266894 WHITE - CITV CLERK /:f p�\f��� PINK - FINANCE � COl1I1C11 F' ��"v" .� � CANqRY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. BLUE -MAYOR � � Counc�l Resolution Presented By LICENBS COI�AZIT'I'�E � . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Rffi�LV1�D: That license� applied for by the Yo1.l.ow:Lng person� a t the addresBea atated by and the e�a�ne a� hereby �ranted. Servomation �+301 68th Ave. No. Cig. V�I Oper.� & lk M. App.3757 Ren. Harry L. Conver�e 237 Richmond Gen. Rep. Gex. 4722 " Robt. Jensen & Allen Dorictt 586 Rice St. Rest. C-1 52�6 �� n tr QPf' .SRle M�a1t n n ,� �� Cig. �� �� . �� �e •.rr Micky'e Diner, Inc. 511 No. Snelling Ave. C�tering B 5329 '� " " 1 Veh. " " �Geno'e Ca,fe, Inc. 668 Payne Ave. Reet. C-2 5�2 �� Cig. Gold Med. Bev. Co. 553 No. FairvieW Food V�eh. K 5�5 " M�errill Chapman Co. 115 So. Wabasha Foods 'NIDPW 5616 " n n 1 Veh� o �, Kitty Clover, Fiiv'n. ' of Fa3.rn�unt Foods 1880 Como Foods NIDPW 5650 " Bowl Ritey� Inc. 1548 University Rest. C-2 5715 " ,� " Tavern " " " " Cigaxeatte " �� �� �� Bowiin�g Al1eY �32) " „ fKnight & Day, Inc. 1318 W. I,arpenter Rest. C-1 5719 �� Cig. J.B.� Inc. 77 ��: 9th St. Rest. C-2 5722 " n �f Cig n �� Bil],y Boy Juices, Inc. 5� ��h Foods NIDPW 5756 " " n 1 Y,Qh. n +► Walmont, Inc. 2057 Ford Pkwy. Reat. 'C-1 5'(90 �� n n �� n C�.g. Fr�d D. Primoli 959 �'cade St. Rest. C-2 5795 " n n 'I'6►veTYx ►' " (?t'f 9s�18 Miilt " " n �� C3.g• n �� � COUNCILMEN Requested by Depattment of: Yeas Nays Christensen ' Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITV CLERK � ������ PINK - FINANCE � CO11I1C11 BLUERV- MAYORTMENT CITY OF SAINT PALTL ��� File N 0. � � Council Resolution Presented By LI�1'SE COIY�II'iTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Rt�SOLVED: Ttlat licenaes applied Por by the Yollowing persons at the addressea stated by and the seme are hereby granted. Date Corp. 901 Payne Re.at. G-2 App.5808 Ren. �� « TAV@1"ri o u �� �� Cig� „ � Walgreen Co. 425 Wabasha st. Floris+t-Nurs. 5821 " n n CorifeC't. tt n �� �a Cig. � � 3w�ez, Inc. 1900 Stillwa�er Ave. Reat. �C-� 5826 " n " Of P 3s�1.e Mi].t " n �� � Cig. n n American Can Co. 7�+7-55 No. Prior Cig. 5�+9 u Metropolitan Transit Co. 400 Nc. Snelling Cig. 5872 " 2win Cotq Newspaper 8erv. 220 E. Fillmore FoodB �PFT 5873 " ,� +� 6 veh. �� �� �Peter Jay� Inc. �+SO So. Snelling Re6t. C-1 5895 " Of� 8ale Me,lt It fi tt tt Cig. btarvin Fre�lach 893-99 PewY� Reat. C-1 5926 " u " TAVdTYY n n " " OPf Sale Mslt " " N �� Cig� ,� „ Sonny's Bar, Inc. 883 Peyne Ave. R�at. C-2 59�+ �� '� " Off Sale Malt „ N Ci$� n n Slinger's Bax & Cafe 1938 University Rest. e-2 5975 " " „ Off 3a1C MSl$ �� t� n t� Cig� n n r' �� Cig. VM Oper� " �� Silver Coaches, Ine. 1638 Rice St. Reat. C-2 5978 " " " Off Sale MEt].t n u �� � Cig. ,� �� COUIVCILMEN Requested by Depattment of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler A gai n s t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BY Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZTL � Council •^� �y�( A CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. �F�`F���%� •�� BLUE - MAYOR � Council Resolution� Presented By �►I��g �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � R&SOLVED; That lice�ases applied far by the follo`d ng pereona at the addre�aea atated by and the aame are her�by gra�ted. The Janet Corp. 1414-18 White Bear Ave. Reat. �� 6012 Reri. n n L.ig� n tr ° n Of°P Set�.e Malt '� " (ial.livan'a Reet., Inc. 354 Wabshsa Reet. (�-2 6024 " �� n TR'1T@2'1i n n �� n Ci8� ti tt M N It tt Cig. VM Oper. SPH Hotel Corp.11 E. Kellogg Blvd. Hotel 488 Roams 6039 " e� rr C8�'Ai'dTilpg B n �� n n L,ig� n �t " n C�$ Sti�. 'Zp n n Richard & Ste�ve 8chweitz 956 Payne Ave. Rest. �-1 6111 " " " Tavern " �� " " E)ff` 8ale Mslt " " �� r� Cig� � t, �� ° �� Cig. VI�I 4pex'. " n Mohawk Bsr, I�c. 429 So. Robert 8t. Rest. �-2 6180 ° " '� Off Sa�.e Ma].t '� '� n u L.ig� ' a n A�ada, Iric. 199 P. Plato Rest. �-2 6207 " �� �� �i8� - � t� MCJ, Inc. 674 Dodd Rd. Reat. �-2 6213 " n rr Qt'1' 8a).e Ma1.'E n n r t� G,�B� , n n " „ Tavera " " McCann Bros. Chatterbox 393 Selby Ave. Rest. �-2 6219 " '� „ Of'f Sale Ma1t " �� a n Cig� u n sPx xotei cor�. 11 E. Ke].�ogg Blva. 3�v�rn 626g " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor '� Levine Rcedler A gai n s t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E - CITV CLERK ^-)C PINK - FINANCE /'f p CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiTL COUIICIl r� t��R,9� BIUE -MAYOR File NO. � . � � Council Resolution� Presented By LZC�38 COI�"dI'1R'E� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date RE84LVED: Thht licens�s appli�d �or by the Yollorriag persoaa at #he ad.dre�s�a atated by �nd the same are hereby granted. Ricom, Inc. 574 Rice 3'e,vern App.6283 Ren. " " Reat. ,C-2 " " n �� • �� � 0�'f 8�,1.e Malt �� u Cig� �� �� ���C�.O� I11C• ��5 �• 7'�1 ►�i't• �8t• C—� 62g1. n n n OfY Sg11.0 M�l.t n n n n Ci$� n o � u BOW7.�l�g $ A. a n Joaeph �. Perkovich 1201 Jackaon Reat. C-1 6310 " " " (7�'f 5�1� M9�lt tr n N N ���• '.. tt It Phil J. xormann ?19 Burr Grc�c. A-1 6362 " ° " OfP 3ale Malt " �� n u Ci$� n n 1��T No. Cirv�lana, Inc. 1437 Po. Cieveiand Reat. c-1 6363 " Daniel Re3tzel 792 (�and Ave. Aucti�nesr,l Dey 636g " st. Francis DeSales 426 so. O�seeola �n sa�.e Ma].t 6383 " n o BoNl�tB� 6A. 63g�F �� Mangini, Inc. 1345 E. Itose Rest. C-2 63g7 " ,� �� Taverm ,� " � �� C�g� „ �� Marc Bc�nberg 142� t�aad Ave. 1 Vil�,(Floriat) 6396 " Pilaey'r Fc�od lyIlst., Inc. 1032 W. 7th St• iroce�Cy 6412 " " " Butch�r " " n n OPf Salt M�lt ,� n n n C3g. rr u Msurer's Patio Loung�, Inc. 1420 W. 7th St. Rest. C-2 6437 " n a T6�YQ2'�1 �t n e� u o Cig� er rr Charles L. Elliott 248 So. Clevelaud Av. Fc�ods�IyIDPW 6445 " n n 1 Veh� u n Feter Miller �+83 80. �rigga RbW T�uck d485 ° COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor - Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E - CITV CLERK 1 °R�}�(�� PINK - FINANCE