266827 WHITE — CITY CLERK /.�i66gf�/ • PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANl:RY — DEbARTMENT � BLU&�— MAVOR File NO. � s w . . - � Ordinccnce Ordinance N�. �:7��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Ord.inance approving the terms and conditions of a Memorandum of Agree- ment between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Professional Employees Association, t'White Collar" Supervisory Unit, representing the i'White Collar" Supervisory employees of the City of Saint Paul. WHEREAS, The Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 12. 09 of the Saint Paul City Charter and the Public Employees Labor Relati.ons Act of 1971, as amended, recogni�zes the Saint Paul Professional Employees Association, "White Collar" Supervisory Unit, as exclusive representative for those classes oF'po�:tions within the City of Saint Paul certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services under Case No. 74.•pR.�•207�A for the purpose of ineeti.�g _ and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for all full-time per.� sonnel in the classes of positions as set forth in the Agreement between the � - - City arid the exclusive representatives hereinabove referenced; and , . WHEREAS, The Cit�r through de signated repre sentativ�e s aad the ., _ exclusive representatives have me �. good faith and have negotiated the term� and conditions of employment fpr�.t� calendar y�ar of 1976 for such pers�tel � as are set forth in the Memorandum of Agreement between the City a.nd exclusive representatives; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1, That the Memorandum of Agreement dated as of the effective da.te of this Ordi.nance, between the City of 5aint Paul and the Saint Paul Professional Exnployees Association, ''White Co11ar" Supervisory Unit, on file in the office of the City Clerk is hereby approved, and the authorized administrative officials o�f the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement �n behalf of the City. r 1 .. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester , Tedesco President Hunt , . Form pproved �Cif� A or Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � w BY - Approved by Mayor: Date Approve b ayo ' n o Co cil , By By WH17E — CITV CLERK 1 ���J��� / RINK — FINANCE COUI1C11 `�� U�'� � CANARY —DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL BLVE� {—MAVQR File NO. ' a � • `Q �f � Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. ��7 —/ � �T Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. That the wages and vacation provisions set forth in said Memorandum of Agreement shall take force and effect retroactively to January 3, 1976, in accordance with the e�ressed intent and agreement of the Council contained in Council File No. 266410, Section 3. That all other terms and conditions of said Agreement shall take force and effect upon the effective date of this ord;inance. Section 4, That any other Ordinance, rule or regulation in force when said agreement takes effect, inconsistent with ariy provision of the terms and conditions of said Agreement, is hereby repealed, Section 5. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. , Approved: ��� Chairman, Civil Service C mission .. 2 - COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � ��� PERSONNEL OFFICE � Hunt In Favor evine Rcedler � Against By Thomas D, Gleason, Dir. of Personnel Sylvester Tedesco President� Ho2za Adopted by Date � 1 � �� Form Approved by City Attorney Ce ' ed y ouncil Secretary BY . By Appr by Mayor: e � 2 �9� Appro d Mayor for Sub n By By !�� MAR 2 � 19?s � Q�r+� • �10 • 15q�� �w t �' �. , ,����,� . �� � MEMORANDUM OF AGREFMENT This Memcrandum of Agreement by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Professional EE�nployees Association, Saint Paul, Minnesota, "White Collar" S�apervisory Personnel Unit, as described in Case No. 74-pR-207-A, Bureau of Mediation Services, State of Minnesota. In flil.l settlement of 1976 negotiations, the parties hereto have agreed as follows: 1. All salaries shall be increased 3�, retroactive to January 3, 1}76. 2. Al1 "terms and cc,nditions of employment" shall be as provided in the "Co].l.ective Bargaining Agreement" between the City of Saint Paul, The Independent School District No. 625 and the City of Saint Paul Professianal F2aployees Association Unit No. 2 "White Collar Supervisors", ; dated February 5, 1976, and as included herein as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. a. Vacation Schedule per Article XVI of said agreement shall be retroactive to January 3, Z976. b. The additional Life Insurance Coverage as provided in Section 15.6 shall became effective on or before July 1, 1976. 3. That the full settlement of 1976 negotiations as set forth in items 1 and 2 above are contingent ugon the City of Saint Paul's adoption of the following: a. An ordinance amending prdinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Commission and the Fersonnel Office oP the City of Sai.nt Paul approving and adopting � rules and regulations necessary to the edministra- � tion of the City personnel system on a merit basis", s approved August 20, 1914, as amenc3ed, included herein as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof as said Ordinance pertains to members of PEA Unit II. b. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6k46, entitled: , "An administrative ordinance fixing the co�cgen- � sation rates of certain city positions and employ- ments", approved January 23, 1925, as amended, included herein as Exhibit "C" and made a part hereof as said Ordinance pertains to members of PEA Unit II. • , - 2 - ��6��� Any proposed changes in the proposed Ordinance described immediately above will be subject to the review and approval by the undersigned representatives of the Association. Said Ordinances to become efPective on or before Ju],y 3, 1976. It is flu�ther uttderstood that this agreement shall be sub�ect ta adoption by the Ci.ty Council of Saint Paul and approved by the Administration as well as r.atification by the Associatian. IN WITN�`iS W�REOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this 5th day ��f February, 1976. CITY OF `►iAINT PAUL, I+IINI+IESOTA PROFESSIONAL EMPIAYEES ASSOCIATION Unit No. II, Saint Paul, Minnesota � _ �.,.� � L� , or Relations Di or J INDEPEI�ENT SCHOOL DISTRIGT N0. 625 � � ', � X ' // �O1 / f``f . � � j ������ � .�� . COLLECTIVE BARGAI1vING AGREEMENT � t � - between - � i THE CITY OF SAIHT PAUL, , R i , Ti� II�IDEPEAIDENT SQi00L DISTRICT N0. 625 � ; ( � - and - � Tf� CITY OF SAINT PAUL PROFESSIONAL EI�LOYEES ASSOCIATION UATIT N0. 2 "WHITE COLIAR SUFERVISORS" � � � � i i t 6 ' � INDEX � , �'�����d� ARTICLE TITLE PAGE Preamble iii I Recognition 1 II Savings Clause 3 III Management Rights 4 IV Maintenance of Standards 5 V Check Off 6 � Hours of Work and Overtime 7 VII Seniority 8 dIII Working Ont of Classification 9 IX Discipline 10 X Legal Services u XI Grievance Procedure 12 XII Wages 16 XIII City Mileege �7 X� Mileage-Independent School District No. 625 Z9 KV Insurance � 7CVI Vacation 21 XVII Holidays 22 XVIII Severance Pay �3 X� $esidency ��, 7� Duration and Effective Date �,, Appendix A A1 - ii - PREAMBI, E � . � ��u�� This AGREEMENT, entered into on 5th day of February, 1976, between the City of Saint Paul and the Independent School District I(o. 625, hereinafter referred to as either the "EI�LOYER" or the "CITY" , and the City of Saint Paul Professional Daployees Association, Unit No. 2, White Collsr Supervisors, hereinafter referred to as the "ASSOCIATION", for the purpose of fostering and promoting harmonious relations between the CITY and the ASSOCIATION in order that a high level of public service can be provided to the citizens of the CITY. This AGREEMEN`r attempts to accompLish this purpose by providi.ng a fuller and more cv�plete understanding on the part of both the CITY and the ASSOCIATION of their respective rights and responsibilities. The provisions of this AGREEI�NT shall not aborgate the rights and�or � duties of the EN�IAYER, the A,SSOCIATION, ar the employees as established under the provisions of the Public Finployee I,abor Relations Act of 1971, as amended. - iii - . . . ��,���� �RTICLE I - RECOGIQITION 1.1 The CITY recognizes the ASSOCIATZON as the exclusive representative for the White Collar Supervisory F�nployees of the Professional Group, anc3 cei•tain Unclassified Supervisory Employees, as certified by the State of Mirmesota, Bureau of Mediation Services, dated December 11, 1973, Case No„ 74-PR-207A and as revised by Unit Clarificatian Hearing oF Bargaining Un:Ct, ApriZ 16, 1974, Case No. 74-PR-414-A. This above unit as amended co��sists oP the Pollowing: Ac�:ountant IV Director of �vironmental E�ygiene Ac��ountant V Director of Librariev Ascsistant Chief Accountant Director of Medical Services As:sistant Chief Engineer Director of Medical Services--I�del Cities As�istant City Architect Director of Pollution Control As;sistant City Engineer--Design + Engr.Director of Testing Laboratory Assistant City Engineer--Operations Director of the Zoo Assistant Director and City Engineer E.D.P. Supervisor Assistant Director of City Planning Engineer of Maintenanc� Services Assistant Director of School Cafe. Fire-Mechanic General Foreman Assistant Purchasing Agent License Inspector Assistant Supt. of Parks Local Improvement Engineer Assistant to the Dir.(Sch. Cafe.