266779 WHI7E — CITY CLERK (�(����a . PINK — FINANCE J. Devlin GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council a tj ~ CANARV — DEPARTMENT � BLUE — MAYOR File NO. � . ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHIItEAS, The Legislature of the State of Mi.nnesota passed a law under Chapter No. 338 during the 1g73 Session which in paxt requires the City to seek bids for insurance covera,ges, and WHII2EAS, The City Labor Ne�otiator has requested rates for Life Insurance Coverages for use in negotiating the 1976 contracts of employment, and WHII2EAS, The request for bids in no way obligates the City to provide life insurance coverage, now therefore be it RESOLVID, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorize and direct William E. Peter, Purchasing Agent of the City of Saint Pau1, to request bids for life insurance in accordance with the specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and in accordance and together with standard city form specifications used 'by the Purchasing Department. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen ��@C Hunt [n Favor Levine ��°`` d Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President �f HOZZa FE� 1 � 1976 Form Approved by City tto n y Adopted by C . Date � Certi ' Pass d ouncil retary BY By Appr e by Mayor: ate 197 Approv y Ma o �i n to C uncil By By a�,a�ts�t�t► FE 2 i �9� i'�a�'`�r7� 3 �� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL HEALTfi AND WELFARE PROGRAM S PEC IFICAT I ONS I. GENERAL PROVISIONS The City of Saint Paul and Independent School District l�o. 625 of the City of Saint Paul are desirous of receivin� bids for insurance covering the lives of certain city employees and Independent School District No. 625 employees as provided hereinafter. Gthere the term "City" is used, it shall apply to the Independent School District No. 625 of the City of Saint Pa.ul._as well; and where rePerence is made to the Council of the City of Saint Pa,ul, it shall apply also to the Board of Education oP the City of Saint Paul. The City will evaluate all proposals received on the same basis. If your pro- posal is to receive consideration, it raust conform to the speci�'ications herein outlined. The City reserves the right to re�ect any and all proposals or bids. Specimen copies of the Group Master Contract to be issued to the City of Saint Paul shall be furnished with the proposal. The City of Saint Paul, in considering the proposals submitted and in making an award oP the proposal, shall take into consideration such factors as the initial cost, service capa.bilities, character, Pinancial position; reputation with respect to such carriers, and any other factors which the City may deem appropriate in arriving at an award to a particular carrier. . II. COIYTINUATION AND CANCEF,LATION (1) The present City Group Insurance Agreements run for the calendar year and it is coratemplated that an award of this c�ntract wi11 be coordinated with the present insurance program. This contract shall be issued for an initial term of the partial year, beginning the date of the award (approximately March 1, 1976) and continuin� through December 31, 1976. Unless discontinued by the City it shall be reneWed automatically on the first day of January, 1977, and each suc- cessive year thereafter during its continuance for successive terms of one year each and without evidence of insurability. The insurer may cancel this contract for nor-payment oP premium but only after a thirty-day grace period has expired. (2) Any requests for prer�ium change shall be made in writing to the City prior to November lst to be considered for the next following yearly term. Such re- quests shall be addressed to the Mayor and City Council and delivered to the City Clerk. (3) This contract may be cancelled by the City by thirty days written notice delivered to the insurer. ���Fi �� III. TER�IIriATION OF IIQDIVIDiJAL INSURANCE � � , (1} Insurance for the insured employee shall aatomaticalZy terminate at the end of the contract