266797 WH17E - CITV CLERK ��(l}y�yy PINK � - FINANCE COl1lICl1 h , J CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. v I I BLUE r MAYOR � � Counci Resol tion Presented By /�'�ti-�' 1/ - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Sain� Paul recognizes �fia� the primary b�n�f��t from public improvemer�ts constructed on Trunk Highways, Municipai -State Aid Routes, Cou�nty Highways and County State Aid Routes is to the general public rather than to adjoining properties; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the following types of public improvements shall be construeted without the levying of spe�ial assessments therefor on previously graded or paved Trunk Hi�hways, Municipal State Aid Routes, County Hi�qhways and County Stdte Aid Routes; grading and surfacing of streets, curbs, gutters, boulevards, trees, sid�wa1ks, lights,`and surface drainage structures; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this policy shall b�e effective for all improve�nents approved by Final Orders adopted af�ter the date this resolution is adopted, approved and published. � ~,�.'- COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / Christensen !� � g�t J [n Favor �' ��� Rcedler � Against BY Sylvester', , -Twadocc.a Presidect�,� �o�zg FE8 T ? Adopted by ncil: Date � �� Form Approved b C' y At rney Cert' ' d Pass Cou ecretary BY Approv Mayor: Dat � � 9 �978 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ���i.r�?�o FE8 � g t97� ' � Z��. / `I , - E�FECTS OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT POLfCY ON 1976 PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM Daniet J. Dunford 2/17/76 PAVING PROJECTS � The paving projects financed during 1976 from the Municipat State Aid (MSA) fund and the County Aid (CA) fund will be effected as follows: MSA The total cost of projects programmed for MSA streets is $2,657,800. Qf that amount, $108,500 was planned to be assessed. We can increase the MSA recoverable amounts by $10,400 and a $60,000 assessment wiTl not be affected by this policy. Therefore, a local fund participation from the Public Improvement Aid Fund (PIA) of $108,500 - 10,400 . bo aoo S 3�;i o0 would atlow the total MSA program to be completed. Tra�sferring $3$, IOQ to the paving progrGm would reduce i� scope one of the two sewer projects f lnanced f rom P IA. CA An amount of $361 ,040 is programmed in anticipation of assessments of projects on County Aid streets. It is anticipated that this amount could be made up of . Gounty Aid funds by delaying a project for a year. LIGHTING PROIECTS All of the lighting projects affected by this policy which anticipated assessments fiad the remainder of their funding from Capitol tmprovement Bonds (CIB). The total assessment anticipated is $224,340. To complete the total lighting progr�m, this amount would have to be transferred from another source. One possibility woutd be the Unatlocated Administrative Reserve Fund from CIB. Another alternative would be to reduce the program by using CIB funds aiready allocated to some lighting p rojects to cover the assessments on other lighting projects. This wouTd mean detaying about five projects. . � � �.