266885 WHITE - CITV CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT �i, � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . . � 15�18Co - , �c�<�ah c� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By '� Date � An ordina.nce amending Ordinanc� No. 15881, approved August '.2��, 1975, entitldd F'An ordina,nce adopting a new zoning rdina.nce for the City of Saint �Paul, repealin� Chapters 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 ''of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and the zoning ma.p of the Cijty of Saint Paul." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINTIPAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. � Tha.t the Zoning Ma.p of the City of Sailnt Paul, Sheet No. 24, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.'401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended as follows: The property owned by Kurt H. Hen�riksson, located on the Northeast corner of Hazel Street and Conway Street and on the South side of ConwayiStreet between Hazel Street and Luella Street, more p�.rticularly described as: { "Lots 1, 8, 9 and 10, Block 2, Hucison Road Gardens; that part of Lot 3 lyin� South of a line formed by extending Westerl the North line of the East-West alley in B�ock 4, Wild Rose Addition and all of Lots 4, 5, S5, 56, 57 58 and 59, all in Block 4, Wild �tose Addition,t' R�-� . is rezoned from R-3 to -�M--�r � Seetion� 2 . This ordinance shall take force and ef�eet in thirty (30) days from and after its pa.ssage, approval and pu�lication. COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays 6�rie�Ee�iee�r� �X Hunt [n Favor ' Levine Q Rcedler Against BY Sylvester , Tedesco President yZg Adopted b uncil: ate A�R � 5 19� Form Approvefd by City Attorney Cert' ' d P y C retary BY . By I Approv Mayor: ate � s Approved by 1�layor for Submission to Council By By PUa��s��ro APR 2 4 t976 • �,���-,�-,,.� �: 4a,1 JK``t �`�� • � CtTY p�� - .. '�� s� �`-�—'CJ�V w :' '� o ......a...:. a he rnaaorsu a.s �'��_ -1��-� .ab ��, � ,�o C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Ma.rch 2, 1976 PIERRE N. REGNIER Mrs . Rose Mix City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall , Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' Dear Rose: Attached hereto is an ordinance rezoning property owned by Kurt Henricksson from R-3 to RM-1 as requested. Sincerely yours, . � D�aS r�l . a /" /k,�t, �HOMAS M. SIPKINS Assistant City Attorney TMS:er Encl. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 �`<�������.' � , l�� �.- �.��..� B(aARD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,5 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DONALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING COORDINATOR February 23, 1976 Mrs. Rose Ann Mix City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Madam: This is written in response to the petition of Kurt Henriksson to rezone, from R-3 to RM-1, properties located on the northeast corner of Hazel and Conway and on the south side of Cpnway between Hazel and Luella. This property is further described by the legal description on file. This matter was heard by the Current Planning Committee on November 20, 1975. Staff reported that the petitioner proposes to develop the property with multiple family residences. The land is presently occupied by some storm water ponding, fill, and garbage dumped there by people other than the owner. It was stated by the attorney for the petitioner that development costs ma.ke it uneconomical to build single family residences on the subject property. Several neighbors appeared in opposition because of the expected increase in traffic in the area. A motion to recommend approval of the rezoning with the condition that the single family homes be constructed first and the deed restriction be prepared and agreed to prior to the matter going before Council, carried unanimously. This rezoning was then heard by the Planning Commission on December 19, 1975. At this time, the Commission approved the recommendation of the Current Planning Committee. Mr. Regnier, the City Attorney, stated that the City could not be a party to a deed restriction. It would have to be worked out by the attorney for the petitioner and the neighbors. Sincerely, �O'Cr.+u'r.� � ��4�tt>,!�?".K, � JOANNE M. SHOWALTER �� Secretary, Current Planning Committee � �"" JMS:CLMcG:v 1 O� 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 , 55 . �_ �-.� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL r'� ������� - �,. l�BCo G�TY OA q.E' 4 � '�i � Rose Mix o .,..;;.;, '' Albert 6. Olson City Clerk and �� g=�=��� aa Council Recorder Council Seeretary �o �e ..« OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS �86 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 Phone 298-1��1 September 18, 1975 Zoning Board Grace Building Deax Sir: The Council referred to you for recommendation the attached petition of Kurt Henriksson to rezone property in Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens and Block 4, Wild Rose Addition at the nXri-haaci- rnrnr�r nf Ha-�el and Conway and on the sou�side of Conway between Hazel and Luella. ours truly, �-� �,�,- � City Clerk A0�s c � Att. � �� � � � U ��5 �1; - - -� 2 `w i9Z? � ��� CITY PLANNING ��A�� t�� �� S�.�tttt F�u1, ��i!^!?"� ..l `'\ ,�'`�✓ � __.__.--_......_._.._.,_.. _.._._....�_ ^ ! �r yv 1 - r ''=.' '"' '7°' _._r� j� ' �..