266829 . . �668,�9 WH1�TE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council 1� �'ANARV - bEPARTF.:ENT �LUE� - MAVOR , File NO. . : �' - . i Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, much discussion has focused on the administrative structure involved with planning programming, implementation and development in the City of Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS, there are at least eleven local departments, agen- cies or entities involved in these areas : 1. Community Development Block Grant 2. Capital Improvement Budget 3. Housing an.d Redeve lopment Authority 4, Port Authority 5. Civic Center Authority 6. Ramsey County 7. Saint Paul School Board 8. Water• Board 9. Economie Development Division of Houaing and Redevelopment Authority and the City of Saint Paul - 10. P1an.nin.g Department 11. Battle Creek Watershed District not to mention other levels of govern.ment , non-profit organizations and private sectors ; and , WHEREAS, the pros and eons of the existing structure, or laek thereof, have been. discussed ad infinitum; and WHEREAS, there have been many suggeations to modify the - p�esent structure ; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christens �x �unt In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President��X HOZZa, � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY N/H1'TE - CITV CLERK I'�C�6�8�9 PINIZ - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council GANAR9 -�jEPARTMENT File NO. B�L.UE � - MAVOR � - � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. WHEREAS, there is a pressing need and an earnest desire to achieve the desired efficiency, effeetiveness and eoordination, now, therefore , be it RESO LVED, that a committee consisting of the Mayor, the President of the City Council, the Chairman of the Planning Gommission, the Chairman of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, the Chairman of the Port Authority, and such other mem bers as the Mayor and City Council shall designate shall be set up. The function of said eommittee is to : 1. Examine existing funetion and structure of planning and development . 2. Report back to all interested parties in not more th an four. months after its appointment. 3. Reeommend changes for improvemen.t. • be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said committee shall make re commenda- tions to the Saint Paul City Council and the Ramsey County Dele gation of the Minnesota Legislature no later than January 1, 1977; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if the Legislature of the State of Minnesota deems fit to reorganize any or all of the above men- tione�i departments, agencies, or entities before January 1, 1977, that said Legislature also grant to the City Council : COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester � Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY WH17E — CITV CLERK �668�9 � PINK a— FINANCE CO�1RC11 � r` CANARY — D�PARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. � Bi U E —'M,(1 V O R � � • - , � Council Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. 1. The power to review all bonding and all eapital improvements of the above-ementioned departments , agencies or entities, 2. The power to reorganize the Port Authority and�or the Housing and Redevelopment Authority as the City Council deems necessary after proper study, review, consideration and deliberation, and 3. Loeal consent for the above. :,. _ COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen ��� Hunt [n Favor Levine Rcedler a Against BY �� Tedesco President�x Ho z z a FE8 4 1916 2 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C cil: Date Certi ' Passed u retary BY � Y Approved by r: D 5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �usus� �E8 �� �y76 WH17E - ITV CLERK � PINK -�INANCE G TY O SAINT PAITL Council � CANARY - DEPAR ENT BLUE - �AF.Y File NO. � . � Re olution .� ,. � � �� ��.