01-716Council Fffe # 0��+ �} � Green Sheet# 111769 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAiIL, NIDVNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 436 - Special Projects-Police FINANCING PLAN: 34069 - Mobile Data Computer Grant 3199 - Other Federal Direct Grants-State Total Changes to Financing 1 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has received a�149,000 Mobile Data Computers 3 grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the period May 31, 2001 through 4 September 30, 2001; and 5 6 WHEREAS, the City Council accepted tlus grant on May 9, 2001(Council File number O1-470); and 7 8 WHEREAS, a 2001 financing and spending plan needs to be established for this grant; and 9 10 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 11 there are available for appropriation funds of $149,000 in excess of those esrimated in the 2001 budget; and 12 13 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addifion be made to the 2001 budget: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 SPENDING PLAN: 34069 - Mobile Data Computer Grant 0370 - Computer Equipment & Supplies 0393 - PC Software 0857 - Computer Equipment >$5,000 Total Changes to Spending CURItENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0 0 0 0 Committee:Date: 149,000 � 50,000 28,000 71,000 � 149,000 50,000 28,000 71,000 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council accepts these funds and approves these changes to the 2001 budget. Adopfion Certified by By: �� Approved by Mayor:I � ., /%�/ � il'r/i � Requested b Dep�rtme 'ce By: Approval ec ndec B � �orm p r ed y City By: ...� , Approve y ayor �'pr By: � i'�� � of: Services: Submission to Council: 34069MobileDaW Computergrantbudget.cr.01 AdoptedbyCouncil:Date: \\ �� �\, a; , DEP.qRTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DA7E INITIATED ' roiZ��b��nt 6/14/Ol GREEN SHEET No. 111769 ONTA ERSON&P ONE WRIqVOA MIrwJDA7e ChiefFinney 292-3588 9 w+�crorsl! 5 ca,xca MUST BE ON COUNCIL GENDA BY (DA7E) O, �� `� P]easeprocessASAP 3�vnwrrorsr�r_� ❑«rra.vac 1 L 4WNICIFLSEIMCESOIR�� �Fln/WpN.SERV/ALG�G ��i � t �xnYOniORA55�5fANI)� �MnnPoGFrtS L�J L� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CT10N REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolution esTablishing a spending and financing p1an����Pla�a� �C�Yters grant. �u� 0 2 2001 RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE �NTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES710N5: 1. Has this persoNfirm everworked untler a contpct for this departmeni? �,. _ v_ - PLANNINGCOMMISSION YES NO _._-���---°°""""""""" - �� CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNFlrm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does tMS persa✓firtn possess a skill rrot rrormally possessed by any curreM ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAi, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Minnesota'Department of Pubfic Safety awazded a$149,000 Mobile Data Computers granY to the Saint Paul Police Department for the period May 31, 2001 through September 3Q 2001. The City Council accepted this grant on May 9, 2001 (Council File number Ol -470). A 2001 spending and financing plan needs to be established for flus grant. (Attached is a copy of the grant agreement) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � Budget authority to access grant funding foi computer equipment that will enhance traffic safety. DISAOVANTAGESIFAPPROVEU None DISADVANTAGESIFNO7APPROVED Inability to access grant funding available. TOTAL AMOUNT OF Tf2ANSACTfON $ 149,000 COSilREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CiRCLE ONE) YES NO FUN�ING SOURCE Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34069 FINANCIAL 1NFORMAT70N (EXP,LAIN) . 34069Mob�leDataCompuler�antbudget.gs.01 o �-�tc. STATE OF MINI`IESOTA ENCUMBRANCE WORKSHEET Q �� � Fiscal Year: Ol Verdor Number. A�ency: P�� Amount First FY: 5149,000.0 Total Amount: $149,000.00 Commodity Code: Commodity Code: Commodity Code: 023 C9 pb��j Code: Object Code: Object Code: SB00 Amounr. Amount: $149,000.00 Accounting Distribution 1: Fund: 300 Appr: p;g/Sub: 92C 9250 Amount: Accounting Distribution 2: Fund: Appr: Org/Sub: Rept Catg: Rept Catg: 0506 Amount: $149,000.00 Amount: Processing Information: (Some entries may not apply) 1i � � � ( � ����isi �'`t Requisition: NumbedDate/Entry Imnals Contract: Initials Number/Date/Enc�Y solsctracion: Accounting Distribution 3: Fund: Appx: Org/Sub: Rept Catg: Amount Number/Date/Entry Initia!s Order. a�nl� Number/Aate/Signamre pndividimi signing certifies thQt fimds hau ¢�icwnbered as required by Minn. Sta[. l6� ]6C.05.) F deral eT�n[ification number and M nneso�[a [ax identification�numb t you do �'��h [he Stace of M�nnasota This informa[ion may be used in [he enforcement of federal and s[are tax laws. Supplying Ihese numbt�s could result in action to provided. u Th s�e w ll be ava Ible to fcderal a�nd stzte x� e and personnel nvol ed n appro in� the eon[rec[ and the paymen[ of state obligations. `h ' artment Grantee Name and Address: 109 Ea S 11 aStreetPaul Police Dep St. Paul, MN 55101 Minnesota Tac I.D. No. (f apphcable) Soc. Sec. or Federal Emptoyer I D. No. THIS PAGE OF THE CONTRA� S P� GE SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED EXCEPT AS DEFINED ABOVE, OR DISTRIBUT E D E X T E R NERMISSION OUT EXPRESS WRITTEN OF THE CONTRACTOR Zf you cireulate this contraet i �� n t�cati�o�a n�i�ber t��at reqaiire access to the Tax AND all iiidividuals/o�ces signing this eontraet slioield have aeeess to this page Minnesota OfFice of Traffic Safety Grant Public Saf CD00032-W (9-9-99) PagC 0 � O\-1�� GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE btINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND THE S'�, pAUL POLICE DEPARMB^ Federal Funds provided under U. S. Department of Transportation's State and Community Highway Safety Proa am, pederal Catalog Number 20.600. The parties to this agreement are the Department of Public Safety of the State of Minnesota her�inafter referred to as "Public Safety," and the Cit of St.Paul St.Paul Police De ariment, address 100 East 1 l�' Street. SLPauI. Minnesota 55101, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantez " `p�ggAg, pursuant to Minnesota Starutes 4.075, Public Safety has been designated as the app%priate agency to reczive, allocate and disburse federal monies provided under the National Highway Safety Act of 1966 (Public Law 59-564) as amended, and: �VHEREAS, Public Safety has a Highway Safety project entided Mobile Dnrn ComQUters (MDC), number O1-OS- 06.Task 7 funded under this law, and: WHER�AS, the Grantee is authorized pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 4.075 to receive such funds as may be available for such purposes and has obtained a resolution authorizing the grant from their city council or county board of commissioners; Nnw, therefoce, the parties agree as follows: 1. Terms o`t A 4rQeT " eni This grant agreement shall be effective on Mav 31. 2001 , or upon the date that the final required signature is obtaiaed by Public Safety, pursuant to Minnesota Stacute 16C.05, Subdivision 2, whichever grant agreement have been s ti facto ily fulfilledp whibheveOr occ r Thel'G,RANTEE understands that NO wvrk should begin under this Grant until ALL required signa[ures have bee� obtained and GgANTEE is notif3ed to begin work by Public Safety's Authorized Representative. 