266857 - �� �+�s���
City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO.
i �
Resolution Ratifying and Confirming By `'�`�'` ' ��f, �""�"�"""�'""�
Condemnation and Awards of Damages '
and Assessm�nt Therefor File No. Z1"7$7
In the matter of �, ��itiao� at � pa�� �u�nt tox alo�►� p�r�as��
ewr ths #o1loMia� Mrwel: 1ta�a���►� tt�r aorth l04 #�t, tk� �at �A f+r�et af
tb� Qarthiwt � o# the aort.���st � �f ths �arth�t � of tU� saa�a�n� �
ot l��+ati�a �, 'ib�werAi� 39, 11b�rrqay�a 33, �lso tbs wst �t� �+�rk a! tbe awstl�
J�t !'Net oS tb� sar�th�t � o� �►h� Iwiortk+r�urk,: � s� th� +��o��aL � e� eh�
a�wt�unt � �t �atl.oa 2t, S�rb.i� 2�9, � !x
�a�s�s! sa�rat l�nr l��r�s�t�l la�rk �wi#�s� �At'at
� �
�;�.. . .. . y�. . . d ,.s.o, . �
� ,
under Administrative Order �Z96� 4
'` apProved O�tt��t II�'� 1�37'.�i� � °
Preliminary Order s�� -, ~��' approved ��' �S. 1��5
Final Order Z��� approved Uiea�b�r 16_ I97S
� �
.1l�: . � , . .. .
A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the
above improvement, and t$e award of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the
Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be�it
RESOLVED, That the taking and condemnation of the. lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified
by the signature of the Director of Finance and`made>a part:hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such
lands for said taking and condemnation as set f,orth in;said assessment roll, be and the�same is hereby in all respects
ratified and confirmed. �
RESOLVED FURTHER, That fhe said assessment of benefits, be and the same i's hereby in all respects ratified,
ap� �q�amc ic arah�nrAPrPrI tn hP cnhmitt CI o thP l�i�tri. ('.�� + r�� ^f`• °�
. MAR 2 19?'6
COUNCILMEN Adopted by nci : Da . .
Yeas Nays
Christetl� tified sse uncil retary 3 ��
H o7Ta �:e._
�— In Favor By
Roedlel? Against
Tedesco � � � ��
� ��6�5�
City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO.
Report of Director of Finance By
on Condemnation of Lands
File No. �����
In the matter of � ����� �� � �� �� ��, ��� �,��
�tr 1�l�r �lia�r�a� �urs�lt ��t t� �r� �tiA �wlt,� �t Nst yd ta�t o�
t�a +iartl�tt � a� tr�+r �s�E � of tb� wet�wlt � o! d� a+wtbMrs� �
A� *ttt� �� "�IIMM�A� :�� �i '�� �M�iMf f� i�t � � Y� �M Apti't�t
� �NC di' t�► iOrt�Mt � 1►� tl� Mi't11lM� � 0� t�f! �A�MaM$ �i O�' �l+t
�wtM+atst � o! MaEia� !#� l�wN�1t� �9, R�M� �!
��ww�M �et � i�s�t� �k l�MI� Asria
under Administrative Order �"'_�� approve� �M�" ;'�� Ig��
Preliminary Order ���� approved ��! �'�� 1f�'�
FinalOrder ��� approved ��e 1b� 14�!�
The Director of Finance hereby reports:
That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the
above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom
, such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of
said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified
with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters.
. Director of Finance ,F— ,
,arr� �p�it�F#yr�r���
TDii O!'�H�S�fa ON �
�:oO! DAI[ACEB -
nncil File No. 98a470 — By 8uby
I3uritr—. �
Ia the matter of the acqufsition o!
a permanent eaaement for,sYopg pur-I
poesa wer the'iollowing�rcel: `
Except the tlo;th�0 feet.�he We§t
30 teet o� the northeast Ia of the
��a of i11e southwest ;` of
s 01 ^aection 2Z,
TobvnshiP , ��s8e 28. also fhe
west SO fe�t of the x3orth 84 feet
M.tlte nart2le.ast;*oi the southwest
� ��' of the eoutheast ;a � 9ection
, Towaship Z9. Range 22
i P�m�ent e�a t for Prosperity
k Poa
under Ad Ative OrderD 238E,gD-
�oved 1Detober.16, 1876 Pre]im�aty
der 2H8404. aPDr�Ad �iove�er b2,
iB75 PYnel Order�7,�pproyecl De_.
cem�er 1B, 19Y5.
T2te DSrecbor o! Finance lfavlr�g
submitted his report in the above
matter as to the amow�t of damages
awmied for the taking of t�te land or
eesemepts tlierein appropzfated to;
We above iniprave�nent and to whom
pa��qab3e; and aleo hav3.ps spbmitted
his assessment oi beneflts to pYoy��y
irom the making of said improvem- eh�,
tn�ro�, � �t
R�olved, That the said assessmcnt
oE beneBP` be and the �me fa hereby
ResoIVed,' Further, T7aat a public
hearing be had before the CounMl
upon said report 8ttd!or a conflrmakion
o! the awarda oi damages made by
the Director oP 8'faance snd also
upon the said aasetetnent oi �eneflts;
at the Council Chamber, iri the Court
Souse in the Gt� of St. Psul oii
�19i 2nA. Aav �rP � srah, 1S7 e4.ae«
�Finan,ee.1ie and he��s direct���.
give aotiee oi said hbaiing as pre-'
s�ibed 1�Y_the Gharter. �
File No. 17Y8�. , �
'�Ae opted by the Coyncil Februar� 10,'
� !'v��ti:„�ybruarsas�ie�s)e'