266855 WHI7E - CITV CLERK � ��/'�hF� PINK - FINANCE COl1f1C11 ti1i1+� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL �z v�W BLUE - MAVOR � Fll@ NO. ' ' Coun i�. Resol 'on Presented By LICEN�E CONIl�tITTEE ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application ;��p7263 for a Temporary On Sale Malt Beverage License by Nativity Adult Social Club, 1900 Stanford, is hereby approved� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by D�partment of: Christensen r�„ ' � ri In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President I�¢� Hozza Adopted by ci : Date FE� 2,6 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Certi ' d Passed Cou cil Secretary BY . Y Appro y Mayor: ate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �� � � ` � THE CHURGH OF THE NATIVITY `� r, 324 South Prior Avenue ���°f�„'+ Saint Paul,Minnesota 55105 `•y'4� February 18, 1976 City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota To Whom It May Concern: Permission has been granted for all concerned parties to use the premises of Nativity School for February 28, 1976, at 1900 Stanford Avenue, St. Paul ' neso a. /�� i Si erely, / ' � .._.,,<............. �G �C�s��/--,; az�.s z_�.r� Rev. Patrick D. L�a�San� �`� PDL:cros ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY , � Application for License Bond When Financial Statement is not Requlrtd NATTVITY ADULT SOCIAL Nameof applicant.....................................................•••.......••••.............•••••.................................................. 1900 STANFORD ST. PAU�;MZNNESO Address.••••••••••••••.....•-•••••...•-•-•--••••••••••--•...........••-•••.......................•••. ..••••••••••._..... ;;• • r��� •••....... ���- Location of premises to which license will apply........ ....................................................••-..........-•--•••••..... CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Nameof obligee................•--•-...---•-----•.............•••-•--•....•••••-•••••....................................-•••-.....•-•..._............._.. Address.......--•--•--•............................••••••......_._...........----......---•...•••..........._........••••-•-•••••••••-...........-•--••-•....... TEMPORARY ON—SALE MALT._BEVERAGE............................•••..............._.,........._.. Kind of Bond---�.........................••-•........................... $2 000.00 Amount of Bond.............'. 24.00 ....••••••••••••••-••-••..........-••••--........Premium........................••••••••••••.....----..............•- 2-28-76 Date of Bond._......•••••••...•-•••-••-•••-•-••••••-•••••-•••.........Date bond expires••-•.o�l�..��y..9.A�,�..................... Name and address of agent....•••••bI.•-A.•-•L�Al�i6--�4r............................................•••.......-•••-•••.............. Is this a renewal?.....��.........If yes, give present bond number................................................................ YES Haveyou executed this bond?......................•--._..........._.........---....._._....................._...----..................-�----.... 10936 ALP Rev.8•72 Printed In U.S.A. �OVER� 400EP 6658 Statenature of business:------•--••----••--••-•-----------------••------•-••--••-...••••--•--•-•--......................-•--••--••-----.........-- How long in present businsssl...............................••- .....••--•...................................•••-•-............................... In what business previously engaged7........................................:....................................................»......... Howlong7....•••••..............................wherel................-••••••.._.....••••--••-••-•-..............•--............................._... The undersigned agrees with the Company as follows:To pay the premium above stated in advance, in each and every year, until the undersigned shall serve upon the Surety competant wrHten legal evldence of its final discharge from such suretyship and ali Ilability by reason thereof;to indemnify the Company and hold it harmless agalnst any and all loss and expenses of whatever klnd or nature which the Company may sustain or incur by reason or In consequence of having exacuted said bond or any re- newal or extention thereof.The undersigned expressly waives,as to this obligation,the benefit of all ex- emptions, or the homestead provision, to which the undersigned is, or may be entitled to under the laws of any State of the United States. Dated-----•................................••-••--••----19......... witness: .� ...............•••••••••..................•--•••........................... ..........••�--- ��� ._.... ..............................................................••••••....... .......-•••-••-•••........•-••••-..........---......-••---••-••-•-•-- ' CITY OF ST. PAU�'s MINNESOTA �`"�'����T � � �� � APPI,TCATION FOR T'EMPORARY Old-SALE MALT BEV'EFtAGE LICENSE NOTE: This application must be filled out in dupZicate and signed at the time of y�ur intervieW with the License Inspeetor. 