� y Presented By Referred ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, much d scussion has foeused on the administrative structure involved wi planning programming, implementation and development in the Cit of Saint Paul; and WHEftEAS, there are t least eleven local departments, agen- eies or entities involved 'n these areas : 1. Community Developm t Bloek Grant 2. Capital Improvement udget 3. Housing and Redevelop nt Authority 4. Port Authority 5. C�,vic Center Authority 6. Ramsey County 7. Saint Paul, Sehool Board 8. Water Board g. Eeonomic Development Division f Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City of Saint Paul 10. Planning Department i�. Battle Creek Watershed District not to mention other levels of government, n n-profit organizations ' and private sec�ors; and Wf�ftEAS, the pros and cons of the existin structure , or lack thereof� have been diseussed ad infinitum; and WHEREAS, there have been many suggestions to modify the present atructure; and COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen • Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedier Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission,to Council By By WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK -�FINANCE CO1111C11 CANARV - DEPART�ENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BI.UE - 1:?AVOR File NO. � � . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. WI�REAS, there is a pressing need and an earnest desire to aehieve the desired fficiency, effectiveness and coord.ination, now, therefore , be it RESOLVED, that a mmittee consisting of the Mayor, the President of the City C ncil, the Chairman of the Planning Commission, the Chairman of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, the Chairman o the Port Authority, and such other members as the Mayor and C ty Council shall designate _shall be set up. The funetion of sa 'd committee is to: 1. Examine existing fu tion and structure of planning and development. 2. Report back to all int rested parties in not more than four months after its a pointment. 3. Recommend changes for im ovement. be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said co ittee shall make reeommenda- tions to the Ramsey County Delegation of the Minnesota Legislature no later than January 1, 19'77; and be 't FURTHER RESOLVED, that if the Legi lature of the State of Minnesota deems fit to reorganize any or all of the above men- tioned departments, agencies , or entitie before January 1, 1977, that said Legislature also grant to the C ty Council : 1. The power to review all bonding a all capital improve- ; ments of the above-mentioned de ar ments a eneies or COUNCILMEN . Yeas Nays Requested by De rtment of: Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Agatnst BY Sylvester Tedesco � President Hunt Form Approved by City ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E - GITV CLERK PINK -aFINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARY - DEPAf2T�viENT BLUE - IRqYOR � File N . " � . , Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. entities an 2. The power to eorganize the Port Authority and�or the Housing a Redevelopment Authority as the City Council d ms necessary after proper study, review, eonaide tion and deliberation. COUIVCILMEN Requested by artment of: Yeas Nays Christensen ��aic Hunt In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President]$� $OZZR Form Approved by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY � WH, 7E ^ CITV CLERK ' - . - -- ��6��!�n PIN� �� FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council � tJ ANAR'I.- DEPqRTMENT File NO. t.UE� - MAYUR ��� � �' u i Resolution � � � � - . � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WIIEREAS, much discussion has focused on the administrative structure involved with planning programming� implementation and development in the City of Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS, there are at least eleven local departments� agen.