01-711QRIG��IAL Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of 2 Compensation by establishing the rate of pay for the position tided 3 Administrative Manager-Fire & Safety Services Department 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the position of Administrative Manager-Fire & Safety Services 5 Department be that as set forth in Grade 046 of the Fire Supervisory Standazd, Employee Group 40, Salary 6 Schedule, and be it 7 FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 8 following its adoption by the Council and subsequent approval by the Mayor. Requested by Department of: Office of Auman Resources B �Q�, C .�m.. Form Approved by City Attomey � / BY� .� - `` � �� D I Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . . . - . . . � . - , � /L�' � i, /i/ /� /%%%/� '! '�-��/ Council File # � \— '"l \� Green Sheet # 62906 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Adopted by Council: Date �� ts Adoption Certified by Council Secretary G� DEPARTMENf/OFFICFICOUNCIL: DATE IIVITIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 62906 0����� Human Resources 06/28/Ol CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: 1Nt[7ni/PATE INi77AI/pAY'E Karen Sanchez 266-6483 ��,�� nm�pi a c`rr couNrn. ASSIGNED V . NQMBER£OR 2CmfnrroRNEY l]7'rCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY RODTING � ORDER �qidppLSFRVnm flNntvCUI.SERV/nCCrG 3MAYOR(ORASSf.) .��� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATfJRE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the unclassified Administrative ManagerFire & Safety Services Department in Grade 46 of the Fire SupervisoryS d Salary Ranges. This is a companion Resolution to Ordinance creating the unclassified Administrative Manager-Fire & �a�rvices Department title. RECOhII�NDA170NS: Approve (A) orRejett (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MU51' ANSWER 7HE FOLIAWIIVG QiJE57TONS: 1. HasthispersoNfilmevaworkedwderaconuactforthisdepartmeMl _PLANNAIG WM[vQSSION Yes No _CIB COMP9TIEE 2. Has fltis pe�xodfiim evtt been a ciTy employceT CIVIl.SERVICECO]�IlSSION Ya No 3. Dces tlus person/firm posuss a sldl( not nolmelly possesud by any cument city employee? Yes No 4. Is this persodficm a targeted vendor? Yes No Fap4m a11 ya anewers on aepante sheet and attach to green sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'IJNITY (Who, What, Wheu, Where, Why): Our Office was asked by the Chief to study a position that provides confidential administra6ve assistance in reseazc�Qmnt writing, � ,�. public information, legislative liaison, and special project implementation under the d'vection of the Fire�Ch��, �a�ch posrtions aze �sually in the unclassified service. ^�� ,���' V�+V' ADVANTAGESIFAYPROVED: �'�� Adequate staffmg and specific accountability for the aforementioned azeas of responsibiliry. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � None. Funds for ffie salary have already been placed in the Fire Deparhnent budget. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The departrnent may not be able to maYimize iu efforts and carry out its prioriries and initiatives in the aforementioned azeas of responsibility. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUhIBER: F[NANCIAL INFORMAT[ON: (ERPLAII� G:�Shared�CiassiflCLASSViesolu6ons&OrdinancesWdmiaistrafive Mgr Frze.gs.for.res.wpd o����� DESK AUDTT REPORT Class Studied: Administrative Manager-Fire & Safety Services Department (New Title-Unciassified) Date Studied: March S, 2001 Studied By: Karen Sanchez Persons Contacted: Assistant Fire Chief - Human Services Division Background: The Fire Department has requested that the new title of"Administrative Manager - Fire DepartmenY' be created. The position in this title will report directly to the Fire Chief and will be responsible for managing research, grant writing, public information, legislative activities, and special projects for the department. Study Components: Review of the proposed advisory class specification Interview with the department liaison Comparison with retated classes and positions Quantitative Evaluation System (QES) analysis and recommendation Position Description: The position will exercise technical supervision over department staff and perform highly skilled professional work providing management assistance to the Fire Administration. The duties will include - Research and Grant Writine - researches and writes grant applications from federal, state, and outside agencies to help fund departmental programs; negotiates, secures and administers grants and ensures compliance with grant agreements, requirements, and compliance activities; coilaborates with other governmental agencies on joint public safety initiatives through grants. 2. Public Information - prepares responses to inGuiries and requests for information from the City Council, Mayos's Office, City departments, outside agencies, media, and the public; Page 1 of 2 APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PRACTICE LEADER: o����� assists in maintaining effective working relationships with departmentai teams, City departments, City Council, Mayor's Office, and outside agencies to ensure effective communications aboutFireDepartment operations; providesinformation about departmental functions and policies to the public, state, and local agencies. 