266837 WHI7E �ITV CLERK COIll1C11 ��VV� • PINK - FINANCE � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL BLUE - MAYOR File NO. . �` � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of Saint Paul does hereby approve applications for abatement of taxes and assessments submitted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the property as more fully set out and described in Departrn�ent of Property Taxation File Nos. 90132, 90180 and 90239, and the City Clerk is directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation COUI�iCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � � Hunt S In Favor Levine Q Roedler Against BY c.,� Tedesco President I�ozza Adopted by Coun ' . Date ��8 2 4 �� Form Approve by City Attorne Certified ssed uncil cret ry BY B Approved ayor: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ` PJ�.� F�D �S �(D WHITE - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 MU���✓ "� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File NO. . �� - � o ' Resolution Presented By `" Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 09070-511-000, to: 1. Patrick Nicoletti the sum of $50.18 in full settle- ment of his claim of damages sustained on or about December 8, 1975, as more particularly set out in a communication to the City Council on December 30, 1975. 2. Harry L. Moldenhauer the sum of $43.80 in full settlement of his cla im of damages susta ined on or about January 19, 1976, as more particularly set out in a communication to the City Council on January 27, 1976. 3. Mrs. Michael J. Feesl the sum of $171.30 in full settlement of her claim of damages sustained on or about July 22, 1975, as more particularly set out in a commurrication to the City Council on August 19, 1975. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays .— I� Hunt � [n Favor Levine Rcedler _� Against BY �w Tedesco President � Hozza Adopted by Co . Date FEB 2 A �9�6 Form pproved by C' ey t Certif' asse ouncil r � BY By Approve Mayor: ate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun 1 gy By ��B�is� FE8 2 8 i97� ������� � , CLTY p�, �._,-�.K+.1'�}•,.t: �� s � 7� � _' 7' 0 he viiiioiioi a ,� °,.o°��°°� b �s - ,�o C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL r�` OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 12 February 1976 PIERRE N. REGNIER M E M O R A N D U M CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF SA INT PAUL � BY PATRICK NICOLETTI, HARY L. MOLDENAHUER, AND MRS. MICHAEL J. FEESL - - Claimant, Patrick R. Nicoletti, requests reimbursement for damages to his automobile when he hit a chuck hole on Sibley Street between Warner Road and Second Street on December 8, 1975. Liability is on the pa�rt of the City. This office approves the settlement of Mr. Nicoletti' s claim in the amount of $50.18. Claimant, Harry L. Moldenhauer, requests reimbursement for damages to his automobile when a chunk of ice fell from a loader. Liability is on the part of the City. This office approves the settlement of Mr. Moldenhauer' s claim in the amount of $43.80. Claimant, Mrs. Michael J. Feesl, requests reimbursement for damages to her basement and belongings in basement at the time it flooded. Liability is on the part of the City. This office approves the settlement of Mrs. Feesl' s claim in the amount of $171.30. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 REP012T OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No. Q��3 9 r Assessment District: St. Paul January 72� 19 � Legal Description: �e.of Blocks 62, 67�6$ & LOt 1 pROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water Of Bl�t. '75� S1'.. Ant�ony Park p�strict Plat Parcel 7ract Block Shed Property Coded As: 10 62800 120 03 019 026 Address of Property: Va.Ca.Yl't �.a.T1C� Applicant: HOLiSlYLg & Eedevelopment Author3.ty Mailing Address: Jr 5 E. 5 t h S t. St. Paul, Mn. 5510� Applicant's Market Value: Land$ Imp. $ Total$ Insurance$ Assessed as follows: 1 � E n ica i School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VA�UES ASSESSED Percent Dfstrict A YEAR USED Code Owned C RES10 one Use Own Use Land Bltl9/Other Total Class % Value 6z U 7� F c i 1 0o cz � 1 6 tr F c z8 0 18 o cz � 80 t�; . , Assessor's Recommendation: School U UNITS p�p Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSEO Perce�t Oistrict A EAR USED Code o Owned C RESID one Use Ow� Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class k Value U �. F C 1 00 1 00 , Ex � 680 U F C 18 0 18 0 �C 4 �8 Reportoftnvestigation: AppliCarit acquired property 7/31/7� �transfer file) i�aka exempt for years 1974 & 1975- 1 Ex. Wp1A APPr• D7.'J Steno �W � = L�'i, � ;t/,� f �Au orized Signature • \. FORM.DPT 1641 �'-''= Rr:PO�T OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement 1vo. 9p�32 r� Assessment District: S�. Paul January 22� 19a'�- Legal Description: B. Michels Aearrangement of Blk.7 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water & the S2 of Blk. 2 of Smiths Subd fl�str��t Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed of Blks. 2,6,7 � 8 of Stinsons Div. Lot 38, Blk. 7 08 �0800 380 07 026 014 Address of Property: J.�.(9 L3POIICZ AV@. • See Div. 50078 f or 1975 Part of 381-0'� Applicant: HOLiS1Tlg & Bedevelopment Authority MailingAddress: 55 E. Fifth St. St. Paul, N1n. j�101 Applicant's Market Value: Land$ Imp. $ Total$ . Insurance$ Assessed as follows: 1 4 F�em t A lication School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District A vEAR USED Cotle o Owned C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class /o Value 62 U 4 B A 1 00 000 8 00 H 2 21 � ,.- 625 t7 75 1 B A 1870 _���,M� 187o NI 4 804 '_� • sti ate M Assessor's Recommendation: School U UNITS p P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District '°' EAR USED Code o Owned C RESID one Use Own Use Lantl Bltlg/Other Total Class k Value U F 1 0 625 U 7 F C 20�0 204�0 E� 40 816 75 99 0000 0000 0000 Repoxt of tnvestigation: App11c��,x�.t owned property from 2/8/7� until 8/8/75 when it was acquired by the Don-Marr Construction Co. , Inc. See Division 50078. ;� f' ,' ; � . , EX. DP� nPPr. Parr Steno �w �'r �!�'! ' l��°""� Authorized Signature FORM APT 1641 �''= . � REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatementtvo. 901H0 ,4ssessment District:_ _ St_ Pa.ul Ja,riUaz'y 22, 19�� Legal Description: St. Anthony Park 1� & 1�, PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water All of 1.ots 5,6,7,8,9, , - BZOCk 69 Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed . Property Coded As: l0 67500 100 69 019 029 l Address of Property: 9'79 H2�yIri0I1C�. AVE3. Applicant: HOU$�.Tl� & Aedevelopment Authority MailingAddress: 55 EaSt F�.fth St. St. Paul, Mn. 55101 Applicant's Market Value: Land$ Imp. $ Total$ Insurance S Assessed as follows: 1973 �empt Application School q VEAR USED �/P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent Oistrict C RESID Code one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total C�ass % Value Owned z U F B 1 000 6400 lo �oo cz �. �. oy.� I 2 U � F c 1 aoo 6400 l09�00 �c 40 � 760 � 2 U 75 r c 13 000 13 000 �: 40 5200 ' � ...�. 1 Assessor's Recommendation: Sthool U UNiTS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent j District A EAR USED Code Ownetl C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class % Value 62 U nl F C 1 000 400 lo �00 ix 40 � 60 Reportoftnvestigation: Appl�Carit acquired property Q�28�'j�. M�ke exempt f or 1.973 • WA8 DTJ jw ' Ex. Appr. Steno ` �L%�1 L / "�� / Auth �ized Signature FORM DPT 1641 �'-= DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION �����,�� COUNTY OF RAMSEY 126-138 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: Director William E. Carlson ROGER VIK February 4, 1976 Properry Va/uetion Assistant Director William M. Killeen Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Land Reco�ds Rose Mix �ity Clerk Room 386 Court House Attn: Albert B. Olson Council Recorder Re: Applications for abatement submitted by Housing & Redevelopment Authority. Dear Mrs. Mix: Enclosed are copies of the following abatements: 90132 90180 90239 There are assessments levied against these parcels that are to be cancelled by resolution of the City Council, as follows: 1974 Assessment: Ward Str. Maint. ��32 10 $156.80 1975 Assessment: 8 8.50 10 8.80 Please take whatever action is necessary. Very truly yours, Lou McKenna, Director Depart t o Property Taxation B li� . � Paul S. Conmey Supv., Appraisal Servic Section PSC:ay O � � . " . ' 'r` . .,, . /x���r)� ,,��«t •;. I ' �7��G �'�',�, �� , J�,�� ,, . . ,,� ' . ' 4r,q,Ra�cQl/^ �O - r cnrm AUD 229 � APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form �Y' (If reduetioo requabd �:ewd� =300 mak�.ppGc.tioa ie triplic�t•.ot6�rwi�� in dupliut�) T�th�Bwrd�f Ab�t�m�nt er Ceunt�Bovd.�d Couey A�d1t�►ef R�M.�C«��b. �nd te ti�Commirbe�r of T�:atio�ef t6�St�t�a(M{aa�wt� STATE OF MINNESO'�A. County of Ramaey � ss. Assessment District Saint Paul Robert T. Simon being dnly sworn . deposes and says that he�r�4��.'�I� iR 1'�'lP RPaI F.Rt�tP C'niincPl nf tha jin�ic�ng an� �Pt�P�],OP� ment_Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �gDd thst said Authority is a public body, corporate and politic, dul or�anized and existing under Chapter 4�7, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on Februa 2£i, 1974, the Authority ac�uired title to the followin� described real prapertv located in the Citv of Saint Paul. County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota to-wit• Lot 3�, Block 7, B. P�Iichel's Rearran�ement of Blocic 7 and the South Half of _Block_ 2_of Smith's Suodivision of Blocl�s 2, 6, 7 and 8 of Stinson's Division __ nt the T?or�h��est Ouarter of S�c. :s�,, `i'sn. 29, R ''_' accordinry to the recorded _�lat thar�nf� for redevelopment as part of the Thomas-llale Neighborhood Development Project, Minn A-]-�: that the Atithority acc,uired title to said propertv on February 28, 1974, by a Warrantv Deed which Deed was filed on March 9, 1974, as Document No. 1877809; that between February 2b, 1974 and the present, the Authority has held said property in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.575. Subdivision (1). �hrrefore app>ieant praya that�..�., raal actat� taxr�c anrl acencemantc c ecnrl � levied and accrued against the aforesaid property payable in the year 1975 be fully abated. o �So 3�a a - �fic�-a 7 I � - - MINNESOTA � _ � . � ' ,� Robert T. Simon, Chief of Land riarl�p�ing nt : Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2�th day of Octob r ._,_A. D. 19 75 Tt^:':.5.,".,,R:I�.;:.b�,��A�,�,i�.��r�x�,���.A 1*,�.�.k`_?:..�1l�R.1C ��� ��� ���62� . . �^!I' I..AftD JOPJES,SR. � -" ' �` ��.,..'���.�;�: Notary Pub!i�.I!�•r;r°pin Cuuntv h1n. � - • � `•� �'t1 4►'i' MY COP,1MiS!ON EXPIRES �,', - � �•� April 13, 1978 ?�tl:Fttl'tl�'�'�y'ic'rY�?Y�i(4!G'iiVG'7�f�1P'X � � . . � /\ CERTIFIC�#TE AND RECOMMENDATION BY COUNTY BOARD AND COUNTY AUDITOB � I,the undersigned, County Auditor of the within named County, do hereby certify that a careful ezamination into the ` : ' silegationa and statements set torth in the within application has been made by the Board oi Abatement or County Board � o! eaid County and by myself and that from said examination we are convinced and verily believe that said allegstione and statementa are true • - � r I further certify that, at a meeting duly held , ]9 , said Board of Abatement or County Board, by official action upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutea of ite proceedinga as a public record, showing the namea of the taxpayers and other persons concerned and the amounta involved, made the lollowing recnmmendation, wherein I hereby concur, upon said applicatipn: � -. .