266924 WHITE - CITY CLERK f /°���1./�j('
PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 fs V'; ,y•`;
� o cil Resolutio�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized and
directed to enter into an agreement by and between the City of Saint Paul
and the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul for ,the lease of land
described in the agreement to be used as the site for a wood recycling
facility; subject to the terms of the agreement, a capy of which is attached.
Funding Code: 13100. Payments from this code will be reimbursed when
operating agreement has been signed with Occupational Training Center (0�'�) .
Approved as to Funding:
Roger A. Mattson, Dire or
Dept. of Finance & Management Services I��
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Christensen $
�s:za.��.i i � In Favor
Levine �} °
Rcedlec U Against By
President �Ntl�.�-� �
� $ �� Form Approved b Ci Att ney
Adopted b uncil: Date
Cert' ed Passe Coun ' ecretary BY .
Approv Mayor: ate U 8 '97s Approve by Mayo� t ou il
ptr�!!� M�►R '�� �
� �'` Q� 1
. , � . . . �: ��.�.. . '�;
' L E A S �
THIS LEASE, Ma.de and eaecuted this � day of ���-Zc�-_ct�. ---,
1976, by and between the PORT AUTHORITY r 1 E CI'iY 0 � SnIN1' 'A�'1L, ,
a public corporation organ:ized and existing under the provisions
of Tiinnesota Statutes, Chaprer 458, hereinafter called "Lessor",
and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation, hereinafter
called "Lessee";
I. � � � ' '�
� Demised Premises - Term
Lessor does hereby lease, demise and let unto Lessee, and
. Lessee does hereby hire and lease from Lessor that ceztain tract
of land, situa.ted in the County of Ramsey and State of P�Iinnesota, "
as shown in the survey attached he.reto as Exhibit A and :nade a part
hereof, together with easements and appur�.enances thereto, subject
to E�xisting encumbrances, and together with all. buildings , struc-
tures, and, improvements constructed and to be construct,�d an said
tract of land, which premises are hereinafter called the "Detiiised
Premises." �
� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SANiE for a �term, hereinatter called
"Ori�ina.l Term," commencing on the 1st day of Mareh 197G, a�.�d
er.ding on the 29th day of February: 1996, unless soon�r t�erminated as
hereina�ter provided, subject to a11 of the terms, covenants and
conditions set forth herein.
.Lessee hereby covenants and ag-rees to pay to Lessor yearly in
advance beginning on thP comnencement date o� this I..ease, a�
Lessor' s office in the City of Saint Paul, riinnPSOta, or a�: such
o�he.r p1�.ce as Lessor may £xorn time to time designate in ��r.rita_�r.��;, �
+.:�te sum of �ne Thousand Fz.ve Hundred Sixty--six and no/100 Da�..1_��rs
(S l,566.00) �oayable for each year ciurin� �Lhe t�rm of this 7_easG1 ,
L�ssor Zcknowledges receipt oL th� first yearly payment due undPr
tiiis Lease in tne su.m of One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-s-�x dncl
�0/100 Dollars ($1,566 .00) .
zrz. .
�iiscelianeous Re�resentations and A;;reements
1. Lessee agrees to construct or have constructed on t11e
Demis�d Premises during the first year of this Lease improvernent�s
� . � j���;,m�,�
. ,
� and facilities consisting of a structure for use as a wood recy-
cling facility to be utilized by Lesse� provided for in Article :
zV herein. This Lease, dated .�� , 1.976, shall
terminate one year from the date ereof un ess ot erwise asreed to
by the parties or unless Lessee shall ha.ve substantially completed
construction on the Demised Premises of said improvements.
2 . Lessor warrants and represents tha.t in r�a.king this Leas�
and in leasing the Demised Premises, it is acting ��ithin 1:he seope
of its statutory authority.
� . ��>, �
3. Lessee warrants and represents thaL' it �vill submii� its
site development plans and architectural drawings to Lessor for
approval before proceeding with �the development, which approval
sha11 not be unreasonably taithheld. so long as said plans, drawings
c�nd specifications conform to the restrictions and coveriants set
f orth in Article IV herein.
