01-683QRfG1NaL Council File # O 1— G 83 Green Sheet # 106163 RESOLUTION Presented Referred To Committee Date WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20010001552) for Malt Off Sale, Cigazette(Tobacco, Grocery, and Gas Station Licenses by Pao Yang, owner, DBA Supreme Mini Market and Gas, 1530 Sherwood Avenue, be approved; T'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license applicarion. Yeas Nays Absent Blakey � Coleman Hazris Benanav � Reiter �� Bostrom �/ L�� ✓ 0 0 Requested by Department o£ � Forxn Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date 1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncIl Adoprion Certified by Counci cre By: . ApprovedbyMayor: Date V(J[�Ij1 l� �6�` � B OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA t3 O 1 -CY„S � City Council Offices Gerry Strathman, 266-8560 UST BE ON COIMCIL AGH�4 BY (p4'TE) June 26, 2001 GREEN SHEET No i 06163 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ��i•� _ii�:_1 urroouaa ❑ anwneear ❑ arrasuc ❑ wux�uu.mnersow. ❑ wwewt.amaKCra ❑ wvoRtaeuerrm ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving application for Malt Off Sale, Cigarette/Tobacco, Grocery, and Gas Station I by Pao Yang, owner, doing business as Supreme Mini Market & Gas, 1530 Sherwood Avenue. � PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Fias fhie pereaMum e�srxorked under a wnVaet tarNie departmeM7 YE5 NO Hm Mit P��rm e�ar been a dly empbyee9 YES NO Dcea thie pa�eoNfiim Gwsess a slall not namellYP�e�ed by anv arteM aryl emdoyee9 YES NO la ttxa pereoMtm e terpeted vdda(1 YES MO � Ft�search Center JUN 2 6 ?001 IF APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S CO3TIREVQIUE etlDfiETED (qRCLE ONk� VHS NO ACTMTY NUMBER v�-� �� MINLJTES OF T'I� LEGISLATIVE HEARING SUPREME MINI MAItKET & GAS - 1375 SHERWOOD AVENUE Tuesday, June 26, 2001 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Asuncion, LIEP (License, Inspections, Environmental Protection) Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is being held to heaz objections to the issuance of licenses to Supreme Miui Market, 1375 Sherwood Avenue. Corinne Asuncion reported this license application is for Supreme Mini Market and Gas Incorporation for the licenses of Malt Off Sale, Gas Stafion, Grocery, Cigarette/Tobacco, and Alarm Permit. LIEP recommends approval of the license application. Mr. Strathman read letters from the following: Ruth M. Rose, 1375 Hazelwood Street, wrote that the business amacts loud and noisy people, they sell cigazettes to underage kids, they do not shovel their walks, Asian gangs hang out there; Curt and Patricia Flug, 29009 Machmeier Ct., Lindstrom, who own properry at 1530 Sherwood Avenue, wrote about the store selling beer, drug traffic, questionable activities; and Jolua Winters, 1556 Sherwood Avenue, wrote that there aze plenry o£ liquor stores, stores serving liquor are robbed more o8en, drunk drivers. Pao Yang, owner, appeared and stated a couple of months ago, he stopped at this business to purchase an item, and the owner said he was in the process of selling the property. Mr. Yang's vision is to provide service for more inclusiveness and more diversity. He told his wife that they could work together at the store, and the kids could work there after school. Mr. Yang went on to say that he was not awaze of gang activity. He called the previous owner about the shooting, and the previous owner said that happened to an eazlier owner. That is why it was not disclosed on the paperwork to Mr. Yang. There is no Asian gang hanging around the property. People are friendly. Regarding the letter from the properiy owner, their tenants go to the store and is pleased the store is there. Mr. Yang showed this letter to the tenant; the tenant did not know why the owners objected to the licenses. Mr. Strathman stated he has paperwork from LIEP that shows the business has passed all alcohol and tobacco compliance checks. Mr. Strathman asked when Mr. Yang took over the store. Mr. Yang responded 5-24-01. Mr. Strathman stated that was two days after the City did a tobacco compliance check that the business passed. Mr. Strathman stated he does not find sufficient basis in these letters to deny the license application. There is nothing in the Saint Paul Police Deparixnent address search for 1375 Sherwood Avenue to suggest gang activiTy. c�-��� SUPREME MINI MARKF.T & GAS, Legislative Hearing Minutes Page 2 Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the license application in view of the assurances from the owner that he will run the business properly and in view of the lack of evidence that he will not. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m. � QRfG1NaL Council File # O 1— G 83 Green Sheet # 106163 RESOLUTION Presented Referred To Committee Date WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20010001552) for Malt Off Sale, Cigazette(Tobacco, Grocery, and Gas Station Licenses by Pao Yang, owner, DBA Supreme Mini Market and Gas, 1530 Sherwood Avenue, be approved; T'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license applicarion. Yeas Nays Absent Blakey � Coleman Hazris Benanav � Reiter �� Bostrom �/ L�� ✓ 0 0 Requested by Department o£ � Forxn Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date 1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncIl Adoprion Certified by Counci cre By: . ApprovedbyMayor: Date V(J[�Ij1 l� �6�` � B OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA t3 O 1 -CY„S � City Council Offices Gerry Strathman, 266-8560 UST BE ON COIMCIL AGH�4 BY (p4'TE) June 26, 2001 GREEN SHEET No i 06163 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ��i•� _ii�:_1 urroouaa ❑ anwneear ❑ arrasuc ❑ wux�uu.mnersow. ❑ wwewt.amaKCra ❑ wvoRtaeuerrm ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving application for Malt Off Sale, Cigarette/Tobacco, Grocery, and Gas Station I by Pao Yang, owner, doing business as Supreme Mini Market & Gas, 1530 Sherwood Avenue. � PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Fias fhie pereaMum e�srxorked under a wnVaet tarNie departmeM7 YE5 NO Hm Mit P��rm e�ar been a dly empbyee9 YES NO Dcea thie pa�eoNfiim Gwsess a slall not namellYP�e�ed by anv arteM aryl emdoyee9 YES NO la ttxa pereoMtm e terpeted vdda(1 YES MO � Ft�search Center JUN 2 6 ?001 IF APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S CO3TIREVQIUE etlDfiETED (qRCLE ONk� VHS NO ACTMTY NUMBER v�-� �� MINLJTES OF T'I� LEGISLATIVE HEARING SUPREME MINI MAItKET & GAS - 1375 SHERWOOD AVENUE Tuesday, June 26, 2001 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Asuncion, LIEP (License, Inspections, Environmental Protection) Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is being held to heaz objections to the issuance of licenses to Supreme Miui Market, 1375 Sherwood Avenue. Corinne Asuncion reported this license application is for Supreme Mini Market and Gas Incorporation for the licenses of Malt Off Sale, Gas Stafion, Grocery, Cigarette/Tobacco, and Alarm Permit. LIEP recommends approval of the license application. Mr. Strathman read letters from the following: Ruth M. Rose, 1375 Hazelwood Street, wrote that the business amacts loud and noisy people, they sell cigazettes to underage kids, they do not shovel their walks, Asian gangs hang out there; Curt and Patricia Flug, 29009 Machmeier Ct., Lindstrom, who own properry at 1530 Sherwood Avenue, wrote about the store selling beer, drug traffic, questionable activities; and Jolua Winters, 1556 Sherwood Avenue, wrote that there aze plenry o£ liquor stores, stores serving liquor are robbed more o8en, drunk drivers. Pao Yang, owner, appeared and stated a couple of months ago, he stopped at this business to purchase an item, and the owner said he was in the process of selling the property. Mr. Yang's vision is to provide service for more inclusiveness and more diversity. He told his wife that they could work together at the store, and the kids could work there after school. Mr. Yang went on to say that he was not awaze of gang activity. He called the previous owner about the shooting, and the previous owner said that happened to an eazlier owner. That is why it was not disclosed on the paperwork to Mr. Yang. There is no Asian gang hanging around the property. People are friendly. Regarding the letter from the properiy owner, their tenants go to the store and is pleased the store is there. Mr. Yang showed this letter to the tenant; the tenant did not know why the owners objected to the licenses. Mr. Strathman stated he has paperwork from LIEP that shows the business has passed all alcohol and tobacco compliance checks. Mr. Strathman asked when Mr. Yang took over the store. Mr. Yang responded 5-24-01. Mr. Strathman stated that was two days after the City did a tobacco compliance check that the business passed. Mr. Strathman stated he does not find sufficient basis in these letters to deny the license application. There is nothing in the Saint Paul Police Deparixnent address search for 1375 Sherwood Avenue to suggest gang activiTy. c�-��� SUPREME MINI MARKF.T & GAS, Legislative Hearing Minutes Page 2 Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the license application in view of the assurances from the owner that he will run the business properly and in view of the lack of evidence that he will not. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m. � QRfG1NaL Council File # O 1— G 83 Green Sheet # 106163 RESOLUTION Presented Referred To Committee Date WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20010001552) for Malt Off Sale, Cigazette(Tobacco, Grocery, and Gas Station Licenses by Pao Yang, owner, DBA Supreme Mini Market and Gas, 1530 Sherwood Avenue, be approved; T'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license applicarion. Yeas Nays Absent Blakey � Coleman Hazris Benanav � Reiter �� Bostrom �/ L�� ✓ 0 0 Requested by Department o£ � Forxn Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date 1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncIl Adoprion Certified by Counci cre By: . ApprovedbyMayor: Date V(J[�Ij1 l� �6�` � B OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA t3 O 1 -CY„S � City Council Offices Gerry Strathman, 266-8560 UST BE ON COIMCIL AGH�4 BY (p4'TE) June 26, 2001 GREEN SHEET No i 06163 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ��i•� _ii�:_1 urroouaa ❑ anwneear ❑ arrasuc ❑ wux�uu.mnersow. ❑ wwewt.amaKCra ❑ wvoRtaeuerrm ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving application for Malt Off Sale, Cigarette/Tobacco, Grocery, and Gas Station I by Pao Yang, owner, doing business as Supreme Mini Market & Gas, 1530 Sherwood Avenue. � PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Fias fhie pereaMum e�srxorked under a wnVaet tarNie departmeM7 YE5 NO Hm Mit P��rm e�ar been a dly empbyee9 YES NO Dcea thie pa�eoNfiim Gwsess a slall not namellYP�e�ed by anv arteM aryl emdoyee9 YES NO la ttxa pereoMtm e terpeted vdda(1 YES MO � Ft�search Center JUN 2 6 ?001 IF APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S CO3TIREVQIUE etlDfiETED (qRCLE ONk� VHS NO ACTMTY NUMBER v�-� �� MINLJTES OF T'I� LEGISLATIVE HEARING SUPREME MINI MAItKET & GAS - 1375 SHERWOOD AVENUE Tuesday, June 26, 2001 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Asuncion, LIEP (License, Inspections, Environmental Protection) Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is being held to heaz objections to the issuance of licenses to Supreme Miui Market, 1375 Sherwood Avenue. Corinne Asuncion reported this license application is for Supreme Mini Market and Gas Incorporation for the licenses of Malt Off Sale, Gas Stafion, Grocery, Cigarette/Tobacco, and Alarm Permit. LIEP recommends approval of the license application. Mr. Strathman read letters from the following: Ruth M. Rose, 1375 Hazelwood Street, wrote that the business amacts loud and noisy people, they sell cigazettes to underage kids, they do not shovel their walks, Asian gangs hang out there; Curt and Patricia Flug, 29009 Machmeier Ct., Lindstrom, who own properry at 1530 Sherwood Avenue, wrote about the store selling beer, drug traffic, questionable activities; and Jolua Winters, 1556 Sherwood Avenue, wrote that there aze plenry o£ liquor stores, stores serving liquor are robbed more o8en, drunk drivers. Pao Yang, owner, appeared and stated a couple of months ago, he stopped at this business to purchase an item, and the owner said he was in the process of selling the property. Mr. Yang's vision is to provide service for more inclusiveness and more diversity. He told his wife that they could work together at the store, and the kids could work there after school. Mr. Yang went on to say that he was not awaze of gang activity. He called the previous owner about the shooting, and the previous owner said that happened to an eazlier owner. That is why it was not disclosed on the paperwork to Mr. Yang. There is no Asian gang hanging around the property. People are friendly. Regarding the letter from the properiy owner, their tenants go to the store and is pleased the store is there. Mr. Yang showed this letter to the tenant; the tenant did not know why the owners objected to the licenses. Mr. Strathman stated he has paperwork from LIEP that shows the business has passed all alcohol and tobacco compliance checks. Mr. Strathman asked when Mr. Yang took over the store. Mr. Yang responded 5-24-01. Mr. Strathman stated that was two days after the City did a tobacco compliance check that the business passed. Mr. Strathman stated he does not find sufficient basis in these letters to deny the license application. There is nothing in the Saint Paul Police Deparixnent address search for 1375 Sherwood Avenue to suggest gang activiTy. c�-��� SUPREME MINI MARKF.T & GAS, Legislative Hearing Minutes Page 2 Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the license application in view of the assurances from the owner that he will run the business properly and in view of the lack of evidence that he will not. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m. �