266731 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 �ss��1 PINK - FINANCE TT ��. CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl1L�I �l BLUE - MAYOR '�� Flle NO. "l Resolution . Presented � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and nece�sity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the fol]lowing described building, said structure having been reported to constitute a public hazard: 1440 Edgerton Lot 17 Two-story Speiser' s Addn. Frame dwelling WHEREAS, it appears that the last kr�own record owners of said building are as follows: Ellyn P. Yardeen & Russell Burkhart, 5333-80th Ave. No., Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 55443. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chamber of the Court House in said city at 10:00 a.m. on February 5, 1976 to consider the advisabil�ty and necessity of ordering tZ�,e correction or wrecking and removal of said structure on the above described property i�asmuch as said structure is reported to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Division 'of Housing and Building Code Enforcement, on behalf of the City Council, notify by mail the record owners of the property in question at the last know address, as well as other in�erested persons of record, of date and time of hearing, COUI�TCILMEN Requested Dep�rtment of: Yeas Nays � Hunt �mmuni r ices �1� Christense� �n Favor Levine l�� Roedler Against BY 9� Sylvester '£edesco ,, �.President ��pg� Hozza Adopted by Co . Date FEB 3 � Form ved by,C' tor Certifi asse ou '1 Secreta�y BY By _.____......_... ....___.. ,\ Appr Ma ate � �9� Approv May on o cil � By BY , PUSUSHED FEB � 1976 '