266716 .17E - CITY CLERK COUI1C11 266"716�
, BLUE .�- MAVOR t File NO.
� � .� -� il Resolution�
, �
Presented By '
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By ' Date
WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has acq ired title and
possession to the Old Federal Courts Buildin� from the United
States of America; and
WHEREAS, the conveyance to the City was � ma.de expressly
conditioned upon the City contira.uing to use the O1d Federal
Courts Building as an historic monument in a�cordance with
the City' s "Program of Preservation and Util zation" dated
September 19, 1972 and the City' s right to s 11, lease or
otherwise dispose of the Old Federal Courts uilding is pro-
hibited except tha.t the City, �with the appro al of the Secretary
of the Interior, ma.y sell or otherwise dispose of the Old
Federal Courts Building to another local gov�rnmental agency;
and '
WHEREAS, Ramsey County has now assumed he City' s previous
obligatic�n to .o�erate and maintain the Qld F�ederal Gauxts
Building �d has requested tha� the City co�rzpQy its interest
in the building to Ramsey County; and
� WIIEREAS, the City has sa�isf�ed�, the Sec etary of the
Interior tha.t Ramsey County is an� appropriat local governmental
agency that will continue to use �.nd maintai the Old Federal
Courts Building for historic monuinent purpos�es and the Secretary
of the Interior has consented to �he conveya.�ce of title thereto
to Ramsey County; now, therefore,`, be it ,
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City lof Saint Paul does
hereby approve and authorize the conveyance of alI of the City' s
right, title and interest to the Old Federal, Courts Building
COUNCILMEIV Requested by Dep�rtment of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor ;
Levine '
Roedler Against 'BY
Tedesco I
President Hunt
Form Approved by ity torney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
By -
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayot for Submission to Council
BY BY � —
BLUE �- MAVOR � , File NO. ��
� � Council Resolution �
� �
Presented Bj�
Referred To Committee: ' Date
Out of Committee By Date
� ,
located on Block 8, Rice and Irvine s Additio�., and the proper
City officers are authorized and directed to execute quit claim
deed in substantially the same form as the, at�tached quit claim
deed. '
' �
COUNCILMEIV Requested by Dep�rtment of:
Yeas Nays
Christensen � �
In Favor
evine unt � ,
Rcedler Against BY
Tedesco '
, Presiden Za 197g '
Adopted by C il: Date �A� 2' 9 Form Approved by'' ity Attorney
Certifi asse ounc' ec tary � BY
Approve y May : Dat � Approved by Maydr for Submission to Council
By BY �
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� �::_ :: :� �-= ::_. ::.�:�.OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY
- � :
,.�:�,:: ,�. �-„�,>zw
December 4, lg'75 PIERRE N. REGNIER
Councilman David Hozza
Seventh Floor Court House
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Re: Transfer of Old Federal Courts Building
from the Arts and Science Council to
Minnesota Landmarks
Dear Councilman Hozza:
In your letter of November 13 , 1975, to the City Attorney
you requested that this office prepare r�esolutions to
accomplish the following:
l. To transfer title of the Old Federal Courts Building
to Ramsey County.
The City acquired title to the Old Federal Courts
Building from the United States of America through the
Administrator of General Services. This deed contains
limitations on the use of the property and the ownership
of the property, in particular, the deed provides tha t
the property shall be forever used and maintained as an
historic monument and for those purposes, set forth in
the City' s "Program for Preservation and Utilization"
dated September 19, 1972. The deed further provides
that the City may not sell , lease, assign or otherwise
dispose of the property except to another local govern-
mental agency that the Secretary of the Interior is
satisfied can assure the continued use and maintenance
of the property for historic monument purposes.
In order to comply with this condition, the City must
request approval of the Secretary of the Interior and
the City should establish to the satisfaction of the
Secretary that Ramsey County will continue to use and
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
612 298-5121
� �ss��.s
Councilman Hozza
Page Two I
December 4, 19'75
maintain the Old Federal Courts Building for historic
monument purposes. I suggest that the City obtain a
committment by the Ramsey County Board to acquire and
use the Old _Federal Courts Building for these purposes
and that this committment be forwarded to the Secretary
of the Interior.
