266862 WHITE — CITV CLERK ������ PINK — F�NANCE TT CO11I1C11 CANARV —DEPARTMENT � G I TY OF SA I NT PA ll L BLUE •-MAYQ.ft � Fll@ NO. . Cou c ' R e lu ion Presented�By LI�g � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �SOLV�Ds That lic�nsea applied for by fi.8e Po11oW3.ng pereoa�s at �he a�dreasee �tated be and the eaue�e are h�re'by gre�ted. I�geoe Pedro 501 No. Robert Firearma App. 6816 R. (iou].d l�at'1. B�tteriea 1�25 Po, Lexingtor� C�.g. 6818 " Roy �. Deutsch 234 Ro. Saelling Ave. 3 �d'1. C�►a Pu�spe� 682� " Kir1�r �ist.� Inc. 511 l�o. Dale 3t. Elec. App. Rep. 6823 " i►Y. Montzks 101.4 Ar��tde Barber 682�+ " F�ey vital� 57o No. saeiling 1 �ervic�ma�n (TV) 6825 " Behrta'a �terpris�aa� 7ac. 470 No. Lexingt� Barbar 682E! " l�arsr Jo t�i.tthua 88g 8. l�ryland Be�uty shap 6829 " daa�es L. Steir�rnetz 661 No. Dale st. Barber 6g31 " Louia C. ileston 1823 B. Ivy Bea�ty Shop 6838 " Panl Rudolph 812 1R. 7'rh 3t. Barber '68+FW " A-1 Auto Psrts & 8a1v., Inc. 388 Como Ave. M.Q, ssl. Dlr. 6845 'r Rcger Wolfe 8�7 Hudaon Rd. (3ea 8ta. 4p 68�+8 " N 1! �1 ft tl \1Gfa• �• �• n n C j:g. n n Phillip R. Hill� 396 Dt�ke Cig. fi8�F9 n Rasella Johnaon g�j CFrand Ave. Beanty Shop 6850 " A�i.�al Medicine & 3urgerY 96 E. Maz"Yland Amims]. �sp. 6852 " Y & w, Iac. 112 Pionser B�dg. �stSta.�Bp 68 0 �� �Riahard Holt 2526 w. 7th s+. „ }� tien. Rep. fisr. Ii�r'bert Boec]�erroan 2387 University Ave. Bai�ber 6871 " Nor�hMSet Optiaisns, Inc. 393 No. Dua7.ap Up�icie�n 6876 " Raymc�nd Vanek 380 W. �u�y►1.and �Irre. l 2bw Truck 68TT " 8uperior l�asic Co., Inc. 1217 E. Frankl.in Ave.,I�L9. M.A.D. Oper. 68� „ Steph�n lI. Klein d�5 l�o. D�.1.e St. Firearma 6903 " Qould Nst'1. Battet�y 931 var,clalia Cig. 6916 " 3M cc., B�c�g. #20 915 Bueh Cig� 691? " 3M Co., sidg. ,�l 900 Haeh " 6918 " 3M Co., slag. #�+2 goo Bash e�g, 6919 '� 3n Co., Iiolass Field 8t. Le«rrrenee st. Cig. 692� " 3M Co., Bldg. #�55? 389 E. 8th St. Cig. 6921 " COUPICILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK �.���A^ PINK - FINANCE COUIICll ��� � CANqRV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAI1rL File NO. ^� . BLUE -MAVO�t Coun 'l, solution Presented By LZCS�$ CO�TTBS Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . f�rc>up Honmea, Inc. 512 Me4rshall Ave. �g. & Bdg. Houae App.6580 R. 1Rap I�et,t � 13� E. Sth St. Reat. C-2 6591 " N s� L.iB� n n Louia Coapex�aan 168 No. Snealling Ave. 2nd Hd. Dlr. (3en. 6635 " Misaissippi 34t. Metals 800' Mi�eiaaippi 8t. Scrap I�1eta1 Procaaor 6637 " The Sherain Willieims Co. 1393 g• Magnolia Carpet Dlr. 664$ " Mabel Rogalla 960 Pay�e Ave. Florist-Nurs. 6666 " a er 1 � , o n Fatu�y Fsz�r Candy Shops �+20 St. P�ter Coag'eet. B 6670 " Joseph & iathleen Chiere],.:l.a 6�3 l�o. Passal Foods bIDPW 6696 '� H. Bawer Auto 8� Salvage, Ina. 17�-202 1�. Arlington Ave. 2nd Hd. M.V. Dlr. 6745 " n " M.Y. 5�.7.. D12'. " n 1�a7. xorunnd 4�+5 cedar st. Beauty shap 6713 " Theisen Vead.. Co. 3804 Nicollet Avoe. 30. Fdstf. VM Oper. 6719 " I�orth-West-3tar Vend. 45o No. Robert 8t. Cig. 6722 " Cath�edral 3chool 325 W. Kellogg Blvd. Food Betab L 6725 " Eldon S. Coates 617 Co�o Avs. TrsiUr Rent. 6726 " The Barbere, Inc. 3a2 Capital Skywy. Bldg.. Be�ber 6729 " Phillipa Petroletiun Co. 1540 Randolph Ave. Cig. 6732 " Internt'l. Brotl�erhood of Elec. Workers 157 No. Dsle Orig. Coat. 673�+ " Karl F. (�ersthardt 144 N. ?