r�onth for which his premium was last paid and accepted by the com- pa.ny, in the event: {a) the group contrac� is Iapsed or discontinued, or (b) the required premium payments cease to be made on the account of the insured employee, or (c} the insured employee terminates his e�nploy.nent with �he employer, or (d} the insured employee attains age 65, or (e) the insur2d employee enters active duty in the military or naval service, or (f) the insured employee is temporarily laid-off, granted sick leave without pay, or granted a written leave of absence, provided, however, insurance not terminated for other cause stated in (a) through (e) above, may be continued for not � exceeding twelve (12) months by payment of the required payments for such insurance directly to the insurance com- pa;.ny, on or beiore �he respective due dates. (2) This life insurance will continue for an early retiree which is defined as an employee who terminates his service with the City and is receiving a pension �'rom one of the City pension plans unless a cause listed from (a) through (e) above occurs which shall terminate said insurance. - (3) An insured person whose insurance hereunder ceases for any reason sha11 be eligible aga.in for insurance hereunder upon being reinstated to active employr,,ent by the City, provided the employee meets all other eligibility require�ents. N. II,IGIBIL ITY (1) The Council oi the City of Saint Fa,ul shall have the sole authority for determining eligibility for the employees insured hereander in a Manner that pre- cludes individual selection. (2) T!-ie effective date of the e:�ployee's insurance who is appointed or transfer- red to the group insured hereunder shall be the iirst day of the month following such transfer or appointment. V. CER`I'IFICAiES FOR II�iTRF.�D PERSOV.S The cornpany will issue to the policyholder for delivery to each insured person certificates setting 7orth a statement as to the a.�nou:�t of a.nsurance and the beneficiary designation. VI. INSURING AGREF�IENTS (a) Amount of Insurance The amount of insurance shall be the amount desi�ated for each employee on the list attached hereto. ���r��� (b} " Fa,;,�ment of Benefits The compa.ny will pay, immediately upon receipt of due proof oY death to the Beneficiary hereunder the amount of insurance set forth on the list hereto attached. (c) Accidenta7. Death, Dismemberment and Loss of Sight Benefits FOR LOSS Or Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Principal Sum Bo�h Hands, or Both Feet, or Sight of Both Eyes. . . . .Principal Sum One Hand and One Foot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Principa.l Sum One Foot and Si�ht of One Eye. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Principal Sum One Ha.nd and Sight of One Eye. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Principal Sum Sight of One Eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . .One half of Principal Sum One Hand or One Foot . . . . . . . . . . . ,One half of Principal Sum Loss of hands or feet means complete severence through, above the wrist or ankle joints. Loss of sight means entire and irrecoverable loss of sight. . The Principal Sum shall equal the amount of life insurance in force. Limitations. (applicable to Accidental Death and Dismemberment.) Benefits shall not be payable if death or other loss results from war, declared or undeclared, or any related act; travel or flight in any or on any species of military aircraft; or participation as a pa,ssenger or otherwise in any military, aviation, or aeronautical operation; pa,rticipation in or attempt to commit an assualt or felony; suicide or attempt at suicide while sane or insane, or result- ing directly or indirectly fram any physicai or mental infirmity, illness or disease; poisoning or bacterial infection, ather than infection occurring simul- taneously with and in consequence of an accidental cut or wound. Total Disability. If, while under age 65 and before cessation of premi�n payments for insurance, the employee becomes