01-710ORlG(NAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Councff File # � \ �'� � Q Green Sheet # 62905 Committee Date 1 An Administrarive Resolution establishing the rate of pay 2 for the new classifications titled Workers Compensation 3 Claims Processor and Senior Workers Compensation � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 �� Claims Processor established at the rate set forth in Grade 018, of the Classified Confidential Employees, Clerical Salary Schedule and; Requested by Depamnent oi Human Resources Office B y' � - ��� Fotm Ap ved by ' ttorney g 6�2� o� Approved by,Mayor for Processor be established at the rate set forth in Grade 029, ofthe Classified Confiden6al Employees, Clerical Salary Schedule and; RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Workers Compensation Claims Processor be FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rate ofpay for the class of Senior Workers Compensation Claims FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution sha11 take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. � - � !!�� � . � .. � �-� . � �. - i V �:v �J ., ' %// � � to Council G\Shared\ClassiflCLASS�ltesolufioneBcOrdinances\Compevsation Claims Processorreswpd Adopted by Council: Date o t Adoption Certified by Council Secretary f DEPARTASEIT/OFFICFICOUICIL: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 62905 ��� Office of Human Resources 6/25/Ol ��.� C01TACf PERSO� & PHO\E: mTrux/DATE 7n1rw/na're IOhnShoCkley�266-6482 �DEPAItIMETTDIR 61710� acrrrcouNCa Michele Ste al] 2bb-6490 "�`� g > NOAfBERFOR 2CRYAl7i�RNEY CRYCLEItK ROU7LtiG O �� FWANf1N.SERVDIR FINANCIALSEkV/ACCfG 11tL`�5tBE0\COiJ�CILAGE\DAS]`(DATE) 3�TOR(ORASST.) � 701'AL # OF SICfiATURE PACES_1 {CLIP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION REQIIF_STED: Approve the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new classes tifled Workers Compensation Claims Processor and Senior Workers Compensation Processor. RECAMMENDAIIONS. P.pprove (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAT. SERVICE CONTRACTS MVST AI`ISWER 7i� FOI,IpWIlVG QUESIIONS: l. Has�h�spersoNfumeverwoekedwdttaeontrac[fmthisdeps�tmmt� _PLANhT.3GCONII�IISSI013 Ycs No CIB COMbIIT7EE 2. Has Hus pasoNfum ever bem a ciry empioyee? CIVASEAVICECOMWIISSION Ycs No 3 DoestluspersoNfvmpossessask�IlnairomwllYpossesudbyanyna[entaryemployee� Yes No 4. Is tlus persoNfum a targetW vmdor� Yes No EYptaia MI )ss ansx�ers aa sepacate sheet and attach to gmen sheet INITIATING PROBLEhi, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (R7io, What, When, Where, Why): The Division of Risk Management asked that the Office of Human Resources s[ud�� rivo posipons that perform specialized administrative support work in processing workers compensation medical claims. Our office determined that the positions should lx allocated to the new classes titled Workers Compensation Claims Processor and Senior Workers Compensation Claims Processor. ADVp1"fAGESIFAPPROVED: Appropriate compensation will be assigned to these two ne�v classes in accordance with the City's job evalualion system. h .,��;e �,,,. DISADVAI�TAGES IF APPROVED: � �� None. Sa]ary costs are fiu+ded. ��ss'�. ��{ DISADVAATAGES IF NOT APPRO�'ED: Appropriate wmpensation will not be assigned to the two new Classes. This may limit the City's ability to successfiilly recnut, hire, and retain qualified candidates who possess the knowledge, skills and vaining required in the quality processing of workers wmpensation claims. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: None COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOUItCE: ACTIVITY NU � � � � � ��.,.: . -__� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � n „ , G:�Shared\Ciass�flCLASS1Rcsolunons�Ordmances\CompensauonClmmsR«essmgs.wpd �UiF ?^ %i�.s• — � � � a �•11�e► POSITION STUDIED: INCUMBENT: DATE STUDIED: REPORT Not Yet Assigaed Noae May 8, 2001 STUDIED BY Michele A. Stegall CLASSIFICATION STUDY APPROVAL OF CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: ��z`a (Signature) Back�rouad (Date) A job profile was submitted to The Office of Human Resources from the Risk Management Office requesting a study be conducted to determine the appropriate classification and compensation for the position. Stud4 Compoaeats 1.Review of job pro£�le 2.Comparison 3 Interview with supervisor 4.QES evaluation and analysis 5 Recommendation Job Descriation ❑ Receive and review fust reports of injury ❑ Input reports into the computer. ❑ Make minor changes to report i.e. address, phone, and name. ❑ Input any additional information i.e. days-lost not paid, diary date/notes, file history. ❑ File medical claim. ❑ Close and file all closed medical only claims after the computer system closes them. Iaterview with Suvervisor In Conversafions with Risk Management's Director it was indicated that this position requires competencies that are specific to the workers Compensation field. Such competencies wouid not normaily be acquired without experience ot-'1�m and or/ training in the duties associated with processing Workers Compensation claims. COII1p8TiSOII Because the manager of Risk Management suggested the complexity of the position was comparable to either the Clerk 1�pist II or Clerk Typist III level; the position was compared to the Cierk Typist II and Clerk Typist III job spec�cation. The Clerk T�nist II class describes intermediate Zevel clerical, t�ping and and/or word processing work of moderate complexify and variety. Also, the duties of this position in this class consist of compiling and maintaining complex or involved files, records, schedules and staristics. Additional duties include operating a computer for data entry, fzle maintenance and information gath.erzng and or/ retrievai. The Clerk'I�nist III class describes performance of sidlled dericat, typing and or/word processing work of a complex nature requiring the exercise of independent judgemenf. AdditionaJly, telephone conversations were conducted with various Human Resource offices in the region asl�ng for information regazding comparable positions. Several of the municipalities stated that they had similaz jobs with the spec�c class title of Worker Compensation Specialist. The jobs were all viewed as high level clerical work. Q.E.S. Evaluatioa aad Aaalvsis The results of the evaluation supports allocating the position to the Clerk T�pist II level clerical grade 18. However, because the duties of this position aze very spec�c to the Worker Compensation field