1. Ns�e of org�ization /V�4 l � t/ i<� �Q [7 c1 iC.1 S C�C. �A �m 2. Address of �rganization i 9�c� S i.A t.� �'��,L� � : 3, Type of organization Check one which is applicable. Civic O Charit�bl.e O Religious (� Non-proYit ( } V�terans ( ) 4. Liat all ofPicers and directors C.,' N�4�RM,.�� P.�:ea��erit J STC✓�.v.� Z�3�� !���l l.t-��.�5� y e,� e.����w�,e,v Name Address t �0`r �SZ1�_,�_ v ��1�.�e�N Name ddress Secretary Name Addxess Treasurer . Name �ddress Others Name Address Name Address 5. The purpose for which a temporary on-sale beer license is sought _��g�e,� C2,�u -��� c�� , i � �� 6. Locati�n of premi.ses for which license (permit) is made / 4 O O S 1,A��c� R,L�. St. Paul, Minnes�ta S$�10 � Zip Code 7. Date (s) a:ad Hours during r�hich the non-intoxicating malt Yiquar will be sold � 'c.�U n /v� �O � � c�o �•V✓� r. $. Attach to this appli.cation a letter oY consent fr�m the owner an�!or a person wi��,h law'Pul respQnsib�lity �or the�premises �or which this licen � is being rec�uested. (��) 9. E�rery applicant for a temp�rary "On Sale" license shall file xith his app- � plicati�n therefore a b�nd in the sum oP � Th�usand T»llars ($2,000). The surety on such b�nd shall be a�surety company licensed to d� business in the State of Minn�s�ta, and the bond shQ1I be approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel. Said band shall be conditione8 as follows: a. ) That the .licensee wilZ pay to the municipality; when due, alI taxes, license fees, pena,].ties and other chaxges as pro�vided by law. b. ) That the licensee will obey the I�w relating to such Iicensed busi- - - - ness, and that in the event of any ,violatian af the pravisi4ns oP such � � laa, the licensea wi11 pay all Yines, penalties and othpr �harges as , � provided by_law. ,: ._ _ . ; _ � c:) That the licensee xill pay, to the extent of the principal atn�unt oP such bond, an�r damages for death �r injury caused by �r resulting �r�m the violation �P any provisions of 1a�w relating to the business for which such licensee has been granted a license, s,nd conditi�ned that such recovery may be had from the surety on the b�nd. The am�unt ' - rec�verable shall be measured by the actual damages, provided, however, ttJ,e�t in no case shall such surety be liable Por any am�unt in excess oP the amount of the b�nd. STA'I'E OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAMSEY }SS � �A Y ���j�`�{ being fi?�et dul.y sw�rn, deposes and says that he has read the �aregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the � satae is true ta the best of his knowl.edge, information and belief. Subs�~�ib.ed and s�rn, t . befoxe me thi day of '� 19 � ' . . N�tary Public, Ramsey Caunty, Minnesota t�fy cormni ssi�n expires �I� a. �RENNER, w�tary Public, Ramsey Gounty, ���� My Commission Expires June 25, 1973 . . �'����� CITY dF ST. PAU�, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY QN-SALE MAE,T BEVERAGE LICENSE NO2'E: This application must be Pilled out in duplicate and signed at the time of. y�ur interviex with the License Inspector. I. Nsate of organi zstion /L�17'i v l 1 �' �Q L�. U��' � ��O�:1-� � " ,. 2. Addr.css of organi zati on j' �'a p S�r..��o R.L� + 3. 3�rpe of organization Check one which is ep�plicable. .- -Civic � .� Charitable � } � Religious (x) Non-proPi� ( ) Veterans C ) �+. List all of`Picers and directors ��/.���,K.t�,+� S c��� � �o�3�,1�, l��� -�srdt■nt J- �e�.l.,C.S�.EY � C.�.�t�w��,u Name Address ent �k-�a�p -�.�R�e��r ,2��o - GU���.N Name cldres s Secretary Name Address Treasurer • +�ZpL�8 .�Cl�,"L�$� Others Name Addreas Name Address 5, The purpose for which a temp�rary on-sale beer license is saught Z��4 a.x'�' C� 1..� ��� � !`i�� 6. Locati�n of premises for which license (permit) is made ��'O O �T�� �c1�,� _ St. Paul, Minnes�ta SS�o� �ip Code 7. Date (s) and Hours during wtzich the non-intoxicating malt 3.iqkor wi.Il be sold A �vc5 � � rt'o -% � oo ��.�� $. Attach to this application a letter of c�nsent Prom the owner and/or a person wit'� 1awPu1 responsibility for the premises for which this license ia being requested. (OVER) , , 9. �`very applicant �'�r a temp�rary "On Sale" license shall Pile �rith his app- plicati�n therefore a bond in the sum of � Th�usand D�l�.ars ($2,000). The surety on such b�nd shall be a surety c�mpany licensed to do business in the Sta,te o� Minnesota, and the bond shall be approved as to �orm sn8 execution by the Corporation Counsel, Said bond shall be conditioned as follows: a. ) That the .licensee drill p�y to the municipality; when due, all t�.xes, license fees, penalties and ather charges as provided by law. b. ) That the licensee will obey the law relating to such licensed busi- ' ness, and that in the-event oP azry vi�latfoa of. the pr.ovisiona oY' sueh ' . law, the licens�e wi1.7. pay all fines, penalties and other charges as . provided by law. , _ ..