266728 WHITE - CITV CLERK �C���Q
PINK - FINANCE TT �'� `, v
� Co 'l Resolutio�r
Presented By
Leonard W. Levine
Referred To Committee: �i Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the Council finds it tolbe in the
best interest of the City to compensate James Nelson
for the loss he sustained when he drove his motor vehicle
into an open field in the McDonough Housing Project on
August 6, 1975 to prevent an attack upon a woman and to
pursue her attacker, and the Council finds that such action
on the part of James Nelson was for a publicl purpose and
directs and authorizes the proper city officlers to make
payment to James Nelson in the amount of Forty-one and
48/100 ($41.48) Dollars out of Fund No. 00001-548-000.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Dep�rtment of:
Yeas Nays /�
Christensen �j
�� Hunt In Favor !
Levine �
Rcedler Against BY
President ozza
Adopted b ncil: Date ��8 3 �� Form Approved by ity Attorney
��,,,�Q.Q, L. �,<.��
Cer ' ed Pas Co cil Secretary BY �
Appr by Mayor te B �976 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
- PUBLISWED FEB � 1976 '
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�Iavember 24, ,Z975
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� 51i5 ��est S�st- Avern:t� . : , . ' - . .:
_ Saigt Pau�, k�.i.m�snta 55}.1? .
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Z ha�e reviewed the fact� of g�i el�aim fo� t�ie Iass s�f t�' �ire � _
- : on yaur car�, as�d i t i s wi th �gret that � u�s t de� �he: c Ia�r�. :
From the in€ornati.a� ava�.l:�bie, it agpea�s that the m�abal� that -
ca�:sed the b1o�-aut is iocate�. a� private proper.tg, +c�►r perb�gs :
. _ H�A p�Q}�erty, and beqcrn+ci.' t�ie limits of ang dsdicated ro��ap. -
3'hus, � the. Citq of Saint P"a�xl bas av rCSponsibilitp for the msin-
tenanc+e or faspectioa of the area �rhere the. accidea� accu�re+�, . _
� sad abseat �espousibility,� there caa� be no li�bi�itg o� t�e p�rt " _
of t�e Citq. Since it is mg responsibili te reccmaesu�: p�pment
of claims to the Citq +Co2tacil cmlp w�n I�liev�e the. City to be ` _
liable, it would be imprape� €or me to reco�mnead pa.ye�ent of ycx�r
clsim .ont of the Citp €�d, established for tl�e gaymea� a� tort
c laims. =°���s do�� not'�eaa, hvwe�e=, that po�sr c lai� cou ld��ara� :
be paid out of soaze athex E'.i.tp fund, if ttaere vas a fis�3.ng �t th�
� Cit�r c:os�ii that it �was for a pubZic purpc�se. i sugges� that if �.
yctu want to ptzrsue tihe �attex: Yau coatact a cot�nci�¢�an direct3.p : -
a.�d exp3ait� the circus�taneES. _
� it aiwayg seems unfa�r �� � t�t a ci�iz� ba� ta sc��er� s: Ios� - _
beca�se �t�e cr�s to th� �id c�f a fel.low cxt;izen. � great3.g a'�fii.re
- gou� courageous act in helping the intez�ded victim af. a crimes at=d :
} k�ow she, aad tI� members af the Saint Pau3 Police Jepart�ztt, , . . -
are sincerelp grate£ui to �c�. .�ic�ezrer, zn t�iis case� there are
no options availab3.e ta me. .
Please contac:t me ii you izave auy questions. �
� Sincerely,. _ . -
� _
Assistant Citp Attarney �
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DI.F:er : - . , r
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January 'Zl. 1976
, . ;
Councilmaa: Leonard Levine - _
718 City �Ha3.1 � :- -
� _
St. Paul,-_Minnesota 55202 , _ �
: - , , � . - ,_
: Dear Counci3�tan Levine: . �
` Attached . ::,-
pe�c your request is the Council Resolutfon
' . . . authorizing� pay�ent te Jaae9 Nelson for the
; _ losa he sustained on �August 6, 1975. -' Please
have your secretary insert in the Resolution
the proper fund nvmber to which t?�e payment w#Zl
be charged. Mike Martin is gettinq this infor-
mation f or you.
� I aia also enclosing a copy of my letter to *�ir. Nelson
. denying his claim and explain�ng the reason for �-
the den�al. Apparently you were not aware of the
2etter when you made a statement in Council regarding �
the matter. - � _
' Sincerely,
Assistant City Attorney
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