266830 �� F IUc�. �� � �3 v
lCouncil File�i�To. 286830 — By Ruby
esolved, That upon the petition od
U ted Hogpitals and others, Lhoee BeC-
tioes of �tubiic•atreet and alleq here-
Snafter deacribed, �be and the same
hereby are vacated aad dlscontinued
as public street and alleq:
Vticate that part aE Sherman Street
�iue olbLot BnBlo�ck gg Dawe�erly
�Trvine'a Addi�io to $a�nt Paul, as
extended sou�westerly across
Sherman Street, and the southeast-
erly line of Lot Q. Block 8B, Day-
ton dc Irvine'a AddStion to Saint
p,aul, as extended sor,�thwesterly
across Sherma�►Street,a'ccording tp
the plat thereof on ffie with tHe I
1te8is�ex' of Deeda in and for Ram-
aey CouatY. Minnesota; I
subjectexp ress�y to the following con-
dittons and reservations:
1. Thst i3>e vacatton be suL�ect to
all .the terms and coudi ne of
Section 228 of the St. Pattl Legig-
lative Code, as amgxided.
2. That the 'intereets of Northern
Statea Power Companq be pra-
3. That a specific easement be re-
tained to prot�.�t the wa=
'ter main on tlaat portion the
street deecrfbetl as:
Sherm�Str�eet,Lirin4 pbe�pgen
the south right-o�way line oE
P�eaRant Avenue and the north.
rfIIbt-of-way line of 3mith
� Avenue;
Restrictioxns withia said eaeemeat
�re as tollowa: to include the c uction od neW
�. That no b}illdinge, permanent �dewaIks, boulev de, and cusbs
structures or�treee are permiL- �'� '�e vaea d street, ateas
ted wit,hin the easement area. �� � relocatl
b.Tha no chaage irom the eadst- i' . on an iemov�
� e ca�or tuw'c��be�t,ia,' +8t to
ing grade ia- permltted witbin �� ��„��
the eaaement area,� oi Pub11c Wor� .
a That no chsnge m surfacing 7; ThaY iri view e dediaati;�n re-
' withiu the e�sement area is 9w�$d above petttion�� p
permitte�i without vvrittzn per- to t�e t�e of �.W e�s
imtyis�sion lrom the Water Util- e��m�lyK��for e vacation. .
d. That the petitioner, its succes- 8' �t provide the
sors and a�eigna ahall#�fi,v in-; ��� a boad,in the amount _
demnify,defend and ee�t�►arm- un�cil February 24�
leas the Board of Water Cqm- Ado�ed by the Co
miseionera. its oiTicer,s. a8t�ts, 1978.
e ne� aad servsnts , th Approved February 2$, 1978.
ali�aui�ts actions oi'cIaims�h f (February �i 1978) �
shall ar;se lrom at�y its�uri�ax �
damages received or �ustafned
byany person,pereopa or prop-
erty by any.break or leak in
aqy service pipe,water main or
connection 4n said dedicated
4. That the utilization and eventual
abandonment of the e�dsting 9-
fnch sewer iocated within the va-
cated azee .become the
bilfty of t�tioner.Saidr�w r
to be te orarily utl3ized I as a
ar�vbai d ned. All �sai�use�a�nd
abandonmex�t to be ux►der the su-
pervision �end approval of the
Sew er bivision of the Deparlment
of Pul�iic Works.
`S. �hat the p�tltioner daeydicate oa
cq�en,@e f�th$egv�atipn to,iroylde
. for tfie Pleas�t Av aue �m►ec-
tion ko 4rand Aveti�in ttSe vicix►-
St of Thompaon� 9lreet. Said
R�ht-of-way requ4remeats to be
made by the Department of Pub=
lic Worka sfter yrop�'. surveq.
Said dedicRtion to be made in a
n►anner and 4orm approved by flie '
City. AtLorne�-and A11 eosts, in-
elu fleld survey, are to be
borne the �tioser.
8. R'hat petitioaer at their oR�vn
coet � a�tail barrlcade,
obMber rehnild aadfor revamp
th�e �and atreet XnterffiecEioa�s