Upon obtaining approval of the Secretary of the Interior,
the City Council must by resolution authorize the con-
veyance of title to Ramsey County. I have prepared a
draft of quit claim deed which could be used to transfer
title to Ramsey County and, also, City Council resolution.
These two drafts could be forwarded to the Secretary of
the Interior in addition to the other material.
In conclusion, the City may transfer title to the Old
Federal Courts Building to Ramsey Count�, but such con-
veyanee is conditioned upon satisYying the Secretary
of the Interior that the County will continue to use
and maintain the property for historic monument purposes
and upon obtaining the approval of the Secretary to this
transfer. Upon receipt of such approval, the City Council
may then authorize the execution of the appropriate deed
of conveyance.
2. You requested resolutions accomplishing a change in
the maintenance contrac so as to have Ramsey County pay
for the maintenance of the Old Federal ourts Buildin
ins�d o he �'i y o Sain Paul.
The existing agreement between the City and the St. Paul
Council of Arts and Sciences which provides that the Arts
and Science Council will maintain the Old Federal Courts
Building and the City will be responsible for all operation,
maintenance and repair costs, provides that in the event
Ramsey County is authorized by the stat� legislature to
.� ����y
O ��
Councilman Hozza
Page Three
December 4, 1975 �
appropriate funds with which to assume the City' s
obligation for the operation and maintena,nce of the
Old Federal Courts Building, that the op�ration
agreement between the City and the Arts and Science
Council would automatically terminate and Ramsey County
would then assume ownership and control pf the Old
Federal Courts Building.
I understand that Ramsey County has been, given appro-
priate legislative authorization to appropriate
operation and maintenance funds for the Old Federal
Courts Building and, therefore, the oper�,tion agreement
with the Arts and Science Council has terminated. I
assume that there presently exists some agreement between
the Arts and Science Council and Ramsey County and,
therefore, it would not be necessary to change or amend
the agreement between the City and the Arts and Science
3. You further re uested resolutions to accom lish
transfer of the responsibility of rehabi itation of
the Old Federal Courts Buildin to Minnesota Landmarks,
Inc. rom e Arts and Science Council.
Please be advised that if the existing agreement between
the City and the Arts and Science Counci,l has terminated,
then it would not be necessary to amend this contract
to accomplish your stated purpose. The obligation to
provide rehabilitation funds was also se,t forth in the
operating agreement between the City and the Arts and
Science Council, and Ramsey County could amend their
agreement so as to place the financial rjesponsibility
for rehabilitation upon Minnesota Landmarks, Inc.
Yo s very t uly,
J J. S
s stant it t rney
JJS jr
cc: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen
Thomas J. Kelley
Members of the City Council
City Clerk
, � � , ~ �� �� ��`
' ` ST. PAUL•FA61Sc i ^ �
' � . , APR 2 8 �476
G.D.J.B - .B.•R.O.T.•M.C.•B.B:K.M,
Exhibit "A" of Application dated September 8, 1972
' � a. Name of applicant agency and represen�ative.
(1 ) Legal nanie of prospective transferee is The City �o�F Saint Paul , Minnesota
(2) Name, title, and address of person having authority to consummate �ransac�ion
as shown by attached resolution:
Lawrence D. Cohen, Mayor of the �City of Saint Pau�l
City Hall and Court House �
Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 � , �
b. Property name and location. ,
(1 ) Name and GSA Control Number G-Minn.-466A .
� (2) Location of property: 109 West Fifth Street, Saint Paul , Minnesota �
c. Descript�ion of property: �
, (1) Land .. �
(a) Acreage: .7950 Acres
(b) Descriptio� by me�es and bounds, accompanied by a map.
