264780 WHITE - CITY CI.ERK COU11C11 �� .l�V�
File N 0.
� � Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
3. In the event that the building is to be razed by the
City of 5aint Paul pursuant to judgment of the District Court,
all persona.l property or fixtures which may unreasonably inter-
fere with the razin and removal of this building shall be
removed within ten �10) days from the entry of judgment; and if
not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose
of such personal property and fixtures as provided by law;
- 4. If the City of Saint Paul is compelled to take any
corrective action herein, all necessary costs expended by the
City will be assessed against the above described real estate
and collected as other taxes; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this resolution
and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record owners
of the above described property in the manner provided by law.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza [n Favor
Rced�- �_ Against By
President Hunt
Adopted by Council: Date DEC 2 6 �•974 Form Approved by City At rney
Certifie by ncil Secretary BY
Y 7
Approv y May r: �ate ` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
t�xtrqt TSTi'F� ���_� "� '�
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445 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Phone 612-298-4212
November 13 , 1974
Madam President and
Members of the City Council
Re: 342 Ramsey St..
File No. 2390
Honorable Council:
The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement is hereby sub-
mitting its report on the condition of the structure at the location
referxed to above.
The owners of record are Dean N. Sausser and Paul R. Hedberg, General
The legal descripti.on of the property is Lot 17, Whitacre, Brisbane
and Mullins Sub of Leech's Outlots.
� The building is a 1� story frame single family dwelling. This build-
ing is in very bad condition because of age and deterioration. The
wooden steps in front and rear of the structure are in a hazardous
condition. The roof is leaking and rotten and the cornices are rotten
and falling. The basement walls are cracked and broken and the entire
structure is in various stages of decay and is hazardous and beyond
The Hausing and Redevelopment Authority does not intend to acquire
this property. This building has been boarded by the owners since
December of 1972 and there has been no attempt at rehabilitatian.
Inasmuch as the inadequate maintenance, physical damage and dilapidated
conditions outlined above constitute a public hazard and the owners
have made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage despite our
warnings, and the continued vacant and boarded up condition contributes
a blighting influence on the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of
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8 certif ied copies sent 1-6-75 dcm R. S C OTT D AV I E S
December 17, 1974
Mr. Albert B. Olson
Council Recording Secretary
City Clerk' s Off ice
Re: 342 Ramsey Street
Dear Mr. Olson:
Attached hereto is resolutian/order pertaining to the
above hazardous building.
Upon passage of the same by the City Council, p.lease
forward 8 certified copies to me.
Yours truly,
Assistant City Attorney •
' City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
67 2 298-512�
Re: 342 Ramsey St. 11-14-74
this Bureau that this matter be referred to the City Attorney's
Office for razing and removal through District Court proceedings.
urs truly,
. �. `
Glenn A. Erickson
City Architect � '
CC: Messrs. Lawrsnce D. Cohen, Mayor
P. McCloskey, City Attarney's Office
W. Shimek, Fire Marshal
F. Staffenson, Housing Code
L. Levine
' - 2 -
Couacil FJle No.�":o ",�,N-°y Leonard W.
wtaereas,The�}tv�ion��f'S�Lc�sin8 an'd
&uiklln8 �ode Fat�orceme�t has rr
�quested the'�y C'o�sci�to Ko1d�•pub=
�ic hear�n8 w afit�iSer the adroiaability'
and necesalty •oi the eqrreotion or
wreclsin4 ��ltiidi�g al ot the fo7lowing
described �a1d st�'nc�tu'e 'h�tl-
in8 b�en re�orted'�O Qo�f4��e s public
342�Ramsey Lot'17,WhitacTe Bri�bane
&M�Su�o€I,eech's Qutlote--Two-.