totally disabled, and if such disability continues after cessation of premiuzn payments, the employee's group Iife insurance shall remain in force, without payment of premiums, during the con�inuance of such total dis- ability for a period of twelve (12) months. Total and Per!nanent Disability. If, while under age 65 and insured hereunder either by payment of premiums or by operation of section above, written prooP is received by the company that the employee has become totally and presumably permanently disabled as defined herein, the employee's group life insurance shall remain in force, without pay- ment of premiums, during the period of such continuous total disability. � . �: �.'�''�';�� � .VII-A,. BEI,�W IS A LIST OF THE CO�IPI,ETE MEMBERSHTP OF THE PROFESSIOPtAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATIQN UNIT I. (PEA I) AN�V'tJAI, AMOU:VT OF NA?`'fE BIRTH DA'i'E SALAP,Y TiaSURANCE Abrahamson, No-rma 11-30-13 16,�+93 11,000 Ackermann, Anthony 12-26-37 17,�+!+7 12,000 Adcock, �Iadeline 10-10-23 29,370 2�+,000 A�mess, Timothy 7- 6-�+7 18,159 13,000 Aichinger, Clifton 11- 1-4g 15,202 10,000 Akenson, Robert 11-22-19 20,700 15,000 Al1en, Charles J. 1-16-51 13,589 8,000 Anderson, Audrey K. 10-11-35 16,493 11,000 Anderson, Barbara 7- g-46 13,�+28 8,000 Anderson, Lee 2-19-40 15,202 10,000 Anderson, Roger 3-13-�+9 14,g07 9,000 Anderson-Laid, Cheryl 9- �+-48 15,�5�+ 10,000 Angell, Carroll E. 12-18-34 17,971 12,000 A rnold, Kathleen 5-13-5� 14,235 9,000 Aschittino, John 12- 2-�+�+ 11,627 6,000 Atchison, Elisabetn 7- 6-25 16�681 11�000 Atkinson, David 5-13-49 13,5�9 8,Q00 Ba.iley, Beatrice 8-12-20 21,977 lb 000 Ba.umgartner, Jean 6-25-�9 1�+,073 9,pOp Baumgartner, Ronald 11- 3-36 21,�93 16,000 Beerm�n, Elmer 3-26-17 15,619 10,000 Bell, Howard K. 2-14-49 12,864 7,000 � Bell, Richard 10- 9-k0 13,5�9 8,Q00 Bellus, Ja*�es J. 8-21-�+6 19,598 1�+,000 Bijjani, Alice 7-23-46 17,��47 12,000 Bilek, L3urence 2- 6-34 17,�+�+7 12,040 Brady, Shirley 5-2�+-26 18,�+82 13,000 Brewer, Daniel S. 4-21-�+6 13,872 8,000 Broughton, Robert D. 6- 9-5fl 15,202 10,000 Brown, Barbara D. 1-14-27 . 18,�+82 13,000 Buehrer, Doris 7-15-27 11,103 6,000 Bullert, Bernie 4-20-46 19,02Q 14,000 Bunnell, Marvin 6-23-�+7 17,864 12,000 Buol, Harvey 3-17-18 15,9o1 10,000 Burr, Thomas 6-26-46 19,020 14,000 Butz, william 8- 7-23 23,886 18,000 . Canlas, Edmund 2- 8-40 13,589 8,000 Carroll, William b-18-�+9 16,681 11,000 Christiansen, Ronald 8-25-26 17,�47 12,000 Christison, Margaret 5-20-24 18,�+b9 13,OQ0 Ciag.*ie, Raymond 3-3�-2'+ 17,��+7 12,000 Clark, Marjorie 11-19-2I 16,0�9 11,000 Coh�n, Jane 2- 3-50 1�+,235 g,OCO Conley, Earl 11-16-1g 19,571 1�+,000 Connelly, John 8- 8-23 25,270 20,000 Conner, Nanette 5-30-47 14,073 9,000 Cran, Thomas 10- 6-38 13,589 8,004 Crumb, Christine 3-22-52 12,971 7,0�0 Crump, xarry 12-20-37 15,780 10.,000 Day, Jeraldine 8- 3-39 13,872 8,000 DeVine, Judith 6-Z�+-45 15,054 1�,000 Divirgilia, Louis 9-2�+-43 1�+,36g 9,000 Dodge, Ronald 6-29-�+7 18,�59 1.3,000 Dolan, Eileen 5-29-2�+ 16,493 11,000 . FEA I(Continued) ' � f��`�'�9 APINt.tAL AMOiJNT OF NA:'�fE BIRTH DATE SALARY INSiJRANCE Doyle, P�Iargaret 8-16-18 16,493 11,000 Do�le, riary C. 2- 6-31 15,619 10,00Q Drobac, Alice 2- 2-2�+ 16,�93 11,000 Dunn, Theodora b-25-19 16,493 11,000 Dzugan, Kenneth 8-24-�+2 23,563 18,000 Eaton, Louis �+-1�+-23 20,1�+9 15,000 Egan, Robert 5-18-39 18,159 13,000 Eg;um, Mich�,el J. 10- 3-48 19,020 Z�+,000 Eichinger, John 5-17-26 20,149 15,000 Eizenhoefer, Claude 9- 3-27 22,555 17,000 Elden, John A. 11-2�+-51 11,708 6,000 Emmet, Caroline 5-21-5� 13,105 8,000 Emory, Alan �+-18-48 15,901 I.0,000 Englund, JoAnne 7- 3-30 20,713 15,000 Erickson, Gary 1- .9-�+7 20,552 15,000 Esboldt, Jerome 3-31-�+7 1�+,073 g,000 Ethier, Patricia 3-3�-23 12,151 7,000 E�rens, Richard 1- 3-22 20,149 15,000 Fandrey, Norma 8- 9-52 12,286 7,000 Far�er, David 6-12-1+8 1�F,235 9,000 Finn, Lucille 7-28-20 � 17,�87 12,000 Fleming, Helen 10-1�+-26 11,627 6,000 Fletcher, Readus 1-2b-50 12,g71 7,000 Ford, Kenneth 1-1�+-�+0 21,�+06 