267689 v Council File No. �87689 — BY Ruby Hunt— ����/'' �/'� Resalved, That upon the petition,of �`�i �the City of '9aint Paul, that section of public street hereixiafter�desc�t� �e and the same hereby and discontinued as a �public �treet. A tract of land lying wLthin the SW j'4 of the PFW','9 of Seetion 20. townshiP 29� �ge 23 �bounded on the north by tk�e nor.th line of the SW 1'a � the NW 1'4 04 said 'Section 20, on the south 'by �� noT�'erly line of Como Avenue, on the ea�t ry�y a line de�cribefl as �ollows: Beginning at a point on the north ' line of the SR*3a of NWla of satd - Section 20� 63 feet wpet ot the' � nNW 34 o�ft5ection 20,thence�ulther�- Iy and paralle f t��e of Sectian of said SW.a a. yp a distance of 191.6 f�. ��nce southwesterly on a tangent ce of of 90 foot radius a d9stan a$�tangemt�cnrve of u�0 foote r�adlve 8 distance of Zg,g feet thence south- wester�y on a tangent to last describe8 curve a distance oi 15.41 feet to a pointi on the northerly 19ne of Como Avenue, 34.56 feet nonth- westerly of the intersect of the northerly luie oY Como Avenue and a line which is 83 feet w�es�terly of and D�'allel to the east line of said SWla of NW'4 pf �ion 20, bounded on tt�e west bY � �e descri�bed as follows: Be,ginnin8 at a po int on Rhe north line ag the SWl'a of the 1VW?a of 3sid Section 20, 113 feet west � �e northeast cornez' of the said 3Wla� thence south and �siallel to tlze east line of the said �1'�a to a point which is 91.6 feet norW of the north line of Como Avenue, measured on said line extended, thence on a curve to the right of angle�otr32 degrees�SO m1�u��l thence on a tangent to s�o��n a di�stance of 3 � t� a p the north line of Como Avenue,27.9 feet northwesterly from the inter- � sect of the north line ot Como Avenue and a line 113 feet west the tNW a�of sa d �Sectlon 2U:;* of subject expresslY to the followingl conditions and reser�ations: 1'. �ath�h t��tand conditiona of I lative Code,�as amendedul Legi�-I 2. a) That a sP��c � foot Pe�a- nent sewer easement be retain�l over that portion o4 Eustis Stre�t herein vacated, said easemen�t to be located and identified by a �lat of survey furnished by the Metropolitan Transit Comm��+ at their own cost and expense. all td the satisfaction of ?1ie Departmexut o4 Public Warks. b) That the Metropolitan Transit � Commission dedicate ko the CitY formaapp oved by the CitYeAttora ney, a 20 foot �rmanent sewer easemexLt through a portion of �their property adjoining to khe east of Eustia Street herein p�- posed to be vacated; said ease- ment to be lceated and identi8e�1 by a Plat of survey furt►ished bY �e ��.oppli,tan Transit Com- • mission, at their own cost and expen�e, all to the satisPactian of the Department of Public W ork�s. Said easement Te�tricbetionsbject to the following e ey�a- 1) That no buildings or p nent struotures wi11 be allow- ed withia the easement area. 2) That no change ia grade or surfacinB will be allowed without written pe���n of the Hydraulics En 3� m n tinclude 2he Perpetu- al right of the Department of Public Works to con- repair the undergro nd sewer together with' a perPetual easement for inbn'ess a�d egress to said easeinents• g. That a speaific easement be re- tained to Protect the in�tere&ts of the North�ern Stabes Power Company. 4. tohthe Met ioPo�� TTan�'t Com mission,a pubhc agency,by prop- er deed all that portion of the Unplatted Tract vacated herein, � pursuant to Chapter 87A of �e Legisslative Code, subieot to the restriction that the pazcel as herein vacated would revert back ' to the City of �Saint Paul at such i mconuntctiori wLth the o�p�'at�i� op a park-ride facility. 5. That the Petitioner. The Metro- g�olitan Tranalt Cammisaion� a public agency, be required to paY �gpp,pp as compe��a�a ation. cost of processinS 6. �t oner be required to niasuea��it" ten covenant conditioned 'to indemnify and hald tlie C�t9 harmles� froin anY � � �� ages to conform with Cha ter Le�g�i�sl�at�ive Code� as amex ded.aul Adopted by the Council August 10, 1976. Approved Auguat 11, 1976. (AUgust 14,1876) ,✓' - -'