SLory Frame DAV8111ng
Wriereaa, It aP'Pear� 1�at the last
�,knCwn recorc� o'�nqrs ef saiil building
I are as£ollaws: �
De�n N. Stusser
Pa�t3 3i.�Tstiber� , /
i, General�'ro�ies"tie$
! Therefore, yB�e It 7teiOlvR�� That 8
T�,h�e iiCGOUncii ot the C t9������u
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x�,hoqp�Y sa#�y a�td,yrel�re; be it
-� --- z
Ftixrther,�es�qtyed, Thst the;Diviaion
af Hwus1�attd Buildini CAde En2orCe*
mea2. on b �ot`the t�tY 'Cou�tl.
natitY t�Y sna� e reCO3+d�otvu:eR#of�the
Pp�vel'tY Yal Q �at ths}sst lntO�n
addre�9. a9 w!dl as cthes' irrts�ested
�e��he�i�(��'w)the data a�d time
Adapted by t�e Ccuacil PIavembtr 8,
Approned i�fovember 14, 1974.
� (Q1op�nber 18, 1974)'
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311 RAMSEY HILL • SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 • (612) 222-8541
November 19, 1974
To: The Honorable City Council of the City of Saint Paul
Re: The public hea ring to consider the vacant but secured
house located at 342 Ramsey Street, File No. 2390,
10:00 a.m. , November 21, 1974.
Dear Members of the City Council:
I regret that we are unable to attend this public hearing, but
I must make known to you the reasons why this building still
stands and why we do not intend to raze or repair it at this
l. The lot is approximately 3,800 squa re feet. Under the
present zoning ordinance 5, 000 sq. ft. is required for a struc-
ture, under the proposed zoning ordinance an RM-2 lot must be
10,000 sq. ft. A new house could never be constructed on this
lot. Using the present ordinance, we would have to add a portion
of another lot in order to reconstruct a single family house, and
under the proposed ordinance two lots plus a portion of a third
which would make the land cost prohibitive in this neighborhood.
2. This structure occupies the major portion of lot #17 in
a block that contains 19 lots . At the present time we own the
entire tract. We have been acquiring them, parcel by parcel as
they came on the market, over a long period of time, with the
idea and the hope that someday we could recycle the land and put
it to a use more suitable for an urban a rea now. At this point,
however, we are confronted by several obstacles which have and
still do prevent redevelopment at this time.
A. I-35E: The indecisiveness concerning I-35E has
made definitive planning impossible, and time keeps driving
the land and construction costs upward.
B. The proposed zoning ordinance: Presently about 88
housing units could be constructed on the site. The land
cost per unit (based on 88) is too high to make development
, �
The Honorable City Council of
the City of Saint Paul
Page 2
November 19, 1974
economically practical, but not so high as to make it
impossible to negotiate an increase in density to where
it could be done. Under the proposed ordinance, we would
be allowed 36 units with 2 bedrooms and den at a land
cost so high that our competition would be suburban lake
shore acreage with sewer and water in and paid for. To
try to negotiate the required number of units for economic
feasibility from 36 would create too great a psychological
barrier to be able to succeed.
So until the freeway question is settled and we know what will
be allowed for density, we request that you permit us to maintain
this building as we have maintained it since we acquired it. It
is properly boarded and secured, and the boa rds a re painted to
match the building to make it unobtrusive. We have not had a
problem with vandalism and we are in the area daily and check it
regula rly.
If I-35E in this corridor is permanently stopped and if zoning
makes redevelopment impossible, then we will exercise the
alternative -- the physical repair of 342 Ramsey Street -- and
allow the block to remain the waste that it is.
V� trul�ours,
/ � ��
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Paul R. Hedbe�g, Partner
P RH: mp)
cc: Sam Blue
Saint Paul Building Department
31'I RAMSEY HILL • SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 • (612) 222-8541
November 19, 1974
To: The Honorable City Council of the City of Saint Paul
Re: The public hearing to consider the vacant but secured
house located at 342 Ramsey Street, File No. 2390,
10:00 a.m. , November 21, 1974.
