266785 WHt7E - CITY CLERK
t il esolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized
and directed to execute a seven month Lease Agreement be�rveen the
City and Mr. Roy H. Davidson for the lease of office spa�e at
1215 Arcade Street for use by the City's Youth Service B�reau at a
rental rate of $275.00 per month; a copy of said Agreemer�t to be kept
on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management
��OGa ��8� �O�o
Approved as to Funding:
Director, Department o ' ance
and Management Services
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays /
H�[ Hunt `� [n Favor COmItU 1^V' t
Levine �
�r Against B
President ozza
�E� � 2 �� Fotm proved by it y
Adopted by ncil: Date
Cert' ' d P ss u ' Secretary BY
Appro ed by Mayor: Date � � 7 �978 Approved by Ma�r or Submission to Coun ' ^
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„Ami IL satd monthly Pay�nente or etther ot them, whether the eame be demanded or not, are not pafd when they become �
dufr, u� lI aitid leused pren�isus Hhal� be nppropriafed to or used lor any other puri �se or use than fa hereinbetore specifled; or if
� any liquor, unless, and !n a munner authorized by law, Knn�L!inK, or any other lmrxorul practices are allowed on satd premises, or
F nny ctamnges or waste sl�alt be made thereon; or if nny part of satd premises shall be imderlet or this ]ense bo assigned without the
�onse��t oP sald Lessor on the back of this 2ease �s above apecifled; or ii any term, condltfon or covennnt of thls lenso on the
part of eald Leasee to be by sald Lessee kept or Derformed, shall be vlolnted or neglected, ttien and !n either of eaid cases
the sntd I.essce do hereby authorize and fully empower satd Lessor or Lessor's agent to cancel and annul thia lease at
oncc, und to re-ente^ snd take possession oP safd premises immedla.ely, and by force if necessary, without any prevloua notice of
intentior. to rc-enter, and remove alt persons and tlieir property thcreProm, nnd to use such force AC1C1 Q8,918CSTICB 1n ePLecting and
perfecting such rcmovnt as suld I.essor may deem adv�eable to recover at once full and exclusive poasession of all eatd demised
premtties, ti-hether in nosseaslon of sald I,essea or of thir3 persons, or �-acant; or said Lessor or I.easor's agent may at their
option at. sny time ufter auch de.°AUIt or vlolaflon of conditton or co•�ennat, re-enter and take Doasesslon oY said premises, without
such re-entering working a forfeilure of tha renta to bo Hatd and the covenants to be ]cept by said Lesseo for the full term of
ihi� lcase.
That 1n cuse the Dutldtngs on satd demised premises shrzll, without isny default or neglect on the part of eafd Lesseo or of said
Lessce's servants or employees, be des?royed, or be so 1n+ured by the elcments or any cause, as to be untenantable and unfit for
occupancy, thc;n the Ilabtll[,v ot suid Le:see for the rent of said premisea there�fter, and all right to the posaesslon thereof, shall
ac cnce ccasc.
ANll 1T IS MUTUAL7.Y ACR�EL�, That all the covenanta, terms and condt:ons ot this lease ahall extend, apply to snd flrmly �
biuQ U�e l:eirs, executurs, udmiuistrators, successors and assigns of Lhe respective parties hereto as fully as the reapectivo parl(es
are tl�c�nselve, bound, bu[ thl� Pruvision shail not authorize the asyignrrient uY underletting oY this lease contrary to the provialons
hureinbefore coutfllned.
I\ 'L7;S'!'IDtO:�IY tiVIILREOF, The safd partiea have alghed, aealed, and executed thin instr ment in duplicate the day nnd year
ilr:;t uUurc writlen. /�� �
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Signed, Seuled and Delivered in Presence of • � � �7
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.................................................................................................................. b�ayar. City► ai' S�airt Pavl �
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PERSONAL ACKN�WL'L�G'N(EN�����`� '� �� ��i��
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ss. On tliis day of , 1�J ,
Cozrnti� of before me >>ersonaZl� appeared
ASST. CI"i'Y /�, "ORNEY ,
� fo ir�.e I,;reozu�z fo Le tl�e person cl,esc�•i.Led in a�zd zi�1,o etiecutecl the fure�oi.n�s i�rstrume�zt, and ac1,;�zoccl-
� eil<�'ecl flutt l��e exec�tifed tlae sa���i.e as free ctvt cend deed�.
1 (ST�F1I.) Notarr� Public
JI7� cunemission expi��es , 19 ......................................................Count�.
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of a enrpora.finiL; that tjee seal, f
� «/j'i�;ecl to tJie for�e�snin>> insfrzt.�i�cret, i.s t'cr c��q�orcr.tc srul o� sa.id corpor�at.i.nn, r.ercl t,l�at said instrrcr��cnt �
iuUS c�,Y+eci-�terl Ur/ ar�thoritJ nJ' it,� I;orn��G nf Dirertm:s; a�n.�b tha�t s2i,�Z �
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