01-735Council File # � � — '13 S � PAUL, Presented Referred To Green Sheet # I o o� 3' Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the interests of the City of Saint Paul aze best served by encouraging integrity, professionalism, and 2 ability in political candidates; and 3 WHEREAS, the interests of the City of Saint Paul are best served by having a broad choice of mayoral candidates 4 reflecting the diversity of the community; and 6 WHEREAS, an individual candidate's choice to run for elected office is influenced by the quality of the 7 community's campaign process, the campaign's fmancial demands, and the quality of the candidates; and 8 WHEREAS, positive campaigns conducted by mayoral candidates enhance the credibility of the Office of Mayor; 9 and 10 WHEREAS, the Council desires to encourage an environment that provides a level playing field for candidates and 11 campaigns free from personal attacks. 12 NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that: 13 1. The Council endorses the Campaign Reform Pledge. 14 2. The Council instructs the City Clerk to provide mayorai candidates with a copy of the Campaign Reform 15 Pledge at the time they indicate their intent to run for office by filing for the Office of Mayar. bt—` 1 3. The Council urges each and every candidate for mayor to sign the pledge. F�� The Council instructs the City Clerk to publish a list of those candidates who have signed the pledge within 30 days after the expiration of the legal period for filing nomination papers. 4 5. The Council directs the City C.Yerk to mail copies of the pledge to PACs and other groups which customarily 5 endorse candidates f' i Council, together with a request that these groups urge candidates to sign the 6 piedge and fiirther urge PA�ndorsing entities to share information regazding candidates' responses 7 to forum, interviews, and questionnaires conducted by these groups. 8 BE IT FUR"THER RESOLVED, that the Council directs the City Clerk to explore the possibility of providing a 9 forum for mayoral candidates on the City's Community Access Cable Television Station. �� : Yeas Na s Absent Benanav � Blakey Bostrom Coleman � Hazris � Lantry t /' Reiter f � � d Adopted by Council: Date \\ �-C Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ���_�`��� • �. � I. . . � �. - - � r �d �' /i/ // � �i�jji'" -ri�: Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � O 1- � 35 Campaign Reform Pledge I am unaRerably opposed to negative campaigns, hit mail and mud slinging and other forms of campaigning that has reduced public confidence in political campaigns. I piedge to conduct our campaign in a positive, issue-oriented manner. i will make no statement, which is false or unsupported by evidence, nor shall 1 cast aspersions on any other candidate through guilt by association. I pledge to refrain from making personal attacks on any other candidate. I reserve the right to engage in vigorous, legitimate debate with the other ' candidates on issue of substance, public record and concern to the voters. I pledge that I will actively oppose efforts by independent third party organizations to engage in the campaign on my behalf unless those efforts are strictiy to positively advance my candidacy. I pledge that I will publicly demand that any independent third party organization conducting anything other than positive campaigning on my behalf cease their activities immediately. I pledge that I shall not use, nor will I permit the use of, character defamation, whispering campaigns, libet, siander, or any form of negative campaign material concerning other candidates or their families. I pledge to personally review and approve the materials distributed by my campaign and ensure that the information is true, accurate, and independently verifiable, I assume responsibility for actives of my campaign and I will urge strongly all organizations that endorse me to support the spirit of this pledge in their campaign activities in my behalf. D 1-'�13 S City Council Chris Coleman 266-8620 GREEN SHEET aAllno�eitr ❑ erctlsle[_ n1�11Ci�Lf�MCOOR. ❑ XIUICIIILiB1MCCi0 No�v;;JJI a�rconea �❑MtVRlOR�1fOf1111p ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� � Endorsemeat of the Campaign Reform Pledge PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMi7TEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION t SOURC@ INFORMA710N (E%PlN41) �i., Hes ihia Pe�sotJfirm everv,orked u1Mer a contrmt brNis tlepartmenl7 vE9 No Fi�UiaPheaJfirmawbeenndtYemPbYee7 , YE3 NO Daes UNS De�soNfi�m G� a aldll nd � DY �Y dmetd city �PbY�? YES WC) ia tlus pe�eoruTnm ata�yetatvenUOR VES ND �. > YES m ACTNI7Y NUM6ER � : t � ; . .. _ r �. -: >.; T _ - - , ...,, _ .... �� � . _. - . ��:- _ -_, , �f _ ' " _ . _ " � , '. _ '+� . �T.