266899 WHI7E — CITV`CLERK C01111C11 e����.��
� BLUE — IC:AYOFt Flle NO.
� � u il Resolution
Presented By
' �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Charter Commission of the City ,of Saint Paul has pro-
posed amendments to the Saint Paul City Charter p�roviding for the elec-
tion of city eouncilmen from th irteen. council dis'triets ; and
WHEREAS, .a draft of this proposed amendment has been delivered
to the City Council by the Saint Paul Charter Commission; and
WHEREAS, Minnesota S�tatutes, Seo. 410. 12, S�bd. 4 provides that
such amendments ahall be submitted to the qualified voters a� the next
city election,. to be held in April, and that the form of the ballot
shall be fixed by the city council of the City of Saint Paul, now,
therefore , be it .
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the ballot
�or the city gener,al election to be held in April of i976 contain the
following question on the ballot :
"Shall the City Charter of the City of Saint Paul be amended
so as to inerease the size of the City Council from seven
members to thirteen. members, and to pxovide that each eouncil
person will be elected from one of thirteenlseparate , compact
and cont�guous council district�, such districts to be estab-
lished by the Charter Commission in such a mjanner that each -
district will be substantially equal in popu�lation?
Yes �] No �� "
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Cit y Council, that the election officials
of the City of Saint Paul are hereby directed to place the above state-
ment of the question on the ballot at the city election to be held in
April of i976.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Christensen �
�� Hunt [n Favor
Levine �
Roedler Against BY
Tedesco ''
President I-�� HO Z Z a � � � 19�
Adopted by C Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Cer ' 'ed Passe Coun ' ecretary BY �
Appr d by Mayor• Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
���sNEO MAR 2 019T8
• � . • � J �
� . � . � � � � � ��� y
February 6, 1976
Mrs. Rose Mix
City Clerk
Room No. 386 City Hall
St . Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Mrs . Mix:
Enclosed is a copy of a proposed charter amendment entitled,
This proposed amendment was approved by the St . Paul Charter Com-
mission on January 30, 1976, with instructions to transmit it
to the St . Paul City Council for submission to the voters of the
City for approval or disapproval at the 1976 regular city elec-
tion, in accordance with law.
Respectfully submitted,
O nri� �. P
Orville C. Peterson
Enclosure - 1
cc: David Hozza, City Council President
' ' � '7 �=�nY��i_�!r. �':a ��j�����
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February 2, 1976 PIERRE N. REGiVIER �
To the Saint Paul .
City Charter Commission: �
Re: Fina1 Draft, Amendments to City Charter Proviciing . .
� for Electiou of Couricilmen from Thirteen Distriets
Enclosed is the final draft of the proposed amen�ments
to the City Charter pertaining to the establishment of
thirteen council districts in the City ;o� Saint Paul. �
This final draft incorporates the amendments to the �
� fourth draft requested by the Charter Com�issian at ,
` : its January 30, i976 meeting. This Y�.�:al draft also _
. contain.s further changes as described "below. The changes _ •
included within this �inal draFt are as follows:
1. At the request of the Secretary, I Mave included
a title at the top of the draf t as �ollows :
��Amendments to Saint Pau1 City Charter Providing
for the Election of Thirteen Councilmen from
� Thirteen Council Districts. " � " ,
. 2. The sections in several places were rearranged
since the fourth draft did not have the amen,dmen�s
to the particular sections a� the City Charter in
the order in which those sections appear in the -
City Charter. For instance, Sections 9 tl�rougY�
12 dealt with Chapter 6 of the Ch'arter, and they
came after Section 6, which dealt. with Chapter 7.
, This change was only made for elarification pur-
poses so that the provisions will �,ollow in the
proper sequential order.
