266764 WHITE - CITV CLERK t (������ � CANARV - DEPA TMENT COUIICll � BLUE -MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. Cou ci s ion Presented By LICEAIS� COIrII�IIZR'ET � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE30LVED: That application�i. for S�nday On Sal� Liquor licenaes made by the following �p7plicanta who ar e holders of an On Sal� Liquor liaer�se at the addree� shown� be and the sams are hereby granted and in complianct with C.F. No. 235531, Ordinance No. 13755, which amende Chspter No. 3� of the St. Paul Legielative Code and Ordinances. Sun Ray I,ounge, Inc. 2245 Hudsoa Rd. App.53�+7 Rene� Cacwnoa's, Inc. 2'�2$ W. 7th St. 5360 Renew Robert C. Koehnen� Inc. 859 Randolph 5371 Renew o'G�e,ra Bax & Grill 164 No. Snelling 540� Renew The Minn. Club 31`T No. Wash. St. 5�+33 Renea Por-Da� Inc. 1f�0 Payne 5566 Reaew Del Mottte, Armond R. 1199 Rice' St. 5571 R��r Gsopher Lounge, Inc. 35i University Ave. 557�+ Renew Kick Off, Inc. ?_�+31 w. 7th st. 5588 ReY►eM Dahl'a 620 Club, Ixic. 620 W. 7th St. 5670 ReneM Koury, l�o�ren & K�oury 1180 E. 7th St. 5673 �ep Ho�, Herbert I,. 202 Concord 57�+7 Rene� Phslen Park Liquora, Iac. 1199 Pqyne Ave. 5784 Renew qeorge, Bud 537 Greenwood 5811 Rene�r Dayton's, Div'n. ofDayton Hs,leon 2,�E. 7th 3t. 5881 Rene�► Joseph J. Perkavich 299 Maxia 5�52 Renew� The Sixteen Corp. 92`t E. .7th 8t. 5960 Renew COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hunt [n Favor Levine J —iveai� Sylvester Against BY Tedesco President � Ho2zs Adopted by C i : Date FFe � 0 1976 Form Approved by City Attorney Certifi assed Coun ' cretary/ BY Appro by Mayor: Dat Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B By �� FE8 �i i97'6