The proper�Ly requested is a trapezoid - shaped block in downtown Saint
Paul , bounded by Washington and Market, Fifth and Sixth Stree�s, Block
No. eight (8) , Rice and Irvine's addition, Ramsey County, Sta�e of
Minnesota. The center point of the property is at latitude 44� 56' 43";,,
longitude 93� 5' 47". � �
(2) Buildings, structures, and improvements. �
(a) The block contains one building of 5 stories with basement, sub-basement
' and at�ic, measuring 122'-2" x 271 '-3". ,
� (b) 7he ground floor area is 28,194 sq. ft. �
(c) The gross area is �195,207 sq. ft. � �
(d) The net area is 101 ,0]1 sq. ft.� '
,- , �
. . ,
., , 3
• , �(3) Utilities - see at�ached schedule .
. (4)� Related personal property - none �
� d. Sign;ficance - see a��tached copy of �ational Register 'nomination form. �
e. Preservation and archi�ectural plan. �
, (1 ) Existing architectural condition �
(a) Exterior
The roo�s of the Nor�h and South towers have their original clay tile �
roofing. 7he conical roofis of �he turrets have been reroo`ed wi�h
sheet copper; whereas, the main roof surfaces , which were for►nerly
� clay roo►ing �tile, are now composition shingles. Also, �he several
skyligh�ts have been covered up. For the most part, tne granite ex-
terior is in good condition. However, some deterioration has taken
place due to wea�hering and struc�ural �movemen�, in particular:
1 . At the fourth f7oor cornice line on both East and West faces , seven
� triangular pieces broken off - each abowt one-half cubic foot in
volume. '
� 2. Slight se��lement at the North end of the West �ace - several
� , stones fractured and joints opened up.
� 3. ' Stone lin�el over sidewalk - level en�rance on East face is fractured.
�� •
__ ' 4. Some snalling on face of base course on South face about one foot above
sidewalk level . Cause uncertain.
5. FlUnking wall of exterior stairs �o Basement and Sub-basement on
West side of building evidence movement. A�tempts to shore up
wall have been made.
The most serious change e►�ecting the exterior appearance is th�e addition
of a wood framed enclosure for the �ruck loading dock at �he West face. •
Me��al flashing has been inserted in the stone jointing, and brick in fill
� has been used at the arched openings ofi this entrance. This work can be
removed and the entrance restored to its or�iginal condition.
� (b) Tn�erior '
All of the main structure, and most of the parti�ions, and finishing �
materials are original . 7he major changes to the interior are as follows:
1 . The original coal-�`ired boilers have been removecl, and stean is now
�urnished by Northern Sta�es Power Company. Hence, the two-story coal
. bunker and boiler room stand e�npty.
2. 7he monumental lobby at the North entrance has been bisected by a fu�l-
height partition; and in the West half, the marble walls have been
painted. 7his room is to be restored to its original condition, in-
'� cluding the repair of �he marble mosaic floor in both the �obby and
� vestibule.
. } � � .
�� 3. In 1927 , the Q1Strlct Court No� 1 on tne thlyd floor ��as reduced
, in sizc G� the 1ns�alla�io� oQ a 7owered cei�ling and by partition-
ing ofi the rear (West) end oi the room�. The floor area will be
increased to i�s original dimension, but the ceiling will probably
be lef t in its'present condition, since it is still quite high and
the acoustics of the room are very good�
4. The decorative leaded glass ceiling panels in the Courts Roo�s have
been covered with opaque paint - probab�y a� the time the skylights
a�ere covered over. 7hese are to be restored to their original con-
5. The various elevators require particular attention. The two elevators
in the Southeast area of. the building h�ve been removed, although the
decorative gri7le work surrounding tne Shaft is intact. 7he two ele-
vators in the center of the Noy�th end or the building have solid shaft-
ways (not origina'i } , a7though they are �till attendant operated, �
rather than automatic. Directly opposite this pair of elevators is
� a single open�gri�le work cab and shaft with an open stair surrounding
it. A single service eleva�or is locat�d in the Southwest area, and
serves only first floor, basement, and sub-base�nent.
_� 6. The intrusion of water has caused exten�ive damage to wooden floors
. �' (buckled, rotted) ; plas�er walls and ce�lings (disintegrated, fallen) ;
• plaster ornamental mouldings and capitals (disintegrated, faller,) :
�� and possibly to ironwork (to be investigated) . There are several source
� „ - of entry of water, inc7uding broken interior downspouts, roof leaks ,
broken window glass, and open masonry joints.