�rpeateear Barber 6750 " Roy J. Deutsch 23�+ No. Snelling Ave. C3as Sta. 6p d752 " `� '� E�sn. Rep. Ciar. " u H „ G,�g� a u xarry W. 8� will�am stathas 450 1�. Robert � Re�st. c-2 d759 " �> >� �� �� �� ° " C3�g• �� „ 8upera�erica Div'n. 395 No. Lexington cK`P Sale Ms.l.t 8'762 " H,i,o.A., Inc. 161 st. Anthcny Hotel 207 R. 6?76 " �� �� �� n �� n a Cig� n i� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayot for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK ��C�C� PINK - FINANCE G�ITY OF SAINT PATTZ Council �i U CANARV - D�PARTMENT 1 . BIUE -MAVOj� I �Fll@ NO. Coun il Resolution f Presented By LICSNSS C�Il�IIT.t'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . Rosco, Lonia & Anns Carbone 335 �• Univexsity C�rocery A-2 App. 6271 R. ° '� BL1tChlr �r �� " '� Of"f S81e Mal�', n e� �� �� Cig� �� �� Galaxy Liquors 151.1 W. Bear Ave. Orig. Cont. 6302 " �� �► OPt' 8ale Malt '� '� n n �ig� n n Tin Cupa, Inc. 1220 Rice St. Rest. C-2 6376 " n n '.�BLV�Y'II n u N �� �g �� n ,� �� Off�Bale Malt " �� ParltBide Lounge, Ine. 1181 Clar�nnce Reat. C-2 6379 " �� �� Tavern '� " n n L.fg n ii Travelodge Corp. 149 E. Univeraity , Ha�tel 51 Roomac: 6407 " Speas Co�tpe8y 5� 1�0. Frior Ave. Fdods 1�W 6415 " » �� 1-Veh n 4� Alvina J. Iaaak 458 E. Maryland Ave. t�rocery A-1 6�+92 " n n Ci$� �� o George A. Chiarella 684 No. 8nelliag Reat. C-1 6509 " n n �Cl ►4�1�! MAZ't n n �r t� Of�f' ►S'e�l.@ �1't �� �� �� �� Cig. „ �� St�tperior Muaie Co. 1217 E. Franklin� MPIS. M.A.D. Oper. 65�2 " i� n 1 M.M. n �r n n 2 M�A.D• � n John �brre�l. & co. 2523 Wabash �'ooc� rIDpw 65.T7 '� n " �u, veh. „ n Needham Diat. Co., Inc. Co. Rd. 17, �Y• 36 ' Bev. A1-Nor� A1. 6578 " �� " . 6 veh. " " (�ro�rp 8pmea, Inc. 176 Prospect Blvd. Ibog. 8a Bdg. I�cuse 657q " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: - Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler A gai ns t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council �ss��� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT Fll@ NO. BLUE - MAYOR � � d Cou il esolution � Presented By LIG�$ CONIl�II�T� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date d. 3M Co.� Bldg. �24 108� Hazel Cig. App. 6922 R. 3M Co., Bldg. �47 881 Bwah " 6923 " 3M Co., Bldg. �2 835 Bu�h " (921} r' � 3M �„ Bldg. #98 878 Russell St. " 6925 " x.w. Beli Tel.ephone 7o w. 4th st. " 6926 " N.W. Bell - loth Floor 1�.W. Nat'1. Bk. Bld. " 6g�' " N:�T. Bell . 223 Pla,to Blvd. " 6g28 " 8unr�y Chrysler 189�. �uburban " 6929 " (�risMOld CoPfee Co. 300 Inchlstrial B1vd. 1 Add'l. Cig. Mach. 6933 " Vet. oP Forei� Wars 345 University Ave. Gig. 6938 " Ethel Jackson 1850 (�rand Ave. Hee��uty�Shap 6959 " Johri A. Zbitz 1015 Rice St. C�g. 6960 " Rosemary T�icibben 1911 t�rand Ave. Beauty Shap 6962 " Rochell� Car�misuli 1365 Proeperity u 6963 �� 8t. John's Hoep. �+03 1�1e►ris " 6973 �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK f��Q�`l PINK - FINANCE � P�r 'Z J CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL F1eci1N0. V �y� BLUE -MAVO}2 - . . Cou c,�l esolution Presented By LSCENSE CO�T'PSE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . . Carl Watrud 2040 Ford Pkwy. F].orist-Nursery App. 5817 R. The Bress Rail of St. Paul 225 W. 7th St. Rest. C�2 5829 " „ „ OPf' 8ale Mal.t " '� o �i L,ig� n n S & J� Iac. 947-9 W. 7th St. Rest. C-2 5840 " �� �� Tav+ern '� ►� " �� Off Sale Ma1.t " " o u C3�.g. i� n I+ouis F. Horeish 91�+ Randolph Qss 8ta. 4p 5857 " „ �� GErr. Rep. G�r. ►� ,� " " Trailer