} Manager of Admin. Services Asst. Valuation and Assess. Engr. Municipal Gerage Supervisor Bacteriologist-Chemist III Office Engineer Bridge Engineer Operations Director--Civic Cent�: Chief Accountant Principal Planner Ckaief Cashier--Finance Project Director (Health Servicesj Chief of Central Library Project Director (Model Cities Hes2th Prog) Chief of Extension Services p�zblic Health Nurse III Chief of Publ.ic Systems Planning Public Works Constru�tion Engineer and Development Public Works Design Engineer Chief Surveyor pub. Wks. 1�intenance Services Er.gineer City Architect p blic Worrs Sewer Engineer City Traffic Engineer Pu�lic Works Technician IV Civil Engineer IV Purchasing Agent Civil Engineer IV--Water Dept. Recorder of Cour.cil Proceedings Criminalist III Recreation Director III Deputy Health Officer Senior Principal Programmer Director of Admin. (Heslth) Superintendent of Lighting and EZect.Engr. , - 1 - . . ����� . y� ARTICLE I - RECOGNITION (CONTINt7EB) Superintendent of Parks an3 Re^. Supervisor of School Maintenance Superintendent of Water Distribu�ion Supervisor of Sidew�I�: Construction Superintendent of Water Supply Svpervisor of Water R�ver,ue Supervisor of Assessments Val.uation and Assessment Enginee„ Su��ervisor of G�zstaaner Services Water Chemist III Su;pervisor of Housing Inspectior Water Productior. Engineer Su;pervisor of Elections Su;�er.visor of Inspectors Su;pervisor of Public Health Dhirs ing UNCLASSIFIEA Assistant Director of Human Rights F�nergency Preparedness Directer Co�amunity Development Coordinater Health Officer Di:rector of Human Rights Manpower Director Di:rector of Criminal Justice an� Occupational Safety Coordinator Advisory Co�ission 1.2 The parties agree that any new classifications which are ar_ expansion of the above bargaining unit or which derive from the �lassification� set forth in this AGREF�PJT shall be re^ognized as a part c;' th's bargaining unit, and the parties shaZ� ta�:e all :teps requ;red under the Public F�ployment Relations Act to accomplish said obje�tive. n . � , � � /,�� , ���, 7 . . �.y / A�tTICLE II - SAVING CLAUSE 2•� This AGREEMENT is subject to the laws of the United States and the Stete of Minnesote. In the event eny provision of this AGREEMENr si-�ell be held to be contrary to la� by e eourt of compentent jurisdiction froan whose final judgment or decree no appeal has been taken withir ±he time provided, such provisions shell be voided. All other provisions shdll continue in full force ar.d effect. The voided provision mey be renegotiated s+ the Written request of either party. Al1 other provisions of this AG�MENT shall continue in full force and effect. I � - 3 - � . � . • � � ���'�/tl� ARTICLE III - MANAGEMEI�T RIGHTS ''' 3.1 The ASSOCIATION recogni�es the right of the II�'LOYER to operate and manege its afPeirs in ell respects in accordance with epplicable leWs and ��egulations of epprapriate euthorities. The rights and suthority whicli the EI�IAYER has not c+fficially 8bridged, delegeted, or modified by tliis AGREEi�NT are retained by the ENff'LOYER. 3.2 A pul�lic employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent manegerial policy, which include, but are not limited to, such areas of discretion or policy es the flxnctions end progrems of the EMPL�YER, its overall budget, utili�ation of technology, and organiza- tion�l structure and selection and direc�ion and nwnber of personnel. - 4 - _ . . ������ . � �_ � ARTICI,E N - MAIN'TENANCE OF STANDARDS �a.l The partie� agree that all conditions of employmer,t relating to ��eges, hours of work, vacations, and all other generel Working conditions except as modified by this agreement shall be maintained at not less then the highest minimiun standard as set forth in the Personnel Rules of the City of Saint Paul, (Ordinance No. 3250) and Ordinance No. 64�6 at the time of the signing of this AGREE�T, and the conditions of employment shall be improved wherever specific provisions for improvement are made elsewhere in this AGREEt�NT. ; - 5 - � � � , � � . �?�'��� . - ��� � ARTICLE V - CHECR OFF 5.1 The IIKPIAYER egrees to deduct the ASSOCIATIOft membership initiation fee assessments and once each manth dues from the pay of those employees who individually request in writing that such deductions be made. The emounts to be deducted shall be certified to the F�'IAYER by a repres�nt- etive of the ASSOCIATI01� and the aggregete deductions of all employees shall be remitted together with an itemized statement to the representative by the Pirst oF the succeeding month after such deductions are made or as soon thereafter es is possible. 5.2 Any present or future employee Who is not an ASSOCIATION member shall be required to contribute a feir shere fee for services rendered by the ASSOCIATION. Upon notification by the ASSOCIATZOI�, the EMPLpYER shall check off said fee frcam the earnings of the employee and transmit the ssme to the ASSOCIATIOI�. In no instance shall the required contribution exceed a pro rata shere of the specific expenses incurred for services rendered by the representative in relatior.shig to ne�otietions and administration of grievan�e procedures. It is elso understood that ir. the event the CITY shell make an improper fair share deduction from the earnin�s of the employee, the �iSSOC?ATION shsll be obligated to meke uhe CITY wYlole to the extent that +,he CITY shall be required to reimburse such employee for any emount improperly withheld. This grovision shall remain operetive only so long es specificeZly provided by Minnesota 1�W, and as otherwise legeL 5.3 T'he ASSOCIATION egrees to idc�nif� and hold the EMPLOYER harmless againrt any and all �laims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued ageir.�t the CITY as a result of any action teken or not taken by the CITY under the provisions of this Arti�le. - E� - . . . ����� . .�� ARTICLE YI - HOURS OF 1►10RK Al� OVERTIME 6.1 Th� normal hours of work for the employees shall be eight (8) hours in any 24 hour period and 40 hours in a 7 day period. For emF�loyees on a shift basis this shall be construed to mean an avE:rage of 40 hours a week. 6.2 F.��loyees who xork more than 8 hours in any 2�+ hour period or mo�^e than 40 hours in any 7 day period shall not receive pay fo:c such additional work. 6.3 It is understood by the parties that Section 9B - OVERTIME, of Ordinance No. 3250 shall not apply to this unit. 6.4 In unusual circumstances employees Who work more than 8 hours in any 24 hour period or more than 40 hours in any particular 7 day period may be granted compensator�r time with the approval of their department head. - 7 - - ARTICLE VII - SElYIORITY �'' � -- �: �'�� :� 7.1 Seniority, for the purposes of this AGREEI�NT, sha1Z be defined as follows: T'he length of ccntinuous, regilar and probetionery servi��e with the EM.PLOYER from the date en emplo,yee was first certified and appointe�' to e class title covered by this AGREEMENT, it being furt;Zer understood tne� seniority is confined to the current cless essignment held by an employee. In cases where two or more employees are appointed to the same class title on the same date, the seniority shall be deter- mined by the emploz•ee's rank on the eligible list from which the certification was made. 7.2 Seniority shell terminate when en ea�ployee retires, resigns, or is discharged. 7.3 In the event i� is determined by the II�iPLOYER thet it is necessary to reduce the eaork force, employees will be leid off by class title within each department based on inverse length of seniority as defined ebove. 7.� Tn cases where there are promotional series, �uch as Engineer I, II, III, etc. , when tt-e number of employees in the higher ti�les is to be reduced, employees Who have held lower titles will be offered reductions to t.he highest title to Which ^less seniority Would keep the�m fram being laid ofP, before layoffs ere made by eny class title in any department. 7.5 Recell from layoff shall be in inverse order of leyoff, except that recalZ rights shall eacpir� after ane year of leyoff. It is understood that such employees Will pick up their former seniority date in eny class of positions that they previously held, 7.6 To the extent possible, vecation periods shall be assigned on the basis of seniority. It is, however, understood that vacation assignment shall be sub�ect to the ability of the El�'LOyER to maintein operations. - 8 - � . � � � � ����,..�,'� ' ARTICLE VIII - WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION 8.1 EMPIAYER sha1Z avoid, whenever possible, working an employee on an out-of-class assignment for a prolonged period of time. Any employee working an out-of-class assignment for a period in excess of fifteen (15) eonsecutive working dsys shall receive the rate of pay for the out-of-class assignment in a higher classification not later than the sixteenth (16) day of such assignment. For purposes of this article, an out-of-class assignment is defined as an assignment of an employee to perform, on a full time basis, all of the signiPicant duties and responsibilities oP either a) s position previously held by gnother employee and different from the employee's regular position, b) held by an employee on extenc3ed leave, or c) or a new position, and which is in a classification higher than the classiPication held by such employee. The rate of pay for an approved out-of-class assignment shall be the same rate the employee would receive if such employee received a regular appointment to the higher classificatior,. � - 9 - . , � ����� �� ARTICLE IR �• DISCIPLZRE 9.1 Discharges will be preceded by e five (5) dey preliriinary suspension wittn�ut pay. During said period the employee and/or ASSOCIATION may requ�est, and shall be entitled to 8 meeting xith the EMPIAYER repr�esentative who initiated the suspension with intent to discharge. Duri:ng the five (5) day period, the IIKPLOYER may nffirms the si:spension and discharge in accordance withe the Perso.