266847 WHITE - CITV CLERK (1��^��� PINK - F�NANCE COUIICll � �� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File � NO. �r�` V BLUE - MAYOR . Coun i� esolution Presented By LICffi�'SE CO1�A�IITi'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RB'�OLV�D: That licensea applied for by tlu Yollo�►iag pereons at the addre�se� etatmd by and the aame are hereb�c greusted. Pavlick Holding Co., inc. 173 No. Western Co�fect. B App,2754 Ren, n a OP� 881.e l�1't n n " " Cigarette " " Rober� w. 3Wim 28 �1. 9th St. Rmg. House 4321 " Harold Bolin 1854 Roblyn " �+40 " Me�el R. Bravo 53$ Rice St. Cigsrette �999 " Friead�hip Club, Ina. 182 2�0. E�rott�c� Private Clttb 5017 " Murisl Roaenbloom 369 No. Dale St. (�rroc. A-1 5025 " p '� Cigatretfie �� n �� " solia Fu�l Dlr. " " Clark Oil & Refining Corp. 40p Ao. Da].e 8t. (3eua Sta. 6p 51�4 " n rr Cigi1'e�� " '� H. & E., Inc. 256-g8 w. 7th St. �eet. c-1 5052 " M ,� Cig. �� �� Cearling Club o� St. Paul �F7� 3elby Un 8ale Malt 5253 �� n ,� Cig. n n Midwqy Oil Co. 578 No. sr�elling Ave. �sa sta. lOp 5263 " " " E�roc. A-1 " �� " ►� Hard�are " ° ft f1 . . � r iY�l"�I� M q �, �� Cig. � M Simon & Co., Inc. 183� �c�nuo Ave. Fcoc,ds bID�PW g265 " n w PY'iv. C�S Pt�p re u ariggs Co�er & Co. 475 No. Prior Bev. Al-Non Al. 5283 " P�yrood Minn.� Inc. 240 E. Mary].and Carpet Dlr. 5286 " Blvira Navarro 5�+2 Ohio Rest. C-2 5299 " n ° Cig�tte n rr (ivurnret Food�� Inc� 860 Vat�dalia Fc�ods IrIDPW 5327 " " `� 4 Veh. " " Regina].d & Inez Me�ker 1021 Arcade 8t. Rea�w.C-1 5335 a ti n Qt1 3RlE 1�I6►lt. u n " " 4ff Sil� Mslt " ,� COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by M!ayor for Submission to Council BY BY WHITE - CITY CLERK � C2C���� PINK - FINANCE COUIICll �U CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF � SAINT PALTL BLUE -MAVOR . Fll@ NO. . . Cou ci e olution Presented By I,ICSNB� Ctl��lIT'!'SB Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date 3imoneon Lumber Co. 687 Rs�y�ond Ave. t�es 8�a. 4p App.4777 R. Northern Vend. Serv., Inc. 1481 Ma�rahall Food Veh. K 5320 " Jobnson Bros. Wholesale Liq. 23�t1 University Avs. Bev. Al-Non A1. 5385 ° �� �� 5 Veh „ �, MeLean's� Ine. 1096 Grand Res�.�C-2 5558 " n �� Of,f $�1.� MBl,t n n n n �,ig� n o n n Cig. VM Oper. n u Aatner, Inc. 1560 i�te Bear Rast. C-2 5598 " t� rr 2d.v�2'ri rr n '� '� O�f 8ale Ms].t " " n n Cig. n u �sirx�ra F'ood�, Inc.e 193o Cc�o �'ooda HIDPW 5602 " " " 5 veh �� « . . �� n PI'iv. f�1Q,8 PWI�p r� n f�Y'011p Aa�l.� 127C. 1� �'811d �Ig,`$c Bdg, 56� n „ „ Food Estab. " " Ron Saxon Ford� Inc. 22s University Dlr. Rep. (3e►r. 56�5 " n u G,iB� n n LaWrence Anthoay 2185 Ford Pkw3r. 1 �ow Truck 5d39 " Mary �. Ostlund 6�+9 So., 3nellir� Ave. Msrcaatile Brok�er 5690 " John Morrell & Co. 2103-5 Wabash Fc�ods I�IDPW 5711 " Mancini Bar� Inc. 531 w. 7th ST. Rest. C-2 5730 r� �� �� T'averm �� �� n n OYf 3al.e Ma.lt n n n n �'ig• n n �cecutive Coffae Syet�, Inc. �+96 No. Prior 3 Food Yeh. 5757 " Daaino's Pizza 1798 arand Ave. 2 Food Veh. K 5760 " Simon & Co., It�c. 1830 Como 8 Food Veh. 5762 " Roaco Corp. 879 Rice St. Re�et. C-1 578? ° n n Off S&le M81t n n n n Ci�� e� f: COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE� - CITY CIERK ��(�� a� PINK - FINANCE � h /7 