2. Grante�ut!es The Grantee will participate in the Mobite Data Compnters project, a program which seeks to increase productivity of working traffic enforcement, aids in officer safery, and helps ro identify repeac violations of an offender. Participation in the Mobile Data Computers project requires the Grantee to comply with the following� erform traffic enforcement. A, �quipment purchased through this grant must be placed in paErol vehicles. Patrol vehicles are define as vahicles (marked or un-marked) assigned to a law enforcement officer(s) to P ant funds. Specia[ty vehicles or vehicles assigned fo� civilian use are not eligible for these gr B As a figst priorityS qu pment hall be placed in a patrol�vehicle that has neither mobile data term nal nor a mobile data computer and meets the reyuirements of paragraph A above. Public Safetyff*affic SaEety Minnesota Mobile Data Computers Grant CD00032-W 8-1�-�� Task 7, St. Paul Police Department, Page 1 � O \-1\t,. C. Grantee assures that grant funds will be used for the purchase of mobile data computers. The grant ao eement must ultimately increase Grantee's overall budget. These funds canno[ be used to offset wsts of previously purchased MDC's or to supplant funds currently budgeted for the purchase of MDC's. D. Invoices for reimbursement of project costs must be submitted within six weeks of the purchase. Back-up urchased and received equipment. Appropriate documentation will be required to be submitted with an invoice tha[ consists of purchase of equipment. T e back-up documentation must verify that Grantee p documentation can be a receipt- E. Submitting a final written report summarizing the activities of the grant. Grantee must show in their final report what was purchased and how the equipment has been used. The final report must be submitted at the same time as the final claim for reimbursement. F. : Grantee must strive to increase enforcement which can reasonably be expected to fulfill the purpose of the grant by decreasina the incidence of driving while impaired, increasing the use of seat belts, and increasing the public's perception of the likelihood of being stopped for violations of traffic safety law in the jurisdiction(s) covered by the Grantee. G. If applicab;e, (wheii tlie graitee is the lend ngeiicy i�t a grant coverir2g nro or more enforce�nent agencies); summarize the plans, reports, and imoices for the _, enforcement agencies into a single plan, report, and rant a reement must sign this agreement — see signature pageJ "NOT imoice for each wave of the program and submit it to Public Safety. (Chief enforcement officers from eac agency covered by this g S APPLICABLE" 3. Terms for Reimburs�ment p. Public Safety shall reimburse the Grantee up to a maximum of �49 000.00 for the costs incuned by the Grantee in performing the tasks in Section 2 of this grant agreement. This ublic 7 Law 89 564) made from funds made available through the Highway Safety Act of 1966 (P amendments thereto. The Grantee shall be reimbursed only for those costs that are ouUined in Section 4., of this grant agreement. In addition, Public Safety Will reimburse the Graotee only for such of these costs [hat Public Safety, in its sole discretion, considers to be reasonable and prudent for this grant agreement. final g. Public Safety shall reimburse the Grantee only after costs are incurred and paid by the Grantee. Cla�ms roved. The for reimbursement shall be submitted by the Grantee on forms provided by Public Safety. nY claim must be submitted by Novembe_ � 1 � 1 ; after that date reimburseme�t cannot be app final claim m�st be accompanied by the finzl report. C. All claims for reimbursement shall be supported by written documentation including receipts, invoices, travel vouchers, and project time reports. A signed Highway Safety Equipment Record card (form DPS 7304) for each piece of equipment costing $5,000.00 or more must be submitted with the claim for reimbursement before payment can be made. ursuant to Minnesota Stacute D. Reimbursement for wsts will not be paid on any encumbrance made by the Grantee prior to Mav 31 200_ (or prior to the date that the last signature is obtained by Public Safety, p 16C.05, Subd. 2, whichever occurs later) or after September 30. 2001 ,unless requested in writinp by�V� project director (or a successor) who signed this grant agreement on behalf of the Grantee and if a p by Public Safety's Office of Traffic Safety, resulting in an amendment to this grant agreement. f t /I'rnffic Safety Publ�c Sa e y Minnesota Mobile Data Computers Grant CD00032-W (8-17-00) Task 7, St. Paul Police Department, Page 2 0�-11� E. F. The Grantee shall not be reimbursed for expense incuned for work found by Public Safety to be unsatisfactory or perforzned in violation of fedetal or scate laws and regulations. This grant agrez<nent is contin�ent upon the State of Minnesota and Pubiic Safety's receiving funds under the Aighway Safety Act of 1966 (Public Iaw' 89-564)• as amended, for the purposes of reimbursing the Grantee for the cos[s se[ for[h herein. Tf for any reason the State of Minnesota or Public Safety is prohibited in any way from using such funds to reimburse the Grantee for any of the costs set forth herein, then this agreement shall be null and void and the State oi Minnesota and Public Safety shall have no direct nor indirect obligation to reimburse the Grantee. 4. General Provisions of Grant A. �' Tra _vel The Grantee may be reimbursed for aave] and subsistence expenses in accordance with, but not to exceed, the current Commissioners' Travel Plan, and the budget in Section 4., of this grant agreement. The Grantee shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence inwrrad outside the state of Minnesoia unless it has received prior written approval for each such trip from Public Safety. B. Eauiomenc Purchase of equipment or services by the Grantee shall complY w'�th all procurement procedures and izws that apply ro the Grantees purchase of similar equipment or services in che performance of ics duties other than its duties under this grant agrzement. Any equipment purchased under this grant agreement shal �notdeviata fromTthis requirementaand purposes during the life of the equipment. The Grantee may may not dispose of any equipment unless it has first obtained writte� permission from Public Safety. The Grantee shall 6e responsible for all operating, maintenance, and repair costs of equipment purchased under this grant agreement unless otherwise specified. Title to equipment acquired under this grant agreement will vest upon the Grantee. a) b) c) a) b) CD00032-0 (8-�7'00) C, jndirect Cos[s Indirect costs shall not be reimbursed under this grant agreement. D. Records and Documentation The Grantee shall be responsible for keeping records that fulty disclose the amount and disposition of funds and the total cost of the p[�e �antee halltprovide for he accarate andrtimelylae ord ng accounting procedures utilized by of the receipt of funds and expenditures. The books, records, documents, and accounking procedures and practices of the Grantee relevant to th�s grant agreement are subject to examination by Public Safety, by either the legislative auditor or state a�diror as appropriate, and by the federal government for a minimam of six years from the end date of this grant agreement. � ffc safecy l Nfinnesota Mobile Data Computers rant Task 7, St. Paul Police Department, Page 3 p�bLc Safe[y �a � , D� 1��. c) d) Grantee shail obtain an annual (or biennial covering both years) financial and compliance audi[, made by an independent auditor, in accordance with Sin�le Audit Act of 1984 (Public I.aw 98- 502) and Oifice of Management and Budgei Circular A-133. Exhibit I, Federal Audit Renuirements, is binding upon the Grantee and is hereby incorporated by