^.nel Rules ar mey modify, or withdrew same. - 10 - . � : , � � ���r�� � � V��..y� ARTICLE X - LEGAI, SERVICES 10.1 Except in cases of malfeasance in office or willf�l or wanton neglect of duty, EI�IAYER shall defind, save harmless and indemnify employee ageinst any tort claia: or demand, whether groundless or otherwise, erising out of an alleged act or omission occurring in the performance and scope of employee's duties. � i t - 11 - , ' ARTICLE XI - GRIEVANCE PROG'�EDURE �"���,'�,� 11.1 A gr:ievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the inter- pretation or application of the specific terms and conditions of this AGI�EMEIIT. 11.2 Th�: EI�'LOYER kill recognize representatives designated by the ASSOCIATION as the grievance representatives of the bargaining unit having the duties an�i responsibilities established by this Article. The ASSOCIATION shall notif�r the EMPIA7�R in writing of the names of such Association Representatives an�3 of their successors when designated. The EI�LOYER shall notify the ASaOCIATIOI� in writing as to its designated representatives. 11.3 It is recognized and accepted by the ASSOCIATION and the II�IAYER that the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall therefore be acc�plished during normal working hours when consistent with such employee duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved employee and an ASSOCIATI0�1 representative shall be alloxed a reasonable amount of time without loss of pay when a grievance is investigated and presented to the II�LOYER during normal working hours provided thnt the employee and the Association Representative have notified and received the approval of designated supervisor and provided thnt such absence is reasonable and would not be detrimental to the work program of the Et�LOYER. It is understood that the EA+IPLOYER shall not use thE above limitation to haaiper the processing of grievances. 11.4 Grievances, as dePined by Paragraph 11.1, shall be resolved in conformance r+ith the following procedure : - 12 - . . � � , ARTICLE XI - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (CONTIliUID) ����,�� Step 1. An employee claiming a violation concerning the interpretation or application of this AGREEt��NT shall, within twenty-one (21) calendar days after such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievance to the bnployee's supervisor as designated by the EI�LOYER. The �nployer- designated representative will discuss and give an answer to such Step 1 grievance within ten (10) calendar days after receipt. A grievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in writing setting forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on Which it is based, the provision or provisions of the AGREEMENT ellegedly violated, the remedy requested, and shall be appealed to Step 2 by the ASSOCIATION within fifteen (15) calendar days aFter the Ebnployer-designated representative's final answer in Step 1. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 2 by the ASSOCIATION within fifteen (15) calendar days shall be considered �+aived. Step 2. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the ASSOCIATION and discussed with the �nployer-designated Step 2 representative. The Etnployer-designated representative shall give the ASSOCIATION F�aployer's Steg 2 answer in writing within ten (10) calender days following the 8nployer- designated representative's final Step 2 answer. Any grievance not appealed in Writing to Step 3 by the ASSOCIATION �rithin ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. Step 3. Zf appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the ASSOCIATION and discussed with the �ployer-designated Step 3 representative. The Flnployer-desi�ated representative shall give the ASSOCIATION employer's answer in writing within ten (10) calendar days efter receipt of such Step 3 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 3 may be appealed to Step �+ within ten (10) calendar days Pollowing the �ployer-designated representative's final answer in Step 3. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step � by the ASSOCIATI08 within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. _ 13 _ . �. . �f���►� � � , ' . Step 4. A grievance unresolved in Step ; and appealed to Step 4 by the � ASSOCIATIOIQ shall be submitted to arbitration subject to the provisions of ttie Public �nployment Labor Re].ations Act of 1971, as amended. If a mutually acceptable arbitrator cannot be agreed upon, the selection of an arbitrator shall be made in accordance with the "Rules Governing the Art>itration of Grievances" as established by the Public IInployment Re].ations Board. Steg 5. The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modif�, nullify, ignore the te=ms and conditions of this AGRF�NT. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issue(s) submitted in writing by the� EA�IA7tER and the ASSOCIATION, and shall have no authority to make a dec:ision on any other issue not so submitted. ThE� aribtrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to, or inc.onsistent with, or modiPying or varying in any way the application of laws, rules, or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing, copies to both parties and the Bureau of Mediation Service within thirty (30) days follo�ring close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decisior. shall be binding on both the ENIl'I,OYER and the ASSOCIATION and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretatian or application of the express terms of this AGR�l�NT and to the facts of the grievance presented. 11.5 The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services snd proceedings shail be borne equaZly by the II�IAYER and the ASSOCIATION provided that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatizn recard of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays Por the record. If both partfes desire a verbatim record of the proceedings the cost shall be shared e�ually. - 14 - ' �� �� . � ��,� - ARrICLE XI - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (CONTINfTED) 11.6 If a grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth above, it shall be considered "waived". If a grievance is not appealed to the next step within the speciPied time limit or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis of the FT�IPLOYER'S last answer. If the EMPLO�R does not answer a grievance or an appeal thereof within the specified time limits, the ASSOCIATION may elect to treat the grievance to the next step. The time limit in each step may be extended by mutual written agreement of the EMPIAYER and the ASSOCIATION in each step. 11.7 It is understond by the ASSOCIATION and the EMPLOYER that a grievance may be initiated by the ASSOC7A TION usi.ng either the grievance procedure of this contract or by the provisions of the Personnel Rules of the City of Saint Paul. If an issue is determined by this grievance procedure it sha21 not again be submitted for arbitration under the Personnel Rules. If an issue is determined by the provisions of the Personnel Rules it shaZl not again be submitted for arbitration under this grievance procedure. - 15 - . � � � � ` ����� � AR'^ICLE XII - WAGES 12.1 The wage schedule for the purpose of this contract shall be Appendix A attached hereto. - �6 - . : ; ���R� �' _v� ' , ARTICLE XIII - CITY 1�.ILEAGE 13.1 Automobile Reimbursement Authorized: Pursuant to Chapter 92A of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended, pertaining to reimburse- ment of City officers and employees for the use of their own automobiles in the performance of their duties, the follo�ring provisions are edopted. 1?.2 Method o° Computation: To be eligible for such reimbursement, ell officers and employees must receive writte:� authorization from the Mayor. Reimbursement shall be made in accordance �ith one ef the following plans: Type 1. For those officers and employees who are required to use their owr. au�tomobiles occesionally for �ffir_iel Cii;y business, reimbursement at the rate of 13 cer.ts for each mile driven. Type 2. For those officers and employees who are required to use theior o•,,m automobiles on s regular basis on City business, reimbarsement at the rate of $2.50 for eech day of work, and in eddition thereto et the rete of 6.5 cents for each mile driven, 13•3 Rules and Regulations: The Mayor shall adopt rules and regulations governing the procedures for automobile reimbursement, which regulations end rules shall contain the requirement that recipients shall fiZe � daily repor+s indicating place of origin and destination and applicable mileage retings thereat and indicating total miles driven, and shall file mor.thZy affidavits steting the number of days worked and the number of miles driven, and flirther required tizat they maintsir eutomobile liabitity insurance in amounts not less than $100,000/ 300,000 for personel injury, and �25,000 for property damage. These rules and reguletimns, together �rith any amendments thereto, shell be maintained on file kith the City G'lerk, - 17 - . �. . . . - . ����� � ARTICLE XIII - CITY MILEAGE (CONTINUED) 1�.