267677 1 ������ CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE N0. FINAL ORDER BY File No. �"i�K `� In the Matter of �o�t�ti� tL� si�allc +o�s thM�rr �st si�� ot ' it�i �. ts�a� ��sl� !t. to �tlla� tl�rrt. a�d ao aii Ot�r rortc �hi�h �s ara�r�ar�r d l�ei�aatal to a+o�r�/►i�e �i l���rwwt under Administrative Order �"`'���i approved �'il 4, 197i under Preliminary Order K:��'��'�+-� approved JUL 2:� �9]s The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City office.rs are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it : FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. AUG 1 0 1976 COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date ' Yeas Nays �o�� � Certi �Pas d Council Secretary U� � � 19�6 '�� � In Favor By Levine � Roedler Against �!veste� Mayor ��� PUBLISHED AUG 1 41976 Q�u%l,l�� Whtte — City Clerk � V 1 TY ���� �..71�1 � Z i,�� V Ti � � �� . �VV Pjt�!! — Finance Dopt. - " "Canary— Qnpt. � ' + • o , �� �� , OI�'1•'IGI: O2' 'I'IIl�. �1AY()ft � No: �:?��� ' � AD111NISTTtAT[VE ORUER ' , Date: APR 9 5976 . .. . . � �� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, � � �t���' That the Di rector of the Cepartr,ient of PuE�I i c Works is hereby authcarizect and di rected to prepare plans , obtain surveys, �Sr�pare estir�ates and investtgaLe the n2cess i ty to recons truct s T detva l k on the i;ortf�a,es t s i�a of N i L!. ST. f rom Eag Ie St. to Kellogg Btvd. and da ali other work which is necessary and �ncid�ntak ta cacapleie said improver�ent. _ Tiie Di rector of Fi nanc,e and• tt�n�3er�ent Servt ces i s hereby cii rected to preFare the prei i r�i nary orrier and schedu}e th i s rnaiter for pub i i c heart n�. ri-0503 . ' on8. cc . . Orig. cc: .. . . � � .� . � DJfl �� � ReG ' _ � � . � �RIW YrAH .. � . a ' . GHS � JfK .. . � ( � RGY � DEE � . JFS � CL'Tf!" �i!E:� � � R � AJO 1-��. . TJE + VHi+ r � 1...�.,_ � Dc"N ; P.S.O. R.H.R.( - APPROVED AS TO FOR�R . � , l f ; . �J i � :,, , 1 � .�� Assistant City Attoroey P(15� 1 C �IOi'�:S L-'ep�ifinent He� ✓ � ' Sidewalks ,�-----� f �� / �� . ` '�f ,��. /�t � Date " � . (' ' � :- . �—' , Aciministrltira Assist�nt tu Ivlayvi. � Dist. No. �� . . , �� •N.W. Hilt St. - Eagle St: �to Keilogg Blvd. � � /� � � �. r9 This order was initiated by the Director of Public 4Jorks as public necessity on the���,�, basis of 3 complaints and inspection of the walk. • �Z��"�'-y . ��'� This walk is poured concrete with asphalt patches, disintegrated, cracked eoncrete - panels, and scaled panels. The Engineering recommendation is for appraval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat) � CT ` HJ RR , � 1� _ . � ' a . . - T,�_., � ' , � �. �� � .. >..;.y'' _ Rr�� � . � �_ � . CITY O� SAI+t�� P�r.��L _ DEPARTMENT QF PUBLIC �NORKS - DANIEL J. DUNFORD DIRECTOR ,,,,,;,:�'--- '°'"`'.w;"""':�_'""",,,�-;.�:.._.,.�,v Ap r i 1 14, 1976 ��y��� `� -.-� . {., Mr. Roger Mattson ALL RECONSTRUCTIO�a. N0 ASSESSME�dT Di rector of Fi nar+ce and Management Services . Room 113 City Hai1 ATTEtJTlOi�: Paul Desch . Dear S i r: Please prepare the Preliminary Orde� for the construction/reeanstruction of the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order. The estimated cost for new construction not in CD areas , t�1DP areas , or on main routes is as follows : - $4.Q0 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A � B P,esidential $6.60 per ft. for 5 ft. wide N�alk C Res. � Comm. Attached h�rewith are the fo1 )owir.g: l . Approved Administrative Order �-2671 4/9/76 2. Advisabi 1 i ty � Des i rabi 1 i ty Report. 3. Copy of plans for each order. Yours very truty, �.�`,.,:�+.�:�� .`'r'-:\�i �.� ���F.� ..ir . 't � (l._j`s ,' rrt J'X �� t`r��.� -'\� ���z Hartie Thomas � ' �.�� y��`�' s'� � �, Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction '4= �-�i� ,�C. , .`S' ��� � ; 11�� �� , HT/gh ,f v��.`;� ±.�, ;.,5�� _7 S . -�'_�._: -- 234 City Hall, Saint Pauf, Minnesota 551Q2 �n . ^ � r� �:,���-�,9 , ,..�,� �s; -� ��a � ��. �r� r, v . I 5 ;f?��xut�.��qt'r;,:�l I 1u� � �` ���9Y. _.B OS o M1.L'�iN��G��A .i,: . 7tC[:"� � �� ' 3f t d� an1't� 1i�o! �1 4�-2� �;sb ,f,9 _,] > ha��r ��. �d 19li b ,� hereby vn.. . i.y� '=, s. o�' � < 1� �[i�� . ,�. , 4�,' ,�e �'{F � ♦.) 'g{ •1188 8��� � �d ! p'a�#1'� J v 3�; ' ys �pi ,��n,. . � VAer , I .: i'�� � i� --d'r: �• !11T • ,.. r'+Oil]a�C�ll�JU]y�L;�'fs. .S��Y1'�� 1�IV�� 1 I . � . -.- . . ' _ .: a...F,�J.....