�7 e `ai u :� � ��sv►� e••u k� ►e. ; � . - • , b � . , CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � ASSESSMENT DIVISION r`, y��Q 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 '"'�Jj� Septaaber 15, 1975 To the C;onncii Citq of St. la�l 6�ntle�ea: I have rechecked the aCtached petitioa of Rvrt H. fle�ariksson, filed it� t�e aatter of re:onisg Lots 1, 8, 9 and 1�, Block 2, Hndson Soad (�ardens; tlut part af Lot 3 lying Smuth of a lime for�ed bq extending Westerly tbe 1lorth line of tt�e East�lest all�y i� Block 4, Nild 8ose Addttion aad all o� Lots 4, 5, S5, 56, 57, 58 aad 59, all in Block 4, Nili Roee Aiditian fraa A Sesideaca District t0 a C-1 Resideace Distriet. ?he prerperty is located at the �fortl�east corner •f Hasel 3tr�et and Conway $trset aad also oa the Soat� side of Cmnrsy Str��t bet��en Eaz�l Street aad i,u�lla Stre�C. i find that aaid pdtition is suf�icient. ?oure vary trnly, `� -� c�` �� � ��d R�►ger A. Matteon • IDirector Departsent af 1►i�ance 6 Mauga�at Ssrvices �te: x1569 c.c. Bnildiaa HeparCmest Zoaiag Board Roger A. �ttson � ry �'rontage: 1�: �`E�� � �q`'� �� � � �.��3 ��°� `« :� tl°�, �..�«- �" a ��:�. Parcels eligible: 28 parcels needed: 19 or 66 2/3'x Mrcels sigaed: 21 �il� � L� � UI� D ' `" '� � u �J75 CITY PLANNING 80AfiD �Iflt P:''..,�, h�I!,^,R_°SO+it a - ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���sy o0 e ~� yj� Rose Mix o .,,.�;;.; "� Aibert B. Oison Caty Clerk and 3� ~��� sb Council Recorder Cozcncil Secretar�/ �� �� ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS �86 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 Phone 298-1�,°d81 � ���� � September 9, 1975 Mr. Roger Mattson, Director Department of Finance Room 113, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you for recheck as to sufficiency the attached petition of Kurt Henriksson to rezone property at the northeast corner of Hazel and Conway and on the south side of Conway between Hazel and Luella Streets all in Wild Rose Addition. V truly yours, � "n� City Clerk �_ Attach. o�g�`�,��r '�� ABO:dcm $`�-� __" � � � � � � � Il. _ ,� " � iy75 , ,� F. CITY PLANNIiVG BaRRD .�ic?int �:�-., . !';r,;;n`C.",!�, � _ , � � � . � � . � � � � . � - -, T ., . . s �� SUPPL���IE��TT TO REZONING RETITIOIV KURT H. HE[�RIKSSON, being first duly sworn, desposes and states that he is the person who circulated the petition for rezoning of the vacant property lying in the S.E. quadrant of the intersection of E. third Street and Hazel Street in the City of St Paul, Minnesota and f�.rther state and certify that he and/or his . assigns will commence construction of sin�le family homes on Lots 1 & 2, 6 to 10, Block 4, Wild Rose Addition, City of St Paul within 90 days after approval of the rezoni.ng as requested in the above referred to petition, an,�l �.n no event , j sha11 . he construction of any multi-famil�y/ unit take place until � �' � {�� + r/- l�� �'` 'ef� U n���, f�o TCu � �zm ,.[,si �`j L'��,r��E �c-y, ��''� � ( �l�'�t�rs c� � fA�t y� °�'�1 � �7 �•�N'YH l /Y 1/"�t 1 �',✓�/• d'* 6���� •.��. ��e petitioner and his assigns further certify that, subject to approval by the City of St Paul, the single fami.ly homes will be layed out like, or similar to, the attached sketch and the house plan will be, or similar to, Hynes & Howes Homes Models No. 100 and No. 102 with two car garage and mini.mum of 928 Sq. Ft. of finished habitable floor area on the main floor. THIS DOCUMF,NT IS BINDING TO THE PETITIONII�,� HIS HEIRS AND ASSIGNS BY AFFIXING HIS SIGNATURE IN THE SPACE PROVIDID BII,OW this -,�?�day of _ , 1975._ G'���� . •�' �/.�.��-�-�.�-a.� THOMqS F. WIBUSHAUSE�t � NOTARY rU�LIC-M4tNNCiOTA � � RAMS�Y COtNVTY /,/�L%a�.��es�7?/^' " MY�ommission Expires April 22,1981 - PETITIONEft: Witness: �:.�-r�c.���/, C� �� This document was prepaxed by LAND INCRIIKF�TT DEVELOPME�TT Inc., Agent f es roperty Owners. ..,�'� • � �--�--�, president AND , NCREMENT EVELOPMENT, 1�e. • . . � - �, ' _ ' . , ' . � ' . • . , . , , �, . . . . • _ __ • . � � 224-4345 JOHN E. DAUBNEY ATTORNEY AT LAW 73B MINNESOTA BUILDINO ST. PAL1L, MINNESOTA 55101 September 26, 1974 Nb^s.Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City xa11 � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 '�~ +'��'�.,'�'.,,,;� ...:.� Dear Mrs. Mix: Enclosed herein axe two application forms on behalf of Vixgil Doerfler of Doerfler Construction Company. Both applications relate to the same area. One requests the vacation of a portion of Conway Street and the other requests an amendment to the zoning ordinance from an "A" , to a C-1 Residence District so as to permit the construction of multiple residential units. 1 A1so enclosed is ownership report for the adjacent premises on the street vacation and report for the prop�rties within a radius of 100 feet for the rezoning. I am enclosing a map of the area showing the lo cation of the proposed street and alley vacations and the proposed area to be re- zoned. Please send all notices of hearings or meetings to the undersigned as attorney for the applicant so that we can arrange for the proper persons to be present. Also enclosed are separate checks for the rezoning in the sum of $130.00 and for the street vacation in the ,sum of �100.00. Our computations for the filing fee on the rezoning axe based upon a total land axea of 205,715 square feet with a fee of-I �30.00 for the first 10,000 squaxe feet and �5.00 for each additional 10,U00 square feet �20 x 5 = $100.00 plus �30.00 or $130.00). Very truly y s, ,, H DAUBNEY � JID:pr , Enc. �� � �•:.� � . 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PAUL r� _ � `,�� � ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 CITY HALL 5T.PAUL,MINNESO?A 55102 October 9, 1974 To the Council n City of St. Paul ,-'��'�,,'� ,` ���t, �� � .,,� Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition of Rurt H. Henriksson, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 1, 8, 9 and 10, Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens; that part �of Lot 3 lying South of a line formed by extending Westerly the North line of the East-West alley in Block 4, Wild Rose Addition and all of Lots 4, 5, 55, 56, 57, 58 and 59, all in Block 4, Wild Rose Addition from "A" Residence District to a C-1 Residence District and find that said petition is insufficient.'