�---.-.___"-_"_- • ' . . .._._...._-° ....�.. 1.._ . �. . � � c�nr oF sr. r�u� - a,°-��. � 20b ___� . , _ --� - - � ' t --� � 1976 PAVING � februarY 1� 1976. i . _�. -- - - ` � -- . . .. _ __......__ ._ . , i OThIER � ;' • �� ..-. PAOJ. N0. LOC�1TlON __L___A1-i0U1rT� DESCR!PT lON.---- --� . t, � _.___ _.. _ _ --- - . --- - - - PAY I H„� __�_.__- __ _____._ ----� y __ . -_ -_. ---- � P-0643 ALD���IR!E ST,_- Nobrasl;aAve.-Hoyt_Ave. " i P-0u62 �P�LISTU�I ST. Srrin�sidc Dr.-Lenox Avc. � ' ` " ' --- -- - --- t � t ' / ?�iif�>;'s ����.���, r_.�1��St`.�'��il:4S�i `�• Y,•.�:��. ` I �i M P-OG36_� ARLIl;GTJ!! AV� - E. Shcro_Dr.-Hazalwood. St. �Oa . -.. . _ -._.-�..-_--� I _ _ - _ ����`�� �� _230 0 O.Q ARKS DEFT: ' � � . P-Ou7 I BItiJ•l+YS (Various Locatfons� - • � ----i • � � ;�"-p�Gcit►5 BCHL11tt0'S EDGCUME3E HILLS - Blk. 2 �., � P-0�36A CAPIT,IL CE';iRE - Contr�ct� � 15�.r+`�a.00_ �U.R..3oll0$-- P-o5359 C1PIT.•1L CEI7TRE • ___�Force_Account) 7.�5!O.OQ,U,R.BOtJDS ` '� _ T 58,20b.00 ___1•iTC FUNDS ^ �y, .9 P-0'v7> CO!;0 AV�. :� EUSTlS ST. - tiTC P�rk 6 Rida � - ' ______�__. , , . �-,, t 8�Eo =00._�S MSA r ^ . �'������-:?�''...���'��" ��, 35..� - :. l� P-064'j__D:�YTONS 4LUFF C.D. YeaY 1 _ b.00 COFth1UNITY:DEV. YR. 1 __ i ..• � �3 �l�D.�'��R.:�.�iia���aa Rti�lw�� , .:.w ,; 'i ���t� 3T.: - �ry:Av�►:wt�r�r_Ave -• .� �� ��k��� � � � :. ��r�� d - • � . � ��, � :. �; :s�� ,�. � �.< ,` ., .: 1�+��� tl j �t� p���������� � + • n. . , ` Z�I ��0 �]!}. �� .�. .._.. --.__. . � rt ;, / :�.� . �� _' . � �-. . _ . ",OGOi,.O�_ �RUy li�lY�FUf�DS � . -- - �00 , `. � p_ � . , FOURTN 5T. - John St.-Com:xsrctal St. . � - ,; '/ � '� • y r > ,.'��i�aa"�k�'��tl��i�_ - �' �� �- �t�a#�" �aD �.. ' Fl�'�° ; . � P-0�67 ~ LE 'iSC`� 0'iP� Y :�,UDI i lU�� Larpcntcur,ldaho,tla„_ , � P-0648 l�X�t:GTO!-HAMLIt�E C D. Year 1_ _ 1b6 40 .00 COMMUNITY_�EV. YR. t � i _ � .,�.� � ', �, � �`�"►�. , - , P-064? tlORiH E,lD C.D. Year l $�100'�00 COMFfU�117Y QEY._YR• 1 ___ G ` _..... �. ,,- /, * •C 1� . 4? ��ii ���a�ii,� '�;i '... :. , � `+� � ,�P-Oo37 PEDESi'RIA�� tL1NPS_FOR Hr1NDICA°PED ' 19Z6 `cOL-- r � � � 392,000 00� P/1RY.S DEP7. P-0619 PHA.LEP! PARK,.PNASE 2 1- V '��! / P-0'v35 . �Plt,�tiURST A'JE - Fatrvteti•r Ave.-Ho►rol l St. S _Oa.� J.� i� - - t-�,rF� L ST - Pine�ur�t fivc.-I',11lcras: Av3. L .1}RE3A}i. --- ---L -- ,� � .�. � ��:�' � � � �,._ ���.�..`,�',��,�" `�Kx�::�'�����+�::�:.��`Y��`"` - � , a� s� . - �-� � � r,P-Oo I RICE Si,._++ViLL1S,_�Lk.._'1._;Noyt,_',"r,eaioc!:, I�lac r P-fi582R 7TH-3TH SWITCH6ACK -_Jackson _St.-Slbiey._St. r�� Sd.: .�PtDOC����3 , 7�r��i�. � �--�-�$' - � , i50�C00.00 .!74 MSA / ,,: .. ;;�'.�s M.:•����1�+� -' t� St,' ,..:i3$_lSth�._Odl_ �T4 Gte ' _ � , . • -- , . _ _ , � i P-e�3z_. I S V-t.T�? ST. �t< ';`-'. �„ai. ARE.