3. Section 6, which is an amendment to Section 4. 04 -
of the City Cha'rter, was inaclvertently omitted from
the previous dra�t following your instructions #;o �
amencl all sections which refer to four couneilmen� _
so as to specify seven counci.lmen. There�ore , in
conformance with the rest of the amendments con-
tained herein, this amendment provides that special
� City Hall, Saint Paul, Minneso[a 55�02
� 612 298-5121
, ' �
Charter Commission �
Page Two
February 2, 1976
meetings of the Council can only be called on the
� written request signed by seven councilmen, rather
than four couneilmen, as the Charter presentiy
provides. It is my opinion that thzs ehange does _
not necessitate a furthe r� Charter Commission meeting
to approve , sinc.e it is merely bringing the eharter
. - in conformance with the previous vate o� the' Charter
Commission, ��hicYi was to change all sections of the �
Charter s�hich refer to four councilmen so that they
will now refer to seven councilmen.
� 4. Section 10 is a ne« amendment to Se�ction 6.06 of
the Charter,, providing that. emergency ardinances
can only be adopted by an aff irmative vote of twelve
. � members of the counail, rather than a unanimous vote,
as presently requir.ed. ._ .
5, Section 16 is an amendment to Sectior� 10.07.2, so
� as to provide that a resolution makzna appropriations
to meet a public emergency requires the affirmative
vote of 12 members of the eouncil, rath�r than a
unanimous vote , as presently required. �
Puxsuant to the vote of the Charter Commissi.on on January
30, 1976, this final draft should now be delivered to the
City Council by the Secretary of the Charter Commission. _
I would suggest that the delicery be made by a le tter
addressed to the Council President and the City Clerk,
enciosin� a copy of this final draft. This matter will
then appear on the April 27, 1976 balYot following �ull
. . publication of this �inal draft in the Legal Ledger once
a week for two successive treeks. I will assist the City
Clerk in preparing the proper lan�uage for placing th is
matter on the general election bailot.
If you have any questions �vith regard to this matter,
please feel free to contact me at any time .
Yours truly, .
' � .
��`7' ���''�'.�
�� � .
City Attornsy
� Enc . �
cc : Mayor, City Council, with enclosures
City Glerk �
. , , . . ' ,2-2-76
Section 1. Section 2. 01 of the Saint Paul City Charter
. is amended to read: - �-
"Sec. 2.01. Elective Officials, There shall be a
� mayor �r��-se��e�-ee��e�e�r�e�, elected by th�:: voters of the
city at large ,, and thirteen coiincilmen. each elected from .
a _council district as provided herein. and such �t�c��es
a�c� other offieials as are providecl by statute,� elected _
as provided he'rein, " -
Section 2. Section 2. 04 of the Saint Paul City Charter
is amended to read: .
"Sec . 2.04. Vacancv. �n. eZective office becomes
vacant i�hen the incumbent dies, resigns by a writing
filed with the city clerk, is convicted of a felony,
ceases to reside �in the city, e� is adjudged incompetent
by a court of competent jurisdiction_i or �ahen a cour�cil-
man ceases to be a aualified voter `within the council
district from which lie is electe_d. � chan�e in ca�incil �
district boundaries does not dis ualifti a councilman from �
ser�*in� �or the remainder of his term. " �
� Section 3. Section 2.05 of tY�e Saint Paul City Cha rter � ` `
is amended to read : "
"Sec. 2. 05. Fillin� of Vacancies. If an elective
o�'fice becomes vacant, the council shali elect a qualiFied
� _ .
voter e�-�t�e-e�e�� eli�ible for -this office to fill �.ie .
same for the renainder of �the uneYpireci term. If a - .
tie vote occurs in the filling oF a vaeancy in ttie
� office of councilman, the mayor shall vote to break � ""
the tie , n
_ ;:�
Section 4. Section 4. 01 of the Saint Paul City Charter �
is amended to read : -
"Sec. 4.01. Legislative Power. The legislative
power shall be vested in the council, which sha21 be -
: composed of ee�:e� thirteen councilmer�.. "
Section 5 . Chapter 4 of the Sdint PaL�I Ci-ty Charter is
� amended by addin.5 the followin� sections :
"Sec. 4.01. 1. Council Districts. Each member of
�the council shall be elected from a se,�arate compact
� . and conti�uous coiincil district which is equal in
population to all other council districts . ' Ec�ual
in population' means ancl includes a deviation not
exceedin� 2._5 percent from the number eomputed bv
dividin� the applicable fede.ral decennial or special
census po,�ulation of the city bv -thirteen. Each � � - =
councilmair- shall be a �ualifiecl voter of the council =
district : however, a chan�e in eoi;ncil aistrict boundaries �
does not disqrialifv a councilman from servin� far the , -t .� �
� remainder of his term. Qualified vo�ters may onlv vo�te
for a caridiate for the council district seat �,rithin
the councii district �vhere thev reside.