�+ The provisiors of th;s Article shall not apply to employees of Independent School District No. 625. - 18 - . � �_ .. r��� ARTICLE XIV - MILEAGE - INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625 14.1 �mployees of the Scttool District under policy edopted by the Board of Education ma�r be reimbursed for the use of their automobiles for :-chool business. To be eligible for such reimbursement, e�,:ployees must receive authorizatior. from the District Mileage Coa�ittee utilizing one of the following plans: PIAN "A" is reimbursed et the rate of I5¢ per mile. In addition, a maximum amount which can be paici per month is established by an estimate fLrnished by the employee and the empZoyee's supervisor. Another consideration for estsblishing the maximum amount can be the experience of another employee �prkin� in the same or similar position. Under this plan, it is necessary for the employee to keep s record of each trip mede. PIAN "C" provides fcr reimbursement based on a per month�lumg sum" emount. This amount is determined by the employee's d�•iving experience under Plar. "A" for a period of 3 to 6 months. Those employees receiving an auto a1loWance under this plen must report monthly the number of da,ys the car was avail- able during the month, A deduction must be made from the lump sum emount for each day the employee is on vecetion. A deduction need not be made for ar. occasional dey of illness or for holideys, - 19 - . . . �? . ; - � . ����'D�� i� �, - ARTICLE XY - INSURANCE 15.1 The EMPLOYER will continue for the period of this AGREEMENT to provide for employees such health and life insurance benefits as are provided by Et�'IAYER at the time of execution of this AGREEMENT. 15.2 The EMF'LOYER will for the period of this AGREEMENT provide for employees who retire after the ti.me of execution of this AGREE�'1VT and until such employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age such health insurance benefits as are provided by the F�lPLOYER for such employees and such life insurance benefits as provided in 15.5• 15.3 In order to be eligible for the benefits under the early retiree provision, the employee must: 15.31 Be receiving benefits from a public employee retirement act at the time of retirement. 15.?2 Have severed his relationship with the City of Saint Paul under one of the early retiree plans. 15.4 The CITY agrees to contribute the cost of Hospitalization and Medical Coverage or �29.46 per month, whichever amount is less, for each employee who is eZigible for such cov�erage. In addition, for each eligible employee ' who selects Dependent's Coverage, the CITY Kill contribute one-half (2) of the cost of such Dependent's Coverage or $33•79 Per month, whichever amount is less. These contributions shall be paid to the City's Group Health and Welfare Plan. Any increases in these costs shall be paid by the employee. 15.5 The CITY agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 of Life Insurance Coverage for each employee who is eligible for such coverage or $3.05 per month, whichever amount is less. This contribution shall be paid to the City's Group Health and �Telfare Plan. Any increase in this cost shall be paid by the employee. - 20 - . ; �. . �(��'�� . � ��-�� ARTICLE XV - INSURANCE (continued) 15.6 Zn addition to the $5,000 Life Insurance Coverage in 15.5, the CZTY agrees to contribute the cost of additional Life Insurance Coverage or $ .g7 per thousand dollars of coverage per month, whichever amount is less. The totsl amount of I,ife Insurance Coverage provided under this section and Section 15.5 for each employee shall be equal to the employee's annual salary to the nearest fhll thousand dollars. For the purpose of this section, the employee's annual salary shall be based on the salary as of the beginning of a contract period. This contribution shall be paid to the City's Group Health and Kelfare Plan. - 21 - . � � � � . . , `���'��� � • � ARTTCLE XVI - VACATION �r :v 16.1 In each calendar yesr, each fL-11-ti�ce er�yloyee shaZl be granted vacation according to the following �chedule: Years of Service Vacation Grantec3 Less than years 15 days After 8 years thru 15 years 20 days APter 15 years and thereafter 25 days E�n�>loyees who work Iess than full-time shall be �ranted vacation or. -� pro rata basis. 16.2 The; head of the department may permit an employee to carry over int� the fo:Llowing year up to ter. days ' vacation. 16.3 The head of the departmen+ may permit an employee to carry over into tr,e fo�.lowing year up to eighty hours. Any e�ployee who daes not work fu�.� tL.T:� shull be granted vacation on a pro rata basis. The time of vacatior: shali be fia:ed by the head of the department in which the employee is employed. If an employee has been granted more vacation than he has earned up to the time af his separation f�om the Ci�y service, the employee shall rei.nburse tne C��; for such unearned vacation. If an employee is separated from the �eTv_^e b�- reason oP resignation, he shall be granted such vacatior. pa3� as he ma;; ha:-e earned and not used up to the time of such separatian, provided that he ha; notified the department head ir� writin� at least fifteen calendar day� pricr to the date of his resignation. If an employee is separated from the seri�ice by reason of discharge, retirement or death, he shall be granted su^h �ra�stion pay as he may have earned and nct used up to the time of such separatic�. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to temporary or emergen^y employees. 16.4 If an employee has an accumulation of sick leave credits in excess cf one hundred and eighty days, he may convert any part of such excess to vacfition at the rate of one-half day's vacation for each day of sick leave credit. No employee may convert more than ten (10) days of sick leave in eaci-, calendar year under this pro��isior.. - 22 - �.� � � . � � ����� � ARTICLE XVII - HOLIDAYS � 17.1 Holidays recognized and observed. The following days shell be recognized and observed as paid holidays: Nerr Yeers Day Columbus Day Presidents' Day Veterens' Day Memorial �ay Thsnksgiving Dey Independence Day Christmas Day Labor Day One floating holiday Eli¢ible employees shall receive pay for each of the :zolidays listed above on �hich they perform no work. FThenever eny of the holidays listed ebove shall fell on Seturdey, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall faZl an 3undey, the succeeding M�onday shall be observed as the holiday. 17.2 The floeting holidey set forth in Section 1 above may be taken at any time during the contract yeer, subject to the approval of the Department Head of any employee. 17.3 Eligibility R�quirements. In order ta be eligible for a holiday� with pey, nn e�cployee's name must eppear on the payroll on any six working days of the nine �rorking days preceding the holidsy; or an employee's neme must appear on the payroll the last working day before the holiday and on three other working deys af the nine working days preceding the holiday. In neither case shall the holiday be counted as a working de;; for the purposes of this section. It is further understood that neither temporary, emergency nor other employees not heretofore eligible shell receive holidey pay. 17.4 The regular noza►al work dey hotirs preceding New Years Day, January 1, and Christmas Day, December 25, shall be the first four (4) hours of that normel `uork day. - ?3 - . � ' , , ' e �. ' ��~ '��.r{ • °✓� ARTICLE XVIII-SEVERANCE PAY 18.1 Employees shall be eligible for severance pay in accordance frith the Severance Pay Ordinance No. 11�+90. The emount of Severance Pay aZloWed shell be that amovnt permitted by State Statutes subje^t to the provision that the maximum amount allowed shell be $�t,000. - 2�+ - . . ' �` , . ����,! . �•':� nRTICI.E XIX— P,ESIDENCY 19.1 A11. nek employees appointed after January 1, �976, would be required to reside ir the City of Saint Paul within one year of their original appointment, and thereafter would be required to remain within the City limits a� long as they were employed b,y the City of Saint Paul. �9.2 This residen^y requirement shall apply to unclassified employees as well as classified �ployees. 19.3 kpplicants for positions in the City of Saint Paul will not be required to be residents of the City of Saint Paul. 19.4 F.mgloyees failing to meet the residency requirement will be subject to ter►�inatior, and a hearing process sha'.1 be establi�hed to determine �hether tre residency requirement was met. - 25 - . ' � , � . � � . _ ��'��� � ARTICIE XX DURATION AI�D EFFECTIVE DATE y� 20.1 Exce:pt as herein provided this AG� shall be effective as of the date it is executed by the parties and shall continue in flzll force an,d effect until December 31, Z976 , and thereafter until modified or� amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Either party desiring to amend, or modif� this AGREEMENT shall notify the other in writin� so as to comply with the provisions of the Public F�ployment Labo: Relations Act of 1971. 