- ! • J _' _ _ _ _ _ "_ _ _ . - . " . . �� _ DUPLICATE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, County of Ramsey PITBLIC NOTICE — patrick Boulay, being duly sworn, on oath says that he/she is the publisher - � � ? Pursuant to saint pani Couac;i �ie 01- or the publisher s designated agent of the newspaper lmown as the St. Paul - � �35 the follow;ng mayorai candiaates have Legal Ledger and has full lmowledge of the facts which aze stated below: j signed the rampaign reform pledge. The �----- - � - � resolution mas passed by the City Council - �. � . . I auly 11, 20p1. (A) The nawspaper has complied with all the requirements constituting - I MarcD.nnde:son qualification as a qualified legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statutes I Jay Benanav 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. :. I Davld R Buehler - - � - _ - � Bill Hosko '(g) The printed Notice which is attached was cut from the columns of said __- _ J �'dY A�Y 'newspaper and was printed and published once; it was published on August 3Q Bob Kessla 2001. BobLong -- .- . _ � � . - Maryjane Reagan � - Coptesofthepledgeandresoluflonmay � _.______ . _ _-___ _---,___ ___ _ ___ - __ _ be obtatned by mnang the office ofthe City . and printed below is a copy of the lower case a2phabet from A to Z, both inclusive, Clerk. 170 City Hall, 15 west Reilogg �:; is hereby aclmowledged as being the size and l�nd of type used in�the �� � Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 or _=- � - � bycal7ing (651) 266-89ss. composition and publication of said notice: ,_. � DatedAUgust27, 2001 ----'— _' �- - - - - _ -_ " " :.�_.. . ' - - �" � abcdefghi�7clmnopqrsmvwrzyz " .. _. . . .. ,_FREDERICKKOWUSU. __ ,.�.�,.-,_ '_�'" _ .`, __ _ . ". CityClerk - - --_ --= = ' -------='--- - - �'� (August3Q2001) -. �:- � - _ � - ,_____= ST. PAUL LEGAL LEDGEB r= . � � 02026814 � ` , _ _ - , - . :. . . __,.. . _ _ ,, - , . _ . ° _ _ _ _ _ - � , -. _ ; °�3[-.° . -;---, Subscribed and swom to before me this 30th day of August, - 2001 -. " ,. ,-.z:_ .- ,-.. ,-";.' -- - — ° ■ - BARBARA A. STMARTIN � _ - . -- - ..._- - __ _ �. � NOTAftYPUBUC-t�[NNESOTA � � -- _ � My Comm. Expires Jen. 31. 2005 _ _ . .-- - - � - -- � - - - � ■ n ' - - . . _ _ _ = __ _ - - �Rate Information _ _ _ _ - � . ' _ _ '- -_ ' (1j Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space is $ N/A � ' - (2) Mabmum rate allowed by 7aw for the above publication is $ 42.90 - � -: - - (3) Rate actuaIly charged for the above publication is $ 39.00 _ - - _ _ .. _ _ , w� "- - - - - ' �i- - � _ � _� .,- : - . �_�. _- . - .,, �- ' ' ..- a.:,' _ ' - , - ,_ . . . .. ., .. � : .._. - -._. __ _ _ "_ - -" ' _ ' _ _ , ' �.:: . _ . . ' - - ' Council File # � � — '13 S � PAUL, Presented Referred To Green Sheet # I o o� 3' Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the interests of the City of Saint Paul aze best served by encouraging integrity, professionalism, and 2 ability in political candidates; and 3 WHEREAS, the interests of the City of Saint Paul are best served by having a broad choice of mayoral candidates 4 reflecting the diversity of the community; and 6 WHEREAS, an individual candidate's choice to run for elected office is influenced by the quality of the 7 community's campaign process, the campaign's fmancial demands, and the quality of the candidates; and 8 WHEREAS, positive campaigns conducted by mayoral candidates enhance the credibility of the Office of Mayor; 9 and 10 WHEREAS, the Council desires to encourage an environment that provides a level playing field for candidates and 11 campaigns free from personal attacks. 12 NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that: 13 1. The Council endorses the Campaign Reform Pledge. 14 2. The Council instructs the City Clerk to provide mayorai candidates with a copy of the Campaign Reform 15 Pledge at the time they indicate their intent to run for office by filing for the Office of Mayar. bt—` 1 3. The Council urges each and every candidate for mayor to sign the pledge. F�� The Council instructs the City Clerk to publish a list of those candidates who have signed the pledge within 30 days after the expiration of the legal period for filing nomination papers. 