266824 - - �658�� CITY OF ST.PAUL COLTNCII�"FTLE 1�(J. FINAL ORDER ' � . . , _. , By y. , , �� ,.:.'>�. , ..�,.,.,-x„��. File No. ���� In the Matter of �'�x��� �►�V r '�+���'�k�# ���� �� � ��E�' 01'11�i/1Ci� �,�It� rW �MItOM��lMIEffi� U�1��"! ItlCiAN�'� �116Tl�A �I.� � IfX����� DO ��y Wl�lia4 N��i• � �YS� �tr � �• liil Y�'�'��`S isa�sa� as, � �t. c�tr �►... a� ��s�o ec., �t�u► �r. � �c. Clai�r A�r�. to �p�rstor tt., �! #!., teos �. Gia�r �w, to tA� allhr �sth of i�t�s�rior lt., Bl�t a?. l�ow Itt. Glaiir �. ta itie�ir,ae �it. Q�JQ�! !'t. l�ra� St. C1�siY Las, ts �Il.�b�� �t., l�t�tllA'N 3'!. !'ra� iNtbrttir �t. to balc� it. ��lt Sr«, � i�e�ds ilt. td �ri�e tE. �t1 t3� �T. tra� it. Clair 11w. to Ml.�bl�e► lit. (iisS! 7tb �AL � Cit�r lrt���� l-4R3s w � under Administrative Order � �,� approved � � ���� • under Preliminary Order approved �N 2'r t97� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the CouncIl of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coi ate �E� 2 � � Yeas Nays ChCistet19611 C ' ed Pas d oun ' ecretary FEB 2.5 1976 Nozza � I F vor i�unt n a y t�evine J ��d�� Against �� Mayor -�.desc0 ����� !e � - � ' �f��,�4 � ��o�� � , Cuuacil Fi1� No. 288YM — 8Y Anby xunt—. In the Matta� o! reBradi�►S. P8vin�. eosstr �oRcrete curb and IIutte�r tr� orr+amen lighting aad reco t�n� where nec aoncrett ral�ks and �rive�pr�ys, on Q„AI,R. AV$. Sp�n Webster St.to W.9th$treet,WEBffiTE8 �T. from 8t. Clair Avenus to Mic}ti- �au St.. ON�IDA S�. leom S;. Cla1t, ve. to Superior 3t. ERt� �., froat Bt. Cl81T AV6. t0 tl'4@� 8g1��C7 AOR'f11 AV�l.�it0 A4Y��ehipan St. COLBURNE� fr<,tri St. Clair Ave. to D�ic]aigan,St., Mg�ICHIGAId ST. �om Webetec 8t. t�a st. to P,'ri�g�����t�a°na R�,T'C$�MO N�a� trom 9t. Ctair Ave. to $QichiSaII�, (1VE9T 7th RENEWAL ARE11) Clty Pro ect P-OE�S, ttt►der Admfnistrative ����E1d rov ati e�b��di�D: 281a, 1ePFroved December�.,1976. 3'h4 COUriall Qd the Clty Ot 88111t PiUl liavi� �iteed tt�e ort of 'the ��aoG 'the Rbaue 2'0�a and '+ba� c�sddered d i.� ves: t tho. �aid x'eP�'t and �. .�t fs lureby a �'aved aRith ao ..o1lf�rnA'tive&iWd t�tt�i1� CoYt theTeal��60p 000:6D. a. �at a pttbipiero vlu� pe }� �bruar7.19�J'8.�YOS�OeO (ihambEta�"adi-;the Clq 8eYY � /oa'S�unt�l.�'�tY '�ie C� S. t a��o�.eald�y�st��ise.� ����m�nn�` Prbvidet! �ihe � s�e�i � �t6e�tot��i1 cost t��rR='ea'�'f ae eettatated. Tlle No. 1TJ�7. . �Adopted by the Couacii Jsnuqry 27. RHProved Ja�varY t8.1978. (Taa�rarq 31,1978)