266771 WHITE - CITV CLERK COIIIICll �6V��1 � PINK -0FINANCE GIT SAINT PAUL 1 . CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAYOR � � F�1@ NO. ` � � l Resolution . , .^ ,�..:_. . � : . ,- ,,-� Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By ' Date WHERE�S, The Council o� the City of Saint Paul by Resolution C,F. 263216 adopted l�arch 12, 1974, authorized the acquisition by direct purchase or eminent domain of a permanent easement for street and highway purposes for the purpose of opening, wi,dening and extending Dale Street from the first alley north of Un�,versity Av�nue to Sherburne Avenue over Lot 15, Block 2f subdivision of Bl�ock 13, Stinson�s Division of Ramsey County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Office o� the City Attorney has initiated condemnation proceedings and has entered into a proposed agreement whereby the Naegele Advertising Company would move and relocate their sign from the property to be acquired by the City of Saint Paul, and the City wa,uld reimburse the Naegele Company for its costs incurred in moving this sign; and WHEREAS, The City Attorney has advised that the sign has been moved from the property and tY�e Naegele Outdoor Adver- ti,sa.ng Company of the Twin Cities, Tnc. has advised that the cost o� movi.ng and relocating the sign is $5,114, 00 and the Ci.ty Attorney recommends that the City Council approve payment of thi.s amount in exchange for a releas�e of all claims from the Naegele Company; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby concur in and approve the proposed settlement of the claim of the Naegele Outdoor Adver�ising Company of the Twin Cities, Inc, for the sum of $5,114. 00 representing the cost i,ncurred in moving and relocating their sign from the COUIVCILMEN Requested�by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen ��d Hunt [n Favor ; Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President �t HOZZa ` Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved ky 'ty Attorn � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY , By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve a to C ncil � gy By WHITE - CITY CLERK --- � � � ^�^�W� PINK r FINANCE �'""'-'��ii COUIICll � �� � ` � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � File NO. F � � . BI,UE� - MAYOR ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To CommiCtee: Date Out of Committee By Date �a,ge 2. pxo�erty condemned by the CitX o� Saint Paul for the widening of Dale Street and upon receipt of a re�ease in such form as approved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are authorized and directed to make payment' to the Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company to be charged to PIR Fund 60000--745�000 (C�ty Project P-0448AR� . COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen �x�e Hunt � In Favor Levine d �°��r Against By Sylvester Tedesco }�-� President �t'�fC�l��, � �P ' Adopted by Counc' • Date FEg 1 0 1976 Form Approved b� Ci y ttorne � Certified sse b ounci S retary BY BY �� Approv y Mayor: te 197 Approved by iMayor for S mission to Council By By ' ���� � _ _ . , , � ��, � �;, � � ; :� ; : , _ , ' :.. I � '#��'� ����;"�� . ' �� �� � X�LA��1TTQfi1 C?�'_;Al�2�t, ��V&: �`': �` rr. _ �' ;; ,, - �� .� . � � `, . .� � . . . .: ... .�. . . . i M ��� ��I��l��. ��; � F. � � _ _ �� �_. � r �. � . ,. ; p:�� a���a� �.�►, i��6 . . � . , , -. �: ',��Q� J. KELT,�Y, CTTy �aS�NI3T�YT'E�� j ;, ,F�; �J. �a:1., Aasistant City A�tOrstey � �d��+..�.s�� ,I � � .�. R� - �',Ity�Bt� tC N�g�le (Tvt�oor.'�Q��uy 3 . , : -` I ' �} ;�; k� : f`�. 1 . � , , � . . . , ; ti;: {. � ', � , , , � ,' , � ; ,�<��i�p �a �� . :+�rr+�*'�`�"``+�{�' ��E"�'+�'�`�D• F0�82"t� I�JE:1�3E��ti1'�".301'1 '�UU�. ��..' r , , ,; � � �� �� � � ,� . � � . . �. . . ' � , .� . . , � � ...+flry � ri�: : � i / .. . .� �.. .. .. ������: � .� . ZM���t�� J '\ .. . . � � AI r ,� � .� ' . .' .� .. x. - ..�_ y. �r 0�:,� , � � " . �.. _ p ... . . � �: � '�• . . . �� ..� � .� ` ... �k v �,., ... � . . . . ' . . . . � . .. �.; ��: � . n . . . � .:-� �'.�'. . . . . . ., . .: . ��-, . . - '. . . � . . . . . . . � ��_ '1�AT�. P'C?R THIS l�TI41�s �'�y ' ��^.t�#�t�i+�;,, , '�,. •t� of $5,114, which �t� 'the �a�t c�r�"` i� ��;�,s�.c,�, � " �� , d�� ��operty. , ; � a , . ; . .:, � l ; ; ._ , �_; - ., ��G��'�`� Couricil Resolutic� � 2 �t�p�r. , � , � ' i � _ R�PRAV�lL s' � '1' . ,1t�� J.�'��� ��e�. ��� t.��t'�c�� �� � � � {� ! � � F� �. � . . . � �. . � - .- .. . . . .. 4i� 3� : ,, ; , . u = ' , , , , _ . . . _ . _ . , � . .h>�._._�� �1 � CtTY G� �1 � ^ �1911'F',�(f '�, . �� 7 �y r�:: Y �_1� � ��D � o •• ..:fa.:.:. -� �a � a n�nuam � `7 � '� 'i�BpNi� �--]j �� �. � �? � � , ` � �g��t OF SAI NT PAUL �' .... ~ `�� '�A�16 �OR ��� Gl�b�����O 1P E C I T Y A T T O R N E Y � January 15, 1976 `;����°<''� PIERRE N. REGNIER ( r� Thomas Kelley City Administrator 365 City Hall BuzLDZNc Re: Widening of Dale Street �- Our File G-74-0193 Dear Mr. Kelley: The City has conde�mned property for the widening of Dale Street north of University Avenue. Naegele Outdoor Company had a sign located on this property. The City is obligated to pay moving costs of this sign. The company has moved this sign and submitted a bill for $5�114� Tt is my recommendation that the City Council approve and authorize payment of this amount in exchange for a complete release of all claims that the company may have arising from the City' s condemnation. The company has agreed to issue such a release. Would you please forward this Resolution to the City Council with your recommendation for approval. t � Yours very t�uly, i r�. � ��,�_ '... ' r JEROM�,ET.,'; �G Assistar��� Ca.ty Attorney ' `ri JJ�:cg cc; �, William Donovan, Valuations Finance Department City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121