4 5. The Council directs the City C.Yerk to mail copies of the pledge to PACs and other groups which customarily 5 endorse candidates f' i Council, together with a request that these groups urge candidates to sign the 6 piedge and fiirther urge PA�ndorsing entities to share information regazding candidates' responses 7 to forum, interviews, and questionnaires conducted by these groups. 8 BE IT FUR"THER RESOLVED, that the Council directs the City Clerk to explore the possibility of providing a 9 forum for mayoral candidates on the City's Community Access Cable Television Station. �� : Yeas Na s Absent Benanav � Blakey Bostrom Coleman � Hazris � Lantry t /' Reiter f � � d Adopted by Council: Date \\ �-C Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ���_�`��� • �. � I. . . � �. - - � r �d �' /i/ // � �i�jji'" -ri�: Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � O 1- � 35 Campaign Reform Pledge I am unaRerably opposed to negative campaigns, hit mail and mud slinging and other forms of campaigning that has reduced public confidence in political campaigns. I piedge to conduct our campaign in a positive, issue-oriented manner. i will make no statement, which is false or unsupported by evidence, nor shall 1 cast aspersions on any other candidate through guilt by association. I pledge to refrain from making personal attacks on any other candidate. I reserve the right to engage in vigorous, legitimate debate with the other ' candidates on issue of substance, public record and concern to the voters. I pledge that I will actively oppose efforts by independent third party organizations to engage in the campaign on my behalf unless those efforts are strictiy to positively advance my candidacy. I pledge that I will publicly demand that any independent third party organization conducting anything other than positive campaigning on my behalf cease their activities immediately. I pledge that I shall not use, nor will I permit the use of, character defamation, whispering campaigns, libet, siander, or any form of negative campaign material concerning other candidates or their families. I pledge to personally review and approve the materials distributed by my campaign and ensure that the information is true, accurate, and independently verifiable, I assume responsibility for actives of my campaign and I will urge strongly all organizations that endorse me to support the spirit of this pledge in their campaign activities in my behalf. D 1-'�13 S City Council Chris Coleman 266-8620 GREEN SHEET aAllno�eitr ❑ erctlsle[_ n1�11Ci�Lf�MCOOR. ❑ XIUICIIILiB1MCCi0 No�v;;JJI a�rconea �❑MtVRlOR�1fOf1111p ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� � Endorsemeat of the Campaign Reform Pledge PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMi7TEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION t SOURC@ INFORMA710N (E%PlN41) �i., Hes ihia Pe�sotJfirm everv,orked u1Mer a contrmt brNis tlepartmenl7 vE9 No Fi�UiaPheaJfirmawbeenndtYemPbYee7 , YE3 NO Daes UNS De�soNfi�m G� a aldll nd � DY �Y dmetd city �PbY�? YES WC) ia tlus pe�eoruTnm ata�yetatvenUOR VES ND �. > YES m ACTNI7Y NUM6ER � : t � ; . .. _ r �. -: >.; T _ - - , ...,, _ .... �� � . _. - . ��:- _ -_, , �f _ ' " _ . _ " � , '. _ '+� . �T.- ! • J _' _ _ _ _ _ "_ _ _ . - . " . . �� _ DUPLICATE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, County of Ramsey PITBLIC NOTICE — patrick Boulay, being duly sworn, on oath says that he/she is the publisher - � � ? Pursuant to saint pani Couac;i �ie 01- or the publisher s designated agent of the newspaper lmown as the St. Paul - � �35 the follow;ng mayorai candiaates have Legal Ledger and has full lmowledge of the facts which aze stated below: j signed the rampaign reform pledge. The �----- - � - � resolution mas passed by the City Council - �. � . . I auly 11, 20p1. (A) The nawspaper has complied with all the requirements constituting - I MarcD.nnde:son qualification as a qualified legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statutes I Jay Benanav 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. :. I Davld R Buehler - - � - _ - � Bill Hosko '(g) The printed Notice which is attached was cut from the columns of said __- _ J �'dY A�Y 'newspaper and was printed and published once; it was published on August 3Q Bob Kessla 2001. BobLong -- .- . _ � � . - Maryjane Reagan � - Coptesofthepledgeandresoluflonmay � _.