4. The demise by Lessor �of the Premises described in Exh'�b:it
A attached hereto is specifically subject to the rights , easemenL's
aticl restrictions of record or otherwise impos�d on sa:�d pr_em�_ses by
any agency or buxeau of the United S�ates Government, Sta�e of
rlinnesota, or the City O� Sc1111t Pau1, and Lessee her.eby covenants
ancl agrees to comply with sucli rights, easements and restrictions
ancl obi:ain any necessary author.i�ai:ion or �ermit from such agency or
btlreau, includin� the Federal Aviation Administrat:i.on and th�
J.�iet;ropolitan �lirports Commission, prior to proceeding wit'n the con-
struction on the premises her�in authorized.
Lessee shall have the right to use the Demised Premises, aazd
sa.id premises shall be occupied by Lessee or its sublessees excltt-
si�rely as a location for a waod recycling facility.
:It is recognized by the �».rties that L.essor has been creai�ed
f..or t:he purpose, and its f�+.cilities a-re to be used to proTT�ote the
geizexal welfare of tlie Economic District and of the Port as a �eho:Le
as set out in 1�Iinnesota S�atu.tes, Chapter 458 .
I,essee agrees riot to use, or suffer to permi�. �:he Dem:ised
P:�emises or any part �LhereoF to be used, for any pur.pose or use
other tha.n her.ein provided or in violation of any laws , zon:in�
ordin�inces or other ordinances, or oi the regula�.ion af at�y �ovt�rrl�-
mezltal authority, or in any mann�r that wi11 constitute a legal
nuisa�nce or in any manner that �aill viol��te, susp�nd, void o�- rr��S:e
inoperative any polic}T or policies of i.nsurance of any kind �aha�--
soever at any tlme carried on tihe Demised Premises .
. � .
. ' � ���:���
. �-�
� v.
In the event Lessee subleases the operatiol� of the �aood re- '
cycli_ng facility, it sha11 require i.�s sublessee to maintain
� reasoz�a.ble and adeqtlate ger�eral pubZic liability :insuranc� :insur-
ing the Lessor, Lessee and subl.essee against; claims for persona.l
injury, death or property damage occurling i1z, upon or about the
Demised Prem?ses, and an, in or about the streets, pa.rlcing 'lots,
sidewatks attd passageways on and acljoining i.ize llemised Yremises.
The minimum �1lll'l�S of liability of such instirance shall be Five
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,0OO.OU) for injury (or death) to ,,�
�zny one person, and One Nlillion Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for injury
(or death) to more than one person, and Une Hundred Thousand
Dollars ($100,OQ0.00) taith respe.ct to damage to property. Lessee
agrees to furnish Lessor with certificates evidencing such insurance
�aritten :i.n companies acceptable to Lessar and including Lessor as a
named insured on the policy. A11 such certificates sha11 provide
tha.t the insurance evidenced thereby wi11 not be cancel.led by the .
insurer: except on ten (].0) days' written notice to Lessor and
Repairs and Mairitenance
Lessee shal]. at all times and at ifis o�,m exp�nse (i) lceep L-lle
D�misecl Premises and a.11 road�oays, yard, si_cie�val.ks , ra�.lroad tr�cks,
��e�aer and �vater lines and other improvemen�s, even tl�oubh z�at na.rnk:rl
herein specifically, in good order, :cFpair and coiid:i�L-ion, (:ii) nk�lce
all necessary repairs and replacements to the Dernisec� Prem:i.,es ,
wllether structu.ral or otlzerwise, and w'nether ordina.ry or extrao7-d:i--
i���.-r.y, and (iii) repair a11. damage dane to the De�nised 1'�:emises from
ti•ihatever source or cause, so as �o �Lceep the Demised Pre►nises in
good a11c1 tena.ntable condition.