7. The lighting and electrical distribution throughout the building ���ill
re�uire complete renovation. In 1940, � new substation ���as installed
ir ��he South end o� the sub�basement. �'his provides adequate electri-
� cal capacity for the building , but the existing manner o` distribut;on
is not suited to the nature or the building. The exposed runs of bus-
, duct and conduit must b� replaced with concea7ed wiring. Niost of the
rooms in the building have been relighted with industrial type fluo-
� rescent fixtures. In general , these fi�ctures will have to be removed
and replaced with suitab7e means of i7luniination. �
8. The North half of the fif th �loor has b�en remodeled to provide general
� office facilities. 7his remodeling included a lowered acoustic tile �
ceiling with recessed f�uorescent fix�ured and vinyl abes�os tile
f7oor. Since this area will not be visited very much by the general
public, it may be left in its present cond�tion.
� � ;� . � �
9. The Up-town Postal S�tation occu�ies the erntire South half of the first
�''` , �loor, di1G consists of receiving, sorting,, selling, and shipping func-
� tions. A �ransluscent glass skylig�� over �he central portion of the
work a��ea provides necessary securi�y `o; 'the area, but blocks �he
vi ew of the drarrra�i c coen 1 i gh�� wel� whi ch ri ses from the second
�through the •�our�h floors, and, in turn, has a glass skylight at the
fif�h �loor level . By relocating the postal s�ai,ion in another
' � building near-by, it will be possible to open up this dramatic cen-
tral light court to the first floor.
(2} The effec� of building preservation on �he environrnent of the surrounding his- �
toric area. '
Rice Park, in the heart of downtown Sai�t Paul , was given to the City in 1849 �
by Henry -M. Rice. :� provides an appropriate setting for two of Saint Paul 's
iinest architectural �reasures - The Old Federal C�urts Building and the Main
Public Library-Hill Reference Library Building. The first �is a powerful ,
romantic Romanesque si.ructure of grani�e which domina�es the skyline; the � �
second is a proud, sophisticated Paliadian Suilding of limestone. ?hey are
• oependent upon each other to estab1ish the cultura9 integrity of this urban '
space. .
. � (3) General outline oF investigations and analysis to be conducted.
� (a) Archi�ectural Investigation
t�"` 1. Exteri or �
•�� ,
• � d. R00'�
b. Masonry �
c. Windows and Doors �
d. , Wrought Iron Work ,
e. Areaways
f. Paving ,
g. Gutters and Downspouts �
h. F1 agpol es • ;,
� 2. Interior .
a. Stairs • . , .
b. Elevators
� c. Floors '
' Cemen�t Ceramic
' Brick , Wood
Plosaic Mastic Tile .
d. Walls
. Marble . � Masonry
Plaster Wood
' e. Ceilings •
,- P7 aster
'�- Gl ass •
, . � � • '
f. Toi 1 et Rooi�s
� ' g. Cus�toGial Rooms �
• h. Mccha;�i cal Rooms
� i . Foou Service �
j. Ornamental Work
(b) Engineering Investiga�ion - Mechanica7 � ' .
1 . Alumbing �
a. Removal �
b. Replacement ,
c. New Installation �
2. Heating
a. S�ean Source � •
b. Removal of Radiation , '
� c. Replacement of Radiation
• d. New Radiation ,
e. Converters, Heating Coils
� 3. Ventilation � �
� 'a. Removal of Ductwork �
,�., ' b. Ncw Ductwark , .
�;, ,; c. New Fan Uni ts ' , .
d. Filters �
e. Gri 11 es
4. Air Conditioning � •
a. Compressors �
. b. Condensers ,
c. Coils �
. ..,
5. Temperature Control o
a. Complete Sys�em � '.
6. Fire Control System
a. S�nsors . �
� b. Alarms � �
c. Spri;�kler System �
7. Snow Melting System �
a. Sidewalks �
b. Gutters �
��ti. � .
