264747 WHITE - CITY CLERK �� �.. -�. .� .��� .. � . ������
8��. -:�,°,R File N 0.
� u cil Resolution
` Present�d By
, Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
� , In the� matter of hazardous "buildings
be i�t�.g that two . s tory.,f r ame dwe l l ing known
and described as 331-333 East Ma.gnolia in
the City of Saint Paul an:d `situated on those
premisES legall.y described as Lot 29, Block
8, Westmi�n°�ster Ac��ition, according to the
plat on f ile and of record in the off iee of
the Register of Deeds in and for the County
of Ramsey, State of Minnesota
WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution C.F. 264335, approved October
4, 1974, a public hearing was scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on October
17, 1974 before the Council of the City of Sa'int Paul, said hearing
pertaining to the condition of the structure located at 331-333 East
Ma.gnolia, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and
WHEREAS, upon facts presented at said hearing consisting of
photographs, inspection reForts and the reco�endation of the
Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement, it is found and
determined by the City Council that according to the records and , -
files in the office of the Register of Deeds, the last record
owner of the above described property is the Elizabeth Simpson Trust;
and that there is a Water Department lien against the property; and
that it is further determined that the above described building
constitutes a hazardous building within the definition of Minnesota
Statutes Section 463. 15 for the following reasons:
a. The building is standir� vacant, abandoned and
is subject to being entered by unauthorized persons;
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza � In Favor
Rcedler U Against BY
President Hunt
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
� � - ���'74'�
b. '�he exterior condition of the building is as follows:
Tl�e tar paper siding on the building and the roofing are in poor
- conditiop. The porch footings have se.ttled causing the porch and
the porch roof to sag. The flooring of the porch is decayed and
. broken.
c. The interior condition of thc building is as follows:
There is:.only a partial basement. The f irst floor sags and is in
gerterally poor condition. As there is no ba5ement under a large
portion of the house, there is dry rot. There is evidence of roof
leakage on the second floor on the ceilings and wal.ls. The floors
are in poor condition. The electrieaY system has some fixtures
broken and some do not meet the code requirements. The heating
system is in very poor condition. Gas space i�.eaters have been �
vandalized and heaters are very old. 'The venting for these heaters
is either missing or not the proper type.
d. The building in the above condition is beyond reasonable
e. The'-building is unfit for hucna.n habitation in its present �
condition and the above corrections must be made in compliance with
the� Building Code and the Housing Code of the Gity of Saint Paul in
order to make the same habitable; .
f. The building con�titute� a'�ui"s�.nE���nd a hazard to the
- gublic health, safety and wel=fare because of its physical damage,
dilapidation and inadequaGe mair�tpr��nc�:; � p
_ : � .
now, therefore, be it
.: ,��.. ;.
RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Sections
463. 15 through 463. 26, and based u.pon the toregoi�� findings of the
City Council, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby make
_ the following Order:
1. The owner of the above described building shall make the
same safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety
and welfare by having the said building razed and the ma.terials
therefrom removed from the premises within thirty (30) days from
t�e date of the service of this Order;
2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply with
this order or an answer served upon the City of Saint Paul and
filed in the office of the Clerk of District Co�.rt of Ra.msey County,
Minnesota, within twenty (20) days fre�m the date of the service' of
this Order, a Motion for Summary ,Enforcement of this Order to raze
' and remove the said building wi�.l be made to .the Ramsey County
District Court;
WHITE - CITY CLERK t (((��� ���yyy
PINK - FINANCE COU11C11 ������ J
' Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
3. In the event that �he buildirtg is to be razed by
the City of Saint Paul pursuant to judgment of the District
Court, all personal property or fixtures which may unreason-
ably interfere with the razing and removal of this building
shall be removed within ten (10) days from the entry of
judgment; and if not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall
remove and dispose of such personal property and fixtures as
provided by law;
4. If the City of Saint Paul is compelled to take any
corrective action herein, all necessary costs expended by the
City will be assessed against the above described real estate
and collected as other taxes; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution
and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record owner
of the above described property in the ma.nner provided by law.
COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza � In Favor
Levine �
Roedler Against BY
President Hunt
n��, ,� 7� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Co il: Date � � �
Certifie as by cil Secretary BY
Appro ed Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council .
