01-696��IGlNAI- Presented By Referred To 106292 ac Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 WfIEREAS, the DepazLUent of Public Works is ready to award a con4act for the Ogden/WintLrop sanitary sewer project, and WFiEREAS, t}us work is being done as part of the Highwood Sewer project, adopted by City Council Resolution 99-625, and WE3EREAS, the contract includes water utility related work to be financed by the Water Utility and acquisition of laad that is not eligible for PFA fiIIancing, and WFIEREAS, thete is suffcient PIA fuuding to £nance the acquistion ofland in the 1999 Local Street, Sewer & Alley project, sa THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, 6y the Councii of the CiEy of SainE Paul, upon recommendaEion of the Mayor and advice of the I.ong Range Capita] Imprwement Budget Committee, that $106,293_50 is available for appropriation in the 2000 Capital Improvement $udgets, as heretofore adopted and ameIlded by this CouncIl, be hereby further amended in the 7mprwement Budgets, in the following particulars: Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PSJilV Local Street, Sewer, Alley C99-2T697 PIA Asseasment SPENDING PLAN Local Street, Sewer, Alley C99-2T697 ConstruMion Engineering & Inapection FINANCING PLAN Highwood Sewer C99•2A010 PFA PIA Water Utility Assessment Council File # O� � (09� RESOLUTION creen sheet # Ct'fY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 123,077.31 -15,000.00 108,07731 416,324.00 416,324.00 539,461.51 -15,000.60 524,401.31 499,008.68 •15,000.00 484,008.68 40,392.63 0.00 40,392.63 539,401.31 -15,0OO.OD 524,401.31 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 15,00000 91,293.50 106,293.50 62,395.00 62 395.00 1,592,395.00 I06,293.50 1,695,688.50 ��:.R SGsd{ �s4 ! 01-696 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 SPENDING PLAN Flighwood Sewer C99-2A010 Constauction 1,296,900.00 106,293.50 1,403,193.50 Engineering&IaspecCian 295,495.00 295,495.00 1,592,395.00 106,293.50 1,698,685.50 1°'�e 3'. Faal Lcaxtg-3�atsqg f,�ptt�l I�sp:avtrra�nt ��aget ��m�arttae a�cei�ad �:s xsc�es: ou ��£ ;y a�°' IfiBiS}�..�.�.... �ri48 ... - . i J .a8 Yeas enana� � a ey ,/ os rozn ,� o eman ✓ Harris �/' antry `/ ei er � Absent Adopted by Council: Date - �� 3 �. `_ � � �� -" Adoption Certified by Counci Sec3�9tary Form Appr�ed by City BY � _� � _�' ��� ��' gv ��!��� ��` $=�� �. / •C_ / V Approved By Mayor: Date �(,�ly �1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: By: �� ���� By: � //.— " " �l Requested by Department of: EJW/jab Public Works 5-31-01 Public Works Ed Wam 266-6142 & Jce Mueller 266-6149 MU57 BEON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATEj TOTAL q OF SIGNATURE PAGES )ATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET No. 106292 � 5�1��1 �� � f�� �(t� Q CITY ATTORN CITY CLEFiK NUMBEAFOH ROUi1NG ❑ FlNANCIALS��. � 'O FlNFNCIqLSERV/ACCTG � �YOR<�,���� ���w�, b 4 0� ❑ 2 � • � � � Di Ru � Jae Muelkr 1 (CLIP ALL LO IONS FOR SlGMATURE) ACTIONftEQUESTED � Approvai of attached Council ResoluHon amending the f nancing and spending plans of the Local Street, Sewer & Alley and the Highwood Sewer projects. �'i�i2tti:5� Q��g@ar,C� �'f3fi�.�1' � Si�1� � �+ �1��� RECOMMENDHTONS:Approve (A) or Rejecl (fi) PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has ihis persoNiirtn ever worketl under a contrac[forthis department? CIBCOMMITTEE YE$ NO . - CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION p, HdSthIS �...-�—'"� persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee„ YES NO ' 3 Does [his persoNfirm possess a skilf not normaily possessed by any cufrent ciry employee� YES NO INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNM (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY)' '�" "" The Department of Public Works is ready to awazd a contract for the Ogden/Winthrop sanitary sewer project being done as part of the 1999 Highwood Sewer project, approved by Council on CF 99-625. The conuact includes water utility work to be financed by the Water Utility and acquisition of land that is not eligible for PFA financing. There is sufficent PIA funding to finance the acquisition of land in the 1999 Local Street, Sewer & Alley p2�ject. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVE6 Connact for the Ogden/Winthrop sanitary sewer project wil] be awazded and work can proceed. DISADVANTARESIFAPPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGESIFNOiAPPROVED ��g� �� 2Q01 There will not be sufficient funding to awazd this contract and the sanitary sewer work in the Ogden/LVinthrop azea wi11 not be completed. fOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N5 $106,293.