`._.,% , '
, �
, . I
(•c) Engineering Investigation - Electrical
� . ------
1 . Power Distribution
� 2. Lighting
a. Exterior . � .
b. Interior '
General Offices Effect Lighting
� . Ornamen�al Emergency liqhting
3. 7elephone
� 4. Intercom, P. A. , 7V, Security Systems � � �
(d) Engineering Investigation -' Structural , •
1 . Existing Structure .
a. Columns � �.
b. Qeams, Trusses � �
� c. S1 abs . - .
d. Walls
' 2. New Support Members � � I '
' 3. Fireproofing Members
�-. (e) Consultants �
� . ,
,, , . .
1 . Life Safety Code
2. Elevator , .�
3. Mechai�ical and Electrical Engineers �
4. Struc��ural Engi,neer �
5. Cost Estimating;
6. Food Service .
7. Construction Management • '
(4) Time Schedule �
(a) Investigations and analyses - 2 mon�hs
(b) Preparation of Cons�ruction Documents = 6 months
(c) Bidding period - 1 month
(e} Construct�on - 12 months
(5) Estin�ated Costs ��. $4,500,000
. , �50,000_
(a) Construction Goi�trac�s
(b) Architectural and Engineering Fees $4,950,000
(6) Plans, elevations,�, sections, details� - see attached
�_�.�, •
, _
. .
, t ' �
. - �
,�-� f. Use P 1 an
� .
(]) There are three basic concepts which guide the ef�Qrts to preserve and
rehabilitate the Old Federal Courts 6uilding: � ,
7. A sense of responsible s�ewardsnip of our Cultural H�ritage:
"One ofi the mos� visible urban manifestations pf wasted resources is
what we as a society do with buildings - all types of buildings -
commercial , residential , industrial , governmen�al . As a society, and
as individuals and groups , we deple�e these resources with only a mini- •
mal regard for maintenance. 4Jithout regard �or the physical resources
utilized, we allow buil�dings to deteriorate to, �he point where they
. must be demolished. By this at�itude and action we dramatically
i]lustrate for each new generation in our society that resources are
� expendable, that we have no respect for either' ar� or artisan, labor .
or laborer.
. � In rejecting the continued maintenance and renova�ion oT usable
physical facilities , we are �eaching our successors a;� attitude toward
7ife itsel►. If the produc�s of this artisan,' cra�tsman, l,aborer are
� not wor�h preserving and using (and use is the only justification for
preservation) , then in effec� we are teaching ,our children that human
� life and effort are meaning7ess.
Because NMSC sa profoundly rejects the idea that cities have facilities
r`,� and resources which they can afford to waste, the college i�s eager to
. be fully involved in the preservation of the Old Federal Courts Building
. and in its conLinued utilizataon as a viable and impor�an� s�ructure,
illustrative of much that �s grea� in ur•ban living, including tne
con'�ributions of ordinary men and women (if such there be) as well as
the contributions of the great. Our commitment to the OFCB is becoming
symbolic of our commitment to the renewal of urban life generally."
. ,
David E. Sweet, President �
M�nnesota Metropolitan State Co7lege
�.a../ •
t , , • � '
2. .Eouca�ional oppor��unities w,`�ich breach the walls o` th� c]assroom.
�, The accredi�eu programs o� the Mi;�neso��a Museum of Art and of ��he Minnesota
�. ;% Me��ropol i��an S��a�e Col l e�e �vi 11 be grea�ly enhanced by �he i nteracti
will , take place -i;� �he s�uc;ios , in �he corridoN on v�hich
Just experiencing �th� spiritua] uplift which this buaZd,�nthe corfee shop.
who get to know i��, adds a new dimension to education i�sel9ives to tnose
3. The Cultural and Educational Ou�reach to the communi�y. - See Exhibi� T
The a�minis�trative base of n�any new progr�ms will be lo�ated in �the buildin
, and a�Fford coordina•�ion of e�forts and economies of operation. Nowever, the
ef�ec�ts of �hese programs wi11 be Community-w9de an� even State-wide in scope.
