264732 WHITE - CITY CLERK 264'732 PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE .5-MAVOR File NO. " o nci esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date xESOLVI�D: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. A & E, Inc. �56-56� Grand Ave. Rest C_2 App,12402Renewal n u Clg n u �f Haxold & Shirley Werkhoven 393 N. �unlap Rest C-2 " 15241" �� » Ci� n n n T & M Sales, Inc. 850 Payne Groc�ry A-.l " 15803" Leo Agrsnoff 640�2 Selby Ldy,�DC Plt " 00173" J. W. Ouradnik� Inc. 428 S. Wabasha Rest C�1 " 00174" '� " Off Sale Ma,lt " " " n n Cig n n n ►, " Tavern �� �� " Nathan Lerman 726 S. Cleveland Gas Station-6P " 00206" f� " Gen Rep Gar " " " n n Ci� n n u " " Cig VM Oper-1-2M" " " The Beat Steak House, Inc. 1676 White Bear Rest CA2 " 00266" �� �� Ci� �� ,� ►� Applebaum's Food Mkt, Inc. 1574 University Grocery �-3 " 00377" " " Frozen Foods " " " �� " Bufrcher " " " �� �� Confect-B �� " �� �� " Off Sale Malt " " " n n Ci� �, n n Harold E. Anderson 874 E. 7th St. Gas Station�3P " 00417" " " Gen Rep Gar " " '� �, �� Ci� �� �� �� William Jackson 1118 E. 7th Gas Station-2P " 00448" Forster�-,Tohnson, Inc. 636-54 University New MV Dlr " 00467" " " 2nd Hd MV Dlr " �� �� �� " Dlr Rep Gax �� �� �� Amos M. & Donna �'ester 1821 University On Sale Malt " 00488" Union Oil Co. Divn. Union Oil Co. 1089 IIniversity Gen Rep Gar " 00514" Henry & Maynard Zahradka 1825 University Gas Station-4P " 00523" n n L+i n n n COUIVCILMEIV i8 per Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BY Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITV CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY �OF SAINT PALTL � BLUE =MAYOR File NO. � Cou il olution �� � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: Cont'd Pa,�e 2 Cut Price Gas & Oil, Inc. 1335 Prosper3.ty Gas Station-4P App.00548Renewal John R. Diebel 601 N. Dale Confect-B " 00561" n ►� L.l� n n n McGlynn Bakeries, Inc. 1574 University Bakery�B " 00600" Morris Blons & Edwin Fink 570 Farrington Grocery A-2 " 00646" �� " Frozen Foods " " " " �� Off Sale Malt �� �� �� n n Ci8 e� n n �Armando J. S�rini n569� University Ave. Cis�t C-2 �� 00647�� Ron Sa�on Ford, Inc. 225 University New MV Dlr " 00657" " " 2nd Hd Mv Dlr " " " " " Dlr Rep Gax " � " " n n Cig n n n �pplebaum's Food Mkt, Inc. 400 N. Western Grocery A-2 " 00687" " " Butcher " " " �n u Off Sale �a�t u n n n n L.ig n n n Lots of Luck Corp 479 St. Peter Rest C�1 " 00703" " " On Sale r'�al.t " " �� " " Tavern " " " " �� Off Sale M&.lt �y �� " ,� �� ei� �� �� „ Stanley Wandersee 193 N. Western Elec App Rep " 00741" Deborah Thompson 1278 Selby Butcher-B " 00756" Kentuck Fried Chicken Corp. 850 E. riaryland Rest C�l " 00759" Faldon Dry Cleaning, Inc. 750 S. Cleveland Ldy/D C Plant " 00780" Alfred H. Bauman 805 Grand 2nd Hd Dlr Gen " 00800" Murray M. Hale 568 W. Maryland Gas Station-6P " 0�856" Arie Laneman 1071 S. Cleveland Gas Station-4P " oos59" �� �� Gen tte� Gax " �� " n n Ci� n n n Ma,rion Stone 86 AT. Dale 2nd Hd MV Dlr " 00864" Flo d Nettleton 6 L ton Place Bicycle Dlr " 00877" COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler B Sylvester A gainst Y Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission 'to Council By By WHI7E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE �� COUIICll �6��32. CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. BLUE . �MAVOR ♦ Co cil esolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 3 Sa,m Apector 1251 Arundel Roller Rink App.00879Renewal " " Confect�B " " " Geor�ia Tsepelis 1405 E. Magnolia Rest C-2 " 00885" n n Cig n n n Saga Food Serv c/o St. Thomas College 2115 Summit Rest C-2 " 00890" Koppers Co., Inc. 1000 N. Hamline Solid Fuel Dlr " 00906" Florence E. Lindgren 1858 W, 7th Rest C.-1 " 00963" u n 021 S&le Ma,�.� n �� n " " Off Sale Malt " " " i� n Clg r, rr ee " " Cig VM Oper-2M " " " Paul Ebel, Jr. � 938 University 2nd Hd MV Dlr " 00986" Harold F. Awe 1372 Scheffer MAD Oper "01008 " �� �� 49 � �� �� �� n n 37 1„Il,q n n r� Twin City Enine Rebuil�ers, Inc.1754 IIniversity Gen Rep Gar " 01027" Roger Feldman 646 E. Belvidere NN Slvg Dlr " 01028" Robert E. Stevens 1000-10 W. 7th Gas Station-6P " 01054" " " Gen Rep G r " " " n �� Ci� a' �� „ n o i' Cig VM Oper n a n Eric Hendrickson 516 Selby Frozen Foods " 01073" Dumont's House of Beauty 1670 ��ernwood beauty shop " 01078" Nabors, Inc. 1332 Conway Orig Cont-D " 01083" n n Cig n n n Dan T. Peterson 1615 University 2nd Hd MV Dlr " 01084" Rose Mary Schmidt 1763 Burns Beauty Shop " 01087" Donald Hanes 630 University Barber " 01092" Phillips Petroleum, Inc;: 2245 Burne Gas Station�.6P " 01110" " " Gen Rep Gar " " " Monroe 4Jalker 769 Marshall Beauty Shop " 01122" Wayne Kittelson & Warren Bergman TY D4�E 6485 Cahill Ave., Inv. Gr. Hts. TV Ma,ster 01126 " e " O11 " COUN�',�NGustafson 1413 G ltier Mtr Peh Dr 011 4" Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza � In Favor Levine Rcedler � Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt �E� 1 � �s7� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifi ss by uncil Secretary BY � Y Appro d y Mayor: Date 974 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLISHED DEC 21 1974