and the difficulty management has had obtaining staff at the Clerk Typist II level with the skills required for the job, it is necessary to create a new class for this position. Recommeadatioa After reviewing all documentation and information I recommend that the position be allocated to a new class tifled Workers Compensation Claims Processor in Class�ed Co�dential Clerical grade 18c. o �-��,�o POSTTION STUDIED: INCUMBEA'T: DATE STUDIED: STUDIED BY CLASSIFICATTON STUDY REPORT Not Yet Assigned None May 8, 2001 Michele A. APPROVAL OF CLASSIFICATTON AND COMPENSATION MANAGER Back¢round A job profile was submitted to the Office of Human Resources from the Risk Management Office requesting a study be conducted to determine the appropriate classification and compensation for the position. Studv Comoonents 1.Reviev, o£jobprofile 2.Comparison to class specification 3. Interview with Supervisor 4.QES evaluation and analysis S.Recommendation Job Descrintion � Processes all medical workers compensation claims. � Calculates and processes benefit payments according to State of Minnesota guidelines. 0 Determines relatedness to the job and payments to be made for lost time. � Reviews and sets up all lost time first reports of injury, files necessary forms with the State of Minnesota; gathers appropriate and requued medical and wage information. fl Monitors claims for PvIMt and make payments as indicated by state mandates. � Leads the work of one lower level clerical position. (Signature) (Date) o�-��o Interview with Sunervisor In Conversations with Risk ManagemenYs Director it was indicated that this position requires competencies tUat aze specific to the workers Compensation field. Such competencies would not normaily be acquired without eacperience and orl training in the duties associated with processing Workers Compensation claims. Comparisons The Position was compazed with the e�sting Clerk IV class specifications. The Clerk N class describes ---highly sktlled clerical work of a very complex nature involving planning, organizing, and producing work, which requires independent judgement and specialized knowledge. Also this class describes the supervisory duties of the position --crssigns traitts, supervises and evaduates the work of assigreed staff. This class best describes the nature, level and complexity of the work of this position, including the supervisory responsibilities. In order to determine what the best practice was in Workers Compensation telephone conversations were conducted with various Human Resource job classification offices in the region asking for information regarding comparable positions. Several municipalities stated that they had job classes with the title of Workers Compensarion Specialist that described job duties similar to that ofthe position in question. In discussions with the City of Minneapolis it was leazned that they have a job series for Workers Compensation positions. Over the telephone it was determined that the duties of their positions and the ones that are currently being studied are similar. The City of Minneapolis viewed these positions, as high-level clerical jobs requiring a specific set of competencies that related to workers compensation claims processing. O.E.S. Evaluation and Analvsis The results of the evaluation supports allocating the position to clerical grade 29. However, because the duties of this posirion are very specific to the Workers Compensation field and the difficulty management has had in obtaining experience staff at the Clerk IV level, it is necessary to create a new class for this position. With the establishment of a lower level Workers Compensation position in grade 18c and the establishment of this one in grade 29c a career path will be created. Recommendation After reviewing all documentation and information, I recommend that the position be created with the title of Lead Workers Compensation Claims Processor in the Classified Confidential Clerical grade 29c. PROPOSED TITLE OF CI,ASS: Code: 210B �� ���� • WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS BU: 81 PROCESSOR Effective: DESCRIPTTON OF WORK Generai Statemern of Duties: Performs intermediate level clerical typing and word processing work of moderate wmple�ty requiring specialized eacperience in Workers Compensation; and perfornvs other duties as required. Suvervision Received: Works under moderate supervision of a higher level clerical employee. S �ervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed eacamples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Receives and reviews medical First Report of Injuries. Inputs Fust Report of Injuries nxto the computer system. Corresponds with employees and medical pzoviders to determine compensabiliTy and payment. Pays or denies Worker Compensauon medical bills in accordance with state statues. Files extemal and internal correspondence to appropiate Workers Compensation filing system. Updates Worker Compensation file and/or computer system to reflect state laws, periodic benefit adjustments, and fee schedules. Prepazes azclrival files for microfliming and storage. Maintauis established division and state timelines on all files. Provides backup to the office receptionist. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILTTIES, AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of policies and procedures regazding State of Minnesota Workers Compensation Claims Law. Working laiowledge of modem office pracUces and procedures. Working knowledge of basic mathmatical sldlls (WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS PROCESSOR) Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: WORKERS CAMPENSATION CLAIMS PROCESSOR Working Imowledge of granunar, spelling, and puncW ation. Working lmowledge of word processing and computer softwaze packages. Working slall in typing and/or word processing with speed and accuracy. Code: 210B su: si Effective: o �-��a Worldng ability to organize and maintain computerized and/or manual records and files. Working ability to work with detailed information accurately. Working abiliry to follow complex oral and written insttuctions. Working ability to operate modem office equipment. Working ability t� communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Working ability to interact effectively with employees in other units of the organization, other deparlments, management, outside agencies and/or the general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years of clerical eaperience