reference. All accounts and records shall be retained by the Grantee for a period of six years after completion of the final audit or until all litigation, claims, or audit findinos Jnvolving the records have been resolved, whichever is later. �, Ownershi of Documents All reports, studies, photographs, negatives, or other documen[s prepared by the Gran[ee in the performance �bf its obligation under this grant agreem iomote hihwaeXSafetyebut� may noPsellcoraoffer fohesalznany may continue to use the materials to p S Y documents developed under this grant agreement, unless a plan to record such sales and make the proceeds available for traffic safety purposes is approved by Public Safety. g, Amendments a) b) Any amendments to this grant agreement shall be in writing. Mino� changes in the d�uties Ihe pro ect�disectorn(or a suc essor) C on behalf of the G ant e a da f if requested in writin by approved in writin� by Public Safety's Office of Traffic Safety. Changes requiring the appro�al o the U.S. Department of Transportation or resultina in ceimoursement claims in excess of $lA9 000.00 are not minor changes. G. Cancellation t a) b) When Public Safety finds that there has been a failure to comply with the prov�s�on of th�s gran agreement or with the provisions of Exhibits I or II, or that the purposes for the funds have not been, or will not be fulFilled, notwithstanding any other pro�isions of this grant agreement to the contrary, Public Safety may take such action as it deems necessary and appropriate to protect the interest of the State of Minnesota, including the refusal to disburse additional funds and requiring the repayment of any funds already disbursed. This grant agreement may be canIn�the�event�of such�a can eliation� the�Gcanree shalt be en�ded to writ[en no[ice to the other party. reimbursement for expenses incurred for work or services satisfactorily performed on the tasks up o the date of cancellation. H. Liabilit 1. The Grantee must indemnify, save, and hold Public Safety, its agents, and employees harmless from performance of th s agreemenc by the ant e or the G antee's gentb employe sS,Ttiu section will not be construed to bar a�r ngagre men't s the Grantee may have for Public Safety's failure to fulfill its obligations under this g CD00032-06 (8-i7-W) �— uters Grant Minnesota Mobile Data Comp Task 7, St. Paul Police Department, Page 4 Public Safety(rmffic Safe[} o �-� �c. I. Miscellaneous 1 his grant a�reement shall be subject to all applicable federal and state statutes and re�Uiations, including, bu[ ro[ limited to, the following: a) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (?9 U.S.C. 794) and 49 CFR Part 27 whi:h relatzs to handicapped persons. b) 49 CFR Part 23 - Participation by minority business enterprises in Department of Trarzsporta[ion Pro�rams; 49 CFR Part 29 Subpart F- The Arua Free ��orkplace Act of 1988; 23 U.S.C.101 Note and 41 U.S.C.lOa - Buy America Act and 49 CFR Part 29 - Certification Regarding Debarment and Suspension. These provisions are addressed in Exhibit II, which is heraby incorporated by reference and made a part of this grant agreement (see Exhibit II). d) c) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amznded. Also, by signing this grant agreement, the Grantee certifies that the Grantee has a curren[ safety belt use policY. public Safety's au?herized reprzsentnrive for the purposes of admir;stration of this grant a�reement is Marc Dronen, state program administrator of the Office of Traffic Safety or his/her successor on staff. The administrator's address is Suite 150 Town S uare. 444 Cedar Street St. Paul. Minnesota. 55101-5150 and phone number is 651-296-9 . �. Gavernir.ent Data Prac.ices a:�d Intellectuai Pronertv a) Government Data Practices. The Grantee and Public Safety must comply with the M �Public Safet under Government Data Practices Act> M 'es to all da a c eatedt col received roo ed, used, maintained, or this gant agreement, and as it app disseminated by the Grantee under this grant agreement. The civil remedies of Minn. Stat. § 13.08 apply to the release of the data referced to in this section by either the Grantec or Public Safety. b) If the Grantee receives a request to release the data referred to in this section, the Grantee must immediately notify PubVic Safety. Public Safety w�ll give the Grantee instructions conceming the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. 6. Data D�ie Under Minn. Stat. § 270.66, and other applicable law, the Grantee consents to disclosure of its social security number, federal employer tax identification number, and/or Minnesota tax identification number, already provided to the State, to federal and state tax agencies and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations. These identification numbers may be used in the enforcement del nqaent stat t tax liati 1 t es,hf any could result in action requiring the Grantee to file state tax returns and pay CD00032-06 (8-17-00) �� Minneso[a Mobile Data Computers Grant Task 7, St. Paul Police Department, Page 5 Poblic Safety/Traffic Satety Council Fffe # 0��+ �} � Green Sheet# 111769 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAiIL, NIDVNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 436 - Special Projects-Police FINANCING PLAN: 34069 - Mobile Data Computer Grant 3199 - Other Federal Direct Grants-State Total Changes to Financing 1 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has received a�149,000 Mobile Data Computers 3 grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the period May 31, 2001 through 4 September 30, 2001; and 5 6 WHEREAS, the City Council accepted tlus grant on May 9, 2001(Council File number O1-470); and 7 8 WHEREAS, a 2001 financing and spending plan needs to be established for this grant; and 9 10 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 11 there are available for appropriation funds of $149,000 in excess of those esrimated in the 2001 budget; and 12 13 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addifion be made to the 2001 budget: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 SPENDING PLAN: 34069 - Mobile Data Computer Grant 0370 - Computer Equipment & Supplies 0393 - PC Software 0857 - Computer Equipment >$5,000 Total Changes to Spending CURItENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0 0 0 0 Committee:Date: 149,000 � 50,000 28,000 71,000 � 149,000 50,000 28,000 71,000 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council accepts these funds and approves these changes to the 2001 budget. Adopfion Certified by By: �� Approved by Mayor:I � ., /%�/ � il'r/i � Requested b Dep�rtme 'ce By: Approval ec ndec B � �orm p r ed y City By: ...� , Approve y ayor �'pr By: � i'�� � of: Services: Submission to Council: 34069MobileDaW Computergrantbudget.cr.01 AdoptedbyCouncil:Date: \\ �� �\, a; , DEP.qRTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DA7E INITIATED ' roiZ��b��nt 6/14/Ol GREEN SHEET No. 111769 ONTA ERSON&P ONE WRIqVOA MIrwJDA7e ChiefFinney 292-3588 9 w+�crorsl! 