__ � � c.) That tiie licensee Fril.l pay, to the extent of the principaI. am�unt �f such b�nd, an,y dama�es f�r death �r injury caused by or resulting fr��a the aiolation �f any provisions of law relating trs the business Y�r which such licensee ha,s been �ranted a license, and conditioned that such recovery may be had from the surety on the bond. The am�unt ' rec�nerable shall be measured by the actual damages, provided, however, t�at in no case shaZl su:ch surety be Iiable for an�y a�nount in excess �P the amaunt of the b�nd. - STATE OF MINI�]ESOTA) _ . COITNTY OF RAM3EY :)�S �{� � -��R,��`j being fiFat duly sworn, depflses anc7 says that he has read tbe foregoing applica`tion and kno�s the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowZedge, i.nformation and belief. Subscribed .and sororn o. bef�re me t asy of �,G6 19�� "�� � . N�tary Public, Ramsey C�unty, Minneso�a , My co�ni ssion expires COI� A. BRENNER, Notary Public, Ramsey Geuoty, M11inn. M� Commission Expires June 25, 1978 Class 1 ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY (A Capital Stock Company) � ` � ��° ` ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA � Fidelity and Surety CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY Department "'�,,, ,�'°, Original on File at Home Office of Company. See Certification. ���'� t� KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the St.Paul Fire and Mazine Insurance Company,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota,and having its principal office in the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota,does hereby constitute and appoint E. Collingham, E. Richards, R. B. Fleischhacker, G. E. Person, E. A. Stuhl, M. Glennon, T. J. Marron, Donald R. Givens, individually, St. Paul, Minnesota its true and lawful attorneys(s)-in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety,any and all bonds and undertakings,recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute,rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents,shall be as binding upon the said St.Paul Eire and Marine Insurance Company, as fully and amply,to all intents and purposes,as if the same had been duly executed and acknow�ledged by its regulazly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked,pursuant to and by authority of Article V,—Section 6(C),of the By-Laws adopted by the Board of D'uectors of the ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting called and held on the 23rd day of January, 1970,of which the following is a true transcript of said Section 6(Cj. "The President or any Vice President,Assistant Vice President,Secretary or Resident Secretary,shall have power and authority (1) To appoint Attorneys�in-fact,and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company,and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings,recognizances,contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,and (2) To appoint Special Attorneys-in-fact, who are hereby authorized to certify to copies of any power-of-attorney issued in pursuance of this section and/or any of the By-Laws of the Company,and (3) To remove,at any time,any such Attorney-in-fact or Special Attorney-in-fact and revoke the authority given him." Further, this Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile pursuant to resolution of the Boazd of D'uectors of said Company adopted at a meeting duly called and held on the 6th day of May, 1959,of which the following is a true excerpt: "Now therefore the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile,and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the rompany in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer,this ZIIa day of October A.D. 19�5 ST.PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY STATE OF MINNESOTA l County of Ramsey T s s. I Vice President, On this 2na day of October i9 75 ,before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, being by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the St Paul Fire and Mazine Insurance Company;that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company;that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af�xed my Official Seal, at the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota,the day and yeaz first above written. V.C.INNES Notazy Public,Ramsey County,Minn. My Commission Expires AprIl 27,1976 CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned officer of the St. Paul Fire and Mazine Insurance Company,do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit,and the copy of the Section of the By-Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney,*with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY,and that the same are correct transcripts thereof,and of the whole of the said originals,and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. [N TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of February 19 �6 ,;,. . :.. _ . ., � � k�,:� ., j .. . _. � , �,. :,�. v �� -� . .� . . � ' � ' ' i' %i' Secretary. �;�.:a, , *Unlimited as to character and�amount. � � '°aSRev. 10-74 Printed in U.S.A. ASSOCIATION FOR �141�1X@� ,Sl.fl'1J5 Ul+ �illrl✓���t%1��, ss. Coi�nt o RAMSEY y .................... ......................................... On this.....................25th..........................................day of.. .....FEBRUARY............................, 19..