By By
��s�rsHfo p�C 2 8 974
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445 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Phone 612-298-4212
f)ctober 15, 1974
Madam President and
Members of the City Council
Re: 33I-33 E. Magnolia
File No. 2638
Honorable Council:
The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement is hereby sub-
mitting its report on the condition of the structure at the location
referred to above.
The owner of record is the Elizabeth Simpson Trust..
The legal descriptian of the property is Lot 29, Block 8, Westminster
The building is a two-story frame dwelling. The tar paper siding on
this building and the roofing are in poor condition. Porch footings
have settled causing the poxch and the: .porch .roof ta saq.. The �floor-
ing of the. .poxch is decaye.d and broken. The basement is partial- mea-
suririg 8 ' x 12 ' for this dwelling which measures 38 ' x 56 ' . The first
floor sags and is 'in generally poor condition. As there is no base-.
ment under a large portion of the house, there is dry rot. There is
evidence of roof leakage on the second floor on the ceilings and walls.
The floors are in poor condition.
The electrical system has some fixtures broken and some do not meet the
code requirements. The heating system is in very poor condition. Gas
space heatexs have been vandalized and heaters are very old. The vent-
ing for these heaters is either missing or not the proper type. This
property has been boarded by the city since October 8th, 1974.
Inasmuch as the inadequate maintenance, the dilapidated condition, and
the physica�•damage outlined above constitute a public hazard and the
owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage despite
�.��.' `-•'��.���
4 (
Re: 331-333 E. Magnolia 10-9-74
our warnings, and the continued vacant and boarded up condition con-
tributes a blighting influence on the neighborhood, it is the recommend-
ation of this bureau that this matter be referred to the City Attorney's
office for razing and removal through District Court proceedings.
ery truly y s ,
�n �
wf'tiGv �.
Glenn A. Erickson �'.
City Architect
cc: Messrs. Lawrence D. Cohen, Mayor
P. McCloskey, City Attorneys Office
W. Shimek, Fire Marshal
F. Staffenson, Housing Code
L. Levine
. � � ' , * �,
, .
CouniMl Y�ite 13b.�l9l3gS�BY Leonard W.
'W�he4eas,The Divisioa o�$'os�ing at�d
Building �ode ox+cerae�lt hss re-
4uesteti4 the C#ty to kOid a pwb-
lic h�arirsg.to;oo�r the aelvlsability
and necearit op �e cp��tion or
descrlbe ��ov�al od the fblloqrin�g
hauiag beea repo�ed bo�ffi i�tt�tte a.
y lic haur
1V'estnfi�r� Oii�a; Lot R8. slock 8�
c� �-`Two-�t�orY trame
'Whe�e, It, 8gp��t�s t�st ths st
Z�erefore b�!it 1i�ri Tsust �_
eecllvefl, That a
Dub11c hearin be �helri fiy aad pefore
ttle CoUncil�the City of Saint�Paul in
't8e +Coua�il Chamber of the ��Court
.��House 1���s�a�id�°olty at 1Q:0�0�`�~�A.�it, op
fiAC 1!rdCElD��O�clhi'e rt�h4g t$.he
correCtl�1�at'1lvreckgiQ� y�mb,�"a'1 uf
nid attiYCturg On,the �bbve ciesc ��
prO��T �aii�s +� id struetu e�r
'lic�h lu�th� �o�ItS�tfe�}�a tapttb:
er �aletY�►nd welfar�• e it
eeolvet�That the �viaion
ot�t�ei#i8 artd�dtai Code�ong.
me�nt. an behalf oS the�.'ft.v �duneii.
noti�.bY q�util'�te�eyoid nwner Qf t1�ie
p ie q�eYt3o fi the Ia�t k;iotivn
�����o�,ot y�e dglt�t�d per_
�R`aad t�me of
l���b� -tlia Cou�c#i O�tober 3,
` +!�1'�GYed Elctober 4 IS?'4.
' {OeQofier�6;�1974)
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December 4, 1974
8 certified a�pies sent 12-20-74 �mw
Mr. Albert B. Olson
Council Recording Secretary
City Clerk' s Office
Re: 331-333 East Magnolia
Dear Mr. Olson:
Attached hereto is resolution/order pertaining to the
a�ove hazardous �uilding.
Upon passage of the same by the City Council, please
forward 8 certified copies to me.
Yours truly,
/ l �
Assistant City Attorney •
' City Halt, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
612 298-5121