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL � Council v ; BLUE - MAVOR . . Flle NO. . � Co ' Reso ion Presented By LICBRBE COr�ICT`.L'�E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date bti.nnehebe� Tavera, Inc. 17$4 E. Minnehaha 'TAVFRIIIApp.N35�' l�ew ��. Coea Cola Btting� Co. c�o Battie Cr�ek Schooi 6o so. Ruth �IM Loc. App.5006 NeM Kim'a Orisntal t�rocery 1605 Univeraity Ave. qrocery A-2 5366 " t� ,► P'x,oz. Foods � �� ��pia V�nd. Corp. c/o Feerl�a W�lding, Inc. 391 �aPp�r� VM Lc>c. 5�.29 " Olympia Vind. Corp. c/o Gould, Inc. I�exington �o. VM boc. 5�+30 " Msrtin M. Kampa�� Jr. 1650 White Bear Ave. Reet. C-2 5�►51 � Jos. Brebia & David Llise�son 1737 DEi],.ath St. Fdstf. Veh. Ped. 5�+53 'r " " Vdh. Peddltr 5�45�+ " Appl�b�'e F'd. Mkte.� Inc. 2128 F�rd PkMy. (�roc. A-3 5621 " +� n CQD1"eet. " " n n G,���,� n �� n p �!"P Sale I�lnit " " Haxold B�nesch 161� University Ave. 2 ToM Trucks � 5734 " �Chaa. & Ruth 8nterprises, Inc. 886 Payne Ave. Reat. C-2 57�+9 " C3g. n n MidMSat Wint Co. 13�+0 Univsrsity Bev. Al-Y�n A1,. g854 " LeeY Bros.� Inc. 13'Tl Aread.e St. 2nd Hd. Dlr. Ciea. 58$7 �� Winchell Donut Houae Midway 3hop. Center Ci��. �981 " Mid�neet Wi�e Co. 1340 Univeraity Ave. Bav. A�-Non A1. C1. L 59$4 " i, » 2 Veh. �� n Whoop�e, Inc. 173 3c�. Rob�irt Ti�v�rn 6194 " lat Arcade Wine Shop, Inc. �72 So. Clevaland Ci�g. Vbi (�er. 6422 " R. �� Inc. 379 Univerai� " 6423 " Clark Oil dc Retining 301 N. 7th 8 . tiroc�ry 6448 " " 744 so. Clev�land " 6449 " sambo's Rest., Inc. 695 $. 7th � . Reist. C-2 6�451 �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E - CITV CLERK ���r�� PINK - FINANCE C� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COI1I1C11 � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . � � Cou ' Re ution Presented By LIC�SE � / Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . . Hancoek Nelacn Mercantil� 807 Hampden Fooda IrIDPFT App.53�5 R.n� " " 35 aeh. „ �� �First Grand Ave. Liq., Inc. 918 areaad 4rig. Cont. 5�+1� " 0�'P Sale M�,l.t " " �� �� Ci�� � n The Mina. Club 31'T No, Waah. conf'ect. B 51►3�+ " a u Cig� n n n n I�lg. 8e Bdg. uiou8! n " n �► ,��,�,n a n Mra. 1Ksrgaret l�t�an 938 York Ave. tiroc. A-2 " n n Frnz. FoOd��' '�7 " n " dPP 381� Mslt " " fl p �� q � 1�cl�esson Ltqnor Co. 2309 Univ�rsity Ave. Bev. Al-Noa Al. 55�+9 " Ben Roae 2389 Un3veraity Ave. Ca�ect. B g556 " " � Cig. n n �(io�her Lattage� Lnc. 351-3 Un3.vereity Ave. Reat. C-2 5575 " TaTera " �� n " Oft $ale Malt " `� M �t Cig� n n` Ne� York 7ba Co. 818 Yandalia Fc�da HIDPT� 5656 " n n � �eh. " ►` �'� �' 932-4 Arcad� Rest. C-2 5662 " N N Tavera �� " n ~ �'t ►q�� I�1alt n» n a �� Cig� n n Clu�rlea Dennis, �nQ. 605 Frcn�t Rest. Gl g668 " " " Ott Ssl� l�.l.t n " H N Cigaret� n � Tltio�as Jing-au Wang 719 �o. Namline Ave. G�ca. A-2 5694 " " " PYos. P'ooda n " „ n Cig� « �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hoaza [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E - CITY CLERK COIlI1C11 �V�� ,�� PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAtIL CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYOR � F11C NO. � � � Co nc ' e l tion Presented By LI��S C� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Clark (ril & ReYirling Corp. 1132 Arcade $t. Qroc. A-1 App�26 Rea, Mrs. 9�ynt�e Porte 362 So. Sne111ng @roc. A-2 5735 " " " Fro�. Focxla. " �� " x Off SaM Me�lt w n n n C3�g• n u APPle��'a �� �•, �c. 222 Plato Blvd. Yeh. (2 f�d) 5758 " Iioward J. Mclte�eara T21 Jscluvn Rest. C-1 57� " " " t?f'f E3� I�lt o n „ K Cig� N �� Robert L. 8� Lois R. Rc�ss 992 Arca�de St. Rest. C-1 57'Tl " a " 4tf i3&1)� Me�lt n �• n a Cig. n n Nalter Knbitachek 11.41-3 Rice St. R�t. C-1 57'f3 " a n �1'� $al.