266730 WHI7E - CITY CLERK � � �,�(1��0 . PINK R- FINANCE � COIll1C11 � CANARY -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALIL! File NO. v BLUE - MAVOk �r�r.�' Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the property known as the Watergate Site is an important link in the regional riverfront park system; and WHEREAS, the Metropolita��' Council has recognized the necessity for the preservation of this 'area as open space in its "Recreation Open Space Policy Plan" and through its allocation of $500,000 for partial funding of the purchase; and WHEREAS, Council Resolution 266550 has amended the Capital Improve- rr�nt Program to include the Watergate Site Acquisition, norv, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of _�he City of Saint Paul , that the attached contract with the Metropoli�ar�tCouncil be accepted and that the appropria�te City officials are hereby authorized to execute it on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. COU(�TCILMEN ^ Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � W11 S � Hunt In Favor Levine � Rcedler A gai ns t BY Sylvester �edeeeo President� Hozza Adopted by cil: Date FEe 3 19�, Form Approved by �ity Att ney Certifi Pass Co cil Secretary BY By Approve ayor: Da Approved u to C il By _ By PUBUSHED �EB � 1Q�� ` ► ' , , �� -���r:�o A G R E E M E N T , � THIS AGRE�MENT entered into this day of , 1975 , by and between tlle METROPOLITAN COUNCIL, established and created by the Minnesota State Legislature by Section 473.123 of Minnesota Statutes , hereinafter referred to as "Council" , and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation organized and r,hartered in accordance with the laws of the Stat� of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee" : . � WHEREAS , the Council with the advice of the Metropolitan Parks and Upen Space Commissian is authorized to make grants in aid to park districts , counties and municipali- ties located wholly or partially within the metropolitan area for rccreation open space purposes and to cover the cost or any portion of the cost of acquiring or developing region�l recreation open space in accordance with the Council's Recreation Open Space Dev�lopment Guide and Policy Plan; and � ' JVHEREAS, the Grantee is an eligible governmental �znit and has made applica- tion for s�.ch a grant-in-aid to accomplish the acquisition af recreation and open space lands lacated within the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, known as the Crosby Park-Hidden Falls Recreation and Open Space Project hereinafter referrPd to as "Project"; and VIIHEREAS , the Council has designated the project as an area to be acc�uired ��n�j preserved for use as a regional recreation opc» spar,e �nd iia�, authorize�l th��C �i yi��nt be madF�; NOW, THEREFORI;, the Council and Grantee agree as follaws: . ` . °��'0c� , o � 1.. Project D�scription. Attachec� hereto and incorporated into this document as Exhibit A is a legal description and map locating ,, the parcel which may be acquired in accordance with the pro- visions of this agreement. The acquisition of the aforementionEd ; parcel constitutes the project acquisition in its entirety. .. • ` , 2. Acquisition Policy. In acquiring land with the grant funds made � available hereby, Grantee agrees to maximize, as best it can, the acquisition of land and interest therein including specifically � less than fee interest, such as options , easements , and reserva- tions to accomplish necessary land preservation and holding which � will provide the larg�st, long-term public recreation and open space benefit possible. To that end, the Grantec agrees to: ' "a�, a. Acquire land in accord with adopted policy and strategy of the Grantee reviewed with the Council staff prior to acquisition and to accarnplish all pro ject acquisition (or have entered into unconditional acquisition agreements or have instituted ' condemnation proceedings) within the grant period and in � aec.ord with representations made in Project Documentation. b. Make every reasonable effort to acquire