- cies or entities involved in these areas : 1. Community Development Block Grant 2. Capital Improvement Budget 3. Housing and Redevelopment Authority 4. Port Authority � • 5. Civie Center Authority 6. Ramsey County '7 . Saint Paul School Board 8. Water Board 9. Economic Development Division of Housing and � Redevelopment Authority and the City of Saint Paul - - 10. �la�}ning Department 11. Battle Creek Watershed District not to mention other levels of government , non-profit organizations and private sectors ; and , WHERE�S;`° the pros and cons of the existing structure, or lack thereof, have been discussed ad infinitum; and WHEREAS, there have been many suggestions to modify the present structure ; and COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays , Requested by Department of: Christens � y��x �unt _ _ In Favor -- — Levine r__. _ Roedler r Against BY , -- ___ �____ Sylvester - ` Tedesco President�i#tX HOZZa � Form Approved by City Attorney -Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WM1�'E - CITY CLERK - COpDC1I ���`�' � PINIZ =FINANCE '`+ V% C4r1ARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT P�UL File NO. I B'LUE � - MAYOR . � . � � . ' - � Council Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. WHEftEAS, there is a pressing need and an earnest desire to achieve the desired efficiency; effectiveness and coordination, now, therefore , be it RESO LVED� that a committee consisting of the Mayor, the President of the City Council , the Chairman of the Planning Commission, the Chairman of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority� the Chairman of the Port Authority, an d such other members as the Mayor and City Council shall designate shall be set up. The function of said committee is to : 1. Examine existing funetion and structure of planning and development . 2. Report back to all interested parties in not more th an four months after its appointment. 3. Recommend changes for improvement. • be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said committee shall make recommenda- tions to the Saint Paul City Council and the Ramsey County Delegation of the iy��.n:n.esota Legislature no later than January 1, 197'7; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if the Legislature of the State of Minnesota deems fit to reorganize any or all of the above men- tioned departments , agencies, or entities before January 1, 19?7, that said Legislature also grant to the City Council : COUI�CILMEN . Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza [n Favor � Levine _ Roedler - - Against_ _ BY Sylvester � • Tedesco , President Hunt � Form Approved by City Attorney "�cpted by Council: Date - Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By -WMITE — UTV CLERK ! �� COUOCII ���vo�v PINK —kINANCE � rv �UER�—�M�YORTMENT GITY O�F SAINT PALTL �File NO. . � - � �� • � � � � Council Resolution� . - Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. 1. The power to review all bonding and all capital improvements of the above—ementioned departments , agencies or entities , 2. The power to reorganize the Port Authority and�or � the Housing and Redevelopment l�ithority as the City Council deems necessary after proper study, - review, consideration and deliberation� and 3. Local consent for the above. _ COUI�CILMEN Yeas - Nays Requested by Department of: C}iristensen r�, - �T�z� Hunt `� In Favor Levine � ___ . � Rcedler - _ Against ` BY – — -_�+. .: - . - - Tedesco President�X HOZZa ��� � ,j��,� � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C cil: Date Certi ' Passed u retary BY _ Y `� ., , 5 .. Approved by r: Da `�9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ��t�s�� �E6 2� ��7� . I We attended the Conference Committee Hearing on the C. I. B• funding bill on March 12, 197b and were most disappointed to see the matter of the City taking over the St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment� ' Authority and the St. Paul Yort Authority be made as a condition ;of receiving C. I. B. Funds. ' As representatives of employees �f the H. R. A. we were not extended the courtesy of being heard on the matter. The Committee proceeded to make amendments to the proposed bill so as to, in our opinion, jeopardize the jobs and working conditions � of the employees� we represent. i No one on the Committee knew of any answers to our questions, :�� . �r�_1,�c c„opeste��7=1�Cs'�.a —...s.