266976 � � �,,: WH17E - CITV 'CLERK I ����� , •PINR - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council ��� CANARV '- DEPARTMENT File NO. 4}:U•E -�MA�Y,O R ' � � � � � ncil Resolutio� � . - . Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City o� Saint PauT hereby ratifies and approves the action of the City f Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the followin� listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated Ma.rch 9, 1976, and ma.rked as EXI�IBIT A, and attached hereto and made a pa.rt hereof by reference: Date of Board � Minutes Ca.se No. Pro�ertv � Appellant 3/9/76 01-76-B 1406 Randolph ,, Church of the Holy ' Spirit, by Rev. W. Leo Howley, Pastor BOARD ACTION: Educationa,l Occupancies Waiver� granted from the St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 13.07, pertaining to the requirement of stairway er�closures of fire-re- sistive construction in a schaol building. Property Description: Unplatted La.nds E. 150 �f t. of pa.rt of S.W. � o lbert St. S. of Randolph A�kre. and N. of extended N L of Niles Ave. in Sec. Lot 10; Town Block 28; ------------- Ra.nge 23. i Date of Board Minutes Case No. Property 'I Appellant 3/9/76 02-76-H 529-531 Galtier Clarence A. Lindeke � dba The Cherokee Co. BOARD ACTION: Ba,throom Waiver granted from the St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 54. 11 (b), perta�ining to the requirement of a ha.nd lavatory facility in� a bathroom. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen i Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester , Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by'�City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date I Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By I Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayot for Submission to Council By By � " T • � .••,• (`'.:�,�V'��� 2• Pro ert Descri tion: S. 39-5/10 ft. of N. 92 ft. of Lot 12, Block , Robertson & Van Etten' s Addition. -------------- Date of Board Minutes Case No. PropertY Appellant 3/9/76 03-76-H 4372 University Ave. Frances R. Hughes BOARD ACTION: Ba.throom Waiver granted from the St. Paul Legisla- tive Code, Section 54. 11 (b) , pertaining to requirement that ha.nd lavatory be situa.ted in same room as water closet. Property Description: Smith's Subd. of Blks. 9, 10, 15 & 16, except S. 20 ft. for Ave. and except E. 25 ft. Lot 2 and all of Lot 1, Block 16. Da.te of Board Minutes Case No. Property Appellant 3/9/76 04-76-H 596 Van Buren Dale R. Strong BOARD ACTION: Extension of Time of 120 days granted to complete all work to the satisfaction of the Code Enforcement Division on items cited in Survey Letter, dated 11/21,�75, and signed by Frank Staffenson. Pro ert Descri tion: Micha.el's Subd. of Blk. 4, W. 2 of Lot 9 an E. 2 of Lot 10, Blk. 2. WH17E -�CITV �CLERK I�. � r ♦ FiINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUI,. Council CAN�4RV - DEPARTMENT � � ^ ���� BLUE - fSIA,VpR ' �� Fll@ NO. � _ - _. � � - � � � Council Resolutiom Presented By . ;• Referred To Committee: � Date Out of Committee By Date 3. i Date of Board �, Minutes Case No. PropertY Appellant 3/9/76 05-76-H 729 Virginia � Dale R. Strong BOARD ACTION: Extension of Time of 120 days �ranted to complete all work to the satisfaction of th Code Enforcement Division on items cited in Sur�ey Letter, dated 11/21/75, and signed by Frank �5taffenson. Pro erty Description: Humphrey's Addition, Lot 19, Block 2. li ' COUIVCILMEN Requested by DepaRtment of: Yeas Nays Christensen .�i�salf��+`-�- In Favor , Levine ' Rcedler � Against gY Sylvester , l�.�wa President-}kn�-�j;�;� Adopted by ncil: Date � 3 � �9� Form Approved by �ity Attorney � Cert' ' d Pa y Cou il Secretary � BY � �' ����- By I Approve y Mayor• ate 1 �9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � aPR 3 �� � � 01- 76-B L n ���/�� � 3,/9/ 76 - Meeting No. 118 � , ' 1'�06 Randolph � ' - 2- Cassette Tape Nb���r�,; � � (HGly Spirit School) � •-- �� CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLf1NT 01- 76-B 1406 Randolph Church of the Holy Spirit (Holy Spirit School) by �2ev. W. Leo Howley, I�astor Leonard H . Lieser, Trustee Ron'ald E . Hachey, Trustee SUBJECT: � Request for waiver of St. Paul Legislative Code , Section 13 . 