�.6....., before me appeared ......R�Y...FARICY.................................................................................................................................to me personc�lly knowrz, who, bein�duly sworri, did say th,at he is the........Pr.�.s.i..d.�.i1.�..................................of the...N..A,TIV�.T.X..�,A[J.I.��....S.Q�.�........; tha,t th-e seal af�'ixed to the foi•e�oin,� instrument is th.e corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrumeiit was si�'n,ed and sealed on behcclf of said cor•poration by azathority of its Board of Directors, and said...........RAY...EARICY..................................acknowled�%ed sc�id instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. ,1�'�',� -C�;z.(�i-c.t�t.L lz-G��./ �• ................................................................................................................. Mf3lI►�Y�P'Y��C�A Notar�y Public,...........Y.�.��!�'..'S`.(\r � ...........................................County, �� �ry �Y7in-nesotcL • Mx CoAn�l�iaM�0�'a Nar,f 19�6 . M � , s � . . . ' �.. (� ��! ��f► ��17y commzsston expires........�.�..�.v..........:!.....j............................. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SURETY STATE OF............�:'I�NNESQ�A.................. ..... ) Ackaowledgment of Attorney-in-Fact COUNTY OF.---....�$E�......_.....••••..........................3 sa. On this 25th �p of February iq 76 ��fore me,a Notary Public,within and for said County and State,personally appeared M. GLENNON to me personally known,and knowa to me to be the Attorney-in-Fact of and for the ST.PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Saint Paul, Minnesota, a corporation, created,organized and osisting under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Minnesota,upon oath did aay that the corporate seal affiaed to the sttached iastrument is the seal of the said Company; that the seal was affiaed and the said instrument was eaecuted by the suthority of its Board of Directors; and ��n�nn��!.,�hd„al�so ac.lcnowl�ge�that h��ecuted the said instrument as the free act and deed of sai Company. � �+� �Fn, n� � �y� f L � ,;;ut ,�ui3�;c � �� ���ra •--._........ ....�:-�.._`:1...�/._.-••-•--... ..-•-•---.....Notary Public. ` — 4i� d�-` � ;, ...... _ •• - � > �r� RF ti�S�r C'�'1N7Y � \v�� , � r,t Fx ir 5�'arc��?_6, 1981 COiriII119810II 8 , �y . . . kV�VVV�� � � � Zp1YCS.....................•"•-'---°--...._..._.."--°°--'---'•-•-•---------"•-"--•....----•'--......_._. � iio��i anF'"��fifi:'�-`!�#�'`41GN',�Y�d%S1i�!'`��^,�'yvst Notary Public,........................................................................c,ousazy, JViinnesotct 3 (Seal) .M�comyni$sion expires........................................................................ ! i + The fore�oin�: borzcl, to�ether� zvi.th the surety thereon, zs hereby approved this.......................................................... � 3 day of......................... ................19..:......... � r ....................... � � � The ........................................................................................................... � � o f the J{Iun,icipality o f.................................................................. ° .,4ttest: ...................................................................................................... ; � ............................................................................................................. � ......................................................................................................Clerk. ; By ............................................................................................................... � - � .................................................................. 1 � ! 0 � � a� ': ,� : � � � � '� � N : � � w O � � � :A C.� � � : `ry o I �► A � �1 C� < W �i � N : ..+ : " qi � � 0 � O � h . . � ~ . . . o � �' � ti > 0 0 ° � � � � . . W '� � o o � � � �°�+ � � � H ;� _ � h ti w ~ � � , � p '� q r.�� � �' a� - � , • . � �`'�,- b � . ti . �0 ........................................................................sa.�?dxa uo�ssgzu2uo�fzlk' (2�5� v�oaauu?yy� °�uno,�.......................................................................���qqnd�Z.���o,M ............................................................................................................................. •p.�o�n puv Y2�ac aa.c� uaco az� �o azuvs azt� pauy��s a� �v�� pa�rogs pu� `u?a.�a� q�d2�u?,cd sz� y�u?uy�za uos.�ad a�� aq o� u�nou� azu o� ...................................................................................................................................................................................pa.croaafd� �R�uno� pz�s.co�pu� ug�f�z�n �zqqnd R.cv�ou v `auc a.�o�aq �............61 �.............................................................................�o �Z�rni........................se2f� u0 ..............................................................................�o�i�uno,� '88 ,....3+�•+b.;z;�,,.n�+..a;:#`c,r.:��,=x�a r.:��•...:r�,.. ;;;n �.. _... � . 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