to included at least one year of experience processing Workers Compensation Medical claims. (WORKERS COMPEI�ISATION CLAIM5 PROCESSORI Page 2 of 2 � ' J PROPOSED TTTLE OF CLASS: Code: 2095 O�� 1�0 SENIOR WORKERS COMPENSATION BU: 81 CLAIMS PROCESSOR Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled ��1**+;nicn�ative support work of a complex nature involving independent judgment and specialized knowledge of workers compensation medical, rehabIlitation, claim expenses, lost time, and death benefits; and performs related duries as required. Sunervision Received: Works under general supervision of a unit, division, or deparlment head. Sunervision Exercised: May exercise general or technical supervision over lower level Workers Compensation Claims Processor personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examgles may not include all the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Determines compensability of lost time Worker Compensation Claims and makes appropriate payments. Reviews and sets up all lost time First Reports of Injury Claims with the appropriate reserve. Coordinates and monitors medical treatment and lost time claims with departments, medical providers and managed care vendors. Files all required forms per state statute including Notice of Inteut to Discontinue Benefits and all other relative forms. Maintains established division and state timelines on all files. Assigns and leads the work of lower level Workers Compensation Claims Processor. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILTTIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of policies and procedures regazding State of Minnesota Workers Compensation I,aws. Considerable knowledge of modem practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of policies, procedures, and services of the organization. Considerable knowledge of and skill in the operation of Workers Compensations computer softwaze. Considerable skill in typing or word processing with speed and accuracy. (SENIOR WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS PROCESSOR) Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TTTLE OF CLASS: Code: 209B ��� 1 ' �� � SEbIIOR WORKERS COMPENSATION BU: 81 CLAIMSPROCESSOR Effective: Considerable ability to make complex mathematical and statistical computations with speed and accuracy. Considerable ability to determine priorities, plan, orb ni �e, coordinate, and carry out work prograzns. Considerable ability to follow complex oral and written inst�uctions. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact effectively with employees in other units of the organization, other departments, mauagement, outside agencies, and/or the general public. Working ability to perform research and analysis, make reports and recommendations. Working abiliry to supervise the work of others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six yeazs of clerical experience, at least two years of which must have included direct processing of Workers Compensation Medical claims. lSENIOR WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS PROCESSOR) Page 2 of 2 o �-��e SAtHT 9AUL � AAAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemam, Mayor Date June 18, 2001 John Brandtjen President Classified Confidential 240 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Jotm Brandtjen OFFICE OF FNM.9a�I RESOLRCES John Hamilton, Director 400CcryHalLAnnez Teiephone: 651-2666500 25 WestFourth Sveet SaintPau{Minnesota 55102-/634 TDDrTTY. Jobl�ne: Facmm:le: 651-266650I 651-266-6502 657-292-i656 RE: Twenry-Day Norice —(Workers Compensafion Claims Processor and Senior Workers Compensafion Processor) It has been determined that the class specifications of Workers Compensation Claims Processor and Senior Workers Compensation Claims Processor) should be developed. I have attached copies of the class specifications for your review. Please nolify me witltin twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these job specifications. If I do not hear from you withiit tliat timeframe, I wili proceed with the process. �� ��� � ���� Mic�ele A 5tega1l Auman Resources Consultant Thank you. I hereby waive the time remainuig on this 20-day notice for the purpose of revising tlus tifle and class specification 6 Z �� Name Date G: LShasedlClassxJICLASSi20 day rraacesl20day.basg.urd[masM�wpd ORlG(NAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Councff File # � \ �'� � Q Green Sheet # 62905 Committee Date 1 An Administrarive Resolution establishing the rate of pay 2 for the new classifications titled Workers Compensation 3 Claims Processor and Senior Workers Compensation � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 �� Claims Processor established at the rate set forth in Grade 018, of the Classified Confidential Employees, Clerical Salary Schedule and; Requested by Depamnent oi Human Resources Office B y' � - ��� Fotm Ap ved by ' ttorney g 6�2� o� Approved by,Mayor for Processor be established at the rate set forth in Grade 029, ofthe Classified Confiden6al Employees, Clerical Salary Schedule and; RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Workers Compensation Claims Processor be FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rate ofpay for the class of Senior Workers Compensation Claims FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution sha11 take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. � - � !!�� � . � .. � �-� . � �. - i V �:v �J ., ' %// � � to Council G\Shared\ClassiflCLASS�ltesolufioneBcOrdinances\Compevsation Claims Processorreswpd Adopted by Council: Date o t Adoption Certified by Council Secretary f DEPARTASEIT/OFFICFICOUICIL: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 62905 ��� Office of Human Resources 6/25/Ol ��.