� . _ _
2 . .
"Sec.. 4. 01. 2 , Initial Distz•icts. �1t least niiiet�-
(,�0) davs before the c�av on jJrllCti filin�s open _for the
next citv primarv election occurrin� af�ter the 1976_
� � -�eity election. the Saint Palil Charter Commission shall
adopt b�% ma,jori�tv vote of -the entire commission and file
� - -
- in the office of the ci�ty c1er1:. a resolution dividin�
the citv into thirteen S1�) compact and con�ti�uotis council -
districts ec�ual in pot�ula-tion and ser�allv namberecl. Zf :
the charter com�ission shall fail to aclopt a council
clistrictin�,,,,, .resolution as �rovided he�r-ein, the citv �
� council shall establish the initial coi2.nci1 districts bV
- resolution, folloz�rin,� Public hearin�, a�t le�.st fort� (1f0�
davs before the clav on i�hich filin�s open for the next
citv nrimarv elec�tion occurrin� after the 1976 citv °
election. initial council districts s2ia11 re�nain in
eYfect unt�il redefined as nrovideci herei�i. If the charter
commission and the citv council fail to adopt a counci3. _
. da.strictin4 resolu�tion as provided ia this section, the
councilmen shall be elected by the voters of the city at
. lar�e . _� _
- "Sec . 4. 01. 3. . �tandato.rv Redistrictina. After � _
. _,
: ;��:
• everv federal decerinial or special censiis showin� that �
st�ch districts are not equal in population, the Saint '-{- °,'
Paul city charter commission shall , by resolution ldopted
' _ by a majoritv vote of �the entzre commission and filed
in the office of the citv clerk, reclefine the council
districts so as to mal�e tlieru equal in population as_
definecl in Section 1� , 01. 1. ?he resolut ion of the eharter
cor�mission shall� be adopted and filed at least nine��• 90}
daYS before the day on �ahich filin�s open for the ne�t
citv primarV election occurrin� after the vear in which I
the census was taken. If the. charter commission �reso�lutian - � � -
is not adopted and f ile cl cvithin the rec�uire d time , the _ - `
� citv council shall recle�ine t_he__council districts bv reso—
� lution at least forty (40,} c?avs before the c�av on, which
filin�s o en for the next cit rimarv eiection. If the
charter commission and the council fail to ado t. a re•solution
redefinina the eoi�ncil districts as rovided in this section. �
the councilmen shail be elected by the voters of the. citv_ � '
at lar�e .
"Sec. 4.01.4. Other Red_istrictin�. Except as other.—
zaise rovided in this cha ter the council clistrict boundarv
lines sha�l nat be redefined exce�t by a resolution passed
by a maloritv vote of the entire charter commission and
filed with the eitv clerk. Such reclis_trictina _�e_solut_i_on
shall establish the thirteen council districts in the
. -' .``i-i.z.
manner provided in Section i�. 01.9 . No such resoluti on mav L�
be adopted within sittv (60) davs o� the openin� of filinas
for a cit� elect.i_on. "
Section 6. Section 4.04 of the Saint Paul City Charter - -
is amended to read: • -
• - "Sec. 4. 04. Business �ieetin�s . The counca:l shalZ
holcl regular meetin�s at the city hali 10:00 a.m. on. at
Y least two �(2) separate days each week. The president af
� . , ;;
: - _-' �
the council may call specizl meetin�s of ttle co�inci.l , .
ancl the secre�tary of the council stzall clo so on :yritten
rec�uest signed by �€e�� se�en councilr�en. Spe�ial
meetings may be held antiwhere �aithin the city. �iotice
of the time and place of special meetin�s shall be ser�ed _
. upon each member of the council anci the mayor �in a mann.er
prescribed by the council . The business conduc ted at ,
the special me�ti�gs shall be confined to that stated in �
. the �notice. " :
. Section 7 . Section 6.03. 1 of� the Saint Paul City Charter
is amended to re ad: .
