266951 WHI7E - CITV CLERK '� -pCC(�,h,� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAI.} J� COIlI1C11 fti;UWVV CANARV - DEPARTMENT , Fll@ NO. BLUE -MAVOR , � i u l Resolutiom Presented By / ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, Tha.t upon the authority of Minx�esota Statutes 466.07 and upon the filing of Satisfactions of Judgm�nt, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed tq pa.y out of the Tort _ Liability Fund 09070-512-000 the judgment of $16,000.00 rendered in the case of Mary La.mphere vs. Richa,rd J. Alforise; and the judgment of $3,000.00 costs and disbursements rendered 'in the case of Clarence Lamphere vs. Richard J. Alfonse, Ra.msey District Court File 408892. Said judgments arose out of a cause of action l�ased upon an automo- �► bile accident occurring on Janua.ry 16, 1974, �.nvolving Richa.rd J. Alfonse, which occurred in the course of his employment for the City of Saint Paul operating a dump truck owned by ' the City of Saint Paul, as set out in the Notice of Claim presented to the City Council on January 29, 1974. I COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Christensen I � Hunt [n Favor Levine ,!t i Rcedler �J Against BY Sylvester I �, y� � � �� Form Appro d � City Att ey , Adopfe'd 6'0 u i��t T� �ate z 3 � C�rtif' d Passed upcil S ry BY ` ' By Appto Ma,yor: ate '� Approved by Ma�or for Submission to Council By y ����fs�� NlAR 2 ? 1916 ' ;