5 ca,xca MUST BE ON COUNCIL GENDA BY (DA7E) O, �� `� P]easeprocessASAP 3�vnwrrorsr�r_� ❑«rra.vac 1 L 4WNICIFLSEIMCESOIR�� �Fln/WpN.SERV/ALG�G ��i � t �xnYOniORA55�5fANI)� �MnnPoGFrtS L�J L� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CT10N REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolution esTablishing a spending and financing p1an����Pla�a� �C�Yters grant. �u� 0 2 2001 RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE �NTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES710N5: 1. Has this persoNfirm everworked untler a contpct for this departmeni? �,. _ v_ - PLANNINGCOMMISSION YES NO _._-���---°°""""""""" - �� CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNFlrm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does tMS persa✓firtn possess a skill rrot rrormally possessed by any curreM ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAi, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Minnesota'Department of Pubfic Safety awazded a$149,000 Mobile Data Computers granY to the Saint Paul Police Department for the period May 31, 2001 through September 3Q 2001. The City Council accepted this grant on May 9, 2001 (Council File number Ol -470). A 2001 spending and financing plan needs to be established for flus grant. (Attached is a copy of the grant agreement) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � Budget authority to access grant funding foi computer equipment that will enhance traffic safety. DISAOVANTAGESIFAPPROVEU None DISADVANTAGESIFNO7APPROVED Inability to access grant funding available. TOTAL AMOUNT OF Tf2ANSACTfON $ 149,000 COSilREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CiRCLE ONE) YES NO FUN�ING SOURCE Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34069 FINANCIAL 1NFORMAT70N (EXP,LAIN) . 34069Mob�leDataCompuler�antbudget.gs.01 o �-�tc. STATE OF MINI`IESOTA ENCUMBRANCE WORKSHEET Q �� � Fiscal Year: Ol Verdor Number. A�ency: P�� Amount First FY: 5149,000.0 Total Amount: $149,000.00 Commodity Code: Commodity Code: Commodity Code: 023 C9 pb��j Code: Object Code: Object Code: SB00 Amounr. Amount: $149,000.00 Accounting Distribution 1: Fund: 300 Appr: p;g/Sub: 92C 9250 Amount: Accounting Distribution 2: Fund: Appr: Org/Sub: Rept Catg: Rept Catg: 0506 Amount: $149,000.00 Amount: Processing Information: (Some entries may not apply) 1i � � � ( � ����isi �'`t Requisition: NumbedDate/Entry Imnals Contract: Initials Number/Date/Enc�Y solsctracion: Accounting Distribution 3: Fund: Appx: Org/Sub: Rept Catg: Amount Number/Date/Entry Initia!s Order. a�nl� Number/Aate/Signamre pndividimi signing certifies thQt fimds hau ¢�icwnbered as required by Minn. Sta[. l6� ]6C.05.) F deral eT�n[ification number and M nneso�[a [ax identification�numb t you do �'��h [he Stace of M�nnasota This informa[ion may be used in [he enforcement of federal and s[are tax laws. Supplying Ihese numbt�s could result in action to provided. u Th s�e w ll be ava Ible to fcderal a�nd stzte x� e and personnel nvol ed n appro in� the eon[rec[ and the paymen[ of state obligations. `h ' artment Grantee Name and Address: 109 Ea S 11 aStreetPaul Police Dep St. Paul, MN 55101 Minnesota Tac I.D. No. (f apphcable) Soc. Sec. or Federal Emptoyer I D. No. THIS PAGE OF THE CONTRA� S P� GE SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED EXCEPT AS DEFINED ABOVE, OR DISTRIBUT E D E X T E R NERMISSION OUT EXPRESS WRITTEN OF THE CONTRACTOR Zf you cireulate this contraet i �� n t�cati�o�a n�i�ber t��at reqaiire access to the Tax AND all iiidividuals/o�ces signing this eontraet slioield have aeeess to this page Minnesota OfFice of Traffic Safety Grant Public Saf CD00032-W (9-9-99) PagC 0 � O\-1�� GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE btINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND THE S'�, pAUL POLICE DEPARMB^ Federal Funds provided under U. S. Department of Transportation's State and Community Highway Safety Proa am, pederal Catalog Number 20.600. The parties to this agreement are the Department of Public Safety of the State of Minnesota her�inafter referred to as "Public Safety," and the Cit of St.Paul St.Paul Police De ariment, address 100 East 1 l�' Street. SLPauI. Minnesota 55101, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantez " `p�ggAg, pursuant to Minnesota Starutes 4.075, Public Safety has been designated as the app%priate agency to reczive, allocate and disburse federal monies provided under the National Highway Safety Act of 1966 (Public Law 59-564) as amended, and: �VHEREAS, Public Safety has a Highway Safety project entided Mobile Dnrn ComQUters (MDC), number O1-OS- 06.Task 7 funded under this law, and: WHER�AS, the Grantee is authorized pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 4.075 to receive such funds as may be available for such purposes and has obtained a resolution authorizing the grant from their city council or county board of commissioners; Nnw, therefoce, the parties agree as follows: 1. Terms o`t A 4rQeT " eni This grant agreement shall be effective on Mav 31. 2001 , or upon the date that the final required signature is obtaiaed by Public Safety, pursuant to Minnesota Stacute 16C.05, Subdivision 2, whichever grant agreement have been s ti facto ily fulfilledp whibheveOr occ r Thel'G,RANTEE understands that NO wvrk should begin under this Grant until ALL required signa[ures have bee� obtained and GgANTEE is notif3ed to begin work by Public Safety's Authorized Representative. 2. Grante�ut!es The Grantee will participate in the Mobite Data Compnters project, a program which seeks to increase productivity of working traffic enforcement, aids in officer safery, and helps ro identify repeac violations of an offender. Participation in the Mobile Data Computers project requires the Grantee to comply with the following� erform traffic enforcement. A, �quipment purchased through this grant must be placed in paErol vehicles. Patrol vehicles are define as vahicles (marked or un-marked) assigned to a law enforcement officer(s) to P ant funds. Specia[ty vehicles or vehicles assigned fo� civilian use are not eligible for these gr B As a figst priorityS qu pment hall be placed in a patrol�vehicle that has neither mobile data term nal nor a mobile data computer and meets the reyuirements of paragraph A above. Public Safetyff*affic SaEety Minnesota Mobile Data Computers Grant CD00032-W 8-1�-�� Task 7, St. Paul Police Department, Page 1 � O \-1\t,. C. Grantee assures that grant funds will be used for the purchase of mobile data computers. The grant ao eement must ultimately increase Grantee's overall budget. These funds canno[ be used to offset wsts of previously purchased MDC's or to supplant funds currently budgeted for the purchase of MDC's. D. Invoices for reimbursement of project costs must be submitted within six weeks of the purchase. Back-up urchased and received equipment. Appropriate documentation will be required to be submitted with an invoice tha[ consists of purchase of equipment. T e back-up documentation must verify that Grantee p documentation can be a receipt- E. Submitting a final written report summarizing the activities of the grant. Grantee must show in their final report what was purchased and how the equipment has been used. The final report must be submitted at the same time as the final claim for reimbursement. F. : Grantee must strive to increase enforcement which can reasonably be expected to fulfill the purpose of the grant by decreasina the incidence of driving while impaired, increasing the use of seat belts, and increasing the public's perception of the likelihood of being stopped for violations of traffic safety law in the jurisdiction(s) covered by the Grantee. G. If applicab;e, (wheii tlie graitee is the lend ngeiicy i�t a grant coverir2g nro or more enforce�nent agencies); summarize the plans, reports, and imoices for the _, enforcement agencies into a single plan, report, and rant a reement must sign this agreement — see signature pageJ "NOT imoice for each wave of the program and submit it to Public Safety. (Chief enforcement officers from eac agency covered by this g S APPLICABLE" 3. Terms for Reimburs�ment p. Public Safety shall reimburse the Grantee