07, pertaining to installation of stairway enclosures of one-hour ' fire-resistive construction, with referenee to three locations within school building . , " APPEARANCE : Judge Ronald E. Hachey, Trustee, Holy Spirit Church William J. Yechout PROCEEDINGS: Richard Amey, Building Inspector for the City of St . Paul, reviewed tfie code requirements governing educational oc¢upancies and said that Holy Spirit School had completed work on all the requirements with the exception of enclosing three staircases . In addition, the building was ec{uipped with a sprinkler system, 'which was not required by the code, but which contributed to the fire-safety qualities of tfie school . Mr. Amey drew a rough sketch of the building, illustrating the location of classroom doors in relation to �he stairways . He explained that enclosing the stairways would also enclose classroom doors at the top and bottom of each staircase because of the doors � proximity in each case . Because the code rec{uired a landing of the same length. as the width of the stairway, fire doors would have to be installed beyond the classroom doors , thus enclosing them within the are a. Mr. Amey pointed out that if there were a fire or heavy smnke from a fire in another area of the buildi�ng, the classrooms would be subject to the fire cr smoke ,because these doors would have to be opened in order for the students to pass through the enclosures to exit the building. Mr. Tieso asked if there were automatic smoke detectors , pull stations , and fire horns in the school . ' Mr. Wm. Yechout replied that these were installed in all hallways and in each classroom. ' Mr. Tieso asked Mr. Amey if enclosing the stairways in this instance might possibly pose a greater safety problem than would be the case if the area were left open as at present, and Mr. Amey replied that , given the particular floor plan of the building, the safety consid- eration of such an installation was open to question. � . O1-76-B -3- 3/9/76 - hteeting No. 118 ' , ` I�06 Randolph Cassette Tape No. 130 , (Holy Spirit School) BOARD ACTION: ���+���� 1�1r. Tieso moved that the waiver of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 13. 07, pertaining to the requirement of stairway enclosures in educational occupanies , be granted. Mr. Glaissman seconded. MOTION CARRIE D AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: ' Ayes - 4 Nayes - 1 (Heider) Abstentions - 1 (Sommerdorf) - - - - --- -- --- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- - - -- - - - - - - -- -- --- - - - -- - - ` I 3/9/76 - A4eeting No. 1�8' �- , � Cassette Tane No. 130 �. . � A�1IVUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPE�ILS � P.EVIEW \ Tuesday, P�Iarch 9 , 1976 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: D. Donald Wozniak, Chairman Arthur M. Tieso Estyr Bradley Peake Norma Sommerdorf Ronald Glassman David Heider D4EMBER ABSENT: James Voigt AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Frank Staffenson , Supervisor of Inspectors Richard Amey, Building Inspector Thomas Strohkirch, Housing Inspector Mayor' s Information and Eomplaint Office : Doris L. Getsug OTHERS PRESENT: Judge Ronald Hachey, Trustee , Noly Spirit Church Wm. J. Yechout , Member, Holy Spirit Church Clarence Lindeke , Appellant Francis R. Hughes , Appellant Dale Strong, Appellant Richard G. Werner, Appellant STAFF PRE�SENT: Patricia Moxness, Recording Secretary, Appeals Board Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1 : 45 P.M. The minutes of the meeting of December 9 , 1975 , �Jere approved as mailed out to the members of the Board. , -3- 3/9/76 - Meeting No. 118 � ' . , Cassette Tape No. 130 . �b��l6 � � CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 02- 76-H 529- 531 Galtier Cla'rence A. Lindeke • (duplex) dba.' The Cherokee Co. SUBJECT: Request for waiver of St . Paul Legislative Cod�, Section 54. 