COIlIICll ����'� ��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � . GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. BLUE - MAYO�R � � Council Resolution . Presented By LI�g �"� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By D'ate RESOLVSD: That licroses a�ppli�d Por by the f'oll�wing persona at the ad.dreeses �t,ated byend the ssme are here'by granted. Peter Miller 483 So. tirigge qen. R�p. C�►r. App. 6�+$6 RHn. ` tCharlotte H. Ifl.anzendorP418�i 8t. Clair R�st. �-1 6540 �� t� sale Ma].t � :' Off Sa1e Me�].t " n „ �+ � n ►r g• Thc�msa Boland 68 Nv. Cie�ve].and 1 v�h. x 6561 " �. s� aeea cbmri�� 7i6 so. Cleveland Ave. �c�a v�. 6575 " 8uperamarica Sta. 296 E. 7th St. Gas sta�. 8p 6582 " n �� H8Z'di�I4x'E n n n n �Z• �''OOC�IS �� n " " O�P 8a].e Mal.t " " n n OJN'ig. �."Orit. n n n n C�g� n o Highlend Park F].oriet 631 So. Snelling Flori�t 6618 " �� �� 1 Veh. " " Spizman Fruit Co. S70 Pise St. Fo�de 1�IDT'W 66g�t " 6 veh. " " (�eo. �"ritz, Jr. 888 So. Wilder Fooda I�IDPW 6639 " �� „ 1 neh. �� �� �rin City 3ee,food, Inc. 1324 W. 7thSt. Foods IYIDPW 664ig ° " n 1 Veh. ° '� Jo:eph N. & Kathleen ChiereLl.a 603 No. Pascal 1 Veh. K 6646 " B-Line Ice Co. 1102 W. I,arpenteru Food�s I�PW 6647 " n 'r 2 V�h a n Th'Rice 1086� Grat�d Ave. Ci�roc.�A-1 6671 " �echanic Arts Chi�d Ca�e C�t� 639 Jaelssoa P'ood Ss�b. M 6674 " Lund 8� Lange, Inc. 272 30. Snelling Florisic-Nure. 6676 � n n 1 Veh. n I�elson 3unrise Eggs �+21 C�rove l�c�ocls 1VmPW 6678 " n n 2 Veh. n n COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against gY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK � , � PINK - FINANCE � � � � CANARY -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL� Council �,.� �i�� BLUE - MAYOR . Flle NO. � � Council Resolution�� Presented By LICSN'3E COI�ITTSE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RffiODJEDs That licensea applied for by the Pollwing paracras at tkle addre�ees �tated by aad tbe same are hereby grt�mted. R.J. 1�Iitch, Inc. 1305 W. 7th St. Reet. �-1 App.6695 R�n� Hillcrest Car Waeh, Inc. 1635 W'hite Bear Ave. G�us Si�i. 8p 6700 " Ly:tada, Inc. 5013 Penn Avs. So.,1�I�S P�st Cc�ntrol 6703 " 3p�►ce Center, Minn., Zhc.�+Sl C�ve 3t. Fda. W�,rshauae B 6714 " J�mea F. Jordc�n 608 So. Smith Orig. t�ont. 672�+ " n n CiB� n n Afo�ids Pe►rk ?�ounge, It1c. 1067 HudBOri Rd. �ye� 67� o a rr ReSt. (r"-2 '� n n rt (�Pf, S&�.e M�l,t n n n n �i n Qig. I Matthew Garofalo 245 Qoodrich t�e�. R�p/ Ciar. 6813 " Cauntry Club l�ct 688 E. �rd. St. Groc�ry A-2 681g " �� " Butch�r " " " " Floriei�-Nura. " n n e� 4i'f 8a1� I�lt,i n e n n C3.g• r� n Lorraine Pet�rka 513 Portland Ave. Rmg. �alBdg. Houee 683g n Ro'bert E. Pittlek�ow 419 30. Ht�nline Q�ocerx A-1 6844 ►' n n Off Saa1C M81.� �+�F n n n Cig. �, n Faird�y Corp. 325 �yton Ave. Re�t. nur8. H,ome 6872 " Clark Oil & Refining Co. 430 30. Robert gl� ��-:�� 6873 " Pa►n-0.Gold Hc>lsum Bakery 926 Payne Ave. Be�kery 'B �79 �� Capitol City Dist. 245 E. Fillmore Hev. A�-Non Al. 6885 " n r, 11 V�h♦ n n r.