20.2 This constitutes a tentative AGR�IdT between the parties which will be recommaended by the City Negotiator, but is sub3ect to the approval of the Administration of the City, the City Council, the Iadependent Sc�iool District No. 625 and is also subject to ratification by the AS�OCIATION. WITNESSES: CITY OF SA21� PAUL PROFESSTONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION UNIT II, WHITE COLT�AR SUPERVISORS B . � BY: (C' ty Negotiator ✓ Busi ss Manager �: BY. BY: BY: Civil Service Commission BY: BY: Mayor BY: City Attorney BY: Indpendent School Dist. 25 School Board Negotiator BY: Deputy Superintendent - ?E� - ' f ' :� ' � ' APPENDIX A - TZTLES AND SAI�RIES ������y (NEW RATES PEI�IDING� �' / That the applicable ranges in Section I - D "Schedule of Standard Rangesr' of the Ordinance referred to in 3b of the Memorandum of Agreement dated February 5, lgj6 as Exhibit C be increased by 3� and to becwne effective on or before July 3, 1976. - � - . } . � - ����� - 2 - � �� 1 _ ; , ; " B The salaries payable for positions in classes in the above I Occupational Groups established in Section 6 of the Civil Service � Rules which have not been certified to a certified Bargaining Unit, shall be the same as the salaries for positions in classes which are in the same Occupational Group and grade and which j have been certified to a Bargaining Unit. ' ;j C Except as indicated below, the Standard Range applicable to ! each of the classes in the PROFESSIONAL_ADMINISTRATIVE Occupational Group established in Section 6 of the Civil Service Rules shall be the Standard Range in Section I D, having the same number as the grade in which the class appears. The salaries payable shall be the rates set forth in the Standard Range. , The compensation for employees holding the title of Sanitarian I or Sa.nitarian II prior to January 1, 1976, shall continue to be based on fize rates set forth in the Agreements between the City of Saint Paul and the certified exclusive representatives. The compensation for employees appointed to positions in tlie classes of Sanitarian I or Sanitarian II subsequent to January 1, 1976, shall be in accordance with the above paragraph. D The compensation for employees holding the title of Assistant Fire Chief shall be established in accordance with the ordinances approving the terms and conditions of employment between the . ', City of St. Paul and employees holding the title of Assistant Fire Chief. ' . � � ` � r /�"�� /j �WH�•`E �`- U.T♦ CLE�.r �' ��/I�I � � , :• - F�NA•�CE • C�i.,//�RY �OEP�A7MENT � , eLj� _MAVOR • G I T Y O F �A I I�'T I�A LT I. Council � � File N0. Ordin�nce Ordinance 1��. Pre�;ented f3y cT , �=�� �.� Referred To '-� Committee: Date Oat of Committee By ; Date � - , � An ordinance amending Ordina,rice No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employments", ' �approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THI� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT pAUL DOES � ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, ' as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the ' present Ordinarice 6446, ia its entirety, and substituti.ng in lieu thereof the , following; � "SECTION I SALARIES PAYABLE__ A The salaries payable for positions in classes in the following Occupa- tional Groups established fn Section 6 of the Civi1 Service Rules and which have been certified to a certified Bargaining Unit, shall be the rates set forth in Agreements between the City of Saint Paul and the certified exclusive representatives, and between Independent Sc;iool District No. 625 and the certified exclusive representatives: i ATTENDANCE AND INSPECTIONAL C LERIC.AL FIR E POLICE MANUAL AND MAINTENANCE SUBPROFESSIONAL ------- ' 1 - COUNCILIIE(V Yeas ,ya�.s Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza In Fa��or Levine �— _ Roedler Sylvester --_ Against By �___ Tedesco �_`_ __ President Hunt Adopted b�• Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney :ertified P�ssed b�• Council Secretar}• B i Y IIy --— — ,pproved b�� 11a�•or. Date Appro�•ed by� S+►ayo� {o� Submission to Couaci? f B}• i{ B5' - _ . - . A , - 3 _ ���,�,� � t��-,� u ' ° .,.� � a a W � � g000go $ 0000 0000 a, . . ou,�. u, �r,ou��.$ ou,ou,�.°$ o° gg $ $ ° $ � oo � � ��l�--7 p�-i O a�CO t�QO a0 O N �pO�M O� M • • . . v: � O tr� tr� � � �tt�t�nt�[��D�����tititi�GOaMOa�O� ����000� ,-��� N� y�, � � � � � � ,-��1_ � St�u�1t����� 000 0O � . �, t. . . �.800 �,8gg �,008o °OOSS�S °gg ° � • • • • . . . . . . � � N M��� pN O Q�Ca O� Q�.-1 M�D O�.� • � O� �tr�u�u1��D�����tititi��a^�Oa�O� �0�1��0 O O N �� N � � � � � � � 3 , '�'� v � g �Ot� 00000p OOSOO �OO �S �t�00t�p � ' p � u�u�u�u�u�u�O O O tr� p o i p • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • r• • • f• � � Q � ,C +' O N M�t�`p� N N M����-�1���0 p�� O� r,.� M�O O� . +� v� �u�tf�u1 tr�u���p�O�p�O�O [`[�!�-t�00 aM0 a�p� �� N i�a�00 N�� : ,C ����O O O �-i r-i .-r }.� ri r-1 ri r-1 r� rl : �r O ' `' w °8S °8S8oSS8So °°°8 °g °g °g °°8 °8 °,� . . . . . . . . . � � � � �� N.��i u�1 N�O�N��t�p ctO!�u1�p C� r-1-�00 N a0 M ri 00�O�pO�p ti Q� `N v� r�`�� � �� u�ultnu�tr�u��D��O�O�OtititititiW������0 O O O� $ � � '"'� r-( ri ri ri � � p ~ a w ���pOQt���� g � pp p opo p ppC • • . . . �: . . � � �;OOSSSSOSu�pt710QOta000 ` � � t�� tr� r� V � � � �t'� �t1t1�t1\u�1t�������tiN��oNNt�ti�Mqq�j �.�` � �.�i . 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F ADVANCII�NT IN 51��LARY-- � 1 E�ccept as provided in Section 8 A of the Civil Service Rules, ar.d except as hereinafter provided, increases in salary above Step k in the Graded Division and in the Exempt Service may be granted tc regular and provisional employees as follows: (a) For each 104a hours an e�ployee has appeared on the payroll i in one position, he may be granted an increase in salary of ; one salary step up to and including Step C. (b) For each 2080 hours an e.mployee has appeared on the payroll � in one position after he has attained Step C he msy be �ra:�te� an increase in salary af one step up to and including Step E, or in the case of an employee in a position in a class in the Professional-Administrative Occupational Group, Step �; excep�, however, if said e�p2oyee has received a five-year incresse he may be granted an increase in salary of one step up to and includ.ing Step F, or in the case oP an employee in a lositi^^ in a class in the Professional-Administrative Occupational Gru:::, Step G; and if he has receiv�ed a ten-year increase he �ay be granted the ten-year step, and if he has received a «fteen- year increase he nay be granted the fifteen-year step. (c) When an ea�loyee completes five years of full-time serv�ce 't:e may be granted an increase of one additional salary step; provided, however, that his salary shall not exceed Step F, or in the case of an e�ployee in a position in a class 1T. t:e Professional-Admini;strative Occupational Group, Step G. (d) When an employee coapletes ten years of flill-time s�rvice r�F may be granted an increase of one additionaZ salarS� step; pre:�dei, however, that his sa2ary shell not exceed the ten-year ste�. (e) When an employee c�.pletes fifteen years of f�ll-ti.�e :erv?ce :_� �ay be granted an increase of or.e additional sa?ar� step. � (f) 4Jhen an employee in a position in a class represented by thc Clerical or Technical Bargaining Unit co�pletes twenty yea r� o� flxll-time service he �ay be granted an increase of one ad.diticr.a= salary step. (g) When an employee in a gosition in a class represented by thc Clerical or Technical Bargaining Unit cempletes twenty-:ive ye��s of flil.l time service he may be granted aa increase of one sddit_or_a� salary step. S . ' � ' , r � ; . . • • _ 6 _ ��� � � � � : - 3ection I (continued) " i i � " G COURT DUTY-- qn � or witness sha11 be paidehis�resularuired to appear in court as a juror however, that any fees that thegemployee maylreceive fromntheecourt�fored such service shall be paid to the City and be deposited with the Director of Finence and Management Services. Any employee who is scheduled to work e shift, otlier than the ttom�al daytime shift, shall be rescheduled to WorK the normal daytime shift during such time as he is required to appear in court as a juror or witness. � ; I H VACATION-- In each calendar year, each re ' except those ia the Fire service, shail be ar or provisional employee, � of eighty hours 8ranted vacstion at the rate � such Per year. After five years of f1i12-time service eech empioyee shall be granted vacation et the rate of one hundred t�renty � • hours per year. After fifteen years of fh11_time service each such employee shall be granted vacation at the rate of one hundred sixty-eight � hours per year. After twent five � shall be granted vacation at the rateaof o e hundr desevent�eslzehoursloy=e ! year. � Pe In the Fire service, in each calendar empZoyee shall be Year, each regular or provisional �� granted vacation at the rate of two times the number of � hours designated by the Council to be the work week for the Fire service. After five years oP flill-ti.me service, each such vecation at the rate of three ti.mes the number ofehursedesia� �e grante3 Council to be the work week for the Fire service. After fifteen�d by t:.e full-time service each such employee shall be Years of oP four and one-Pifth (4 1/5) times the nua.ber8ofhoursadeszon at the rate Council to be the work week for the Fire service €�ated by the of f1i11_time service each such employee shall be� �er twenty-five years rate of four and two-fiPths (4 2 ���ed yacatio7 at �he the Council to be the work Week for the�Fireeservice�of hours desig.ated b� The head of the department m8y permit an employee to car ` following year up to eighty hours, or in the FS.re serviceythe number ofehou.