266803 WH17E - CITV'CLERK I COI111C11 ��J�\J�� PINK .- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAIT� CANARY�'�DEPARTMENT B�UE - MA`7'OR File �O. � '� nCe ' Ordinance N O. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: �'An administrative ordinance relating ,to the Civil Service Commission and the Personnel Office of the City of 5aint Paul approving and adopting rules and regulation� necessary to the administration of the City personnel system on a merit basis, �' approved August 20, 1914, as amended.. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL' DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No, 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and. the same is hereby further amended by striking out the present Section 21 B in its entirety, and by insert�.n.g in lieu thereof the following new Section 21 B: ; ��B Upon receipt of a requisition, the Commissi.on shall, unless the vacancy is to be filled by reinstatement, tr�.nsfer, or reduction under the provisions of these Rules, certify' to the appointing officer the names from the register of eligibles appropriate to the duties of the pos�itio�. to be filled, in the' following order: ; , � (a� Promotion eligible�'s in the order of �heir standing on the list after 5 points have been added tp the scores of those claiming and entitled to disabled vet;eran preference under the State law on Veteransi Preference. �� (b� Original entrants in the order of their standing on the eligible list after 5 points or 10 points have ''been added to the scores of those claiming and entitled to Ve�erans� Prefer�nce under the State law on Vetera.ns= Preferen�ce. " continued COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Agaltist BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form pro d by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date C Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by 1V�ayor for Submission to Council By BY i WH17E - CITY CLERK . . �CCQO"J PINK yFINANCE I Vv�` i% CANARY �DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council BlUE` -MAV'OR � - . F11E �0. Orf�Lin�nCe II Ordinance N 0. �.�%�.! _ Presented By , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date "If two eligible lists for the same class of �position are in force, the second list shall be treated as a contiiluation of the first list. On all certifications, the names of the th�ee persons standing highe st on the eligible list, in the order o their standing on said list, shall be certified, if there are three in the category from which certifications are to be made, in ac$cordance with the pro•. visions of thi.s section. From those certified under (a) above, thei appointing officer shall fill the vacancy, regard.less of the numbe� of names certified. From those �ertified under (b) above, the, appointing officer may reject certification if fewer than three na�nes are certified. If three names are certified, the appointing officer �nay appoint any one of the three names certified. I If two or more va�cancies are to be filled, then two more than the required number of persons to be appoi.nt¢d shall be certified and. the appointing officer may appoint any onq of the first three names certi.fied for each vacancy to be filled. � The addition of 5 points is required by �IState Law on Veteranst Preference for the first promotional examination taken by a tdisabled veteran� who has a permanent service-connected dis- ability of 50% or more. ' ��The add.ition of 5 points is required by ;State Law on Veterans� Preference for qualified veterans. Th� addition of 10 points is required by State Law on Veterans� Preference for qualified veterans who have a service-connectecl disability. " Section 2, This ordinance shall take e#fect and be i.n force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: . ,/ �� hairxn COUNCILMEN Requested by;Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen PERSOl�'NEL OFFICE � Huat _� In Favor Levine /') Rcedler v A ainst By Thom�.s D. Gleason, Dir. of Personnel Sylvester g Tedesco President� Hozza 4 � � Form pro ejd by C' tt rney Adopted by Co . Date .�- C ' ed Pa Counci Secre�tary BY I By Approve b ayor: Date � Approved llrl or Sub 'ssi f Council BY ._ gy �� I � , "r • _ ��� , . j1�. �s,q�j . �s � _ _--_ -- --_ �_�68n3�-----__ -- _ - -- _ _ _ _ __ -_-- - - - -- -- -----__ _. -- . - _- `___T � - ��'��� � �_ - -- - _-.s-ija -�-.s - ___ _� __-_ ___ _ __ _ ____ __ _ __ _ _ _____ _ __ ___ _____ _____ __ _ _______ -- ---�' � ___ —� _v_r rt �7'� l� �� �-- -.�---- -�-�_� -_- ---- _ - -- - - - _------ -- __ - -- - --w, ------ - - _ ------ - - - �� _ '�"'!