L�ssee shall at its sole cost <�nd e.xp�nse rnaintaln the i.m-
prov�ments on the Demised Premises exist:ing on the cotntnence.iiezlt
cla�e o� this Lease an1 make such additioxia.l improvements as rck�y be�
car�ie reasona.bly necessary to Lessee ' s use of the De^�zsed Prenl:�sas
as described in Article IV above, inclti;:li�.ig loadin;, receiv:i.lz; a.ncl
othe.r. f_acilit:ies for the handl_ii�g oi inboun.d an1 UllLbOtlTiCl shi�rnr�izt:s .
]_es:�ee shall also at its sol.e cost �nd exp�nse maintain all �oall:; ,
ft�.nc.es , and other :�mprovernents existing o�n the Pemised Pret�lises on
the cor�unencement date ancl construct such acld:i_tianal ones as may
bncome reasonably necessary �Lo prevent property be:i_ng stored on tlle
Demised Premises from intruding upon property adjoining the Demised
Pr ern:i s e s.
. Lessee wi11 not at an.y time perrnit any security interest or
any mechanics' , laborers ' or ina.terialmen' s liens to stand against
. . � .
. ,��,�,��
t � � . '
. ;�
�� .�
the Dernisecl Premises . Deposit svith Lessor or with any court of
competent jurisdiction of sufficient security to cover suclz l:iens
shall be deemed compliance with this paragraph. ,
Lessor shall not be required �o rrk�.ke any expznditures whatso-
ever in connection with this Lease or �o riake any repairs or to
rnaii�tain the llenised Premises in any way during the Origina.l T�rm.
I� is expressly uncierstoo3 and a�reed that, except as provi�.ed in
this paragraph, this Lease' is a net" Lease, intended to assure
Lessor the rent on an absolute net basis.
VZ I. �.�,
In the event of damage to or destruction of the Demised Prem-
ises or any part thereof during the Original Term and Lessee elects
not �o restore the facility, Lessee sh.all promptly restore the
llemi.sed Premises to substantially the condition existing imnlediately
pxior to the commencement of this Lease A�reement. There shall be
no abatement of the ren�s becoming due and payable he-reunder during
the period of restoration.
Lessor agrees Lo pa.y for a11 util.ities and othE�r services used
:in, on or aboui: 1;he Demised I'�-em:�ses during the Or:iginal Term
�_nclucling but noi: being limited to elec�ricity, wa�er, sewer, gas,
telephone, 1i.ghting, garbage and rubb�_sh removal.
� Remedies
If Lessee should fail to remedy .ai�d def�ulL- in tlie �ayment o:f.
any sutn due u-nder this I,ease For ten (10) days after written not.:ice
sP�c_i.fying said default, or :Eails to keep or perfozm aziy of i��e
oth.er provisions, covena.nts or conditions of L�zis Lease to bc� kc,�t
o.r per:Eormed by Lessee wi'th�_n a period of t��.irt3r (30) days �.iter
W!':1��(�'Cl notice to T�ssee specifyi.ng such default, then and i�.l
either event Lessor ma.y at z_ts option and jaithout l�rniting Le�sor
in tl�.e exercise of any othe.r right o-r remzdy ii� ta-a.y h�v� oti accou�.lt
af such defau.lt, and wii:hout any further demand or noi�ice:
a) Declare this Lease at an end, re-enter the Demised
Fremises with or without pr_ocess of_ l.a�o, eject �.11
parties in possession thereof there�rom, ��nd re-
possess and enjoy said pre�r�ises to�ether tvith all
additions, alterations, and improven�ents thereto.