� The property is located at the Northeast corner of Hazel Street and Cornw�y Street and also on the South side of Conway Street between Hazel Street and Luella Street. Yours very truly� / �����_� /.�. :;���/��� � J,4�� xOBERT W. TRUDEAU� Director Department of Finance � Management Servi;ces re: R1569 c.c. Building Dept. Zoning Board Robert W. Trudeau � * � 4♦ , • [. • • . '. � � • ' . . • i � �''. � . � � � � � CITY OF SAINT !�AUL � � 1 � � � , � G�TY Op '��� yi Rose Miz o ' .:•• a Albert B. Olson ..........�. City Clerk and a` :°'_•.' " ' ,; Council Recorder Council Secretar1/ a�m ~ ,�e �.. OFFICB OF THE CITY CLERK BURBAU OF RECORDS 888 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 Phane�88-k�31 n'b `y..r!°�';�� t.:'�,; �,� ` -';� October 1, 197� �r. Robert Trudeat�, Director II'' Finanae asd Manage�nt Services Rooa 113, City Ha11 St. Psul, ltin�sesota Dear sir: 9�e Cou�cil referred to y�ou for check a8� to snP`Piciency the attached petition of Kurt H. genriksson to rezone property abuttia� Lots 1, 8, 9 and 10, Block 2, �udson Road G�rdena. � verY�t�Y� . � C ty q.erk � �� Attach. 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O � p zf � 1 -------- ---- �z -�- �� � � I � _ � � � � .� ' zS ' _ - - _ _ _� �...� t AREA MAP APPLICANT Kurt Henriksson LEGEND — — ZONING �ISTRICT BOUNOARY � SUBJECT PROPERTY PURPOSE Rezone to RM-1 O ONE FA�AILY ¢ TWO FAMILY FI�E N0. 7813 November 20, 1975 ��� MULTIPLE FAMILY DATE • � +n COMMERCIAL � SCALE : I'�= 200� NORTH � �� �NDUSTRIAL ° SAINT PAUL PI.ANNING BOARD V VACANT i � � � � .�.�..,_..��..,.�.. ....._._.�._.�-- � �,._ __-�--�.,........�.W......., . 7 � ;� ,�•� , / . . _�_.�.�T ...:.._._..._.w_..__. _.�.. «���:::�.���Y������ � - � , , . ^i _ � . � � ' ,, a � � ` � 1 + -} ~, q � \I R . , , ? ' � �� v �� 8��_ �_.:__.._._ i � , � '� _._..._...___.__..._-_,_.:.._._. j , I � ? ,_..,.,......,.,.��.,.,.._..,,.a..,.�.......,..,..� ...�,.._.y...,.,. - ---- + _. � { '__. ._----- � f . ' � � , � a i 1 i � `ti � ---._. �-- _...—.- ; ' `` ` ` � } . 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C=- � � ��_ �,�. � � ..� � '� � � ° O N� c i ^�-' ( Q'1 � ��i[� � ry, �a C'�� O � � , M o' _u� � •7 r� J � • � a � � �r � � ' x � � . „ � �� � � a �: \� � �, a2.Q.-4.- �/j 4-: �i � +� { . �T - .1) [z, � c� E � � _ _. ... ... , � +� � - :.,...._.��._..�_.�_...�. ._.._ �_ ,� �.. ._�.,._ _�_..._..... _. .� � v� _'_.�- --,.. � O � , � w •rl Q` � ,� G7 C�l -F� r-I _ o •ri `` \ .......... . � c','' 'C3 ^ � 1 �. a�� ' ,_�il_rI G. z! C� ,t �l �_, M � o r--I �-i �� , p, �A [ll � i � _. . _ _ _.. �I .�..� � �� S� C: t7 ' . � f1. r-: �'�, f-.: . i - i 1 � �� R I _._.,_-_.___...�r..,.._.--.--.-•----.s.,....�\.---" _ . � �' ' _ �,�� �.._.._ , , � , , . � _ _ , __ z� �,,�_--- -� . � � ,� .�,.; - �± i �. � �. � i -J(�'�1 � � '�y, �,_, � :'� � � �� � � ;���:� - - �._� : k : ! .,,F'� 'u�'z / ,_.._..�.,., ._..............:.,..._.�..:a._.�.�.._.a..,....,,..,�....��.,. t y� �...._,_T..__ .�,�.._.._ . � ,,,�_� �o�' , ' � � , , . . . . . . ,.�. . + . OFFICIAL RAMSEY COUNTY ABSTRACT OF TITLE �';_,��.�� L. The State of Minnesota is the owner 'of : Lots L to 4, incLusive, and Lots 6 to 9, inclusive, BLock 4, Wild Rose Addition. i�.�� � .�"�f..,�� 2. WiLliam V. GoLLa and Frances C. GoLla are the owners of : Lots 5, 58 & 59, BLock 4, Wild Rose Addition. /9.�Y � �'�I`'�d� E E 0 & 3. WaLLace . Lundell is the owner of: Lot 48, except the 4 feet a11 of L�t 49, BLock 4, WiLd Rose Addition. ����i�Z��e�.���-.�. � �y�,. � 4. WiLLiam Go11a is the owner of : Lots 10, LL & 12 , BLock 4, WiLd Rose Addition. , /�.�� ,�' 3�,d-� 5. WiLLiam V. GoLla and Frances C. Golla are the owners of : Lot 50 to 57 incLusive, BLock 4, WiLd Rose Addition, subject to easement & street. /y3Y �' ,��- ',,� 6. Vito A. PaLmitessa and Carma Palmite�sa are the owners of: Lot 50, except the E LO feet & a11 of Lot 5L ',& the E 20 feet of Lot 52 , BLock 3, WiLd Rose Addition. �y� ��.�'�� `'�, �� 7. John R. Pau1 and Dorot �� ���I� 1 are the owners of : Lot 52, except the E 20 feet thereof t & ' I �',. � ' t 53, BLock 3, Wild Rose Addition. q; �'O ��� � ����f � � i �I���� �� i, �� � , , ,� ;� 1 � 8. Ernest L. KLett and F.�q� �� '� '�,� ���� ����� �Q. t a�re the owners of : Lots 54, 55 & the E z of �S,ot 56, BL �, ; �',� ,,,�se, Addition. • ��.w %�3/ � .��°,� �`-_-,,:�,� __ _ �' 9. Jack D. Northup and rsar_�jor�i-e N. orthup are the owners of: The W 2 of Lot 56 and aL1 of Lot 57 , Block 3, WiLd Rose Addition. ��r1 � �'=���' L0. Joseph E. Schwartz, Jr. and Marsha E. Schwartz are the owners of : The E'Ly 40 feet of Lot 48 and a11 of Lot 47 , Block 4, WiLd Rose Addition. /y�� ���� v L).. Inez Burk is th� owner of : Lot L3 and aLl that part of Lot 14, Lying W of a Line running from a point on the N Line of said Lot L4, distant 7.7 feet E of the NW corner thereof to a point on the S line of said Lot 14, distant 19.7 feet E of the SW corner thereof, BLock 4, Wild Rose Addition. ; iy���°- .��.�t� � � 12. MichaeL M. Sweeney and Darlene M. Sweeney are the owners of: Lot L6 & the W'Ly 8 feet of Lot 17 , IiLock 4, WiLd Rose Addition. i9fd ,� .�-�,d� �' , 13. WaLLace E. Lundell is the owner of : Lot 17 , except the �'Ly 40 feet thereof & aLso except the W'Ly 8 feet 'thereof, BLock 4, Wild Rose Addition. � 9��?�,�-� .�.