16,000 � Foreman, John 7- 4-22 18,159 13,004 Fra.ncis, James 12-26=18 17,�+�+7 12,000 Frankus, Georgia 11-27-29 15,619 10,000 Gag, James 4- 8-1+7 19,020 14,000 Galt, Francis 2-28-46 1�+,073 9,000 Gal;rani, Mary 3-30-15 19,020 1�+,000 . Gonje, Donald 8- 5-49 14,1+90 9,000 Garcia, Ba.rbara 10- 5-�t3 12,864 7,000 Getsug, Doris 10-18-16 18,482 13,000 Gilbertson, Scott 12-22-48 20,552 15 000 Goldstein, Jules 4-30-�+7 1�+,907 g,000 Goski, Roger 5-19-42 17,003 12,0� Goswitz, Thomas 1-26-1�6 14,759 9,�� Graham, Celine 3-20-�+7 15,901 10,000 Grathwol, I'hilip 10- 3-10 23,886 18,000 . Greene, Edith 10-21-19 12,151 7,000 Grochala, St�phen 12-2�+-50 13,105 8,000 Grotr.e, Randal 12- 2-47 20,552 15,000 Grupp, Roger 2-11-46 13,�+28 �8,000 Gryskiewicz, Clarice 3-25-�8 12,804 7,000 Guith, Ronald 9-22-18 17,�+�+7 12,000 Gunther, William 11-14-�+5 17,326 12,000 HaLl, Clint 1-31-2b 16,681 11,000 hanson, Alvi.n 1�-10-�+4 13,872 $,000 Hardginski, Jean 3-17-�+7 15,202 l0,OQ0 Harkness, Ward 2-19-35 17,4�+7 12,000 Harley, Kristine 9-20-50 12,380 7,000 Harwood, John � 12- 9-40 19,020 1�+,000 ftaselberger, Laurene 3-22-17 19,571 1�+,000 Hawkins, Richard 5- 3-21 23,88b 18,000 � ���'�'79 PF.,A I(Continued) AP�L AMOUNT OF NA?+� BIRTH DATE SAI,aRY IiVSTIEi�Ir'CE Hedba.ck, biagel 9-23-17 16,04g 11,000 Hedman, Richard 3-19-46 21,493 16,000 Heldt, Norbert 5-22-21 21,3�5 16,000 Helfeld, Dorothy �+-28-27 13,105 8,000 Hemming, Richard 12-18-38 16,533 1I,000 Herrick, Lawrence 9-34-33 18,159 13,000 Hjerpe, Roger 6-26-23 20,1�+9 15,000 Hofiman, Virginia 6-10-17 16,493 11,OOQ Huebscher, Ra1ph 10-27-10 17,�87 12,000 Hurtley, Walter 12-23-14 28,�+96 23,000 Jackson, Henry 7-28-�+2 24,719 19,000 Jacob, Rosamond 5-20-28 12,8b4 7,000 Janda, Francis 2- 3-31 20,108 15,000 Jeffrey, Laura 3-11-15 19,571 1�+,OOQ Johnson, Gary 8-11-47 19,020 1�+,400 Johnson, Gwen 2-11-18 13,038 8,G00 Johnson, Lynette 11-29-51 12,380 7,000 Johnson, Margaret 8-11-�+8 12,864 7,000 Johnson, Shirley 8-16-28 11,627 6,000 Jones, Ronald � 1-23-3�+ 17,326 12,000 Jung, Laurence 8-10-3j 14,490 9,OQ0 Kalkbrenner, John 5-25-1$ 21,305 16,Ofl0 Karl, Tnor�as ' b- 8-�+3 16,5�b 11,000 � Kessler, Robert 11-15-�+5 14,369 9,000 Koke, Roxanne 9-29-�+4 11,627 b,000 Kosel, Karen 1- 8-50 12,286 7,000 Kram�n, Donald 9- 6-30 1�+,907 9,000 Kretzschmar, Gene 2- 7-�+7 18,159 13,OOfl Kuhfeld, Thomas 1�-19-45 22,555 17,000 Kujala, Darrell 1-17-�+8 15,202 10,00o Lentz, John 10-20-45 15,202 10,000 Lewis, Brent �+-24-42 17,326 12,000 I,indberg, Claudia 11-21-�+9 14,269 9,000 Loskota, David 7-11+-�+7 20,552 15,000 � Lueth, Larry 9-25-�+7 20,552 15,�� Lufkin, Jane 5-21-38 11,627 6,000 Lundgren, Gregory 6- 7-47 1�+,7j9 9,OU4 Lyman, Mary 12- 1-49 12,864 7,000 Maguirz, Mary �+- 2-51 12,86�+ 7,000 Maxssek, S�ephen 6- 5-32 17,g'?1 12,000 M�1vey, Pdaureen 3-1�+-4c� 17,85!+ 12,Ofl0 P+�cCar;,hy, James 10- 2-36 18,159 13,Od0 '�cCarty, Lir.da 12-23=%+7 12,286 7,000 McCausland, William 10-13-35 17,971 12,000 PdcConnor, Edward �+- 7-2a 1�+,907 9,000 MeFadden, Bernice 3-11-26 14„a07 9,000 McGou�,.n, Catherine 2- 8-47 1�+,073 9,000 Mc�Iillan, John 2-23-35 18,697 13,000 McMonigal, Elizabeth �0-26-25 17,635 12,000 McNeally, Donna 5-26-�+4 15,901 10,000 McPaxtlin, Robert 5- 5-49 18,159 13,000 Meissner, Edith 5- 7-�+7 15,05�+ io,000 Meick, Neill 8-30-�+6 15,054 10,000 Merriam, Austin 2-28-24 17,�+47 12,000 . `� ��``d �y �� PEA I(Continued) ANNUAL AMOUNT OF NAME BIRTH DATE SALARY INS URANCE Merwin, Patricia 5-3�-5�. 