Dear Members of the City Council:
I regret that we are unable to attend this public hea ring, but
I must make known to you the reasons why this building still
stands and wh.y we do not intend to raze or repair it at this
1. The lot is approximately 3,800 square feet. Under the
present zoning ordinance 5, 000 sq. ft, is required for a struc-
ture, under the proposed zoning ordinance an RM-2 lot must be
10,000 sq. ft. A new house could never be constructed on this
lot. Using the present ordinance, we would have to add a portion
of another lot in order to reconstruct a single family house, and
under the proposed ordinance two lots plus a portion of a third
which would make the land cost prohibitive in this neighborhood.
2 . This structure occupies the major portion of lot #17 in
a block that contains 19 lots. At the present time we own the
entire tract. We have been acquiring them, parcel by parcel as
they came on the market, over a long period of time, with the
idea and the hope that someday we could recycle the land and put
it to a use more suitable for an urban area now. At this point,
however, we are confronted by several obstacles which have and
still do prevent redevelopment at this time.
A. I-35E: The indecisiveness concerning I-35E has
made definitive planning impossible, and time keeps driving
the land and construction costs upward.
B. The proposed zoning ordinance: Presently about 88
housing units could be constructed on the site. The land
cost per unit (based on 88) is too high to make development
r �
The Honorable City Council of
the City of Saint Paul
Page 2
November 19, 1974
economically practical, but not so high as to make it
impossible to negotiate an increase in density to where
it could be done. Under the proposed ordinance, we would
be allowed 36 units with 2 bedrooms and den at a land
cost so high that our competition would be suburban lake
shore acreage with sewer and water in and paid for. To
try to negotiate the required number of units for economic
feasibility £rom 36 would create too great a psychological
barrier to be able to succeed.
So until the freeway question is settled and we know what will
be allowed for density, we request that you permit us to maintain
this building as we have maintained it since we acquired it. It
is properly boarded and secured, and the boards are painted to
match the building to make it unobtrusive. We have not had a
problem with vandalism and we are in the area daily and check it
If I-35E in this corridor is permanently stopped and if zoning
makes redevelopment impossible, then we will exercise the
' alternative -- the physical repair of 342 Ramsey Street -- and
allow the block to remain the waste that it is.
Very truly yours,
Paul R. Hedberg, Pa rtner
P RH:kmp
cc: Sam Blue
Saint Paul Building Depa rtment
GE7�T�]�.AL �R,OP�R�'I��
311 RAMSEY HILL • SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 • (612) 222-8541
November 19, 1974
To: The Honorable City Council of the City of Saint Paul
Re: The public hearing to consider the vacant but secured
house located at 342 Ramsey Street, File No. 2390,
10:00 a.m. , November 21, 1974. :
Dear Members of the City Council:
I regret that we are unable to attend this public hea ring, but
I must make known to you the reasons why this building still
stands and why we do not intend to raze or repair it at this
1. The lot is approximately 3,800 square feet. Under the
present zoning ordinance 5,000 sq. ft. is required for a struc-
ture, under the proposed zoning ordinance an RM-2 lot must be
. 10,000 sq. ft. A new house could never be constructed on this
lot. Using the present ordinance, we would have to add a portion
of another lot in order to reconstruct a single family house, and
under the proposed ordinance two lots plus a portion of a third
which would make the land cost prohibitive in this neighborhood.
2. This structu re occupies the major portion of lot #17 in
a block that contains 19 lots. At the present time we own the
entire tract. We have been acquiring them, parcel by parcel as
they came on the market, over a long period of time, with the
idea and the hope that someday we could recycle the land and put
it to a use more suitable for an urban area now. At this point,
however, we are confronted by several obstacles which have and
still do prevent redevelopment at this time.
A. I-35E: The indecisiveness concerning I-35E has
made definitive planning impossible, ancl time keeps driving
the land and construction costs upward.