�0 CO5UREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE H'ater Utiliry & PIA AC7Nm NUMBEB C99-2T699 & C99-2A010 FINANCIAL INFORMNTION (EXPLAIN) ��IGlNAI- Presented By Referred To 106292 ac Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 WfIEREAS, the DepazLUent of Public Works is ready to award a con4act for the Ogden/WintLrop sanitary sewer project, and WFiEREAS, t}us work is being done as part of the Highwood Sewer project, adopted by City Council Resolution 99-625, and WE3EREAS, the contract includes water utility related work to be financed by the Water Utility and acquisition of laad that is not eligible for PFA fiIIancing, and WFIEREAS, thete is suffcient PIA fuuding to £nance the acquistion ofland in the 1999 Local Street, Sewer & Alley project, sa THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, 6y the Councii of the CiEy of SainE Paul, upon recommendaEion of the Mayor and advice of the I.ong Range Capita] Imprwement Budget Committee, that $106,293_50 is available for appropriation in the 2000 Capital Improvement $udgets, as heretofore adopted and ameIlded by this CouncIl, be hereby further amended in the 7mprwement Budgets, in the following particulars: Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PSJilV Local Street, Sewer, Alley C99-2T697 PIA Asseasment SPENDING PLAN Local Street, Sewer, Alley C99-2T697 ConstruMion Engineering & Inapection FINANCING PLAN Highwood Sewer C99•2A010 PFA PIA Water Utility Assessment Council File # O� � (09� RESOLUTION creen sheet # Ct'fY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 123,077.31 -15,000.00 108,07731 416,324.00 416,324.00 539,461.51 -15,000.60 524,401.31 499,008.68 •15,000.00 484,008.68 40,392.63 0.00 40,392.63 539,401.31 -15,0OO.OD 524,401.31 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 15,00000 91,293.50 106,293.50 62,395.00 62 395.00 1,592,395.00 I06,293.50 1,695,688.50 ��:.R SGsd{ �s4 ! 01-696 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 SPENDING PLAN Flighwood Sewer C99-2A010 Constauction 1,296,900.00 106,293.50 1,403,193.50 Engineering&IaspecCian 295,495.00 295,495.00 1,592,395.00 106,293.50 1,698,685.50 1°'�e 3'. Faal Lcaxtg-3�atsqg f,�ptt�l I�sp:avtrra�nt ��aget ��m�arttae a�cei�ad �:s xsc�es: ou ��£ ;y a�°' IfiBiS}�..�.�.... �ri48 ... - . i J .a8 Yeas enana� � a ey ,/ os rozn ,� o eman ✓ Harris �/' antry `/ ei er � Absent Adopted by Council: Date - �� 3 �. `_ � � �� -" Adoption Certified by Counci Sec3�9tary Form Appr�ed by City BY � _� � _�' ��� ��' gv ��!��� ��` $=�� �. / •C_ / V Approved By Mayor: Date �(,�ly �1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: By: �� ���� By: � //.— " " �l Requested by Department of: EJW/jab Public Works 5-31-01 Public Works Ed Wam 266-6142 & Jce Mueller 266-6149 MU57 BEON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATEj TOTAL q OF SIGNATURE PAGES )ATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET No. 106292 � 5�1��1 �� � f�� �(t� Q CITY ATTORN CITY CLEFiK NUMBEAFOH ROUi1NG ❑ FlNANCIALS��. � 'O FlNFNCIqLSERV/ACCTG � �YOR<�,���� ���w�, b 4 0� ❑ 2 � • � � � Di Ru � Jae Muelkr 1 (CLIP ALL LO IONS FOR SlGMATURE) ACTIONftEQUESTED � Approvai of attached Council ResoluHon amending the f nancing and spending plans of the Local Street, Sewer & Alley and the Highwood Sewer projects. �'i�i2tti:5� Q��g@ar,C� �'f3fi�.�1' � Si�1� � �+ �1��� RECOMMENDHTONS:Approve (A) or Rejecl (fi) PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has ihis persoNiirtn ever worketl under a contrac[forthis department? CIBCOMMITTEE YE$ NO . - CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION p, HdSthIS �...-�—'"� persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee„ YES NO ' 3 Does [his persoNfirm possess a skilf not normaily possessed by any cufrent ciry employee� YES NO INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNM (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY)' '�" "" The Department of Public Works is ready to awazd a contract for the Ogden/Winthrop sanitary sewer project being done as part of the 1999 Highwood Sewer project, approved by Council on CF 99-625. The conuact includes water utility work to be financed by the Water Utility and acquisition of land that is not eligible for PFA financing. There is sufficent PIA funding to finance the acquisition of land in the 1999 Local Street, Sewer & Alley p2�ject. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVE6 Connact for the Ogden/Winthrop sanitary sewer project wil] be awazded and work can proceed. DISADVANTARESIFAPPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGESIFNOiAPPROVED ��g� �� 2Q01 There will not be sufficient funding to awazd this contract and the sanitary sewer work in the Ogden/LVinthrop azea wi11 not be completed. fOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N5 $106,293.