�na o'Lakes 415 c�rove cigarei�te 6894 " Metropolitan Busiaess Mer� & Prof�ssional Men 5� Concordia Privat� Club 6896 " TNin City Ex�ez�ini�ing 1953 Univereity Ave. P�st C�ntrol 6898 " Fraacis J. Ha�mphrsys 331 w. Burke Pest CcDntrol 6900 " Degree Of Hc�nor 325 Cedar Cig. 69e7. " Mrs. Ed Jerabek 300 S Bl . Bake 6 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Depattment of: Yeas N ays Christensen Hozza [n Favor � Levine I, Rcedler A gai n s t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By ' Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E - CITY CLERK CO11I1C11 ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL j CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � BLUE -MAYOR � Flle NO. � Council Resolution Presented By _ LICENST COA��'1T� ' i Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Rffi�LV�D: That licenees applied Por 'by the following peraons at the addre�s�s atated bti� aad the atame are hereby granted. Qroup Haoomes, Inc. 512 Mexshall Ave. Food E�tab. M App.6911 Ren. " 176 Proepeet Blvd. " 6912 " Cretin High School 495 So. Haml3ne Food. �tab. L 693�+ " Louis Lepsche 1199 White Bear Ave. (�roc� A-2 6949 " " " Frozea�Foods " " " " OPY Sale Malt " " �� « �g ,� �� Kentucl�y F�ied Chicken, Inc. 1985 Old Hudson Rd. Rest. �-2 6952 " Chiro Zbrntore 1652 Charles Foodst�f'f' 6970 " " " Veh. Peddler 6971 " American Bakeriee 97 E. 12th St. Cig. 6972 " Dr. Jam�ea R. Olin 1430 Marshall Vet. H��pital 6974 " Roy J. Hessler 80 So. Snelling Cigar��te 6983 " T?ae Restoration Rest. 653 Grand Ave. Rest. �-2 6989 " n " On Sa1� I�Setlt n o t3eaeral Electria Co. 7�+50 Metro Blvd. Elec. d�pp. Rep. 6991 " `� " T.V. M�,ster �� �� " " 2 Servicemen " " (3eneral Trading Co. �+75 No. Prior Cig. 6992 " 6 " M. M. 8� Mfg. Co. 1925 Case Cig. 7�3 �� Lee Berlin & Gene Na�asePf 510 White Bear Gen. R�p. Gar. �mna G. x�u3.ara �631 Marsha�l Ave. Beauty Shop 7009 " Travelodge Corp. 149 E. University Ave. Cig. 7433 " I�arpenteur Estates, Iric. 1260 W. Larpenteur Cig. 7016 " �idway Chev. Co. 1289 University Ave. Cig. ' 7019 " Warren H. Smith 1817 Randolph Cig. 7�1 " Mian.-Wi�c. Truck Lines 965 Etiistis Cig. 7024 " Rayau>nd C. N�wton 472 So. Cle�veland Barber, 7�+3 " M�tropolitan Bus. & ' Professtional Men's Club 5�+6 Concordia Cig. 70�+8 " Caxl J. Seebeck 62 W. Winifred Tow 7�uck 7066 " l�yron Mob�rg 4�+8 So. Robe�t Barber 7067 '� COUNCIL.MEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor ! Levine ' Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sY By . WH17E - CITV CLERK � � � 0 4 ���-,�;; PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council � . ��������':� � GANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. . � BLUE -MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By LICEI'�ST COMNLCTTEE � Referred To Committee: ' Date Out of Committee By Date RS84LYFDt That licenses applied for by the following peraons at �e addresses stated by and the sa�me are