�CQ.)(_^ar 1) ___ -� 20 6Q.OL44_��t1t;U�I1�LD • �a� �P-057bR LTii 57 u__6th.5t__ltabasha SC. Proposod Ra�l i, � `; � � P-0650 � SOUTH COt10 C.D. Yedr 1 __ ( 132.,SOOi00{ COMHUt�ITY D�V.,.�CR, t � - � ~-P-J651 1 s^ur.� P�'.1L°_!� C,D�YE.1R 1 _ 9.500100�C0"4SUt�IIY DEV._YR. 1_ �_P-0591R LSUBURs3.'�N AVE. - ksnnard St. Nhite_Sear Ave. � 1 � '� . __�_ � . i Ib0.30 00 COMPIUN I T Y DEV. YR. i �. �? P-O b 3 3__ S U�"1;1.I T-U'�!V E R S I T Y R�P�'n'.A L A R E 4__(C D Ye a r l i � ' P-0�8 3 �cN!JIS t,OU�;iS (Var�ous Loc�tions). 114 QOQ,;OQLPAR}S_DEri',-IGIB� ; �._.-,,- - � . .._ _ .,. , , . r, � . ��. :37:�00��o i_�HS.4 MTCE.=--'-� < ;=, ��t�������,������ �e. � , ?,� P-Oo3 � ' THOr'r+S-DALE Rr.t:EllAL AREA (CD Year 1� Zlnc 200,0OO,Od COMhtUt+ITY DEV. YR, ( � : j _ �ZQ�OOQ,1001!7o WPAF � � ir�«-- �' ' • I _ P-Ob2 B TFi0FU1S•DALE RENEIJAL ARFA ��9�� _- -__ (Inc.5.-.--� 19G,t00io0! UR BONDS --__.__ __ _- -- - { ` , , ' .__..- - ,--- -__ _ - -- - -- . .� 2�,II0olo0!��+ wpAF _i, , , � ,. . �. ;� , , ;. �:�� �-. _ !. ,;•,� ;.. � : 160,95fl 4a `73 CIB ,_ :.. � �r L. _ ��`t 837�t00.0(1 '76 CSA _ .- --_ { � . � 117.567'oa 2tJD U�71i'ED BON� � � � _ , _ --- � � i � �t�,. �* 3 9t.-Gh�t:�d,�nte_-- - 4i,f�0A�001�'�4 CA _ :. __- - - � t �.�___.��:.� �,1�35,000.,C� '75 CA �� ! ' � _. ;:��;.�,,,,�� ��i�t #:��r�a�►.ttw-4►. �a:�i.eiiri,:s+�.�ri `�753,000.po�_._-�74�, �___ . .',: �/ P e�3� I u• ��•"�� �� DR. - Lexincton Avc.-Maryland A .00'y i ' ' _ � r P-OG27 � 41. 111C'1,�Y REt�E��1L AREA Z1,75�.tl� U.R.[301:DS ---- -------- - ;�_P 0629 41._t;IC ;lY REhE1�„�L_AREA_C-D 1 v l;:�a^��.��_ _CO'�:;'J�.1TY D�V. YR._i_ _ ' " ' � - y lESLSIO�L.D Yr.ar_1- _ _ 163,300.00 COMMUP�ITY DEV. YR. 1 � - - ----- . . ,. . --- .eG�E,3�;a 4�'�.�� � � (1�- LCG1L At7D CAP17��L IMPR4VEFIEM' + - � j STATE OF MINN-. �H - � (2 RO'd f�R PAVINC �•. ToT'1L f�1V1tIG b ROW BY CiN I fRti:r9aoCl U.R.flO��D$ B _ ._ � (;j P�'�V11�3 COt�ST��UCT10�! CY 07NEaS - EtiG(tiEEA ( y9o,�e e,e o� ptSA (07'II.R YE1RS) f A (4) F}1VI�iG C0115Tf.�KTI0i1 S ENC{t�EEnj;IG 8Y OTT+ ( � �'�� (OT}I�R YE1RS) (P) -_torn�_�aviNa� I ;�9,9y..�•-,� CtD (07t�CR YEAf�S) (c) -- - ----- �_�-- - ,490��o�7,an f11SCELIJ1t�E0US----.-(N) -- • � , . ..._..__��.�... _�... .. .. _....... ..J_._� -_�....__ .�' .._ ,- . . __. 1 . � �.� G.!4S.��i.�'�o� r /, �� ---� ..�. . . . CITY OF ►.�AINT PAUL ��� r� e • OFFICE OF TH� CITY COIINCIL .„... s.. RUBY HUNT ' Councilwoman January 29, 1976 T0: City Council Members City Clerk, Rose Mix FROM: Ru6y Hunt, Chai rman, Pu61 i c GVor[cs Con�ani ttee SUBJECT: Committee Action on Resolution on Ass�essment Policy The Public �[orks Commfttee, at a meeting on January 23, 1976 approved and recommended to the Council the attacFied resolution estab� lishing an asSessment polfcy �Por public improvements on Trunk Highways, Municipal State Aid Routes, County Highways and County State Atd Routes. RH/rs CITY HALL SEVBNTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5378 O