�0 CO5UREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE H'ater Utiliry & PIA AC7Nm NUMBEB C99-2T699 & C99-2A010 FINANCIAL INFORMNTION (EXPLAIN) ��IGlNAI- Presented By Referred To 106292 ac Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 WfIEREAS, the DepazLUent of Public Works is ready to award a con4act for the Ogden/WintLrop sanitary sewer project, and WFiEREAS, t}us work is being done as part of the Highwood Sewer project, adopted by City Council Resolution 99-625, and WE3EREAS, the contract includes water utility related work to be financed by the Water Utility and acquisition of laad that is not eligible for PFA fiIIancing, and WFIEREAS, thete is suffcient PIA fuuding to £nance the acquistion ofland in the 1999 Local Street, Sewer & Alley project, sa THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, 6y the Councii of the CiEy of SainE Paul, upon recommendaEion of the Mayor and advice of the I.ong Range Capita] Imprwement Budget Committee, that $106,293_50 is available for appropriation in the 2000 Capital Improvement $udgets, as heretofore adopted and ameIlded by this CouncIl, be hereby further amended in the 7mprwement Budgets, in the following particulars: Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PSJilV Local Street, Sewer, Alley C99-2T697 PIA Asseasment SPENDING PLAN Local Street, Sewer, Alley C99-2T697 ConstruMion Engineering & Inapection FINANCING PLAN Highwood Sewer C99•2A010 PFA PIA Water Utility Assessment Council File # O� � (09� RESOLUTION creen sheet # Ct'fY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 123,077.31 -15,000.00 108,07731 416,324.00 416,324.00 539,461.51 -15,000.60 524,401.31 499,008.68 •15,000.00 484,008.68 40,392.63 0.00 40,392.63 539,401.31 -15,0OO.OD 524,401.31 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 15,00000 91,293.50 106,293.50 62,395.00 62 395.00 1,592,395.00 I06,293.50 1,695,688.50 ��:.R SGsd{ �s4 ! 01-696 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 SPENDING PLAN Flighwood Sewer C99-2A010 Constauction 1,296,900.00 106,293.50 1,403,193.50 Engineering&IaspecCian 295,495.00 295,495.00 1,592,395.00 106,293.50 1,698,685.50 1°'�e 3'. Faal Lcaxtg-3�atsqg f,�ptt�l I�sp:avtrra�nt ��aget ��m�arttae a�cei�ad �:s xsc�es: ou ��£ ;y a�°' IfiBiS}�..�.�.... �ri48 ... - . i J .a8 Yeas enana� � a ey ,/ os rozn ,� o eman ✓ Harris �/' antry `/ ei er � Absent Adopted by Council: Date - �� 3 �. `_ � � �� -" Adoption Certified by Counci Sec3�9tary Form Appr�ed by City BY � _� � _�' ��� ��' gv ��!��� ��` $=�� �. / •C_ / V Approved By Mayor: Date �(,�ly �1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: By: �� ���� By: � //.— " " �l Requested by Department of: EJW/jab Public Works 5-31-01 Public Works Ed Wam 266-6142 & Jce Mueller 266-6149 MU57 BEON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATEj TOTAL q OF SIGNATURE PAGES )ATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET No. 106292 � 5�1��1 �� � f�� �(t� Q CITY ATTORN CITY CLEFiK NUMBEAFOH ROUi1NG ❑ FlNANCIALS��. � 'O FlNFNCIqLSERV/ACCTG � �YOR<�,���� ���w�, b 4 0� ❑ 2 � • � � � Di Ru � Jae Muelkr 1 (CLIP ALL LO IONS FOR SlGMATURE) ACTIONftEQUESTED � Approvai of attached Council ResoluHon amending the f nancing and spending plans of the Local Street, Sewer & Alley and the Highwood Sewer projects. �'i�i2tti:5� Q��g@ar,C� �'f3fi�.�1' � Si�1� � �+ �1��� RECOMMENDHTONS:Approve (A) or Rejecl (fi) PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has ihis persoNiirtn ever worketl under a contrac[forthis department? CIBCOMMITTEE YE$ NO . - CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION p, HdSthIS �...-�—'"� persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee„ YES NO ' 3 Does [his persoNfirm possess a skilf not normaily possessed by any cufrent ciry employee� YES NO INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNM (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY)' '�" "" The Department of Public Works is ready to awazd a contract for the Ogden/Winthrop sanitary sewer project being done as part of the 1999 Highwood Sewer project, approved by Council on CF 99-625. The conuact includes water utility work to be financed by the Water Utility and acquisition of land that is not eligible for PFA financing. There is sufficent PIA funding to finance the acquisition of land in the 1999 Local Street, Sewer & Alley p2�ject. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVE6 Connact for the Ogden/Winthrop sanitary sewer project wil] be awazded and work can proceed. DISADVANTARESIFAPPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGESIFNOiAPPROVED ��g� �� 2Q01 There will not be sufficient funding to awazd this contract and the sanitary sewer work in the Ogden/LVinthrop azea wi11 not be completed. fOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N5 $106,293.�0 CO5UREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE H'ater Utiliry & PIA AC7Nm NUMBEB C99-2T699 & C99-2A010 FINANCIAL INFORMNTION (EXPLAIN)