__�— We are in support of the City Council Resolution recently �/ D'`� adopted (unanimously)• setting forth a study for reorganization in 3� l//} .S � local departments, and a report of such to be made to the Ramsey . County Delegation no later than January 1, 1977. � We feel that reorganiztion can only be made after an extensive s�udy and only after jobs rights of employees are not infringed on. ,3-�Z•llv We find the bill in its present form unacceptable. We therefore make the following requests: 1. To reject C. I. B. funding based on the bill in its present form. �_1�.� l� 2. Implement a study at once based on the City Council Resolution. - adopted, with a reporting date of January 1, 1977. 3. That you add to the Study Committee members of the Ramsey +-�o• • ;��-nt�-be--e-orrfused-as-they-are-now; County Delegation , E� � ���o� . �-LSo — REp, aF BusrN 4. That the jobs and working conditions negotiated on behalf of the employees be protected. We would suggest to this Council and to our Ramsey County delegation that we are prepared to coonerate and work �aith you on obtainiPaulegbutathat also protectseoursemployeests of the City of St � The City Council is the proper elected body to run our City and we support their right to continue to do so. ,, W�.t,,� `/'U��rt,v�.'.(1vt � �/Zl�vt;-� �L-},�-n^�5,''c.c_. . . 1.' , � Local 13� " ` �. �. & Local 36 � ' ConatrucCion & General Laborera Operating Engineers � =�'.� 3/17/i 6 1 Mr. � moves to amend H. F, No. 2519 2 by s�riking everything after the enacting claus� and inserting: 3 "Section 1 . La�+�s 1971 , Chapter 773, Section 1, as amended by 4 I.a���s 1974, Chapter 351 , Section 5 , is a � . t�rea_d: � �� �-, � t `����`� ,�, .y._ 5 Section 1, �SZ . PA , ,,, ;'�`:.�F`�, I.T�L IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM.j � ;� � � � � Subdivision 1 tiv " and�i�any p��vi���f the charter of the city o� . ���� , � St. Paul, the c unc>> ����r shall have power b�T a resolution adopted by � g five affirmative votas of aIl its members to authorize the issuance an� sale of g general obligation bonds of the city in an amount of �4,-5�Q9;Qgg $6,Sp0. Q00 for . 2 p each calendar year for a four year period commenc�ng with ttie year i9�$ 1 g76 � � Z�, for the payment of which the fuil faith and credit of the ciiy f s irrevocably ple+dged. . 12 Subd. 2. ��ke _=-�=�r�eerr.�9�5;-�-eonr�e�-ef�e�-�itp►-�}}_ 13 ,; kave-t'rt�-pee�-C-re�t.�r�e�o�tee�-�►�����.y.�ea-o�-a3�-#�s-:r�nr�rs;-` 14 �-�tkeri�ser��aa�are�-�-�a}e-af-ge�sez�a�-eb�iorr�rorx�s-e�-tke-•eitp►-fcrr-�r:.- . , 15 eeci�iar�a�atn�r:t-�p-�-�-,-�0{�{�;8�46�,-�cyro�er-enx�-�a�e*�-�4;�f}8-;�@�E}9-�}��z�sied� 16 hey°tcrier�--�ke-e�c.�scx���e3e-��}}�-a�ee�-��*_*�'_*ve}y��er�he • - - 1� e�-g�°�-�s�r?c-.: If federal funds are received fQr the comAletion of a transit . Ig system to be located orimarilv in the central business distrlctt the city mav issue lg un to �4 ,000 .000 in creneral oblicration bonds pursuant to this section in addition 20 to the amoun� authorized in subdivision 1 for the Iocal share of the fundinQ for tlze 21 : transit svstem, so 1_onQ as the totai amount of creneral oblicration bonds issued 22 under this section does not exceed $26 000 000 23 Sec. 2. Laws 1971, Chapter 773, Section 4, fs amended to read: - 24 Sec. 4. No proceeds of any bonds issued pursuant to sectian � hereof 2� shall be exaended ior the c�nstruction or equipment of any portion of the 26 St. Paul audi�orium or civic center connected fhereto�nor shall anu such proceeds 2i �� ex��nded for the �c�uisition or bztterment �f the buildinR kno�,�in as thA Lo�rrry .. 