up to a maximum of �49 000.00 for the costs incuned by the Grantee in performing the tasks in Section 2 of this grant agreement. This ublic 7 Law 89 564) made from funds made available through the Highway Safety Act of 1966 (P amendments thereto. The Grantee shall be reimbursed only for those costs that are ouUined in Section 4., of this grant agreement. In addition, Public Safety Will reimburse the Graotee only for such of these costs [hat Public Safety, in its sole discretion, considers to be reasonable and prudent for this grant agreement. final g. Public Safety shall reimburse the Grantee only after costs are incurred and paid by the Grantee. Cla�ms roved. The for reimbursement shall be submitted by the Grantee on forms provided by Public Safety. nY claim must be submitted by Novembe_ � 1 � 1 ; after that date reimburseme�t cannot be app final claim m�st be accompanied by the finzl report. C. All claims for reimbursement shall be supported by written documentation including receipts, invoices, travel vouchers, and project time reports. A signed Highway Safety Equipment Record card (form DPS 7304) for each piece of equipment costing $5,000.00 or more must be submitted with the claim for reimbursement before payment can be made. ursuant to Minnesota Stacute D. Reimbursement for wsts will not be paid on any encumbrance made by the Grantee prior to Mav 31 200_ (or prior to the date that the last signature is obtained by Public Safety, p 16C.05, Subd. 2, whichever occurs later) or after September 30. 2001 ,unless requested in writinp by�V� project director (or a successor) who signed this grant agreement on behalf of the Grantee and if a p by Public Safety's Office of Traffic Safety, resulting in an amendment to this grant agreement. f t /I'rnffic Safety Publ�c Sa e y Minnesota Mobile Data Computers Grant CD00032-W (8-17-00) Task 7, St. Paul Police Department, Page 2 0�-11� E. F. The Grantee shall not be reimbursed for expense incuned for work found by Public Safety to be unsatisfactory or perforzned in violation of fedetal or scate laws and regulations. This grant agrez<nent is contin�ent upon the State of Minnesota and Pubiic Safety's receiving funds under the Aighway Safety Act of 1966 (Public Iaw' 89-564)• as amended, for the purposes of reimbursing the Grantee for the cos[s se[ for[h herein. Tf for any reason the State of Minnesota or Public Safety is prohibited in any way from using such funds to reimburse the Grantee for any of the costs set forth herein, then this agreement shall be null and void and the State oi Minnesota and Public Safety shall have no direct nor indirect obligation to reimburse the Grantee. 4. General Provisions of Grant A. �' Tra _vel The Grantee may be reimbursed for aave] and subsistence expenses in accordance with, but not to exceed, the current Commissioners' Travel Plan, and the budget in Section 4., of this grant agreement. The Grantee shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence inwrrad outside the state of Minnesoia unless it has received prior written approval for each such trip from Public Safety. B. Eauiomenc Purchase of equipment or services by the Grantee shall complY w'�th all procurement procedures and izws that apply ro the Grantees purchase of similar equipment or services in che performance of ics duties other than its duties under this grant agrzement. Any equipment purchased under this grant agreement shal �notdeviata fromTthis requirementaand purposes during the life of the equipment. The Grantee may may not dispose of any equipment unless it has first obtained writte� permission from Public Safety. The Grantee shall 6e responsible for all operating, maintenance, and repair costs of equipment purchased under this grant agreement unless otherwise specified. Title to equipment acquired under this grant agreement will vest upon the Grantee. a) b) c) a) b) CD00032-0 (8-�7'00) C, jndirect Cos[s Indirect costs shall not be reimbursed under this grant agreement. D. Records and Documentation The Grantee shall be responsible for keeping records that fulty disclose the amount and disposition of funds and the total cost of the p[�e �antee halltprovide for he accarate andrtimelylae ord ng accounting procedures utilized by of the receipt of funds and expenditures. The books, records, documents, and accounking procedures and practices of the Grantee relevant to th�s grant agreement are subject to examination by Public Safety, by either the legislative auditor or state a�diror as appropriate, and by the federal government for a minimam of six years from the end date of this grant agreement. � ffc safecy l Nfinnesota Mobile Data Computers rant Task 7, St. Paul Police Department, Page 3 p�bLc Safe[y �a � , D� 1��. c) d) Grantee shail obtain an annual (or biennial covering both years) financial and compliance audi[, made by an independent auditor, in accordance with Sin�le Audit Act of 1984 (Public I.aw 98- 502) and Oifice of Management and Budgei Circular A-133. Exhibit I, Federal Audit Renuirements, is binding upon the Grantee and is hereby incorporated by reference. All accounts and records shall be retained by the Grantee for a period of six years after completion of the final audit or until all litigation, claims, or audit findinos Jnvolving the records have been resolved, whichever is later. �, Ownershi of Documents All reports, studies, photographs, negatives, or other documen[s prepared by the Gran[ee in the performance �bf its obligation under this grant agreem iomote hihwaeXSafetyebut� may noPsellcoraoffer fohesalznany may continue to use the materials to p S Y documents developed under this grant agreement, unless a plan to record such sales and make the proceeds available for traffic safety purposes is approved by Public Safety. g, Amendments a) b) Any amendments to this grant agreement shall be in writing. Mino� changes in the d�uties Ihe pro ect�disectorn(or a suc essor) C on behalf of the G ant e a da f if requested in writin by approved in writin� by Public Safety's Office of Traffic Safety. Changes requiring the appro�al o the U.S. Department of Transportation or resultina in ceimoursement claims in excess of $lA9 000.00 are not minor changes. G. Cancellation t a) b) When Public Safety finds that there has been a failure to comply with the prov�s�on of th�s gran agreement or with the provisions of Exhibits I or II, or that the purposes for the funds have not been, or will not be fulFilled, notwithstanding any other pro�isions of this grant agreement to the contrary, Public Safety may take such action as it deems necessary and appropriate to protect the interest of the State of Minnesota, including the refusal to disburse additional funds and requiring the repayment of any funds already disbursed. This grant agreement may be canIn�the�event�of such�a can eliation� the�Gcanree shalt be en�ded to writ[en no[ice to the other party. reimbursement for expenses incurred for work or services satisfactorily performed on the tasks up o the date of cancellation. H. Liabilit 1. The Grantee must indemnify, save, and hold Public Safety, its agents, and employees harmless from performance of th s agreemenc by the ant e or the G antee's gentb employe sS,Ttiu section will not be construed to bar a�r ngagre men't s the Grantee may have for Public Safety's failure to fulfill its obligations under this g CD00032-06 (8-i7-W) �— uters Grant Minnesota Mobile Data Comp Task 7, St. Paul Police Department, Page 4 Public Safety(rmffic Safe[} o �-� �c. I. Miscellaneous 1 his grant a�reement shall be subject to all applicable federal and state statutes and re�Uiations, including, bu[ ro[ limited to, the following: a) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (?9 U.S.C. 794) and 49 CFR Part 27 whi:h relatzs to handicapped persons. b) 49 CFR Part 23 - Participation by minority business enterprises in Department of Trarzsporta[ion Pro�rams; 49 CFR Part 29 Subpart F- The Arua Free ��orkplace Act of 1988; 23 U.S.C.101 Note and 41 U.S.C.lOa - Buy America Act and 49 CFR Part 29 - Certification Regarding Debarment and Suspension. These provisions are addressed in Exhibit II, which is heraby incorporated by reference and made a part of this grant agreement (see Exhibit II). d) c) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amznded. Also, by signing this grant agreement, the Grantee certifies that the Grantee has a curren[ safety belt use policY. public Safety's au?herized reprzsentnrive for the purposes of admir;stration of this grant a�reement is Marc Dronen, state program administrator of the Office of Traffic Safety or his/her successor on staff. The administrator's address is Suite 150 Town S uare. 444 Cedar Street St. Paul. Minnesota. 