� "Sec. 6.03. 1. Le�islatitie Orciinan.ces. Every act
of the council' which ciefines, licenses, re�ulates ,
suppresses , prevents, or prohibits any act, business ,
or person, grants or modifies any franchise, or is in
any �aay an exercise of lebislative po�vers, shall be done
by legis7.ative ordinance. Except as otherjvise provided
in this charter, such ordinances shall reqiiire an
affirmative vote �of a�t least �a�� se�ren members of the
council . " �
Section 8. Section 6 . Oj.2 of the Saint Paul City Charter
is amended to read: ' :
"Sec . 6.03.2. Administra�tive Ordinances. Every _
act of the council which establishes, alters, or abolis:�es �
_ .�.
any department , o�fice, or agency or tlie procedure for -
the performance of any administrative� act or which • =
: promulgates any rule or regulation fo.r the conduct of ` ;
the city government or which this charter requires to �
5 :
.�._,,�...: �....__...:,.. t�v....�._..,...e.s-:,...,s.�-
_�_�.,_.._._ ._. :..C�._.�.�_��..� . .
� he ctone by ordinance o�ther `than a Iegislati�re ordinance ,
shall be Uy administrative ordinance. E�cept as ottier— `
�vise provided in .this char�ter, such ordinances sha21 .
_ require an affirmative vote of at leas� �e�� seven -
members of the caunc il . " - <
. Section 9. Section b.03• 3 of the Saint Paul City Charter
: is amended to read: � -
"Sec. 6.03. 3. Resolutions . Al�. other acts oY the _ -
council shall be. by resolution., includin� but not lir�ited
to the followino; � �
1. Acloption and revision of the budget , �
except as otherwise providecl in Chapter 10;
- � 2. Certifica�tion of the tax 3evy;
3. Emergency appropriations; and
1f. Declaration of intent of the co�.incil .
Escept as otherivise. provided in this charter,
resolutions shall require an affirmative vote of at ieast
: �s�� seven mer�bers . "
Section 10. Section 6.Ob of the Saint PcZLI� City Charter -
is amended ta read: -
"Sec. 6. 06. Emer�enev Ordinances. To meet a public �
emergency, to—��it, a sudden or unforeseen situation =3
affectino life, health, property, or the pubiic peace � _ _ -�?•
, :-� -:
or srelfare that requires immediate council action,
the council may adopt one or more emergency ordinarxces, _
�. • �
. . 6
An emergency ordinance may not levy ta�es , authorize
. the issziance of boncls , grant, rene�,�, or eYtend a fran- - ;
chise or rebulate the rate cYiarged by any public utili-ty .
�or its services; provided, however, that nothino he rein _-
contained is in��ende�3 to prevent the city from issuin; . _ ' �'
. � � its emergency notes and making any necessary tax levies
� therefar as provided i� Section 10.07.2 of this charter. - -
An emer�ency ordin.anc e shall be intro.ducecl in the form �
. and manner prescribed for orclinances generally except
that it shall plainly be desibnated as an emergency � �-
__ ordinance and shall contain, aFter the enactin� clause,
' a declaration stating that an emergency exists and
� d�escribing i�t in clear and speci�'ic terms . An emergency
ordinance may be passed with or without amendment or it
may be rejected at the meeting at which i�t is introduced.
� The ��e���a�s affirmative vote of a�� tzael�e members
' of the council shall be required for the passage of an '
emerge�cy ordinance . "
Section 11. Section 6. 10 of the Saint Paul City Charter
is amended to read:
"Sec . 6. 10. Reconstruction and Overridin� Veto.
_ _ -.�3
. _�:,=�.
Any ordinance or resolution or any part oF an appro- '=:,
. . . . .. _ _..:r�_
� � . '-'�..oYt'.
� priation measure which has been vetoed may be reconsidered -`����`�^�y.
. . .. . � ' . . '::.'�:
, � by the counc il an,d shall become la�a if pa ssed by an .
affirmative vote of at lels�t ���e nine members s�ithin
thirty days of the veto. Any such ordinaiice ar resolution
. 7 � .