����_ � � a� Ca�r.v�*� ISSUED BY COUNTY ABSTRACT CLERK 152 COURT HOUSE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA �-�;; � Form ABG1800 �, � � , ,. � .e....:d,r ... � ' • " : ; � i • - OFFICIAL R1�.MSEY COUNTY ABSTRACT OF TITLE ��a���� L3 A ALvin R. Merx and Barbara A. Merx are the owners of : Lots 58 & 59, BLock 3, WiLd Rose Addition. 3 � ���� � ��� £ 13 B Carmen J. Rube rto and PauLine A. Rt�berto are the owners of : Lots 3, 4 & 5, BLock 3, WiLd Rose AdditionT ,s a o ,t/ �� �,,,w � ,, � ,I ��h,, � ii ,` , � �4liil�i!I � �I�� �� � �� ';����`�� � - !j III� II,i�!i� '�' , � � � ' I��� � I ��j°��I�� �, j,i , � I�� N�'�J ' '�1k' ,���!i:���� i �Tr�� �-- f �.r�' � ISSUED BY COUNTY ABSTRACT CLERK 152 COLTRT HOUSE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA .�;���.;:, F�orm AF3C-1800 J , �� ., . � . °- . � � � � , •- � � � ' � � ' � ' . :. • , � , I ,. , ` ' .+ � .� � . OFFICIAL RAMSEY COUNTY ABSTRI�CT OF TITLE 14. RonaLd W. Patraw and Karen J. Patra�a are the owners of : ���'���.��r 40 feet of Lot17 , except the N LO feet thereof, Block 4, Wild Rose Addi- tion. �y���° .3�',� LS. Ruth TaLan is the owner of : Lot 1, iBLock 2, Hudson Road Gardens! subj. ��yT�ax���� the State of Minnesota. <<� 16. Agnes A. Inman is the owner of : Lots 8, 9 & L0, BLock 2 , Hudson Road Gardens. �'fjy � .�'?�.,�� 17 . Richey, Inc. is the owner of : '�'he W 75 feet of the W 135.15 feet of Lot 7 , ahd the W i of Lot 8, BLock 1 ; and Lots 2, 3, 4 & 5, Block 2, Hudson Road Ga-rdens. .!�,� G�x�. �i�.e�z.-� /tieT� /,� ���. I 18. Terra�e .Enterprises, Inc. is the owtter of: Lots 6 & 7 , BLock 2, Hud- son Road Gardens. /��,�L��-��:� 19. Virgil Doerfler is the owner of: Lats 1 to 5, inclusive, BLo�k 3, Hudson1 Road Gardens. /�4'.� G?�.e�e=.�y,J`�r<.� _ ,•Ei� i � 4 ?�'i 20. P.onaLd F. Fischbach an i 'I M. Fischbach are the owners of: The W 136 feet of Lot LO,� �' ,, �,!,, ',� " udson Road Gardens. V� � �'� �� ,� �� � ,I��!� ,� 1 `� , ' S, 21. LesLie E. Tayerle is ���i l 1 �� �N ��.`}� Lot 9, except the E'Ly L48.67 feet _!� BLock L, Hudsori Road ^ " ;'� „��i,��,,-- 7�� �su-�� �� C/ � I �T,W���-1 �J�w_ : 22. Alfred J. TetzLaff an eanor�P .�e,tzlaff are the owners of: Lots 1, 2 & 3, except the N L34.L5 feet thereof, BLock L0, Robert L. Ware's Eas ern Heights. /,�/ `Lz.c��� , � •?a��� 23. CLarence J. Flnce1 and Nadine L. Finc�� are the owners of : The N 134.15 feet of Lot L, Block L0, except the E 55 feet thereof, Robert L. W�re 's Eastern Heights. r�'90 �- ,��� 24. DonaLd Henry Petry and riarjorie A. Petry are the owners of : The N 135.15 feet of the E 55 feet of Lot 1, BLock L0, Robert L. Ware 's E�stern Heights. ., ., � `5 fi';�� 3Y'7.1 �r-t�� ��..�Jo, ��,�%�s� a 2S. Re�istered Property '�ertificate #236;248, dated Aug 14, 1969, in Book 519 Page 248 in the Office of the Registrar of Titles. Issued to: Patrick D. P�IcCoy and MarLene E. McCoy. Covering: Lot 15, Block 4, Wild Rose Addition, and aLl that parit of Lot 14 in said Block 4, Lying E of a Line running from a point on the N Line of said Lot 14, distattt 7 .7afeet � of the NW corner thereof to a point on the S Line of said Lot 14, distant 19.7 feet E of the SW corner thereof. /9J y ,� 3.�,.f%� ^� ISSUED BY COUNTY ABSTRACT CLERK 152 COURT HOUSE ST. PAUL, MINNESOT� ,h���:.:, � �� � Form A6C-1800 � �� . � . � . • . . i - _. . . . r ' , , - . • . . . . . . . OFFICIAL I � RAMSEY COUNT� ABSTRACT OF TITLE . REPORT FOR ZONING ?URPO�ES AS T O �����:�� ... ..�s.. Premises abuttin� Lots L, 8 , 9 and L0, BLock 2 , Hudson Road Gardens ; That part of Lot 3 Lying South of a Line formed by extending [�esterLy the No��h line of the East-GJest a11ey in BLock 4, WiLd Rose Addition, an�d aLL of Lots 4, 5, 55, 56, 57 , 58 & 59, aLL in BLock 4, ti�iLd Rose A'ddition. �ate of r�iinneso�a ) j n£fice of ) SS I o!�n t;y of Rar�sey ) County Abs trac t Clerk .he Abstract CLerk of Razasey C�unty he�eby certifies �hat the vLlowin exhibits consis ` �� !' - entries TdumbEred L �a25 cons-:itut�� � b i° ,,� � j� � ����� 1��' i� � � true and complete rep� ��� � , i�'��{��app�rent ownerst��p of �ach �of the � �1� _�� ��' ��� )�� C.:�i:i`1'vEu F,T't?C:ei.ScSs Wt3��..iZ ���'t r�:s � ' T'2(;:._�:s:� 1Tl Cu�E^�1_:)~ ��i':� �;11 l,az'�°..`: ?�" I� j, ��i 'i � I � ��t�d �itu��te =�.Tithir.M��; j� � ��I feet of ar�� � f L.00 .� r ��� a_ the ,��^�' � ;��� '�"�'� � aptioned pre.mises, aL ? �' �� �- �th� recox�ds ir� th� I?e�;�_ster c� r _.�' .� e�c�s and/or P.egistrar of Z'itles of said Countyv, iven at St. PauL, Minr.esota this 21st'� day of June 19 74 ic 8 0 �cLock A.Mo IAiabiLity under this certifica�e Li nite� ta 25,OU, [,7i.tness my� hand and seal of. Office. --�------ � Abstract Clerk of Ra�nse; Gounty By !`��-,e� �, �c��-`-is-ric-/ Dc��?u ty � #6269 � ,: � `�'-'"'f ISSUED BY COUNTY ABSTRACT CLERK 152 COURT HOUSE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA � �-�,��.,�:�:; Form ABC-1800 � � � � � . � � . . � , . _ . , . ��R •,� - , • • ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 'MINNESOTA . . � � � PETITION TO AMEND CHAP'rER� 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or pxiint) Aug. --�-- nate: �y 8 , 197�+ TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �'� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �'`"���,�,� Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) Lots l, 8, 9 and 10, Block 2, ',Hudson Road G�rdens; That part of Lot 3 lying South of a line formed by extending W�sterly the North line of the East-West alley in B1. 4� Wild Rose Addition & all of Lots �+, 5, 55, 56, 57, 58 & 59, all from A Residence District to C--J Residence District, for the in Bl. 4, purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following; Wild Rose Add. (describe briefly the proposed facility) To const�uct and maintain 120 apartment units in 2 buildings of 60 units each, together with 180 off-street parking spaces. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: , � Lots to ' clusive, & Lots to 1• State of Minnesota 9 inc usive l. 4 Wild Rose Ad.dition 2. William V. Golla � ots 5 58 & 5 Bl. 4 Wild Rose & representative of s dditi n of Frances C. Golla , Lot , ex. e E. 0 ft. & all of � , 3 Wallace E. Lundell t 4 B1. 4 Wild Rose Addition `� . Lots 0� 11 12, Bl. �+� Wild �+. 1 Rose dditio �• , Lots 0 to 5 , inclusive, B1. � 5� � Wild ose Ad 'tion sub 'ect to & rep ent��'e�1���og' Wi iam V. lla easem nt & s eet ��,nces . ? � ' _�/ < o , ex. e . . a of ', ' ,;%�6. Vito A. Palmitessa ,��y. , % ,�;;��,^�, Lot 5 & th E. 20 ft. of Lot 52, B1. 3 Wild se Addition Caxma Palmitessa �` �(/ �,,%,�, � � , r � Lot 2� ex. he E. 20 ft. thereof� ; � ,-7. JOhn R. Paul t ,�,_.� y All Lot -$1.4 Wlld O e ,__; . Dorothy D. Paul �„�,L� fn p Addit on �CLJ . J�L-�.�t � 3 3 2 Lots , 55 E2 of Lot 5 , B1. 3� 2 8. �nest L. Klett � � Wild Rose A dition Evelyn S. Klett � 9 John D. Northup��3 3 y�� � � Ble 3 Wild se ddition t 5 l, • �7orie . or up U� - � Sta e of Minnesota ( � County of Ramsey ( SS �! Kurt H. Henriksson being first duly sworn�'� deposes and s ates that he is the person who circulated the within petition cons#.sting of � pages• � that the parties described above are the owners respe¢tively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition w�s signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me � this 8th day of _ Aug• . 197�+ � --. A ress; 1 5 Wilso Ave.� St. Paul Ros � Telephone No. 735-001$ ry u ic, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires �+-26-81 Approved as to form 1/4/65 . Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 � � � � � ,,,, � ,�, - �� � U __ _ _._ _ �T�'�€��.�� - �> > :� �9�5 ' � � . ,��t., .:��� . . . . . � �..� � :x .4__ � ._._. _.�__ NI(VG BOA�rD e. f ��- , s?�'!r P- , ,.,,_ _,;� a , ` • ' . , � , , • . • , � �__ __.•,:' . . - • CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIDTNESOTA . . r � � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or pr,int) p�, Date; .)QG=u1y 8 , 197�+ TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Q� � ��jl�� d° City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � i� �-,r, Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of; �'��� two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of - the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described pr pe ty• 1 1 d cr' t' d �s Lots Ql, �� � �n�a10, �.. �', �u�d,s��. R��,��x��, �.at paxt of Lot 3 lying South of a lin� formed by extending Westerly the North line of ',the East-West alley in B1. Zl-, Wild Rose Addition� & all of Lots �+, 5, 55, 56, 57, 5$ & 59, all in ',Bl. �+, Wild Rose Addition. from A Residence District to G�Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNEft SIGNA URE IAT BLOCK ADDITION ,' Subject Property; '� -� The E y �-0 ft. of Lot �+8 and all of r�0. Joseph E. Schwaxtz, Jr. r�.� ` �� �,� 'on , Maxsha E. Schwartz �Ll.. G 0 1 and a that part of Lot 14, rt�l. Inez Burk � lying W. of a line running from a ,, � oint n the . line of said Lot 1�+, distant . ft. E. of the' W cor er ther of to a oint o the S. line of said Lot 1 , di tant 9.7 ft. E. of the S W corner thereof Bl. �- Wild Rose dditi n '7' - S�2 � Lot 1 & the 'ly 8 ft. of Lot 17, � 12. Michael M. Sweene � Bl 4 W' Daxlene M. Sweene 0 1 , ex. t e Ely ft. thereof 13. Wallace E. Lundell also ex. the Wl 8 ft. thereof� Bl. �+, �� �-�<,� �;�,�,t,:,� ild R se Addi ion. � 1�+. Ronald W. Patraw e N. 10 Karen J. Patraw ft.,t ereof, l: �+� Wild Rose Addition Lot , B1. 2 Hudson Road Gaxdens 15. Ruth Talan s , , B1. � Hu son oad 16. nes A. Inman Q - IGaxde s .'�� e . o e . ft. of ! �/17. Richey, Inc. �, Zot 7, and th T� of Lot 8� .B1. 1; ��'� � o , , , . , u son Road ,� Garde s State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey � ss � �t �• ��� being first duly sworn� deposes and s ates that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of � pages• , that the parties described above are the owners respea�tively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition wa',s signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the sxgnatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscrib� and sworn toAbefore me ������� • this ts day of �' , 1��. Adc�ress: 1 �•� $�• �►1 Telephone No. T3g � Notary Pu ic, Ramsey Co,�n��t.gblinn. My commission expires ��'�" � Approved as to form 1/4/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 , ��!' _ _ _ _ `�..�✓ _ `, . , ' • . , , ' • . .' .,�_ - • , _ - , 4 � , � • - CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA . � � � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTER.S 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note; The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zor�ing Office at 223-4151. (Please type or pri�nt) Aug. Date; � � l� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ����,�t`� Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real est'ate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50qo or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- in des rib d r pe ty• 1 d cr' t d s �.�wr..•itw� �+ti► �, �, g ��b, �, �; �I� ��i�'i�i �►t y.rt ar �t 3 � ea�s ot a ua. i�r.a b�► �urt�di�s i�r.f�r3�► tb. �oa�w li�» ot ?t�e s.�r�-Mat w�,r s� D1. $, waGa ao.. �titioea� i► all o! Ipfi�s �s S, ��� �� 57, 5� • S9: all ia il. 4, �tl1d 8or� �ddi.tiaa. from A Residence District to C"'� Residence District, for the � purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGN li LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; _ �� Lots & � l.' 2� Hudson Road �� 18 Terrace Ehter rises Inc. " C�xd ns � - ots 1 to 5, nclusive� B1. 