55101-5150 and phone number is 651-296-9 . �. Gavernir.ent Data Prac.ices a:�d Intellectuai Pronertv a) Government Data Practices. The Grantee and Public Safety must comply with the M �Public Safet under Government Data Practices Act> M 'es to all da a c eatedt col received roo ed, used, maintained, or this gant agreement, and as it app disseminated by the Grantee under this grant agreement. The civil remedies of Minn. Stat. § 13.08 apply to the release of the data referced to in this section by either the Grantec or Public Safety. b) If the Grantee receives a request to release the data referred to in this section, the Grantee must immediately notify PubVic Safety. Public Safety w�ll give the Grantee instructions conceming the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. 6. Data D�ie Under Minn. Stat. § 270.66, and other applicable law, the Grantee consents to disclosure of its social security number, federal employer tax identification number, and/or Minnesota tax identification number, already provided to the State, to federal and state tax agencies and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations. These identification numbers may be used in the enforcement del nqaent stat t tax liati 1 t es,hf any could result in action requiring the Grantee to file state tax returns and pay CD00032-06 (8-17-00) �� Minneso[a Mobile Data Computers Grant Task 7, St. Paul Police Department, Page 5 Poblic Safety/Traffic Satety Council Fffe # 0��+ �} � Green Sheet# 111769 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAiIL, NIDVNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 436 - Special Projects-Police FINANCING PLAN: 34069 - Mobile Data Computer Grant 3199 - Other Federal Direct Grants-State Total Changes to Financing 1 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has received a�149,000 Mobile Data Computers 3 grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the period May 31, 2001 through 4 September 30, 2001; and 5 6 WHEREAS, the City Council accepted tlus grant on May 9, 2001(Council File number O1-470); and 7 8 WHEREAS, a 2001 financing and spending plan needs to be established for this grant; and 9 10 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 11 there are available for appropriation funds of $149,000 in excess of those esrimated in the 2001 budget; and 12 13 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addifion be made to the 2001 budget: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 SPENDING PLAN: 34069 - Mobile Data Computer Grant 0370 - Computer Equipment & Supplies 0393 - PC Software 0857 - Computer Equipment >$5,000 Total Changes to Spending CURItENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0 0 0 0 Committee:Date: 149,000 � 50,000 28,000 71,000 � 149,000 50,000 28,000 71,000 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council accepts these funds and approves these changes to the 2001 budget. Adopfion Certified by By: �� Approved by Mayor:I � ., /%�/ � il'r/i � Requested b Dep�rtme 'ce By: Approval ec ndec B � �orm p r ed y City By: ...� , Approve y ayor �'pr By: � i'�� � of: Services: Submission to Council: 34069MobileDaW Computergrantbudget.cr.01 AdoptedbyCouncil:Date: \\ �� �\, a; , DEP.qRTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DA7E INITIATED ' roiZ��b��nt 6/14/Ol GREEN SHEET No. 111769 ONTA ERSON&P ONE WRIqVOA MIrwJDA7e ChiefFinney 292-3588 9 w+�crorsl! 5 ca,xca MUST BE ON COUNCIL GENDA BY (DA7E) O, �� `� P]easeprocessASAP 3�vnwrrorsr�r_� ❑«rra.vac 1 L 4WNICIFLSEIMCESOIR�� �Fln/WpN.SERV/ALG�G ��i � t �xnYOniORA55�5fANI)� �MnnPoGFrtS L�J L� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CT10N REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolution esTablishing a spending and financing p1an����Pla�a� �C�Yters grant. �u� 0 2 2001 RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE �NTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES710N5: 1. Has this persoNfirm everworked untler a contpct for this departmeni? �,. _ v_ - PLANNINGCOMMISSION YES NO _._-���---°°""""""""" - �� CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNFlrm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does tMS persa✓firtn possess a skill rrot rrormally possessed by any curreM ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAi, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Minnesota'Department of Pubfic Safety awazded a$149,000 Mobile Data Computers granY to the Saint Paul Police Department for the period May 31, 2001 through September 3Q 2001. The City Council accepted this grant on May 9, 2001 (Council File number Ol -470). A 2001 spending and financing plan needs to be established for flus grant. (Attached is a copy of the grant agreement) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � Budget authority to access grant funding foi computer equipment that will enhance traffic safety. DISAOVANTAGESIFAPPROVEU None DISADVANTAGESIFNO7APPROVED Inability to access grant funding available. TOTAL AMOUNT OF Tf2ANSACTfON $ 149,000 COSilREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CiRCLE ONE) YES NO FUN�ING SOURCE Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34069 FINANCIAL 1NFORMAT70N (EXP,LAIN) . 34069Mob�leDataCompuler�antbudget.gs.01 o �-�tc. STATE OF MINI`IESOTA ENCUMBRANCE WORKSHEET Q �� � Fiscal Year: Ol Verdor Number. A�ency: P�� Amount First FY: 5149,000.0 Total Amount: $149,000.00 Commodity Code: Commodity Code: Commodity Code: 023 C9 pb��j Code: Object Code: Object Code: SB00 Amounr. Amount: $149,000.00 Accounting Distribution 1: Fund: 300 Appr: p;g/Sub: 92C 9250 Amount: Accounting Distribution 2: Fund: Appr: Org/Sub: Rept Catg: Rept Catg: 0506 Amount: $149,000.00 Amount: Processing Information: (Some entries may not apply) 1i � � � ( � ����isi �'`t Requisition: NumbedDate/Entry Imnals Contract: Initials Number/Date/Enc�Y solsctracion: Accounting Distribution 3: Fund: Appx: Org/Sub: Rept Catg: Amount Number/Date/Entry Initia!s Order. a�nl� Number/Aate/Signamre pndividimi signing certifies thQt fimds hau ¢�icwnbered as required by Minn. Sta[. l6� ]6C.05.) F deral eT�n[ification number and M nneso�[a [ax identification�numb t you do �'��h [he Stace of M�nnasota This informa[ion may be used in [he enforcement of federal and s[are tax laws. Supplying Ihese numbt�s could result in action to provided. u Th s�e w ll be ava Ible to fcderal a�nd stzte x� e and personnel nvol ed n appro in� the eon[rec[ and the paymen[ of state obligations. `h ' artment Grantee Name and Address: 109 Ea S 11 aStreetPaul