13,�+28 8,000 Meyer, Thomas 8-22-48 15,901 10,000 Meyers, t�iichael R. 10-26-51 12,285 7,000 Mickelson, Arnold 8-11-15 21,305 16,000 Mil3er, Donald 5-20-34 17,971 12,000 Moe, Tracy 2- 8-�+4 1g,020 14,000 Mohr, Karl 5-17-�+2 16,533 11,000 Moynagh, Pat 4- 5-34 17,487 12,000 Mueller, Joseph 8-19-�+7 18,159 13,Q�0 Mu�].aney, C. Leo 11- 6-15 18,469 13,000 Murray, Josephine 10- �-16 16,�+93 11,000 � Muska, Florine A. S-1I-21 15,202 10,000 Newcomb, Kenneth 3-12-17 18,469 13,000 0'Brien, Mary Lee 6-25-�+4 17,340 12,000 Odegaard, Dean 2-1�+-38 15,135 10,000 0'Keefe, John �+- 8-18 20,149 15,000 0'Reefe, Mary 6-21-48 1�,073 9,000 0'Leary, James 11- 8-39 17,4�+7 12,aoo Olsen, Edward 14-21-47 11,708 6,000 Qlson, Rosemary 7-20-2�+ 16,�+93 11,000 Otte, Dorothy 2-17-18 16,493 11,000 Overlie, Rolf 1-16-1+2 17,�+47 12,000 Pearson, I,eon 8-11-46 22,555 17,000 � , Pechmann, Gary 12-15-40 17,�+47 12,000 Pelissier, James 3-1�+-44 1�+,759 9,000 Pezinez, Terry 7-12-47 18,15g 13,000 Perrizo, Bruce 10-1�+-41 17,003 I2,000 Pesek, William 6-28-45 17,326 12,000 Peterson, Edward 6-14-23 18,68�+ 13,000 Peterson, Vernon 11- 3-26 20,149 15,000 Peterson, William 8-28-�+0 17,003 12,000 Portoghese, Christine . 8-26-37 12,286 7,000 Power, Diane 3-17-�+8 13,428 8,000 Puchreiter, Roger 8-27-�+2 19,020 14,000 Quinn, Penelope 6- 1-�+1 15,619 10,000 Ranieri, Eugene 10-31-�+6 19,221 1�+,000 Ram�eiler, Beno 8- 6-11 23,980 18 OQO Reidell, Mark 11-29-49 1�+,073 9,000 Richards, Darrel2 6- 4-32 18,159 13,� Robbins, Emma 7-1�+-16 22,622 17,Q00 Robbi:�s, Ortha 10-30-25 22,622 17,000 Robert, i�arcia 10-30-�+�+ 15,202 10,000 Roy, Steven 1- 1-45 17,4�+7 12,004 Rupert, Richard 11-26-�+6 17,4�+7 12,000 $yan, Roger �+- 1-35 23,213 I$,000 Salo, Annette 9- 7-44 11,627 6,000 5ande, GarY 1- 8-39 18,15g 13,004 Schuller, Anne 3-1�+-52 12,286 7,000 Senn, Mark 1-za 49 i7,326 12,000 Shelton, James 5- 8-�t6 14,�+90 9,000 Shetka, Allen 8- 2-46 22,555 17,000 Shoholm, Jacqui 11-26-49 � 14,235 9�� Shomion, Lawrence 9- 8-�+7 16,681 11,000 Sieber, Beatrice 1- 3-26 15,619 10,000 r:.������� � PEA I(Continued) ANNUAL AMOUNT OF NAME BIRTH DATE SALARY INSUF�ANCE Sigety, Donald 10- 3-48 12,286 7,000 Smrcka, Jerry 11- 7-47 19,020 14,OC4 Snyder, James 6-25-�+1 17,971 12,000 Sobania, Donald 8-2�+-4b 22,555 17,000 Soderholm, Larry 9- 6-�+�+ 17,864 12,000 Sorenson, Carolyn 8- 6-�1 12,864 7,000 Stachowiak, Kathy 1-25-�+5 19,�10 1�+,000 Stahnke, James 8- 7-39 20,1�+9 15,000 Stavn, Vir�inia 5-16-1+1 l�+,073 9,000 Stemig, George 3-26-39 18,159 13,000 Streed, Karl 4-21-50 17,32b 12,000 Streich, Henry �+-24-1�+ 20,149 15,000 Steinkraus, Odney 10- 7-22 12,971 7 000 Strohkirch, Tom 3-2�+-43 17,�+47 12,000 Su.7.livan, Catherine 5- 8-16 14,907 9,Opp Sundbye, Delores 5-23-3� 15,054 10,000 Swanson, Nora 12-18-23 15,619 lo,000 Terrell, WinnieYred 11- 7-2�+ 15,619 10,000 Tourtelotte, Brian 1+-19-50 14,490 9,000 Tregilas, Kathleen 3-19-32 11,708 6,000 Tuckner, Irene 11- 4-�+0 12,286 7,OOQ Vogel, Lir.da 11-20-47 15,767 10,000 Wagner, Elaine 3- 8-39 17,635 12,000 Walsh, Robert 7-17-�+2 19,59a 14,000 Warn, Edward 9-16-46 21,1+93 16,000 Watson, Martha 11-21-51 13,589 8,000 Weinke, Kenneth 4- 1-25 15,61g 10,000 Wengler, Janice 10-22-�1 31,7Q8 6,000 White, Peter 2- 1-47 15,202 10,000 Wicklund, John 8- 5-�+2 19,020 14,000 Williaros, Carole 3-15-�1 z3,�+28 8,000 Wirgate, Laura 3- 3-36 16,049 1.1.,000 W1rka, John 12-21-44 22,555 17,000 Wittgenstein, Bev 10-10-�+8 12,864 7,000 Wittgenstein, Vic 10-21-43 15,135 10,000 Wolfe, Lynn 12- 2-50 I1,70$ 6,000 Yannarelly, Harold 4-29-23 18,469 13,OC(3 Zaudke, Ronald 6-21-�+6 15,202 10,000 TOTAL �2,868,000 CONTINUED ON PlEXT PAGE �Cr�F���� � VII-B. BEL(�I IS A LIST OF THE COMPLETE MEMBERSHIP OF TF� PROFESSIONAL EMFLOYEES ' ASSOCIATION ITNIT II. (SUPERVISORY) (PEA II) ANNUAL AMQUNT OF �'"� BIRTH DATE SALARY IP�SURANCE Bell, Earlyn R. 12-30-15 20,2�+3 15,000 Bell, Walter A. 10-30-21 17,877 12,000 Blue, Sam 7- 3-26 25,�+04 20,000 Bredahl, Roy E. 9-16-33 28,496 23,000 Burkholder, Lloyd A. 1-16-28 24,718 19,000 Carc�edi, Josepn 2-20-27 22,72g 17,000 Chermak, Robert J. 2+- 1-1�+ 23,9'79 18 OQO Clarke, philip J. 3- 9-11 17,903 12,000 Cody, Marion L. 6-12-16 20,2�+3 15,000 Cox, Dr. Pa.ul ,T. 10-1�+-21 27,689 22,000 Davis, John W. 9-16-36 20,807 15,000 Denbleyker, HaroZd 9- 5-23 22,742 17,000 Desch, Paul F. 5- .b-24 1$,563 13,000 Donovan, James W. 9- 8-24 35,875 30,000 Dvorak, Richard 10- 5-3b 22,071 17,000 Eberhardt, Ed 7- 8-18 28,�+9b 23,000 Eggen, J. Archer 5- !