the parcel by negotiated purchase before institutinq eminent domain proceedings. c. Negotiate for and acquire the land parcel at its fair marke�t value � � determined in accord with law, regulati.on anc�/or procedure � gove�'ning land acquisition by Grantee in general. d. Comply with �he provisions of Minnesota Statutes , Sections 117.50 to 117.56 and other applicable laws and regulations . e. Maximize the use of its own personnel and internal services in connectivn with the administration and accomplishment of the Project. - f. Minimize the execution and administrative costs associatec� with the acquisition of the lands and interest therezn. g . The Grantee will obtain the balance of funds needed for the acquisition of the Project site. , h. To the extent permitted by law, the Grantee does hereby agree to forego any tax equivalency payments rec�uired to be paid by the Council pursuant to Section 473.341 of khe Minnesota Statutes . _2_ . � � . � �s�� • �' �o m • ' 3. Authorized Use of Grant Proceeds . It is understood and agree d that , � the following listed necessary and incident costs and expenses shall be the only such costs and expenses paid out of grant praceeds . In � ' no event shall the reimbursable costs and expen�es allocated and to + be paid from these grant funds exceed the total grant amount provided � ��� � for herein. Further, it is understood that restrictions regarding the use � of grant proce.eds derived from Minnesota Statutes , Sections 473. 301 � through 473.341, inclusive, and the obligation to comply with the pro- visions of these laws shall be a joint and several obligation of the Grantee and Council. Costs necessary and incident to the acquisition ' of the Project shall be lfmited to'the following: costs of professional - services of appraisal, aerial photagraphy, survey, relocation and legal costs performed by persons or organizations not regular members of �.�,; the Grantee's staff or affiliated public agency. Costs of acquisition shall include any payments made by Grantee to Counc�l representing the reim- bursement or waiver of tax equivalency payments required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 4"73.341 to the extent that such reimbursement payments + made by Grantee are permitted by law. Costs of relocation incident to . project acquisition shall be reimbursable as beinq included within the costs of acquisition and the Grantee shall comply with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Section 117.SO through 117 .56 . 4. Payment of Grant Proceeds . The Council agrees to make available to Grantee during the period specified herein the total grant amo�nt of � $500,000 for the purpose of accomplishing the project and acquiring � . the lands'and paying the cqsts and expenses authorized pursuant to paragraph 2 above. Upon �Qmpletion of the acq�aisition of the title to the project site purchas�;d by .direct negotiations or upon the commence- ment of condemnation proceedings , pursuant to Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 117 and upon the receipt of itemized statement from Grantee: ii1 farm acr.eptable to Council, the Council shall immediately transfer t}1e sum of $500 ,000 to Grantee. Interest earned by Grantee on grant funds shall be used and expended by Grantee solely on allowable projcct costs and � expenses . Grantee shall report the amount of s�ich interest earned as required by the Council. S . Accounting . Grant�e agrees to establish and maintain a separate account for the project and to maintain accurzte and complete a�:r,ounts and records relating to the receipt and expendit�lre of any and ��11 gr;��1t funds , including but not limited to documentation a►ld informalion relatinc� to its determination of the price to be paid and/or offered for project lands and interest therein. Such accounts and records shall be kept and maintained for a period of at least three years following the expiration at the grant period. The above accounts and records of the Grantee shall be audited -3- ' , �6, a 4'� � � t �'•�� � in the same manner as the other accounts ancl records of the Grantee are audited, and may be audited and/or inspected on Grantec's � premises or otherwise by individuals or organizations designated and authorized by the Council at any time follow,ing reasonable : : notification during the grant period and far a period of three years � , subsequent thereto. � . 