266856 '4VNITE - CITV CLERK COUIIClI ��j ��'j PINK �^l-.FINAA�� � GITY OF SAINT PALTL """��"� CANARV =�DEf✓,4 TME File NO. BLUE -MAYOR • - - oun i eso on � . Presented By � Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Park Nursery aite (property located within the City of Saint Paul commencing at the interseetion of St. Clair Avenue and Griggs Street, proeeeding in an easterly direction to a point equivalent to the Short Line Road, thence proceeding along sueh Short Line Ro�d in a southeasterly direction to Lexington Avenue , thenee soutl� on Lexington Ave nue to Jefferson t�lvenue , thence west on Jefferson Avenue to unimproved Evergreen Plaee, thence north on Evergreen Place to unimproved 5tanford Avenue , thence west on Stanford Avenue to Griggs Street, thenoe north on Griggs Street to the point of beginning) is one of the last remaining large undeveloped tracts of land in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the proposed use of this property in the past has raised several environmental oonoerns; an.d WHEREAS, a preliminary site plan, as xequired by Seetion 62. 108 of the City Zoning Code, was filed with the City of Saint Paul relative to �a proposed development by Byerly Foods on February 24, 1976, such aite plan evidencing �a proposed con— struction of a 50,000 sq. ft. supermarket building with a 300- car parking lot, with the total area site to be approximately five acres in the Park Nursery site; and WI3EREAS, the rules and regulations for environmental impact statements adopted by the Minnesota Environmental Quality Council provide that the purpose of an environmental assessment is to assist the Environmental Quality Council in dete nnining whether an environmental impact statement must be prepared; and WHEREAS, the environmental impaet statement regulations require that the assessment be prepared as' early as possible in the development of an action and before an environmental COUIVCILMEN - Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Roedler A gai ns t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Ap by City Attorney Adopted by CounciL• Date . Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �'VHI7E -�CITV CLERK . � . �����{.� PINK a -�FINAN�E TT COIlI1C11 �'� U � CANARV �DEPnRTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl1 L (� BLUE - MAVOR File N V. : Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. impact statement shall be required, now, therefore , be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby directs the Planning Department of the City of Saint, Faul to prepare an environmental assessment upon the development as proposed by Byerly Foods in its preliminary site plan stzbmitt�ed on February 24, 1976; and be it . , FURTHER RESOLVED, that said environmental assessment be prepared with all possible speed so as no�t to unduly delay any proposed development ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� that said en vironmental assessme nt be forwarded to the Environmental Quality Coun:cil purauant to the rules and regulations adopted by the Mir�nesota Environmental Quality Council; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� that the Saint Pau1 Gity Council does he reby request the administration of the . City of Saint Paul an.d the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul refrain from taking any action in the form of gran�ing permits or ap- proving a preliminary site plan for this aation until an en.viron- mental assessment has been prepared and a determination has been made by the Minnesota Environmental Quality Couneil that an environmental. impact statement is not necessary; and be it FURTHER ftESOLVED, that this resolution be forwarded to any and all interested parties. COUIVCILMEN Yeas� Nays Requested by Department of: �Christensen �-g� In Favor Levine�.� �12cedler � Against BY — �ylvester ' • Tedesco� ; �President HOZZa �E� 2 6 �976 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by ncil: Date Cert' ed Passe b ouncil ary BY / , By Approve Mayor: Dat � 18 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �t1S1�t+ ll�li� 6 t