1I , pertaining to requirement of hand lavatory in bathroom. APPEAR.ANCE: Clarence A. Lindeke _ PROCEEDINGS : Referring to a list of items cited by a Housing Code inspector on the two duplexes owne d by Mr. Lindeke , Chairmarn Wozniak asked Housing inspector Thomas Strohkirch if all the work had been com- pleted. Inspector Strohkirch said that all requirements had been met except for one, that a handwash sink be ins!talled in the bath- room of the upper unit at 531 Galtier. b1r. Lindeke explained that the bathroom was very small . His plumber had advised him that small-sized three-eornered sink could be used, but it would be necessary to move the water clo'set to make roam for it, and the cost would be qui.te high. Mr. Lindeke said the kitchen was adjacent to the b athroom which made access to a Iiandwashing facility very convenient . Mr. Heider asked how these prope rties had come to be inspected. h1r. Strohkirch answere d that a complaint had been received in August, 1973, from a tenant, and for that reason an ins�ection had been made by the city, at which time a list of items requiring renair or correction had been sent to P�ir. Lindeke . BOARD ACTION: 1�1r. Heider moved that a waiver of St . Paul Legislative Code , Section 54. 11, pertaining to the rec{uirement of a hand lavatory facility in a bathroom, be granted. Mr. Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED A'VD SO ORDERED. � , � 3/9/76 - 1�leeting No. I�18 °•• ' � Cassette Tane No. 130 . �� MINUTES OF THE 1�1EETT�iG ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPE�ILS f, P.EVIEW Tuesday, t�Iarch 9 , 197b City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 P.M. hiEMBERS PRESENT: D. Donald Wozniak, Ghairman Arthur M. Tieso Estyr Bradley Peake Norma Sommerdorf Ronald Glassman David Heider D4EMBER ABSENT: James Voigt AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Frank Staffenson , Supervisor of Inspectors Richard Amey, Building Inspector Thomas Strohkirch, Housing Insnector Mayor' s Information and Complaint Office : Doris L. Getsug OTHERS PRESENT: Judge Ronald Hachey, Trustee, Holy Spirit Church Wm. J. Yechout , Member, Holy Spirit Church Clarence Lindeke , Appellant Francis R. Hughes , Appellant Dale Strong, Appellant Richard G. Werner, Appellant STAFF PRESENT: Patricia P�Ioxness , Recording Secretary, Appeals Board Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1 : 45 P.R7. The minutes of the meeting of December 9 , 1975 , were approved as mailed out to the members of the Board. ' � . ' 3/9�/76 - P�ieeting No. 118 • , �. -4- Cassette Tape \o . 130 , � ; i�6� (� - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - -- -- - - - - -- -- -- -- - --- - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- -- - ,, CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLA.'�1T 03- 76-H 4372 University Ave . Francis R. Hughes SUBJECT: :_ � Request for waiver of St . Paul Legislative Code, Section 54. 11 (b) , pertaining to requirement that hand lavatory be'� situated in same room as water closet. APPEARANCE: � Francis R. Hughes � PROCEEDINGS • ' Inspector Thomas Strohkirch described the arran'gement of bathroom facilities in the apartment in question. He said there were two rooms next to one another, one containing the stool , and the other, a bathtub and lavatory. According to the Housing Code, the hand lavatory facility was required to be in the same room with the water closet. He had recommended that an archway be iconstructed on the partition wall separating the two rooms , which would then qualify the two to be called one room. ' Mrs . Sommerdorf asked how far removed the sink was from the water closet, and Mr. Strohkirch answered that it �aas about five feet between the two facilities . 