Police Dep St. Paul, MN 55101 Minnesota Tac I.D. No. (f apphcable) Soc. Sec. or Federal Emptoyer I D. No. THIS PAGE OF THE CONTRA� S P� GE SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED EXCEPT AS DEFINED ABOVE, OR DISTRIBUT E D E X T E R NERMISSION OUT EXPRESS WRITTEN OF THE CONTRACTOR Zf you cireulate this contraet i �� n t�cati�o�a n�i�ber t��at reqaiire access to the Tax AND all iiidividuals/o�ces signing this eontraet slioield have aeeess to this page Minnesota OfFice of Traffic Safety Grant Public Saf CD00032-W (9-9-99) PagC 0 � O\-1�� GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE btINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND THE S'�, pAUL POLICE DEPARMB^ Federal Funds provided under U. S. Department of Transportation's State and Community Highway Safety Proa am, pederal Catalog Number 20.600. The parties to this agreement are the Department of Public Safety of the State of Minnesota her�inafter referred to as "Public Safety," and the Cit of St.Paul St.Paul Police De ariment, address 100 East 1 l�' Street. SLPauI. Minnesota 55101, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantez " `p�ggAg, pursuant to Minnesota Starutes 4.075, Public Safety has been designated as the app%priate agency to reczive, allocate and disburse federal monies provided under the National Highway Safety Act of 1966 (Public Law 59-564) as amended, and: �VHEREAS, Public Safety has a Highway Safety project entided Mobile Dnrn ComQUters (MDC), number O1-OS- 06.Task 7 funded under this law, and: WHER�AS, the Grantee is authorized pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 4.075 to receive such funds as may be available for such purposes and has obtained a resolution authorizing the grant from their city council or county board of commissioners; Nnw, therefoce, the parties agree as follows: 1. Terms o`t A 4rQeT " eni This grant agreement shall be effective on Mav 31. 2001 , or upon the date that the final required signature is obtaiaed by Public Safety, pursuant to Minnesota Stacute 16C.05, Subdivision 2, whichever grant agreement have been s ti facto ily fulfilledp whibheveOr occ r Thel'G,RANTEE understands that NO wvrk should begin under this Grant until ALL required signa[ures have bee� obtained and GgANTEE is notif3ed to begin work by Public Safety's Authorized Representative. 2. Grante�ut!es The Grantee will participate in the Mobite Data Compnters project, a program which seeks to increase productivity of working traffic enforcement, aids in officer safery, and helps ro identify repeac violations of an offender. Participation in the Mobile Data Computers project requires the Grantee to comply with the following� erform traffic enforcement. A, �quipment purchased through this grant must be placed in paErol vehicles. Patrol vehicles are define as vahicles (marked or un-marked) assigned to a law enforcement officer(s) to P ant funds. Specia[ty vehicles or vehicles assigned fo� civilian use are not eligible for these gr B As a figst priorityS qu pment hall be placed in a patrol�vehicle that has neither mobile data term nal nor a mobile data computer and meets the reyuirements of paragraph A above. Public Safetyff*affic SaEety Minnesota Mobile Data Computers Grant CD00032-W 8-1�-�� Task 7, St. Paul Police Department, Page 1 � O \-1\t,. C. Grantee assures that grant funds will be used for the purchase of mobile data computers. The grant ao eement must ultimately increase Grantee's overall budget. These funds canno[ be used to offset wsts of previously purchased MDC's or to supplant funds currently budgeted for the purchase of MDC's. D. Invoices for reimbursement of project costs must be submitted within six weeks of the purchase. Back-up urchased and received equipment. Appropriate documentation will be required to be submitted with an invoice tha[ consists of purchase of equipment. T e back-up documentation must verify that Grantee p documentation can be a receipt- E. Submitting a final written report summarizing the activities of the grant. Grantee must show in their final report what was purchased and how the equipment has been used. The final report must be submitted at the same time as the final claim for reimbursement. F. : Grantee must strive to increase enforcement which can reasonably be expected to fulfill the purpose of the grant by decreasina the incidence of driving while impaired, increasing the use of seat belts, and increasing the public's perception of the likelihood of being stopped for violations of traffic safety law in the jurisdiction(s) covered by the Grantee. G. If applicab;e, (wheii tlie graitee is the lend ngeiicy i�t a grant coverir2g nro or more enforce�nent agencies); summarize the plans, reports, and imoices for the _, enforcement agencies into a single plan, report, and rant a reement must sign this agreement — see signature pageJ "NOT imoice for each wave of the program and submit it to Public Safety. (Chief enforcement officers from eac agency covered by this g S APPLICABLE" 3. Terms for Reimburs�ment p. Public Safety shall reimburse the Grantee up to a maximum of �49 000.00 for the costs incuned by the Grantee in performing the tasks in Section 2 of this grant agreement. This ublic 7 Law 89 564) made from funds made available through the Highway Safety Act of 1966 (P amendments thereto. The Grantee shall be reimbursed only for those costs that are ouUined in Section 4., of this grant agreement. In addition, Public Safety Will reimburse the Graotee only for such of these costs [hat Public Safety, in its sole discretion, considers to be reasonable and prudent for this grant agreement. final g. Public Safety shall reimburse the Grantee only after costs are incurred and paid by the Grantee. Cla�ms roved. The for reimbursement shall be submitted by the Grantee on forms provided by Public Safety. nY claim must be submitted by Novembe_ � 1 � 1 ; after that date reimburseme�t cannot be app final claim m�st be accompanied by the finzl report. C. All claims for reimbursement shall be supported by written documentation including receipts, invoices, travel vouchers, and project time reports. A signed Highway Safety Equipment Record card (form DPS 7304) for each piece of equipment costing $5,000.00 or more must be submitted with the claim for reimbursement before payment can be made. ursuant to Minnesota Stacute D. Reimbursement for wsts will not be paid on any encumbrance made by the Grantee prior to Mav 31 200_ (or prior to the date that the last signature is obtained by Public Safety, p 16C.05, Subd. 2, whichever occurs later) or after September 30. 2001 ,unless requested in writinp by�V� project director (or a successor) who signed this grant agreement on behalf of the Grantee and if a p by Public Safety's Office of Traffic Safety, resulting in an amendment to this grant agreement. f t /I'rnffic Safety Publ�c Sa e y Minnesota Mobile Data Computers Grant CD00032-W (8-17-00) Task 7, St. Paul Police Department, Page 2 0�-11� E. F. The Grantee shall not be reimbursed for expense incuned for work found by Public Safety to be unsatisfactory or perforzned in violation of fedetal or scate laws and regulations. This grant agrez<nent is contin�ent upon the State of Minnesota and Pubiic Safety's receiving funds under the Aighway Safety Act of 1966 (Public Iaw' 89-564)• as amended, for the purposes of reimbursing the Grantee for the cos[s se[ for[h herein. Tf for any reason the State of Minnesota or Public Safety is prohibited in any way from using such funds to reimburse the Grantee for any of the costs set forth herein, then this agreement shall be null and void and the State oi Minnesota and Public Safety shall have no direct nor indirect obligation to reimburse the Grantee. 