��G. _ �/'d � _�.�'-�� _ _ ___ o�r2:` _- -ir��_..Q-s � _ -----�a�'�'� - -___ _ - � ---=-- -- ---- _/��-%!���'-Q-r-_ �_��-� __ -_�'_-_ -�'�--------__----- - .____- - - � --- --- ___ - _ -- _ _ _ _ _ � - _ _ _ _ _ _ -- - -_ _---- ---- __ _ ----------- , _ _-- ------- �.e �_ _� �``� ��cM - _---- - � o �'s - _- -_-- -� 'r' • �`�.�_-- --� - - � . ___ - - - - _ _ _ _- - - - -- - -- - _ - - - - ___ _� � _�� _ __ �' _ �.�- --- � r ---- - �-,� .�- c. . __ ___ _ ��,�_ . ; __ ____ ___ . __ __ __ __ _ _____ __ __ ___ ____ . _ _ __ ___ __ ____.____ __ _____.__ _______ . -_______ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � � __ _ __ ___ _ ______ _ _ _________ ___ _ ____� ___ .___________�_ � � � ; _____ __ . _ __ __ __ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ __ _ _______ � __ _ _ _ __ _____�_-_______ _____� _ ; _ , ; , , �� _ � • V ���'� � � � "B Upon receipt of a requisition, ������ the Commission shall, unless the� I vacancy is to be 811ed by rein- statement, transfer, or reduction! ' under the provisions of these' ' • Rules, certify to the appointing otficer the names from the regis-' ter of ellgibles appropriate to the� duUes of the position to be filled, 1n the following order: •(a) Promotion eligibles in the� order of their standing on the list after 5 points have been added to the scores of those claiming and entitled to dLsabled veteran prefer- ence under the State law on Veterans' preference. ••(b) Original entrants in the order of their standing on the eligible Hst after S; points or 10 points have i been added to the scores of! those claiming and.entitled to Veterans' Preference un- der the State law on Veter- ans' Preference:' "7f two eligible lists for the same class of position are in force, the second list shall be treated as a con- tinuation of the first list. � On all certiScations, the names of the three persons standing highest on the ellg�ble list, in the order of, their standing on said I1st. shall be certified, if there aze three in the categorq from which certiHcatfons� are to be made, in accordance with � F�icomr�U�iose� cerii�efi a t,�°a� above, the a �a�' ppointing officeF shall' 8ll }he vacancq, regardiess of the, n '.."^_,-..__..__ �� om ose ce ed under r ,.....�,,, above, •the appointing officer may ' � reject certiftcation if fewer than �!.�yd r+L,�,,,G,,�+t=��.�.G,�, � thi'ee names are certi8ed. If two or V more vacancies are to be 8lled,then /_� l y�/i l� � two more than the required number H'1 LG�/j��,� �-i'n,.��g..�� rof�ersons to be appointed shall be w -- R a -..M._..._._.,..... �,-� �,. ,...,._.:,�..�...u....:�,..... .:. . •The addition of S points is re- ;�..�?. i � quired by Stste I.aw on Veterans� Preference foT the flrst promo- tional examination taken by a 'disabled veteran' who has a per- manent service-connected disabi]- ity of 50� or more. ••Tfie addition of 5 pointa is re-. 'quired by SLate Law on Veterans•. Preference for qualified veterans. The addition of 10 points is re- quired by State Law on Veterans' Prefereace for qualiAed veterans who have a service-connected dis- ability:' C.F.265503, Ord. 15835 eff. ?-21-75 ( I � I . �. �t� i � Y i � _� i _ � � ; , 6 R ' ; ���� WH17E - CITV C ER� ' �� PINK - FINANC � GITY OF SAINT PAUL �Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT �F11E NO. BLUE - MAVOR O/ dZn�nCe Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: t�An administrative ordinance relating to the Civll Service Commission and the Personnel Office of the City of Saint Paul approving and ad.opting rules and regulations n�cessary to the administration of the City personnel system on a merit basis, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAiNT PAUL DiOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same i$ hereby further amend.ed by striking out the present Section 21 B in its entirety, and by inserti.ng in lieu thereof the following new Section 21 B: �'B Upon receipt of a requisition, the Commission shall, unless the vacancy is to be filled by reinstatement, tra�nsfer, or reduction under the provisions of these Rules, certify to the appointing officer the names from the register of eligibles appropriate to the duties of the position to be filled, in the following order: � (a} Promotion eligibles in the order of their standing on the list after 5 points have been added to the scores of those claiming and entitled to disabled veteran preference und.er the State law on Veteranst Preferenee. '�'� (b} Original entrants in the order of their standing on the eligible list after 5 points or 10 points have been added to the scores of those claiming and entitled to Veterans� Preference under the State law on Veteranst Preferer�ce. " continued COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � ..� • . i . - - _ __ _ �6'��,�� WHITE - CITY CLE K PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council � CANARV - DEPARTME File NO. BLUE - MAYOR • O� Z�IZGLIZCP. Ordinance NO. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date "If two eligible lists for the same class of positio� are in force, the second list shall be treated as a continuation of the first list. On all certifications, the names of the three persons standing highe st on the eligible list, in the order of their standing on said list, shall be certified, if there are three in the category from which certifications are to be made, in accordance with the pro- visions of this section. From those certified under (a) above, the appointing afficer shall fill the vacancy, regardless of the number of n�.mes certified.. From�those certified und.er (b) above, the appointing officer may reject certification if fewer than three names are certified. If three names are certified, the appointing officer may appoint any one of the three names certified. I ' If two or more vacancies are to be filled, then two more than the required. number of persons to be appointed shall be certified and '; the appointing officer may appoint any one of the first three names :' ' certified for each vacancy to be filled. "� i __._ � __. ____ __ ._.. :_ ., __ ._ ___v..___.._ ___.... The addition of 5 points is required by State Law on Veteranst Preference for the first promotional examination taken by a idisabled veterant who has a permanent service-connected dis- ability of 50% or more. '�T The add.ition of 5 points is required by 5tate Law on Veteransf Preference for qualified veterans. The addition of 10 points is required by State Law on Veteranst Preference for qualified veterans who have a service-connected disability. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: hairman COUIVCILMEN Yeas Na}•s Requested by Department of: Christensen PERSONNEL OFFICE Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler Against By Thomas D. Gleason, Dir. of Personnel Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY — R� �hr f�_ ° Section 44 �' ' r 21 c ont. ��s�!�� • �(a) Promotion eligibles in the order of their standing on the list • after 5 points have been added to the scores of those claiming and entitled to Veteran Preference; 'x�(b) Original entrants claiming and entitled to Veteran Preference; (c) Original entrants other than in (b). If two eligible lists for the same class of position are in force, the second list shall be treated as a continuation of the first list. On all certifications the names of the three persons standing highest on the eligible list, in the order of their standing on said list, shall be certified, if there are three in the category from which certifications are to be made, in accordance with the provisions of this section. From those certified under (a) and (b) above, the appointing officer shall fill the vacancy, regardless of the number of names certified. Under (c) above, the appointing officer may reject certification if less than three names are certified. If two or more vacancies are to be filled, then two more than the required number of persons to be ap� pointed shall be certified.. Section 22 CERTIFICATION-- • A No person whose name is on any eligible list "conditionally" shall be certified until such person has complied with all requirements and re- moved a11 "conditions"; nor shall any person be certified as eligible for appointment until he shall have passed such medical examinati.on based upon such medical standards as the Civil 5ervice Office may prescribe in order to determine if such person is reasonably qualified to properly and efficiently perform the du�ties of the position for which he has applied. The Civil Service Office may require eligibles to re- port for medicalexamination whenever necessary to keep sufficient el- igibles available fox° immediate certificatien at all times. B Any person who resigns fx°om the City service shall not during such separation be certified from any eligible :list as a promotion eligible, but may, if such separation is without fault or delinquency on his pax°t, be granted the rights of an original entra�t on such list. C A written notice upon blanks supplied by the Civil Service Office shall � be mailed to the eligible at his latest address as shown by the records of the Office, stating that his name is one of three which has been cer- tified to the appointing officer. A similar notice shall be sent to the appointing officer, containing the names of the three eligibles certified in the order of their standing upon the certification register. �N'�/"'"� �� ����� ���i��'" �The addition of five points. is required by State law on Veteran Preference. • � ������Certification under (b) is required by State law on Veteran Preference. f� I - - ssued 9 1 73 Sec. 21 - 22 � � � ���� i �r � - I� I �� --- �b �n — - - �v?