266712 WHITE� - GTY,CLERK . ^A����. PINK - FINANCE �Ol1IIC11 j�" CANARY - DEPARTMENT � CITY OF SAINT PAUL /�dU BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � � nc ' Resolution � Presented By � Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Counci 1 of tt� Ci ty of Sai nt Paul approves the appoint�ent, by the Ma�yor, of Rev. Edward J. Flahavan, 422 Concord Street, Saint Paul , Minnesota,, as a member of the Saint Paul Huinan Rights Co�nis�!ion, to fill the unexpired ter� of Rabbi Bernard S. Raskus, whose ter�a expi res October 9, 1917. , .� � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � � Hunt In Favor Levine J Rcedler A gains t BY Sylvester ' Tedesco � President �� Aozza Form roved C'�y,�A�or e Adopted by C cii: Date ,jA� � � �� � Certifi ass d ounci retary By Approved Mayo : Date ;; �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY pUg�1sHE� FEB ? 1976 r' I?LTFORMATION SHEET ' January I976 ` - Father Edward J. Flahavan, Executive Director 266�.A,2 Urban Affairs Commission ArcYidiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapclis 240 Summit Avenue I Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Ordained to the Priesthood, 1957 EDUCATION: Integrating Seminar, The Pastoral Institute for �ocial Ministry, University of Notre Dame, 19?3 . Graduate work in English, University of Minnesota, 1958-64 M.A. , Saint Paul Seminary, 1956 B.A. , Saint Paul Seminary, 1953 MEMBER OF BOARD: '' Catholic Committee on Urban Ministry, I967 - National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice, 1971 - National Campaign for Hu.man Development, 1973 - 75 MEMF3ER: , Department of Social Action/Social Welfare, Minnesota Catholic Conference, 1968 - Executive Staff Committee, Joint Religious Legislative Coalition, 1971 - 75 Justice and Peace Committee, Presbytery of Saint ! Paul and Minneapolis, 1967 - Minnesota Council on Religion and Race, 1968 - Permanent Diaconate Advisory Board, Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, 1973 - Saint John Vianney Seminary Advisory Committee, �.973 - �' `1�.nIA: . Chairman: Campaign for Human Development National Committee, 1975 Chairman: Senate of Priests, Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis , 1974 Consultant: Social Service and Justice and Peace 'programs, Saint John Vianney Seminary, 1973 - Diocesan Director: Campaign for Human Development, 1971 - President: Presbytery of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, 1974 HONORS: ', Bush (Foundation) Summer Fellow, 1973 1975 Presbytery of Saint Paul and Minneapolis Award ; . :_ �0,i: � � . . . ' . ' . .. � � �� i ., . . 3�t� k i' . . � � . . . . ^� !�y�+��+ T`� I. oR�i � � +i�71�f'�.7 <r'FS ♦ , ; h �, I "� r � E� � ��o� ai� ���zs��,Tr� o���s,� �� F �= , ry A1ND O I , ...:. , , i ' r ; ,o Date: �u�ry'16, 1971� � � I > TC�: ��M�S J. KEi.I�EY, CITY'ADMTNIS�+RATOR �_ . F : �i�I.d i�r�##.'e � : ���e�: a�Pa�infi�nt to the �t. Paul Hnuan Bights Ca�a3.as3.� . , � � � I _ ; � " ; �G„I� :R�QL�'ES'�EDs guta�i:sion to St. Paul Git� Counc�.. j � � � _' i , ' ;� _ _ � � ; � � � � � � � ; :� �� i . , � . � .. . . . . {� . Yr . .�.. .. . .. . . .... .. .. . �. ��� y�z � . . � . � � . . . . .. . � . I. .. � . � . . . . � . . ... . . � . . . � ...{ � � . ... ` PU II R�4'�'��1AL� FOR THiS AC�ION: I '�i11 w��ir�d teraa o� Rabb3 Beraard 3. Raalc�is, Whic��t�r� e '' a ':t3etober , •�: 9, , 1977. Q> I ( /�-- � z � ,. • � ` � � i ' � _ . I � A A�C;�i�"�S: � '�'�` � - . , � i ;:����u,�r appai,atment. �/'�'"� ` � � i , : � � '���r � . . . � .i. c�n�ts J. e -� , C ty A _ � �t�'stG�' ' � ` � , � „ :� ,� � �� � � : - , �; i t ; ; , . , r,, , I „ ,�_. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss ) CITY OF ST. PAUL ) I. �� �_/��,�,�/�C'/7 �. ��j4 N I�V��� . do solemnly swear (or affirm) to support the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Minnesota and to discharge faithfully the duties devolving upon me as /r,Cn1��� � r- �{vin�N �i �r� ,—s ��nrn�syo� of the City of Saint Paul to -the best of my judgment and ability. ^ � � � f/l�'� ����'- (s��ti'L.� � Sworn to and subscribed to before me this �� day of �0'�)� 19�� � _ C � i