hereby �ranted. Farmers Union Grain Term. 266 Shepax� Rd. Cig. App.7069 Ren. Yernon K. Shaleen 857 E. 7th 8t. Lc�y�DC Plant 7070 " The Depot Bar, Inc. 2�+1 E. Kellogg Blvd. Rest. C-2 7071 " n u L.ig� n n *r n O�f 88�1c Mal.t n n �� �� C3.g• Y!K OpeT. �' �� n u p�'1S�T1� LOt u u Haxry 8� K�enneth Winkl.er 979 Arcacte 8t. T.V. M�,ster 70'7'T ►� ,� +� 1 SeTV�.Cem84ri �� n St�+phe11 Vsdt7ais 326 No. S1lelli�lg Cig+� 7�1 n Arrow Imports, Inc. �+27 No. Snelling Cig. 708g " " '� Cig. VNS Oper. `� " " 1515 University Ave. Cig. ', 7081+ " Ca itol Rea].t Co. ' " n p y 1�+59 U�i.vereity Ave. Ci:g. 7088 Cig. VN[ OpeY'. a n Joseph Fl�ming �+59 80. Robert Gas Sts�. 6p 7p93 " �� �� �� �� Gen. R!!p. Gsr. Summit Nat'l. Bank 205 Aurora Cig. 709g " Joel F. Hegerle 520� Rice Mtr. Veh. Driver 7100 " Regina Kinzel 1051 Arkw'righ� Bea�uty Shop 7105 " Claude A. Kinael " Barber 7106 " Richard Qimple 1239 Rice St. Orig. Cont. D 7110 " n n Cig. n n Marion A. Merrick 719 Burr St. Butcher B 7111 " Luther Clark 671 Sel'by Cig. 7121 " James StmLnach 8�+9 Rice St. Barber 712�+ " Rose Mary 8ctnni.dt 1763 Burns�: Beauty Sho�p 71�l8 " Bradley Extermination 771�+ So. Co].�'ex, Mpls. Pest Cantrol 7129 " Harold Reed 237 Aurora Ave. T.V. Me�ster 7131 " xoy B. r.�a.ana io�o �xwr��t Tow Truck 7133 ►, pn��.i�s petroieum 2599 w. 7t� st. c�. 7135 " Met1ro "5W", ?11C. 1672 Rice 3t. Cig. �? n COUIVCILMEN Requested by Depa�tment of: � Yeas Nays , Christensen ' Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BY Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK . COl1IlC11 F`;+�.�� �i9� PINK - FINANCE G.ITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARY - DEPARTMENT � �`• BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . � � Council Resolution Presented By LICE1�SPs C� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RffiOLVEDt That licensesapplied for by the folloK3.ng persons r�t the addreeaes stated by and the same axe h�reby granted. ', Edward P. S�rtus 811 No. S,exington Pkwy. Mtr. Ve�h, Dr. App.?1�+3 Ren. C�e�ry Sau,thward 82 Mt�unds H'�.vd. M.A.D. �Oper. 7146 " Clair B. Frable 1341 8t. Clair 2 �ow �rucks 7155 " Clayton Club, Inc. 615 Univer�ity Ave. Cig. VM Oper. 7156 " McKnight Village Apts. 177 No. McKni�ht Cig. 7i6i " Pl�llips Prltroleum Co. 299 �. Wheelock Pkwy. Cig. 7162 " Butwin Sportswear c�o 1�'inch Bidg. 366 Waccruta Cig. 7173 " 3heral L. Willisms 627 Univer�ity Ave. Beauty Shap 7175 " Ro'bert (�iFfin Iiazen 2084 Ctrand Ave. Mtr. Veh. Dr. 7203 " Barbara J. Greene 1281F W. 7th 8t. Ma�sseuse 7208 " Paul J. Wa�er 138�+ Hsrt�ord I�tr. Yeh. Dr. 7253 �� Robert Quee�r 706 No. Robert P'oot Peddler 7272 " � COUIVCILMEN Requested by Depaxtment of: Yeas Nays � �e�• � Hunt In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY I Sylvester , Tedesco '� President�[t Hozza Adopted b unci Date � ` � �� Form Approved by �ity Attorney Ce ied P s y Co cretary BY By Appro by Mayor: e Approved by Mayor;for Submission to Council By BY PususMEO MAR 2 01976