' • ' � ����Q�_�
. . . :�
.. �
b) Cure any such default and cha.rge the cost tl�ereof
as additiona.l rent to be paid forthwith by Tenan�L
with interest thereon at the rate of six percent
(6%) per annum.
c) Re-enter the Demised Premises, with or without
� process of law, eject aIl parties in possessi�n there-
af theref-rom, and without terminating �h:is Lzase, at
any tirne and from time to time, . re'let the Demised
Yremises or any part or parts thereof, fo:c the
account of Lessee or otherwise, receive and col].ect
the rents ttiere£or, applying the same first to the ,,�
payment o.f such expenses as Lessor may have paid,
assurned or incurred in recovering possession o:E the
Demised Premises, including but not limited to ati.or-
ney' s fees and court costs, arid for placing the same
in good order and condii.ion or preparing or altering
the same for reletting, and all other expenses , com-
missions and cha.rges paid, assumed or iiicurred by
Lessor in or about relett:ing the Derniseci Premises ,
and then to the .fu1fi11ment oF the covenants of
Lessee; but Lessor s11a7_1 not be obligated to mitigai�e
in this or any ot�ier manner damages accruing ir_om any
defauli� of Lessee. Any such reletting a.s provided
for herein m�.y be for the remainde-r o:E the Or.i_ginal
Term or fo.r a longer or shorter j�eriod. Lesso.r rn.�y
execute uny lease ma<le pursuallt to i:he� i�er�ns he:reof
either in its own name or in the name o� I,cssee, as
Lessor may sec �it, and the subless�e so obtainc�d by
Lessor shall lie unclex no obligation c��h�.tsoev�r .fo-r
the app.l�_cat:ion by I,essor of any rent collecteci by
Lessor �-rom such subl.�ss�e to a�ny and all surr�s du�
and owing or whic.h ma.y become due and owixtg ulider
i:he provisions of this .Lease, nor sha.l]. Lessee 11c�VP_
any right or author:ity w'natever to collect any rent
�ohatever froi� such sublessee. In any cas� �-�nd w"neth�r
or not the Dcmised Pr.emises or any pa.rt thereof be re-
let, Lessee sha7.]. pay to I�essor a11 �uch st�ms reqliixecl
to be paid by Lessee up to the time o� re-entry by
Lessor, and thereafter Lessee sha11, if required by
Lesso.r, pay to Lessor_ uxli�il the end o:E the then ct?r-
rent term o:E this I,�ase the equiva:LenG o�: the arno�ant
of a.]_1 xent and other c1lar�e� require�l to be paid
by Lessee under the ter_ms oF th3_s Le.ase, less i�he
avai 1s of such re 1e tting dtir:i_ng the then current
term of this Lease, if a.iZy, after payment o� the
expenses of Lessor as afaresaid, and the same s'na11
be due and payable on the several reni: days her�in
• � � . � ��'�'�-�
� �
. . . � . , .- ' ..�j .
The remedies of Lessor as hereinabove provided are in addition .
�o and not exclusive of any other remedy of Lessor herein given or
which ma.y be permitted by 1aw. Any re-entry as provided for herein '
sha.l.l be allowed by Lessee withou�G hindrance, and I.essor sha11 not
' be liable in damages for any such re-entry or be guil�.y o:E trespass.
: .X.
A1:L notices , dema.nds, consents or requests which� may t�� or are �:�,,
required to be biven by either �party to the other shall be in t,�rit-
ing. All notices, demands, consents or requests given by Lessor L-o
� Lessee sl�all be sent by United States registered or certifiecl mail,
postage prepaid, addressed i�o Lessee at the Department of Corununity
Services, City Hall_ and Court House, Saint Paul, riinnesota 55102 , �
. or such other place as Lessee i�.y designate �by notice in w�riting at
least ninety (90) days before the effective date oi such cha.ngP of
address . All noLices, demands, consents or requests by Lessee �o
Lessor shall be seni: Uy United States xebistered or certi�ieci rc�ai.l,
��ostage prepaid, addressed to Lessor at 1130 riinnesota I3Lll.LCl1.1"1�;,
Fourth and Cedar, Saint Paul, Nlinneso ta, or at such other pl,.�ce <�.s
I.essor may From time t�� time d.esignate :i.n a caritten notice to Lessee
�.t ]_east nineLy (90) days before the e:E.fect:iv� daLe of si�cl.z chai�.�e
of address . Notices, dernands, consents or requesi:s se-rvecl :ix� t}�e
manner hereinabove described shall be deemed sufficientl.y ser��ed
or given at the time of the mailings thereo:E.