6. � orts . Grantce sllall prepare and submit quarterly progress reports detailing and describing the activities undertaken in connection with the project. Within two months following the � expira�tion of the grant period, Grantee shall submit a final report showing project receipts and expenditures in detail, summarizing � all project activity, including lands and interest acquired and containing an i�dependent audit or certification by the Grantee's ��* chief accountant that project funds were expended in accordance with this agreement. � �', Cxeneral Conditions . �. Dura�ion. Th� period of grant awards as�specified herein , shall commence on the ex�cution of this agreement and remain in force and effeCt until January 1, 1977 . At that date all allocated grant funds , which have riot b�en expended ' or otherwise committed by the Grantee by contract, or are not , reasonably expected to be paid out in connection with condemna- ' . tion proceedings instituted for that date, shall revert to and � become a part of the Council's Parks and Open Space Pund and m�y be reallocatcd or expend�cl by the Counicil for other parks and open space acqui�ition and/or development purpos�s . b. The Grantee agrees to specifically review an�] solicit recommenda- tions and advice from the Council staff if and when it experts that the following will or may, occur: _ (11 It appears that a specific parcel will cost in excess of 50% above the estimat�d cost established for that parcel in the Project documentation. (2) The total acquisition costs will exceed khe total grant . award and other funds available to the Grantee for thi's• project. -9- . �� � � ,�6�, . ��� � ,1'. c. �► reement and R�strictive Covenant with Reference to Project ' �` Lands. Grantee and Council each agree that they will ex�cute , , and Grantee agrees that it will cause to be recorded at its own � expense, an agreement and restrictive cove�ant substantial.ly `` ` ° '� E�. � in cbnformance with the form attached hereto as Exhibit B, � • i ' providing that project land. acquired with grant proceeds shall - �, , not be conveyed by the Grantee without the prior written consent � � of the Counc�l. It is the purpose of this agreement ancl restrictive covenant to limit the right of the Grantee to convey or encumber . ', land or interest in land acquired from grant �roceeds without the ; consent of the Council and to ensure that such lands and interests � � therefn be devoted exclusively for the purposes for which they were acquired, namely, Regional Recreation Open Space for public use. �� , d. Ric�„hts Reserved. In the event that the Council finds that there � i has been a failure to comply with the provis!sons of this agreement, i , 1 the Council reserves the riqht to take any and all such action � that it deems necessary or appropriate to protect the interest of i the Council. , � e. Chan�es . The terms of this agreement and duration thereof may ' be changed or modified by mutual aareement of the Council and Grantee. Such changes or modif�cations shall be effective only on the execution of written amendments signed by the authorized � � � representatives of the Council and the Grantee. ' f. Nondiscrimination. The Grantee agrees fa comply with all � applicable laws relating to nondiscriminatio'n, affirmative action and public purchase, involvement and use. In particular, Grantee agrees not to discrfminate against any employee or applicant for employment becaus e of race, color, religion, s ex or national origin and to take affirmative action to assure that applicants and employees are treated equally with respect to the following; employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment, lay-off, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, . and selection for training. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written by their authorized repi�esentatives. � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL . � METRO�'OLITAN �OUNCIL By � � Mayor Its By Director, Department of Finance and Its - Management Services Approved as to �'orm: ' i ' . � , _. ,,,,�__ •.._---- . i .. - . . , � . . I � � ; ��6'6���0 � LXI.I if31'i' B , . ����� ` �GRLI�MI�NT 1�ND RT�STR7G'1'1VI� GOVI.N�iJT . . ? � . . . i . � � . TIIIS nGRI;L'M�NT, madc� �ncl rnterc:d irito this ^ ----d�iy c�l _..�...�_.._ ____ � 197�_, by �nd bc;twcen , a Nlin�i�;sota (c�ovE:rr�m��nt�l typc)., ���irty cif ttic. first pari:, �nd tliE.�Meirc��olit��� Cou��cil �f. r.l�c Sl��le r.�f �+Iinnes�t��r p�trty of the sF.c�nd p��i'C. ' i.. . . . . � � . WI'1'r�fiSSI,TCi; � , ,�r W1 T FftE�1S: � ' 11� C��rty t�f t11c first F��iri: lias acquired (describ�: l�cre natur� of intei•est) in the ' f��l�lvwi�it�-rit-;scrihed �•c�il pr�n��rly, to—wi.�t: . • • ' ��.E;gFll (j(:SCT'1[�t1011� �'. �c11'�l� (.)( t)1�? a(:GUI"1C,� �1<]1'�: ]lila CUI1iC1fJUtCC� jllllC�:i tUlNill"C� t�y(� i1CCfU1SlC]U11 O� :��1C� f . i!i�:�'�rc�:yt i�t 5�7ici re��l �rc�E�erty pursu�3��1 t� il�: �`Y,�irt Prc�c�rru�i r�nci �i Ura:it 11c�ri:i��nrnt '.1%1�:�? �:�lt'. �11'St �):U'�'y c1S �lltt�l(`�'1ZCC� I�5' Ci�lFl[)�:C'1' J��.3 � J.,it'N i U1� �11111C'.�iO�il , l�ii�� . �� � �i. Si111.� �';r,�i�t ['rc�c�rtun W�la (.`.-1:;.i)�).i.shr.ci ��ur;>u:.int i.�_� :i�llf�, l<J'�N �(7 ��i'uv:itl�: [ur tii� ��cc��..ii:-ilic.�ri, ��reCc:rv��Li�n. ��rufi�cti�ii, develu�iiient �ncJ I.�c!li:c:irr�ent c�l 1'e:�7iui���1 i�:�•rc:•�l:ic>n,.�.l i,�,i:i► :�N��ui: fur i�u��lic; �isc�. T,'t?�'V, 'l'III:REI'(.?1ZL'� ir� �:c>>i:,icic:r�ztiu�l c�f 1:1�c:� rtr��i�t )�ui�c�tul���rc m�icic I:�y s�c�ncl �c�rty • �:(_) �:II C.,I: ��<�ri:y ��i �} (C)1":::i�:l'l_� i)17Ci ]ll COTl51C�C1"i��1011 U1 ��ll.`. I11U�Ucl�. �iC�!'('C:(ilt_'.11�.5 cil'1(.� �'l!VC11r1i1tS �IC1"(.!111 CC)Jltclll]:?(I� �:(lf? �Jcll'1:1C:i Ill'1'l;t(:) i.1C�1'l;(? il,ri j0�.1U�11S: . - , I�.�1� :�cl��` � �l`.�7;j1:`.e IUUI'�:l_)t101`, l71' Vt11Cl' Cl)IlVC')'illl(.`.(`, r I1C)1' �{ll'. C!'(`.tl�:l[?Il (?� tlll�' l?r.15C'1;1(.`.11�� i ��:;h ic�tic��i ��i- c,Clir!� cuc�t;n�hrrulc�; �3�.Y�iinst 1-h�, ,.i}„_,v��_ ;�,�:c!�iL,,,�! ,-. �l {�r�.,E,,:rt, r.!�r�lJ �� � tr.�il'.� �C�`' �Ill�: I)�I� ��(�'�(! II11�(..'i i l.il�: �!'l�.li_�:('.11 ,I�)��� O`✓�1�. 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City Buc�qQt Director ( (1(i�j('[[,MF,N Requested by Department of: '��•,, . Nays �'hri�;tensen Cor�?munity $�rvices •x' �; tT,�nt � in Favor ------i------_-��__ ._ � :,,n , � Roe�il�r Rohert Piram s�,►•..•�t�r � Against BY - -- -__ 'T�dr�sco {'rF•sident }}�11�7{ 1jOrTg S�� �� � , • Form Approved by City AttOmeY ; �1c1���,tc•�1 hy ('nnncil: Date � � �'���i�t i���l }'a�:sed by Council Secretary BY ---- � �i� _----- . ' ���" '� ��� � '' Approved by Mayor�o[ Submission to Co�ui�•�1 ; itppr�>ved by Mayot: Date �;,:_._...- ,,- ' Ry __— BY .r��=-,-�,;;�----..'��� _. . _� I s�' .. ����` �# x��,� -� � -t �,..rn'u � s'""�»�'�w+.°-�` r 7 � �� � � � . � 'f^�t _�. �� ��i S,r� �I . ,���,�{� 'T # � �!:`� Y �� ei` y'k� 7'i,�i'��P � �t �, "w. !6f ��4 t h .� .t�i . - —' 'lr��i Pa � � a � , � i� � ,�"�� �`� & . . j F,'� y, :'.,�. , i'` �� , M . .. � � - :r*s� �,.�r T:1 ��� i .'�� K � �� �. � 4 g���.0� . . � . p . � �� �F'e ' ; a-- � ! b., �s7. t�q+� � �� � � 5 � �}. � `'E'���'!S ���' ��� �'�� , �,�� � � �� .. .:. � � �� - . , _ .. - � � , � . :.� � ��i, '�� �`. �I�Y, ?C�'� i�T1��.�'��° ' � �� �'�: �#- F�#�r�y l�ep�tr��t �` ����#3���t��j �� �� � � � ���� - � � � � - � ,`�� g �,�� ��; - .��1`��1���. �t�r�zi�:t� �#�..���� tr����, -��������a��� � � � t�'�r't�• I����`� �t�f 1�-��h ��� -:�t � �°�` ��.=�'�� -�z��.�,. �,> . �:�q�!�►t� 'M�e�pr��e a�' ����#������'�.- , ► : ,i ,� � � . - .. � - k�' �.t. � , . . . , . � .�.. � � �, .:. . . . . � �: _ , _ � . ... . �. �,� .` ., .`" ;f 'X � ... . � . � .� f}� 1 e � ` . . . .:� �h . 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