� C01TACf PERSO� & PHO\E: mTrux/DATE 7n1rw/na're IOhnShoCkley�266-6482 �DEPAItIMETTDIR 61710� acrrrcouNCa Michele Ste al] 2bb-6490 "�`� g > NOAfBERFOR 2CRYAl7i�RNEY CRYCLEItK ROU7LtiG O �� FWANf1N.SERVDIR FINANCIALSEkV/ACCfG 11tL`�5tBE0\COiJ�CILAGE\DAS]`(DATE) 3�TOR(ORASST.) � 701'AL # OF SICfiATURE PACES_1 {CLIP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION REQIIF_STED: Approve the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new classes tifled Workers Compensation Claims Processor and Senior Workers Compensation Processor. RECAMMENDAIIONS. P.pprove (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAT. SERVICE CONTRACTS MVST AI`ISWER 7i� FOI,IpWIlVG QUESIIONS: l. Has�h�spersoNfumeverwoekedwdttaeontrac[fmthisdeps�tmmt� _PLANhT.3GCONII�IISSI013 Ycs No CIB COMbIIT7EE 2. Has Hus pasoNfum ever bem a ciry empioyee? CIVASEAVICECOMWIISSION Ycs No 3 DoestluspersoNfvmpossessask�IlnairomwllYpossesudbyanyna[entaryemployee� Yes No 4. Is tlus persoNfum a targetW vmdor� Yes No EYptaia MI )ss ansx�ers aa sepacate sheet and attach to gmen sheet INITIATING PROBLEhi, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (R7io, What, When, Where, Why): The Division of Risk Management asked that the Office of Human Resources s[ud�� rivo posipons that perform specialized administrative support work in processing workers compensation medical claims. Our office determined that the positions should lx allocated to the new classes titled Workers Compensation Claims Processor and Senior Workers Compensation Claims Processor. ADVp1"fAGESIFAPPROVED: Appropriate compensation will be assigned to these two ne�v classes in accordance with the City's job evalualion system. h .,��;e �,,,. DISADVAI�TAGES IF APPROVED: � �� None. Sa]ary costs are fiu+ded. ��ss'�. ��{ DISADVAATAGES IF NOT APPRO�'ED: Appropriate wmpensation will not be assigned to the two new Classes. This may limit the City's ability to successfiilly recnut, hire, and retain qualified candidates who possess the knowledge, skills and vaining required in the quality processing of workers wmpensation claims. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: None COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOUItCE: ACTIVITY NU � � � � � ��.,.: . -__� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � n „ , G:�Shared\Ciass�flCLASS1Rcsolunons�Ordmances\CompensauonClmmsR«essmgs.wpd �UiF ?^ %i�.s• — � � � a �•11�e► POSITION STUDIED: INCUMBENT: DATE STUDIED: REPORT Not Yet Assigaed Noae May 8, 2001 STUDIED BY Michele A. Stegall CLASSIFICATION STUDY APPROVAL OF CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: ��z`a (Signature) Back�rouad (Date) A job profile was submitted to The Office of Human Resources from the Risk Management Office requesting a study be conducted to determine the appropriate classification and compensation for the position. Stud4 Compoaeats 1.Review of job pro£�le 2.Comparison 3 Interview with supervisor 4.QES evaluation and analysis 5 Recommendation Job Descriation ❑ Receive and review fust reports of injury ❑ Input reports into the computer. ❑ Make minor changes to report i.e. address, phone, and name. ❑ Input any additional information i.e. days-lost not paid, diary date/notes, file history. ❑ File medical claim. ❑ Close and file all closed medical only claims after the computer system closes them. Iaterview with Suvervisor In Conversafions with Risk Management's Director it was indicated that this position requires competencies that are specific to the workers Compensation field. Such competencies wouid not normaily be acquired without experience ot-'1�m and or/ training in the duties associated with processing Workers Compensation claims. COII1p8TiSOII Because the manager of Risk Management suggested the complexity of the position was comparable to either the Clerk 1�pist II or Clerk Typist III level; the position was compared to the Cierk Typist II and Clerk Typist III job spec�cation. The Clerk T�nist II class describes intermediate Zevel clerical, t�ping and and/or word processing work of moderate complexify and variety. Also, the duties of this position in this class consist of compiling and maintaining complex or involved files, records, schedules and staristics. Additional duties include operating a computer for data entry, fzle maintenance and information gath.erzng and or/ retrievai. The Clerk'I�nist III class describes performance of sidlled dericat, typing and or/word processing work of a complex nature requiring the exercise of independent judgemenf. AdditionaJly, telephone conversations were conducted with various Human Resource offices in the region asl�ng for information regazding comparable positions. Several of the municipalities stated that they had similaz jobs with the spec�c class title of Worker Compensation Specialist. The jobs were all viewed as high level clerical work. Q.E.S. Evaluatioa aad Aaalvsis The results of the evaluation supports allocating the position to the Clerk T�pist II level clerical grade 18. However, because the duties of this position aze very spec�c to the Worker Compensation field and the difficulty management has had obtaining staff at the Clerk Typist II level with the skills required for the job, it is necessary to create a new class for this position. Recommeadatioa After reviewing all documentation and information I recommend that the position be allocated to a new class tifled Workers Compensation Claims Processor in Class�ed Co�dential Clerical grade 18c. o �-��,�o POSTTION STUDIED: INCUMBEA'T: DATE STUDIED: STUDIED BY CLASSIFICATTON STUDY REPORT Not Yet Assigned None May 8, 2001 Michele A. APPROVAL OF CLASSIFICATTON AND COMPENSATION MANAGER Back¢round A job profile was submitted to the Office of Human Resources from the Risk Management Office requesting a study be conducted to determine the appropriate classification and compensation for the position. Studv Comoonents 1.Reviev, o£jobprofile 2.Comparison to class specification 3. Interview with Supervisor 4.QES evaluation and analysis S.Recommendation Job Descrintion � Processes all medical workers compensation claims. � Calculates and processes benefit payments according to State of Minnesota guidelines. 0 Determines relatedness to the job and payments to be made for lost time. � Reviews and sets up all lost time first reports of injury, files necessary forms with the State of Minnesota; gathers appropriate and requued medical and wage information. fl Monitors claims for PvIMt and make payments as indicated by state mandates. � Leads the work of one lower level clerical position. (Signature) (Date) o�-��o Interview with Sunervisor In Conversations with Risk ManagemenYs Director it was indicated that this position requires competencies tUat aze specific to the workers Compensation field. Such competencies would not normaily be acquired without eacperience and orl training in the duties associated with processing Workers Compensation claims. Comparisons The Position was compazed with the e�sting Clerk IV class specifications. The Clerk N class describes ---highly sktlled clerical work of a very complex nature involving planning, organizing, and producing work, which requires independent judgement and specialized knowledge. Also this class describes the supervisory