266713 WH17E - CITV CLERK � COUIICIl �v��� PINK - FINANCE -GITY OF SA�INT PAUL CANARV-- DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYO� � ��� File N 0. � ~ ` � Coun 'l esolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I �i WHEREAS, E.D.M. , Inc. , is the holder of On Sale Liquor License No. 8764, expiring January 31, 1976, at 1201 Payne Avenue in Saint Paul; for the premises knowr� as the Crusader Lounge; and WHEREAS, the License Inspector recommended revocation of said license, and denial of any application for the renewal of the same, on the following grounds: 1. Paul, Robert and Armand Schoenecker, all officers and directors of E.D.M. , Inc. , the present licensee, attempted to defraud a creditor by requesting to transfer the E.D.M. , Inc. , license as follows. With knowledge (1) that the reasonable value of the On Sale Lic�uor License is $30,000 - $35,000, (2) that the outstand�ng debts of E.D.M. , Inc. were about $180,000, and (3) w�1th the intention to file a bankruptcy petition after the com letion of the transfer, the said Schoeneckers deliberatel and willfully � sought to transfer their license for drasti ally less than the fair ma.rket value, to-wit, $1,750, with the purpose of guaranteeing that one of their creditors, . Oscar Sundberg, would receive as little as possible in sati�faction of his debts. The proposed transfer was denied by the City Council on December 30, 1975, 2. The disparity between the proposed sale price and the fair market value of the right to trans�er such a license is so great as to create substantial inferences that the parties to the transfer had agreed on additional coMSideration not disclosed to the License Inspector or City Council; and COUfVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen ' Hozza In Favor --- Levine ' B Sylvester Against Y li Tedesco ' President Hunt ' Form Approved t�y City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �:; . WH17E - CITV CLERK ^A�`_-�� PINK - FINANCE Tt COUI1C11 f� � CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl1L File NO. ~I� BLUE - MAVQ.� . � , Council Resolution Presented By I Referred To Committee:; Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the License Inspector notifielid the licensee in writing of his recommendations and the grounds therefor, and further that a hearing would be held before'' the City Council on January 22, 1976, at 8:00 a.m. , in the Cpuncil Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall and Court House; and WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Schoenecker, President of E.D.M. , Inc. , appeared for the licensee and indicated his' receipt of said notice, and f�rther that he wished to repre�ent the licensee pro se; and WHEREAS, testimony was received from Joseph F. Carchedi, License Inspector, and Pierre N. Regnier, C�ty Attorney; and evidence received in the form of exhibits, ncluding the complete transcript of the December 10, 197�, hearing on the then-proposed transfer of the E.D.M. licens� to MWWB, Inc. ; and WHER�A�S, the licensee was a�£orded an ppportun.ity _ta e�c,a.mine witnesse„s� �d p2�sen-t arguments, evi�+ence �.nd� witnesses on his own behalf; and declined to do so; and ' WHEREAS, evidence was received that Paul Schoenecker has filed in bankruptcy, and Robert Schoenecker � stated he would file in 'bankruptcy; and WHEREAS, the City Council found that tl�e evidence established the truth of the allegations by the License Inspector, and voted unanimously to revoke the said Intoxicating �Liquor license held by E.D.M. , Inc. ; and WHEREAS, a copy of this Resolution has ,been mailed to Mr. Robert �choenecker, President, E.D.M. , Inc. ; now, therefore, be it COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays , Christensen � Hozza In Favor , Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt ' ` Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITV CLERK I (1���(� C NARV - DEPARTMENT � COUI1C11 y� V ' BLU�E - MAYO� GITY OF SAINT PALT!L File NO. � � � Council Resolutio� Presented By Referred To Committee: li Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that On Sale Liquor License Pfio. 8764, expiring Janua.ry 31, 1976, at 1201 Payne Avenue in Saint Paul, for the premises known as the Crusader Lounge, is hereby revoked. � I I � i� , _�. '� COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ; Christensen � � Hunt In Favor Levine Q .' Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President za �14N 2 9 ��� ' Adopted by Co il: Date Form Approved by City Attorney . Certified assed y uncil ec etary� BY By , Appro by Mayor: Dat 3 ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLISNED FEB ? 19� II � �,lTY �jF. � 266'713 '�.,�w •� �. �- �'� x p +Ar�aavoaos�� "'3 � i� � oe�aaso�9a� •.� ��aa-i�-,�,�''' b [� C ITY OF SAl NT PAUL w�. 4S1' ��� OFFICE OF THE ClTY ATTORNEY January 22, 1976 PIERRE N. REGNIER � Mr. Robert Schoenecker President, E.D.M. , Inc. c/o Armand Schoenecker � 1000 Edgertan Street Saint Pau1, Minnesota Dear Mr. Schoenecker: Attached is a copy of a Resolution the City Council will forma.11y approve on January 29, 1976. (You should verify this date �aith the City Clerk) . If you �aish, you ma.y appear to argue against its adoption or may file written objections prior to its considera- tion with the City Clerk. Please call me if you have any questions . Very truly yours, . � � . �£ PHILI B. BYR E Deputy City Attorney PBB:jr Enc. cc: Joseph F. Carchedi Albert B. Olsony City Hall, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121