�s worked for two weeks. Any employee who does not �rork flill tiae shall be granted vacation on a pro rata basis. by the heed of the depsrtment in which the e�e of vacation shall be �ixe3 ! emplayee has been granted more vacation thanmhe�has earned upeto the time of his separation from the City service, the employee shall reimburse the City for such unearned vacation. If an employee is separated from the service by reason of resignation, he shall be granted such vacatier� a as he may have earned and not used up to the time of such separation rovid • . that he has notified the department head in writing at least fif�eep ea calendar days prior to the date of his resignation. If an employee �s seperated from the service by reason of discharge, retire�ent or death, he shall be granted such vacation pay as he may have earned and not used up to the time of such separation. The provisions of this Subsection G of Sectiott I shall not apply to temporary or emerg�ncy employees nor to any� eacployee whose position is in the Special F�ployment section of the Ungraded Division (6eetion 7 of Ordinance No. 3250), and who is paid by the ho-ar c: by the performance. � . ' • - - 7 _ , • • Section I � � ° continued ,.- E���y� �� I HOLIDAYS-- ���� �� 1 The fcllowing days are declared to be holidays; New Year's Day WBShingtan`S end Lincoln's Birthda January 1 Memarial Day Y The t!iird Monday in February Independence Day The last Monday in May Labor Day July 4 Ghristopher Columbus Day T�e �irst I�nday in Sep�e�t�r Veterens Day The second Monday in Octob�r ���gi�� �y No�Tember 11 Christmas Day The fourth Thursday in I1oye:�er Floating �oliday December 25 To be gr$nted at any time daring . the year with the approval c° the department head. provided, �hen New iear's Day, Ja��� 1� or Independence Ds or Veterans' Day, Rovember 11; or Christmas Da y' 3�1''� 1:; S��y, the following day shall be a holfda and�c�ber 25; fa11� on N�+ Year's Day, Janua 1• Y� , provided, �;hE� �Y, Aovember 11; or ChristmasI aypeDecember 25;J alls�onrSatur^av,s the preceding day shall be a holiday. � lo " ' time off with pay as the Council by resolution �e�ay be granted suc:: to time, and such provision shall a Y Provide frc�- t;-.�. unless excluded b;, the � pPlY �iformly to all emploype� provision„ of Division 5 below. 2 Every regular or provisional e..-^ployee shaL1 be r holiday off �rith pay; provided, hoWever, that eli�bilitycforu��e fZoating holiday shall be as follows: Fbr those regular or provisional employees who �ork at le.ss;, 3� hours but less than 1040 hours in the calendar year, t;;Ey S�u be 8ranted one-half of the total n�ber of floating holidays applicable. Fbr those regular or provisional employees kho work at least 1040 hours ia the claendar year, they shell be total number of floating holidays applicable. grattted the 3 If an employee entitled to a holiday is required � and Lincoln's Birthday, Ct�ristopher Coluabus da y� work on Wa�r�6��.n�� shall be �ranted another day off with a y� or Ve„erans JaJ, �E thereafter as the convenience of the d p menteu thereof as socr. be paid on a straight time basis for such hours wo keds' or he s'r,a�? to his regular holiday pay. If an employee entitled to a holi�aSef� is required to work on New year's Day, I�orial Da DaY, Labor Dey, ��Sgiving �ay or �,istmas Day,yhelshall ber+�e recampensed for �ork done on this day hy bein + time on a time and one-half basis or b � granted coapensa„�r�; one-half basis for such hours worked y be�8 paid on a ti.tne �nd holiday pay. , in addition to his regular . . • " n - n, . . Section I � �' b , �, � � continued ��� : � � - ►� I �+ In order to be eligibie for a holida �+ith � must appear on the a y y PgY� an emp�-oyee's na�e � p yroll on an sfx Worr.ing days of the nir.e workin dgy preceding the holid�y; or an employee's na�:e must a $ payrol2 the last working day before the holiday and on three othere working days of the nine xorking days preceding the holiday. Zn neither case sha11 the holiday be covnted as a working day. 5 The �provisions of this subsection G of Section = shall not apply to any employee whose position is ,in t h e Spec ie l Flnployment section of the Ungraded Division (Section 7 of Ordinence No. 325p)� a.*�� who is paid by the hour or by the performance. i � : , � . . . � . • ? . � , . " Section II COI�'ENSATION FipR UfiGRAI)r.0 CLASSES �����/ � A The compensation for positions in classes in Section Rules under the headings Skillcd I,abor, Se�!i-Skilled Labortand Un Y_ill d��e Labor shall be as set forth in Agreea:ents between the City of Sain� Fa�1 and the certified exciusive representative and between the Indepe:,de:.;, School District No. 625 and the exclusive representatives. B The caanpensation for the following positions in classes in &ection 7 of the Civil Service Ru1es under the heading SpeciaZ �pZoyments sha11 be as follows: � SPECIAL EMFI,pYMENTS Beach-pool Manager t , Box Office Attendant � 3•50 an hour ! Clubhouse Man 3•� an hour (�in. li �.c•,;�r �Q 11-ir:} 6.00 per singZe ga�e even�-- Dentist 8•00 ger doub?ehe�der Doorman 45.00 per clinic sessicr ; _ 8•00 a perPormance ' Gateman � 3•5� per single gaaye even�-- � Golf Ranger �+•5� per doubleheader ' '�Grips 24.00 aR hour performance Groundcrewman 1.(5 per hour or 4.00 per single gawe e�er.�-- 6•OG per doubleheader Grouttdskeeper 2.00 per hatzr or 10.00 per sirgie ga�e evc::�-- 15.00 per doubleheader �fiead FZyman Bead �ateman 2'7•DO a performance 5.00 per single ga�e ever.�-- � Head Ticket Seller--Stadiinn 8•� per �QUbZeheader 8•� per single ga�e even�-- 10.00 per doubleheeder Head Usher--Stadium 5.00 ger single ga�e E,_-,-- ?•�0 per doubleheader Helper (Alarm and Lighting) FIouse Custodian I 3.85 an hour Hou.se Custodian III 3•25 an hour *Lamp Operator �•96 an hour Life Guard 27•�0 a Performance 3•25 an hour I,�fe Guard (Iadoor Pool) Locker Room Attendant 3•25 an hour M�tron--Stadium 2•20 an hour �+.00 per single �?�e eve��-- 5.00 per doub1ehead�- Medicel Examiner (Clinics only} 5�.00 per clinic se�sio: . , . . � �, : , � - �o - n��5�?� � �� �w� Section II (continued) � " Neighborhood Aide I 1.50 an hour � � Neighborhood Aide II 1.65 an hour r:eighborhood Aide III 3.00 an hour � Park Aide I 2.25 an hour Park Aide II 3.00 an nour ; Parking Lot Attendant I 2.25 an hour Parking I,ot Guard (Schools) 6.00 en hour ' *Propertyman 27.00 a perfo�ance Public Address Announcer 6.00 per single gaa�e ever.t-- i 8.00 per doubleheader Becreation Aide 2.25 an hour Recreation Leader I 3.00 an hour � Refectory Attendant 3.00 an hour ' Befectory Helper 2.25 an hour , Refectory Manager 3.75 an hour Scoreboard Operator 6.00 per single ga:ne ever,t-- ' 8.00 per doubleheader Ski Instructor I � lst year of employment 3.00 an hour �' 2ad year of employ�ent 3.75 an hour 3rd year of employment an3 thereaf`ter 4.50 an hour Ski Instructor II lst year of employment 5.00 an hour 2nd year of employment and thereaY'ter 6.00 an haur !. Ski Instructor III 7.00 an hour Ski Instructor Trainee 2.75 an hour �Stage Carpenter 2�+7.00 per week or ' 27.00 a perfo�ar:ce ! �Stege Electrician 2k7.00 per week or 27.00 a performance , Student Library Aide ' lst year of employment 2.00 an hour �d y�ear of employment 2.25 an r.our 3rd year of employment 2.50 an hour 4th year of employaent and thereafter 2.75 an hour �..;�i ng Supervisor 3.75 an h�ur Ticket Seller 12.50 for four hours or less Ticket Seller--Stadium 5.00 per single �a�e even�-- 6.00 per doubleheader Usher--Stadium 3.00 per single game eve�t-- 4.00 per doubleheader Water Safety Instructor 3.25 ea hour Youth Program Director 4.65 an hour , . . . - 11 - ., � . � ������ Section II (continued) � �Special occasions of six or seven days shall be paid a weekly scale. Broken time, fractions of a �reek, or service of less than six days, sha71 be co�puted on a basis of a six-day w�eek. �Iiourly� services rendered between 8:00 e.m. and 12;00 midnight shall be compensated at the rate of $5.25 per hour, and hourly services rendered between 12:00 midnight and 8:00 a.m. shall be co�ensated at the rate of $10.�0 ger hour. �When an employee is called to work and is paid the hourly rate, he sha L be guaranteed three hours' pay. When fc�ur department heads, i.e, the Head Flyman, the Propertyman, the Stage • Carpen#�er, and the Stage Electrician, are represented on the same gerfor�U:�ce, hourly services for these four employees rendered between 8:00 a.m. and 12;G� midnigY:�t shall be compensated at the rate of �5.50 per hour;� and hourly services rendered between 12:00 midnight end $:00 e.m. shal7. be compensated at thQ rate of $11.00 per hour. C The compensation for the following classes in Section 7 of the Personnel Rc:�es under the heading "Special �ployments" shall be as set forth in Agreements between the Independent School District No. 625 and the exclusive represer.tat=ve and between the City of Saint Paul and the certified exclusive representative�. Baker I Cook I Food Service Aide Substitute Library Technician �� �- � _: • . - � 2 _ � ,���,��� � a� . - " Section �! i III SPECIAL ALIqWqhr�S-- r � In addition to the co:apensation payable to employees employed in certain ` i positions in the Classified Service in accordance with this ordinance, there may be pctid the following additional ailo�rances: A District Fire Chiefs assigned to duty in Fire District No. 1 may I be paid the sume of $46.00 bi-weekly in additfon to the eumount allowed under the other provisions of this ordinance. B To uniforned employees of the Fire Prevention Bureau an allowance not to exceed $4.60 bi-week�y as payment for the purchase and �nain- tenance of required uniforms. C To Glaziers essigned to duties twenty feet or more above the grovnd i on a swing stage, bosun�s chair, or a temporary push_out gZatforc, ; $ •1+0 per hour. D To any employee who works on a re I earlier than 6 a.m. or endir_g ].8ter�t}�an 6ssigned shift, beginaing least five hours of the shift are vor:ced betwm�:� the haurstoft68t and 6 e.m., there sha11 be paid a n F'�' ' s�ift. �t differential for the entf re To any employees who work on a regular earlier tr.an 6:00 a.m. or ending laterlthans(ppd shift, beginning n p.m., but less than five hours oP the shift are worked between the hours of 6;00 p.m. s�d 6 e.m., there shall be paid e nfght differential for the ho•s.rs �;or�e3 betweett the hours oP 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 e.m. The night differentis7, sha12 be 5� oP the base rate, and shall be gaid only for those night shifts actuslly worked; provided, however, tha;, the provisions of this subsection sha11 not apply to employees holding titZes in the Police and Fire Groups in Section 6 of Ordinance lYo. ?250 (except as indicated be2ow), or to emergency or temporary employees in the Auditorium, or to employees holding titles listed fn Sectior. II of this ordinance under th� heading "Sgecial bnployrments", except those employees holding the titles of Baker I, Cook I, or Food Service Aide in the Board of Education. �E To employees when they are required to work in tws.nels at a depth c: tl'iirty feet or more, $2.00 a dsy. . F To Groundsmen in the Department o„ Co�un„ty Service when assi�ed to, ar.d responsible for, feeding the chipper in connection with tr.e tree ' trfaming operation, the sum of $ .25 per hour. G To Dog Wardens and to Pound:assters, an a1lo�nce ttot to exceed �4.E.