� 1M1Ll.t n �� n u �g n n Detvf d HubAr' 399 Arbc�r Fir�a�rme �'j'�' a D�i.co., Inc. 5T3 �. 7th Bt. R�st. C-2 5780 " « " Off Ssle Malt. " " „ � Cig. s� �� Albert & aaell.a B, Be�iai 457 �laba�aha Rse�. Cbl 5803 " n n �AY�'1! u n n e C?.�'� .43�t�i Mhl't n u » n �g n n Suzanns deruen l�rhre 1�8►4 W. 7th 8t. Mssa�use 5g44 " Cara�sl Cria�, Inc. ns E. ?th 8t. Coaf'eet. B 5805 " Rays�d Thc�mas 567 stryker Rsst. C-2 5815 " n " Tsvl1'n n '� n " , 0�"t 38�i �� w n M M Ci�� r, �� Ji�abie Cor�. 326 t�vr� Reet. c-1 5837 '� n tr 41"1' $�t].e Iykl.t u n N n L,ig� n u COUNCILME[�1 Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK � CO1111C11 ���8�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Cou c.i Resolution Presented By LI��$ � N Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . De�anecker'a t�uper l�.t. 793 Rattdolph ' t�roc�ry App.5846 Ren� n n $t1tC�lAT n n r „ ccx� s�a.e �t. �, H �� ,� Cig. « �� Abbsy Reata 1628 White Bear Rent. Hoep. Ea S.R. Equip 5853 " n n 2 �� n n 8tsnlay t�aa�ovec 997-99 w• 7th St. G4ro�.�A-2 5g55 „ It /1 . �y�� q M V n n f)!'f Be�Ai M6�lt a " n n Cig� n n Esri 8chosr�heider 423 E. 7�h 3t. �est. C-2 5856 " Charlea S. De�a 156� Engl.evrood Veh. K 5874 " " " 3 �1d'l. Veh. " t` International i�linss & Liq., Inc. 710 So. Cle�wlaad Ave. Orig. Cont 5876 " p It ,. �,p ��e �y If /t Vl i Y f1 11 . �� N tl Thc�me�s Bevsre�ge Co,, Iuc. 1941 drand Avr. C�l�ct. 5884 " " " Off Sa1e 1�].t " " n H Cig• �� u Ya►r�ro Liq. 3bc�ra, Inc. 24�5 W. 7th St. Orig. Cc�nt. D 5886 " �� � Cig. �� �� Jerrsl, Inc. 173 N. 6th St. Rest. C-2 S89$ " " " Off a�3�.l.e 1�6t1.t. n n C�►ry L., Inc., & El. Turaar 16f) �T. Larp�ntsvr Rest. 59a4 " n a �$ � �i R. de. B. I,iq., Inc. 153�' �'P�rrteur Reat. C-1 59�? �� „ n 41'f $t�.7.t Met.lt : n n rr �i$� a a Yit�li� Inc. 755 Jackson Reat. C-1 5913 �� " " t)tP 3ale Me�].t�� 5913 " ,� �� �i$� n �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE , GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution , Presented By LICEEI'SE COI�IITTEE � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Parriah'e, T�c. 2176 W. 7th �t. Reat. C-2 App.5916 Rsa. " " Ot� 8sle 1�it " " �i n �ig� n u H Es B, Ins. 258 W. 7th �t. �te8t. C-1 5948 " » �� Cig� „ n Mikate, Inc. �75 Wabasha Reet. C-2 S9� " tt u al"f �d1.13 �.t n n n �t C�g. n n Jos�rph J. Perkovich 299 A+�ria Rest. C-1 5953 � " " t�t sale Mm].t " " �� " Cigarete " '� Chicketts, Inc. }+6? St. Peter Reat. C-2 5956 " �� n " 41"�' 8a].e 1�1'F n a n �� �ig „ « The sixte�n Corp. 927 E. 7th st. Rest. C-2 5961 " " „ Taverr� n n " " eP� 3sle 1�al.t " " n n Cig�'tette n n The New Visduct Itra, Inc. 1456 E. 7th St. Rest. C-2 59�+ " The Measor, Inc. 2550 W. 7th 3t. ° 59?� " '� " Tavern " « n n �g » n Morris Rut�man 645 30. �nelling Ave. Orig. Ce�at. 599� " r� n 4!'! 