7he Council and �he mzmber agencies thereor, housed in �the buildzng, provide
extensive programming throughou�� ��he sta�e of Mim�esota. 7h� Schubert Club,
�hrough its scholarships �and reci��al �
music camps df1G' school residenc Programs, the Philhan-nonic, through its
. internationa] Y programs, and the Art Center, through its
programs serve a broad state-wiae base.
KSJN-�M ra�io is a member of Minnesota Educationa] radio network and ori- �
ginates much of its public services and music programming in Saint Aaul for
state-wide distribution.
2) Use designation � ,
(a) The four Court Roons, with their rich architectural detazls , are virtua :
museum pieces; artu, as such, are �o be preserved and restored as closely1as
� ,� possible to their or�iyinal condition. They will be used ,as meeting rooms,
rehearsa] rooms, and for small performances by member agencies, �i,he S�ate
College, and the general public.
(b) The marble-faced Nor-�h lobby and the cen�ral area of the South orti
the first floor (beneath 1:he light cour�) wi71 be for en�ral p on of
for occasional special exhibi�ions or performances in connectionbwithuactand
vi�ies in other areas of the building. The south court area, which is pre-
sently used as the Post Office work area, wi]1 become a G�rden Cour� - a
gathering place - open to �he 7ight court above. This will involve �he re-
moval ofi the Post Oifices sorting cases, the rows of indu�trial lights, �he '•
glazed skylight, and the network of observation ca�walks. The furnishing of
this Garden Cour� will consist of movable benches, potted plants, scul ture
and possibly a foun�a�n, p ,
(c) The spaces surrounding th� first �Floor lobby and Garden Co,urt wi]1 be rented
for craft shops, flower shop, import shops and a lunch room. �
(d) 7he en��ire second floor will be used by th� Mi�nesota �useum of Art for
exhibi�ions of pain�ings, sculpture, and crafts. The balconies on the third
and fourtih floors wiil also have exhibits instal7ed by the MMA.
(e) The entire third floor (except for .courtrooms) wil] be used by the Ar�s and
Science Council and three of its member agencies fbr admintstration offices.
��-- . �
.• , -
. t , . .
� - (f) The entire fourth floor (except for courtrooins) will be leased to the
Minnesota Metropolitan StaLe Collere. 7he principal functions will
� be a�ministra�ion, interviewing , and yuidance counseling.
(g) The South part o� the fifth floor (around the light court) will contain
Ar� studios and cla$•srooms of the Minnesota Museum of Art.
� (h) 7he North part of the fifth floor will house City and County agencies.
(i ) The basement and sub-basement areas will be used for restaurants, ex-
. hibitions, storage, shops , and mechanical rooms.
(j) All areas of the building will be available �Co the public - see attached
' plans (Exhibit F) for designation o► revenue-producing rooms.
(k) The success of �he Old Federal Courts Building undeN its proposed use
will be measured in terms of the number of people in the com�uni�y who
visit i� because o� the exhibits, the classes, the mee.�ings and per-
formances , the restaurants and shops , or just because it is a grand
building to visit. By incorporating diverse, but comoatible func�ions
. a�d activities in the building , a broad spectrum of �he public �vill
come �o know the history and artistry of an earlier period of St. Paul .
� (1 ) Since i� is proposed �ha� i.he Arts and Science Council will operate the
building (as it now opera�es the St. Paul Arts ar,d Science Center) , a
� high standard will be maintained in the o�er��tion of restaurants and
. shop's. Tne principal ob�ective in incorporating rental areas is to
,--,.,� generate interest in the building, and secondarily., to generate revenue
� _ �to help offset the operating and maintenance .costs of the building.
(m) 7he Time Schedule 1isted under e (above) is subject to the follovring
1 . 7ime interval of staged reviews by governmental agencies.
2. Reloca�ion of branch Post Office outside the building. This m� be
accomplished duri.ng the ��vestigation and construction documents ,,
3. In reference to �I�e identification of financial resources , I believe '
it is important to put into perspective the capaci�y of the Saint Paul/
Ninneapolis area to fund projects of this type. In the last ten years
over �50,00O,OOa have been raised for capital construction and invest-
ment in the cultural insti�u�ions of the twin cities. Approximately
� one-��hird of that r�oney has been raised in Saint Paul . Saint Paul
has one of the largest founda�ions in th,e country, the Bush Foundation,
and another major foundation is �he H911 , both of which have suppor�ed '
in the pas� the efforts to save this facility. In addition, there are
� approximately 50 other foundations of varying wealth which can be
' solicited. � ' ,
; . �
{x; . , ,
. ,. , _,
�� �, � .