duties of the position --crssigns traitts, supervises and evaduates the work of assigreed staff. This class best describes the nature, level and complexity of the work of this position, including the supervisory responsibilities. In order to determine what the best practice was in Workers Compensation telephone conversations were conducted with various Human Resource job classification offices in the region asking for information regarding comparable positions. Several municipalities stated that they had job classes with the title of Workers Compensarion Specialist that described job duties similar to that ofthe position in question. In discussions with the City of Minneapolis it was leazned that they have a job series for Workers Compensation positions. Over the telephone it was determined that the duties of their positions and the ones that are currently being studied are similar. The City of Minneapolis viewed these positions, as high-level clerical jobs requiring a specific set of competencies that related to workers compensation claims processing. O.E.S. Evaluation and Analvsis The results of the evaluation supports allocating the position to clerical grade 29. However, because the duties of this posirion are very specific to the Workers Compensation field and the difficulty management has had in obtaining experience staff at the Clerk IV level, it is necessary to create a new class for this position. With the establishment of a lower level Workers Compensation position in grade 18c and the establishment of this one in grade 29c a career path will be created. Recommendation After reviewing all documentation and information, I recommend that the position be created with the title of Lead Workers Compensation Claims Processor in the Classified Confidential Clerical grade 29c. PROPOSED TITLE OF CI,ASS: Code: 210B �� ���� • WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS BU: 81 PROCESSOR Effective: DESCRIPTTON OF WORK Generai Statemern of Duties: Performs intermediate level clerical typing and word processing work of moderate wmple�ty requiring specialized eacperience in Workers Compensation; and perfornvs other duties as required. Suvervision Received: Works under moderate supervision of a higher level clerical employee. S �ervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed eacamples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Receives and reviews medical First Report of Injuries. Inputs Fust Report of Injuries nxto the computer system. Corresponds with employees and medical pzoviders to determine compensabiliTy and payment. Pays or denies Worker Compensauon medical bills in accordance with state statues. Files extemal and internal correspondence to appropiate Workers Compensation filing system. Updates Worker Compensation file and/or computer system to reflect state laws, periodic benefit adjustments, and fee schedules. Prepazes azclrival files for microfliming and storage. Maintauis established division and state timelines on all files. Provides backup to the office receptionist. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILTTIES, AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of policies and procedures regazding State of Minnesota Workers Compensation Claims Law. Working laiowledge of modem office pracUces and procedures. Working knowledge of basic mathmatical sldlls (WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS PROCESSOR) Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: WORKERS CAMPENSATION CLAIMS PROCESSOR Working Imowledge of granunar, spelling, and puncW ation. Working lmowledge of word processing and computer softwaze packages. Working slall in typing and/or word processing with speed and accuracy. Code: 210B su: si Effective: o �-��a Worldng ability to organize and maintain computerized and/or manual records and files. Working ability to work with detailed information accurately. Working abiliry to follow complex oral and written insttuctions. Working ability to operate modem office equipment. Working ability t� communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Working ability to interact effectively with employees in other units of the organization, other deparlments, management, outside agencies and/or the general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years of clerical eaperience to included at least one year of experience processing Workers Compensation Medical claims. (WORKERS COMPEI�ISATION CLAIM5 PROCESSORI Page 2 of 2 � ' J PROPOSED TTTLE OF CLASS: Code: 2095 O�� 1�0 SENIOR WORKERS COMPENSATION BU: 81 CLAIMS PROCESSOR Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled ��1**+;nicn�ative support work of a complex nature involving independent judgment and specialized knowledge of workers compensation medical, rehabIlitation, claim expenses, lost time, and death benefits; and performs related duries as required. Sunervision Received: Works under general supervision of a unit, division, or deparlment head. Sunervision Exercised: May exercise general or technical supervision over lower level Workers Compensation Claims Processor personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examgles may not include all the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Determines compensability of lost time Worker Compensation Claims and makes appropriate payments. Reviews and sets up all lost time First Reports of Injury Claims with the appropriate reserve. Coordinates and monitors medical treatment and lost time claims with departments, medical providers and managed care vendors. Files all required forms per state statute including Notice of Inteut to Discontinue Benefits and all other relative forms. Maintains established division and state timelines on all files. Assigns and leads the work of lower level Workers Compensation Claims Processor. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILTTIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of policies and procedures regazding State of Minnesota Workers Compensation I,aws. Considerable knowledge of modem practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of policies, procedures, and services of the organization. Considerable knowledge of and skill in the operation of Workers Compensations computer softwaze. Considerable skill in typing or word processing with speed and accuracy. (SENIOR WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS PROCESSOR) Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TTTLE OF CLASS: Code: 209B ��� 1 ' �� � SEbIIOR WORKERS COMPENSATION BU: 81 CLAIMSPROCESSOR Effective: Considerable ability to make complex mathematical and statistical computations with speed and accuracy. Considerable ability to determine priorities, plan, orb ni �e, coordinate, and carry out work prograzns. Considerable ability to follow complex oral and written inst�uctions. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact effectively with employees in other units of the organization, other departments, mauagement, outside agencies, and/or the general public. Working ability to perform research and analysis, make reports and recommendations. Working abiliry to supervise the work of others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six yeazs of clerical experience, at least two years of which must have included direct processing of Workers Compensation Medical claims. lSENIOR WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS PROCESSOR) Page 2 of 2 o �-��e SAtHT 9AUL � AAAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemam, Mayor Date June 18, 2001 John Brandtjen President Classified Confidential 240 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Jotm Brandtjen OFFICE OF FNM.9a�I RESOLRCES John Hamilton, Director 400CcryHalLAnnez Teiephone: 651-2666500 25 WestFourth Sveet SaintPau{Minnesota 55102-/634 TDDrTTY. Jobl�ne: Facmm:le: 651-266650I 651-266-6502 657-292-i656 RE: Twenry-Day Norice —(Workers Compensafion Claims Processor and Senior Workers Compensafion Processor) It has been determined that the class specifications of Workers Compensation Claims Processor and Senior Workers Compensation Claims Processor) should be developed. I have attached copies of the class specifications for your review. Please nolify me witltin twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these job specifications. If I do not hear from you withiit tliat timeframe, I wili proceed with the process. �� ��� � ���� Mic�ele A 5tega1l Auman Resources Consultant Thank you. I hereby waive the time remainuig on this 20-day notice for the purpose of revising tlus tifle and class specification 6 Z �� Name Date G: LShasedlClassxJICLASSi20 day rraacesl20day.basg.urd[masM�wpd ORlG(NAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Councff File # � \ �'� � Q Green Sheet # 62905 Committee Date 1 An Administrarive Resolution establishing the rate of pay 2 for the new classifications titled Workers Compensation 3 Claims Processor and Senior Workers Compensation � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 �� Claims Processor established at the rate set forth in Grade 018, of the Classified Confidential Employees, Clerical Salary Schedule and; Requested by Depamnent oi Human Resources Office B y' � - ��� Fotm Ap ved by ' ttorney g 6�2� o� Approved by,Mayor for Processor be established at the rate set forth in Grade 029, ofthe Classified Confiden6al Employees, Clerical Salary Schedule and; RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Workers Compensation Claims Processor be FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rate ofpay for the class of Senior Workers Compensation Claims FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution sha11 take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. � - � !!�� � . � .. � �-� . � �. - i V �:v �J ., ' %// � � to Council G\Shared\ClassiflCLASS�ltesolufioneBcOrdinances\Compevsation Claims Processorreswpd Adopted by Council: Date o t Adoption Certified by Council Secretary f DEPARTASEIT/OFFICFICOUICIL: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 62905 ��� Office of Human Resources 6/25/Ol ��.� C01TACf PERSO� & PHO\E: mTrux/DATE 7n1rw/na're IOhnShoCkley�266-6482 �DEPAItIMETTDIR 61710� acrrrcouNCa Michele Ste al] 2bb-6490 "�`� g > NOAfBERFOR 2CRYAl7i�RNEY CRYCLEItK ROU7LtiG O �� FWANf1N.SERVDIR FINANCIALSEkV/ACCfG 11tL`�5tBE0\COiJ�CILAGE\DAS]`(DATE) 3�TOR(ORASST.) � 701'AL # OF SICfiATURE PACES_1 {CLIP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION REQIIF_STED: Approve the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new classes tifled Workers Compensation Claims Processor and Senior Workers Compensation Processor. RECAMMENDAIIONS. P.pprove (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAT. SERVICE CONTRACTS MVST AI`ISWER 7i� FOI,IpWIlVG QUESIIONS: l. Has�h�spersoNfumeverwoekedwdttaeontrac[fmthisdeps�tmmt� _PLANhT.3GCONII�IISSI013 Ycs No CIB COMbIIT7EE 2. Has Hus pasoNfum ever bem a ciry empioyee? CIVASEAVICECOMWIISSION Ycs No 3 DoestluspersoNfvmpossessask�IlnairomwllYpossesudbyanyna[entaryemployee� Yes No 4. Is tlus persoNfum a targetW vmdor� Yes No EYptaia MI )ss ansx�ers aa sepacate sheet and attach to gmen sheet INITIATING PROBLEhi, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (R7io, What, When, Where, Why): The Division of Risk Management asked that the Office of Human Resources s[ud�� rivo posipons that perform specialized administrative support work in processing workers compensation medical claims. Our office determined that the positions should lx allocated to the new classes titled Workers Compensation Claims Processor and Senior Workers Compensation Claims Processor. ADVp1"fAGESIFAPPROVED: Appropriate compensation will be assigned to these two ne�v classes in accordance with the City's job evalualion system. h .,��;e �,,,. DISADVAI�TAGES IF APPROVED: � �� None. Sa]ary costs are fiu+ded. ��ss'�. ��{ DISADVAATAGES IF NOT APPRO�'ED: Appropriate wmpensation will not be assigned to the two new Classes. This may limit the City's ability to successfiilly recnut, hire, and retain qualified candidates who possess the knowledge, skills and vaining required in the quality processing of workers wmpensation claims. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: None COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOUItCE: ACTIVITY NU � � � � � ��.,.: . -__� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � n „ , G:�Shared\Ciass�flCLASS1Rcsolunons�Ordmances\CompensauonClmmsR«essmgs.wpd �UiF ?