3ala M81� N n I,�.w F. I�oye Liq. Stor�� Inc. 1234 Payne (irig. Cont. 6014 `� �� n G'��,,� u n " " tltf'3" .�38a.!! M6�1.'t. n n a� Triviski, Jr. 2221 Ford Pk�r. R�st. C-2 6�17 " " " �'avern �� " " " Cigat'itte n u COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK ��6V� / PINK - FINANCE COIIILCll � + CANARV - DEPARTMENT . GITY OF SA�INT PAUL File NO. BLUE - MAYOR � � Co � 'l es lution Presented By LICffi'�8E C0� f Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . Mathise J. Weis� 1091 Rice 3t. Reat. C-1 App.6019 Ren. " �r Of'1' �Sal.e M0.7.'t o n a " C3g. n n " " C�g. VM OPer. " " Aldea Le�, Ine. 2210 Hudsoa Rd. Rest. C-1 6022 " � n C�gdl'@t'tC u n a n �lYA2'fl n u Turf Club, Inc. 1601 Univer�ity Ave. Reet. C-1 6031 " " �� Tavern " " n n Off Sa1e Me�lt n o rr t� G'.�.gBY"�ite u n n n Cj,g• VM Opel"• n n David & �aeet Yarusso 635 P� Ave. Reat. C-2 6047 " " „ o� saiQ rta�.t " '� " " cigarett� ,� " Tcnrn & Country 2279 Marahau Ave.f4 Tavern 6�5�+ �� n » C)P'f ►Sale MB.lt n tr �� �� Cig• �t �� st. Paul Liq, store, Inc. 202-6 8. 7th s�. Coat'ec�. B 6065 " n n Of'f' ►.g81.@ M��.'t n n n n Ciga4Y'et�e rr n Blue Chi�, inc. 369 r,�aar Re$t. c-i 6070 " `� " Tavern " �� " �� t9f P Sale Malt '� �� �� ►� Cig �� �� . He110 Do].�r� Inc. 7 W. 7th St. Reat. C-2 6073 " t� n '1�YeT21 n e� n n �� $�.@ �.'t'i n n �� �� �ig� �� ,� Robert Helf�r�an 676 Qrand Butcher 6�92 " Mungen's Bar, Inc. 2516 W, 7th 3�. Reat. C-2 6103 " n e 'j'av@TII n n n COUMCILMEN " �!;� q� pper, " " Yeas Nays Requested by Departiii�lf oi�' Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against . BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZIL Council CL*Q�►"� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR � Fll@ NO.- 'ti=:ljVC7 ( • COZI Zl�Z 0 tZ012 Presented By LICENSE COI�II'.Cl'FE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . Alb�rta o� St. Paul, Irie. 380 �ec�sr Reet. C-2 App. 6107 Ren n tr TsVel"Il n n �� �� Cig. t� ,� Harold F. Aw�e �+7�-6 So. 8�elling Orig. Cont. 6121 " r �� � �, �� MidMay Enterprises, Inc. 1533-57 Univereity Ave. �est. C-1 614�t " n " �8YMD1"Yl rr n " " 4fi Sale Ma1.t " ,� n n Cig� n n Chas. F., Chas. E. & V3rginia sc�wartz 1100 Arcade st. Confeet. B 6155 " q u Q�� ►g810 M&1.'�i It f� O " V�B�e Y� It tl Ldwar� P. �erwa, Inc. 1082 Arcade 3t. Rest. C-1 6160 " u n ':�,vei"21 e, e� t� " C�g. u n `� " Off 3818 MAl.t +, t� " " Cig. VM Oper. " '� it. Paul's, Inc.� 339 wabasha Hotei (296 R) 6176 " �at Arcade Wine S1�op, Inc. ?72 So. Cleveland Cor�ect. B 6187 " " '� Off Sa1e Ma1t �� " �� �� Cig. �� �� Fiorito'e Drinking Bnporium 400 Sibley St. Reat. C�l 6196 " tf 11 �Y� N tt n n C� �i n • 3t. Pe�u]. Aeiie Ro. 33 �.�.�. ?33 Pieree Butler Rte. Reat. C-2 6203 " n n Ta�►@�ri u a '� " C3garette �� '� Lerry Brennan's Liq. 315 w. 7th st. Re�tt. C-1 6210 " " ,� orr s�e r�a.t " ,� „ �� Cig. „ „ COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BY Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E - CITV CLERK COUIICll �i�s��� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL 1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR . Fll@ .. NO. � Co c ' Resolution � Presented By LICENS$ CON�C�S Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �ir�e, Inc. 488 St. Peter St. Rest. C-1 App. 621� Ren. " " Tavera " �� n �r C�g� „ o " �� , OfP Sale 1Ka].t " " Gene Nardini Liq., Inc.