+�-15 35,875 30,000 Eggum, Tnomas J. 12- 7-44 23,979 18,OQ0 Erickson, Glenn A. 3-14-28 33,85$ 28,OQ0 Ernster, Donald E. 11- 2-29 23,q79 18,000 Fletcher, John A. 5- 7-19 21,39$ 16,000 Foreman, Joan R. 11-1b-35 19,5�3 14,000 � Franklin, Peter 10-16-38 23,038 i8,000 Friedman, Charles 7-16-24 22,662 17,000 Glaeve, Reynold 6-22-17 21,412 16,000 Gravesen, Jens A. �+- 6-17 25,40�+ 2Q,000 Grieder, Roy E. 2- 8-21 28,b96 23,000 Hancock, Donald 9- 9-�28 2�+,718 19,000 Hauwillers �oseph 7-30-36 24,678 19,000 Holmgren, Harold 5-30-26 20,2�+3 15,000 Horrisberger, Robert 11-11-22 23,320 18,000 Isberg, Guranar 2-22-32 25,673 20,000 Isfeld, Joyce 7-21-27 18,5b3 13,000 Jacobsen, Verne ?- 1-35 28,496 23,000 Kercheval, Craig 11-20-�+6 21,}+65 16,000 Koenig, Joseph �+-1b-37 27,689 22,000 Lang, Robert 10-10-27 32,286 27,000 _ Lewis, Donald 4-25-18 26,8g6 21,00� McGinley, Miles 10-30-28 20,645 15,opo McGuire, Charlea q- 5-36 2I,�+65 16,000 Ma�nir.g, Richard 1-19-27 23,321 18,OQ0 Meuwissen, William 6-17-21 28,496 23,000 Mogren, Thomas 1-10-31 30,176 25,Oa0 Mohror, Roger 1- 6-39 26,896 21,000 Murphy, Mary Ann 10-18-�+2 21,�+65 16,000 Niles, John L. 3-3�-32 15,981 10,000 Norstrem, Gary R. 1-26-36 16,895 11,000 Nygaard, Donald E. 11-10-3b 26,896 21,000 Olinger, August 7-15-30 26,896 21,000 Ol,son, Albert 1-31-3�+ 20,645 15,000 Olson, Eva 10-23-12 18,563 I.3,000 patton, William 8-25-39 30,176 25,000 . ������� �t. PEA II(Continued) ANNUAL AMOUNT OF NAME BIRTH DATE SALARY IZ�SURANCE Peter, William 8-30-20 25,18g 20,000 Peterson, Robert 9- 2-30 31,95� 26,0�0 Poor, John 11-1C-41 1g,678 14,000 Prill, Gerald 5-31-3b 26,439 21,OQ0 Rabens, Fred 3-17-27 20,807 15,000 Roettger, Robert 1-25-38 25,�+17 20,000 Schnarr, Richard 9-23-19 33,85$ 28,000 Schonberger, G. Kent 1-2I-21 31,950 26,000 Schwartz, James F. 7-15-31 23,979 18,000 Simonson, Marlon 6- 7-29 23,320 18,000 S�nn, Kenneth �+-27-25 20,807 15,000 Sonnsn, Mary }1�+-�+4 17,541 12,000 Staffenson,. Frank 6-20-33 23,32� 18,000 Stanton, Donald 12- 1-19 24,�22 19,000 Steenberg, Gerald 12-12-36 22,500 17,000 Stirzl, Mary 3-19-2g 14,6g1 9,000 Thomas, Hartley 6-28-28 20,807 15,000 Thompson, Claudins 3- 5-27 28,49b 23,000 Thorpe, Richard 12-17-32 22,6�2 17,000 Thron, Diana 5- 7-45 30,781 25,000 Timm, William 5-19-32 23,32� 18,o0Q Tio, Ed,mund 11-16-26 20,807 15,000 Trudeau, Robert 2-23-27 28,�+� 23,000 � Tu�te, Donald 3- 7-36 20,807 15,000 Vann, Mrs. Timothy 7-17-17 2�+,221 19,000 Werthauser, Arthur 7-12-3b 25,�+17 20,000 Westerberg, Charles 9-29-�+2 19,570 I.�+,000 Wheeler, Richard 12-14-22 33,858 28,000 Williams, William 11-11-29 20,2�+3 15,000 Wolcyn, P4ary �,ynn 2-2b-�+9 1�+,368 9,000 TOTAL 1,521,000 � CONTIIQITED OPT FOLLOWING PAGE � . ;� ��"�"�9 VII-C. TI� FOLLOWING IS A COMPLETE LIST OF TI� CLASSIFIED OR UNGZASSIFIED, CO�T- ' • FIDENTIAL QR NON-CONFIDENTIAL SUPERVZSORY EMPLOYEES WITH NO BARGAL*iING UNIT AFFILIATION. ANNUAL AMOUNT OF NAME BIRTH DATE SALARY IA]SURANCE Ball, Virginia 12-18-15 2�+,719 19,000 B1ancY!ard, Marvin 2-26-19 17,600 12,000 Companion, Martin 8-20-22 30,042 25,000 Conroy, Stephen 1-27-28 3�+,854 29,000 Dun�ord, Daniel �+-15-35 3k,85!+ 29,004 Friedman, John 6- 8-32 3�,899 25,040 Gleason, Thomas 10-29-26 33,859 28,000 Green, Leland 6-13-3� 21,493 16,000 Grimes, Russell �+- 3-39 19,�55 14,000 Heinen, Edwaxd 12- 5-20 30,015 25,000 Hughes, Thomas 8-25-42 25,297 20,000 Huset, Elmer 9_29_2p 3�+�262 2g�p�p Kelley, Thomas 5- 4-26 38,322 33,� Lombardi, James g-23-36 21,493 16,000 Mattson, Roger 11- 2-28 34,854 2g,o00 Mix, Rose 6- 5-31 21,7�+8 16,000 Piram, Robert 6-21-39 3�+,85�+ 29�000 Pye, Robert 6-28-27 29,155 2�+,000 Regnier, Pierre 6-27-�+3 35,822 30,000 Rountry, Eleanor 1-20-15 23,213 18,000 Rowan, Richard 12- 5-21 34,854 2g,000 Schroeder, Richard 5- 8-16 27,635 22,000 Spaid, Donald 10-28-32 3�,85� 29,000 Sullivan, Terry 3-22-39 26,5�+7 21,000 Villaume, Frank 11-29-45 1g,020 14,000 Vizard, Edward 8-28_34 2p,473 15,000 Wrig.ht, Bernard 1-29-19 27,690 22,000 TO`TAL 618 000 �� CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE ������� t` VII-D. THE FOLLOWING IS A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NSF�ERSHIP OF THE CITY ATTORNEYS - PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION. ANNUAL AMOUNT 0� NAME BIRTf�f DATE SALARY INSURANCE Byrne, Philip 12-16-38 31,897 26,000 Ficker, Daniel 5-21-37 27,797 22,C00 Flynn, Pa,ulette 1-31-�9 17,447 12,000 Lewis, Jacques 9- 7-49 15,202 10,000 Mabley, Daniel . 