266758 WHITE - CITY CLERK �li�C,'���!� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALT1r, Council ��W�,j P CANqRY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE -MAYOR File NO. COZI C � eS Zl tZO� Presented By �CENSE COI�1I�Li TT�;E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEl�EASs The St. Peter Claver Social Club holds Bingo 52-periods License No. 1t61�2, expiring October 21a., 1976, issued to them at l�59 ZJabasha Street, allowing them to conduct the games on Sunday afternoons, between the hours of 1.:30 and 5:30 P.Y��., and 4J��REASs They have requested a change of day and hours to Thursday evenings between the hours of 6:00 and 10:00 P.1�S., therefore, be it RESGLUEDt That permission be �ranted to the St. Peter Claver 5o�cial Club to conduct bingo games on Thursday evenings between the hours of 6:00 and 10:00 P.M., is hereby approved. __ ; COUIVCILMEN Requested by De�partment of: Yeas Nays r Christensen \� � Hunt � In Favor Le-R���er � Sylvester Against BY Tedesco President �3nmt Hozza FEB 1 t� 1976 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Coun ' . Date Certified P sed y unci ecretary � BY By Appr by Mayor: te _ 7 Approved by May�or for Submission to Council By ���«� ��e a � �s�s