B. The proposed zoning ordinance: Presently about 88
housing units could be constructed on the site. The land
cost per unit (based on 88) is too high to make development
� .
The Honorable City Council of
the City of Saint Paul
Pa ge 2
November 19, 1974
economically practical, but not so high as to make it
impossible to negotiate an increase in density to where
it could be done. Under the proposed ordinance, we would
be allowed 36 units with 2 bedrooms and den at a land
cost so high that our competition would be suburban lake
shore acreage with sewer and water in and paid for. To
try to negotiate the required number of units for economic
feasibility from 36 would create too great a psychological
barrier to be able to succeed.
So until the f reeway question is settled and we know what will
be allowed for densit�, we request that you permit us to maintain
this building as we have maintained it since we acquired it. It
is properly boarded and secured, and the boa rds are painted to
match the building to make it unobtrusive. We have not had a
problem with vandalism and we are in the area daily and check it
If I-35E in this corridor is permanently stopped and if zoning
makes redevelopment impossible, then we will exercise the
• • alternative -- the physical repair of 342 Ramsey Street -- and
• allow the block to remain the waste that it is.
Very truly yours,
Paul R. Hedbe rg, Pa rtner
cc: Sam Blue �
Saint Paul Building Department
, .
. '
G�l��RAL �ROl°�RTI��
311 RAMSEY HILL • SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 • (612) 222-8541
November 19, 1974
To: The Honorable City Council of the City of Saint Paul
Re: The public hearing to consider the vacant but secured
house located at 342 Ramsey Street, File No. 2390,
10:00 a.m. , November 21, 1974.
Dear Members of the City Council:
I regret that we are unable to attend this pub lic hea ring, but
I must make known to you the reasons why this building still
stands and why we do not intend to raze or repair it at this
1. The lot is approximately 3,800 square feet. Under the '
present zoning ordinance 5, 000 sq. ft. is required for a struc-
ture, under the proposed zoning ordinance an RM-2 lot must be
10,000 sq. ft. A new house could never be constructed on this
lot. Using the present ordinance, we would have to add a portion
of another lot in order to reconstruct a single family house, and
under the proposed ordinance two lots plus a portion of a third
which would make the land cost prohibitive in this neighborhood.
2. This structure occupies the major portion of lot #17 in
a block that contains l9 lots . At the present time we own the
entire tract. We have been acquiring them, parcel by parcel as
they came on the market, over a long period of time, with the
idea and the hope that someday we could recycle the land and put
it to a use more suitable for an urban a rea now. At this point,
however, we are confronted by several obstacles which have and
still do prevent redevelopment at this time.
A. I-35E: The indecisiveness concerning I-35E has
made definitive planning impossible, and time keeps driving
the land and construction costs upward.
B. The proposed zoning ordinance: Presently about 88
housing units could be constructed on the site. The land
cost per unit (based on 88) is too high to make development
�, .
The Honorable City Council of
the City of Saint Paul
Page 2
November 19, 1974
economically practical, but not so high as to make it
impossible to negotiate an increase in density to where
it could be done. Under the proposed ordinance, we would
be allowed 36 units with 2 bedrooms and den at a land
cost so high that our competition would be suburban lake
shore acreage with sewer and water in and paid for. To
try to negotiate the required number of units for economic
feasibility trom 36 would create too great a psychological
barrier to be able to succeed.
So until the freeway question is settled and we know what will
be allowed for density, we request that you permit us to maintain
this building as we have maintained it since we acquired it. It
is prope rly boa rded and secured, and the boa rds a re painted to
match the building to make it unobtrusive. We have not had a
problem with vandalism and we are in the area daily and check it
If I-35E in this corridor is permanently stopped and if zoning
makes redevelopment impossible, then we will exercise the
alternative -- the physical repair of 342 Ramsey Street -- and
allow the block to remain the waste that it is.
Very truly yours,
Paul R. Hedberg, Pa rtner
cc: Sam Blue
Saint Paul Building Department