1�4r. Hughes stated that the partition wall contained the vent stack and the plumbing for the tub an d stool, as wellias the vent stack for the commercial unit on the first floor. He said it would therefore be a major problem if part of the wall were to be cut away to construct an archway. He said the roomicontaining the water closet was small, 38 inches by 42 inches , and this did not give enough space for the addition of a sink. Mrs . Sommerdorf asked how the city handled the matter when a pros- pective new-home builder sought a permit to build a home in which th.e b athroom plan was compartmented. ' NIr. Staffenson, Supervisor of Inspectors , replied that compartmented baths are allowed where a person would �ass thrbugh the hand�aash room in to or out of the toilet area, but that the arrangement in this particular apartment was slightly differen�t ; a person did not pass directly through the tub-sink area from the water closet area. Mrs . Sommerdorf asked if there were any other p�roblems with the apartment in relation to the Housing Code . ' . 1�3- 76-H - 5- 3/9/76 - 1`�leetina No. 118 , � 439? University Ave . Cassette Tape No. 130 " � , r� PROCEEDINGS : (continued) . �- ��� l6 h1r. Strohkirch said there were three other items : (1) a water stain on the living room ceiling which suggested a possible roof leak , (2) an accumulation of ice on the rear outside stairway, an d (3) a laboratory test of paint chips taken from the living room wall showed a high lead content. Mr. Hughes replied that, (1) if there was a ceiling water stain , it was probably due to an ice backup problem, because the roof had been newly tarred by a roofing contractor, (2) it was nearly impossible to keep ice off the stairway at all times , in spite of frec{uent salt applications ; but there was an enclosed front stairway leading outside , and one stairway was all that was reQu,ired under the code , and (3) he had not heard of the lead paint problem before , but he would take care of that right away. Mr. Heider asked for clarification of the code in regard to the numbe r of ineans of egress reauired. , Mr. Staffenson explained that one exit directly to the exterior was reQuired from second floor apartments , and tzvo ,were rec{uired from floors above the second. But, he said, the Housing Code stated, "Every outside stairs must be maintained safe and in goocl rep air," Chairman Wozniak stated that , because there was no longer any ice accumulation on the back stairway, and because there was no clear determination of whether the code applied to an egress which was not required by law, these were not issues . The remaining Questions were whether or not the living room ceiling shou`ld be repaired, and whether or not a hand lavatory must be installed in the water closet room or the present arrangement be so modified as to qualify as ane room. BOARD ACTION: Mrs . Sommerdorf moved that a waiver of St . Paul Legislative Code , Section 54. 11 (b) , pertaining to the rec{uirement that a h an d lavatory be situated in the same room as the water closet facility, be granted. Mr. Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 --- - -- ---- - - - -- - - - - --- -- - - -- -- - - - - -- -- -- ---- -- ---- - - - - --- - - --- - -- - - - Chairman 1Yozniak informed the Board that the next case on the agenda would be heard later in the meeting because the appellant, A1r. Da1e Strong, was appearing in court, but would join , the meeting as soon as possible. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - - - - --- - - - - - -- - NIr. Tieso asked to be excused from the meeting at this time . � 3/9/76 - i�leeting No. Ti�.� � Cassette Tape No. 130 - �•�, 1�1INUTES OF THE MEETING ' ST. PAUL BOARD OF �1PPEALS � P.EVIEW , ! Tuesday, P�Iarch 9 , 1976 ! City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 P.M. i 1�ZEMBERS PRESENT: D. Donald Wozniak, Chairman Arthur M. Tieso I Estyr Bradley Peake Norma Sommerdorf Ronald Glassman David Heider �' l�1EMBER ABSENT: James Voigt AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Ser�vices - Division of Housing and Building Code �nforcement Frank Staffenson, Supervispr of Inspectors Richard Amey, Building Ins!pector Thomas Strohkirch, Housing Inspector Mayor' s Information and Complaint Office: T Doris L. Getsug OTHERS PRESENT: Judge Ronald Hachey, Trustee , Holy Spirit Church Wm. J. Yechout , Member, Hol� Spirit Church Clarence Lindeke , Appellant Francis R. Hughes , Appellant Dale Strong, Appellant Richard G. Werner, Appellan"t STAFF PRESENT: Patricia P�Ioxness , Recording Secretary, Appeals Board Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at ' 1 : 45 P.M. The minutes of the meeting of December 9 , 1975 , t,rere approved as mailed out to the members of the Board. � , „ ,� � . , F��e� (� : �4,- 76-H: 596 Van Buren -9 - 3/9/76 - Meeting No . 