28 T�Iedical Arts Annsx. !�1_1 bonds issued und�r �his �ct shall mature at an tima or 29 times ��rithin 1Q vears rrOM `�.he date of issue . l . ,. z,�.:< ,- : � . , : . 1 Sec. 3 . Subdivision 1 . �GITY COUNCIL AS COlVIMISSIONERS OF 2 �O�! AuTHORITY.� 1�TOttivithstandinq anSr provision of D/Iir_nesota Statutes�, 3 S�c��on 458 . 10 or any other la�v ,or t�e ch�rter oF ihe ci�r of St. Paul to tha L� CC:'.ir�iJ, commencing January l , 1977 , the St. Pau1 nort authoritj sh�il consist 5 oi �he membzrs of the,city cour.cil oi the city of St. Paul. 6 Subd. 2 . �IMPAIRMEi�T OF EXZSTING OBLIGATIONS.1 No existinQ � o�?iaaiion, contract, aQreement or covenant made or enterzd into bv the St Pau'I g oo� authoritv shall�be in anv manner i�n3ired bv th° adoption of this act. '�--- g Subd. 3. . The port authorftv commission mav.bv resolution adooted bv a� , 10 �.=ioritv of the eomnissioners, ,place anvemplovees of thz port aut�ioritv undsr 11 `+=nz d�cta�on�. su,pezvfsion or control-of th� mayor or another departm�nt of the city of � . . . 12 . S.. Paul. . : _ -- 13 � Subd 4 The establishment of the St Paul citv council �s the - -� 14 corlr�issioners of the St. Paul nort authoritv shall not aifect the ricrht of any ' 1� er.?�1oveas of the nort authoritv includ;ncr but not Iimited to anv riQhts nurse,�,�. n,�� � 16 �o_3n existina callective bamainincr aare�ment or frincte benefit plan The emnlovess 17 � s'nall remain as emplovees of the port authoz�itv and shall not be emplovees of the I 8 c?�v of St. Paul. . lg Sec. 4. Subdivision 1 . �C1'i'Y COUNCIL AS COMMISSIONERS OF HOUSING . 20 A� REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY.1 Notwithstandinar the provisions of Laws 3963 2� ! C'�a�ter S 14 , Minnesota Statutes. Sec�ion 462 .425 or anv other law or the , � . 22 ' cnarter of�th��cftv of St. Pau1 to the contrary, cammencinQ Tanuary� � , �.977 th� � � __.___� t _ : Zg ; housinq and redevelopment authority of the city of St. Paul shall consist of the . �� 24 ' nembzrs of the citv council of the citv of St Paul _ 25 � Subd. 2 . �IiVIPAIRMENT OF EXISTING OBLIGATIONS.I No existina 26 0����ation contract aareement or coven�n� made or entered into bv ttte housinct 27 aru redevzloAment authori� oi the ci�� of St. Paul shall b� in anv manner - 2 g �*-��s ired bv the adoption of this act. Zg Subd. 3 . The housing and redevelopment authority o�' ths city of Sfi. Paul 30 _�_-�, hv resolution adopted by a I';ldJO!'1�� Oi �he commissioners , place any 3� -�:��l�yees of the housi:�g and reG�v�lopmFnt authori�y �f the cit}� of St. Paul under -. � i . , , . �_ � : � . i . 1 � the direction, suDZnrision or control of thz mayor or any department of the city of 2 ' St. Paul. ; , 3 ' Subd. 4. T�e es�abl.ishment of the St. Pzul citv council a s th� 4 commissioners oi L�e St. Paul housincr and redevelop:<<�nt authoritv shall not 5 � affect riahts ot an�� e?r.Dlovees of the housincr and re�:evelopment authority1 ; 6 � ir_cludincx but not 1_i�:�tzd to anv riah�s pursuant to an �xistinQ colleciive b�rqaininQ 7 aqreement or frinqe b�nefit plan. The emplovees shail remain as emplovees of the 8 housfnQ and redevelopmant authori�v and sha11 not. b� emplovees of tne citv of 9 St. Paul. - I0 Sec. 5 . �To�,vithstandfnc anv other provision of la�v or the cftv charter to � - - 11 ` i the�contraxv, the citv council of the citv of St.. Paul riav appoint housinc�,and �-• { � . � 12 redevelopment and nort authoritv advisorv committees to assist the council in � 13 � carrvina out its du�ies under sections 3 and 4 of this act,� � � � 1 : . 14 ' Sec. 6 . Tnis act sha�l become effective onlv after its approual b�� a 15 � maioritv of the Qovern?nct bodv of the citv of St. Paul and upon compliance with 16 the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645 .02I . " jE�:mc � , i -� -� ,�� � --�� , ,.,.�" � f;:„ � ' , � _� �- . - . � . ' , ��� � ; , :Y� - � �.� � .� , ; � ; , ; , ;;Y �, ,' --�Lt�ER�A�TV��,EF:�E�T1�JE DATE F� � ' ;� ' 1 �3���j���� ��'�:., ����,� Sec. 6 . Sec�ions 1 and 2 oi this act shall become effective on2 aiier the approval bv a maiori�y o: tne ctoverninq body of the city af Saint Paul and upon compliance �vith tne provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 645 .021. � , �., � �,� � � ��� , -- � , � , s.-:`.-.s- . - . . ..._ . �.?`_.�., .,b. ;. ��. � ... . . . . . . .. . .. � .�.. .. . . . �- i � � � g� � . t :� � �� � . ,. i, ; . � � �� � o�.:;, _ . T � `�'�� y � �' . . � �2c� � ��� ,����� ����� _ . � � ��...�ne>��a S�acut?s �974� Se�::.an 1� ,53J Suad.�.vi��an. � ,� �� .�::,,"�ed �o rQ3d, � Subd. 3 , a►:° ad.��.Zt st:at�ve an3 pl3nning ex��ns2s o= thz cvnn�.ss;on s:�al? be bo.ne b� ths s�a�e, �ne exa�nses o�- th� co�raissiaz iox �o;��e�i���a �re�iu,�s, iand acqu{si��o;� o� ,�:` i�aroY�nent o; any o�he� ca�ita2 expenditurzs .in a� u�en . _ - . _-;.: P:o�er�ies o�a�d o+ to be oa�nec by the state shal? iae bozaa ^�� by 'tha state, Th'e 2xoenses vf any o'ther pub13.� bcdj ��o� � sueh exprn3i�ures s�ai; .be bo;ne by. �the body �cZCe�n�e�,. - s�� '� : citg e� Saint Paul :._�._ : _ ' �ay exaend n�neys c�r�eatig . __ _ � i iZ ..h� citX oi Sai:_ ??�:i Ca�ite�� R�.Aroach Tr�orove.�an� gurtc3 .- - . � , - , . _ _ established by La.��s 19�5�• Chapter 3i5, and acts a�endatv�1._ : - t,ZQre4�—�-�+�;:: - -4 �.�-- - .. �: _ - ' :. �.. _ . - _ , j' �-�-e;�-:'e�-�`-s� ' _. .. .. . � r v..�;�-i u_ i .y, i =?-��'�7-�"--L`+�+��',�,'�':�--�� �-�.A.'i�.-'_ ,� � .� . �. � � . � �,� ' . r+��.i�'y7��'f.�'r�.�l'.�'.�}�i-;.= _.�.°'"r':'.�'t'�"��l�'�.��.►.� ..1 ---�—i�T'_''��av-a✓:�:''j'�.+;�:�^•l:��.['r . �•'.i v�• . � Y �..... �..e..•�.y,y:-L'�'"'^'"'..' � �''� �'�'�""`'�'�.`....�-�'•��-���'�"�'�— s � r ....-.-5"•'�---'_^,.'G�'s3.r. '2TJ"r'^��;�,jr �, ... .�_,,. .. .�... .� . ._ . .. _ -�r_�--g�ec�-c�}�-�-�rt�?�5� f or - :� .. -,.--...... � f capita3 iraprovenen=s co;�tained in the eit}��� apnroved � �i � ca�ital ��prove�en� buc�2C, ln� budqet is to be adopte� in ` , .- a��orda�c� �;zh the p;ovi sions contained 3,n �kh� city c;nart�r•�� .� , . . � I � t �.� ;- , , �:, �� ; ; ; s _ „ � .., _ � ^ ''��`'A TE�iV1�TNE' TO SE,eTZOi1T�`3 ; � � t � , � � , _; �.3 �� . ,�.� :� .�:J �;' -- .� � � �, ._ . _._ ,,��-, � � .- , � ��� _'� .�j _'_ _ -� i Sec. 3 , iVot�vithstandina anv provision of Iav�� or the char�er or the citv of St. Paul to #he contrarv ariv issue of revenue bonds authorized bv the port aufihoritv oi the c'stv oT St Paul in principal amount oF � ) or more shall be issuzd only with tne cons�nt of the citv council of the citv of St. Pa� bv a resoluti�n adopted 'zn accordance with law - �rovided that such : consent h be deemsd ven if the ci ou c' withi.n t�n da s afte re e� - - -- -. . . . � . ^ - o� the rearuest of the port authorftv for approv�l of the issue fails to adopt a - , resolut3oa at�or�vina or disar�provincr.the issue or revuastina additfonal time not � .: • : -. _ . to exceed 14 davs within which to resAOnd to the reduest �' . � - * �r° ` ' _ �K . . � . . . . . . � . . / _ .. .t ' - . . . ._ . � .. . :...,-. . .. . �.. '. . .: .��� .."5.�a._:��. .. . . •. .. ... .. � :� . . ... . . . � � . .. � . � . .. .. . ..:� .. .. . . . ...._. ALTERNATIVE SECTIONS 3 and 4�SU BDIVISION 3� _ ' • ,`.� .::.__ : :_ _ . _, __ _ _.. . � , � . Subd. 3 . !h° housir_a an� r°�°ve�oanent au�horitv of tne ci�,r oF St_ .PauZ � s'�aa1_,*r�itlliLi t'�+v0 Y.B�rs after tha erec�i=�e datz of t'ais act bv resolurlon ado�ted bv z ��ior�`v of the commissionzrs, p1ac� tYze ernolovees of the housinQ and - n3ev�Zonm�nt aut�to?-i�v of th� ci!v or SL. _Paul under the direction, SLT?°i�TiS�io�„ . - zrd control of tha m�vo,r�, of�e cit;�oi St. PaLl - , , - - _ . . _ . _ :.a. . - . . . � - . . _ . ; . . . _- '�i y" 4 � r. . ' `' '. - . .