12-26-1+8 1b,681 11,004 McCloskey, Pa.ul 8-13-�+� 27,797 22 000 . � McLaughlin, John 10-13-27 22,555 17,004 Martin, John 12- 3-�+8 15,901 10,000 Nelson, Arthur 10-27-22 24,558 19,000 Mord, Beryl 10-12-48 18,15� _ 13,4�� Segal, Jerome 7-2�+-36 31,588 26,000 Sipkins, Tr�o�nas 9-19-�+7 z7,326 12,�00 Stearns, Thomas �+-17-19 30,700 25,000 TOTAL 225,000 COAITI��tJED ON FOLL�'4dING PAGE • .. f`����F�� VIL'i-A. Pt`2�^,PdI'i?" QUOTATIOIJS PZease complete the foll.owing; (A) PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATIO;V tTNIT I. (PEA I) ?iate per �1,000 �ncludir,g Acciden�al Death ar.3 Disrr:emoe:r„ent ar.d kaive-r of premium: Per ,�;onth-� It �s unders�ood that tr,e bids for this proposed �?roup oP insured persons sha11 not af�ect the rates o� the other groups liste3, nor wiil the insuring or not insuring of Lhe other gro+�ps affect the rate of `'�is group. * �e:�iums w�ll be paid monthly based on the amour.t of insurance in Torce. IX-A. RETEN'I'ION PP,E'�ItJP�I ESTINIATES Flease co-�plete the following: (A� PROFES S IONAL EMPLOYEES AS S OC TA TION UIdIT I. (PEA I) YF:A R 1 YEA R 2 YEA R 3 Gross Pre;�iuo.s 30,000 30,000 30,000 Clairt:s Fa.id None 34,000 None Itemized Expenses: Commissions Claim Expense Ta_xes A dministration Records and Billing Other Expense Company Profit Incurre3 but Unpa,id Claim Reserve Net Profit Al1 retention exhibits shall be figured with tne exarnple of "Claims Paid and Gross Premiur,:s" inserted above. A11 items not guaranteed re- fundable upon expirations of claim period should be er.tered in '�OtPser Expense". Retention exhibits are for reference on1y, contract will be awa.rded on basis oi initial cost. • � � w�{ . . . f•;.�4� ��Y � VIII-B. P�idIL��i QUOTATIOT�S Ple�.se coTplete the following; (A) PROFESSIQNAL EMPI,OYEES ASSOCIATION UNIT II. (SUPERVISORY) {pEA II) Rate per �1,000 including Accidental Leath and Disr_ember�:,�nt ar.3 ��aiv?r oi prenium: Per :-+.ont:�-� It �s understood that the bids for this propcsed group of' insured persons shall not af�ect the rates of �he other grou�s lis;e�., nor ���? �he insuring or not insuring oi the o�Y:er groups a�fect tne ra�e o�' �^is group. * Pre�niums will be paid monthly based on the arrot�rt of insurance in =�rce. �B. RETEnJ'I'IOiV P.�E_'�tIUM ESTIN;ATES Flease c�mplete the following: (A� PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION UNIT II. (SUPERVISORY) (PEA II) � �'EA R 1 YEA R 2 '_s.A R 3 Gross Pre:�iums 18,000 18,000 18,000 Claims Pa,id None 20,000 None It2mized Expenses: Commissions Claim Expense Taxes Administration Records and Billing Other Exper.se Company Prafit Incurred but Unpa.id Claim Reserve Net Profi� All retention exhibits shall be figured with the example of "Claims Paid and Gross Premiums" inserted above. Al1 items not guara:�teed re- fundable upon expiratzons of claim period should be er.tered ir. "OtY:er Expense". Retentian exhibits are for reference only, contract will oe awarded on basis of initial cost. , - ���`�"��9 VIIi-C. PREMILTf A,UOTATIOP� Ple�.se complete the following: (A) CLASSIFIID APTD UNCI,ASSIFIED, CONFIDEPITIAL AND NON-CONFIDENTIAL SUPERVISING EMPLOYEES WITH NO BARGAINING UNIT AFFILIATION. Rate �aer �1,000 including Accidental Death an3 Disrre:rberr�2nt ar_3 wai�e-r of pre�ium: Per �tonth* It �s unders�ood that the bids ior t::is proposed �roup of insured persons sha11 not af?ect the rates of the other groups listed, r�or wiil �he insuring or not insuring of the otl;er groups aflect t�ne rate of t�:is group. * Preniums will be paid monthly basec3 on the arrour.t o° insurance in f:�r�2, IX-C. RETEPJ'i'ION PREMIUIv! ESTII'�ATES rlease complete the following: (A� CZASSIFIED A1�ID UNCI,ASSIFIED, CONFIDENTIAL AI�ID NON-CONFIDENTIAL SUP'ERVISING EMPLOYEES WITH NO �ARGAINING UI�TIT AFFILIATION. YEA R 1 ��A R 2 YEA R 3 Gross Premiun:s 7,000 � 7,000 7�ppp Claims Paid None 10.000 None Itemized Expenses: Co�missions Claim Expense Taxes Administration Records and Billing Other Expense Company Profit Incurre3 but Unpaid Claim Reserve Net Profit All retention exhibits shall be figured witr the exar�ple of "Claims Paid and Gross Premiums" inserted above. Al1 iteTs not guaranteed re- funda.ble upon expirations of claim period should be entered in "Other Expense". Retention exhibits are for reference orL1.f, contract will oe awarded on basis of initial cost. � ,� ������9 V I I I-D. P�rdli�?