� 828 1�. 7th St. Reet. C-1 6236 " n n E�"f' 9ale Met].t n n Park Liq. Co., Inc. 140 No. Snelling ' Orig, Cont. 6239 " " " tyff' 8ale Malt '� �� �� �, Cig� �� n M�ort�n's Liq., Inc� 756 Jackson Rest. C-1 6242 " " n C)P'f' i3a1.@ Me►lt n n " `� Ciga�ette ° " Vogel'e Lounge, Inc. 1112-14 Arcade R�et. C-2 6250 ,� t� n L,iB� n n Anclre�t Re►ppas, Itsc. 241 E. 7th St. Rea� C-2 6255� " „ '� OtY 3ale Malt " " u n �:�BT@'t'C!S e a 949 �test. c-1 6265 " Sir., Inc. F. 7th S�. n t� L.i�� u n �36-8 univerait Ave. Confect. B 6267 " Wolter Drug� Inc. y n " Of'f' 3e►le MsSt n n �� �� �g �� � f3torge R. Cook� Inc. 460 St. Peter St. Rest. C-1 6287 " " " Tavern " �� n n C3g� n n n �� �� $Q�..A �.'�'.• r� �i 8ua Ray Liq. Stc�re, Ine. 2131 Hudson Rd. vrig. �nt. 6296 " n tr f?�� sl�e �.t. tt u u n .�,ig n n Loucas Arvantis �+-1+$ St. Peter R�et. C-2 630? " '� ►� OfY $ale Malt �� " rr n n �g e n • COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine ' Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK COUtICll ��C��� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT �O � BLUE � - MAVOR File NO. ~` �� - � Cou.�cil Resolution Presented By LICEI�� C0�1IT'�S � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . st. Patil. Lodge �59 BP4S, It�c, 72 concord st. R�et. c-2 App. 6319 R�n. �► " Cigat�tt� " " " " Bb�1lilig 8 AlleyB " n Fa3rviev Liq., (Inc. 1818 t#ra�sd Ave. 0�'t' Ssl� Ms1.t 6359 " " " Cigsrette " " Loren 8tamneas 234� w. 7th st. � Barber 6361 " Georg�e M. Dorle, In�. �+6t)-6 No. Lezi.ngton Rest. C-2 636g " n " Of'f' S&l.e Me,7.t " `r o ,� G,ig� x " r� p p �+►��.ng 12 A�.�.eys 6369 �� Peaple, Iric. 1593-5 Hewitt Rmg. 8� Bdg. House 6372 " AnY�er-�iech, Iuc. 2550 �Taba�h Fooda 1�IPw 6374 �� �� „ 3 veh. �� �� steiner'e Liq., Inc. 137 W. Marylsad Orig. Co�t. 6391 '� n �� Of� S�l Ma.lt n n n " Cig.. u » Aoblea Induatries 651 B. 7th St. Cig. 63� " 1�rtia a. �ez�►a.ld 683 E. 3rd St. B�rber 6393 " E�igene L�e 1980 Suburbeia `� 639�+ ° Msr�orie zabel l07o sraaley Beauty snop 6395 �� Sam Be�g7.io 551 �Pp�B Foode 1�IDPFI 6�+08 u 1 Vah. Roberts Co., Inc. 1449 t�rand Ave. Rent. Clothes & lltt. 6418 " �� �� 1 Veh. �� n Behrsn'a Lig. 9tore, Tnc. �+72 Ro. Lexington Orig. C�t. 64,27 u t� p ��tLZe �1.1'i n s� 1! fl ^j�„• tt 1! Vi.� tI,ucky Lanes, Inc. 2155 �'ord Pkwy Bowling Alley 2� A �3� " Rest. �� �� ��8� �� „ " �� Taver� „ � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine ' Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E - CITV CLERK -li,.C�/�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council P UUV CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAYOR FIIC NO. � � Co �c ' e o tion Presented By ��� ��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . �,b�t Meat Supply 1455 Me,�dota H�ights l�d. Foods B�IDPW App. 6438 Ren. n n 2 V@h n n Schaff'er Beer Dist. Co. �+663 14. Chats�rorth Bev. Al-Aon Al. 61►44 " �� �, 3 Y� w n . John McLean Di�et., Inc. q 2328 �erritoria�7. Bev. Al-Itoa Al. 6441 " �� « 7 Veh. �� h Pmpsi eo].s Hottling 1300 Cli� =d. 12 Food Veh. 64�42 " G�ylord I�i�ceis Eaterprise� 1361 E. Marylaad Orig. Cont. 6�3 " n n Qt� ��.e �.t tr n e� n Cig� n n Dan LsVa]1e 800 Dodd Rd. 1 � Truck 6�44� " Fred Hagerstrom 8972 t�r8nada So.