� -__. .` � . . . _ ' . . :-�c �r,..��.�w¢i.-'� ..-�„� 5 T . - . _ - _ . " ; .'*`."'^s-�c �r.. . ; _ . _ ' ' . . � ` 'a i,a, .-L-;ft+�'z'` .-'. �� - - ' -' -:. s . - � - _ -.i,3� .: . '�_ . .:_,�-. :.._- . � _..:' rs. � : . � - - - - -�^i - . - . , : W. _. ...� _ .. ._ _..:� . :.. .. .. . .. �. . �_.. - 1...;`+R.''� - ?'F°'~ ' _. , - - - _ - . � . . - - � - . • z. �� ti ii���' ��y.�.: s� . ' � ,,,i..�';���� � - z `� , .- ,;.. <- _ _:. - . - _ - . _ .,:.� ; .. -. ` ss' ._ _;. �-{ ��1. _.:. -,. : . , I - - _ ._ . ._ : . - - - - - _ .. � . . , ° ` � - j �t�, 3�The .ocrt autheritv commission shell.within two v��;ter�,�.he - e�.ive d te o fi�±i act b resolut;dn ado ted b .a ma'or�. of fihe.c �miss'or.ers , _ �alac� �he eriolovees of the pott au'-�?oritv under the directioa.. sunsrvision and , � co*�tTol of the mavor af the citv o� St. Paul._ . _ ' - � - - � .......�., . _,�._..�....�;.�.�.,...�,�.�:,.. ...�.�w._....,.._. .:_...�....�...,�,...�,�.�.�.:...�, <..�..�..�...d,:,.:r:::�..:...��.._..w...,. . ... ;..v�..,. :. .. , ..,:.. . .�. . .. :.. ..� .:.:4., °'. _ __j =__. _... __ _._.._.__ .._._.__ � _ _ . ___.�___----- __._____ ._... ----------- ..�--._ . .._ • -j_� : ..__,._-.r � � � ���� ��..�� . �,. .°--;----. 3�i��7s �� Z Mr. moves to am°nd H. F. No. 1519 2 by s�riking everytn��g a;ter the enacting clause and inserting: 3 "Sec�ion 1 . Lav��s 1971 , Chapter 773 , Section 1 , as am°nded by 4 La�vs 1974, Chap�°r 351, Section S , is a � �Ie tdd,reac?: n���� �-�a ��, �7 �; �,, >? --:::-;��� 5 Sectaon 1. �S1. PAi.�' ,�;. �.�.';�C3����1�P�.TAL Iivi'•_'ROjIEP�IENTS PROGIL�P�.] ,�,� ,�a 'c� , Subdivision 1 cs�.�:�i`��' "tandz':`�'Yan r vi�� ''��' f the charter of the r 6 ,.. �?,n� . � �Y P,.Q �1�►� c�ty o� �'�''�� , . ����� 7 St. Paul, the c unc??��S���r�y shall have power bl� a resolution adopted by ��� g fiva affirr.iative vote; of all its members to authorize y�ize iss�aanee and sale of. g general obiigation bonds af the city in an amount of �4;5$9;Q8� $6 ,500 , Od0 £or 10 each calendar year �or a four year pariod commencing wifih t�ie year =9�� I976 , �I for fihe pay�eat of which the fu3l faith and credit of ths ci.ty is irr�vacabiy pledged. 12 . . Subd. 2. �t�.�i���te __'=��`= :+"�` �'9��-��e-�e�t�.e�ef-s�ai�-ci�-,r ., ' _ .: �I3 �. k�ere-��-pe�e�r����v3r�o-�ed-b�r���-�fs�rri�'��es-c�i eei�-�s-�.. .. .:r.._ , ].4 � �?`'.�'�''-'m�'--''T"�re�7�-s��►nce-��-s�e-c�s-�e�er�ab�zcm-3xrrr�-s-��-�:e-c�p-fo�r-�:•_ . , i5 a�ei�ie�a�-e�t�c.trE-�p-��-�-,-{}f'�fl-;9�9�;�-�r3:�--$'�v�-�-�=;-5$8�;-�8�$-ap�ez-�i� � 16 �e_�-�fiozore�---�ke --nc.�' _��-�-s���-�-nsee�-c��-r,�*_ne�--fer�?�e . .,. . . 17 e� :.�°�.-�t�?c:- Ii rederal funds are received for the completion of a transit - �g sYstem to be located primarilv in the central businpss district, the cifv masr issue 19 up to $4 ,000 ,000 in cceneml obliQation bonds pursuant to this seetion in addition 20 to the amount authorized in subdivision 1 , for the Iocal share o� the fand�nQ for the 2I � �'ansi� svstem, so Ioncx as the total amount of qeneral ob�iQation bonds issued 22 unc�e?- this section do�s not exceed $26 ,000�000. - - 23 Sec. 2. I.aws 1971, Chapter 773, Sectzon 4, is amended to r�ad: - 2� Sec. �. No proce�ds of any bonds zssued pursuant to section 1 hereof 25 shall be expended ior t'ne c�nsfiruction or equipment o� any portion of the � 26 S�. Paul auditorium or c�vic cente; connected fhereto i nor shall anu such proceeds 2i b� °x��nde:I fer the ��uuisition or bztter�znt �f t�z bui��in� knoyvn as the Lo�.�rrv . 28 DRe:��cal Arts Ann�x. aIl bon�s issu°d und.�r �nis �ct shal� mature ai any tim� or 29 tim�s �•:ithin 10 vears Tror:1 `�.n� dat° of iss�:e . 1 . . Sec . 3. Subc3i�•ision 1 . �ITY COUI�CIL; STUDY OF EIISTI?�TG STRliC?tJRES OF PORT AU`TIIURITY AND HOUSIlVrG �'�D REDE��LOP�iENT .