3, � 19• . , '�� 20. Ronald F. Fischbach � � - The 136 . of Lot 10, Bl. 1 � u so oa ens LaVonne M. Fischbach ��-, ' .+�_c_�C � ( - ,. 7 � � Lot 9, ex. th Ely 1 . 7 ft., B1. 1, r�'� 21. Leslie E. Ta erle ° �, Hudso Road dens ��,l 22 Alf�ed J. Tetzlaff �� ' Lots 1 2 & 3 ex. the N. 13�+.15�ft. -_ s Eleanor M. Tetzlaff �r � i Easter Heigh s � . o o , . , ex. �V�^C3. Claxence J. Fincel � �,�,� � I the E. 55 ft thereof� Robert L. Ware'� ��i.'�, � _ . 7 Easter Heigh s v'��"'� � Nadine L. Fincel � ' �y 'I9�.e N. 135.15 f`t of the E. 55 ft. of � 24. lbnald Henry Petry Lot 1 Bl. 10 Robert L. Ware's Marjorie A. Petry Easter Heigh s -�3� - o , . , i se ion, �25. Patrick D. McCoy & all hat p t of Lot 1�+ in said Bl. yl . o a lne runn�.ng IDm a Maslene E. McCoy point n the . line of said Lot 1�-, dista .7 f . E. of the corner thereo �o a oint on the S. line of sai o , is . . . . State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey � ss � Ktu�t H. HenrikBBOn being first dul swor � de oses and stat s that he Y �}, P � is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of pages• , that the parties described above are the owners respeJictively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition w,as signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the �signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties, so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of Au8• � l�� • A�dress; 1 5 160 AYC.� St. PsLtl RO8 Telephone No. 735��� ry u , Ramsey County> Minn. My commissi n expires �F-2b-81 Approved as to form 1/4/65 Oi�fice of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 � ,. � '' �`-„�, i� �i , : .' ' �' ° , • • CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. F'Clr further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zqning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date: �ug� g, 1974 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � `���� � � ��•; t Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners o� two-thirds of the several descriptions of real e5tate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and w�, the owners of 50°Ja or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) lots 1, 8, 9 and 10, Bl. 2, Hudson Road' Gardens; �at, part of I,ot, 3 ].ying South of a line formed by extending Westerly the Nortl�. line of �T�:e East West a7,],ey in Bl. 4, Wi:],d Rose Addition & all of Lots 4, 5, 55, 56, 57, 58 & 59, all in B1. 4, Wild Rose Addition. from A Residence District to C-1 ReSidence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operati,ng the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) ��. � �� � r � �� RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE i LOT BIACK ADDITION Subject Property; � 226. Alvin R. Merx L�i�cv K• `�L( � ,y � C58 & 9 3 Wild Rose Addition r � Barbara A. Merx �,� � � � >-_ O g�� I27. Carmen J. Ruberto 3, 4 & 3 Wild Rose Addition Pauline A. Ruberto ' S State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey � ss i , Kurt H. H6tuik�/sOn being first duly swor}�, deposes and �tes that he is the person who circulated the within petition conSisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners resp�ctively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said � owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the' signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the partie� so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me �- . this 8th day of Aug.� 1974. Address: Telephone No. Notary Pu ic, Ramsey CQu�ty$iMinn. My commis ion expires 4` b Approved as to form 1 4/65 • Office of the Corpora ion Counsel FGI 1/5/65 _ _ r ,� / � � � ! � � _ . .' . � ' i , ' ..� ' , - • CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � , � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTER9 60 thru 64 OF 1'HE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or p�int) ; Date; TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall ' � �- City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ��' ����,�:� Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50�, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and stlreet address) � " ts 1, 8, 9 and 10, B1. 2, Hudson Roac� Gardens; That part of Lot 3 lying South ' of a line formed by extending Westerly th.e North line of 'the East West alley in B1. 4, Wild Rose Addition & all of Lots 4, 5, 55, 56, 57, 58 & 59, all in �Bl. 4, Wild Rose Addition. from A Residence District to C-1 Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operat�ng the following; (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGNAT LOT BIACK ADDITION Subject Property: (North of L t 3, all of Lots 1 and Jose h P. Lombardo (2 Lo s 6 to 10 Block 4 Wild Rose Addition. State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey � ss Kurt H. Henriksson being first duly sworn, deposes and s�ates that he is the person who circulated the within petition cbnsisting of ,�' pages; that the parties described above are the owners re�pectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that t1�e signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me �2°�"' . this gth day of �g� 1974. �cw— Address; Telephone No. Notary Pu ic, ftamsey County, Minn. , My commission expires 4-26-81 Approved as to .form 1/4/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 _. I ,►, 1 st ����-�--- 2nd � ��e � 3rd �f8 Ado�ted �.� AMIIVDID AT Yeas Nays � TIiIRD RFAUING ( 4�8) TO RF,AD CHRISTENSEN t,F�c� R-3 � �—�)�J.',4 xurrT LEVINE � x-�.�,'�.