— - That the assessed value oi said property be reduced to end fixed at $ I hereby certify that the result of the adoption ot said recommendation witl be as follows: Amount o! reduction of assessed vaiue * , being per cent of said asaesaed value; s. .......................... ...Tasa _ _ � , _ _ amount ot reduction �,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pep.,Int. dt Costa , ' - , _ . � s.......................... .........TOTAL , . Witnesa my hand and oRicial seal this � 19 ; � : � THOMAS J. KELLEY, County Auditor. (SEAL) _ ; , By _ _ � _ , , > Deputy;County Auditor. O� � . � .,,,'O'C'C7 . J7 � y � .. . . 'O'Cf'7 a. � . . ., • , • i u p : a�. : p u� + u y.�c A 0 : a. . � � 8 v � w° O . � n, � � V Y . �i' :� q � e0�-� a �' V'O � �' Y C p , , � 7 ' tT �� q w,d V ' i'f : 7 �jy w � . �i+ � V �� M F,y• O M : 4 V �� � V r :Q 0. � r :Q � �l � � q [1 N'1��. M ' :Q. •\` ' � b V Q 4�]r►��� Q �A : h ^a• �c� G �,�a Q . ; F, '_4 :a � � u � F r - � ^-� f�„ F� , AA . O O Y ~d o a �A o . � O c V'�A ►. O � O < •t » � .ayu � °,d Uu � d, o ,a 'a'.�-. cB o � � < �- a �e=�� e b �,� � _ 8 �e o,��a � .. : g _ � � � ~ � A Q � i � A p A � G w'O o y •i. ' .c ..i �+ � . "�:+.� � i O O,p •� . • O�,.�„ Q'y u C � V - •Q � O� a�y� � � � . � (.. � - p� � p c � � .. r u� . a I o a w,d o � � O Y � 7 � F� : V � �� � V . : V . O y � � U �r � �� y V V p r �y �-�H � �. _ - W � b � � „ �<.� F,�... �'' u : - - � w ���� � . t � � e� ""�w° ° ''�'°� " �� ,'°Y„ ~° ~ � � M O� � C Y� '.I ' _ A ' Li Y%�'0.�. M �-Y �. .`�- � � '; � ,7 . � ,p OA u 1.'.4+ ►. V j� W � y'�i iV ;� a'y � 0 7 "p o�° - Rt � y 'r . ' °'� .o, u�,q O ,,, J OI, 7. 0 � 'd v .'C'� u(4�'i y u • :� � .- • �.Ry '�' `. w w w � - - - p.� p O u p p u ►+ ~ 4p Oy FY rA Q• `i,q O�0 r M 0. Y A O M o � a D.� - ' - � . �o � � � .�, : �y° . � o F, � 8 Q '�' Vl _ . fA �Q�o U F w u � o � Vl .7$ . • . . CJ.�.a� • I � I� �, ��a . . N ►~• " O i '° �Y1�� w � . . . . � • � : � �M �„� W c. ^^y w fY �� , . . . . . A � � .x :` � � � g � �� � � � A '� /��.. � r�l � s " o y � Q � Z � I • . '� i"" :� � o � � 6 � o ;; '� „ � ; � � . . �� y� N O � M � r M � u F I . . � C� � � � C ° � .s � � ° e " @ �� � � U F �` �� � � ° : : � Q�� 9 W � ' . . _ ,. < � � •- � � '�.E � e � ,� � � �+ � > • 0 � oW .°_ �� e ' ^ � � : ,. � 3 a� +� •n e o � S. �� .. 8 > .+ g • �; -.« • 3 x L:� ap.� �d v� � y � ,.� p ;, o ; � 00 � z . . . I � . . � .= Z O � ` �i • S: ; � V � C A � p 8 O � � p � � r0 °� w w� O N o p a e � ^ � �. : � - � � t 'Q ao: �, : C� o `:� � � � -�� � < � 04 ; o Q :� .� p�� 'Q � � � A � • : 1� ^ � �' � u " ~ u . . . . . '� �. Q 8 [y A Q p � � W : O � v '�. y r�1 ►�.O "(� , ; � �. � 7 � � •v W t @ �i � �� �v � , a ° � �v � � V u � . �' V1 0 � ; ° '�., + u u p" Q < Pv w x Ln• m ; : a � • , o . a . °° . � . e . � , . � . _ •� � �. � � � r- Form AUD 229 APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—Gener�l Form ,. .� �' (If reduetioo rpuut�d �zcNd� =�00 mak�app4eaeioe fn trioliut�.ot6�rv.i�� is d�pGut�) r• T�th. Bw�d ef Ab�t�e�nt or Ceunb Bovd��d Couet�A�dltor eE R���Cw�t�. ��nd to t�e Commi..i�na of T■=atio�d th�St�t�d Mi��ob I" , STATE OF MINNES01°A. County of Ramsey ° ss. Assessment District Saint Paul Robert T. Simon � being duly sworn . deposes and saysthathe��- is Chief of Land Ma.rketing of the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authoritv of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �and that said Authority is a public body,corporate and politic, duly organized and existing uud.er rha�ntPr �x�, Tawc of 1947� as amended;`that on September 28, 1973, the Authority acauired title to the followin� described real property located in the City of Saint pai� , Count,y of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to-wit: All of L.ots Five (5). Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9), Ten (10) and F.1PVen 1�1 �� Rlock Sixty-nine 69) in St. Anthonv Park, Minn. , according to the __���,-:�P� nlar thereof� tagether with that part of anv alley vacated or to be vacated �hi�t, A��,-„P� rhPrP*o hy reason of, the vacation thereof, £Qr redevelopment as part of the West Midwav/So. St. Anthony park Neighborhood Develop- ment Proiect, Minn A-1-2; that the Authority acquired title to said properties on Septem- ber 28, 1973, by Warranty Deeds, which Deeds were filed on October 29, 1973, as Document No. 592234 for Lots Five (5) and Six (6). Document No. 592235 for Lots Seven (7), Eight �8) and Nine (9) and Document No. 1869507 for Lots Ten (10) and Eleven 11 ; that between September 28, 1973 and the present, the Authority has held said properties in the public Statutes, Section 462.575. Subdivision (1). �hl7tfOCE applicant prsys that�l real estate taxes and assessments assessed, levied and accrued against the aforesaid properties payable in the year 1974 be fully abated. jG� /�7 DO - /Cb-(�� HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY . - �.�/'�,T p Robert T. Simon, Chief of Land Marketingt Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of November A. D. 1975 � xa�r�a�►�a,M,�.a,�a,a���.n•..a.�,���.�.��,��� — ' �. BARBARA HOUGFIT�LIN 4 � " '�'�'=�i�i. Notary Public, �tams�y Co. Mn. °� � MY COMMISSION EXPIRES y ' Juy�lyy 10, 1976 � , �'�V��V`Y�V�r'`Y i��Y'��Y'v V'�`d i p`�l Xd�wr'�' � ' s • i � t . � F � , ?0 �tI 'r . � . 8 . � . a � 1 M M c O 1A � �. e� � g d i ^ ° !.°.. � ° u ^ " • �:lt � S:T. n p ° xs' w � � � �: " °' �V u ; ; ;" � �n �c o sgg 8 `� v � � ," � � •• � �: �. � c 2 S � B � n A � � � � � � 0 l7 o A � 7 � O p � G A „ •�. '� N C IA � � i' ` p � N 90 � -' �+ ■ S � f�l W jwy �Y] O ,.� �«�- p� s � o � � : � o � � ; � � rs 5"t' � (�`� r71 � � �� !3 • . a � (�1 r c' a e. •y �, n '� � �'$ �' � � � Z N r► '� G a° s =. °, o n+ A ,,, i^" ct � � � y � m �� � � ~ � 9 .a � °o � ir• ry ��i C o „ . . . I�� � g � �'� �' g -�i � 0 � � y S-z' > � A � � � a � .: ti a - . � - a . • �rn � n -, ' I� � °' � o -��. en ° � ww Z� � cC p 0 � � � � w w � � p Q ct 1� <D �� Q i �w _e � o K � � � � p � � � t � � � � `�� . � ~I � ' , I ii Z ~ � V .�. N .~i s � ~ � C� � �j Q, � �F, . � � � o :° � � � a � `� :� '"� �: :: � � � v � ^ n� : A a�,F�-' Z:� � (�„�: O� � �� {� G » M a o ~ b IM � � � :� � • � �� � w y O � V '.�' . . . bgl � I �' , . . . . u il 0 o C1 F' tA ,e, " ^u.o A,�d: wf : �A M �� p A �, �p b ��q ^ A � ^� il,y ►tl '. .-_ . 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Assessment District Saint Paul Robert T. Simon � being dnly sworn . deposes and says that he�Fi�[�'d@S�Ci�� i R (•hie f of Tand Ma k _ ing ef tht� i�ainQ anA Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota .aDd that said Authority is a public body, corporate and politic, duly organized and existing under Chapter 487, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on March 21, 1973, the Authority acquired title to the following described real property located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to,wit: Westerly twenty five (W-ly 25) feet of Lot Twelve (12), Block Three (3), Rearrangement of Blocks 62, 67, 68 and Lot 1, Block ___ 75, St. Anthonv Park, for redevelopment as part of the West �iidway/So. St. Anthony Park Neighborhood nevelonment Project, Minn A-1-2; that the Authoritv acQUired title to said property Q.n_.Mar�h 27 1973 bv a Warranty Deed which Deed was filed on March 26, 1973, as Document No. 582944; that between March 21, 1973 and the present, the Authority has held said urouertv in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, vursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.575, Subdivision (1). �h[TtfOCEaAPlicantpr8yathst �>> rea c arA *axes and assessments assessed, levied and accrued against the aforesaid property payable in the year 1975 be fullv abated. /d - C��O �-/a d ��l 3 . _ OF THE ITY 0 E � ; �--:� �; ���cg t � Robert T. Simon ief of Lan� Mar in Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of necember A. D. 19J� � � ' 4 ' - , ,