118 � Q5- 76-�i: 729 Virginia Cassette Tape No . 130 CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 04- 76-H 596 Van Buren Dale R. Strong OS- 76 -H 729 Virginia : SUBJE CT: \ ReQuest for extension of time to complete repairs on items designated in Survey Letter of 11/21/75 , pertaining to certain electrical , plumbing, he ating and building rec{uirements , because of financial hardship and, also, because of unfavorable we ather. APPEARANCE: Dale R. Strong PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Strong said that it was his intention to complete all the work required but that he needed some time. Because he had been unem- ployed since July 31, 1975, he had been un able to complete many of the items . He said that he had recently obtained employment as a real estate salesman in Rochester, Minnesota, and had closed his first sale; he felt confident that he could prpceed more rapidly in b ringing his properties up to code , now that he had some in come . He felt, however, that some of the items in the Survey Letter were _ unjustified, such as , the reference to "exposed wiring,” which he said was Romex cable in the basement area, which was not accessible to the tenants . Mr. Glassman asked if any of the items were matters of immediate hazard or danger to the tenants, and Mr. Staffenson said that Inspector Alice Bijjani had advised Mr. Strong in October, 1975 , of eight items that should be completed as soon as nossible , at which time a 30-day extension was given. Of those eight items , only one had been completed in the 30 davs. In November, 1975 , Inspector Gary Eichele gave Mr . Strong an additional' 60-day extension of time, " but little had been done when the properties were re-inspected in January, 1976 . Mr. Strong then rec{uested fram six months to a year more to get the work done , but this was refused. Chairman Wozniak asked Mr. Staffenson if he thought the expense involved to make the necessary repairs would be very high, and Mr. Staffenson said that most of the work at 729 Virginia could be done in three weekends of work, with an expenditure of about $200 , in his opinion. He mentioned, as an example , the problem of overfusing which could be easily and inexpensively corrected. BOARD ACTION: 1�1rs . Peake moved that an extension of time of 120 days be granted to complete all work required in the Survey Letter of November 21 , 1975 , at 596 Van Buren and 729 Virginia. Mr. Glassman seconded. I�10TION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - 3�9J�6 - �'1E'2tlria �O. .I18 �,y' . Cassette Tane No. 130 � � � a• MINUTES OF THE NIEETI�IG ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS �, P.EVIEW Tuesday, r�4arch 9 , 1976 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 P.M. hTEMBERS PRESENT: D. Donald Wozniak, Chairman Arthur M. Tieso Estyr Bradley Peake Norma Sommerdorf Ronald Glassman David Heider MEMBER ABSENT: James Voigt AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcernent Frank Staffenson , Supervisor of Inspectors Richard Amey, Building Inspector Thomas Strohkirch, Hous�ng Inspector Mayor' s Information and Complaint Office : Doris L. Getsug OTHERS PRESENT: Judge Ronald Hachey, Trustee, Holy Spirit Church Wm. J. Yechout , Member, Holy Spirit Church Clarence Lindeke , Apnellant Francis R. Hughes , Appellant Dale Strong, Appellant Richard G. Werner, Appellant STAFF PRESENT: Patricia P�toxness , Recording Secretary, Appeals Board Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1 : 45 P. �•I. The minutes of the meeting of December 9 , 1975 , were approved as mailed out to the members of the Board. . ', � ' ���'�r�f . . � CLTY 0� �� �� s� w _ x p �sacaaen■ ""3 —- a aauro�w d a'•�=�• dab �� h� ;C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL .�.. , OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ���� JEROME J. SEGAL T0: Pat Moxness, Secretary, Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review FROM: Thoma.s M. Sipkins, Asst. City Attorney "1'�""S DATE: Ma.rch 23, 1976 RE: Attached Resolutions Attached hereto is a proposed resolutionlon recent Board actions. TMS:er ' Atts. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' 612 298-5121 { �v ,�� . r =rf f ii"� � 1 s u +� � 3�T r � � g y, ;f � � , f 5 �'I iR �v�ti f � � ,'�-�8 x.'i � .. � � � ��. _ �i,� .�"� r tA • '� � �.� ; �^ �',7�e f,� Q� ! ���+r� � � j� �• < < f ��� a �� i ��i 1ti; �+j,t iy� � t� �` r�f' i ,�� �y � �, j 3 � # s-` � , ����� ���"'�* �� ,,- . „ , ; � � � i° ,� � .�< �� x'' a . 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Paul Board of Appeals � Review which were approvedlin resolutions before the City Council in which it was not directed that copies be transmitted by the City Clerk to the Ramsey County office of the Register of Deeds for recording. j Tom Sipkins of the City Attorney' s office advised me to send you a list of the resolution numbers affected by this omission and to request that copies of these resolutions now l�e forwarded to the Register of Deeds. They are as follows : 266267 I 266505 � 266656 266976 I If you need any other information on this, plelase call me. I I � I . . ' ., . ! c�?CD(� �'�(p , . , - , - � � � 6TATR OF MINNRSOTA � � C'"� County of Ramsoy se, j � c�^r oF s�trrr retn. I e--I` . I�................................_.....$�.A�..�.��F..........�....._................_.........City Clerk ' oi the City � SAint Paul� Mi�esob� do hereby certify that I hAVe oom;par�d the�ttach�d o�py ot j Gtuadl Fi1e No...........��9.7.�................... �s sdo ted b the Ci Coua ���.���..._..._.........19..7.6.......... P Y tY �---...._.. � wd spproved by the Mayor.......�..............l�,�tx�l...l.,....._................19..7�........_ n- . � witL tY,e orlginal tha�eoi on 81q in m�►oSios. � + ...........__......................................•--....�......_........................................._......................... e�7- ' ................... ..............__....----...........�--..........._........-•-•-•---..._............_......_.................. 0 .�.. � ............._.._..........._......................»....,t........_..... .._...»............_..........................»...... cn ._...._........................................._.......�.........._......._................_..................................... ...........................................................�.......................................................................... . . .....:_............................_...._...............�.................................................._................. ... , .' .:'� k•.�..,�, _�., . � . . . ✓:�� i •�..h�y .:� ......w«......�.....»...�......�..........�.............�.. ......."'.."'............'"""..... ........................_.. � -r; :.i � � —�-�s . ...._........».....» .................»......--�».................»....................................._................ _.t ��' ' � - . . - . �i <�. . ......».............."""'............................ .�.........»........................._................................._... . �' _ . .��. . . � � � . . ��' . , �., y �.�.{ ,C .� ...."""'...."""'•"""'......""'...................�................._........................""................_........... .A . � �'+�! „l.i.��`�a.`�� ,,, �: � I further c�rtlf�► that sa�id copy is s► true snd conect copy ot ��`�i�;''� _ ,.,.., � , ' ssid orl�iaal and the Wh018 t�►ereoi. WITNFSS my luwd and t�e seal oi the Cltq oi Saint Paul, Mlnn.. t6i�..........��1.........---dity of..... .1. � ...........................A. D. 19..7� .---• ....}.... �)�-City k. ............................ . I , � I i Q $ i � � � U. �� �� SA�� � P N'}`E. - FINA�E RK . I �' ' CANqRV s p,EpAiiTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �(s��y �b l BI.UG .. M.qyOR File �O. � � ~�#� ° �---=_��uncil Resolutio�i � Presented By Referred To Committee: I Date i Out of Committee By Date , RESOLVED, That the Council of, the City ofliSaint Paul hereby ratifies and approves the action of the City o� Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Boar�l of Appeals and Review, dated March 9, 1976, and marked as EXHICBIT A, and attached hereto and ma.de a part hereof by reference: Date of Board I; Minutes Case No. Property , Appellant 3/9/76 01-76-B 1406 Randolph , Church of the Holy Spirit, by Rev. W. Leo Howley, Pastor BOARD ACTION: Educationa.l Occupancies Waiverlgranted from the St. '� Paul Legislative Code, Section '13.07, pertaining to � the requirement of stairway enalosures of fire-re- � sistive construction in a school building. � �roperty Description: Unplatted La.nds E. 150 flt. of pa.rt of S,W. 4 �`� —o�–Albert St. S. of Ra.ndolph Av�e. and N. of extended N L of Niles Aveo in Sec. Lot 10; Town Block 28; ------------- Ra.nge 23. Date of Board Minutes Case No. Property Appellant ✓ 3 9 76 02-76-H - ' / / 529 531 Galtler Clarence A. Lindeke � dba The Cherokee Co. BOARD ACTION: Bathroom Waiver granted from the St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 54. 11 (b) , pertaitling to the requirement of a hand lavatory facility in � bathroom. COUNCILMEN Requested by Depar�ment of: Yeas Nays Christensen I Hozza In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco j President Hunt Form Approved by C�ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary By I By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council i By By i , i . � . _ . � . ,� ! ���'�,~�� • I I 2. I � Pro ert Descri tion: S. 39-5/10 ft. of N. 9� ft. of Lot 12 , Block � Robertson & Van Etten' s Ac�dition. � -------------- i Date of Board i Minutes Case No. PropertY Appellant 3/9/76 03-76-H 4372 University AYe. Frances R. Hughes BOARD ACTION: Bathroom Waiver granted from �he St. Paul Legisla- '� tive Code, Section 54. 11 (b) , pertaining to requirement that ha.nd lavatory be situated in same roorn as water closet. Property Description: Smith' s Subd. of Blks. i9, 10, 15 & 16, except A(� S. 20 ft. for Ave. and except E. 25 ft. Lot 2 and / `. � all of Lot 1, Block 16. i � ------------- � . C^ Date of Board � C*! Minutes Case No. Property ; Appellant � 3/9/76 04-76-H 596 Van Buren j Dale R. Strong BOARD ACTION: Extension of Time of 120 dayslgranted to complete all work to the satisfaction of the Code Enforcement Division on items cited in Survey Letter, dated 11/21�75, and signed by Frank Staffenson. Pro ert Descri tion: Michael's Subd. of Blki. 4, W. 2 of Lot 9 f� an E. � of Lot 10, Blk. 2. i i i � i � ' ' �` i Council �►UU+�~J� � .� ~ ,` MEN7 GITY OF SAINT PAUL ' File NO. � ' � Council Resolution ' ,.,ted By ' Referred To Committee: I Date Out of Committee By I Date 3a ; Date of Board I Minutes Case No. PropertY ; Appellant 3/9/76 05-76-H 729 Virginia ,I Dale R. Strong BOARD ACTION: Extension of Time of 120 days g�anted to complete all work to the satisfaction of the ! Code Enforcement Division on items cited in Surv y Letter, dated 11/21/75, and signed by Frank S�affenson. Pro erty Description: Humphrey' s Addition, Lot ! 19, Block 2 . � ------------ I C'� i � i � C,^ � . I Q: � i i i I COUNCILMEN Requested by Depaltment of: Yeas Nays � Christensen �ioxa r-�� f�-• In Favor Lev ine � Rcedler V Against By Sylvester 'l�isw�a I President-Ht�t--'�-- :--;,, Adopted by�o ncil: Date 1i�� Z (! ��.)� Form Approved by �ity Attorney � B '��.�'J��-�" �� ��D�//V1. Cert' i�d Pa y Cou il Secretary � Y By Approve y Mayor• ate i '�3; ' Approved by Mayor�for Submission to Council By By Pt;�[iS�Ea APR 3 +�� I , � ' . . s //��J � o -o r a o 1 - � , � �D C7 � m (� l/ m 3 � ~ � N � O ('� y"i _ � 3 � `D ` i�' �, O -.{ � � � �> ro �� � 4 �• � � m � ��1 � � y .... � O u � � O � L G]. �y � A � d /� ^ � � `G q ^��' � � � �cA� -� � x� " � n � � p a� � � Z ,�y . v ,� d a O �� �- O y Rl ' "�✓ ri ,�.,. N C (!S' ��. . j� y m U j, „y, � � d � �'J' � u r' -.. � ""{ 1 � � ' � �. � a 'a O - .D �- a � � �- .� ' `��.+ � ,� �� c m � � �. � M � � a , s , .p � t/3 a, o> 3 cn ..« c � \ �