• _ ' In addi�ion to fou�;dation weali:h , the S int Paul metropolitan area
� has many �'amilies of ex�reme weal�h who have shown past interes� -
in pro�rams of this type and we feel ca be counted upon for support.
� , To d�te, we have $350,000 of con�mitted oncy without a fund drive -
being moun�ed or any effort being made to solicit funds.
' The Arts and Science Council raises. for i�s operational support at
this �:ime $1 ,0OO,OGO per year. On a total and per capita basis, it
• , is �ne largest fund drive by any arts council in the country, and a
re�]ecti on on the wi 11 i ngness of the corr�nuni ty to suppor� our en-
g. Financial plan
(1) Analysis of projected income from all sources.
(a) Sal es areas on fi rst floor 11 ,000 sq.. f�.
Minn. Me�ropolitan State Co'llege 10,000 sq. ft. �
Res�aurant in basement ' 7,000 sq. ft.
Total area , 28,000 sq. ft.
�• . 28,000 sq. ft. @$3.00 � � 84,000
� (b) Annual comtribution from St. Pau1 and Ramsey County � $216,000
� Projected annua7 income . . $300,000
" (2) - Analysis of projected expenses.
(a) Repair, rehabilitation snd restoration
Phase T $4,950,000 �
Phase II . 900,000
70TAL . $5,850,000 .
� (b) Recurring maintenance, supplies, guards, cus�odial , utilities $300,000 per
(3) Provision for disposition of excess income. Any income in excess or costs for
repair, rehabilita�ion, restoration, and maintenance will be used for public
historic preservation, park, or recreational purposes. 7he rehabilitation and
res�oration of Irvine Park (which is being nominated for designation as an
� historic district) would have a high priority.
(4) Description of aCCOUnting and financial procedures - See Exhibit I
� _�
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. � �
, � � .
� h. . Capabi 1 i ty
The applicant is fully capable of financinc� ; operating at�d maintaining i,his
� , facility. Further, �the Cit;y of Saint Paul has the requ�site legal authority
to do so. Chanter 13, Sec�i on 13.01 oi� i:he Sai rr� Paul Ci ty Charter, effec-
tive June 6, 1972 , �ives �he cjty the powcr to acquire by "purchase, gi`i.,
devise, condemnat�ion, or exchange, or in any othcr legal mGnner, any property
either within or wi �thou� i1:s corporate boundaries , reede�l by it for any pub-
• . lic use or purpase. " Tr�e a�tached resolution, (part i ) and the �inancial plan
(part g) indicate �he abili�y of �he upplicant to make �he necessary arrarge-
ments for �inancing , operating , and maintaining the facility. Most importantly,
i t i s understood tf�a� i:he stafr of the �Sai nt Paul Arts ar�d Sci ence Counci 1 wi 11
� operate and manage this historical pro�erty. This sta�f, at present, effect- .
ively manages the Saint Paul Ar��s and Science Cen�er, a multi-million dollar �
operation. The Arts and Science �Council operates this center pursuant to a
contractual relationship with the City. This sa;ne approach, so e`fective in
managing the Arts and Science Center, should provide the best possib7e staff
for tne operation �and management of the Old Federal Courts Building rac�lity.
Actual physical maintenance of the bullding wil] be hand]ed by the City of �
Saint-Paul . - � . � .
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� � Exhibit A Program oi Preservation and Utilization
Exhibit B Resolution , � � ,
Exhibit C Map of guadrant of City .
Exhibit D Schedu7e of Utilities . �
Exhibit E National Register nomination form - Signif,icance
Exhibit F 9 plans (scale: 1/16" 1 '-0") showing revenue-producing
areas on each floor'. �
Exhibit G 27 prints (various scales) showing eleva�ions, sections , detai�s,
. and plans of original construction and subsequent r.emodeling.