______ . _ _-___ _---,___ ___ _ ___ - __ _ be obtatned by mnang the office ofthe City . and printed below is a copy of the lower case a2phabet from A to Z, both inclusive, Clerk. 170 City Hall, 15 west Reilogg �:; is hereby aclmowledged as being the size and l�nd of type used in�the �� � Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 or _=- � - � bycal7ing (651) 266-89ss. composition and publication of said notice: ,_. � DatedAUgust27, 2001 ----'— _' �- - - - - _ -_ " " :.�_.. . ' - - �" � abcdefghi�7clmnopqrsmvwrzyz " .. _. . . .. ,_FREDERICKKOWUSU. __ ,.�.�,.-,_ '_�'" _ .`, __ _ . ". CityClerk - - --_ --= = ' -------='--- - - �'� (August3Q2001) -. �:- � - _ � - ,_____= ST. PAUL LEGAL LEDGEB r= . � � 02026814 � ` , _ _ - , - . :. . . __,.. . _ _ ,, - , . _ . ° _ _ _ _ _ - � , -. _ ; °�3[-.° . -;---, Subscribed and swom to before me this 30th day of August, - 2001 -. " ,. ,-.z:_ .- ,-.. ,-";.' -- - — ° ■ - BARBARA A. STMARTIN � _ - . -- - ..._- - __ _ �. � NOTAftYPUBUC-t�[NNESOTA � � -- _ � My Comm. Expires Jen. 31. 2005 _ _ . .-- - - � - -- � - - - � ■ n ' - - . . _ _ _ = __ _ - - �Rate Information _ _ _ _ - � . ' _ _ '- -_ ' (1j Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space is $ N/A � ' - (2) Mabmum rate allowed by 7aw for the above publication is $ 42.90 - � -: - - (3) Rate actuaIly charged for the above publication is $ 39.00 _ - - _ _ .. _ _ , w� "- - - - - ' �i- - � _ � _� .,- : - . �_�. _- . - .,, �- ' ' ..- a.:,' _ ' - , - ,_ . . . .. ., .. � : .._. - -._. __ _ _ "_ - -" ' _ ' _ _ , ' �.:: . _ . . ' - - ' Council File # � � — '13 S � PAUL, Presented Referred To Green Sheet # I o o� 3' Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the interests of the City of Saint Paul aze best served by encouraging integrity, professionalism, and 2 ability in political candidates; and 3 WHEREAS, the interests of the City of Saint Paul are best served by having a broad choice of mayoral candidates 4 reflecting the diversity of the community; and 6 WHEREAS, an individual candidate's choice to run for elected office is influenced by the quality of the 7 community's campaign process, the campaign's fmancial demands, and the quality of the candidates; and 8 WHEREAS, positive campaigns conducted by mayoral candidates enhance the credibility of the Office of Mayor; 9 and 10 WHEREAS, the Council desires to encourage an environment that provides a level playing field for candidates and 11 campaigns free from personal attacks. 12 NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that: 13 1. The Council endorses the Campaign Reform Pledge. 14 2. The Council instructs the City Clerk to provide mayorai candidates with a copy of the Campaign Reform 15 Pledge at the time they indicate their intent to run for office by filing for the Office of Mayar. bt—` 1 3. The Council urges each and every candidate for mayor to sign the pledge. F�� The Council instructs the City Clerk to publish a list of those candidates who have signed the pledge within 30 days after the expiration of the legal period for filing nomination papers. 4 5. The Council directs the City C.Yerk to mail copies of the pledge to PACs and other groups which customarily 5 endorse candidates f' i Council, together with a request that these groups urge candidates to sign the 6 piedge and fiirther urge PA�ndorsing entities to share information regazding candidates' responses 7 to forum, interviews, and questionnaires conducted by these groups. 8 BE IT FUR"THER RESOLVED, that the Council directs the City Clerk to explore the possibility of providing a 9 forum for mayoral candidates on the City's Community Access Cable Television Station. �� : Yeas Na s Absent Benanav � Blakey Bostrom Coleman � Hazris � Lantry t /' Reiter f � � d Adopted by Council: Date \\ �-C Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ���_�`��� • �. � I. . . � �. - - � r �d �' /i/ // � �i�jji'" -ri�: Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � O 1- � 35 Campaign Reform Pledge I am unaRerably opposed to negative campaigns, hit mail and mud slinging and other forms of campaigning that has reduced public confidence in political campaigns. I piedge to conduct our campaign in a positive, issue-oriented manner. i will make no statement, which is false or unsupported by evidence, nor shall 1 cast aspersions on any other candidate through guilt by association. I pledge to refrain from making personal attacks on any other candidate. I reserve the right to engage in vigorous, legitimate debate with the other ' candidates on