�UTHORITY_� The council. of the ci.t�J of St. Paul sllall establish �. cor�ruiti;ee �wiiich sliall e�ainine �;he e�istin� stiucture oi t,he � � � St . Paul �ort aul;horii;v and housinff and redevelo ment authorit of the citv of Sf Yaul�, their i•especti�-e �unctior�s a1�d_ struci�ures of plannin� a.nd de�-Plopment , and r.ecommend ch_an�es for impro�.remPnt to the citv council and Ramsev eounty le�islature dele�ation no la�;er than January 1, 1977 . Subd. 2 . �ITY COUI�?CIL; REORGANIZE PORT ALTHORITY_7 �Totwithstandin� anv provision of Minnesota Statutes or anv otiiPr law or the charter of the city of St. Paul to the coi2trarv, thP c�ouncil of the city of St . Paul is hereb.y_ empa�,ered and authorized to reor�anize the Saiiit Paul port author. itv so as to �r. ovide �;hat tlie cit council of �Lhe cit of St Paul shall constitute the St. Paul pori; authority. and, further, to r�lace the employees of the port authority under tlie direct� on, supervision and control of the mayor of the citv of St . Paul . Subd . 3. �ITY COUlvTCIL; REORGANIZE HOUSII�TG AUTHORITY_� Not�,�ithstandin�r anv provi si on of Minneso ta Statutes or anv other la�,i or the charter of tlie citY of S�L. Paul to the contrarv, thP council of �he city of St. Paul is hereb.y empo�,�ered and autliorized to reor�anize the liousin� and rede�-elopment authority of the citv of St. Paul so _as to provide that the citv counc,il o� 1,1�e ci1;y of St. Paul shall constitute the housiti� and rede�relopmeni; aul;t�ori�y of the cit�v of St . Paut , and, �urtlier�, to place the emplo��ees of the housin� authority under t�le direction , supervisi_on and con�;rol oT the ma�Tor of the city of St. Paul ._ Subd , 4, �AIPAIR.AiENT OF EXISTI�G GBLIUATIO?�S_� r�o e�istin� obli�ation, contract , a�reement or co�=enant n � made or entered into by the St. Paul bo.rt autl2ori.ty or t.he housin� aild redevelopment authoritV of the citv of St. Pau� sha11 be in anY manner im�aired by the ado�tion of this act or the ac�;ions of the St Paul citv coun�: il in the implementati_on of this act. Subd. 5 The establ ishment of the 5�:�. Paul citY �'otincil as the commissioners of the St. Pau.l port. authority and the _ housin� and rede��elopment authority shall not affect the �°i�hts of any employees of the por�; autliori�Y or the housin� and_ redevelopment authority, includin�, but not limited to , an.y_ ri�h�•s pursuant to an existin collective bar�ai�nin� a�reement or frin�e benefit. plan. The employees shall. remain as empl.oyees of tlie port autl�ority and housin�and redevelonment �authority and shall not be employees of the citY of St. Paul . Sec�., 4. Minnesota S�;atutes 1974, Section 15 . 50, � Subdivision 3; is amended to read: Subd. 3. The administrative and planning �expenses of the commission shall be borne by the s�ate . The expenses of the commission for competition premiums, land acquisition or improvement or any other capital expenditures in or upon properties owned or to be owned by the state shall be borne by the sta�e . The expenses of any other public body for such e�penditures shall be borne by the body concerned. The city of Saint Paul s�a��-�ie�� may expend moneys currently in the cii;y of Saint Paul Canitol �pproach Improvement Fund established by La«s �91i� � Chapter 315 , and acts amendatory �tliereof �����-s�e�-���e-�,s-�ke-�eg�g�a�t��e-�c��-�eqt���e-��e eet�n��se�e�-�e-�eq�es�-��.ese-����.s-�s�-��a�����-�c�-�e�ae�e��e�� ����e�es-��-��e-ec�-��e�-a�e�.---��e�-s�ek-�ec��e��-��-��.e ee���ss�e�;-��e-e���-s�e���-e��e��-s�e�-�i����-i�-�I�e-�n�r��e� s�d-�e�-��e-����eses-��ee���e�-��-�:�e-�e��e�� for canital impro�-ement.s contained in the citv '_s approved capital 3 . im��rovenlent budnet . The bud�et is 1;o be adoZ�ted in accordance caith tl�e ��rovis ions co��tained i.n the c i�;�- ch arter. Sec . 5 . Tliis act shall becon�e effecti��e onlv after its a,pLoval bv �. majority of tlie �o�-erniii�� bod�r of th.e _citv _of St, Paul. and u��ori compliance 1J1�I1 tlie ��rovisions of :�iinneso�La Stattites� Sectiorz C45. 021 j 4