Exhibit N Description of accounting and financial procedures - Sands, Ben-
• son & Weinberg, certified public accountants. �
Exhibi� I Brochure - St. Paul Council of Arts and Sciences. .
Exhibit J Memorandum from Marlow Burt. �
Exhibit K 8 black and white photographs of the exterior and interior views
� --, oF the building. � • .
, � �
. , ,,
� .
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, • , �
. ��6�16
THIS INDENTURE, Ma.de and entered into this day of
, 1975, between the City of �' Saint Paul, a
municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter
referred to as "Grantor", and the County of Ramsey, a political
subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereianafter referred to
as "Grantee";
The property hereinafter described and known as the Old
k'ederal Courts Building (Old U.S. Court House, GSA Control No.
G-Minn.-466A) was conveyed to Grantor by the United States of
America, acting by and through the Administrator of General
Services, (quit claim deed dated the 20th da� of October, 1972
and recorded in the office of the Ramsey County Register of
Deeds, Document Number 1849624, Book 2392 RCR 54, f iled March
l, 1973) , subject to certain specified terms and conditions '
pertaining to the use of said property and providing that the
Grantor, the City of Saint Paul, ma.y not sell or otherwise
. dispose of the property except to another la�al governmental
agency that the Secretary of the Interior is satisfied can
assure the continued use and maintenance of the property for
` historic monu.ment purposes.
The Grantee, the County of Ramsey, is a�hother local
governmental agency and has assured the Grantor herein that
it will comply with all the terms and conditions contained in
, �
i , .
_ � ,
. � � . ,
the above-referenced deed and will continue �o use the OId
Federal Courts Building for the purposes set forth in the
approved said dezd.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantor does hereby convey and quit
claim unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, any
interest it ma.y have in and to the real property, known as '
the Old Federal Courts Building (Old U.S. Court House) and
more fully described as follows:
A trapezoid-shaped block in downtown Saint Paul, �
bounded by Washington and Market, Fifth and
Sixth Streets, Block No. eight (8) , Rice and ,
Irvine' s addition, Ramsey County, State �of Minnesota.
The center point of the property is at latitude
44°56'43"; longitude 93°S'47".
Together with all buildings and improvements lo-
cated thereon,�' and all and singular the tenements,
hereditaments, appurtenances and improvements
thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining.
The above described property is conveyed �'As Is"
and "Where Is" caithout representation, warranty
or guaranty as to quantity, quality, character,
condition, size, or kind, or that the same is in �
condition or fit to be used for the purpose intended.
Subject to any and all existing reservations, ease-
ments and rights, recorded or unrecorded, for pubiic
roads, railroads, pipe lines, drainage, !sewer ma.ins
. and lines, and public utilities.
Further subject �o all the terms, conditions and -
restrictions contained in that certain deed of
conveyance dated October 20, 1972 and recorded in
. the office of the RamseX County Register of Deeds
� � as Document Number 1849624, Book 2392 RGR 54.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this deed was executed on behalf of the
Grantor the day and year first above written.'
. 2.
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, .
Mayor ,
City Clerk ,
,, �
Director, Dep�. of Finance and
Management Senvices
On this day of , 1�975, before me, 'a
notary pubiic within and for said County, personally appeared
Lawrence D. Cohen, Rose Mix, and Roger A. Mattson, to me per-
sonally known, who, being each by me duly sworn, did say that
. they are respectively the Ma.yor, City Clerk,� and Director of �
Finance and Ma.nagement Services of the City ��of Saint Paul,
Minnesota, named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal
. aff ixed to said instrument is the seal of the City of Saint Paul,
and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of �aic�
City of Saint Paul by authority granted pursluant to formaT res o-
lution of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Council File No.
• , passed and approved the day of ,
1975, and the said Mayor, City Clerk, and Director of Finance
and Management Services acknowledged said ir�strument to be the
act and deed of said City of Saint Paul purs�huant to said resolu�ion.
Notary Puk�lic ,
My cammission !expires
3. -
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