issue of substance, public record and concern to the voters. I pledge that I will actively oppose efforts by independent third party organizations to engage in the campaign on my behalf unless those efforts are strictiy to positively advance my candidacy. I pledge that I will publicly demand that any independent third party organization conducting anything other than positive campaigning on my behalf cease their activities immediately. I pledge that I shall not use, nor will I permit the use of, character defamation, whispering campaigns, libet, siander, or any form of negative campaign material concerning other candidates or their families. I pledge to personally review and approve the materials distributed by my campaign and ensure that the information is true, accurate, and independently verifiable, I assume responsibility for actives of my campaign and I will urge strongly all organizations that endorse me to support the spirit of this pledge in their campaign activities in my behalf. D 1-'�13 S City Council Chris Coleman 266-8620 GREEN SHEET aAllno�eitr ❑ erctlsle[_ n1�11Ci�Lf�MCOOR. ❑ XIUICIIILiB1MCCi0 No�v;;JJI a�rconea �❑MtVRlOR�1fOf1111p ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� � Endorsemeat of the Campaign Reform Pledge PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMi7TEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION t SOURC@ INFORMA710N (E%PlN41) �i., Hes ihia Pe�sotJfirm everv,orked u1Mer a contrmt brNis tlepartmenl7 vE9 No Fi�UiaPheaJfirmawbeenndtYemPbYee7 , YE3 NO Daes UNS De�soNfi�m G� a aldll nd � DY �Y dmetd city �PbY�? YES WC) ia tlus pe�eoruTnm ata�yetatvenUOR VES ND �. > YES m ACTNI7Y NUM6ER � : t � ; . .. _ r �. -: >.; T _ - - , ...,, _ .... �� � . _. - . ��:- _ -_, , �f _ ' " _ . _ " � , '. _ '+� . �T.- ! • J _' _ _ _ _ _ "_ _ _ . - . " . . �� _ DUPLICATE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, County of Ramsey PITBLIC NOTICE — patrick Boulay, being duly sworn, on oath says that he/she is the publisher - � � ? Pursuant to saint pani Couac;i �ie 01- or the publisher s designated agent of the newspaper lmown as the St. Paul - � �35 the follow;ng mayorai candiaates have Legal Ledger and has full lmowledge of the facts which aze stated below: j signed the rampaign reform pledge. The �----- - � - � resolution mas passed by the City Council - �. � . . I auly 11, 20p1. (A) The nawspaper has complied with all the requirements constituting - I MarcD.nnde:son qualification as a qualified legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statutes I Jay Benanav 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. :. I Davld R Buehler - - � - _ - � Bill Hosko '(g) The printed Notice which is attached was cut from the columns of said __- _ J �'dY A�Y 'newspaper and was printed and published once; it was published on August 3Q Bob Kessla 2001. BobLong -- .- . _ � � . - Maryjane Reagan � - Coptesofthepledgeandresoluflonmay � _.______ . _ _-___ _---,___ ___ _ ___ - __ _ be obtatned by mnang the office ofthe City . and printed below is a copy of the lower case a2phabet from A to Z, both inclusive, Clerk. 170 City Hall, 15 west Reilogg �:; is hereby aclmowledged as being the size and l�nd of type used in�the �� � Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 or _=- � - � bycal7ing (651) 266-89ss. composition and publication of said notice: ,_. � DatedAUgust27, 2001 ----'— _' �- - - - - _ -_ " " :.�_.. . ' - - �" � abcdefghi�7clmnopqrsmvwrzyz " .. _. . . .. ,_FREDERICKKOWUSU. __ ,.�.�,.-,_ '_�'" _ .`, __ _ . ". CityClerk - - --_ --= = ' -------='--- - - �'� (August3Q2001) -. �:- � - _ � - ,_____= ST. PAUL LEGAL LEDGEB r= . � � 02026814 � ` , _ _ - , - . :. . . __,.. . _ _ ,, - , . _ . ° _ _ _ _ _ - � , -. _ ; °�3[-.° . -;---, Subscribed and swom to before me this 30th day of August, - 2001 -. " ,. ,-.z:_ .- ,-.. ,-";.' -- - — ° ■ - BARBARA A. STMARTIN � _ - . -- - ..._- - __ _ �. � NOTAftYPUBUC-t�[NNESOTA � � -- _ � My Comm. Expires Jen. 31. 2005 _ _ . .-- - - � - -- � - - - � ■ n ' - - . . _ _ _ = __ _ - - �Rate Information _ _ _ _ - � . ' _ _ '- -_ ' (1j Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space is $ N/A � ' - (2) Mabmum rate allowed by 7aw for the above publication is $ 42.90 - � -: - - (3) Rate actuaIly charged for the above publication is $ 39.00 _ - - _ _ .. _ _ , w� "- - - - - ' �i- - � _ � _� .,- : - . �_�. _- . - .,, �- ' ' ..- a.:,' _ ' - , - ,_ . . . .. ., .. � : .._. - -._. __ _ _ "_ - -" ' _ ' _ _ , ' �.:: . _ . . ' - - '