. . �
� . or .any part of an appz-opriation riieasure 1.hicYi tias been
reconsiclered by the council and re��assed shall be cieer�ed
aPPro�ed, �� ;.
.__ <
Section 12. Section �. 03 of the Saint Faul C�ity Charter
.,, .-
is amended to read: ��
, ; � ;��
. ._
"Sec. 7.03. Qualifications of Candic�ates . Ever � '~''
y -
person eligible to hold office under the Constitutian o�
the State of i�iinnesota�� and, in the case of councilman,_ - �
a �ualified voter of -the council distri.ct for which he - .
� is seekina election, shall be eligible to �file for
, election. �� � �
� � . _
_ Section 13. Section 7.04 of the Saint Paul Ci�ty Charter � �
is amen�led to read: -
"Sec. 7 .04. Narve on Prima.rv Ballot . Not later than
thirty—five days nor more than forty—nine days before the
primary election, any person eligible may, by filin� an
affidavit �ancl payrnent of �50.00 to the eity eleric, ha-�re
his name placed on the primary election ballot. Each
� person desiring to have his �name placecl ori the primarv ,
- _ . , �:
- ballot for councilman shall state-- in his affidavit of ��
. . �_;.
candiclacv the council district for which he is a candidate '� `�=
� and that he is a c�ualified �oter of that council district , "__ ��:`
Section 14. Section 7.06 of the Saint Paul City Charter -: F� '�:
. . p�- "T:F�
is amended to read: ' . ��
. - "Sec. l . Q6. Citv eiection Candidates. The election
of mavor and councilmen bein� hv partv desianation, the
__ - . ;,i
y ;.
� � � . . _ ' .-�L
� ' - . .. ' . O . . . . � '� ... �
candidate of each partv recei��ii?� -the hi��hest number ol
votes in the prim�rv election �for the oFfice of mavor or
the office of councilman in anv council clistrict sh�.11 be
declared the nomznee of his partv for the office at the_
nest citv election and his name sha12 be placed on th? . - "=-
� ;f.''
�municinal election ballot to�ether with the name of anv
candidate for the office nominated by pe tition in •
� � � . .. . . � . . j . . . .. _ .
accordance with Iaw. �Pt�e-��a-e����e�stses-�a�-�$�e�-�eee�����
. c
�eee3�f�o-�k�e�-€�t���ee�-1�#��ies�-�tt��e�-a�-�a�e�--ske��-�� � -
Section 15. Section 7.07 of the Sain�t Pau1 City Charter
is amended to read:
"Sec. 7.07 . Special Election. Th� council may by �'
resolution, adopted by affirmative vdte o� at least �3�e _
nine members , order a s�ecial election iahen cleemed neces-
sary for any purpose and provide for the holdino of the `• -
.. .;�
election. "
Section 16. Section 10. 07:2 of the Saint Paul City Charter
is amended to read: -
9 '
- --�;-�.�...�..,�..�_. _._ ____-�._.._._...�.........,.,.< ,....�....nnu,....�.,�__�..�:...._ , _.___,...�.��.__._,.._.r_,__._ .. _�_..,....._�.__,......,...�.,A-e.e-..— ...,.....-
' , . ' ,
"Sec . 10. 07 . �. Emer�encv Appropriations . The
coitneil may by resalution adopted hy the ���z��r�etts .
affirmative vote of e��� t�relve meu�bers of the council
nake appropriations to meet a public emer�ency as defined
in Section 6. 06. To the eYtent tha.t there are no avail-- , �
�, � „
. - ._..��:.,
able unappropr3.ated re�renues to meet the appropriations ,
the council may b� resolutiQn authorize the issuance of
emergency notes, �vhich shall be paid �rithin three years. . ,
Such emergency notes and the interest' thereon shalZ be
� general obligations of the city 'for tlne prompt and. -
faithful paymen�t of tivhich the full faith and credit o� �
the city is hereby irrevocably pled�ed._ Such emergency '
notes may be issued in such form as may be determined
from time to time by the council , and may be sold withaut
any notice for the sale thereo� and without a vate of the
electorate, Ta�►es may be levied outside of statutory
and charter limitations for .the payment of� principal
and interest on emergency notes , and such emergene�
� notes shall not be included in computing the net debt .