�; QLTOTA T IOP� F�l�a�e coTplete the following: (A) CITY ATTORIVEYS PROFESSIOi�1AL ASSOCIF,TION. �a�e ger �I,000 inclu3ing Accidental Death and Dism.emberment ar.3 waiver of premium: Per ,•1�r,th� It -s understood that the bids for this proposed group of insured persons sha11 not af�ect the rates of the other groups liste3, nor wili �he insuring or not insuring of �he other groups affect the rate of ��:i� group. * Pre*�iums will be paid monthl;� based on the amount of insurance in `_'�r�e. IX-D. RElr NTION PRE;•1IUA�! ESTIh�ATES Please complete the following: (A� CITY ATTORNEYS PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION. • YEA R 1 YEA R 2 YEA R 3 Gross Premiun:s 2,1+00 2,400 2,400 Claims Paid None 10,000 None Itemized Expenses: Commissior_s Claim Expense Taxes Administration Records and Billing Other Expense Company Profit Incurred but Unpaid Claim Reserve Net Profit Al1 retention exhibits shall be fi�ured with the exarnpl� of "Claims Pa.id and Gross Fn'emiums" inserted above. All items not guaranteed re- fundable upon expirations of claim period should be entered in '�Other Expense". Retention exhibits are for reference only, contract will be awa.r3ed on basis of initial cost. � . . �����.,�9 'X. 9,UESTIfltTNA I�E (1) Are Deficits carried forward to be recouped from future year's surpluses? If not, please explain how they will be financed. (2) In the event of contract cancella�ion, either or. or off the anniversary date, will you refund the entire excess, if any, or yaur Incurred Claim : Reserve(Open but unrecorded) over the actual Claims Fa.id after the can- cellation date? While determining your final liability after cancella- tion(either on or off the anniversary date�, will you make �an additional Retention or service charge? If so, what would be the approximate amount of this charge? (3) Will it be necessary for you to maintain any Premium Stabilization or Claim Fluctuation Reserves? If so, please advi.se (a) the amount of reserve, (b) how you �ri.11 establish the reserve, (c) the interest rate which you wi12 � credit to the reserve, and (d) whether and at what time this reserve will be refunded to Saint Pa.ul in the event of contract cancellation. (�� At the end oi each contract year, will you provide a. complete accountin� of . a11 premium dollars paid to you durin� the year in the form of Claims Pa.id and Retention? Will all Paid Premium for the year in excess of Incurred Claims and Retention be refunded to Se.int Paul at the time of this account- ing? If not, please explain. ,f � � i � f df' �(- �E �(' 9E * �E dE - . . � � � . � � � OJYJ.� �1�. 1Z�w 1 7 f.7 �� . . • . . . . . . . . , � ' .. . . . . � � � /�5.����V � � . - �XPLA�TATION OF AD�IN�STR�T E QRUERS, RESOLUTIC?�.'�iS ATJD QR�I�T FS Da,te:aa�uary 28, 1976 I,i , Tp: THOMAS J.� KELZ..EY, CTTY .A:DMIN�STRA�OR k'R t d�b�n C. De�rlin, Persoariel OfPi.ce ' R�: Rstes for life: i.usnraace cvvexage li � . A.C�'ION REQUESTED: ' 8eqnest to direct Nilliaa E. Peter, Parc�asi�g Ag t, to se�nre �i�ts for ' liPe iias�r�nce per specifications. ' i � i i ; , FUR�rJSE A�TD RAT�ONAI�� k'OR TI�IS ACT�t?N: I, T0 p�o�ride rstes for lif e i.neurance coverage !br. e �ity �e6otist�atir � u�e in s�egotist38g the lg(6 eantxsets of eerPlo�ent• ; � il�i�+W�l /.��.."'�`'�' ,� • . . � _ � � AT TAC HM.�NTS; � � � Prol� sed C�ci1 8�sol�tion ta acexoarpli�h the . � ' • a Al.'P�t QYAi,� . I : � c�mas J. Kelle t rnxx��stratpr � Y, Y � � !, I