�� i , WHITE - CITV CLERK V�\� /I I PINK - FINANCE �/ �' Council �� BLUERY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File : NO. - MAVOR Ordin�nce Ordinance NO. Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat� Out of Committee By Date An ordi.nance amendi.ng Ordinance No. 3250, entitled.: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Commission and the Personnel Office of the City of Saint Paul approving and adopting rules and regulations necessary to the administration of the City personnel system on a merit basis, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended., be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out, in its entirety, the present Section 22 C, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following new Section 22 C: "C A written notice upon blanks supplied by the Personnel Office shall be mailed. to the eligible at his latest address as shown by the record.s of the Office, statzng that his name is one of three which has been cer- tified to the appointing officer. A similar notice shall be sent to the appointing officer, containing the names of the three eligibles certified in the order of their standing upon the certification register. _The ,� � a ointin��_o�_fficer ma r�appoint any one of the three highest names on �`,, �'i' t e ist o�eli�ibles that is certified to_him� and.the_appointi.ng`officer' ____ .__ __�_ --- ", 1 may reject certification if less than three naxnes are so certified for ��_ ._ _.� __.. .. . . � _._ . . _.. � a vacanc . If two or more vacancies are to e filled then_two more ..._...v a..�.__._..._.. � _ ,.. Y ..._. - than the required number of persons to be a�pointed shall be certified �: �...__.. ... `� .�`� and the appointing officer may appoint any o�e of the first three certi- _.... ... _�...�.....,.. w. ...,. rr.. ,..: .. . . . �, �d for each vacancy to be�filled. _ `�` 1 - 1 - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine - Rcedler Agaiast By Sylvester Tedesco President Huat Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY Rv �:�.:,�;_. �1�.��� �x � ;.:�� �'��T.�:� � � �- � �� `4 � o�����c.� o� ���:�: c:��� co�,,ct� . �q � �� �;.. "- � � ;��_� � t :.� - _ . ; �66�!� � :�� ���' . D�� e . Feb. 12, 1976 � t�.r--� -. _ ,•-��� � � ._� . � fl �+�i �# 1�� � c � � ? � � � - � � : Sc�i;�� P��1 �i#� Cau� ��� _ . - . , _ - . : * - _ �� O�� � C�3IY'����'j2�. C1 i� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL . - -� - �Roi�ert Sylvester. : , Gi�oi�mart, muk�s �he� fotlotving - . _ . ; : :. __ . . . _ - -- > .. � _ .,��report on- ��_F.: - � Ordinanc� . - . - - ? Q R'E5o113tiOC'3 . __ .;.� . " - - - = �.t . . _ -. � � Otn2r . _- _ '�-, ;::� . _ . - _ - - - �- ���'�,,,�.; Ordinance am�nding language in the section of .the - _ `� � _� � �: Per�onn,el= Rules titled Order o€ Filling�Vacancies. -' - � � . - Approved by motion made at the meeting and - � - — carried unanimously:. � . ..� , =��.� • � Sf:���.�\lii F!fJ��� . , C �j�T Stiv��� ��It�i.��> � SSi1'f : ; �� � � ° Do not c#Etach this m�rr�orandum from the OM a�,: °��.�9'75 or d�r�ance so tha# th�is irtformation will be . ���h�.�#.��Ft � , �If�II,'dI��'R.A.TIVE 4RD , � � RES��UTZ4��ia ,AN11 ORD�S'+TAI'1GES J�? t�, 1�'l� , � �"� T�a�k�s +�� TQ; : TF�'QM�3 J, ��Jr.L��', G�TX .A,TaIKxNISTR.A,7AR : �rR i !+�!!�+nail 0!'tl:+�e ��s Bsrii�sa� �'�or �ssima t�i Cii� �scil s �A.�'�'�t� R� tJE�T�L�; ' : Z zso�� �r ap�Cee�ral. arit st�issi�a et this te � �it� �eiY.. � ; � , , � . �'�R�"Qa� D �t.A.T��N�fi�.� FQR T�iIS A�TI i�T c , .�� � =l�i� �i�sASS aa�is 't�I�e la���t ia i� aeatis� ot '� �1 �,, ; #itl �2 lillity� faevt�i�s. i'�is L� s��je :it sl�r, , � t�a#���p��rlt� �tti�,er lras a �ioa r!' tLe lirat �rs at ailt ' e1i�11f 114t. ' .., . -. . . . . . � . • . . . . � . � � � � •k:. . . � . . � . . ..'.A . . .. � � � � � . . .. . . .. � . 'a � .. '. ' ' . . . . .. � .. . � � . . . . . . ' � '�Yi � � ' . . . . .. . .. .. � � � . . . . . � .� ' .� .0 ,�i1T'�,+A:��i�NT�; A�rti�w�e aa� �v�y► ta�r �it�► Cla�k. . AF�r'R 4'�YA�.� . . �airn�a . e�,iey, �y rrli� s�z�ator � . � � 1a� . lst ��_— 2nd 3z'd p� / o Adapted ��'7 ,' . G: ,. { Yeas Nays CHI�ISTENSEN HOZZA � ������ ROEDLEft � SYLVES�i TEDESCO PRES IDENT (HtJNT) � � �