: i�:
of the city, " . ?,_
'_�-. .-:
' . . � ' . � � � . . . . � _ - _.'�y
Section i'7 . Section 10. 11 of the Saint Paul City Charter - -
is amended to read: -- y-��
_. -,-.�-.
"Section 10. 11. Council Issuance of Obli�ations . -
The council may, by resolution approved by ���e nine
of its members , issue any of the followin� obligation.s
without approval of the voters : "
10 - ..
_ : s�;�
. -�:.
=:_z ,�:
• � J • � � . .. . . . .
Section 1S. Sec�tion 10. 12 of tiie Saint Paul City C�iarter
is amencled to reacl: .
"Sec . 10. 12 . Popuiar Appr�`al of O�ther Obl i�at i oris . -
EYCept as may be otherwise provided by this cliarter or -
by state law, no bonds or o ther oblijati ons shall be
. - - �-�
_ R;
iss�.ied by the, city unless a.�resolution authorizing � ' :;
their issuance has been approved by �a��-me���e�s-e� "
the e3�� counc il and tlie quest ion of the ir issuance � �
has been approved by a majority of the electors votin� �
upon the question' at a `general or special election. «
Section �.9. Section. 12. 12. 3 of the �Saint PauZ City Charter
is amended to read: •
- "Sec, 12�.12. 3. Tenure . The term of each chief of
police shall commence upon the expiration of the precedirtg
term and he shall , except as provided in this section,
serve for a term of six years and un�il his successor
is appointed and .qualified. During the first year of his
� term he may be removed by the mayor up�n written n.otice .
� and approval by the council by ���e nine votes . He shall
continue in office for a term of six years from the
� expiration of his prior term unless �the m3yor, not r�ore � -
than 90 days nor less than 60 days before the end of - � ,-<
that term and .�rith the approval of the council, determines _;.- _��:_ :
� to terminate his incumbency on the eYpiration date . In �
�that event and in any other case when a �acancy occurs ,
.. 11 . . .-
,�_--z-�:.�..t-,�_..,. _��._......_ _. ...__.-.,.--
,��_.,�r__.�,__._.__�, ..�._...,.,.�.�.�,,..,�
. � ,
' � . ; '
the mayor, or the head of �the departr�ent if the Mayor
- so design�.�. tes , shall appoint an ac�tin� chief ancl �the �
commission herein provided for shall for�tli��i�h arrange i .
�or an eaamination to �determine eligibles to fill the
vacancy. ' The police chie:f may be removeci for cause
" by the mayor with the approval of the counc iZ after - ��
hearings are held before ths council; pending the - _
� � hearing, he may be suspended with or without pay by
. .the nayor. The beginnin� and endin� of the term of
the �n.cumbent �olice chief shall not be affected by -
the adoption of this chapter. " -
Section 20. Section 13.0� of th� Saint Paul City Charter �
is amencled to read :
"Sec. 13. U5. Vacation of Streets, Al1eYS ancl _Public
Grounds . The council may, by resolution adopted by an
affirmative vote of at Ieast �3�e nine of its members,
vacate any street, alley, or publie grouncls, or part -
thereof, within th2 city. Such resolution shall be
adopted only after affected property owners have been _ �
. - . , . ._��n.
. . . . .. • " ' . � ��:r
given an opportunity to be heard. Notic� of the hearing � - F°
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shall be published in the official ne«spaper of the _ �
. � . . � . . - . - 'x�X�r.
� city and mailed to the owners of each parcel i►� ich -
--- abuts -the street, alley; or 'public grounds , or part ' .°
thereo�, proposed to be vacated, at leas�t twenty days
� �in advance thereof. The vacation shall otherivise be
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made upon the terms and cotid it ion5 , and in the manuer,
pro�-icled by aarninistrati�re ordiiiance. The coi�ncil may �_
. . . . . '.A..i.
condition any vacation upon compensation bein? paid to
the city, a notice of co�npletion of the proceedin�s -.:
. . � . � _ 'Y.�'•Y
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