266844 WHITE - CITY CLERK COUI1C11 �"��`���
Cou �i Resolution
Presented By ���`�
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
R&SOLVED: That ap�lications for Suriday On Sale Liqwor licenses made by the �ollowing
applicante who are holders ot' an On Sale Liquor licinae at the address �hown
be and the same are hereby grar�ted and in c�pliance with C.F. No. 235531'
Ordina�nce Ao. 13�j5, which ea�ends Chapter No. 308 oP the St. Paul Legislative
Code and Ordinasce,
Bi C3eo., Inc. - 1373 $• �olia APP• p 55�+ Renew
Arcade Bsr 952-4 Arcade App. P 5661 Reaew
Charles Dennie� Iac. 60� Froat App. P 5667 Renew
Silver Mist Corp. '�2$ Armst�on8 APP• P 5723 Ne�
Robert L. and Lois R. Rosa �q2 Araad� App. P 5770 Renew
Damico� Inc. �� W. 7th St. App. P 5779 Ren�a►
Reaymond Tlio� 5�7 1Ctz"Yker APP. P 581� Rene�
Jimbie Corp. 326 (�rove App. P. 5836 Renew
Jerral, Inc. 173 W. 6th St. App. P 5$97 ReneW
C�s�y L., Inc. & E1�od B. Turner 160 W. Laxpenteur App. P 5903 Reaew
R & B Liquore, It�c. 1537 �nivesr�ity Ave. App. P 5906 Renew
Viltali� Ine. 755 Jaekeon App. P S9� ���►
H & E� Inc. 258 W. 7th 3t. App. P 59�7 ��eK
Chicketts, Inc. �+67 St. P�ter App. P 5955 Renew
The NeW Viaduct Inr�� Inc. 1056 $. 7th 3t. App. P 5963 Renew
The M'u�or, Inc. _ - 2550 W. 7th St. App. P 5969 Renew
Glyn Triieieki, Jr. 2�21 P'ord Pkwy. App. P 6016 Renew
A1den Len, Inc. 2210 Had�r� Rd. App. P 6021 Renew
Tnrf Club� Inc. 1601 University Ave. App. P 6030 Renew
Da,vid & Srnest Ysirusso 635 l�sy�s. Ave. App. P 6046 Ren��
ToWn & Cauntry . 2279 Marqhall App. P 6052 Renew
L�anie's Blue Mpo}�, Inc. 428 So. t�le,baaha App. P 6060 Renew
Blue Chip, Inc. 369 Cedar - App. P 6069 Renew
Hello Dolly, Inc. 7-g W. ?�h s . App. � 6072 Renew
Midway E�terprises, Inc. 1g53-57 Univ�rsity Ave. App. P 6151 Rene�w
The }kpot Bar 241 E. Kellcgg App. P 6168 Rene�w
Wtwcypee, Ir�e. 173 30. Robert ' App. P 6193 Renew
' 8�. Paul Aer3e Ao. 33 �$ 733 Piera� Butler Rte. ' App. P 62Q2 Renew
Srennan's Li�c�rs Ine. 315 W. 7'�h St. App. P 6209 ReneW
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
� �[n Favor
Levine J '
Roe�dler Against BY
President� Hozza
Adopted by ci : Date
FE8 2 6 1976 Form Approved by City Attorney
Cert' ' Pass Council Secr tary BY
Appro y Mayor: te Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
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