� C.a. 2 Food Yeh. R 64�+6 �� WaltAr A. Leag 257� Univer�ity Ave. Barber �7 a Joe Williae�a Catering� Inc. 520 No. Sn�ell3ng Ave. Catering B 6450 " N �� 3 veeti „ �� Smith L�ghlia Exterminatirig 1910 University A�e. Peat Con.tro� 6452 " �'Elmeo., Inc. 1888 Sa�rgent Fest eantr� 6453 " c�ophe� state sxtermir,ati� 63�8 r.e�eZand Ave. �c. �� 6454 " wii�ma� n�set. co., vac. �+15 E�ra�re st. ist �t.� veb. 645g `� �� �� 2nd � �� �� n u 7 Adi!'l. Milk Veh. u n $ebrosder Mtlk Co.� Inc. 2080 Rice St. Milk Past Plt. 6456 " " " ls� Veh. " " " " 2nd Yeh. " " a n n n 7 Add'l. Peh. 3u�i.t Farm, Inc. 1491 E. Cow�ty Rd. E. Milk Past Plt. 6457 " u n ].�t Veh. M p M p 'LII� ��• N 1 Ws7.sh Sree, Inc. 1080 Norton 9�ree Trimm. & 1 veh. 6459 " " " 4 Add'l. Veh. " " �st ot A�atria� Inc. 2161 �'ord PkWy. B�►uty Shoip " " Vera H. Clark 1752 Van Baran " 6y,�4 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E — CITV CLERK •I�CQ/�� /' e\(liFA PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council � �-�:: �/V ..i CANARY — DEPARTMENT BLUE — MAYOR File NO. � � Cou � ' l tion Presented By B (70 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � MattheW A. Morelli 421 �. 7th St. Re�tt. C-2 6479 Rea, a a t�'f' A81e M�].t `� a " " Cigar'!',te �� u " 535 Collins st. aroa. A-2 6483 " ry if . .,, a.y� � fl fl D��Y tl �� . V11 �e a7�y.t tl tl q y I V�$�e Y 4ii N t! Thcross Picha 236 c�rand Ave. �c»r �cx 648'T Dal�iel Nick 1574 Selby Av�. BarbAr �9�1 n aiahard L. Trwsafer 1143 Iiudscn Rd. Ir�s R. Let� 24t)8 !pra�d Ave.c: Beanty Shap 6�+9� " Auto Club o! 3t. Paul 17C! E, 7th St. 7.bw Trnck 6�99 �� Chr1s Schnelle 1830 James Yeh. K 6502 " Richard IO.a�rl.tter 3211 W. E�raasa Blvd. Pest Contrcl 6511 " The Arlirigton CaPe, Inc. 721 P$yns Rest. C-1 6535 " n rr f?Pi' 334.1.e Me�1.'h ,r n u n Cig� o ri R�au�r F�.igh�s, Inc. 905 g. ?th st. Re�. I�urs, xoore 6541 ,� n " Cig n n Joseph C. Bfrnstein 918 E. 7th St. drig. Cont. 6554 " " " 4tt 341.e Me�1t " n „ �, C3gar�tte �, �� Iiarold E. Anderson 874 S. 7th �t. Tc�vi �Mick 6556 �� neaiei �osene 5oz �ayette Ra. �c�a� �w 6563 " �� ,� i v�. �T �, Bresketc�a 8ugar Creek Div. 2225 �erritorisl Rd. P'cx�ds 1�IDP�+1 65�9 " aoseph T. asuaett� q 3016 co. Ra. H2 cater3.ng B 6570 " n n 1 Veh• �� n I�arvin � � Delaaare A�re. Focd Veh. 6576 " J.A. Reed Oil Co. �+12 Waashington Lit. I�uel Dlr. 65�3, " " " 1 Veh. r� n COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 ���j��� PINK - FINANCE � CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL `J BLUE - MAYOR File NO. . - � Cou cil e ol tion Presented By LIGffi�3E COl�II'�CE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . P`red Sasde 1057 Saxl 4 M.A.D. App. 6555 �ea Harold Ai+�e Co. Inc. 1372 ScheftYer Ave. l M.M• b472 " Chem-Fx Paet Control Co. ?332 Faricy I�ane Fle�t Camtrc>1; 6510 " Maurar's Patio Lou�ge, Ina. 1420 w. 7th St. Ckig. VM Oper. 6539 " Rcch�il l�eleon 93 W. Ca11Pox�iia� 1�saeQUSe d5?3 " Curtis J. Wendt 1385 I�. Magnolia Bi�rb�r 66t5 " H. A. T�uiaen Co. 79�7 Ni�ollet Aw. 1 11i�A.D. 6624 '� Walaon Muaic 500 �h 4� M.A.D. 6631 " " " l�ciaic Msctaise 6633 " n u �.n 8�.�. �C11. n n n 'r Fo01 'F�Itb1A I�ch. " " Karl Aslfle 1845 I,etk�a�viea Serrae� 'S M.A.