4. General Provisions of Grant A. �' Tra _vel The Grantee may be reimbursed for aave] and subsistence expenses in accordance with, but not to exceed, the current Commissioners' Travel Plan, and the budget in Section 4., of this grant agreement. The Grantee shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence inwrrad outside the state of Minnesoia unless it has received prior written approval for each such trip from Public Safety. B. Eauiomenc Purchase of equipment or services by the Grantee shall complY w'�th all procurement procedures and izws that apply ro the Grantees purchase of similar equipment or services in che performance of ics duties other than its duties under this grant agrzement. Any equipment purchased under this grant agreement shal �notdeviata fromTthis requirementaand purposes during the life of the equipment. The Grantee may may not dispose of any equipment unless it has first obtained writte� permission from Public Safety. The Grantee shall 6e responsible for all operating, maintenance, and repair costs of equipment purchased under this grant agreement unless otherwise specified. Title to equipment acquired under this grant agreement will vest upon the Grantee. a) b) c) a) b) CD00032-0 (8-�7'00) C, jndirect Cos[s Indirect costs shall not be reimbursed under this grant agreement. D. Records and Documentation The Grantee shall be responsible for keeping records that fulty disclose the amount and disposition of funds and the total cost of the p[�e �antee halltprovide for he accarate andrtimelylae ord ng accounting procedures utilized by of the receipt of funds and expenditures. The books, records, documents, and accounking procedures and practices of the Grantee relevant to th�s grant agreement are subject to examination by Public Safety, by either the legislative auditor or state a�diror as appropriate, and by the federal government for a minimam of six years from the end date of this grant agreement. � ffc safecy l Nfinnesota Mobile Data Computers rant Task 7, St. Paul Police Department, Page 3 p�bLc Safe[y �a � , D� 1��. c) d) Grantee shail obtain an annual (or biennial covering both years) financial and compliance audi[, made by an independent auditor, in accordance with Sin�le Audit Act of 1984 (Public I.aw 98- 502) and Oifice of Management and Budgei Circular A-133. Exhibit I, Federal Audit Renuirements, is binding upon the Grantee and is hereby incorporated by reference. All accounts and records shall be retained by the Grantee for a period of six years after completion of the final audit or until all litigation, claims, or audit findinos Jnvolving the records have been resolved, whichever is later. �, Ownershi of Documents All reports, studies, photographs, negatives, or other documen[s prepared by the Gran[ee in the performance �bf its obligation under this grant agreem iomote hihwaeXSafetyebut� may noPsellcoraoffer fohesalznany may continue to use the materials to p S Y documents developed under this grant agreement, unless a plan to record such sales and make the proceeds available for traffic safety purposes is approved by Public Safety. g, Amendments a) b) Any amendments to this grant agreement shall be in writing. Mino� changes in the d�uties Ihe pro ect�disectorn(or a suc essor) C on behalf of the G ant e a da f if requested in writin by approved in writin� by Public Safety's Office of Traffic Safety. Changes requiring the appro�al o the U.S. Department of Transportation or resultina in ceimoursement claims in excess of $lA9 000.00 are not minor changes. G. Cancellation t a) b) When Public Safety finds that there has been a failure to comply with the prov�s�on of th�s gran agreement or with the provisions of Exhibits I or II, or that the purposes for the funds have not been, or will not be fulFilled, notwithstanding any other pro�isions of this grant agreement to the contrary, Public Safety may take such action as it deems necessary and appropriate to protect the interest of the State of Minnesota, including the refusal to disburse additional funds and requiring the repayment of any funds already disbursed. This grant agreement may be canIn�the�event�of such�a can eliation� the�Gcanree shalt be en�ded to writ[en no[ice to the other party. reimbursement for expenses incurred for work or services satisfactorily performed on the tasks up o the date of cancellation. H. Liabilit 1. The Grantee must indemnify, save, and hold Public Safety, its agents, and employees harmless from performance of th s agreemenc by the ant e or the G antee's gentb employe sS,Ttiu section will not be construed to bar a�r ngagre men't s the Grantee may have for Public Safety's failure to fulfill its obligations under this g CD00032-06 (8-i7-W) �— uters Grant Minnesota Mobile Data Comp Task 7, St. Paul Police Department, Page 4 Public Safety(rmffic Safe[} o �-� �c. I. Miscellaneous 1 his grant a�reement shall be subject to all applicable federal and state statutes and re�Uiations, including, bu[ ro[ limited to, the following: a) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (?9 U.S.C. 794) and 49 CFR Part 27 whi:h relatzs to handicapped persons. b) 49 CFR Part 23 - Participation by minority business enterprises in Department of Trarzsporta[ion Pro�rams; 49 CFR Part 29 Subpart F- The Arua Free ��orkplace Act of 1988; 23 U.S.C.101 Note and 41 U.S.C.lOa - Buy America Act and 49 CFR Part 29 - Certification Regarding Debarment and Suspension. These provisions are addressed in Exhibit II, which is heraby incorporated by reference and made a part of this grant agreement (see Exhibit II). d) c) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amznded. Also, by signing this grant agreement, the Grantee certifies that the Grantee has a curren[ safety belt use policY. public Safety's au?herized reprzsentnrive for the purposes of admir;stration of this grant a�reement is Marc Dronen, state program administrator of the Office of Traffic Safety or his/her successor on staff. The administrator's address is Suite 150 Town S uare. 444 Cedar Street St. Paul. Minnesota. 55101-5150 and phone number is 651-296-9 . �. Gavernir.ent Data Prac.ices a:�d Intellectuai Pronertv a) Government Data Practices. The Grantee and Public Safety must comply with the M �Public Safet under Government Data Practices Act> M 'es to all da a c eatedt col received roo ed, used, maintained, or this gant agreement, and as it app disseminated by the Grantee under this grant agreement. The civil remedies of Minn. Stat. § 13.08 apply to the release of the data referced to in this section by either the Grantec or Public Safety. b) If the Grantee receives a request to release the data referred to in this section, the Grantee must immediately notify PubVic Safety. Public Safety w�ll give the Grantee instructions conceming the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. 6. Data D�ie Under Minn. Stat. § 270.66, and other applicable law, the Grantee consents to disclosure of its social security number, federal employer tax identification number, and/or Minnesota tax identification number, already provided to the State, to federal and state tax agencies and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations. These identification numbers may be used in the enforcement del nqaent stat t tax liati 1 t es,hf any could result in action requiring the Grantee to file state tax returns and pay CD00032-06 (8-17-00) �� Minneso[a Mobile Data Computers Grant Task 7, St. Paul Police Department, Page 5 Poblic Safety/Traffic Satety