266835 WHITE - CITV CLERK ��68�5 PIN1F - FINANCE CA4@ARY -"aEPARTMENT �.�+ITY OF SAINT PALIL COIlIICl �LUE - MAYOR File NO. ._ � • • o` � � �. ��o, ncil Resolution � . � `�� . Presented By � �-� �;t'r��. , � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Northern States Power Company has filed an `i application for steam rate increase with the City Council of the � City of Saint Paul on January 9, 1976 pursuant to the terms of that certain steam franchise C.F. 264421, approved December 2, 1974, and issued to said Company by the City of Saint Paul; and ; � WHEREAS, the Company has applied to the City for the adoption of interim steam rates to the extent of a 4-1/5% return on its investment as defined in its application, totaling approximately 18-19% over and above the revenue which would be obtained through the rates prevailing beforehancl under the steam franchise; and WHEREAS, a proper examination of the application of the Northern States Power Company by the officers and agents of the City of Saint Paul will require a period of up to 150 days, so it will be to the interest of both the City t�f S�a'i�it Paul and the � Co�►pany to have such interim steam rates while the examinat�Qn . � is being conducted; now, therefore, be it RESOLVID, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proper city officers and agents are authorized and directed to enter into that certain contract with the Northern States Power Company, a copy of which is attached hereto, permitting the installation of interim steam rates as of Febru- ary 9, 1976 in an amount of a 4-1_/5/ return on its investment COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Ap r ity A orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary rJ By By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Gouncil By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK � �h�Q�� PINi( - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council u U° CAj�ARY -�EPARTMENT File NO. �LUE -MAVOR -� - Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- as defined in its application, equalling abc�ut 18-19% over and above steam rates permitted the Company through its franchise executed and approved Decmnber 2, 1974, subject to the condition that a refund of excess amounts collected from steam custo�r►ers shall be returned to said customers with interest as indicated in the contract in the amount of 6/ per annum. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � � Hunt `� [n Favor Levine � Roedler Against BY g�.�ee�' Tedesco President� �ozza Adopted by Co . ate �B 2 4 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Certifi ass by icil ry BY . Y Approved Mayor: ate �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ��� F���S ��6 � `al � . - . . - �� /�; „� " _ ������ AGREEMENT, Made and entered in�o this day of . February, 1976, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City" , and NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Company" . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Company has filec3 a petition with the City on the 9th day of January, i976, for the setting of fair and reasonable steam rates, and an investigation, examination, and review are to be conducted to determine the fairness and reasonableness thereof; and WHEREAS, pending a final determination of steam rates, an ordinance has been introduced into the City Council allowing Northern States Power Company to collect interim steam rates effective on bills based on meter readings on and after February 9, 1976; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AEREB'i� AGREED AS FOLLOWS: That, the amended ordinance referred to above, C.F. , by its terms, having allowed Company to collect interim steam rates as specified in amended Appendix "A" attached thereto will take effect on all bills based upon meter readings on and after February 9, 1976, pending a final adoption of said ordinance and a final determination of said steam rates ; that the basis for said billing will be a 4-1/5/ rate of return on Company' s investment, as defined in the application, which approximates an 18-19% increase in annual revenue over that afforded by the l �r � f../q. '� ` � i• �i , •• �^ � . . . ��r1 Z� r . franchise rates previously in existence; and that the Company will proceed with such billing on condition that it refund • any excess amount of said rates with interest at 6 percent ' per annum collected after February 9, 1976 over the rates as finally established by detennination of the City Council. NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY I In the presence of: ' ; By ' its By its In the presence of: CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Mayor By City Clerk � Countersigned this day of , 1976 Department of Finance Approved as to form: Assistant City Attorney Approved as to fonn and execution , this day of , 1976 Assistant City Attorney -2-