Rental '� �� .Tea�ees W. �rraa 467 No. Snelling Food Veh. 5859 " C�D�M�� 7nc. " Yeh. K �860 " Joseph H. & Ida H. Jones 1$87 Randolph Grocery A-2 5862 " n �� n rr F'rozen Foods '� �� Of'f Sa1e Malt " " n n L.ig� n n Row�and Campion 920 Randolph 1 Caterin� Veh. 5863 " Arcadia FYyerB, Inc. 2245 Charles goode NIDPW g866 'r " " Add'l. Fee to 5866 6090 " Eddleaton �nterprises, Inc. 2251 University Ave. Re$t. C-1 5878 " " �� 3'avern '� " " " OYf Sale Malt " " n ,► Cig. u ir �n. J. Cardinal, Jr. 1567 Univtrsit�r Ave. Reet. C-2 59�g " " ° Off Sa1e Nialt ,� " �r n Cig� n �r , 642-4 Gra.nd Ave. LdY�DC P.U. 8ta. 593�+ " A & F Ine. Delmer Trandem 1395 St. Clair Barber 5935 " Th�as R. Peaxson 2178 Marshall 2 To� Trueks 5940 " Payne Ave. Liq. 8tore, Inc. 980 Payne Orig. Cont. 5972 �� rr n G,i�� n t� COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favoc Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK � 1 n����� � CANARV - DEP RCTMENT COUIIClI �; d BLUE '�- MAVOtZ GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � . Coun 'l Resolu�ion Presented By LIC�PISE Cf��4SC7.'1'SE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Fairwe�y foods, Inc. 1930 Como A�r�t�. Foods 1+IDP'W App. 59s7 R• Str. Paul �th 8t. Co. 221 E. 7th St. Reat. C-2 6044 " n u �f .�&.�.� M&1.'t r� tt n n , C3g• n n #10 Dooming St. 238 So. Snelling Rest. C-2 6093 N n �i �g� n i� MeTeague's Bar, Inc. 1415 University Ave. � Reat. C-2 6099 " n n Otf Sale M�1.t �� n n r��: `r� n n Ace Box Bar, Inc. 2162 University Av�. Re�t. C-1 6105 " „ " OPf 3ale Malt " " n n L'3.g �� n Minnehaha Tavern, Inc. 178�+ E. Minnehaha Rast. C-1 6158 " ,� n OPP Sa1e Mslt " „ �, �� Cig� „ �� n �t T8v!'!I'11 n n Eleie C. Johnson & Carol J. sabo 1347 Burna Ave. ' Rest. G2 6166 " " " Tavern '� ,� " " Off Sa1.e Me�l.t '� " Beau-Kel-3tock, Inc. �+69 No. Snelling RQSt. C-1 6185 " a n O�f 8ale M�al.t n n n s� L.ig� n n Bexa Uril.imited, Inc. 880 E. 7th st. Iteaet, C-1 6190 " " " Tsvern " " ,� n ar� saa.d r�.t „ " �i u Cig� �r a a R M, Inc. $8 g. �+th St. Reat. C-2 6205 " n n OP�f' 3a1.e Malt n " �r u G,t�� n n Jimerv� znc. 6�6 co�o Rest. c-� 6260 " n ,� L,�g� �� � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester , Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITY CLERK �����A PINK - FINANCE � COIlI1C11 �f BLUER�_ M�PA�RTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAtTL File NO. ��" Council Resolution Presented By LICII'�SE C01�4IITPSE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . D.V.M. ,Inc. 119 State 6 M.M. App. 6797 N. �� ,� 8 M.A.D. 679g " Mohamed Madkour 25 W. 7th St. Re��taurant 6801 '� Ken �aalson 670 So. Cleveland Opticiari 6806 " ��iitZiio� X��� �t3�� 88�x� Karl Ask�e 1845 Iakeview 'i'errace 2 M.A.D. 6863 " 9.'�►in City Yend. Co. 1065 E. Highway 36 1 Add'l. C3g Mach. 6899 �� Kathleen t3ae (�rrnrer 1075 Old Hudson Rd. Ma�seuse 7023 �� Michael A. Plaman 25 i�o. Wheeler Mtr. Veh. Driver 7028 Philip Ames 2915 Woodbridge " 7d� " 3teven A. Johnson 134 E. Roselawn " 7058 " Patricia Jo Menne 972 Ashland " 7059 " Col.�een Anne Churchill �+150 Hofflnan Rd. " 7076 " i COUNCILMEN Requested by Dapartment of: Yeas Nays Christensen ' � In Favor Levine Rcedler � Against BY Sylvester Tedesco PresidedTl��$ozza Adopted by Council: Date � x � Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approv by Mayor: ate 3 1 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By