�. G679 " Robert J. MeCsrtY�y 175 McKnight �306 Mtr. Veh. Dr. 6684 " �21 5th Ave. So. Roods IYIDP'�I 6685 " �White 'Csatle, Inc. 3 t� �� � Yel�. Lobo, Inc. 665 W. 7�h St. Orig. Cc�t. 6686 " " " OPF 3ale Malt r� a Viking Picnser, Inc. c/o Capp Ta�rara, �: 7? E. 9th St. VM Loc. 6687 " a " 1 Adi'1. I�1Ch. n n Csrl W. Karri 13�+5 High 8ite Dr. I�Ktr. Vsh. Dr. 677� '� Parc�tt, Inc. & Berthe� Tauber 349 lhil.ton �ig. 6782 " D.Y.![., 7nc. c/o 6�� �� 8t. Paul Aeite Po. 33 T33 pisrce Butler Rte. VM Loc. �'ohn Belko 126 9�h St. Mtr. Veh. Dr. 67gg �� stervea }3�rnin 4t)4 lhront " 6796 " 3tephan J. Beto 1822 Iglehart " 6864 " spectram M�rloeting, Inc. 17801 Cyathia Dr. � M.A.D. 69�3}� " Jamee� S. Aaka�l.ac 87�+ Marisn Mtr. Veh. Dr. " David A. shafiter 985 Ri.ce St. " d943 �� Wm. �. Plieaei��� 43�+ Laurel " 6946 " Robt. D. Moran 2855 Ric:e St. "' 695�+ " COUIVCILMEN Requested by Uepartment of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine ' Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco ' President Hunt Focm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK ^����� PINK - FINANCE COUIICll i � CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. f� BLUE -MAYOR � � Cou c 'l Resolution Presented By LI� �� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 8uperaa�erica St�►t3o�� 296 E. 7th 3t. Hicyele Dlr App. 6583 Ren. 3hirley M. Msr�hetti 1564 8ngletrood Heta�ty' Shop 6586 " " Edxard W. LeLo�up 4$� Ome�ha Mtr. Vsh. Sal. Dlr. 6590 " Ronald Eberhardt 1363 E. Me�ry].and Ave. q Besuty 8hap 6602 " Fl.ci�on Qexlid 390 No. Robsrt Re�t . C-2 66U5 " 8wuhine Day Care Center 1761 Univeraity Ave. Food Estab. M 66�7 " H.A'. Theisen Co. 7927 NieoLlet Av�. Cig. V!L t�ier. 66U8 " ° " � Add'l. Mach. �� �+ 241 Wi ark Dr. C . Vm " Sir Ve�d., Tnc. 3 np ig Oper t� " 9 Add�1• Mt9,Ch. ° rr Jimap► Jingle� Inc. 2601 2nd Ave. 80, i Fcoa ve�. 66i7 " Barl J. Uhlir 545 Jacl�eon�;: 2 Tow �iclr� 663p " Acme Nationaide Oil Co. 370 Da,yton Liq. I�,iel D1r. 6638 " n n 1 Yeh. �� n Ar�ireM Le�Motte`' 1173 &18erton Trnr �u.ek 6640 " (�ri8�nold Coffee Co. 300 Industr3al Blvd. Cs►tering B 664�� " �� � 3 veh H n B.W. Smith & �o. 1700 New Bri�hton Blvd. Li.q. l�,iel Dlr. 6649 " " " 1 Veh. n u Claudis Ponds 145 No. Saelling Mes�euse 6653 �� Farmer's Union 1180 No. Concord Liq. I�.iel Dlr. 6661 " �, n 15 Veh. ,� �� Mdirile Oil Co. 1520 Adrian Liq. �iel D�3. 6662 " n u � v� n rr Linda Anderson 637-9 Stryk�er B�a,uty•3hcrp 6664 " E.C. Arneaon 545 So. Concord Liq. F1,ie1 Dlr. 6665 r' n r► 1 Veh. n n Rollina t�11.1 I+tiiel Co. 1901 (�rand St. N.E. I,iq. Fhiel Dlr. 6667 +, n n 2 V@h. n n Fsa�oua Brands, Inc. 9650 Newton Ave. 80. Bev. A1-Non- Al. 6669 �� �� n 2 Yeh. :� n John J. Brick 1836 St.Clair Bar'ber 6673 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK ��C��� PINK - FINANCE GITY .OF� SAINT PALT�L Council U CANARV - DEPARTMENT Flle NO. BLUE - MAYOR � � � Cou c'l Reso t on Presented �t LIC8NS8 C0� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . Ronald A. de Qla�ys A. K»b�+�+�*+*+ 1368 Hewitt B�a�rty Shcyp app. 6675 Ren. Ambroae 3mith 52 W. 7th3t. Harber 669U " Debc�ra�h L. Person 1284 W. 7�h St. 1�aeaeuae 6692 " t3ermaine Nierenhatser �+75 Nc�. Snelling Ave. Barber 6699 " Mef3o�raa's, Inc. 799 (rrewnd Ave. T�T Master 6701 " " " 3 