^ %i�.s• — � � � a �•11�e► POSITION STUDIED: INCUMBENT: DATE STUDIED: REPORT Not Yet Assigaed Noae May 8, 2001 STUDIED BY Michele A. Stegall CLASSIFICATION STUDY APPROVAL OF CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: ��z`a (Signature) Back�rouad (Date) A job profile was submitted to The Office of Human Resources from the Risk Management Office requesting a study be conducted to determine the appropriate classification and compensation for the position. Stud4 Compoaeats 1.Review of job pro£�le 2.Comparison 3 Interview with supervisor 4.QES evaluation and analysis 5 Recommendation Job Descriation ❑ Receive and review fust reports of injury ❑ Input reports into the computer. ❑ Make minor changes to report i.e. address, phone, and name. ❑ Input any additional information i.e. days-lost not paid, diary date/notes, file history. ❑ File medical claim. ❑ Close and file all closed medical only claims after the computer system closes them. Iaterview with Suvervisor In Conversafions with Risk Management's Director it was indicated that this position requires competencies that are specific to the workers Compensation field. Such competencies wouid not normaily be acquired without experience ot-'1�m and or/ training in the duties associated with processing Workers Compensation claims. COII1p8TiSOII Because the manager of Risk Management suggested the complexity of the position was comparable to either the Clerk 1�pist II or Clerk Typist III level; the position was compared to the Cierk Typist II and Clerk Typist III job spec�cation. The Clerk T�nist II class describes intermediate Zevel clerical, t�ping and and/or word processing work of moderate complexify and variety. Also, the duties of this position in this class consist of compiling and maintaining complex or involved files, records, schedules and staristics. Additional duties include operating a computer for data entry, fzle maintenance and information gath.erzng and or/ retrievai. The Clerk'I�nist III class describes performance of sidlled dericat, typing and or/word processing work of a complex nature requiring the exercise of independent judgemenf. AdditionaJly, telephone conversations were conducted with various Human Resource offices in the region asl�ng for information regazding comparable positions. Several of the municipalities stated that they had similaz jobs with the spec�c class title of Worker Compensation Specialist. The jobs were all viewed as high level clerical work. Q.E.S. Evaluatioa aad Aaalvsis The results of the evaluation supports allocating the position to the Clerk T�pist II level clerical grade 18. However, because the duties of this position aze very spec�c to the Worker Compensation field and the difficulty management has had obtaining staff at the Clerk Typist II level with the skills required for the job, it is necessary to create a new class for this position. Recommeadatioa After reviewing all documentation and information I recommend that the position be allocated to a new class tifled Workers Compensation Claims Processor in Class�ed Co�dential Clerical grade 18c. o �-��,�o POSTTION STUDIED: INCUMBEA'T: DATE STUDIED: STUDIED BY CLASSIFICATTON STUDY REPORT Not Yet Assigned None May 8, 2001 Michele A. APPROVAL OF CLASSIFICATTON AND COMPENSATION MANAGER Back¢round A job profile was submitted to the Office of Human Resources from the Risk Management Office requesting a study be conducted to determine the appropriate classification and compensation for the position. Studv Comoonents 1.Reviev, o£jobprofile 2.Comparison to class specification 3. Interview with Supervisor 4.QES evaluation and analysis S.Recommendation Job Descrintion � Processes all medical workers compensation claims. � Calculates and processes benefit payments according to State of Minnesota guidelines. 0 Determines relatedness to the job and payments to be made for lost time. � Reviews and sets up all lost time first reports of injury, files necessary forms with the State of Minnesota; gathers appropriate and requued medical and wage information. fl Monitors claims for PvIMt and make payments as indicated by state mandates. � Leads the work of one lower level clerical position. (Signature) (Date) o�-��o Interview with Sunervisor In Conversations with Risk ManagemenYs Director it was indicated that this position requires competencies tUat aze specific to the workers Compensation field. Such competencies would not normaily be acquired without eacperience and orl training in the duties associated with processing Workers Compensation claims. Comparisons The Position was compazed with the e�sting Clerk IV class specifications. The Clerk N class describes ---highly sktlled clerical work of a very complex nature involving planning, organizing, and producing work, which requires independent judgement and specialized knowledge. Also this class describes the supervisory duties of the position --crssigns traitts, supervises and evaduates the work of assigreed staff. This class best describes the nature, level and complexity of the work of this position, including the supervisory responsibilities. In order to determine what the best practice was in Workers Compensation telephone conversations were conducted with various Human Resource job classification offices in the region asking for information regarding comparable positions. Several municipalities stated that they had job classes with the title of Workers Compensarion Specialist that described job duties similar to that ofthe position in question. In discussions with the City of Minneapolis it was leazned that they have a job series for Workers Compensation positions. Over the telephone it was determined that the duties of their positions and the ones that are currently being studied are similar. The City of Minneapolis viewed these positions, as high-level clerical jobs requiring a specific set of competencies that related to workers compensation claims processing. O.E.S. Evaluation and Analvsis The results of the evaluation supports allocating the position to clerical grade 29. However, because the duties of this posirion are very specific to the Workers Compensation field and the difficulty management has had in obtaining experience staff at the Clerk IV level, it is necessary to create a new class for this position. With the establishment of a lower level Workers Compensation position in grade 18c and the establishment of this one in grade 29c a career path will be created. Recommendation After reviewing all documentation and information, I recommend that the position be created with the title of Lead Workers Compensation Claims Processor in the Classified Confidential Clerical grade 29c. PROPOSED TITLE OF CI,ASS: Code: 210B �� ���� • WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS BU: 81 PROCESSOR Effective: DESCRIPTTON OF WORK Generai Statemern of Duties: Performs intermediate level clerical typing and word processing work of moderate wmple�ty requiring specialized eacperience in Workers Compensation; and perfornvs other duties as required. Suvervision Received: Works under moderate supervision of a higher level clerical employee. S �ervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed eacamples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Receives and reviews medical First Report of Injuries. Inputs Fust Report of Injuries nxto the computer system. Corresponds with employees and medical pzoviders to determine compensabiliTy and payment. Pays or denies Worker Compensauon medical bills in accordance with state statues. Files extemal and internal correspondence to appropiate Workers Compensation filing system. Updates Worker Compensation file and/or computer system to reflect state laws, periodic benefit adjustments, and fee schedules. Prepazes azclrival files for microfliming and storage. Maintauis established division and state timelines on all files. Provides backup to the office receptionist. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILTTIES, AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of policies and procedures regazding State of Minnesota Workers Compensation Claims Law. Working laiowledge of modem office pracUces and procedures. Working knowledge of basic mathmatical sldlls (WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS PROCESSOR) Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: WORKERS CAMPENSATION CLAIMS PROCESSOR Working Imowledge of granunar, spelling, and puncW ation. Working lmowledge of word processing and computer softwaze packages. Working slall in typing and/or word processing with speed and accuracy. Code: 210B su: si Effective: o �-��a Worldng ability to organize and maintain computerized and/or manual records and files. Working ability to work with detailed information accurately. Working abiliry to follow complex oral and written insttuctions. Working ability to operate modem office equipment. Working ability t� communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Working ability to interact effectively with employees in other units of the organization, other deparlments, management, outside agencies and/or the general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years of clerical eaperience to included at least one year of experience processing Workers Compensation Medical claims. (WORKERS COMPEI�ISATION CLAIM5 PROCESSORI Page 2 of 2 � ' J PROPOSED TTTLE OF CLASS: Code: 2095 O�� 1�0 SENIOR WORKERS COMPENSATION BU: 81 CLAIMS PROCESSOR Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled ��1**+;nicn�ative support work of a complex nature involving independent judgment and specialized knowledge of workers compensation medical, rehabIlitation, claim expenses, lost time, and death benefits; and performs related duries as required. Sunervision Received: Works under general supervision of a unit, division, or deparlment head. Sunervision Exercised: May exercise general or technical supervision over lower level Workers Compensation Claims Processor personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examgles may not include all the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Determines compensability of lost time Worker Compensation Claims and makes appropriate payments. Reviews and sets up all lost time First Reports of Injury Claims with the appropriate reserve. Coordinates and monitors medical treatment and lost time claims with departments, medical providers and managed care vendors. Files all required forms per state statute including Notice of Inteut to Discontinue Benefits and all other relative forms. Maintains established division and state timelines on all files. Assigns and leads the work of lower level Workers Compensation Claims Processor. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILTTIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of policies and procedures regazding State of Minnesota Workers Compensation I,aws. Considerable knowledge of modem practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of policies, procedures, and services of the organization. Considerable knowledge of and skill in the operation of Workers Compensations computer softwaze. Considerable skill in typing or word processing with speed and accuracy. (SENIOR WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS PROCESSOR) Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TTTLE OF CLASS: Code: 209B ��� 1 ' �� � SEbIIOR WORKERS COMPENSATION BU: 81 CLAIMSPROCESSOR Effective: Considerable ability to make complex mathematical and statistical computations with speed and accuracy. Considerable ability to determine priorities, plan, orb ni �e, coordinate, and carry out work prograzns. Considerable ability to follow complex oral and written inst�uctions. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact effectively with employees in other units of the organization, other departments, mauagement, outside agencies, and/or the general public. Working ability to perform research and analysis, make reports and recommendations. Working abiliry to supervise the work of others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six yeazs of clerical experience, at least two years of which must have included direct processing of Workers Compensation Medical claims. lSENIOR WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS PROCESSOR) Page 2 of 2 o �-��e SAtHT 9AUL � AAAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemam, Mayor Date June 18, 2001 John Brandtjen President Classified Confidential 240 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Jotm Brandtjen OFFICE OF FNM.9a�I RESOLRCES John Hamilton, Director 400CcryHalLAnnez Teiephone: 651-2666500 25 WestFourth Sveet SaintPau{Minnesota 55102-/634 TDDrTTY. Jobl�ne: Facmm:le: 651-266650I 651-266-6502 657-292-i656 RE: Twenry-Day Norice —(Workers Compensafion Claims Processor and Senior Workers Compensafion Processor) It has been determined that the class specifications of Workers Compensation Claims Processor and Senior Workers Compensation Claims Processor) should be developed. I have attached copies of the class specifications for your review. Please nolify me witltin twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these job specifications. If I do not hear from you withiit tliat timeframe, I wili proceed with the process. �� ��� � ���� Mic�ele A 5tega1l Auman Resources Consultant Thank you. I hereby waive the time remainuig on this 20-day notice for the purpose of revising tlus tifle and class specification 6 Z �� Name Date G: LShasedlClassxJICLASSi20 day rraacesl20day.basg.urd[masM�wpd