266747 � � �ss�4� � � City of St.Paul COLTNCIL FILE N0. FINAL ORDER IN ;'�.. ' �' / ' gy ;-t_,:_,...�-,.f , ''at,.--�T��''-. s CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS File No. 17�3 In the Matter of Acqnisi�ion O!' 1�ld �'!t' P�C l�4i! �'t�OR Op�fi �1pO�tl� ptl!'pOiM loQaam.aMa t�a CaralDy' L1ac�s p+w�c i�ria� w� tM l�ds 8�t�i is 11o�t�lvw s Thnt part o�' Government Lot 4, Section 21, Tanrnsbip 28 North, 8angs 23 i►eat of the 1�th Principal Meridian, Rassey Cwnty, Minneaota, lying East of the West 33•0 feet thereof, and lying southerly of the following describtd liae: Commencing at the intersection of the southerly line of Reserve Bouleve-'d and the Ea.st line of said Government I,ot 4, .th�nce South along the East line of said Government Lot � a distance oY 2�+2.61 feet to the point oP beginning of the line to be herein described: thence Swth 90° wea�t a distance of 110.83 feet: thence South 68°00' West a distance of 33�•� feet; thence south 56°30' West a distance of 736.22 feet: thence South 7 1° 59' West a distance of 266.4 feet more or less to the East line of the West 33.a feet of said Government Lot k end there terminating. , under �ldminist� Sub�ect to an easement for Storm Sewer over and across a strip of land under Prelimina� 20 feet width lying northerly of the Mississippi River and lying southerly of the southerly lins of Mississippi R1ver �oul�vard described above aad lying ac�jacent to and 10 feet on either side of a line 325.0 feet westerly , of and garallel to the last line of Government Lot 4, Section 21, Township A public 1 heard all persons, objec 28, Ran;e 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota. RESOLVEI Also, acquiring a Leasehold interest for Park at:� Rmcrection :Jgen Si.�c= RESOLVEI :o be fee simple, abso] purposes knoo-m as the Crosby Lake Park F�ctensian on the lands described �rized and directed to t � Fo��s� CoDanencing at the Northeast corner of Section 21, TownshiP 28 �Jorth, Range 23 West thence South along the East line iP sa3�l 5ection 21, a distance of 2�,29•30 feet to the point of beginning of the larsd to be described; Lhence .South 18° 50' East a dieta.nce of 1180 feet, more or less to the intersectioa COLTNCILMEN with the Northerly shore line of the MLssissippi� River; thence Wcsterly �� Ye�.hr;stenseC�' �ong the Iiortherly shoreline of the Mississippi River to the 3nteraection -;c)ZZ1 ,_4nt with the East line of Sectiion 21, Trnmship 28 Nbrth, Range 23 Weat; theaca �.�vift@ �o�b �ong the East line of safd Section 21 to the point oY beginning, a11 �-- � �VlveSt�, in Ra�gsey County, Minnesota. ; �desCO . ayor • ~ • '' ����� / rsrr.ncntws: I Cotmcil !Yl! No. �Q'1 —�B Ruby $un� fornP��&nd�creai�q n�p�n of p]aa�cide purposes lrnown as the Cros y$I.ake Park Extension on the landg d ribed� as follows: � That psrt oP Government j k 4, Section 21 Township 88 orth, Range 23 �Veet o!the 4th Meridian, Raxnsey County pe- sota> lyin8 East of the �R 33.0 feet thereof, and lyix�soit yI o� the following deaeribed lin : Com- xx�encix� at ttie fntersecti � the ' � southsr�line oE 1Zeserve B vard and the East line of Qaid em- ment IwL 4 thence 5out1�ai the Eaat line o�sa�d Goi+errimet}t ot 4 a diaLance of 242.61 ieet the point of beginning o4 the ' e to be herein deacTibed: thena outh 90° weat a distarice o! llb feet: thence.South 68°04'west a ce o� 330.00 feet; thence South °30' West a distance of 736.�t feet: thence South 71°59�WeSt a , ance ot 26B'4 feet more or less the Eadt line of the West 33.0 ie t of said Goverament I.ot 4 and here terminating. Subiect to an easement for orm 5ewer ovrr and across a land 20 ieet wldth�1ying no er�ly o! the Mississi pi River an p �g aouther�y of the eoutherly e oi Miasissippi River Boulen de- soribed above and 1ying e� eenti to �nd 10 feet on either sii of a ,13ne 926.0 feet westerly and parallel to the last line of'Gp ern- ment Lot 4, 3ection 21, To 'p � Range 23, Ramiaeq Cb tq, M�nnesota. Also 8cquir3ng a Leaeehoid', ter- est �or Park and Recreatfon! en �n�eyurp oses known as the, ros- Lake Park Extension ot► the lapds described as follows: . Gunm�ncing at the North� ox- �efi of 3ection 21, To 28 North,Range 83{�V�t thence� th along the East line of said 81, a distance of 5829.30 feet the poipt of bet�inning o! the la� to be d�cribed: tklence 3outh 1 °50' East a disEance ot 1180 feek' ore or lese to �e intereection wi !he Northerly ehore line of tlie slp pi River; thence W aioag the Northerly sho� � . the Miesissippi River to e r- I section with the.East line: - #ion 21, Townskup 88 Nor�t ge ' 23 West; thenCe Nprth a+�n the East Iiue•o# eaid Sectien;i�" e posnt of beginnix�g, ail in Cotuxty. Mi�►neBQti�. ' T�e�Couneit oi the Clty ad 9d�. P ul haVft� received the �e �M�a�yb�aupon the abone�ro , ent, vin g Co�dered aaifl Ir ort, �hatieb9 resolvea: ` ,1. That the eaid r�port and the a !s'hereby approved vrfEh �a iter- aativ�. and thaL the ea ted coet thereof is $1,�0.000. i !. That a pt�711c hearing be on sai�provement on the da oi 7'a ,wnn�'to9R af. 1n• .tn, n the Counc amDle o. t�e City HaII and Court use Sufldin�in the C1kY of Saia� ul. !. T4at notice of�afd publie tue be:8iven tA the peraoAS atid' tkte ms�er nmvided by tbe er. atuling ttta time an�d•.�l�e o3 heoriag, the nature M thi� im� pmvRntent and the toCell cost thhPxeof as estimated. , i�ile No.17803. Adq�ted tiY �e Cou�lcil Tan a2, 1976. I APDrovd! J'atlUU►ry 28, 1976. � i (raauary.si. ]974)