S�1'�T. n n Gottlieb Carpet & F�,irnitv�re� Co. 2750 Johnaon 3t. N.E. Carpet Dlr. 6?02 ° Richard Thom�►on 68'T E. Sherwood Tt1 R�rpair 6706_ " Walter Leu�mayer 73� Cleve Ave. S., It�i Au�at3.oneer 6710 " Wa�yne Kittelso� & Warren Ber�n 6�+85 Cahill Av�e., IGH TV l�ater 6'�11 ,� Diane Lei�el & Kathleen Muason 1602 SeTby Bee�ty S�o�p 676� " xotei st. raui c�era�e 7i w. 4t� st. c,s� sta. 4p 6765 " Ma�ry (�. Your� 606 Rice St. t�asseuse 6766 " Lsndow W. Kapit2ke 1186 E. 7th St. �erber 6?87 n The Barber's MidWay 1500 University sve. " 6789 " .Ta�e Marie Jones 7�+g No. Milton ' 1Kae�euse 679� ° Robext Po2`telx' 960 Iglehart Ave. Foot Peddler 6� ° John A. MeClernan 971 Thc�anas ' Mtr. Vh. D�iver 6947 i'� Wendy Lau�pert 7�+0 No. Sneil� ' Ma�sseuae 6991+ "^ I,ynne ASarie Ste. Claire 4019 38th Ave So. " 6998 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK I �CC��� PINK - FINANCE COl1�IC11 � �iU � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. BLUE -MAVOR � ' ' ' CO � S ZO'yl �� Presented By LICffiIDE C(�+Q7.'1'�6 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date we►l.apn 0. P�terson 776 Lsurel Msss�+se App. 6958 N�w Val.�ri� 8tc�ne 57 �• 7th 3'�. " 6964 " Dennis Ar�and Havland II 52� Nc. Dal�e St. Ir�r. Veh. Dr. 697? " I�ld J. Si.m�eex Rte. 2, Box 330 " 6978 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: • Yeas Nays Christensen • Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submissioa to Council By By WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ,������� BIUE -MAYOR ` � ' Coun i� s i n Presented By LTCENBE COI�l�II'i'1'8E Referred To mmittee: Date Out of Committee By Date . Jame's Pizss Pub, Inc. �+79 St. Peter Rest. C-1 App. �Ei49 =. n �� Ori 881e Mp,l.t ° n n rr ��r� n tr n n �,� �&�.e �.,t n n n n C��• �� n Johr�son Bros. Wholeaale Liq. 2341 Univearsity Ave. 2 Priv. (� Pumpa 4778 " Richard Holt 2526 w. ?th s�. Tow Truck 5068 " 3tephen J. Treanor 2236 I�y�tle Rest. C-2 5245 " tt n C3.g. rr u Judy D. Walker 858 E�iz.11er Ave. Grocery A_2 5319 " " " Frozen Foods��. ►` " n '� Off' Sale Ma1t n a �� �� Cig. �� �� � Lawrence J. Anthon�y� 2185 Ford Pkwy. C�en. R�p. C�ar. 564p o Interatate United c�o Midway Arena 1039 F7,ynn , VM Loc. 5830 „ n �� 3 aaa�i. Mach. ° �� Interatdte United c/o Pleaasnt Arena � 8�+8 Pleasant ViK I+oc. 583�+ " " �� 3 Add'1. Me�ch. " �� Karl Aske 18�+5 Lakeview Terrsee M.A':D: Oper. 6246 " " " �+ M.AD. 6247 " Northern Coin Machine 1481 Marshall 1 M.M. 65�+3 " �� a 1 M.Le�'.D. i, n Karl Aake 1845 Lakeviea Terrsce �+ M.A.D. 6572 " A I M Little Red 3chool 643 Virg3.nia Food E$tab. Cl. L 6613 " A-be-nu-gee Dey Care Center 643 Virginia Food Eatsb. Cl. M 6�57 " Dumo�t'a Aause ot' Beauty 1670 Fern�rood Beauty Shop 6727 " n gf 3 PB�y�Q A4e• " 6728 u Roy J. Deutsch 234 No. 8nelling l Zbw Truek 6753 u D.V.Nt., �nc. c/o Green Mi1.1 57 so. xam�.�.� vt�t Loc. 6qg3 �� We�t Aptieal, Inc. � 1192 Ra�ndolph Ave. Optician 6795 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Christensen � [n Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President � zza Adopted by ncil: Date FE8 2 6 19�6 ' Form Approved by City Attorney Certi ' d Passed ncil Secretary BY Y Approve Mayor: ate 9� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . i�+�l MAR 6 �47