� bi-week�jr as payment for the keeping in coadition of uniPorms. H To employees holding the title of Public Works I,aborer when they a:e required to work in a sewer tunnel or sewer trench, the differen�e bet�►een their pay arid that of SeFrer Maintenance Laborer. . - • . ���"S•�H 4 . - 13 - �..; ,_,� � : ' ' i � � Section III (continued) � 4 " I To Carpenters assigned to swing stage work, $ .15 per hour. ' J To Brickleyrers assigned to swing stage work, � .30 per hour. K To Cement Finishers nssigned to trap rock, granite co�position, or epoxy materials, � .25 an hour. � � 4 � To employees eaployed at the Como Garage in the Department of ' Co�unity Services under the title o: "Watckzman I", a sum no� to exceed 15¢ an hour as payment for performing necessary additicnal duties not required of other employees employed under this title. ' l�i To any flxll-time employee who, in order to improve his work perform- ! ance, takes courses xhich have a direct relationship to his work, ; upon submission of evidence of successfl�l co�pletion of such courses, • e refl�nd in the amount of the tuition. An enployee dcsiring to ta�e advantage oP this training program must have the course work approved, previous to enrollment, by his department head and the Chief k�ca�iner. ' Factors upon which an employee's eligibility depen�s includes the gast � ' work recorii of the employee; his service ratings; length of service: the relevsncy of the course work to the employee's position; the status of the educational institution and availability of fluids. If the employee leaves the city service within one year after camgletion af a course taken under this rule, he must refLnd the amount spent by the city. �:ition payments shall be li.mited to $150.Q0 arr.ually for any one employee. N To uuiformed employ�ees of the Zoo and Conservatory, sn allowance no� to exceed $2.30 bi-xeekly as payment for additional uniforms. 0 To Truck Drivers assigned to operating and maintaining the old distri- bution mechanisms on an oiler truck, $ .25 per hour. Section IV A If at the time of the death of any employee, the City is indebtea tc such e�ployee for �rork, labor or services performed or for accu��al�ted credits for vacation or overtime, and no executor or ad:ninistrator e: his or her estate has been appointed, the City shall, ugon the reqaest of the surviving spause, pay stich indebtedness in an a.mcvnt as m�y be due, not exceeding the sum of One Thousand Dollars (�1,000.4G), �o the survivi.ng spouse. The City sha21 require the claimant to �i�•e �roc° of his or her relationship to decedent, by affidavit, ar.d req��.�re a r;::t- ten receipt for such paynent �ade. Action taken under and F,z.rsuar.� tc this amendraent shall be by resolution of the Council. � .: , : - i-� - � I . ,� , � '� ' � Section ' � r �� V D�T FOSITIOI�-- The salary rates applicable to each position in each of the classes listed below shall be the same as the salary � � rates applicable to the positions in the same numbered grades in the same Occupational Groups in Section 6 of the Civil Service Rules. j t � Clerical Group � � GRADE i0 � Clerk-Typist I--Youth Service Bi:resu ' ; i � GRADE 13 . ' � Clerk II--Youth Service Bureau GRADE 22 � Law Clerk : ; : GRADE 26 Secretary to the City Administrator Secretary to the Mayor GRADE 40 I,egislative Aide i GRADE 45 City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration � . ' ; i ; 1 i � ` . ' � - i � - � . � � - + Section V (continued) ` � ������ � �� Professional-Administrative Group GRADE 10 Attorney I Consumer Investigator IIi GRADE 12 Administrative Aide to the Mayor GRADE 13 Administrative Aide I Attorney II GRADE 15 Assistent Director of Human Rights GRADE 17 Director of Consumer Affairs GRADE 18 ' Research Aide Gt�E �9 Administrative Aide II Attorney III gnergency Preparedness Director GRADE 20 Manpower Director Occupational Safety Coordinator GRADE 21 Attorney IV `� � ' � Sectior. V (continued) � ' - � " Profesefonal-Administrative Grou �y � � � _ � ���'�� continued •�/ �I i� t t GRADE 23 - ; Coaenunications and Programs Director ' Director of Human Rights GRADE 25 _ Administretive Aide III - GRADE 28 � � � Attorney Y GRAnE 29 _ Cor�mw�ity Development Coordinator Labor Relations Director � }' , GRADE 31 - Attorney VI ' GRADE 33 - • Budget Director � GxA�E 35 � Deputy City Attorney , GRADE 37 _ . ; Chief of Police � Birector, Department of Coa�nity Services Director, Department of Finance and N':anageWsr.t Ser�ice� i Director, Department of Fablic Wcr�s � F�.re Chi,e f . Planning Coordinator GRADE 39 � City Attorney Health Officer GRADE l�1 ( � City A3minis±rritor { .- a . � � . - , � - ��. ' : . ' ' S�ction V (continued) ; , , _. � , " Suhprofessional Group � ��5��� ' GRADE 24 Clinic Coordinator--Youth Service Bureau Cons�er Assistant Progran Coordinator--Youth Service Buresu GRADE 26 F�aployment Specialist--Youth Service Bureau Youth Services Counselor GRF.��, 2$ Consumer Investigator I GRADE 30 Research Analyst--Youth Service Bureau GRADE 34 Consumer Investigator II Legal Assistant I Youth Center Supervisor GRtwE 38 Legal Assistant II GRADF 41 Coordinator--Youth Service Bureau . . , � . . •y . . ` �iv►i!TE� - ��Tr•CLer+r. PINK � FINANCE . Councit �� CANARY—OEPAitTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL �-�--�.�� � .ewE _Mt�ow File N�. . _ • � �F�,��� � ; � Ordinance Ordinance N0. Presented By :�� Referred To Committee: Date � �� Out of Committee By Date �+� _ �I _ �.�_ Section 2. This ordi.nance shall take effect and be in force on ' � the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days a.�r its passage, approval, and publication. , ��i • �� � � '' �� I; �i i; ; � � i ' � �i , i; ;; r. , . � ; � r -) j r .1 � I ! ! __ ( COUNCIL1fEN ; ' Yeas �d�y Requested by Department of: � Christensen PERSONNEL OFFICE �i Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler A ainst By Thomas D� Gleason, Dir. of Personnel ' Sylvester g ; � Tedesco ' � President Hunt ��� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b}• Council: Date l + , i Certified Passed b�• Council Secretary By � i By ! ; r. j Approved by 111apor: Date Rpp�oved by Mayor for Submission ta Council f , , : � ! : I Rv Rv .a. � ' . I� �f}./�/T � �f.�MAPF- LEF1nT.iE•1♦ �i i Tl, �� J' . 1!1 l •\ �• /'�T.� j• l.0UflC1� .� ll.UE —ei�rOp �11@ N�. � � � ' � � Ordin�nce Ordinance NO. 'vJ� / I _ ' Presented E�y_ _._ '"`�� �� .w Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250� entitled: , "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service C:ommission and the Personnel Office of the City of Saint Paul <<pproving and adopting rules and regulations necessary to the �:dministration of the City personnel system on a merit basis, " approved August 20, 1914� as amended. TH�: COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out where at appears in Section 6 under the head.ing, "Attendance and Inspectienal Group"� the following title in the grade indicated: Assistant to the Director (Schaal Cafeterias) Grade 3U Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further a::zended by striking out �vhere they appear in Section 6 under the heading� "Clerical Group", the follawing titles i.n the grades inciicated: . Supervisor of Customer'Services--�'Vater Dept. Grade 32 Chief Cashier--Finances 3� Supervisor of Water Revenue 36 Supervisor of Elections 38 Recorder of Covncil Proceedings 41 Assistant Purchasing Agent =7 - 1 - � COUhC1L11EN ` Yea� �;,}•S Requested by Department o!: Christensen PERSONNEL OFFICE F(ozza In Fat•or l.e��ine � Roedter Against By Thomas D. Gleason, Dir. of Pe-s�_�r.:lel . S}•1�•ester Tedesco � Preside�t Hunt Form App�oved by City Attorney Adopted b�• Council: Date Certified Passed M� Council Secretary BY --- g�, Approved by A1apo:. Date I Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci! BS� — II aY ------- --- . , . . ' '. ; . ��� . : � _ 2 _ . � ��►� � Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same � is hereby further amended by striking out where they appear in Section 6 , under the heading, "Manual and Maintenance Group", the foilowing titles � in the grades indicated: Assistant Superintendent of Municipal Garage Grade 40 . Fireman-Mechanic General Foreman 43 Municipal Garage Supe rvi sor 44 Operations Director--Civic Center 45 Supervisor of Inspectors 49 Supervisor of School Maintenance 49 Section 4. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out where they appear in Section 6 under the heading, "Subprofessional Group", the following titles in the grades ind.icated: Assistant Director of School Cafeterias Grade 38 Supervisor of Assessments 38 Public Works Techriician IV 42 Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction 42 Electronic Data Processing Supervisor 45 License Inspector 45 Director of School Cafeterias 50 Section 5. That said orc�nance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section b that portion of ' Section 6 headed, "Professional Group;� in its entirety, and by inserting `, in lieu thereof the following new "Professional-Administrative Grouprr listing of titles in the grades indicated: � i GRADE 3 � Assistant to the Director (School Cafeterias) Library Technician I (Display) Library Technician I (Fine Arts) � Library Technician I (General) � � � . •- w _ 3 _ �-�'�' � ��� � GRADE 5 � Arborist I City Planner I : - Dietician � Information Specialist � Librarian I � Manpower Planner I Project Social Worker I Recreation Director I Sanitarian I Supervisor of Customer Services--Water Department ' i GRADE 7 i Accountant I Budget Analyst I Graphic Artist I Health Educator I � Health Statistician I Industrial Hygienist I � Library Technician II (Displayj Library Technician II (Fine Arts) Library Technician II (General) Personnel Assistant I Project Assistant I Public Health Nurse I Research Analyst I Systems Analyst I . GRADE q Arborist II Bacteriologist-Chemist I Chemist I City Planne r II Criminalist I Librarian II Ivianpawer Pianner II Project Social Worker II ! Public Health Nurse II � Public Health Nutritionist Sanitarian II Supervisor of �1later Revenue �'Vater Chemist I . . ' '. , � . , . • ; . _ - _ 4 - �� � ��?,�� I � GRADE 10 � �� City Planning Research Analyst II - Graphic Artist II i Health Educator II Health Statistician II � '��'� Human Resources Planner II '. Industrial Hygienist II � Project Assistant II � Research Analyst II � I � GR AD E 11 � � ; Accountant II � Architect I Assistant Director of School Cafeterias I Budget Analyst II ! Civil Engineer I Civil Engineer I_.Water Department Electrical Engineer I Landscape Architect I � Mechanical Engineer I Personnel Assistant II • Project Director-..Recreation Recreation Director II Structural Engineer I Supervisor of Assessments Supervisor of Elections Systems Analy�,t II Tra,ffic Engineer I � GRADE 13 Arborist III Bacteriologist-Chemist II Chemist II � City Planner III i Librarian III � ' Manpower Planner III ` Public Health Nurse III Sanitarian III '. Water Chemist II � _ ; i 1 � i i � _ _ � _ � . • � ._ � � �� � � GRADE 14 ��Y�� � �pJ Administrative Assistant--City Planning � Administrative Assistant--Public Works Department Assistant Chief Surveyor ' , Budget Analyst IiI Chief Cashier--Finance ' Community Relations Specialist--Huma.n Rights Departme^` Health Educator ILI Health S�atistician III Human Resources Development Specialist Human Rights Analyst-Researcher Personnel Assistant III Pharmacist Public Works Technician IV ' ' Recorder of Council Proceedings Research Analyst III Supervisor of Sidewallc Construction Systems Analyst III GRADE 15 Accountant III Architect II ry Architectural Designer Assistant Grants-in-Aid Coordinator Civil Engineer II Civil Engineer II-_�Yater Department Crimi.nalist II Director of the Zoo Electrical Engineer II Fireman Mechanic--General Foreman Landscape Architect iI Mechanical Engineer II Procurement Coordinator Structural Engineer II Traffic Engineer II GRADE 17 Bacteriologist-Chemist III Librarian IV (Children and Youth) Librarian IV (Circulationj Librarian IV (E�ension) Librarian IV (Fine Arts and Audio-Visual) Librarian IV (Reference) Librarian IV (Science and Zndustry) Librarian IV (Technical Services) Municipal Garage Supervisor Operations Director-_Civic Center Recreation Director III �Yater Chemist III , , . - 6 - ����'�� � . ., _ � ' . �, � . V.. GRADE 18 �I i License Inspector Supervisor of Public Health Nursing � GRADE 19 Assista.nt Purchasing Agent Data Base Coordinator GRADE 20 � Accounta.nt IV . Arborist IV Ar chite ct III Budget Analyst IV Chief Public Buildings Technician Chief Surveyor ' City Planner IV i Civil Engineer III I Civil Engineer III--Water Department ; Director of Administration (Health) � Electrical Engineer III Electronic Data Processing Supervisor Landscape Architect III rdechanical Engineer III Medical Examiner (Aurist) Medical Examiner (General) Medical Examiner (Oculist� Meclical Examiner (Orthopedist) . Medical Exaxniner (Pediatrist) Medical Exami$er (Psychiatrist) Medical Examiner (Roentgenologistj Personnel Assistant IV Research Analyst IV Structural Engineer III Supervisor of Housing Inspection Traffic Engineer III_ GRADE 21 Assistant Superintendent of Parks ' Planning Supervisor Supervisor of Inspectors Supervisor of School I�.Zaintenance GRADE 22 � Accountant V � Legislative and Research Assistant to the Council , i , ' i . . y . - � _ 7 _ ���P.-� j . ��_��' � � - � . ; GRADE 23 ' Chief of Central Library Chief of Extension Services Director of School Cafeterias , Principai Planner GRADE 24 Project Director (Health Services) ' Project Director (Model Cities Health Program) GRADE 25 i � Assistant Chief Accountant Civil Engineer IV ' Civil Engineer IV--Water Department Office Engineer Purchasing Agent ' GRADE 26 Assistant Director of Personnel Deputy Health Officer Director of Environmental Hygiene � Senior Principal Planner GRADE 28 Assistant Valuation and Assessment Engineer Bridge Engineer ' Public Works Construction Engineer ! Public Works Design Engineer Public Works Maintenance Services Engineer Public Works Sewer Engineer Superintendent of Lighting and Electrical Engineer Superintendent of Water Distribution Superintendent of Water Supply Water Production Engineer GRADE 29 Manager of Administrative Services GRADE 30 � Chief of Public Systems Planning and Development ' ,•' " f f . • . " - � _ . � � � ��,�,.�� i t_. � • :fl � GRADE 31 � � t Assistant City Engineer--Design j , �As sistant Cify Engineer--Operations 4 Assistant General Manager--Water Department � City Architect ! Superintendent of Parks and Recreation ; � i ! � GRADE 33 z � Chief Accountant � . Director of Libraries � Valuation and Assessment Engineer � � GRADE 34 Chief Examiner and Director of Personnel ; Director of Medical Services Director of Medical Servtces--Model Cities GRADE 35 Assistant Director and City Engineer General Manager--Water Department � f � l i i.1Tf. - '� Ct.C�•r •�,��. _ ;;,,..,�� (i i TY O�' �A I \'T ��A U I. Council �PNI�Pr -g+Ec�aTUENT i LUE -v��OA F�IC �0. � •� • � 0rdinance Ordinance N0. F�=�.��"�_ � u �. � PrE�sented By ; � Referred To Committee: Date � ; Out of Committee By Date . — i i � - 9 - � i i Section 6. This ordi.nance shall take effect and be in force on ; the first day of the first payroll period following thirLy da.ye after its � passa�;e. approval, and publication. j . �. Approved: � f Chairman Civil Service Commission • COUNCILIIEN Requested by Department af: Yeas Nay�s Christensen Hozza In Favor — Le�•ine Roedter Against BY — - Sylvester — -- Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney� Adopted by Councit: Date Certified Passed b�� Council Secretary gY _ _ By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By I B5' ----_ _----- ----- _ . . r� ,�,� «.,�.�,..�. . , . . , . .- . _ - - � , . � # '�, . . � ... ����� � r� , , j.Dd r�o� d��r��r ���r�randum �Fbr'rl the C}M Q�: t���I 9?� � . > , " , �di=�a��e s6 that t�is i�fipr-t�atian wili be s��r � � , `�..:. I�A�,+l���C��T��U�����'�'1tAT�VE IJRDER4, �'".rUs��! ' R�S4��T�'XQNS ANIJ QRD�N,AN+GES: �tm: � �0, 19►�6 _ `�'��,1s 'x'�4i1�S J, K��..�..�Y, �I'�'Y ,A��3h�I'+f�STR;ATQR , �'kt: ��1 �itie� � ��: : 0� ta sa1�■risai�e �o �itjr 0�acil. , - .. , : '���N R��}V �'�A: ::� . . .. . � � . . . . , � � � . . . . a':Y� . , . .. . . .' . '. , . . . . �_. y. T 1"l�si �tt t�ll�al 1�1i s�l�1r/3�t �� t�i W!'4�M�t/M �iM/>'�R,�':�,r .-. _ ;,: , ,'; � �� �� �,� '. � � �: ,� _ '�:� �,, , �� % " , � ; ,, � �''t�R � ANI? R.A���: �'+T��.,� �`C�� T�9 A�TiO�Tt � , ., . ,. ., , , .� _ �, � ��e a�t a ��rora�tt�a s�" A�tt xld.e� �].i� � 1+�'� r���,'Ia1F � ��.:�t�"t�rt� 1�!#►�!� the Ci'�jr e�' �. .ititr►l., T1ti�Ml�a�<�b0�1 ���£�r� � ; � tl�e �a�kssi�i�a]. �lia,�s Assa�#ati�a, 1a#.t Is. :II (�f.#a t�s2�t.#��it�� ' ' , '�t 1� �� �al.la f�emr a � r� iti�a►s� ala� � a naeM'� ;�� � � ,'' a� a�Ai'�A�1.. I.ilr iss�aae+e. ?]�►�t t�1t1►3. �st �� t�ie 19r(�t �tl�t �:�� . : � �. '1'� a�'ics�►o� alse ina3ttdt� l�+ru�;elw�e t�:� fNp�i�ss � ��ii1i�.�i�t �t slfi� trill �r t�weas�i. �l�s Sa►1#i:wi 1/�1�!'r�s �t�#t#.s, '!t� �'1�r' �,1:'�wr ��;: t� :. � a�4i�if1�,�►-a�a� t� lam�as� �rt �t E�t� �i I�l�e ls�t�3.ta. " � '�t 'li�s �! #�s ��].arat 3a�s�1.� i�fa �iiti�s #iat ti�r iw � a��>�'���.,�; '' '�+�l.e�t is 'i�i+a r�at3t �! � t�.�. ltiedA�tl �i'ril �r'si� �alat'l +t�n�3'y'�`� =`+�ir�ir�r�; 1�``'�ii� ; A?'�4tCHME"i+i'?�� Gi.it� �u�il. � ;: �arii�� a� a��` !� @ftjr p.�rty 1�L�[�rar� � /I�r+Nw�►t. .. . . .. . . '. . . � � . . . � . .. . � ,:. . '9 ....� .���.��F!►i+�� � .. � � . . . .. � � � . . � ' ` +D�l3'��� . 1� �.�'�'� �'�� 17t'Y�t�.A�t'��p�C ' ,. < . , s �- • _ i � lst • T��� y 2nd 31 a i , 3rd r 3� � y _ Adopted � ' Yeas Nays HUNT i LEVINE ����V,�� � ROEDLER ,� � SYLVESTER T;� TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HOZZA)