Assignrrient and Subletting
This I�ease shall not be assigned, nor shall the D4mi_sed Prem-
ises or any �art thereof be sublet, used or occup:iecl by any other
p�rson, corporation, p�.rtziership, or other orgai�ization �ai�ltoui�
1_,essee £irst obtaining the wrii:�.en conse-n� of Lessor ther�to, ex-
J>ressed in a resolution adopted by i_�s Comr.iissio.�ers ; provid��c] tl�.c�.t
,t4c�z consent sh.��ll not ue un.rea.sox�ab].y �aitl�.held by :Lessc�r. �].1 oi
tlze provisions of this Lease shall Ue t�i.ncling upori evcxy �ssi�,i1;�E�,
sul�lessee, user o.r ,occup�.nt of sai.d prer�lises o�r any pari� t:h��r�o�,
w:i_th or �,rithoi.it t�ie consent o.E Lcsso:r, and Les.see l�.ereunder hEar.�����y
t;�.�<�r��ntees �he performance oF' all �TOV1.SlUT1S o� th:i s Le�.se hy ��r�y
ass:i.gnee, subl.essee, or occtipant; hut �.zothing in tliis para��ra��lz
cantained shall be interpreted or construed as a ��aiv�r i�y I�esso:c
of the restrictions set forth in the first. sentenc� o:C this ltrc,�_c1e.
Any assignment or suble�Lting Uy Lhe Lessee of this Lease or o:i
the leasehold interest of Lessee hereunder shall be n�d� subject to
all_ the righL-s of �he L�ssor expressed in i.his Lease a.nd sh�ll:l bt�
� made without prejudice to o�: imP�.irnent of any of Lessor' s r_ignt;s
as expressed in this Leas� or otlier�a:LSe .
: 6 . .
, ��;��+�;�
�.: ��.:�. - `��
. •
. . • XII.
Short �'orm Lease .
The parties agree to execute a short .�orm lease in recordable
form embodying the description of the Demised Premises and malcing
reEerence �o this Lease and the term th�reof.
. XII7. �
The .Lessor or its nominee or naminees shall at al1 times ciuring ,�
� usua.:l business hours hav� �he right to enter upon said Demised
Pr.ernises to inspzct the sarne, to make reasonable and nec�ssary
repairs thereon for the protecti.on and preservation thereof, to
malce reasanable and necessary repairs to any improvements in, on
or about the Demised Premises, and to cure any defaults of the
Lessee hereunder, but nothing herein shalZ be construed to requir.e
the Lessor to make such repai.rs or to cure such defaults . Lessor
or its nominee or nominees shall ha.ve the right to enter upon the
Demised Premises at any time during the Origina.l Term for the pur�
pose of showing the sarne �o prospective tenants thereof.
XIV. �
Surrender of �'rema.ses
Upon Lermination O:E L1115 ],ease a11 -rights oL Lessee hereuneler
s�zal:t absolutely cease, arid uPon o-r. pri.�r 1:o such terrui�n.ation,
L�ssee shall surrencler sa_id :Leased prernises to the possession o:C
I.essor :i.n the sar:�e condition tl�.t said premises were i�:i at t.he bc�-
gi.r.ining of the term thereof, ordinary ��ear and �Lear i or i�he ��urpos�s
herein autho.rized excepl�ed, provic�ed that I.essee shall llave �:}Zirty
(30) days after such ter�ina.tion in which to remove :�ts build:ii��s
��nd other property. This covenant requi-res, an�o�zg othex tliii�`s �t�y
ai7d at the expense of the Lessee, the removal from the Demisect
1'.r.emises of all Lessee' s build.in�s , t�.e fill�_n.g of all p:it, teft
tliezeon by th� removal of Lessee s bLiil.cliti-�gs , and/or othe.r_ st�rtic--
tures, and removal o.f a11 _resul�.ant debris . Zf Lesse� ' s huilcl�.n,;,
s{.ruci:u.res and/or othe-r property be no� so zernoved frorn said
llei':LS�'C� Px�'It11S�S withi-n thirty (30) d<:�ys , aiter termi7.�ati.oiz <�L th:�.s
Lc_<<se _i_ii any r�.rine-r. , Lessee, aL Lessor' s o��tian, h�x�by s��al]_ i�c�
cic�er�ed ta have c:onv�yed sueh then linremoved Lessee ' s bLi.ildi_n�;s ,
structures and/ar other �roperty a�so�ute.ly and entixely to �t.�s,<�c�-r. ,
' and all of such then unremoved Lessee s buildings, structu.res and/or
ot:her property located on the Demised Premises shal_1 thereupan b`�-
come t�he p-roperty of Lessor solely.
Tn the event that Les;ee shall ho.ld the Demised Prein:i.ses a�tex
the expiration or termination of this Lease with the conser�t; oL-
7 . '
. . . �. . ;��'��;�,�
. . .:�
. �
T_.essor, expressed or implied, such holdin� o�er shall, in the
aUse�ce of written agreenent on the subj�ct, be deemed to ha.ve
created a month-to-month tenancy terminable on thirty (30j days'
no�ice by either party to the other, at a monthly rental equal �o
tha�t herein provided, and otherwise subject to all of the terms
and provisions of this Lease.
XV. '
Lessor may, in addition to other rights contaixied in ttlis ��,
Lease, terminate this Lease after giving Lessee one hundred ancl
eighty (180) days ' written no�ice that the Demisied Premises sha11
� be put to a higher and better us.e.
Less�= and Lessee ma.y mutually agree to termi.nate this Lease
Agreement at any time upon such terms and conditions as may be
mutually agreeable between �the Lessor and Lessee.
XVI. � .
General Provisions
The captions of the paragraphs and articles of this Lease are
for convenience only, and sha11 no� b� considerecl or referred i:o
concerning questions of interpretations ox construci:ion.
The various rights , options , elections , powe.rs and re«�edies
of the Lessor contained in i:izis Lease shall be construecl as cur�.l�.t1�.-
tiv�, aild no one of them exclusi.v� oi any others or oL any ot:l�F��_
7 egal or equii�ab:le rem�dy which Lessor rni.ght othenais� have ir� t;he
e Jent of breach or default in the terms hereof, and the exercise af
one right or rernedy by Lessor sha7.1 not iz1 anywise 7..111P31T' it�s ri�ht
to arly other r_ight or remedy until a11 obl.igations imposed upon
.Lessee ha.ve been fu11y p�rformed.
7t is understood a.nd a�reed tha�. all oi the provisions o:E t'ni.s
Lease ar_e to be construed as covena.nts a�nd agrPements , as thotz.gh �.`tle
wc�rds irnpor.ting such covenants and agreemenr s were used �_n ea.ch
seParate prov_ision hereof. It is further agreed tha� all of L�:ssc.e' ��
c.ovcn�i�.ts and �igreem�nts herein conta�_necl are conditions , and ti�t�t !
thc� t:irne of the per£orma.nce of each :is of the essence of �h:is T_.�ase,
a�rtd �:hai: the si;r.ict perio�-mance oi each shali be a conciit:ion pru-�
cedc�nt to the right of Lesse� to remain in poss�ssion of the �r_E�rri-
ises or to have this Lease contin-ue in effect.
The relationship between the pa.rti�s hereto shall, at a17. times,
bc, i:hat of Lessor and Lessee, and Lessee is not to be deemed or con-
::�.dered at any time as agent of Lessor, nor in any sense a joi2�.t
ac�venturer with Lessor.
No waiver o£ any de£ault oi' LesseP hereut�der_ s11.�.1.1_ be irnp:li_c�cl
fro<<i any omission by Lessor to take acl:ion on aCGOUti� of sucii
R �
(` 6:�C����
, default if such default persists or is repeated , and i10 express,
, �vaiver shall affect the de.fau.lt other than the defa.ult specified in
the express waiver, and that only for the t;ime and ta tYie extE�nt
thei�ein stated. One or more waivers of any coven�.nt , term or con-
dition of this Lease by Lessor sYiall not be construed as a wa3_ver
of any subsequent breach of the same covenant , term or condition.
The consent or approval by Lessor to or of any act by Lessee re-
quir'ing Lessor' s consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive
or render unnecessary Lessor' s consent or approval to or of any sub-
sequent similar acts by Lessee .
This Lease shall not be terminable for any reason by I,essee ,
except as ex�ressly provided for in this ins�rument . Without l�.rrut-
in� the �;enerality of the fore�oing, and except as expressly
provided for in this instrument , dama�;e to or destruction of any ��,
portion or all of the buildin�;s , structures arid fixtures upor� or
which are a part of the Demised PrPmises by fire , th� elements or
any other cause whatsoever, whether or not without fault on the
part of Lessee , shall not terminate this Lease or erltitle Lessee to
any abatement of or reduction in rent payable by Lessee hereunder
or otherwise affect the respective obli�;ations of the parti_es here- '
to, any present or future law to the contrary natwithstandirig.
I�urthermore , if, not due to or causecl by the willful conduct of
Lessor, the use of the Demi.sed Prerrlises for arly purpose should at.
any time durin� the term of this Lease be proY�ibited by lava or
ox�dinance or othe�.� governmenLal authority, or prevented b�� in,i i�nc•-
fiion or other local interference by any private person, firm or cor--
poration , Lessee shall not be entitled by reason thereof to s�zr.��^eride7°
ttie Demised Premises, or to an,y abatement or reduction _i.n rF�z�it: , or
otherwise aff.ect the respective obli�ations of' the parties h�:reto
except as herein specific�.11y provided, bu�; shall be privile�;�d to
proce�d legally to determine that such constitutes a takin�� oz°
I�ess�e hereby a�;rees to each and all of the terms , coven�?r�j,,�
��.nd condi.tions of this Lease and to keep and perform proiTri�i;ly '�i���:�,
which are the obligation of the l�essee , i� being f.urther aE;reed tl�,-�,T,
each a.rid a11 of the covenants and obligations of' tl��is Lea::,e sl�a1. 1 b�,
bindin�; upon and inure to the benefit of' the parties ner�Lo a:, �;iie
case may require and, as wel1 , their respective successors and
assigns .
TN WITNESS [�IHEREOF, The parties hereto have caused the;�e s.;re.,�-
etzts to be executed as of the day and year first above wri.t�er,..
PORT AUTHORI`I'Y Oi�' `PHE C.l.`iY r�;�'
In th� P��en e of`j SAIN'1'���'A L
, J�, � � ��
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(SEAL) 9. • r �
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In the Presence of: CITY OF SAINT P�UL
. Director, DePa:ctnent of Finance
, and Management Services
, '�,
Approved as to Form:
Assistant ity Attorney
in �
M 4 � n ~ �
, �-�!�� :,�
On this �_7_r_�__ day of ���vs , 1976, before ine a
Notary Public within and for sai Count , persona.11y appeareci John
� L. Segl and Louis H. Meyer_s, to me persor�ally known, wno, being
e�.ch by me duly sworn, did say that they respectively are the
President and the Secretary of the PORT AUTHORITX OF THC CITY OI�'
SAtN.0 PAUL, the public coxporation named :in 1:he foregoing instru-
merit, and tha.t t7ie seal aifixed to said instrument is �t�ie corporate
sea:l of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and `�
sealed on behalf of said corporation by autho-rity o:E its Board o�E
Con�missioners, ancl said John L. Segl and Louis H. Meyers acknowl-.
edged �said instrument to be the f�ee act and deed ot said corporation.
�'� � �-:'f-�-�� t�,
Notary Public, Ramsey County, i��iinn.
(NOTARTAL SEAL) My cornmission expires �
•:;c:��:;� MARTA K. SIEI3ELL
.`�`�;.((:�" My Commission Expires June 2,1977
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