�`_:"� � � .:� ROEDLER SYLVESTER � TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HOZZA) , . , __.__.._.._ � � � I 'C': , ' ' c.,, ;� ���; �ii , 'f�, ' I ~ . � � ' I � ' , �� \,�^ . �i" � _ � _ --_._._--v. ;; � .� ��: �' ' t � � ^` , �. � �. . • � '—i-�,.,� 1 � �.. _.. r � ��� ��.'�� � "� Z=:�'�:.:-� � ,VI � i \� �1 ."':.... �, . I `�1I ;. . .'""_.."'_'...._ . . . .. ��. . . Ow 3 �` , ` . .. . , � � I `� � , �_ �� � • r ' , �l ' � �b � � p� -�I .__.� �` a i I �-'�" , I ; � � � ,, I . , � ,� O � o$ `' . ' ;; o� �'��--- i � ; ' �,'i� —'� - ' �� �a �"� ,,,.!: ._ . � ' ,' � � . �. '; , .''1 � ' 1 ' - � ' ' �' "� � -�- ---- _w------- -�___.� . �+ �" \ �, '� .' " ��Y , � _ :_,.,. ,. _. _ _ a , _... .. __ _ .... _.._ � .. . . � � I � � ,1 I , ._ . ,,. 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PAUL ��'�'� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES .���{� ASSESSMENT DIVISION ��---n� 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MI NESOTA 55102 �� February 6, �976 File X1569, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City H�11 and Gourt House at 10:00 a.m, on February 24, 1476 on the petition of Kurt H. Henriksson to rezone from R-3 to RM-1 on the property described as follows: Lots 1, 8, 9 and 10, Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens; That part of Lot 3 lying South of a Iine formed by extending Westerly the north line of the East-West alley in Block 4, Wild Rose Addition and all of Lots 4, 5, 55, 56, 57, 58 and 59, aIl in Block 4, Wild Roae Addition. The property is located at the noreheast corner of Hazel Street and Conway Street and also on the south side of Co�asy Street between Hazel Street and Luella Street. � � For further information, contact the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha Street, ar . telephone 298-4154. To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance and Maaagement Services is charged with informing you of this public hearing. If qou have any questions, it is recammended that you attend this pub2ic hearing ' to afford you the opportunity t o make your views, both pro and con, known ta the ' City Council. r R�ER A. MATTS ON � DIRECTOR •T�� � .. :,'Cf?! r �j „ti�•,,.�,�.,:� � , .rr f,.��.+.�� `)i.C�'� I I ' .':.1f;�.• .rl•! Cia. , . 1.�5':' , r.; . . .:1(i f> .?�;i�.� �?`-�'. :.C�rf� 'l:.:<<-i'f9(�i . .t' .. '�t'.?� ,. . S.)t�,f• �F. . :.f �:7;) �TfIfS _ iiH V, +,. :lf:. 1C3 _. :ri:t .;� . • �73 r:,r; ��;a� ::i�r.�rf .Er �Yi�:�� . . r,o.�-t.���^ . �.4;0�'1 ? -i;. �'I�., . �i' , . �j . � ;1�_;Ci ::i;.... . :fl9t]'...''il E;r,oSi .�.. . . >: >i-:�.�.I:. . . 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' � : ���,.! . . _ ,it; e,'1 t : .`i�0<� t 2'.'.`3.LV 'i�.1:. '. �l�t:f!" '?� '�':�.[Ilil�".("rtfl.- �.jr r���? :l7' .. : ' .'!.' . ,.i .J �:Ci?" i.'!i'� .r': :T"'i��t')Sl ��`)T;: ''i:ICt ' c�-�8� / FETITION TO REZONE V •� A petition having been filed request- 9ng that the zoning ordinance bf the City of St. Paul, be amended so as to Tezone property described as Lots 1, $. 9 and 10, Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens; that part of Lot 3 lying south of a line formed by extending westerly in Block 4,1Wild RoseeA�dition9and lall B ockt 44'W ldg IRose Addi t on9locat d at the northeast corner of Hazel Street and Conway Street and also on the south side of Conway Street between Hazel Street and Luella Street, The Council of the City of St. Paul has Sxed the� the City Hall ofesa'id itY, a�nd atrsa d time and place, the Council w111 hear all persons and all objections and recommendations relative to the pro- posed amendxnent. Dated March 22rid, ,1976. RdSE MII{, City Clerk. (March 27, 1976) 1 , � . • � f�r�� /:>'l q�t.�;',_�i..� Henriksson, (Cont'd) Page 2 Mr. Guy Welch, of 530 North Hazel, came forward in opposition. He felt this rezoning would bring in too much traffic. Mr. Leroy Shae, of 1886 East Third Street, came forward in opposition. He expressed concern about the saturation of younger people in this area. Mr. Willits made a request that Mr. Henriksson testify publicly that the lots on Third Street will be developed with single f�mily homes prior to any development of multiple family structures, because he feels that it is important that Thir`d Street remain a single family residential street. Mr. Henriksson came forward and stated that he will build the single family residences first, and that he will also be willing to have that as part of a deed restriction. Mr. Prifrel asked the attorney if they had explored the water and sewer situation to see if they are adequate. Mr. Daubney said that they had, and that all of the utilities are adequate and there is no requirement for oversizing or expansion of the existing mains. Mr. Hummer moved to approve the rezoning with the condition that the single family homes will be constructed first and the deed restriction be taken care of prior to going before the City Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bryan and carried unanimously. Submitted by: Approved by; •',���".