3. Le¢islative Liaison - works with City lobbyists to develop and articulate the department's legislative needs and priorities; identifies, researches issues and recommendspolicyinitiatives, monitors relevant political developments and policy trends, and evaluates impact of legislative proposals and legislation on departmental programs and operations. 4. Special Projects - conducts reseazch and directs special projects as assigned by the Fire Chief; evaluates departmental programs, plans, policies and procedures; conducts research and analysis, prepares reports and recommendations based on the research and findings; and develops proposals for the Fire Chief. Comparison: The position compares favorably with senior level administrative manager or project manager classes and positions. The position has four major areas of responsibility. Each azea is comparable to various c(asses, as follows: grant writing is comparable to the Grants Manager, public information to the Pubiic Services Manager-Water Utility, legislative activities to the Assistant to the Mayor III/IV, and special projects to the Program Coordinator and Administrative Assistant classes. Positions in these ciasses perform highly responsible supervisory and/or highly skilled professional or administrative work. Within the fire suppression ranks, the position compares favorably with the Fire District Chief, Fire Training Officer, Fire Communications Chief, and Chief Fire Investigator classes in Grade 46 ofthe Fire Supervisory Standard Ranges. The positions in these classes have department-wide responsibility or responsibility for a highly specialized or technical function. The position is not comparable to the Deputy Fire Chief in Grade 49 of the Supervisory Standard Ranges. QES Anatysis: The evaluation supports assigning the new title in Grade 46 ofthe Fire Supervisory Standazd Ranges. Recommendation: It is recommended that the new title of"Administrative Manager-Fire Department" (iJnclassified) be created in Grade 46 of the Fire Supervisory Standard Ranges. Page Z of 2 Proposed Title o£ Class: Code: 137B ADMINISTRATIVEMANAGER-FIRE& BU: 40 O\-1\� SERVICES DEPARTMEN'T(ADVISORY SPEC1 Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: PerForms supervisory and highly sldiled professional work assisting the Fire Chief in reviewing, analyzing and coordinating department operations; researches and writes grant applications from federal, state, and outside agencies to help fund Fire Depadmeut programs; directs special projects as assigned; acis as the deparhnent's public information officer and legislative liaison; and performs other duties as assigned. �ervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Fire Clrief. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises general or technical supervision over department employees as assigned by the Fire Chief. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed e�mples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in ihis class. Administers grants, researches and writes grant applications from federai, state, and outside agencies to help fund Fire Department programs; ensures compliance with grant agreements and requirements and collaborates with other govenmental agencies on jourt public safety initiatives. Acts as the department's public information officer; provides information and prepazes responses to inquiries &om the Ciry Council, Mayor's Office, Ciry departmenu, outside agencies, media, and community. Acts as the departmen4s legisiative liaison. Works with City lobbyists to develop and articulate the department's legislative needs and priorities; evaluates impact of legislative proposals and legislation on departmental programs and operations; may coordinate testimony or testify before legislarive bodies. Plans, implements, and coordinates administrative and operating projects. Conduc[s research and studies on assigned topics or issues; evaluates departmental programs, plans, policies and procedures and prepazes reports and recommendations to the Fire Clrief. Performs or monitors research, planning, problem solving and progrant evaluation and prepazes reports and recommendations to the departme� director. Assists in maintaining effective worldng relationships with teams, City deparhnents, City Council, Mayor's Office, and outside agencies to ensure effective and accurate communications conceming fire department operations. Represents the department at committee and civic group meetings, as assigned; attends departmental staff meetings. (ADMII�IISTRATIVE MANAGER-FIRE & SERVICES DEPARTMENT(ADVISORY SPECII Page 1 of Z Proposed Title of Class: Code: 137B ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER-FIltE & BU: 40 �\�'1�\ SERVICES DEPARTMENT(ADVISORY SPEC) Effective: KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPET'ENCIES Considerable lmowledge of deparhnental operations, functions, practices, policies, and procedures including fire administration, fire suppression, emergency medical services, and fire prevemion. Considerable Imowledge of local, staie and national government organizations relating to the fire service. Considerable knowledge of local, staYe, and federal legislative processes. Considerable knowledge of labor relations and labor/management principles. Considerable abIlity to supervise the work of others. Considerable ability to plan, implement, and coordinate projects and activities. Considerable ability to analyze and solve problems. Considerable abflity to interact effectively with a wide variery of individuals, groups, and organizations. Considerable ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships with elected officials, city departments, govemment agencies, media, business community, and community orgauizations. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, prepaze comprehensive reports and make formal presemations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Associate degree in business administration or five yeazs of business and management experience. Must have at least 80 hours of fire prevention/code enforcement uaining, experience in grant writing and legislative lobbying, and current State of Minnesota Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certificatio. Must haue completed 80 hours of public fire education training by the end of the one year probationary period. May be required to complete Fire Fighter I and II training within two yeazs of appointment. Must haue a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license. (ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER-FIRE & SERVICES DEPARTMENT(ADVISORY SPEC)) Page 2 of 2 crrY oF san�rr Paui, Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Tim Fuller, Fire Chief OFFICE OF HUMP.N RESOURCES John Hamilton, D'nec7or 400 Ciry Hall Anne.x Telephone: 25WestFotothSdeet TDD/ITY� SairstPaul, Mirsnesota 55101-]634 Jobline: Facsimile: Kazen Sanchez, Auman Resources Consultaut (I+! May 1, 2001 O\-1�� 657-266-6500 657d66-650I 657-266-6502 657-292-7656 Twenty Day Notice - Administrative Manager-Fire & Safety Services Department It has been determined that the class specification of Administrative Manager-Fire & Safety Services Department should be created. I have attached a copy of the advisory class specification for your review. I will also be processing an ordinance placing it in unclassified service and a resolution to establish the rate of pay in Cnade 046, of the Fire Supervisory Standazd Salary Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not heaz from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. To expedite the process, please sign below. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating ttris title and class specification. G:'ShoredlClass fCL9SS120 day nolicesUdmmis(roRVe Mm�agervFire.deptwpd OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamilton,Director �` ��" CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor T0: FROM: DATE: RE: Bob Morrison Fire Supervisory Association Karen Sanchez !fi/ Office of Human Resources May 9, 2001 Twenty Day Notice 400CiryHaIIMnee Telephone: 651-266-6500 25WertFourthStree[ 1DD/CIY.' 65I-2666501 SaintPau�Mimusata SSIOLl631 Jobline: 651-266-6501 Focsimile: I' Option: 651-292-6414 Y'�Opdon: 651-292-6415 3r Optlon: 651-292-7656 You have requested that the 20-day notice for the Administrative Manager-Fire Department (New Title) should be extended from May 22 to June 15, so the item can be presented to the full membership of the Fire Supervisory Association meeting on 7une 6. This request is granted. Piease let me know of the status of the 20 day notice for Administrative Manager-Fire Department by 7une 15. Thank you. ��,��1�1� Lr�� ov� �6 ( �' � t � / � ' ��w.----- �i�s..au� �5,� ��is(° I QRIG��IAL Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of 2 Compensation by establishing the rate of pay for the position tided 3 Administrative Manager-Fire & Safety Services Department 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the position of Administrative Manager-Fire & Safety Services 5 Department be that as set forth in Grade 046 of the Fire Supervisory Standazd, Employee Group 40, Salary 6 Schedule, and be it 7 FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 8 following its adoption by the Council and subsequent approval by the Mayor. Requested by Department of: Office of Auman Resources B �Q�, C .�m.. Form Approved by City Attomey � / BY� .� - `` � �� D I Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . . . - . . . � . - , � /L�' � i, /i/ /� /%%%/� '! '�-��/ Council File # � \— '"l \� Green Sheet # 62906 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Adopted by Council: Date �� ts Adoption Certified by Council Secretary G� DEPARTMENf/OFFICFICOUNCIL: DATE IIVITIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 62906 0����� Human Resources 06/28/Ol CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: 1Nt[7ni/PATE INi77AI/pAY'E Karen Sanchez 266-6483 ��,�� nm�pi a c`rr couNrn. ASSIGNED V . NQMBER£OR 2CmfnrroRNEY l]7'rCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY RODTING � ORDER �qidppLSFRVnm flNntvCUI.SERV/nCCrG 3MAYOR(ORASSf.) .��� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATfJRE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the unclassified Administrative ManagerFire & Safety Services Department in Grade 46 of the Fire SupervisoryS d Salary Ranges. This is a companion Resolution to Ordinance creating the unclassified Administrative Manager-Fire & �a�rvices Department title. RECOhII�NDA170NS: Approve (A) orRejett (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MU51' ANSWER 7HE FOLIAWIIVG QiJE57TONS: 1. HasthispersoNfilmevaworkedwderaconuactforthisdepartmeMl _PLANNAIG WM[vQSSION Yes No _CIB COMP9TIEE 2. Has fltis pe�xodfiim evtt been a ciTy employceT CIVIl.SERVICECO]�IlSSION Ya No 3. Dces tlus person/firm posuss a sldl( not nolmelly possesud by any cument city employee? Yes No 4. Is this persodficm a targeted vendor? Yes No Fap4m a11 ya anewers on aepante sheet and attach to green sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'IJNITY (Who, What, Wheu, Where, Why): Our Office was asked by the Chief to study a position that provides confidential administra6ve assistance in reseazc�Qmnt writing, � ,�. public information, legislative liaison, and special project implementation under the d'vection of the Fire�Ch��, �a�ch posrtions aze �sually in the unclassified service. ^�� ,���' V�+V' ADVANTAGESIFAYPROVED: �'�� Adequate staffmg and specific accountability for the aforementioned azeas of responsibiliry. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � None. Funds for ffie salary have already been placed in the Fire Deparhnent budget. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The departrnent may not be able to maYimize iu efforts and carry out its prioriries and initiatives in the aforementioned azeas of responsibility. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUhIBER: F[NANCIAL INFORMAT[ON: (ERPLAII� G:�Shared�CiassiflCLASSViesolu6ons&OrdinancesWdmiaistrafive Mgr Frze.gs.for.res.wpd o����� DESK AUDTT REPORT Class Studied: Administrative Manager-Fire & Safety Services Department (New Title-Unciassified) Date Studied: March S, 2001 Studied By: Karen Sanchez Persons Contacted: Assistant Fire Chief - Human Services Division Background: The Fire Department has requested that the new title of"Administrative Manager - Fire DepartmenY' be created. The position in this title will report directly to the Fire Chief and will be responsible for managing research, grant writing, public information, legislative activities, and special projects for the department. Study Components: Review of the proposed advisory class specification Interview with the department liaison Comparison with retated classes and positions Quantitative Evaluation System (QES) analysis and recommendation Position Description: The position will exercise technical supervision over department staff and perform highly skilled professional work providing management assistance to the Fire Administration. The duties will include - Research and Grant Writine - researches and writes grant applications from federal, state, and outside agencies to help fund departmental programs; negotiates, secures and administers grants and ensures compliance with grant agreements, requirements, and compliance activities; coilaborates with other governmental agencies on joint public safety initiatives through grants. 2. Public Information - prepares responses to inGuiries and requests for information from the City Council, Mayos's Office, City departments, outside agencies, media, and the public; Page 1 of 2 APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PRACTICE LEADER: o����� assists in maintaining effective working relationships with departmentai teams, City departments, City Council, Mayor's Office, and outside agencies to ensure effective communications aboutFireDepartment operations; providesinformation about departmental functions and policies to the public, state, and local agencies. 3. Le¢islative Liaison - works with City lobbyists to develop and articulate the department's legislative needs and priorities; identifies, researches issues and recommendspolicyinitiatives, monitors relevant political developments and policy trends, and evaluates impact of legislative proposals and legislation on departmental programs and operations. 4. Special Projects - conducts reseazch and directs special projects as assigned by the Fire Chief; evaluates departmental programs, plans, policies and procedures; conducts research and analysis, prepares reports and recommendations based on the research and findings; and develops proposals for the Fire Chief. Comparison: The position compares favorably with senior level administrative manager or project manager classes and positions. The position has four major areas of responsibility. Each azea is comparable to various c(asses, as follows: grant writing is comparable to the Grants Manager, public information to the Pubiic Services Manager-Water Utility, legislative activities to the Assistant to the Mayor III/IV, and special projects to the Program Coordinator and Administrative Assistant classes. Positions in these ciasses perform highly responsible supervisory and/or highly skilled professional or administrative work. Within the fire suppression ranks, the position compares favorably with the Fire District Chief, Fire Training Officer, Fire Communications Chief, and Chief Fire Investigator classes in Grade 46 ofthe Fire Supervisory Standard Ranges. The positions in these classes have department-wide responsibility or responsibility for a highly specialized or technical function. The position is not comparable to the Deputy Fire Chief in Grade 49 of the Supervisory Standard Ranges. QES Anatysis: The evaluation supports assigning the new title in Grade 46 ofthe Fire Supervisory Standazd Ranges. Recommendation: It is recommended that the new title of"Administrative Manager-Fire Department" (iJnclassified) be created in Grade 46 of the Fire Supervisory Standard Ranges. Page Z of 2 Proposed Title o£ Class: Code: 137B ADMINISTRATIVEMANAGER-FIRE& BU: 40 O\-1\� SERVICES DEPARTMEN'T(ADVISORY SPEC1 Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: PerForms supervisory and highly sldiled professional work assisting the Fire Chief in reviewing, analyzing and coordinating department operations; researches and writes grant applications from federal, state, and outside agencies to help fund Fire Depadmeut programs; directs special projects as assigned; acis as the deparhnent's public information officer and legislative liaison; and performs other duties as assigned. �ervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Fire Clrief. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises general or technical supervision over department employees as assigned by the Fire Chief. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed e�mples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in ihis class. Administers grants, researches and writes grant applications from federai, state, and outside agencies to help fund Fire Department programs; ensures compliance with grant agreements and requirements and collaborates with other govenmental agencies on jourt public safety initiatives. Acts as the department's public information officer; provides information and prepazes responses to inquiries &om the Ciry Council, Mayor's Office, Ciry departmenu, outside agencies, media, and community. Acts as the departmen4s legisiative liaison. Works with City lobbyists to develop and articulate the department's legislative needs and priorities; evaluates impact of legislative proposals and legislation on departmental programs and operations; may coordinate testimony or testify before legislarive bodies. Plans, implements, and coordinates administrative and operating projects. Conduc[s research and studies on assigned topics or issues; evaluates departmental programs, plans, policies and procedures and prepazes reports and recommendations to the Fire Clrief. Performs or monitors research, planning, problem solving and progrant evaluation and prepazes reports and recommendations to the departme� director. Assists in maintaining effective worldng relationships with teams, City deparhnents, City Council, Mayor's Office, and outside agencies to ensure effective and accurate communications conceming fire department operations. Represents the department at committee and civic group meetings, as assigned; attends departmental staff meetings. (ADMII�IISTRATIVE MANAGER-FIRE & SERVICES DEPARTMENT(ADVISORY SPECII Page 1 of Z Proposed Title of Class: Code: 137B ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER-FIltE & BU: 40 �\�'1�\ SERVICES DEPARTMENT(ADVISORY SPEC) Effective: KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPET'ENCIES Considerable lmowledge of deparhnental operations, functions, practices, policies, and procedures including fire administration, fire suppression, emergency medical services, and fire prevemion. Considerable Imowledge of local, staie and national government organizations relating to the fire service. Considerable knowledge of local, staYe, and federal legislative processes. Considerable knowledge of labor relations and labor/management principles. Considerable abIlity to supervise the work of others. Considerable ability to plan, implement, and coordinate projects and activities. Considerable ability to analyze and solve problems. Considerable abflity to interact effectively with a wide variery of individuals, groups, and organizations. Considerable ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships with elected officials, city departments, govemment agencies, media, business community, and community orgauizations. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, prepaze comprehensive reports and make formal presemations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Associate degree in business administration or five yeazs of business and management experience. Must have at least 80 hours of fire prevention/code enforcement uaining, experience in grant writing and legislative lobbying, and current State of Minnesota Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certificatio. Must haue completed 80 hours of public fire education training by the end of the one year probationary period. May be required to complete Fire Fighter I and II training within two yeazs of appointment. Must haue a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license. (ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER-FIRE & SERVICES DEPARTMENT(ADVISORY SPEC)) Page 2 of 2 crrY oF san�rr Paui, Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Tim Fuller, Fire Chief OFFICE OF HUMP.N RESOURCES John Hamilton, D'nec7or 400 Ciry Hall Anne.x Telephone: 25WestFotothSdeet TDD/ITY� SairstPaul, Mirsnesota 55101-]634 Jobline: Facsimile: Kazen Sanchez, Auman Resources Consultaut (I+! May 1, 2001 O\-1�� 657-266-6500 657d66-650I 657-266-6502 657-292-7656 Twenty Day Notice - Administrative Manager-Fire & Safety Services Department It has been determined that the class specification of Administrative Manager-Fire & Safety Services Department should be created. I have attached a copy of the advisory class specification for your review. I will also be processing an ordinance placing it in unclassified service and a resolution to establish the rate of pay in Cnade 046, of the Fire Supervisory Standazd Salary Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not heaz from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. To expedite the process, please sign below. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating ttris title and class specification. G:'ShoredlClass fCL9SS120 day nolicesUdmmis(roRVe Mm�agervFire.deptwpd OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamilton,Director �` ��" CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor T0: FROM: DATE: RE: Bob Morrison Fire Supervisory Association Karen Sanchez !fi/ Office of Human Resources May 9, 2001 Twenty Day Notice 400CiryHaIIMnee Telephone: 651-266-6500 25WertFourthStree[ 1DD/CIY.' 65I-2666501 SaintPau�Mimusata SSIOLl631 Jobline: 651-266-6501 Focsimile: I' Option: 651-292-6414 Y'�Opdon: 651-292-6415 3r Optlon: 651-292-7656 You have requested that the 20-day notice for the Administrative Manager-Fire Department (New Title) should be extended from May 22 to June 15, so the item can be presented to the full membership of the Fire Supervisory Association meeting on 7une 6. This request is granted. Piease let me know of the status of the 20 day notice for Administrative Manager-Fire Department by 7une 15. Thank you. ��,��1�1� Lr�� ov� �6 ( �' � t � / � ' ��w.----- �i�s..au� �5,� ��is(° I QRIG��IAL Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of 2 Compensation by establishing the rate of pay for the position tided 3 Administrative Manager-Fire & Safety Services Department 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the position of Administrative Manager-Fire & Safety Services 5 Department be that as set forth in Grade 046 of the Fire Supervisory Standazd, Employee Group 40, Salary 6 Schedule, and be it 7 FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 8 following its adoption by the Council and subsequent approval by the Mayor. Requested by Department of: Office of Auman Resources B �Q�, C .�m.. Form Approved by City Attomey � / BY� .� - `` � �� D I Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . . . - . . . � . - , � /L�' � i, /i/ /� /%%%/� '! '�-��/ Council File # � \— '"l \� Green Sheet # 62906 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Adopted by Council: Date �� ts Adoption Certified by Council Secretary G� DEPARTMENf/OFFICFICOUNCIL: DATE IIVITIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 62906 0����� Human Resources 06/28/Ol CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: 1Nt[7ni/PATE INi77AI/pAY'E Karen Sanchez 266-6483 ��,�� nm�pi a c`rr couNrn. ASSIGNED V . NQMBER£OR 2CmfnrroRNEY l]7'rCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY RODTING � ORDER �qidppLSFRVnm flNntvCUI.SERV/nCCrG 3MAYOR(ORASSf.) .��� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATfJRE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the unclassified Administrative ManagerFire & Safety Services Department in Grade 46 of the Fire SupervisoryS d Salary Ranges. This is a companion Resolution to Ordinance creating the unclassified Administrative Manager-Fire & �a�rvices Department title. RECOhII�NDA170NS: Approve (A) orRejett (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MU51' ANSWER 7HE FOLIAWIIVG QiJE57TONS: 1. HasthispersoNfilmevaworkedwderaconuactforthisdepartmeMl _PLANNAIG WM[vQSSION Yes No _CIB COMP9TIEE 2. Has fltis pe�xodfiim evtt been a ciTy employceT CIVIl.SERVICECO]�IlSSION Ya No 3. Dces tlus person/firm posuss a sldl( not nolmelly possesud by any cument city employee? Yes No 4. Is this persodficm a targeted vendor? Yes No Fap4m a11 ya anewers on aepante sheet and attach to green sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'IJNITY (Who, What, Wheu, Where, Why): Our Office was asked by the Chief to study a position that provides confidential administra6ve assistance in reseazc�Qmnt writing, � ,�. public information, legislative liaison, and special project implementation under the d'vection of the Fire�Ch��, �a�ch posrtions aze �sually in the unclassified service. ^�� ,���' V�+V' ADVANTAGESIFAYPROVED: �'�� Adequate staffmg and specific accountability for the aforementioned azeas of responsibiliry. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � None. Funds for ffie salary have already been placed in the Fire Deparhnent budget. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The departrnent may not be able to maYimize iu efforts and carry out its prioriries and initiatives in the aforementioned azeas of responsibility. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUhIBER: F[NANCIAL INFORMAT[ON: (ERPLAII� G:�Shared�CiassiflCLASSViesolu6ons&OrdinancesWdmiaistrafive Mgr Frze.gs.for.res.wpd o����� DESK AUDTT REPORT Class Studied: Administrative Manager-Fire & Safety Services Department (New Title-Unciassified) Date Studied: March S, 2001 Studied By: Karen Sanchez Persons Contacted: Assistant Fire Chief - Human Services Division Background: The Fire Department has requested that the new title of"Administrative Manager - Fire DepartmenY' be created. The position in this title will report directly to the Fire Chief and will be responsible for managing research, grant writing, public information, legislative activities, and special projects for the department. Study Components: Review of the proposed advisory class specification Interview with the department liaison Comparison with retated classes and positions Quantitative Evaluation System (QES) analysis and recommendation Position Description: The position will exercise technical supervision over department staff and perform highly skilled professional work providing management assistance to the Fire Administration. The duties will include - Research and Grant Writine - researches and writes grant applications from federal, state, and outside agencies to help fund departmental programs; negotiates, secures and administers grants and ensures compliance with grant agreements, requirements, and compliance activities; coilaborates with other governmental agencies on joint public safety initiatives through grants. 2. Public Information - prepares responses to inGuiries and requests for information from the City Council, Mayos's Office, City departments, outside agencies, media, and the public; Page 1 of 2 APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PRACTICE LEADER: o����� assists in maintaining effective working relationships with departmentai teams, City departments, City Council, Mayor's Office, and outside agencies to ensure effective communications aboutFireDepartment operations; providesinformation about departmental functions and policies to the public, state, and local agencies. 3. Le¢islative Liaison - works with City lobbyists to develop and articulate the department's legislative needs and priorities; identifies, researches issues and recommendspolicyinitiatives, monitors relevant political developments and policy trends, and evaluates impact of legislative proposals and legislation on departmental programs and operations. 4. Special Projects - conducts reseazch and directs special projects as assigned by the Fire Chief; evaluates departmental programs, plans, policies and procedures; conducts research and analysis, prepares reports and recommendations based on the research and findings; and develops proposals for the Fire Chief. Comparison: The position compares favorably with senior level administrative manager or project manager classes and positions. The position has four major areas of responsibility. Each azea is comparable to various c(asses, as follows: grant writing is comparable to the Grants Manager, public information to the Pubiic Services Manager-Water Utility, legislative activities to the Assistant to the Mayor III/IV, and special projects to the Program Coordinator and Administrative Assistant classes. Positions in these ciasses perform highly responsible supervisory and/or highly skilled professional or administrative work. Within the fire suppression ranks, the position compares favorably with the Fire District Chief, Fire Training Officer, Fire Communications Chief, and Chief Fire Investigator classes in Grade 46 ofthe Fire Supervisory Standard Ranges. The positions in these classes have department-wide responsibility or responsibility for a highly specialized or technical function. The position is not comparable to the Deputy Fire Chief in Grade 49 of the Supervisory Standard Ranges. QES Anatysis: The evaluation supports assigning the new title in Grade 46 ofthe Fire Supervisory Standazd Ranges. Recommendation: It is recommended that the new title of"Administrative Manager-Fire Department" (iJnclassified) be created in Grade 46 of the Fire Supervisory Standard Ranges. Page Z of 2 Proposed Title o£ Class: Code: 137B ADMINISTRATIVEMANAGER-FIRE& BU: 40 O\-1\� SERVICES DEPARTMEN'T(ADVISORY SPEC1 Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: PerForms supervisory and highly sldiled professional work assisting the Fire Chief in reviewing, analyzing and coordinating department operations; researches and writes grant applications from federal, state, and outside agencies to help fund Fire Depadmeut programs; directs special projects as assigned; acis as the deparhnent's public information officer and legislative liaison; and performs other duties as assigned. �ervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Fire Clrief. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises general or technical supervision over department employees as assigned by the Fire Chief. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed e�mples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in ihis class. Administers grants, researches and writes grant applications from federai, state, and outside agencies to help fund Fire Department programs; ensures compliance with grant agreements and requirements and collaborates with other govenmental agencies on jourt public safety initiatives. Acts as the department's public information officer; provides information and prepazes responses to inquiries &om the Ciry Council, Mayor's Office, Ciry departmenu, outside agencies, media, and community. Acts as the departmen4s legisiative liaison. Works with City lobbyists to develop and articulate the department's legislative needs and priorities; evaluates impact of legislative proposals and legislation on departmental programs and operations; may coordinate testimony or testify before legislarive bodies. Plans, implements, and coordinates administrative and operating projects. Conduc[s research and studies on assigned topics or issues; evaluates departmental programs, plans, policies and procedures and prepazes reports and recommendations to the Fire Clrief. Performs or monitors research, planning, problem solving and progrant evaluation and prepazes reports and recommendations to the departme� director. Assists in maintaining effective worldng relationships with teams, City deparhnents, City Council, Mayor's Office, and outside agencies to ensure effective and accurate communications conceming fire department operations. Represents the department at committee and civic group meetings, as assigned; attends departmental staff meetings. (ADMII�IISTRATIVE MANAGER-FIRE & SERVICES DEPARTMENT(ADVISORY SPECII Page 1 of Z Proposed Title of Class: Code: 137B ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER-FIltE & BU: 40 �\�'1�\ SERVICES DEPARTMENT(ADVISORY SPEC) Effective: KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPET'ENCIES Considerable lmowledge of deparhnental operations, functions, practices, policies, and procedures including fire administration, fire suppression, emergency medical services, and fire prevemion. Considerable Imowledge of local, staie and national government organizations relating to the fire service. Considerable knowledge of local, staYe, and federal legislative processes. Considerable knowledge of labor relations and labor/management principles. Considerable abIlity to supervise the work of others. Considerable ability to plan, implement, and coordinate projects and activities. Considerable ability to analyze and solve problems. Considerable abflity to interact effectively with a wide variery of individuals, groups, and organizations. Considerable ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships with elected officials, city departments, govemment agencies, media, business community, and community orgauizations. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, prepaze comprehensive reports and make formal presemations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Associate degree in business administration or five yeazs of business and management experience. Must have at least 80 hours of fire prevention/code enforcement uaining, experience in grant writing and legislative lobbying, and current State of Minnesota Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certificatio. Must haue completed 80 hours of public fire education training by the end of the one year probationary period. May be required to complete Fire Fighter I and II training within two yeazs of appointment. Must haue a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license. (ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER-FIRE & SERVICES DEPARTMENT(ADVISORY SPEC)) Page 2 of 2 crrY oF san�rr Paui, Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Tim Fuller, Fire Chief OFFICE OF HUMP.N RESOURCES John Hamilton, D'nec7or 400 Ciry Hall Anne.x Telephone: 25WestFotothSdeet TDD/ITY� SairstPaul, Mirsnesota 55101-]634 Jobline: Facsimile: Kazen Sanchez, Auman Resources Consultaut (I+! May 1, 2001 O\-1�� 657-266-6500 657d66-650I 657-266-6502 657-292-7656 Twenty Day Notice - Administrative Manager-Fire & Safety Services Department It has been determined that the class specification of Administrative Manager-Fire & Safety Services Department should be created. I have attached a copy of the advisory class specification for your review. I will also be processing an ordinance placing it in unclassified service and a resolution to establish the rate of pay in Cnade 046, of the Fire Supervisory Standazd Salary Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not heaz from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. To expedite the process, please sign below. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating ttris title and class specification. G:'ShoredlClass fCL9SS120 day nolicesUdmmis(roRVe Mm�agervFire.deptwpd OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamilton,Director �` ��" CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor T0: FROM: DATE: RE: Bob Morrison Fire Supervisory Association Karen Sanchez !fi/ Office of Human Resources May 9, 2001 Twenty Day Notice 400CiryHaIIMnee Telephone: 651-266-6500 25WertFourthStree[ 1DD/CIY.' 65I-2666501 SaintPau�Mimusata SSIOLl631 Jobline: 651-266-6501 Focsimile: I' Option: 651-292-6414 Y'�Opdon: 651-292-6415 3r Optlon: 651-292-7656 You have requested that the 20-day notice for the Administrative Manager-Fire Department (New Title) should be extended from May 22 to June 15, so the item can be presented to the full membership of the Fire Supervisory Association meeting on 7une 6. This request is granted. Piease let me know of the status of the 20 day notice for Administrative Manager-Fire Department by 7une 15. Thank you. ��,��1�1� Lr�� ov� �6 ( �' � t � / � ' ��w.----- �i�s..au� �5,� ��is(° I