has the applicant agreed to the conditions. Ms. Schweinler responded she does not believe they have seen them. Jun London, Polish American Club boazd member, 1003 Arcade Street, and Lauonne Pasiuk, Polish American Club Manager, appeared. Mr. London stated the condifions address most of the concerns they haue. They are not here to put the licensee out of business, but they are concerned with parking in the alley, parking on the street, leauing cazs on the street with sale signs, and parking without permission in the club's pazking lot. 0�-�13� EAST SIDE COLLISION CENTER, 1007 Arcade Street Page 2 Mr. Strathman asked would they have any obj ections to the licenses if the owner agrees with the conditions. Mr. London responded no, but he would like to see an annual review added to these conditions. Ms. Schweinler stated licenses with conditions aze reviewed on an annual basis by the Zoning and Licensing Departments. Someone can call her office if the owner is not complying. If there is a violation of the conditions, it could be means for an administrative action against the license. Ms. Pasiuk gave Mr. Sirathman a letter from Mazgazet A. Anderson, President of Kam Insurance, Inc., 1016 Arcade Street. Mr. Strathman read the letter into the record. Ms. Anderson wrote about pazking, vehicles with sale signs which block the view when e�ting the lot, diesel huck idling for hours, fumes, vehicle storage, and she suggested the business add a privacy fence. Terry Fransen, owner, and Richard F. Phillippi, Jr., manager, appeared. (Mr. Strathman gave them a few minutes to read the conditions.) Mr. Fransen asked about Condition 1. Ms. Schweinler responded that businesses aze regulated to the lot where they aze making application. Thoroughfazes can be used for customers coming and going quickly, but there aze a number of different businesses on those side streets. Parking a caz on the street that is being seiviced is not allowed. Employee vehicles are not allowed to be on the street because they may be parked there for eight hours a day. Mr. Fransen stated the Polish Atnerican Ha11 has customers that park on the street. Ms. Schweinler responded Mr. Fransen's customers ha�e cars that are being serviced or repaired. The Polish American Club employees should pazk in their lot. Tf their customers are there for an event, they can park on the street. Mr. Fransen stated the Polish American clientele can pazk all over, but if his clientele has an oil change, he cannot pazk it on the side where there are no businesses. Ms. Schweinler responded that is correct. Polish American Club is a hospitality business, and East Side Collision is a service type of business. Mr. Fransen stated a customer's vehicle cannot be in his pazking lot if the customer does not have enough money to pay for the service. Ms. Schweinler responded that is correct. There are many complaints about businesses such as this. Her recommendation is to make those arrangements ahead of tisne. Mr. Fransen responded it is the nature of his business that people do not always ha�e the proper payment. Ms. Schweinler responded these aze the condirions that are placed on every motor vehicle repair service license. Mr. Phillippi stated the insurance company looks at vehicles, and sometnnes it takes ten to fifteen days far them to okay it. Ms. Schweinler responded ten days is the maxiinum for storage according to the zoning ordinance. o�-���c EAST SIDE COLLISION CENTER, 1007 Arcade Street Page 3 Regarding Condition 6, Mr. Fransen stated they have a big tow truck that is pazked in the middle on one side. As long as they go through, there is no problem. Ms. Schweinler responded the fumes from the tow hvck idling are a problem. Mr. Phillippi responded it is hard to shut a diesel off, have it cool down, and then start it up again. Mr. Fransen stated it is more efficient to have it run up to four hours if a person is going to leave again. This is just in the winter. Mr. Fransen stated he would like his customers to pazk in the alley just like the customers of the Polish American Club. He has photographs of velucles pazked in the a11ey. Ms. Schweinler responded the alley is a thoroughfaze, and no one should be pazked there. Gerry Strathxnan asked is he okay with the conditions. Mr. Fransen responded yes. Everythiug is basic. It is what he would expect from another business. He will work with the Polish American Club as long as they do not start out yelling at him. Larry Schultz, Polish American Club member, appeazed and asked would any of the neighbors have input in the formation of the site plan. Ms. Schweinler responded no because the Zoning Deparhnent regulates the site plan along with the applicant. Mr. Schultz asked is the site plan circulated for comment. Ms. Schweinler responded no. It is part of the application. However, the application is public information. Mr. Strathman added the site plan can be viewed by the public after it has been approved. Ms. Pasiuk asked about the paint fumes because somehow it is coming into the Polish American Club building. Ms. Schweinler responded the Fire Department regulates and inspects the spray painting booths. The booths ha�e been approved and should meet all the current standards. Mr. Strathman suggested the fire mazshal's office be contacted if there is a problem. It is not an issue for the hearing today. Mr. Fransen responded that most of their painting is done during the day. They plan to have some work done on the roof. At that time, they will look at the vent. Mr. Phillippi stated it is not every hour of the day that a vehicle is being painted. A car can take about three to four hours to paint. Sometunes, a paint job will run past 6:00 p.m. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the license application with the condifions as printed on Page 1 with the following understanding: 1) the licensee will sign off on the conditions before the matter goes to the City Council, 2) the site plan is submitted before the matter goes to the City Council. The meeting will be adjourned at 10:32 a.m. 0 (Note: the applicant signed the conditions after the meeting.)