- ' •��/-1-�+�ttt� � �� � � � � Charles L. McGuire William H. Rupp�,j�J,� G�� . ;������ MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CURRENT PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1975, AT 3:00 P.M. PRESENT: Messrs. Bryan, Hummer, Prifrel, Willits, and Rupp of the Current Planning Committee; Mr. Sipkins, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. McGuire and Miss Larson of the Planning Department Staff. � HENRIKSSON, KURT (7813) : A petition to rezone, from R-3 to RM-1, property on the northeast corner of Hazel and Conway and the south side of Conway between Hazel and Luella. The petitioner was present. There was opposition. Mr. McGuire showed slides of the site and read the staff report recommen- ding approval subject to the vacation of streets and all other p.rovisions of the City codes and ordinances. He stated that presently the land is occupied by some storm water ponding, fill, and garb�ge dumped there by people other than the owner. Mr. John Daubney, attorney for the petitioner, came forward. He stated that the reason that the land has not been improved in the past, and that garbage has accumulated on the site in the last few years, is that the property would be very expensive to fill and clean up, and the development costs make it uneconomical to build single family residences on the property. He stated that Public Works said it would be impossible to develop Conway Street because the grade is much too steep, as it is 50 feet above the elevation'of the lower property. Therefore, the applicant is also requesting the vacation of Conway Street running through this area. Mr. Daubney stated that the petitioner has agreed to develop single family residences on the south side of Third Street and will not construct multiple family residences until the single family construction has been started. He stated that the estimated cost of construction will be $1,800,000, which will be too costly and uneconomical to build singl� family residences, but will be economical for multiple family residences. He stated that the single family reside�ces on Third Street will be protected from future adjacent apartm�nts by an improved buffer strip and that people buying these houses will be informed of the multi-family construction before they purchase the houses. Mr. C.J. Roberto, of 520 North Hazel, came forward in opposition. He stated that he feels that there are too ma.ny apartments in the area, and that another apartment would bring in too much traffic on Third Street. � � . �5g8� ' BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION November 20, 1975 Plat Map 41 & 42 „ Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 passed August_22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. R���n� 7813 _.__ 1. APPLICANT'S NAME : Kurt Henriksson �!'. �'��� 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other 3. PURPOSE . Rezone to RM-1 4. LOCATION . Northeast corner of Hazel and Conway and the south side of Conway between Hazel and Luella 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : See File. ' 6. PRESENT ZOIJING: R-3 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: 210 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: November 14, 1975 By: A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated September 15, 1975, the Director, Department of Finance and Management Services, declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 21 out of 28 eligible parcels having signed the petition. B. PROPOSED USE: The purpose of the rezoning is to construct single family and multiple family residences on the subject properties. The petition states that "(they) will commence construction of single family homes on Lots 1 and 2, 6 to 10, Block 4, Wild Rose Addition, within 90 days after approval of the rezoning, and in no event shall the construction of any multi-family units take place until single family units are well under construction with completion simultaneous with multi-family units.'� C. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The northern parcel excluding the alley has a frontage of 336.70 feet on Conway and an average depth of about 128 feet. The southern parcel has a frontage of 594.68 from Conway and 360 feet on Hazel. The combined area of the parcels is 185,365 square feet. D. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan recommends one and two family residences with a maximum density of 11 dwelling units per net acre. E. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is presently vacant and has been filled toward the southern end. There is some standing water on the southeast corner. The site elevation increases rapidly toward the northeast corner. F, AREA CONDITIONS: Single family housing faces the site on the north. Apartment complexes exist across Ha.zel and to the south of the subject site. G. FINDINGS• 1. The requested zoning appears to relate reasonably to the existing land uses in the area with multi-family housing currently backing up to the site on the south end southeast and facing the site from the west. Proper development of the site will allow for a reasonable transition in the density pattern of the area. . s �� r ♦ �F��?�� 2. The Comprehensive Plan for the site calls for a portion of the area to be utilized for a parkway and steep slope conservation area and the balance of the site in low density housing. Due to a variety of chan�;es in the land use pattern subsequent to ,the development of the land use plan, that portion of the plan no longer appears to be feasible. 3. Zoning trends in the area over the past 10 years have tended to increase the density of development and the intensity of use in the general area. This request appears to be consistent with that trend. , 4. The amendment requested,appears to be a logical extension of an existing density pattern to utilize an area wh,ich will be expensive to develop properly due to topographic conditions. The proposal is not in our estimation a spot zoning. 5. Plans for the total development of the property are not on file with the Planning Department as of this date. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: Yeas Nays Moved by . Hummer X Bryan Feb. 23, 1976 X Hummer Date of Seconded by: Bryan X Prifrel Hearing• X Willits Secretary's remarks: X Rupp Feb. 24, 1976 Council Action: Date: