266817 �. .�.. WM17E � - CITY CLERK ���4 t ���Q�� PINN - FINqNCE - COl1I1Cll U CANARYt- DEf�ART NT� . .ITY OF SAINT PAITL � � BLUE MAVO File NO. • � � ` in�nce Ordinance N�. 15�1� 3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An. ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 15724, pertaining to solid wastes and eity collection of solid wastes from residential property. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 15724, pertaining to solid wastes and city collection of solid wastes from residential property, is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 2. + This ordinance aha1l be effeetive thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hunt In Favor L�r++�o O Rcedler Against BY Sylvester �� President�� HoZZa Adopted by C i : Date � $ 19� Form Ap d by City Attorney ` Cer ' ' d P y Counc' cr tary BY By -- -- _ ` �• ' ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Appro Mayor: Da By By � ��iiSHEU � �9 _ . , I��!"1..3 , CITY OF SAINT PAUL �`D�`��`� OFFICE OF THE CITY GOIINCIL :;��-r; t ?oa•t:e:u��:. ,,:�,�aq,�«g-,:; --s MEMORANDUM DAVJD H. HOZZA Conncilman Feb ruary 19, 19 76 TO: Ma.yor Lawrence D. Cohen and Members of the City Cou i FROM: David H. Hozza 1 Council President ; RE: Pending Solid Waste Ordinan e Referendum Attached for your consideration is an ordinance which would repeal the solid waste collection ordinance passed by the City Council in October of 1974. As you know, this is the ordinance that a peti- tion for referendum was successfully filed. The reasons that I am requesting the repeal of the ordinance are: 1) I am advised by members of the administration that there is no possible waq that adequate information could be developed for the April general election, much less the March prima.ry. Substantial questions as to what the service would cost the homeowner, how it would be paid, what the interim financing would be, what the contracts with the �rivate haulers would be, etc. , remain to be answered. 2) Adequate investigation of alternative methods of billing other than assessments has not taken place. It is my feeling that a less cumbersome method of bill:ing than assessments can be found. 3) The recent experiences of New York City and In- dependent School District No. 625 here in St. Paul have indicated bonding and/or borrowing for operat- . ing expenses is not a fiscally sound practice. The ordinance as it is now structured does exactly that; up to 18 months of borrowing would be required to start the system out and after that up to 12 months of borrowing would be consistently required to keep the system operating. This may jeopardize seriously the city's good credit rating; consequently, it is my feeling that the only fiscally responsible course of action is to find a method of financing that does not require such substantial front-end borrowing. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLO�R SAINT PAUL, �14INNFSOTA 55102 612/293-4646 :s_;�, .:. ... _�,�,; , � . � �6�R�� Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen and Members of the City Council --2 This ordinance will receive first reading Tuesday, February 24. I will ask that the ordinance not be referred to committee, but rather be discussed in Council, in order to facilitate consideration before the March primary. It is my feeling that the City Council has re- sponsibility to the voters to eventually put any solid waste ordinance up for a referendum, but I think that the Council must answer the above questions before such a referendum can be held. Therefore, if this oxdinance repealing the solid waste ordinance is successful, I would ask that the City Council designate the appropriate committee to begin work immediately on a new ordinance which could be put up for a vote of the geople at the earliest possible date. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to talk to me. DHH:ls Attachment �WliliE � - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 � ���R PIN�K r FINANCE � � � BIVERY - MAVpRT "T � , � - ITY OF SAINT PAI.TL File NO. � �`y-� � . • � r in�nce Ordinance N a. Presented By .— Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 15?24, pertaining to solid wastes and city collection of solid wastes �rom residential property. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinan,ce No. 15724, pertaining to soiid wastes and city collection of solid waetes from residential property, is hereby repealed in its entirety. Seetion 2. + This ordinance sha1T be efYective thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publieation. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: ' Yeas Nays Christensen N�'x Hunt In Favor Levine Rcedler Against $Y Sylvester Tedesco President�pTi� HOZZa Form Ap d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BY Approved by Mayor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to CounciI By BY � �5q�� � - ,�.a..� CZTY OF SAIIV'T PAUL }� ` OF�''+ICE OF THE CZTY COU�TGTL ,� ti.y�"���; -,����-,�<.,�.� �.. �111 ♦a4J1 '���' V� � . � . . y 1�JI i131`ty8:'•I . � - . � . .� - ' r�MOxa��rnU.t DAVID H. HOZZA Coancilman Feb ruary 19, 1976 T0: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen and Members of the City Cou i FRQM: Davi.d H. Hozza ` _ Council President � RE: Pending So1id Waste Ordinan e Referendum Attached for your consideration is an ordinance which would repeal the solid waste collection ordinance passed by the City Council in October o£ 1974. As you know, this is the ordinance that a peti- tion for referendum was successfnlly filed. The reasons that I am requesting the repeal of the ordinance are: 1) I am advised by members of the administration that � there is no possible way that adequate information could be developed for the April general election, much less the March primary. Substantial questions as to what the service would cost the homeowner, how it would be paid, what the interim financing would ba, what the contracts with the private haulers would be, etc. , remain to be answered. 2) Adequate investigation of alternative methads of billing other than assessments has not takere place. It is my feeling that a less cumbersome method of billing than assessments can. be found. 3) The recent experiences of New York City and In- dependent School District No. 625 here in St. Paul have indicated bonding ancl/or borrowing for operat- � ing expenses is not a fiscally sound practice. The ordinance as it is now structured does exactly that;, up to Z8 months of borrowing would be required to start the system out and after that up to 12 months oF borrowing would be consistently required to keep the system operating. This may jeopardize seriously the city's good credit rating; consequently, it is my £ee:Ling that the only fiscaliy responsible course of action is to find a method of financing that does not require such substantial front-end borro�aing. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, l�itNi+IESOTA 55102 612;298-46�b , , � Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen and riembers of the City Council --2 This ordinance will receive first reading Tuesday, February 24. I will ask that the ordinance not be referred to committee, but rather be discussed in Council, in order to facilitate consideration before the March primary. It is my feeling that the City �ouncil has re- sponsibility to the voters to eventually put any solid waste ordinance up for a referendum, but I think that the Council must answer the above questions before such a referendum can be held. Therefore, if this ordinance repealing the solid waste ordinance is successful, I would ask that the City Coimcil designate the appropriate committee to begin work immediately on a new ordinance which could be put up for a vote of the geople at the earliest possible date. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to talk to me. DHH:ls J John Blomquist, Jr. cc: �ity Council Members �tess William Buth pfayor Lawrence Cohen Dr. Paul Cox Neil Convery Thomas Kelley Robert Piram Tony DeZiel Jerome Segal Glenn Erickson Martin Gallagher Daniel Dunford (2) Frank Staffenson Lora Kane Richard LJheeler John Connelly George Larkin Robert Peterson Nancy Anderson (2) Nancy Latimer Wil Donovan Doris Getsug John McGinn ose Mix Mertyce Ma.yne George Oxford Rick Renner Clayton G. Rein Harold Yates CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 b12/298-4645 ^t� . ��� �'i'Y CLEF!K � � � . � . • ivAntCE . C04QC11 � . lEPaii 7• �K T � . • �,:�� . z�c� , �� S��x�� P�L�. F��� Ho. . ., _ � • ' � ��������.� Ordiaance N 0. �ented By , ' Refe,red To Committee: Date Out of Con�ittee By Date � Au ordinance repealing Ordinance �To. �15724, - - pertaining to solid wastes and city collection of - � . solid wastes �rom residential �roperty. � : � : THE COUNCII, OF THE CIZ`3�: OF SA�iV�T PAUL DOES OR.DAIN: � Section 1. . - - That Ordinance No. 15?24, pertaining to solicl z,�astes and � - � �' city collection o� solid s,rastes �rom �resiclential prop�rty, is :hereby zep�aled in its entirety. � - � - � . .- - , Section 2, - _ � � This � orc�inance �shall be ef�ective thirty days �rom and - � - � � a�ter its passage, approval and publication. � � - COUTi�'IL!1tE[V � Req�s�sted by Dspartment oE: Yeas I\ays Christer.sen • �t�x Hunt In Favor Levine � ' Roec�ler A ga i n s t BY Sylvester Tedesco President=�sibt HOZZa. Form Apn• � �d by Cit}� Attorr,ey Adopted by Councii: Date � CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary . BY � — _ �Y . Approved by l4tayor: Date Approved by htayor for Se:bnission to Cou�ci! - . , , � � ��:��`% � . , � � � , . . , _ � , � ; , , �tbx��,�ry 11, 1975 G�,c�-,,,,�1-,an i� �.v1d ;'��„<. ,� ��?, ,i _;-, ;n r,�.bltc t'Urks Cc,:,�.,it�t-e.e ^:,;;m 722, City iall ' St. Patjl., *itnr.c;ots �;c_�r Cv-jnc`t.t.r�:n '•�r::,3:\ ' 'c�:e C_���:f��i.l a�f�.,:xed �o �t;e i'�'�l.ic �]arI�a Co��r:dtt�-� f�r con3ideration the .,,,i i.:<:Y of c�����b]�i�-',�i,�g �he alte�natives in cor�necr.ion with a , � ;;c�e�-::n�'��:� on r_he �o.t�!d ��.;gte c��:dtn.�.nce and any ot��er re7.ated quest;.�ns. • � . Viry truly your_s, ' � " _ City Cl�rk �O:�Icm . , � , • ' • , � � i , ` . - „ , . , - �� : , . - , I: r, . _ �: � - , , _ , � . • - - � � , y � • . , . . . _ _.__ -. i � . . � � lst � �C 2nd �i 3rd ��� Adopted -r , Yeas Nays ' CHEtIS�iSEN xozzA ��5R'�'7 � r�vn� � ROEDLER � ' snvES�x TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HUNT)