D00886CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � ccpks m: -car c� (or�a�� • Flnanes oept's aeeouMina wrision ' Re9uestln9 �P� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION 10,448 874,718 19.557 23,814 8,380 13,302 29,247 ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, ConsisteM wNh fhe aufhorily graMed W the Mayor in 3ection 10.07A ot tlie Cfty Charter and based on the request otthe drector Mthe Oepartment ot E�ceartive Admi�istration - UEP to amend fhe 1985 budgM of fhe Speelal Fund, fhe Direetor oTthe Deparmak of Flnance and Management Services Is auforized to amend sald budget in the tollowing manner. oevac7�ft7 a orvwoct: Executive Administration - LI£P CtlRRENT APPROVED AMENDED FUND ANG permn: 167-37350. 3t358 & 37359 9ypGQ CNANGES euocFr PROM: Gt 167 GL 767 GL 167 GL 167 GL 167 GL'167 GL 167 • TO: GL 167 GL 167 GL 167 GL 167 GL 167 GL 167 GL 167 GL 167 Gi.'167 GL 167 GL 167 GL t67 GL 167 GL 167 GL 167 GL 167 GL 167 GL 167 GL 167 31350 0219 Fees-Other PrMsnl Services 31358 0111 FuN Time PermaneM 31359 0221 Postage 31359 0735 Type II - Reg(3lWk Day.1'S� 31359 0353 ChemicaULaboratory 31359 0381 BooksPeriodelsP'rotrs-Recs 31359 0439 Fringe Benefds 31358 0219 Fees-Odier Profsnl Services 31358 0221 Postage 31358 0T22 Telephone - Mo Charges 31356 0235 Type II - Reg(3M/k Day.15) 31358 0237 Parking E�ense 31358 02A1 Prirfirg - Outside 31358 0242 DuQlicating-AHProeesses 31358 02A4 Mierofilming 3'1358 0282 Rental - Bidg & Office Space 31358 0290 Cerdral Service Cast 31358 0439 Fringe BenefiGs 31358 0815 DesksChairsTaWes 31356 0818 Other-Fumiture 31358 0856 Data Processing SoRvrare 31358 0857 Data Processing Hard�vare 31358 0858 Telephone Eqmt Purchases 31358 0859 Other - Communiption Eqmt 31359 0121 Part Time Cert�ed 31359 0857 Data Processing Hardxrare / � / ��i4c _ ��t f � � ,� - ,/ I � Lf'1� i�/ ���'. � !� D 8,270 1,350 1.492 55 0 5,000 0 31,135 0 18,034 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,189 � ���I�.i' '�CL No: (1��'k}$) (193,171) (�2�52� ��Q,�) (5,211) (4.�) n��) 55,020 1,930 4,854 2,500 1,639 1.377 2,846 10,295 14,020 6,850 10,317 24,313 1.491 11,826 52,426 178 1.737 32�904 7,909 0 0 681,547 7,030 t3,451 3,169 8,499 21,338 55,D20 10,200 6,204 3,992 1.694 1,377 7,84G 10,295 R5,155 6,850 28,351 24,313 1,491 11,826 52,426 178 1,73T 32,904 10,098 ,,oas,ss� l./i't i// �.i� � aHVa� e�w�.eom�s IFiH�wvom x%�aooc wiW v-v-v 03l20/36 266-9111 � if OF SIGNATURE PAGE �mtn of 1995 budget revisions. _w_srn� nR'lwcr crov,cr ,..�.� O �A,,n,� � °^w O BIID(3�1'D➢tEC3VA oam � A1/�YOR(OAA.46fA1T1) (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIG `�SBb NO. 35554 o ���m o �� � taterACr.sFxvuanm r 6� 6vFJwC�N1t1rAN1' 1 a�uimPU PERSOI3AL SERVICE CONSRACTSMOST MSWx:tiTHL NVf.LVwuvc. ttusai� _ave.smv�coav�oN i.FIssdimPasodfamc�uwocked�deracontraetfnrdrisdepazmienCt YES NO _ 2 Has mis pason�5+m ewr ban a ciry employaR _ YES NO ;crng1 3. Does dtis prnod5cm posseas a sk�71 not ao�mallypasussed by any cwrent city eoptoyal Y&S NO and aUach to LJG PROBThA. SSUE OPPOATRViY (R'^c• Rb✓. F'M1�a �c W1NK e are shortages in the 1995 LIEP Special Fund Budget (167). e are sufficient excess dollar amounts in other line items which will cover the shortages. Adminisirative Order will batance the 1995 L1EP Special Fund Budget NfAGtSSMPROVkD: 1995 LIEP Special Fund Budget will be in batance. idECEiVE� ti4�,R 2 2 1996 �ITX GLER� 1995 LIEP Special Fund Budget will not be in balance. CbSiAIEVENUE81IDGEiED(CIXCLEON� O NO � �� 8aFY Paul &dpk GLe� (F1413]M�rM cmoom .WWtI P�-�-u